Ratchet: Deadlocked Retrospective - Adapt or Die | The Golden Bolt

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where do you go after achieving everything you wanted to with your video game where do you go after releasing three acclaimed games in three consecutive years can you strike gold four times in a row these were the questions at the center of the fourth ratchet and clank game with much of insomniac games rolling off of ratchet and clank 3 and on to resistance to prepare for the 2006 launch of the playstation 3 a sort of skeleton crew was left behind on ps2 hardware left to play around and experiment with what had quickly become sony's most reliable and second most successful franchise at the time only behind gran turismo what resulted was one story concept that was quickly shelved two gameplay tests that were scrapped and repurposed a game that shifted directions three times before settling on a darker deadlier ratchet and clank 4. except it wasn't ratchet and clank 4 this was just ratchet this was a game developed with one philosophy in mind adapt or die depending on who you ask it did both of those things this is the first black sheep of the ratcheting clank franchise well except for that one this is ratchet deadlocked it's time to blow it up [Music] one of the most immediate concerns that came with making a fourth consecutive ratchet and clank game was franchise fatigue not just with fans but with the development team as well in an era where platformers were rapidly falling out of favor with a quickly maturing player base just about the only two games in the genre to buck that trend featured a plumber insomniac couldn't be certain that theirs would have half the longevity of an icon like mario but sales trends looked promising that ratchet 3 had outperformed the sales of going commando was a rare rebound usually a franchise sees diminishing returns with consecutive games but there's a catch with that many of you would correctly point out that ratchet 3 was much less of a platforming game than either of the first two ratchet games and the developer would agree with you up your arsenal and to a much larger extent deadlocked were in many ways inspired by the quickly evolving industry trends at the time even while the first ratchet and clank game was still in development titles like grand theft auto 3 and halo changed the face of console gaming over night that's no exaggeration it's the fastest metamorphosis that this industry has ever seen and in the few weeks after up your arsenal first hit store shelves halo 2 ensured that nothing would be the same again having accomplished everything they sought out to with ratchet and clank by the time of up your arsenal and with a much smaller crew to man the ship for this next title insomniac took the opportunity to get incredibly experimental the first of these experiments is the one that some of you likely already know a narrative experiment then titled ratchet and clank nexus revealed in 2012 for the franchise's 10th anniversary this idea pitched a single planet adventure rather than a galaxy sprawling one a planet torn apart by civil war and the plot would focus heavily on ratchet and clank disagreeing about which side of the war was in the right it's interesting that this is the game we've seen shared by insomniac as a peak behind the curtain because according to some deadlocked developers with whom i spoke while researching this episode this idea may never have even made it off of paper the idea was shelved early on with pieces such as the one planet idea or the name nexus later being used in some of the more experimental ps3 games way down the road far more interesting than nexus though are the concepts that did make it into production more accurately into the prototyping stages of pre-production or as i'm going to less professionally call it the throw things at a wall and figure out what might work phase of development for example ratchet deadlocked may have begun life as a vehicle combat game in the vein of twisted metal now there are a few different versions of this story according to designer mike stout this vehicle combat idea was prototyped and toyed with for a couple months at most before the team found out about another platformer turned vehicle game made by insomniac's old pal naughty dog jack x combat racing with no way to justify having two of the same general sort of game releasing at around the same time by the very same publisher the insomniac designers chose to pivot and these vehicle concepts were worked into the second form of deadlocked that we'll touch on in a moment the other version of the story that i've heard came from a programmer named moo yu who told me that he didn't remember ever actually seeing a vehicle combat prototype his recollection was that this was just a fun inside joke that was later retconned internally once they got word that jack actually did go there in truth both stout and you appear correct and there was likely a very early prototype being toyed with that just never made it far enough to be taken super seriously it's easy to believe that many such prototypes exist beyond just the few that we know about and that not every developer would know about every prototype remember that much of the