Ratchet & Clank All 4 One Cutscenes with Subtitles HD

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good evening I'm Kip darling and you're watching continuing coverage of the search for a super villain joining us via satellite of Ratchet and Clank the heroes who defeated dr. nefarious over two years ago ratchet Clank thank you for coming thank you for having us Kip first he was dead then he was status unknown no authorities of upgraded dr. nefarious to alive and at large will Ratchet and Clank join the search team Clank and I talked about it and we both decided it's time to go back to the way things were you know fixing ships playing holo games till 3:00 in the morning leave the hero stuff to the other guys like galactic president quark yeah or anyone else ratchet what I didn't vote for the guy I believe what ratchet is trying to say is we have full confidence in president quarks abilities and I'm sure he will not rest until nefarious is captured well with that in mind let's check in with president quark at the presidential compound in Meridian city president Park resident for good yeah she was taking a memo huh no no good morning citizens I was just analyzing ah yes these figures seem optimal very promising sir you're reading a cereal box is there something I can do for you taxpayer the Polaris defense force claims Laurens teleported dr. nefarious to safety prior to the destruction of his space station what measures are you taking to track down this fugitive extreme measures Kip every morning I wake up I look around I ask everyone I see and so far no dice hey zip you seen dr. nefarious no see the guys are ghosts then do you have a message for citizens who believe dr. nefarious is planning another attack absolutely there is no danger everything is under control so relax kick back and put your faith in myself and vice-president scratch Thank You president pork coming up ten million ways your loofah sponge can kill you right after this in conclusion I humbly accept this award for subduing the insidious light eating secrete against near impossible odds how's that sir cork doesn't accepting an award for something you didn't do make you feel the slightest bit deceitful that depends those deceitful meanie impressive heroic Oh inspiring fine I don't care what it means we're talking about a light eating's a group here you know what this will do for my approval rating I never even heard of an intergalactic tool of justice award who did you say invited you I don't know the guy was all cloak-and-dagger on the phone but I'm sure the whole thing's on the up-and-up look at him peacefully slumbering in the warm embrace of cryosleep I don't know about this may be what you call crunk and Zephyr no ratchet so young so unused to the spoils of do-goodery don't worry when you're a hero you'll understand houselights so kind of you to accept my invitation dr. nefarious I was wondering when you'd be showing up is that your new space station looks a little smaller than the last one wow you're you scared let's see you crack jokes from inside the digestive tract of a sucker oh oh goody I get to reanimate some come pay Loris apology sir I think it's time to tender my resignation that's so fast nefarious you've done some under head to things in your tie but this Pedro I'm starting to think there may not even be an intergalactic tool of justice award ladies and gentlemen your president one of mine disengaging primary cryo feed get the light would you oh boy where are we I do not know have you located is broken Oh perfect hey hey little girl can you get us out of here I'm back hmm and it's written in macaroni dear Lombax these vac use will come in handy love Sookie stupid in tamponade please we must all stay calm we are going to have to work together until we find out where we are and how to get home clanks right for the sake of our own survival and for drama we must set aside our petty squabbles and act as a singular unit Kronk Zephir the head it is good to see you guys it's good to see you too kid how's everything going with and e-f a spell you morons what is this thing this doohickey is an Apogee industry's communication plan we deployed them all around the planet so we can communicate and send supplies so you know where we are that's great you can come down and rescue me DDoS you collectively ah well no can do mr. president as he we tracked your nav unit to Planet Magnus but someone fell asleep and planted it us into a dirt asteroid field we're sort of stranded above the stratosphere awaiting rescue but don't worry when they get us we'll get you in the meantime we've hacked into an old spy satellite to monitor your positions and we've set up a comlink with drama met if you need weapons just access one of these parts and wire us some boats will teleport the supplies to the surface find a safe spot and hang tight rookie will get you off this rocket and you I'm watching you whippersnapper we call it ephemeris the creature collector oh it's been around for over a hundred years snatching the universe's most dangerous beasts and bringing them here to our planet who is in control of the machine hmm no one knows but that tyrant you saw in our village was its emissary commander spark he has been protecting ephemeris for years but now that you're here whoa I'm just trying to find my way home look your ratchet you saved the whole universe you're not supposed to sneeze diamond mask listen kid I'd love to help you and your dad but my pal and I were retired as soon as we're off the planet we'll notify the Defense Force Shuji is not my daughter I'm afraid her parents were lost during the ephemeris raid on totem fight like many other children here she isn't often all right so where do we find this commander spy yeah I'm not so big on the whole haunted forest thing yeah that's cool I just thought you'd want to