Ratchet Deadlocked Cutscenes HD

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You're #1 in my book!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/a_compliment_bot 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2013 🗫︎ replies

Wait. How is this video from May when the HD remake isn't even out yet?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zale90 📅︎︎ Jul 22 2013 🗫︎ replies

Damn I remember this game.

It was so satisfying to prove the announcers wrong the whole game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2013 🗫︎ replies
yeah gotcha a dramatic conclusion to one of the most exciting episodes of pretzel I have ever seen captain star shield the number-one-ranked ladder has been terminated by Ace Hardware a says now eliminated a record 13 contestants in the regular season incoming call from the mayor of Metropolis the hmm new mayor of Metropolis no you mean right just a sec um greetings mayor I no no no um well long time no see no uh so metropolis still in one piece huh edgy greetings captain I see you're taking good care of my old ship well she needs a lot of tuning up but I've kept her running of course anyway I'm afraid I bring bad news as you know captain star she'll disappeared over a month ago I've just been informed that he's been killed oh my gosh no what happened apparently he was involved with some kind of a legal combat sport something called dread zone we believe it was being run by this man gleamin box he operates an underground media empire from within the shadow sector the shadow sector it's a lawless region of space on the fringe of the galaxy many other heroes have disappeared recently and we fear that they might have met with the same fate ratchet I just wanted to warn you before identified craft approaching you the long backs known as ratchet um I don't suppose you guys are here to fix the starboard engine huh yeah we've captured subject 209 mr. Fox excellent bring him in yes sir we caught two strays in the process should we terminate them give them collars and see even get some work out of them first hello hello in there can you hear me you've been unconscious for hours you're probably a little disoriented AB how many fingers am i holding up who looks and looks like we've got a feedback loop in the visual matrix processor hold still a second how's that okay now to activate your speech function me out of this thing you blargh headed frat monkey I can barely breathe my tail feels like a shoved right up my eye there seems to be a problem with a speech circuitry I'll I'll take a look at it later now hold still let's just see if I wired that teleportation the new armor you're wearing is standard issue for new contestants contestants we will explain later if you do not complete the qualification course in the allotted time we will all be terminated greetings hero and welcome to treads so rest assured you are now far beyond the reach of hope there will be no rescues no pardons no possibility of escape you are now a contestant on the greatest holiday gym program that galaxy has ever known a celebrity gladiator battling for the pleasure of a billion screaming fans across the shadow sector and beyond chances are you'll be dead by tomorrow but those of you who play the game with skill and strategy will earn a chance to win your freedom so good luck hero we'll be watching you a note to the Dedlock collar securely fastened around your neck this collar cannot be broken or removed should you stray into any restricted area the collar will administer an extremely painful shark observe I hate this job a sugar contestant become uncooperative or worse boring his or her collar can be detonated at any time with the push of a button some there you have it nothing to lose your head over wow this place is crazy I've always wondered what it'd be like to be a professional gladiator I mean these guys have to live the fame the money the babes try not to forget that we are being held prisoner by a criminal organization this is no time for fantasizing hey ratchet ha I have something to show you meet your new battle box call me murk this is green huh hi sir I got them off a former contestant who I he won't be needing them anymore don't worry boss you won't end up like that last guy all right hope not I still have nightmares about it Oh suck it up Green once you win a few battles we can afford to upgrade them just come and see me whenever you want to juice them up hey nice digs um digs I mean what's all the hardware for ah they call this the mission control room each contestant is assigned a mission engineered to monitor their progress right so what's-his-face figured he'd save a few bolts make you do it at him all right fresh meat enough chitchat you're next up in the battle dome after Mobius man and from the way he's fighting it won't be much longer now move it ratchet I will assist you any way I can Thanks Clank these guys obviously don't know who they're messing with greetings hero