deadlock team apparently had no idea that this ratchet nexus idea that insomniac touted was ever even a thing whatever the case this emphasis on vehicles did make its way into the second prototype which again depending on who you ask seems to have taken some cues from master chief following in the spirit of up your arsenal's multi-objective battlefields and seeing industry trends i.e the overwhelming success of the first two halo games which took on a very similar vehicle-heavy wide-ranged approach ratchet 4 would base an entire game around this more open non-linear style and just in case you may think those halo comparisons are unwarranted let me introduce you to this game's warthog knockoff the puma i like to call it warthog white warthog i mean it doesn't really look like a pig say that again i think it looks more like a puma yeah it's a red versus blue joke ask your parents about it however due to the ps2's limitations and limitations with time a running issue with ratchet and clank up to this point there seem to be struggles putting together a reliable pathfinding system for enemies and allied combat bots in this larger overworld see in the first three ratchet games all enemies had to worry about was an invisible line in the sand if the player crossed that it was fight time this whole system was smoke and mirrors to give you the illusion of enemy intelligence but in a game with wider more open worlds with multiple objectives across the map from one another this simply wouldn't cut it much of deadlocked internally is completely different from the framework used in ratchet 1 that was built upon for ratchets 2 and 3 because of changes like this but in the end those changes didn't help much for this issue this full-on halo style apparently didn't work out to be all that fun in the short development time they had and just wasn't worth any more trouble but several levels had already been mapped out to fit this ill-fated approach and so one final change was made the dna from the alleged vehicle prototype would remain the dna from this halo-esque prototype would remain two but the worlds would be repurposed in the same vein as ratchet 3's battlefield challenges through more linear missions and objectives every one of the wide open levels that had already been designed would instead be split into a handful of challenges in which the new enemy pathfinding could better manage and to match the game's story finally fell into place ratchet deadlocked opens up in a completely unique manner for this series not just for the time but even today rather than seeing our heroes hanging out or putting together some new equipment like usual our opening much like a huge chunk of our plot in deadlocked decides to look somewhere else than ratchet or clank we're taken a week in the past to the shadow sector at the fringe of the galaxy where a man named captain starshield is fighting against warbots for an illegal gladiator show called dreadzone just after taking down the enemies nearby starshield is gunned down by ace hardlight another dreadzone competitor who usurps starshield spot at number one on the competition's rankings and this would be where we jump ahead a week to our usual sort of ratchet and clank opening our two heroes as well as big al are at their posts on the bridge of the starship phoenix where the new captain ratchet receives a transmission from the ship's former captain the new mayor of metropolis ratchet's sword of love interest furry bill clinton's daughter herself sasha she calls to report the news of starshield's death apparently captain starshield had been missing for at least a month and only now had the rangers received intel that he as well as countless other heroes across the galaxy had been lured into traps kidnapped and forced to take part in dreadzone naturally this means ratchet and clank are next and sasha's warning call is interrupted by dreadzone bots infiltrating the ship and kidnapping our duo and big al since he's there too when ratchet comes too he discovers that he's been strapped down and forced into new armor and he's not quite thrilled about it okay now to activate your speech function i'm going to kill praxis there seems to be a problem with a speech circuitry i'll take a look at it later although he clank and al are all safe for the time being they've each been fitted with deadlocked collars pending their introduction as a new team in this season of dread zone a show led by this slimy shark gleeman vox vox is quietly one of the strongest villains in the ratchet series this disgustingly greedy robber baron of a character who genuinely salivates over the idea of making a profit commercials commercials commercials commercials commercials at least i hope that's salivating ugh he's this caricature of every nickel and diming ceo that makes a million dollars unethically while his workers make pennies except in this case his workers are actual slave labor dudes even got the stereotypical rich person small pet the kind of chihuahua that you'd expect to see in a karen's hand at all times except it's not really a dog it's i don't know what the hell that thing is but it's disgusting it looks like it'd be wet according to vox if ratchet doesn't cooperate with the rules of this combat sport if