RATCHET & CLANK: UP YOUR ARSENAL All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] my blarney and snaggle beast devours your mutant swamp fly oh I bet you didn't see that one coming check and mate what that's cheating on the contrary the rules clearly state that the bloody and Stangl beast has an allergic reaction to swamp lies that last two turns ooh it is on again [Music] the unlock is extraordinary sir but the you lose as gracefully as you him I would not know maximilien I never lose there is a first time for everything agent Frank [Music] you missed so they miss secret-agent to [Music] bring the car around Jeeves and mind the ejector seat this time stay tuned for more secret agent Clank that was terrific yeah great change the channel but the man said to stay tuned we continue our live coverage from Belden just hours ago the planet was attacked without warning by a terrifying alien race known as the Terra noids officials believe that an evil robotic super villain known as dr. nefarious is the mastermind behind the tear annoyed attack as you can see the Galactic Rangers are putting up a valiant fight but they are no match for these tentacle eyed terrors indeed this backwater planet may be completely destroyed in a matter of hours Telegraph channel 64 news what going home my family is in a solana galaxy oh no not the gravimetric warp drive the untested gravimetric warp drive the one you built from Bloggie and scrap metal coming we are [Music] you were saying I stand corrected I just hope we're not too late relieves client line one 802 and welcome back to the Solana galaxy these must be the collected Rangers it's a new sergeant excites you can have my gut there's too many of them circle to fire your shot blaster am I glad to see you Sarge we're pinned down by the enemy vehicles somebody's gonna take you down let me guess that somebody is me you got a volunteer these are to take this will copy you back there what's the situation the Nords have fallen back to a base in F sector we have orders to go in and take him out test sector knowing game over man long and end up described man get back in there trooper we've got a planet to save your weapon has upgraded weapons upgrade automatically when they're used frequently hold circle to charge up the shot blaster for a more powerful attack soldier is is that secret agent Clank greetings sir we are here to help see you brought your chauffeur no no hold on a second cluck we must stop dr. nefarious as you may know only one man has ever faced and survived I've just received a top-secret report on Batman's whereabouts here take a look on tonight's episode of nature's mysteries we examine the floor on a tree beast deep in the dense growth of laurynas jumbo forest lives a mysterious creature maybe he doesn't I've seen him run right through our camp inside he was buck naked screaming and holding up a ladder or maybe a banana [Music] mr. legend tells that this mysterious creature is actually one of the greatest superheroes who ever lived shamed by his recent past he is now nature's mysteries tune in and find out the answers we need you to find this man the fate of the galaxy may depend on it are you sure this is the guy you're looking for mr. Pres he seems like kind of a you know wacko and you may be right police the best chance we've got I know your boys won't let me down you can count on us sir ratchet we have company where you where behind you very funny you having a good time be okay we walked your path of death now tell us what you know about dr. nefarious hmm dr. nefarious they say you're the only man to ever beat him hmm this guy's even dumber than hapten quark yeah captain that's it quark you've had this coming for a long time so quark has completely lost his mind now what just keep them masks on he thinks you are his new leader great incoming cold this is captain Sasha of the starship Phoenix the president has asked me to assist you hi I see you have located captain cork yeah we got him but well you might see some wacky back of course bring him to the Phoenix and we'll see what we can do Sasha out [Music] look at that Clank this ship is amazing welcome aboard the Phoenix gentlemen whoa impressive isn't she the Phoenix is the pride of the galactic fleet she's equipped with the latest technology holodeck training suite auto vendors for armor and weapons virtual firing range Starfighter a great system even a gadget Ron VG 9000 game system a Fiji 9000 of course with a Mavericks fireball pro controller VR headset and a zero-g dance pad attachment are you marrying me well you've obviously had an exhausting trip why don't you stop by your quarters we prepared a custom living area for quark so we won't get in your way how many on the bridge when you're ready to view the world map press select these are your quarters I set up the VG 9000 to play vidcom at disks how do you think he got like this who held the life of an intergalactic superhero can be very stressful yeah anyway you're telling me this nutcase is our only hope for stopping nefarious we're hosed this is the BG 9000 game system if you have a bid comic you could play it here we're losing the signal try boosting the power no we're here an invasion force compound has been breached mr. president we robot suffered under the bigotry the stupidity the skewness and foul stench of organic life-forms soon all robots will bask in the liberty and equality of my benevolent iron-fisted rule as for you filthy organic life-forms you can look forward to being disintegrated that's all for now plot a course from Arcadia maximum speed prepare the dropship for