or heroine we thank you for choosing Fox Airways for your traveling needs we do hope you have a pleasant flight sit back relax and enjoy our in-flight entertainment courtesy of the Fox Network something you should know but I got a real cheer annoyed will you lose your lunch if you have to watch one more reality dating show is your blog's Gone Wild video scratched from overuse that it's time to turn that down to something more dangerous times real action it's time job well that's right it's time for dread zone the galaxy's number one uncensored unethical and completely underground combat sport blasting straight at you now from the no no a primule this Ratchet and Clank take on a spotlight and hips terminators they saved the galaxy three times over how long can they survive in the zone and July right here unbox oh and that is for mobius man ladies and gentlemen that is the eviscerate errs fourth victim already this season next up we have let's see here ratchet yeah I never heard of him well he's probably just intermission material folks but don't worry we have gray thunder and hydro girl coming up later so stay tuned to Dredd so well here he is it's a little guy at me well don't bother getting up for Drake's folks this guy won't last two rounds we'll see let's keep this quick box well far be it for me to keep the superstar exterminator from his busy social schedule I just have one question for you okay shoot would you like to buy an ace hardline video game how about an ace hard light lunch box action figures movie rights collectible trading cards ace our light is the perfectly manufactured celebrity straight from the presses of the gleaming Fox media empire so tell me why is it that I can't give this stuff away well let me take a wild guess it's because my fans can't stand a star light he's a pompous with the charisma blogging nut cheese so what are you saying exactly zip it wonder boy the little Billy's and Susie's in the world are spending a trillion votes a day on worthless swag we're not completely cut out of the market why did you start selling this junk but I'll find someone who will my sight it's a beautiful spring day on katic Rome for Juanita as we kick off a brand-new season of dread zone that's right Dallas and we're lucky enough to have a bird's-eye view of the action even from up here this season stretch zone battle courses look bigger and deadlier than ever it's a wonder contestants keep volunteering isn't it the Vox construction team really outdid themselves in turning this once sacred robotic burial ground into a deadly dread zone battlecorn look here comes today's first contestants oh hi they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find these guys aren't they I hope you folks at home aren't too squeamish because the next one looks like a bleeder I attack you with a spider tank power level 5 I defend with level 6 none ninjas sucker you fell right into my trap my kids exterminator trading cards are here there's reactor shell-shocked he of this rater and your favorite exterminator case hardline unlock them all and exterminate your friends again and now for a Vox sports update dread zones extermination of the day award goes to shell-shocked for his 360 tomahawk finishing move on plutonium Jones it was a beauty Dallas and it marks shell-shocked stirred extermination of this season at fourth actually the Omega twins count is two good points and we're now live with shell-shocked for comments shed shock those are mega dreams without like mutiny tournament yes quite ironic especially since they were actually teenage girls ironic when you da are you reading his heart light under and now for a heartwarming story in Entertainment News Courtney gears has made a remarkable recovery after a near-death experience last year when she was attacked by two psychotic fans ah poor girl you know you just hate to see that kind of senseless violence it's a troll in Dallas I just like to take those two creeps and ha ha Juanita and you may just get your wish because those very evil doers are about to come face-to-face with a mighty shell-shocked catch it all live on red zone ladies and gentlemen give it up for the one the only - amen time to die look at those idiots cheering six million bolts of hardware down the drain and those ingrates are celebrating either like i want to freaking lottery huh remind me why I put up with these morons who else would watch Fox News temptation asteroid galaxies funniest decapitations yeah Queer Eye for the dear annoy I get it seems we've underestimated our Lum Beck's friend he got lucky shell-shocked was too slow and too stupid to be an exterminator you should have been retired years ago well he's retired now ratchet Howard ah he just may be useful she's even more popular than you were back in your heroic to youth come to think of it even reminds me of you I said you've got lucky his luck won't last forever Clank did you see me out there against that shellshot guy yeah axel oh yeah