he refuses at all to compete if his fighting isn't interesting enough to pull in strong holovision ratings or if he tries to escape his collar will be detonated instantly although for just a second we see a glimpse of that younger more carefree ratchet from the first two games clank quickly reminds him that this isn't going to be some fun way to earn money in adulation this is serious and all three of their lives depend on ratchet's performance in the dreadzone competitions and yeah you heard me right just ratchet's performance although vox decides on a whim to spare alan clank those two won't be taking part in the games as fighters i suppose having clank on his back would give ratchet an unfair advantage so instead clank stays back at their home base and acts as ratchet's intel guy and sort of secretary now which is pretty cool wait no no that's not cool at all there's a reason this game wasn't titled ratchet and clank deadlocked and the decision to remove clank from the action in this game is one of many controversial moves that insomniac took this go-round ratchet won't be totally alone though as alice repurposed some old combat bots to help the lombax on his journey up dreadzone's leaderboards these bots named merc and green will help blast enemy combatants hack doors turn both cranks or even set up grind rails to help ratchet cross certain gaps all the while they're chock full of little quips stories and conversations similar to the galactic rangers from up your arsenal between these new combat bots and the hilarious play-by-play announcing of dreadzone's two commentators dallas and juanita ratchet deadlocked is one of the chattier games in this series despite being only a little over half the length of the prior ratchet titles my playthrough only lasted about 5 and a half hours compared to 8 or 9 hours for each of the first three games and that's doing every one of deadlock's many optional challenges all throughout the game you'll hear a lot of dallas's atrocious metaphors and lines especially as some of his play-by-play repeats you'll hear his pervy banter with an unenthused sometimes disgusted juanita you'll hear merck talk about his fear of heights and green talk about his fear of many things really it's in many ways a precursor to the more frequent mid gameplay conversations that the later ratchet games would utilize to help tell their stories and in deadlock's case it adds so much extra character to the cast it adds a stronger sense of place to the world and constantly reminds you of this game's stakes and of course it's just plain funny most of the time without all of this banter the combat bots simply wouldn't have any character at all as they almost never appear in major cutscenes likely because partway through production their design shifted from walking robots to floating ones because of that ai pathfinding issue and what's most interesting about all of this is that it was clearly just an attempt to make up for lost time deadlock story shifted gears several times to match the different gameplay prototypes so the full story wasn't decided until well into production this meant that deadlocked would only end up with about 40 minutes of proper animated cutscenes compared to an hour for each of the first two games and close to 90 minutes for up your arsenal even with a story that was stripped back the team needed more than that to get everything they could out of this gladiator game's theme so we have things like dallas and juanita introducing each mission on every planet with a flyover of the level an easy way to tell you some story without needing to do any animating whatsoever followed by clank giving you help desk style tips over the comm link which allowed clang to take a slightly larger part in the story than just sitting back at the base doing actually nothing it was all a risky experiment but given how little time and how few resources the team had to work with it was a necessary one and it's one that for me at least totally paid off cutting back on the total amount of cutscenes seemed to drive the animation team to want to pack as much as they could into each one with more expressive facial animations and small but hilarious moments like dallas spinning and falling out of his chair while juanita speaks or dallas trying to get creepily handsy only to be smacked all while their reporting continues as normal these tiny minuscule little gags bring out the absolute best in the humor leaving even the serious moments with something memorable for you to laugh at even long after you're done playing the game i could genuinely spend half an hour just gushing over my favorite of this game's cinematics and you know i'm more than capable of it but i won't threaten you with a good time instead i'll just say that for my money deadlocked is the funniest ratchet game pound for pound because it doesn't just save the humor for the bookends of every level or every route ratchet deadlocked may not have a butt joke in the title but it spreads its cheek all throughout most every scene as you can tell if there's one theme that prevailed throughout these different sort of phases of deadlock's early production it's that the team working on this game wanted to go in a very different direction that they weren't