raise your approval rating by saving a few thousand voters I guess parades and groupies just aren't everyone's thing wait a minute both of those are my things wait up that's it you all saw it resident quark valve almighty please someone want to get fat in the crown breather and oxygen mask I'm not gonna carry him if he passes out ratchet ratchet yeah pal I believe I may have found something what you got hello diary entry zero zero five they came during night hundreds of them and they attacked without warning I stood atop zuzo fields and watched in horror as commander Smaug and his armies lay waste to booze o city through ribbons of fire I saw my creation bloated in terrible a deadly moon hanging silently amongst the destruction ephemeris what plans does my enemy have for this harken I can't explain it but I feel as if some dark fate haunts us all from the future and ephemeris is the key these feats will not stop with madness we are simply the first steps and our doctor plumpers crowd cannot shake the feeling that it was my work that made it possible according to this Hollow Journal whoever is controlling ephemeris has a plan for these monsters who ratchet I have a bad feeling about this we must find commander Spock at once your voice modulator is damaged commander but if you tell us how to defeat ephemeris I believe I know someone who can fix you well I don't like to brag but I did modify my crotchet Iser with a special vibrating function I call the happy platypus and I beg your pardon court but I was referring to him say if I may a being evil has not worked out well for these last few years perhaps using your intelligence for good will yield better results all right fine let's make a pitch to no one all right Spock we did our part now how do we defeat the femoris only the architect knows he lives beyond the lighthouse in the forests of the Blue Rocks you did the right thing okay holo-diary 0:01 creatures for years they've been something of a rite of passage on Magnus the very presence seems to enrich inspire and motivate us war it is a bond no one has ever sought to understand until now using a complex array of technological thing of a doze my colleague neva Benkelman and I have been investigating the effect of creatures on their owners take my own companion mr. dinkles his mere presence seems to amplify my talents as a paradox ologist but observe him through the lens of a vector morphing try silicon burger what strange manifestation is's have we discovered some new form of cosmic radiation we must learn more about this energy needs nivo believes he can modify the proto morphic energy extractors in order to separate the energy from its host tomorrow will be a great day for science holo-diary 0:02 a heinous crime has been committed this morning I want to find my laboratory in shambles the fact amorphic try Silla scope was smashed the crack resistant flume canisters were cracked and worst of all an egregious theft had been committed the plans for the proto morphic energy extraction gone all that was left behind was a recipe for drop-in stew mr. tinkles my friend my muse someone had taken him but it couldn't be no evil what have you done holo-diary 0:03 it has been 22 years since I lost mr. dinkles I checked the fjords of ranker ooh the meadows have taught him fire and even the bluffs of endres laughing but I know he's out there oh poor mr. tinkles I shudder to think of the countless birthdays he spent as a slave to Nemo's machinations what plans does that traitor have for these creatures I must act before it's too late I have repurposed an old servitude Rome to scour the planet for his whereabouts using a sample of mr. dinkles DNA ephemeris will run a comparative analysis of every life-form it encounters until it finds a match found mr. tinkles leave us plans will crumble and Magnus will be safe from his treachery you know I'm actually starting to like it here sure it's a dangerous planet riddled with murderous robots and exotic predators but take away all that what do you have the presidential retreat / waterpark can I kill him now no I can look like an accident how ratchet all right no holo-diary 0:04 it has been 50 years since mr. tinkles was taken and my rescue plan has backfired in a most disastrous way the directive matrix that restricts ephemeris to this planet has been deleted the onboard surveillance camera shows that this was no accident this was Nev o--'s doing is his twice he has taken what does not belong to him only now he has something that will allow him to expand his plan beyond the confines of Magnus and now ephemeris grows under Nero's control he's modifying it for interplanetary travel extending his reach further and further into the cosmos soon it will be no stopping in I can wait no longer I must venture to lose Oh city for a long overdue confession and to convince the Thar pods to stop my old friend at all costs we must succeed for if we fail dark times will be for the planet alas universe itself oh yes now this is what I'm talking about look at this thing according to the archives this is a prototype ornithopter design for over new travelling when is it with these guys and their pets I don't know about you but something about them gives me their why did you save me I don't know you would have done the same for me right planet Torah knocks hi Scylla scope shows an increase in thermal kinetic output around the anterior cingulate cortex confirming my hypothesis that the answer is in the rocks they can't survive outside and so they need vessels dr. Croix but stalls along backs what a remarkable specimen and with such a shiny coat for you Bree brought him to the right place doctor from pasq royde astrophysicist paradox ologist and lump axe whisperer dr. Croix translator I see we're here because someone is using your work to bring monsters to Magnus and we need