planetary assault we're going in we'll see you on Arcadia graduated sir the presidential compound is on the other side of the city keep your head down the turn are crawling all over the place [Music] [Music] Sarge we just need one more turn to stop the noise gold mission accomplished thank you for mere Sarge agent Clank what your even more impressive in person than you are on the holovid and I must say I've never seen a chauffeur fight like you do son who says you can't find good help these days right Clank Sasha's told me a lot about you don't get any ideas kid she is way out of your league and Sasha filled me in on the quark situation I'm told the man thinks he's a monkey he has lost his memories well then you'll simply have to find it for him we need our star player back in the game ASAP is that understood yes sir my daughter tells me you're a man who's good with his hands ratchet sir I swear I know city's laser shield went down during the attack now we are defenseless without it I sent out a repairman to fix it but but he disappeared I need you to get that shield system back online yes sir we're on it [Music] Hey look it Sal got the shields up yet silence I am concentrating whoooaaa that's a court vid comic excuse me it is a historically accurate interactive graphic novel how can you use the city's defense network to play a video game simple i bypassed the security server with a six to six hex matrix adapter and reprogram the graphic subprocessor no no I mean no Clank you speak good nerd it appears you have a feedback loop in the induction coils of your db3 signal processor impossible I ran a recursive check them on the signal matrix hey there is a feedback loop may we borrow this vid coming treat it gently it is the first edition perhaps this will help restore the Cork's memory watch and learn Clank this is how a real hero gets it done these are the real-life adventures of captain quark the greatest superhero the galaxy has ever known hey this begun meticulously reconstructed by our crack research team with the aid of eyewitness accounts bathroom gossip wild speculation and a magic eight in the early days of the fifth Silurian equinox the Salama galaxy was terrorized by a notorious pirate known as Captain Blackstone anybody else got a craving for fish and chips though still in the prime of his youth captain quark was already a living legend I was beating about with us however no previous adventure could have prepared quark for his encounter with the dread pirate black star and his cruel oh please tell me this is a typo that's robotic pirate ghosts yes greeting wasn't your subject a professor right now we begin the interactive portion of episode 1 who is in the I number 4 I mean I've worked on some real junk but this one takes the cake pirate ghosts robots I want a team we're idiots hey professor snap to it mmm once again the citizens of the solana galaxy owed their lives to the dauntless courage of the remarkable men behind the queue with great reluctance quark accepted a meager fee for his services and promptly donated the entire Sun to the quark for Tots scholarship fund a charity providing makeovers and buxom bimbos for needy people named quark I've got a big the president I guess I got the fruit basket Thanks it turns out I'm allergic approves who knew like water city's under attack yes sir I'm on my way the exciting all true right the adventures of captain Qwark continuum and Episode two [Music] [Music] well is that handsome devil it appears quark has regained his memory hey this dressing room isn't fit for a pig what kind of shoddy production are you people running that's him all right he may need a while to adjust in the meantime I've got a mission that's perfect for you too we've just learned of a prototype holographic device that can disguise the user as a tear annoyed even allowing him to speak tyrannies is it just me or do you smell bananas anyway the device happens to be the grand prize on this week's annihilation nation check it out we feature at all let's meet tonight's victim oops I mean contestant Fred fred is a gadget phone accountant who claims he wants at a mortal rate go up in his pants what a share let's take a look at what he's up against doesn't look too bad now does it [Applause] next another day another death course [Music] there we go folks arena combat yes [Applause] [Applause] I don't believe it folks hey survivors and here to give you your prize the lovely Miss Courtney gears how about that box it is better-looking do not be alarmed Sasha that is ratchet oh I see you won the terra guys it's very convincing anyway there's something I think the two of you need to see work personal log entry 101 301 after I personally vanquished the proto pet Menace and revamped the mega clock testing facility I decided to focus my efforts and protecting the endangered creatures of the floor honored jungle but when news arrived that dr. nefarious had again risen to power I knew where my true destiny lay the training necessary to get back into tip-top shape has been exhausting my mind never flows with brilliant concepts still yearn for the bittersweet stench of my simian companions the time has come to resume my duties as the greatest hero the galaxy has ever known you're not gonna believe this but the president put quark in charge of the fight against nefarious our new commander just called his first team meeting you better get back to the Phoenix right away I agree this does not sound good [Music] come back anytime to compete for cash prizes [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen Owen welcome to the Q force