afraid to take risks even if they might not pay off and it's this continued willingness to take risks and go off the beaten path to see what works and what doesn't that's actually been both part of the reason that we've continued to get so many ratchet games as well as part of the reason that some of y'all are bitter as in order to save fan favorite characters like quark or the plumber from becoming too overexposed the main cast and deadlocked was cut down to just ratchet clank and al was presumably chosen as a third because i would say to say it with me but i know you won't nobody ever says it with me he's pretty cool they saw the success of the darker or more serious storytelling approaches that were quickly overtaking the six console generation's biggest hits and they wanted a slice of that growing market of that audience that was growing up with these games clank for example was lopped off of this game's title and marketing partly to help this game stand out from the first three as a different direction but also supposedly in response to the success of jack two and three which is fascinating in retrospect since jack's darker direction actually did coincide with more praise by critics and fans up front but seems to have led to lower overall sales figures than the more whimsical ratchets two and three as those games had longer tails and caught up in past jack bye beyond the ratchet-only focus most every other step in deadlock is a clear response to trends from the looming threat of a violent death at any point this brutal bloodthirsty gladiator show the crude humor and commentary on overzealous corporate greed that's been turned up to 11 even when the first few games already had it close to a 10. the goal wasn't to make a dark ratchet game as much as a more serious experiment but regardless of intent it's this sort of darker tone that led to the backlash later on when future games were heavy air quotes demoted to esrb's e10 plus rating you know even though that rating just didn't exist until 2005 and even though deadlock's hd port just like all of the ps2 ratchet games was re-rated to that very same rating speaking of deadlocked hd that version is the elephant in the room that i've gotta address i've spoken in detail about the hd remasters of the first three ratchet games already but deadlocked is where everything went completely off the rails for the port team at idle mines where ratchets 1-3 were all expanded and built upon the same early framework deadlocked in many ways may as well be a totally new engine so anything that idle mines have learned while porting the trilogy was more or less worthless here deadlocked hd was put together in only a few months on a shoestring budget releasing only a few months after the trilogy hit ps3 and it's just it is not good the frame rate is struggling constantly even where the ps2 version was just fine the pre-rendered cutscenes are stretched incorrectly and the in-game cutscenes hiccup every few seconds and just jump back a frame every second or two there is so much slowdown it's just unreal how rough this port is i was initially planning to record the ps3 version for this retrospective but i had to tap out it was actually straining my eyes but rather than plug my ps2 back in and deal with finicky recording equipment and questionable video quality i just decided to emulate the ps2 version upscaled to 4k did i need it in 4k no not really but it runs just as well as the original game would and it looks even better the only trade-off with emulation is that some of the shadows and certain pieces of bloom including ratchet's drop shadow just end up a little bit broken but this was far better than the alternative for both my eyes and yours most of all ratchet deadlock differs from its predecessors in that it's almost 100 exclusively combat the basic formula for this game is that each quarter of it represents a dreadzone tournament that you'll complete in sequential order and after completing a tournament you'll unlock a new armor color to signal your progress in the japanese version this is even accompanied by a fun power rangers sentai cutscene why they were told to apparently they thought it would help the game sell better and i guess i guess it worked one medal is obtained for completing all of the mandatory challenges on one of that circuit of planets with the exception of the first green metal that you get for finishing that original training course in other words the first dreadzone tournament unlocks once you finish the first three planets and the rest of them will unlock every subsequent two planets after that this usually means that you can actually pick between either of the two planets for each tournament circuit but despite the battlefields being wider the game is about as linear as the prior ratchet games when you look at it level to level and if you really think about it it's a little bit more linear than usual since you have to complete missions in a set order on each and every planet as an example here are the missions from the first dreadzone challenge the robot burial ground on planet catacomb 4. first ratchet runs and guns his way through a linear canyon which takes no more than maybe two minutes next he works his way across part of the