good but who you worry me ratchet come on Clank can I just enjoy the moment do you realize how many other heroes they have killed here watch this and now for a box news action update the new season of dread zone is under way an on pace to break ratings records once again this year's contestants include the notorious mafia crime boss known as a ratchet tiger at his Mokhtar estate and to think that other networks actually call him a hero it's truly sad Dallas other notable contestants include ratchets ruthless robotic accomplice Clank I never did like the look of him Juanita I'm just glad he's off the streets Dallas and lucky for us the Bucs are sore exterminated is headed once again by five-time grand champion is hardlight last season a shot the galaxy by terminating a record 13 contestants including star shield the brown Ranger and mad monkey McKnight's dreads owns six trillion fans are in for some unbelievable action over the coming weeks they certainly are Dallas yeah I remember hearing about ace hardlight when I was a kid he was this famous hero who disappeared that must have been someone else why would a hero kill other heroes for money not money Tin Man fun I do not understand you traitor do you think this is some kind of game that's exactly what it was fur ball and you're going to be the star of my highlight reel I'll see you soon Lombax after making his fortune selling cigarettes to children ratchet went on to pilot a tanker ship for sex on a week later ratchet got drunk and crashed his tanker into the ocean world ever quarrels who can forget these graphic images a baby Sears smothered in radioactive waste you Coco never had a chance how could you watch it little Coco ever do to you what what el how can you believe these ridiculous lies ah no I was just them you know I mean come on guys we need to get out of here before we all wind up dead what's the plan I have been chatting with a tech droid on the operations level she may be able to provide the blueprints for these deadlock collars that's great but we must be very careful Fox has eyes everywhere kids across the galaxy know that wearing the right pajamas can give you superpowers I'm gammatron my eyes two laser beams reactor I can eat I love that part okay we have the latest sales figures yeah what's the bottom line nobody is buying the new ace hardlight merchandise in fact so you'll sit down across the board except for fuzzy Lombax ears we sell those and yes sir an accessory for the tiny tots assault weapons King well you've obviously made some sort of idiotic mistake reporter be level four disintegration hey wait yeah on your way there tell the lab to set up a focus test find out why this stuff isn't selling in the world where dreams come bigger than life and passions run wild in the street baby I'm not your baby one psychotic killing machine dare to reach for the stars this holiday season Fox Entertainment brings you the hardwood exterminators rise to glory from lowly beginnings as a high school math teacher but baby I'm giving these kids that gift of learning you pathetic get out of my sight to spectacular success as a homicidal sports superstar when rich I love reactor I was always there for you share the dream remove the legend ladies and gentlemen ratchet remove a gas portal wrapped in tinfoil I'm gonna take my time taking you apart gonna give my fans their money's worth and try not to go crying to anything all right I want this to look good for the camera bring it subject 135 choose one of the following items the Courtney gears musical lunchbox a talking secret agent Clank bobble head or this super cool ace hard light action figure with console grasp hey what's a big idea 1:36 choose watch get 137 wouldn't you like to play with a nice hard light action figure all the cool kids are doing it yeah whatever that is a tool uh yeah so if aces of a tool whose actual picker would you rather uh I don't know maybe that long backs guy who smoked reactor last week we saw the spectacular deaths of leading contestants agent bizarro plasma woman and orange comets now the low seeded Lombax known as ratchet has surged to the top of the Dredd zone rankings frankly I can't believe the little furball made it this far juanita he is a scrappy sucker huh evening he certainly is Dallas he's also a threat to children endangered species and common decency well kids and dolphins and whatnot will be able to breathe a little easier once ratchet has been cut down to size by the missile writer in this week's exterminator Smackdown no opponent has survived even 60 seconds against his razor-sharp titanium blades hmm I'll bet he doesn't have any trouble getting a close shave juanita yeah you get it set up Dallas you're not that funny well since you asked I have 16 terabytes of try directional asynchronous bandwidth on my core CPU oh that is a lot of 3.00 well I hey Clank I call you right back who is that Oh nobody really was that the tech droid you were talking about hey did you