you have been assembled here because each of you as an expert in your particular field from Al's mastery of electronics the skids nerves of steel Helga's sensual powers of seduction each of you has shown that you are worthy to wear the q years ago I single-handedly defeated dr. nefarious but like a rash on the galaxy's back side he has flared up again our first mission will be to infiltrate the doctors top secret base on Planet a Cuates impossible you say perhaps for a lesser strategist behold my brilliant plan first ratted in flank will descend on the seafloor and wade through a series of tunnels flooded with waist-high raw sewage what please hold your questions until the end of the presentation after infiltrating the base our agents will split up flank will enter the bases ventilation system where he will locate and deploy this banana guided autonomous monkey device or again meanwhile Roger will uses extensive knowledge of the torah' noid language and customs to win the trust of the bloodthirsty alien guns finally our agents will make their way to nefarious personal office steal everything that is nailed down and exfiltrate the base completely undefended that's crazy but it just might work [Music] quark comic episode - Aviva amoeba a new evil was gathering in the shadowy swamps of Blackwater City a horrific breed of monsters known as amoeboid born in the laboratories of a twisted scientist named dr. nefarious things right up sir when captain quark encountered the amoeba rates for the first time he immediately executed emergency response plan number two wait just a minute fork then proceeded to stall for time while he coordinated the city's defenses from the women's restroom and galaxies give me that thing you lying no-good now the moment I touched down I knew the situation called for a head-on assault without hesitation I rushed to do heroic battle with a monstrous amoeboid as amoeboid army defeated dr. nefarious had no choice but to flee Blackwater City in disgrace [Laughter] dr. nefarious was right about one thing he and quark would meet again and soon than he realized for a true hero like captain Korra will stop at nothing in the name of justice incoming cold [Music] excuse me I'm trying to make a picture here and mr. big shot star is nowhere to be found I am currently occupied with a mission of galactic security right right I get it you want a bigger trailer done you want a daily oil massage does I need my star on the sit Bronto capisce you're breaking up you know I can see you oh yeah how about now [Music] he'll figure something out we've got work to do skid what are you doing here my code name is shadow dude bro black ops in my speciality I figured you guys could use my help and thanks shadow dude but I think we've got this one covered all right I'll just take my hacker and go back to the ship hacker oh well you know on second thought I think we'd like you to join the mission shadow dude awesome this is gonna be sick [Music] [Music] there is the ventilation shaft we must split up here yeah well I guess it's time to put on the Tarot guys and go meet my new pals good luck I will assist you if I can perhaps you should have read the instruction manual it was nice knowing you ratchet ah no monkeying around monkeying at them we are on an important mission Wow wag that little sucker will chase bananas any place here shoot him you wanna try [Music] hmmm barachit I need you to extend the bridge at Junction g5 magic I found some online instructions for the Tarot guys let's see when you speak to a tear annoyed you should see a holographic display just tap or hold the correct button as it moves across your display watch what you say though these guys have really nasty tempers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well what took you so long Frank what are you doing here you're supposed to meet me on the surface I thought I would help well you can give me a hand searching dr. nefarious his office oh look at this the complete secret agent Clank holovid collection this guy's your biggest fan that is rather disturbing I have downloaded an encrypted star map perhaps algún decoded great let's get back to the Phoenix [Music] [Music] Wow deja vu Wow oh it's you two again right on schedule this here's one of the nastiest smelliest sewers in the galaxy both guys wouldn't set foot in a place like this but me ah I just can't get enough right well we were just passing through you can get back to whatever you were doing hey if you find any sewer crystals I'll pay you for them in bolts I'm making something special for the missus ciller crystals we'll keep that in mind ah fresh from the bowels of a king amoeboid sorry to disturb your work sir but you we want to know that your impenetrable secret base and aquatics has been penetrated by sonar if you say so sir they apparently some sort of disk can be to is his own game it's you sir he has assembled a group of elite agents known as the cube force it's on my to-do list right after holding your underlings [Music] well team I believe some congratulations are in order after all my plan worked even more perfectly than expected well way to go dude don't mention it I'm just doing my job ah now that I know are the Tara nines are coming from I can put a stuff to this alien menace once and for all with utter disregard for my own safety I've drawn up an ingenious plan for an attack on Darren gnosis first I shall humbly step aside allowing much if 2/3 fall down and take out the mortar launchers at the landing site once the mortars have been silenced the dropship will make its descent next match it will take