burial ground turning a few bolt cranks to activate a bridge all the while fighting more dreadzone bots as well as robot zombies crawling out of the ground before fighting his way across that bridge to get to the landstalker vehicle again no more than maybe 5 minutes mission 3 features ratchet piloting this giant spider tank as he blows his way through dozens of enemies yet again this time to get to a small arena up a hillside again maybe a minute long and then in the final main challenge ratchet will fight against five waves of robot zombies before being rewarded with a hacker ray that murk and green can use to open certain doors that's um that's it that's all of planet one it's maybe ten minutes total to get through it not counting the three optional dread challenges you can do afterwards if you'd like two of which are also combat focused one of these asks you to kill a certain number of enemies under a time limit with the landstalker and another brings you back across the same battlefield destroying a series of ancient monuments by defending your combat bots while they place explosives on the sides the only non-combat mission here which i guess you could classify as sort of exploration challenges you to ride a hover bike through a series of rings within a time limit along the way dodging explosive barrels and shooting some enemies if you'd like this isn't just the first planet either finishing catacomb 4 unlocks planet sarathos next a poisonous swampy planet full of giant indigenous scorpions called leviathans as well as ankle biters and some more of vox's dreadzone combat bots the visuals the terrain and the enemies may be different but the objectives for these missions on sarathos are almost identical run through a couple of linear setup areas defending your bots as they hack open doors and force fields travel across a wide open battlefield turning some both cranks to open the arena and yet again we close out this planet by fighting in that arena at the very least most of these missions do add the hacker ray as a little wrinkle here in this final mission for example you'll protect the bots from waves of leviathans while they hack a series of orbs around the arena once they've finished hacking every orb the even more gigantic king leviathan will be summoned and i'm assuming he's probably a little bit mad that we killed all of his kids also somehow dreadzone strapped a bunch of armor to this thing too i i feel bad for the intern that had to do that even the optional missions after the main route here on saratos are just about the same as on the first planet do a time trial on the hoverbike through some rings and use the landstalker to kill a bunch of enemies in a time limit these dread challenges are mostly a way to earn extra bolts and some extra points on the dreadzone leaderboard but until just about the final level you can earn enough points on just the critical path to keep unlocking every level so you can pretty much skip all of these until near the end of the game if you'd like after serrathos ratchet heads to the dark cathedral on planet kronos where he and his combat bots fight through several challenges to open the cathedral's doors and battle the first dreadzone exterminator a giant robot named shellshock shellshock himself also attacks ratchet multiple times along the way while you try to open that cathedral but he keeps running away while calling ratchet a weak little girly man which to say the least is an interesting strategy it's an awesome idea to have each of the four tournaments exterminators keep pestering you during a mission both in universe to keep the ratings high and in the real world to give you a bit more of each of these characters so that they feel like actual foes instead of just obstacles on a checklist except get this shellshock is the only exterminator for which this happens in fact he's the only exterminator who has a dedicated planet on which you fight him which is a shame because this level stands out as one of the highest octane and most fun in the entirety of deadlocked for all three of the other exterminators you head back to the dreadzone station after getting your two medals you enter the big tournament and you fight the boss at the end of that gauntlet of challenges which means that if you're keeping score your reward for fighting your way through two sets of challenges is a third set of challenges yay but even here after you defeat shellshock for like the 14th time inside the cathedral you still have to go back to the station to do the tournament which ends anticlimactically with no boss fight at the end because again you just killed shell shock it's so strange that this only happens for the very first time it sets up a strange expectation for the rest of the game and for the other three exterminators it's a clear as day example of the game's scope running up against yet another rough deadline you get the sense that this game may have been intended to be as long as the previous games and that each boss may have been intended to have their own dedicated planet based on the fact that only this first tournament has four medals and three planets and every other tournament only has two planets total as well as based on the fact that the middle two exterminators