get those blueprints yes oh yeah you the man but I have learned that many other heroes are imprisoned at this facility we must help them ratchet well sure but how I have noticed that the security monitors tend to go inactive when there is a big arena matchup so if I fight one of the exterminators in the arena it'll buy you some time huh it is dangerous but it is the only way no sweat those guys are toast welcome to the matchup of a lifetime dread zone fans our challenger known for his exploits in organized crime his dabbling in the occult and his hatred of sunshine puppies and chocolates here - ratchet his opponent is in master of disempowerment and a fantastic chef ladies and gentlemen this match is going to be very quick I'm very bloody I almost feel sorry for little rat she didn't mean that first hey al I got here as soon as I could high lengths can't you see I'm trying to concentrate what are you doing Clank are you sure this is safe it is an acceptable risk Shh I just need to close one more circuit now you're a genius you did it I know Oh looks like somebody broke the rules put it back on you're dead ace that's good I like that spirit but save it for the arena this never should have happened it's all my fault no ratchet ace hardlight did this and Gleeman bugs gave the order they made a mistake bringing us here Clank now they're gonna pay for it exactly tonight on box it's a very special episode of red zone planets stygia it's a world ravaged by continual meteor storms I have not fastidious powerful defense shield the entire planet would be decimated in a matter of hours but somebody dismantled the shield's power supply who would do such a horrible thing to the poor people of Stygia I don't know that it sure makes the good reality HB stay tuned for our hottest episode of red zone net and if you live on stage here the last one shellshock reactor and now Eviscerator cut down in their prime victims of that loathsome little Lombax but just who is this ratchet our Vox news investigation has uncovered shocking untold stories from his dark sinister evil past the destruction of civic property illegal hover bike gangs inadequate vents the LA hygiene be strong Juanita because there is one man that can put an end to this menace ace heart light haze hard light fans prepare yourselves I'm gonna make this one messy we'll see who the real hero is when I'm through with that furry freak nobody's even gonna remember who he was Thank You ace the galaxy is rooting for you we're all rooting for you thanks babe oh listen to that crowd Juanita it's nights like this that I'm glad I gave up my ballet dancing career tonight we bring you dread zones most highly anticipated matchup yet in one corner the undefeated Grand Champion exterminator a legend in his own time haze the other corner weighing in at 97 and a half pounds in most of it probably fluff for fat ratchet this is it runt I almost wish it wasn't going to be over so quickly just try to keep it interesting while it lasts would you ratchet ma'am you can't meet me your dista half-size rodent with a big ring stay down ace don't embarrass yourself embarrass embarrass I'm ace hardlight ma'am you were a hero once ace ratchet no let box do to you what he did to me you're the hero now you want to see me Vox my boy you're the grand champion of dread zone the whole galaxy wants to see you don't you see kid I've been doing everything in my power to make you a star I've transformed you from a worthless nobody into the hottest celebrity in the galaxy right so that's why your news show is slandering me every six seconds slandering what I was building up your bad-boy image and this is the thanks I get whatever now now don't be such a baby I'm about to offer you the opportunity of a Thousand lifetimes I'm making you the new captain of the exterminators the star of the show think of it we'll make billions will sell ratchet action figures ratchet sports shoes ratchet deodorant ratchet breakfast cereal earmuffs and cologne soft drinks hard drinks energy drinks breath mints you get record deals movie rights reality shows video games and commercials commercials commercials commercials commercials Nannan and is it no deal Vox what did you say I'm not your puppet Vox you actually think I'd kill other heroes to get rich you're not just corrupt you're stupid what you just signed your own death warrant so we're done then let him go yes sir the gern anyone final dreads own campaign have them prepare that experimental one we developed sure you don't mean as a gauntlet of doom do you yes but sure it was mathematically proven to be unbeautiful mine away see my friends it is a black day for dread zone fans across the galaxy ace hard light champion exterminator and respected philanthropist was brutally cut down by the maniac contestant known as ratchet aka the butcher of bogan fans reacted to aces defeat with shock and outrage mom we hate you ratchet your children ratchet is a malicious criminal he must be