the assault vehicles from the dropship make his way to the four plasma cannon turrets and destroy them once the turrets have been knocked out ratchet will personally leave the assault on the main enemy base alright let's get to it yes you there in the front uh yeah hi I was just wondering what are the rest of you gonna be doing while I'm down there getting blasted we'll be monitoring the situation closely from here actually we'll be down at the lunch buffet on Deck five it's meatloaf day but we'll be rooting for you every step of the way yeah man we got you back yah the plan is excellent [Music] she's ice work ratchet I'm coming in on the dropship now Wow to access your world map press select time to finish the job ratchet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] captain quark first you made another miraculous comeback now you've defeated the tier annoyed Zin a spectacular battle on their own planet how do you explain your recent success courage compassion dashing good looks iron hard abs seriously though to be a true hero of Heroes you need more than loads of charisma and a brilliant tactical mind I couldn't have done it without these glad to see you made it through in one piece ratchet you must have quite a story to tell why don't you come back to the Phoenix and it was the biggest tyranide you've ever seen big as a StarCruiser and packing twice as much firepower there was no escape he was coming right at me closer closer gonna do right close or even closer click click what blaster Jim no way what happened next yes go riveted so this is the mighty cue force I want so much about I could obliterate a lot of you and they wouldn't even mention it they're super villain weakly true sir but you have done the fashion world an enormous service that's for you agent Frank I have far grander plans for you Oh may i sir what a treat I'll come in someone just transmitted a hologram onto the ship I need to know where the signal came from take a journey inside the enigmatic mind of our galaxy's almost evil genius dr. nefarious we'll take a tour of this secret facility on Planet Dax home to some of the galaxy's most insidious super weapons including the threaded rainbow from Weiser so can the various we've all enjoyed your past work but how do you respond to critics who say your latest galactic schemes are just more of the same Florence tell us a bit about this top secret super weapon being constructed on Planet facts well super is such a strong word about a weapon maybe a tad overdoing it we do however have a lovely view of the ocean it's sunset various poised on the brink of galactic domination or is this super weapon just the latest in a series of maniacal pipe dreams stay tuned for more from super villain weekly whatever nefarious is doing on Dax it can't be good we'll check it out you're welcome check it out looks like somebody's a big fan of Courtney gears Courtney whoo come on remember that bombshell handing out prizes on annihilation nation yes her specifications were remarkable yeah well she's not the hottest pop star in the galaxy because of her singing that is odd it appears this computer was recently used to edit one of her music videos oh let's watch it I mean you know it may contain a clue or something [Music] see the future it was you a see crazy crosser galaxy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god till we want you feel great Oh hmm miss gears maybe in lead with dr. nefarious yeah who knew she always seems so sweet and innocent in her videos well except for that one with him she might possess information about what nefarious is planning oh right and if we win that grand prize on annihilation nation will get another chance to talk to her [Music] [Music] [Applause] here we go arena combat [Music] ladies and gentlemen give a big hand for Ratchet and Clank don't take home a rare first edition port video comic and here to present the grand prize the incredible incomparable and talented Courtney should we just write the duct into theories they don't let me do the talking it is an honor for you to meet me thank you me to meet you because gears hi my or even more gorgeous in person than you are on the hollow agent clink I've got a few secrets of my own that might need your special investigation yes I will report your concerns to the proper authorities Oh agent blank you always know exactly what to say to a woman you know I'd do anything to play a part in one of your hollow films that could be arranged miss gears if you are willing to provide information and me whereabouts of dr. nefarious dr. nefarious hmm you have been busy haven't you you just get me that part and I'll tell you anything you want to know excellent meet me at hollow star studios Jeeves activate the cloaking device with pleasure sir now you see us now you crud that's it you've disgraced my set for the last time kid take a basket weaving you're fired give me the monkey I'll see you at the trailer Clank agent Frank meets your new sidekick all right forget the chase scene and go right to the grand finale you did read the script I sent you first you narrowly survived a series of death-defying stunts yada yada you defeat the terror of Talos yada yada yada finally you rescue the Baroness played by the lovely Miss Courtney gears oh okay action all right this is the part where you take out the henchmen didn't chase maximilien out of the bar try to make it look real all right action you've got the stuff kid now get to max milions office before he can make his escape [Music] okay Clank is hot on his tail maximilien tries to shake them off and rush-hour traffic Oh