your help to stop him uh-huh he's saying he's hungry Oh for the love of listen doctor I completely respect the fact that you're insane but I'm trying to boost my approval rating so what say we dial down the crazy and tell us how to stop evil ephemeris uses the versatran energy doctor charges ourself it emits a high frequencies so not paying to prevent ships from flying into it right and that frequency would do what now it would allow us to triangulate the location of the charging dock yes it's a little rock Metro I'm impressed nefarious you did good dr. Croix we're going to stop nivo from hurting anyone else but we could really use your help if you understand what I'm saying I think he needs to poo I'll go get a baggie hey Doc make it two everyone all right pork did you run it croc come in Zephir do you copy super no no no come on oh this is it the end of president captain quark I can feel death's icy grip the various I'm sorry I pushed you around in high school you were smart and I was such a flora where I was gonna say it darkness but if you want to be a jerk about it I'm sorry too you should know that even as I was wishing the floor would tear you apart limb from limb so I can River dance around your skull during story she charges I still consider you a friend didn't you galactic you love justice award if you fellas are done I'm gonna need that wrench back yep home office sent me out here to fix the broken versa fuse usually I stick to the toilet related catastrophes but you know I'm filling in for a guy ma'am there you know she's ready for one non-stop trip to Huzhou city wait aren't you gonna give us some cryptic advice we can use to defeat Nev oh oh sorry Fred that kind of advice I'm afraid I don't have good luck you Susy what are you doing here leading on a sub I know how you feel kid a few years ago I'd be doing the same thing but running into something you're unprepared for isn't going to bring them back tell you what why don't you and your friends guard the spot for us you mean like hold a perimeter exactly no one in no one out you guys want me to hold the perimeter - you're coming and stop falling to the back of the group you're not fooling anyone he bounder how did you get in you you have to go he's going to be upset very very upset who's going to be upset me believe oh you didn't tell me you're expecting guests oh I'm sorry they must have circumvented the defense is demanded it silence you four have been quite meddlesome EU store the plans to dr. kroy's proto morphic energy extract or you should have seen the look on Evo's face even try to stop me if you can believe it should've disposed of him but he's actually been quite useful building my collectors modifying ephemeris he's been a wonderful parent what is a little furball like you need with a spaceship and a protoplasmic energy trans dinger proto morphic energy extractor you simpleton and the answer is freedom nice I don't think these are common pieces these are from Planet hmm the smaller ones are easy to control but larger life-forms have always been problematic ironic these slovenly bottom-feeders succeeded in the one area we could not is half your charm a machine that can force our consciousness into vessels worthy of our intelligence with this Turin ox will be reborn and I can't have you not ruining it my my still lion this is all for additional few hours our kind possess enough monsters to spread across this galaxy I don't think I need you anymore little wager don't let him turn it on you no bad mr. tinkles back the various old friend you gotta admit the sight of two dudes just hugging it out warms the cockles of your mechanical heart well doctor Croix to be doing better still keeps feeding those treats but otherwise he's surprisingly sane so another world saved another galactic disaster averted some retirement huh but this may sound strange but I think I prefer hero work you know something pal so do I I think the Thar pots will be okay when dr. Khoi destroys these planet fragments time will tell I suppose but I believe they will be just fun various hands where is she wait how did you guys get down uh yeah about that um help finally arrived good evening Scylla I hope you don't mind but well it turns out the evil sidekick market is a bit thin these days I don't suppose there's room in your employ for one more nice try Lawrence but today's been a day of Revelations for all of us together we faced a villain that was neither robots nor squishy and we learned a little something about life friendship and the sticky connective tissue between right and wrong so I'm afraid dr. nefarious isn't going to do anything but steal our share there's sometimes it feels like the universe just writes itself yeah but how do we get off this rock now oh I got shotgun I am Not sure this vessel is ready for interplanetary travel nivo flew it over here from Villa Ragini beside a couple new ion Jackson Hole see West maybe new graph trusted will be off the planet in no time what planet who the heck are you people bracket we cannot pilot a webinars drone into monopolist relax I pilot weaponized drones in illumine Appa list twice a week it's like a fine of ten volts in the class you take our line or can probably pardon us perks of the job oh why why even bother the poorest defense force has set up a perimeter outside the Vartan nebula so we'll have to take the corpse exit until there's a change in patrols I did manage to restock your Dark Matter missile already so if you'd like we can make a quick stop and retrieve it you
Channel: GregoryAnimeFan
Views: 882,659
Rating: 4.9032416 out of 5
Keywords: PS3, Sony, Insomniac, Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (Video Game), Cutscenes, Series, Subtitles
Id: apSQH08gTwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2013
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