between shell shock and champion ace hardlight just have a cut scene at most to give us an idea of who they are hell one of them doesn't even speak it just feels uneven plus based on kronos's more linear more directed mission design it almost feels as if you can expect a higher octane more traditional ratchet and clank level as your reward for going through two of these repurposed halo styled ones that said though even if kronos does feel a bit more let's say directed and purposeful in its mission design the gameplay itself is still no less repetitive at least grind rails are back after being absent from ratchet 3 i suppose but even these have a new combat focus to them forcing you to just kind of jump every few moments to avoid enemy sniper fire you don't really jump back and forth between multiple rails and deadlocks they're not really a set piece as much as an easy way to cross these sometimes messy maps and get from point a to b without overusing vehicles like the hover ship in many ways the return of the grind rails feels almost like an obligatory thing rather than some triumphant return even more so since you obtained the combat bot's grind cable gadget right before chronos and after this you pretty much don't get any new gadgets introduced or used the game just gives you most of what it has to offer right up front because that's where they had the most time to work and even though we're ostensibly only a quarter of the way through this game by this point we'll already have or at least have the ability to buy six of deadlock's 10 total weapons from the dual viper pistols to the magma cannon shotgun to a bomb launcher a mine launcher a shield launcher even to a sniper launcher what's that the sniper sniper rifle doesn't even launch doesn't launch snipers alright well that's kind of that's that's kind of boring none of these six weapons will break new ground compared to the series usually creative arsenals in fact of the 10 weapons only one is really a new idea at all later in the game we'll unlock a rocket launcher vox's devastating rhino knockoff and the mini turret launcher which at least has a fun little callback in that gun's description apparently in universe fox stole the mini turret launcher from megacorp's patents but megacorp stopped trying to sue vox industries when vox forced megacorp's lawyers to compete in dreadzone great little piece of continuity the only new weapon is the scorpion flail which incidentally is my favorite weapon in ratchet deadlocked we'll touch on the reasons why this arsenal was chosen in a moment but at first glance even the weapon lineup feels sort of like a greatest hits retread of what players had already seen and the thing with deadlocked is we're only a quarter of the way through the levels and i've actually already covered most of the bases with this game our main plot doesn't exactly twist or turn ratchet's goal is to work his way through each of the four dread zone tournaments completing whatever challenges vox throws his way while clank and al try to figure out a way to escape without being beheaded each of these tournaments culminates in a battle against one of the four exterminators the best and more importantly most marketable gladiators that dreadzone has to offer in order for ratchet to unlock the next tournament our goals are clear from the start our progression is clearly split into four chunks and our path to get there is going to be pretty much exclusively combat with little to no platforming to be found at all even with ratchet as the sole focus of this game without clank on his back anymore he's not exactly the focus when you really think about it i mentioned that there are about 40 minutes of cutscenes throughout this game but a quarter of that takes place before your first battle as the setup and exposition most of that remaining half hour of cutscenes tends to either focus on our main villains gleeman fox and his champion exterminator ace hardlight as vox bickers about ace's low merch sales and ace grows more and more jealous of ratchet's ballooning popularity or it features vox's attempts to crush ratchet's popularity by slandering him via clearly hilariously fake stories on vox news after making his fortune selling cigarettes to children ratchet went on to pilot a tanker ship for sex on who can forget these graphic images of baby sears smothered in radioactive waste little coco never had a chance how could you i'm i'm not touching that one if you do the math ratchet genuinely gets about as much total screen time via these fox news segments as he does in person i don't think james arnold taylor even has 10 minutes of total time on the mic throughout the entirety of deadlocked no in so many ways this doesn't feel like a ratchet game and it's why so many critics and fans had lukewarm at best takes on deadlocked when it first released one review even called it soulless gunporn things like ratchets more angular sharper honestly edgier armor were polarizing topics even within the team that was developing the game and yet despite the missions having such a simple rinse and repeat structure despite ratchet and clank often being relatively disconnected from this story outside of the slanderous attacks against them during some cutscenes and despite