huh this is what I get for letting him do his own stunts one more time people like we rehearsed it and action [Music] you got the stuff kid now get to max million's office before he can make his escape okay Clank is hot on his tail maximilien tries to shake him off and rush-hour traffic alright I love a good chase scene alright you're doing great kids now avoid the lasers and meet up with a monkey in the casino parking lot the scene agent Clank in the Mucky must put aside their differences and work together to reach that ledge let's see some real emotion out there okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the bridges out big fast how would a Junt rank get across [Music] [Music] fantastic keep it up playing I love it okay this is it people the grand finale giant flank versus the terror of Talos don't screw this up kid action check the gate put it in the can and it's a wrap take five people all in a day's work cut tragic that's a wrap people pure box-office rarity Neum Clank even the critics are gonna love it you have no idea what a thrill it is to be rescued by a big hunk of titanium alloy like yourself hey perhaps now you will tell me what dr. nefarious is planning I have a better idea why don't you ask him yourself I have a present for you sneaky wickham's of course darling where am I is someone there I see him too late to finally make your acquaintance I have been following your exploits ever since your first mission when you defeated the mind stealing stop beasts from Dimension X I believe there has been a misunderstanding secret agent Clank is merely a fictional character I play on the holidays you are a hero to robots across the galaxy and yet you deny your own destiny you choose to bounce right before that stress is where is your pride who you are agent rank organic life-forms have as much right to inhabit this galaxy as we do I see no reason to exclude that give you a reason join me we will rule an entire galaxy of robots aura flows remain a traitor to your own kind and follow your beloved skosh Klink should have been back by now what could be taking him so long [Music] Clank where have you been I thought something happened to you I was having my sprockets lubed you picked a fine time for a tune-up where's Courtney gears miss gears has left the planet what what about nefarious did she tell you where he is dr. nefarious is aboard a star cruiser called the Leviathan okay nice job Clank so I'll just call Sasha and have her track down that star cruiser [Music] cover me Oh down it's alright skid the fights over yes I mean no that blows man I would have been here sooner but I encountered some heavy-duty resistance enemy troops well not exactly the drive-through would galaxy burger was wicked slow anyway looks like that last moon is surrounded by an omega-class disintegration field then whatever's going on out there it can't be good if I had the right tools I could hack into that generator and shut the field down Hey lucky for you dudes I brought this stand back bro I'm like a trained professional and stuff don't try this at home oh man it's busted oh wait nevermind incoming call from the Galactic Rangers guess I'll be canceling that hoverboard trip the blackwater city the Rangers need our help let's go Oh like catch up with you guys I think this lock is gonna take a while okay give us a call if anything comes up that's the last of them Blackwater City is being secured that was a close one Sarge thanks for the backup triple his gravity boots while I was running from the Terra noise dudes face kid how's the stakeout going awesome a few minutes ago this totally tricked-out space limo rolls up and dude you know will you spot it no way man I've been staying out of sight keeping a little profile I'm like a shadow dude and you're sure was her totally she even autographed my t-shirt yeah you know how much this thing is worth skin get out of there hold on a sec bro somebody's coming hey if you do to hear about the shirt the bidding starts at 300 bolts skids in trouble we better get back to the Oh Bonnie moons this is the testing laboratory for the by obliterator let's see what nefarious has been up to wha-hoo like I never knew you were this kinky miss gears don't you ever shut up like destroy all species dude they turn skin into a robot that's impossible not for dr. nefarious these sides I think you'll enjoy being a robot let's see if you can fight better than you can sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] one disposable popstar dispos'd you okay Clank transmission from the Phoenix we've located a ferry assist our Cruiser it's refueling at the zeldron star port pork is already on his way there it might be a trap I think Courtney gears was setting us up even so it could be our only chance to stop nefarious will me quark at the star port be careful ratchets come on Clank we'll come back for skid later destroy our species and I heard somebody has the latest big comic in the quark versus nefarious theories with that somebody hurry up and finish it already episode three shadow of the robot for six days captain quark clung to the ship like the dung of a giant green spaceman finally the ship arrived at its destination a secret robotic laboratory and planet Magnus drawing on his mastery of the ancient art in disguise quark slipped into the laboratory completely undetected quarks plan was flawless but unbeknownst to our hero his every move was being watched even drooling imbeciles can achieve success in certain fields mad science for example I shall I had an annihilated then I have a special surprise waiting it's over nefarious