punished bowing to public pressure gaming Vox acted quickly to address the issue fans of Dredd zone I share your pain for the loss of the mighty ace hardlight I encourage you all to express your grief in sympathy by purchasing this limited-edition ace hardlight memorial action figure on sale now for only two hundred and ninety nine volts a Vox news investigation later revealed that ratchet use banned performance-enhancing drugs in accordance with dreads own regulation c6 - five stroke nine paragraph - ratchet has been sentenced to be his fate on the gun blood of doom this special event will be broadcast live not only under its own ratchet I have found a way to shut down the containment fields and release all the heroes you're kidding that's amazing he's had help yeah al you're alive they said your body was beyond repair no biggie I got a new one check this out whoa okay so what's the plan we have acquired schematics for the entire battle dome there is a central computer on the control level that regulates power to the containment fields so what reprogram it hack it last it just blow it up and the fields go down okay so how do I get to the control level I have reprogrammed the battle dome shuttle to take you there but it is a one-way ride Clank come in can you hear me something just doesn't seem right here not good well well well what have we here dreads old fans a contestant attempting to sabotage the battle dome how exciting if he succeeds the rest of the contestants go free but if he fails I've wired the battle dome with six Giga tons of nitroglycerin if ratchet doesn't disarm the detonator before time runs out the battle dome will be blown into a tree in pieces that's insane Oh contraire if I was still on the battle dome then it would be insane but I happen to have a truly lovely view of the action from a remote location what about the thousands of fans in the battle dome you're gonna kill all of them too of course not you are unless you shut your cakehole and get moving come on now your audience is waiting good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to huh to the final episode of dread zone oh god we're all gonna die uh the mood is positively electric as the audience braces to find out if they will survive the next 10 minutes I can't believe I'm reading this I had my whole life ahead of me I was gonna be a ballet dancer pull yourself together you're blabbering idiot Thank You Juanita superstar contestant ratchet faces his toughest challenge yet to deactivate the battle domes formidable defense systems and defeat gleamin box himself I'd like to take this opportunity to thank ratchet for being such a great role model and a pillar of our community if anybody can save us it's you're already we're rooting for your little buddy well done ratchet the containment fields are deactivated the station is no longer on lockdown good now get on a shuttle and get out of here sorry ratchet I am NOT leaving without you lock cut out a sappy melodrama before you lose my entire audience I've been waiting for this moment for a long time I'm gonna give redzone fans the finale they've been waiting for it's a little one-act play I call death of a lawn dad it's over box no but it will be so the escape shuttles all left long ago now we'll both die together on live hollow vision it'll be the best ratings I've ever even if I don't make it out of here alive at least a lot of other heroes escape tonight enjoy your pathetic idealism for the last few seconds of your life what get in ratchet there is no time remaining just a sec hold still ratchet move it's my turn to look no it's my turn your little brats get out of here don't you know how to respect your elders ciao did you see what she just what this was the last shuttle what else could I do hey I fix the comlink we got incoming calls ratchet Clank hey it's kid Nova what can I say I thought it was a goner back there I owe you guys big time hey ratchet its hide your girl if you're ever back in a Quietus promise you look me up ok ah well Lacroix dose is nicest time here well why not more calls coming in ratchet Clank it's me captain quark there's a nasty rumor going around about heroes being kidnapped oh don't worry that's baloney I mean come on nobody came to capture me right just imagine making a show about galactic heroes without Kathy korte well anyway you guys missed the last three meetings of the Corps cadets fan club but don't worry I've got extra copies of the newsletter and I even saved some of the snacks hope you like custard Lawrence what's going on you said we were coming within range of a space station will we were sir house I to nerd with Sun explode Janet so long say you'll never leave me again for that nasty villain Engelbert say what
Channel: GregoryAnimeFan
Views: 443,350
Rating: 4.8972406 out of 5
Keywords: Ratchet Deadlocked, Cutscenes, HD, PSN, PS3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2013
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