this game being essentially 100 combat with no real emphasis on gadgets or platforming to the point that you have robots that can do the gadget parts for you despite all that this game rules even though it is all combat at the end of the day we have frequent side ventures in vehicles like the landstalker the puma and the hover ships so that it at least feels like we're breaking up all of the shooting missions will at their very core often just be travel to the end of the level and kill things but thanks to the focused mission objectives and the flyover cutscenes thanks to that announcer commentary the missions have some level of subtext to them in one case vox disables an entire planet's meteor defense system putting billions of lives at risk of imminent fiery death if ratchet doesn't fight his way successfully to the control center and reactivate the shield in another without context ratchet may just be running and gunning through an asteroid belt full of enemies but with context he's fighting to reactivate a space lighthouse to warn passenger ships of the deadly hazards nearby vox will happily destroy ancient burial grounds he'll pit heroes against one another until one of them snaps he'll conduct painful focus tests on children in the name of his company he's not above putting paying dread zone crowds at risk in the name of thrills and ratings either so throughout your first playthrough you would often feel like this unhinged trillionaire could do anything at any moment just about every planet and every mission is like this a simple premise that's fleshed out contextually as you go along so that everything you're doing feels important enough and different enough that the core gameplay of just shooting things doesn't start to feel too samey hearing the play-by-play announcers or your allies chatting through the course of a battle makes it feel like you're on a team hell you've even got a name team darkstar you'll quickly grow to look forward to merck and green's stories as they bring a new point of view that doesn't feel too forced for example players get to return to planet orcs on for the first time since ratchet 1 and see what's become of that polluted blarg homeworld it's a great callback to the series lore that's made even better by the added perspective of your bots who don't know that you've got a history here sir permission to speak freely this place stinks despite that heavy combat focus more and more as you progress you'll find that your objectives will require you to work with your bots or more specifically to defend them or have them defend you because the enemy ai will prioritize attacking a bot or the player if they're trying to turn a bolt crank or especially if you're trying to hack a door since only your robot companions have the hack array even within just one mission you might run into several of these little micro objectives and because these bots keep talking to you and keep shining as hilarious characters without overstaying their welcome you won't want to let them down and as you complete all of the different tournaments you'll be able to purchase new paint jobs and equipment for murk and green such as stronger weapons or armor the ability to protect you or the other combat bot as one of you is turning a bolt crank with a giant bubble shield or even a super weapon upgrade that will obliterate most nearby foes like the rhino which you can only have them use once they've heard enough enemies themselves to fill up their super meter merc and green are integrated so well into the gameplay loop that these two feel like partners never nuisances or gimmicks and it's never clearer how helpful these guys are than when they take too much damage and get downed leaving you to endure all of the enemy aggro and fire until you've made sure they're revived it's thanks to this sort of virtual camaraderie that deadlocked even when you're playing alone feels like a bit of a co-op experience but if you want a bit more of a co-op experience boy do i have some news for you you see deadlock's quite literally edgier visual style wasn't just meant as a way to stand out from the original trilogy it's also supposedly because having these sharper angles having quite literally again sharper edges meant that the game's models and terrain were simpler in terms of polygon count which means that in turn they were less expensive in terms of game memory this sort of visual compromise made split screen co-op possible throughout the entire campaign albeit at 30 frames per second instead of 60. when you're playing in split screen the combat bots are nowhere to be found and both players are instead given all of the combat bot's gadgets from the emp to the shield link to the hack array and more player 2 is even given a bunch of unique skin options that are exclusive to the second controller including jack yes at long last we finally had the jack and ratchet crossover that fans had been asking for and it's even a double crossover because ratchet makes an appearance in jack x when you think about it that also means that that ratchet combat racer idea sort of ended up happening after all but if you want to stick with the regular old player 2 skin you play as clank who's an alpha now which is i thought he already