I used to beat up geeks like you in high school I'll bet your prom date came in a box that said batteries not included to say come to think of it we met before class that's right you were that freak with the headgear remember how I used to clean the chalkboard with your pants while you're still wearing them oh good times so what's one day six say how about a wedgie bro time sick I think it's safe to say we've seen the last of dr. nefarious time to celebrate another job well done but the danger was far from over for in defeating one menace to the galaxy quark had created another even more terrifying evil I thought we agreed to put that jungle business behind us it was mating season how could I have known she was your sister hey how long have you two been standing there too long well stop lollygagging and let's get their work will use this shuttle to infiltrate the star cruiser undetected once onboard we find nefarious and finish the job you fellas ready shotgun what are you doing I'll Drive no thanks I reckon they get there in one piece Stand Down soldier this is your captain speaking captain mine it's too quiet I don't like it once again my brilliant plan has cut the enemy completely unawares message received what's that Clank nothing we'll have to split up and search the ship just remember nefarious is mine unless we get to him first come on Clank let's get some payback for skid we've been expecting you didn't seem to mind us of course Lawrence this isn't funny Lawrence what are you waiting for this ship could explode any second I think I spotted something important I can't leave without it I'll meet you back at the shadow come on quark yup we must leave now not without quark you would have waited for us think good for him wait [Music] I well we are all very glad that you made it back safely did you detect any other craft leaving the star cruiser an escape pod another shuttle maybe anything I'm sorry ratchet we heard the whole thing over the comlink you had no choice captain quark died a hero sonic in the fitness course under the hours of the morning captain quark had so many wonderful qualities I just don't know where to begin such as oh they're okay he was really tall and and he had a unique fashion sense and he had a really big chin with kind of a sort of a well you know what shape well you know I think I've grown down long enough I just heard what happened I wanted to offer my condolences to the team quark schloss is a true tragedy the man was a hero brave honest kind and humbled to the core what a load of in court may be gone but his indomitable spirit of heroism lives on in each of you I know the queue force will make our fallen captain proud jerry old man if came in the mail for quark if chapter 4 of the court read comic series he'd want you to have it thanks al you know this could give us a clue about what nefarious is gonna do next [Music] episode 4 day shock q all over again after defeating dr. nefarious on planet Magnox quark returned to his condo in Metropolis for some well-earned RNR oh it's time you knew the truth the baby isn't yours what Oh who is the father your evil twin brother Engelbert must be that pizza I ordered Koga what are you doing here getting you off your lazy butt you have drunk up like a giant clean hot burst it is time what a piteous cost oh all right meanwhile on a rooftop high above the bustling streets of Metropolis quack I'll get your punished sorry what's that stumpy isn't over quack I swear I will return someday to destroy you and bring metropolis just a word of advice nefarious quit while you're ahead and so quark believed that the threat posed to the galaxy had been ended forever what seems the script is missing a few pages thanks professor from here and so ends the greatest tale of courage and heroism ever told a true story of captain quarks triumph over the nefarious supervillain no dad's nefarious aren't you gonna unlock quark secret costumes here I'll use the cheat codes let's see up down down left right through Flair square metropolis that's where nefarious is gonna strike first are you sure it makes perfect sense nefarious tried to destroy metropolis years ago but quark stopped him nefarious swore he'd come back and finish the job someday now that he has a secret weapon he's ready to make his move set a course for metropolis let's hope we're not too late it's already started dr. nefarious must be around here somewhere you sure everything's okay Clank maybe Alice should take a look at your circuitry how do you like my special creation I call him your dopey friend seems to be quite fond of him hey maybe they'll change your show to secret agent did you hear that line you put the whip in Twitter yes I do [Music] suffering endless disappointments you will never succeed ratchet we'll put an end to your madness [Laughter] and you will have a front-row seat his time Lawrence time to unveil the true future of this galaxy the future sorry did you say something sir yeah a check device now behold the final chapter of this galaxies oh dear that was your audition for galactic Idol wasn't it oh my mistake sir dreadfully sorry by all means carry on [Laughter] look Clank its dr. nefarious and that Butler guy and they've got Clank they're holding new prisoner how about that I guess I should be feeling pretty stupid right now I don't suppose there's any chance he's the evil Clank yeah didn't think so so hard today my side Zig I must admit you're a cheat you've proven to be a far more worthy adversary imbecile Clark so I must end here it's a shame you won't live long enough to see the rest of your kind well if you get the idea [Music] I am sorry ratchet this is all my fault knock it off Clank nefarious did this and he is gonna pay for it from metropolis and for what he did to quark and skid you and I are gonna make sure of that come on let's get off this planet before we end up dead or worse just hours ago by obliterators devastated metropolis the devices have since disappeared and their current location is unknown galactic citizens are in a state of hysteria reacting to news that dr. nefarious is planning identical attacks across the galaxy we're live from Planet mark idea with the galactic president mr. president how will the attack on metropolis affect your chances for re-election this fall I'm glad you asked Darla our demographic research indicates that robots will make up 100 percent of the galactic population by this time next week of course that's great news for my re-election campaign because as you know I'm half robot myself I don't believe this everyone's acting like nefarious has already won maybe he has if we don't find those by obliterator soon we're all gonna be robots not that there's anything wrong with that wait a second before the star cruiser blew up didn't court say was trying to find something yeah it's a long shot but I guess it's worth a try the cruiser went down on planet zeldron we'll go check out the crash site maybe we can find what quark was looking for hey it's an escape pod it must have come from the star cruiser and look footprints someone else made it off that ship alive we must have just missed them this pocket crotchet Iser is still warm ill a call was recently made using the pods emergency communicate or there is a recording supernova taxi oh this must be my lucky day so where can I pick you up sweet cheeks just look for the gigantic wrecked star cruiser you can't miss it Rex cockroach oh man you sound like a girl who knows how to party what say you and me go to the side but this go later on watch it buddy I mean don't get fresh with me sorry lady I couldn't help myself I mean a woman like you in a dress like that where you headed we can keep this quiet there's another five votes in it for you oh one more thing you have never spared chargeback for this thing 22 ratchet aye sir it gets better every second I should have known what that quark had a sister huh no no that he's still alive that was quark but why did he not report back to the Phoenix because he wants us to think he's dead I don't like it Clank until we know what cork is up to we should keep this quiet if the cue force finds out that Court ran out on us they might lose hope I understand I do not like it but I understand hey what's he got there it is a dated disc the court must have taken it from the star cruiser that must be what he went back for let's get back to the Phoenix and decode it hey yeah what's up let's see the neural matrix of this autonomous simulacrum retains an imprint of the template original fight key embedded at its core level you lost me after let's see he means it may be possible to reverse the process dude cool I guess ow we recovered a data disk from nefarious Cruiser can you decode it of course yes Oh Omega class asymmetric encryption and finally a challenge worthy of my skills oh by the way we found something interesting in quarks quarters hey if it's another crotchet Iser I don't even want to be it's a quark vid comic specifically it is episode 5 of the dr. nefarious series but if everyone knows only four issues were ever published not even my pals in the Corps cadets fan club I've ever heard of this if you and those guys are real geeks if you know what I mean I sure do thanks al we'll check it out this is the true story the captain quark hope you would never see the unauthorized uncensored and utterly unbelievable missing chapter of the quark comic series viewer discretion is advised just a word of advice nefarious quit while you're ahead and so what believe that the threat posed to the galaxy had been ended forever but he was dead wrong bottoms up I was picking out some new curtains for the torture chamber they're crushed velvet for the gold lamb a trim really add life to the space clock of course sir Oh quark I've never met a man like you after you I'll be ruined for other men that's what they all say you're in my secret prison awaiting the most ingenious and depraved punishment I can possibly imagine cap Lawrence it's time for my massage oh good using his antennae as a wattage walk eventually managed to open the door to his cell but his escape at night though on Motorz oh oh after his narrow escape from the clutches of dr. nefarious cork dropped down to the public night truth is quark was holed up in his secret hideout on the three an asteroid terrifying that dr. nefarious would make good on his promise of revenge when the various didn't resurface what assumed he was gone forever and returned to his career as a high profile celebrity superhero but the galaxy had not seen the last of not areas what do you think you're doing you off dude still sir this is a very delicate procedure go ahead take her for us Oh what is this Oh my mistake sir Oh oh my we will have to get that fixed one of these days I should have known quark was full of it but why would cork lie to us dude work is bogus focus focus you can ask him yourself when we see him according to this vid comic quark has a secret hideout in the Thran asteroid belt I've got a hunch he's there right now he says he wants to come with us I don't think that oh wait a minute you speak monkey oh just enough to get by now what he says you have ears like a floor on a dumb beaver yeah hilarious let's see if he's still laughing when he finds out his pal quark is working with nefarious major oh yes sure the quark would never teamed up with Drac did me and I know I don't have to remind you about that proto pet business who knows what he's capable of hey little buddy how'd you find me here we found your secret bid comic quark oh that well I expect you to understand you'll probably look at me to think I'd give anything for a body like that for just one drop of his raw animal magnetism one iota of his impeccable we just skip to the end please let's see where was I sexy charming brilliant iron art ah yes but despite my outward appearance of perfection well deep inside you're a cowardly wuss no not exactly when I escaped from that star cruiser cheating death by mere nanoseconds I suddenly realized something very important I could have died me captain quark imagine an entire galaxy he would know more me and for what cause so a few trillion people get turned into robots Who am I to say who should or shouldn't be turned into a robot you're pathetic pork I can't believe I once looked up to you let's go Clank the people of this galaxy needs you quark they believe in you you can give them hope you have a chance to redeem yourself and become the hero you have always wanted to be ratchet where have you been we were just never mind the Phoenix is under attack are shielded Sasha the 40% life support systems are I think they're getting before the ship whatever's on that disk has a nefarious worried do anything to get it back hey hotshot if I don't get to see you again I just wanted to say the signal is lost engage the gravimetric warp drive you must certainly took a steep Hey it's good to see you too everyone okay we're fine you made it just in time any luck with the data discs huh Lockheed fans I'll crack the encryption the disk contains a complete copy of nefarious battle plan he's going to attack planet after planet leaving nothing but robots in his wake the by obliterator is so well-protected nefarious doesn't believe we can stop it can we I estimate our odds at approximately one in 63 million give or take hey that's oh you know not so bad a buy obliterator it's programmed to recharge its power self after each attack it's recharging at a base on Planet Kouros right now and ratchet the next target is bailed in here look there it is but how are we supposed to take it out I think it's gun wouldn't even put a dent in that thing then we will need a bigger gun Yeah right where we gonna get that kind of firepower found it huh well yeah that how to do it if you can get me inside the command center I can override the targeting system and take control of that ion cannon let's go hey down today's special offer is a plasma coil mint-condition still in the box see you soon I'm sorry earlier I don't think you're doing after all those holidays there is one thing you should know by now do not mess with agent clay incoming calls from the Phoenix nice shootin claim there's no telling how many lives you just saved her I'll just finish decoding the data disc nefarious seemingly constructed a second by obliterator a new model even more dangerous than the one you just destroyed where is it nefarious hasn't mastered [Music] we believe the last by obliterator is there now guarded by an entire robot army then we'd better get moving be careful guys we're too late there it is nefarious has already initiated the launch sequence if that thing gets into space Selden won't have a chance that's not gonna happen yo again you will pay for your insolence you miserable rodent you're sorry nefarious your flights been canceled the system's just kidding you've reached my holographic voicemail and your name and a brief message total I adored myself [Music] [Music] I have no choice really yeah I mean that's right nefarious your reign of terror is finally nice is this important sir it's almost time for my solo again the transformation I call it base odyssey if you insist [Music] [Music] it rights lords engaged a teleporter would you care to specify a destinations we're live from the star-studded premiere of the latest holo film in the secret agent Planck series the atmosphere is positively electric as thousands of fanatical fans farmer for a glimpse of their favorite celebrities [Music] [Music] agents flash it seems your luck is finally run out the time has come to say goodbye your tricks won't do you any good this time ancient Clank I have been waiting for this moment a long time and now I am going to blow you into a million pieces well he got that monkey off his back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do not even think about [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you mean we can't teleport or panicked I'm afraid we're well out of range sir perhaps that you had bothered to specify a destination when will we be in range oh I'm sure something will come along instead five or 10,000 years I don't suppose you can play drums [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 29,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, RATCHET AND CLANK: UP YOUR ARSENAL All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD, ratchet and clank up your aresenal, ratchet and clank up your arsenal cutscene, ratchet and clank, up your arsenal, ratchet and clank up your arsenal game movie, 1080p, hd, all cutscenes, game movie, ratchet and clank all cutscenes, ratchet and clank game movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 49sec (6829 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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