was an alpha i've played this game in co-op countless times with friends and it's an absolute blast to the point that i wish we could have seen co-op return in a more traditionally styled ratchet game and then there are those weapons that soulless gun porn and at face value yeah no these guns aren't that special that's by design though because once you pop the hood the possibilities start surfacing every gun in ratchet deadlocked can be equipped with two different types of weapon mods the alpha mods and the omega mods alpha mods will automatically attach themselves to your guns as they level up from level 1 to their base game max of level 10 so that every time you level up you unlock a new mod slot and a new mod will automatically fill that open slot these alpha mods can do anything from speeding up a weapon's rate of fire to adding a larger area of effect to an explosion to increasing enemy knockback it can add to the weapon's max ammo count it can leech health from enemies upon defeating them and some can even increase bolt or experience gain from defeated enemies with 10 alpha mod slots open for each weapon by the time you get those weapons to level 10 you can mix and match these however you'd like do you want the dual vipers to fire faster than the human eye can detect toss on 10 speed mods do you want to never think about money ever again add some jackpot mods to your gun of choice omega mods meanwhile are one-time purchases that track across all of your weapons with far more versatile effects everybody loves ratchet 2's bouncer for example so why not make it so that any of your explosive weapons will burst into little bouncer bombs on impact why make a separate weapon that arcs electricity between multiple foes when you can add a shock mod to do that instead or an acid mod to deal damage over time or a freeze mod to well you know what that's gonna do these omega mods put so much strategic control into the player's hands rather than putting the burden on the designers to not only make a few dozen weapons that are at least slightly different but also ensure that there are enough ways to use each weapon so that none get left in the dust on one hand you could definitely say that might sound a bit lazy but in practice it feels like it was a quick pivot that was thinking smarter rather than harder instead of a morpho ray weapon players can equip a morph mod to any of their guns that'll turn enemies into flying pigs ducks or exploding sheep when they're defeated rather than bring back the infector from up your arsenal a weapon that had a really cool idea but a very limited utility the brainwash mod was included to let players turn enemies against each other while still being able to deal a decent amount of damage in the process the result is a surprisingly deep weapon customization system that in many ways inspired the more recent games raritanium systems and in my opinion this is often better than what we've seen since and we're not done yet because this system only travels deeper on subsequent playthroughs in challenge mode the mega versions of each weapon when purchased will allow you to level up every one of those weapons to a max of level 99 far and away the highest in the series additionally starting in challenge mode you can purchase multiple of each type of alpha mod to fully mix and match however you would like suddenly those xp mods might start to sound a lot more appealing despite costing a whopping 3 million bolts each likewise ratchet's health can be leveled up to a series high maximum of 999 a feat that will likely take you a couple extra playthroughs by itself and since deadlocked is the first ratchet game to feature a difficulty selection insomniac locked the hardest difficulty exterminator to new game plus which makes sense because man that gets brutal completing each of the main and optional challenges in the game will earn you a number of stars for each mission relative to your difficulty and these stars can be used in the extras menu to buy more character skins if you want to go for full completion and unlock every single skin you've got to beat every single challenge in the game on exterminator difficulty but if you ever want a break you can jump back down to whatever difficulty you desire when you're first loading up your save file a surprisingly convenient touch for the time and if you choose to stick it out but you just keep dying on a particularly difficult mission just like with both the earlier and the subsequent ratchet games behind the scenes the game will dynamically tune itself to give you the most enjoyable experience possible by swapping between a few different difficulty sub steps maybe by adjusting between variants of enemy placement or quantity by slightly adjusting the amount of damage that enemies deal or take or a number of other little tweaks that you would never notice if i didn't mention it right now but from which you've certainly benefited at some point playing a ratchet game for every issue that deadlocked has when you look at it at that surface level this game is packed full of these smaller intangibles that lift it up and sharpen those jagged edges rather than trying half-heartedly to round out the experience really i would argue that deadlocked is a game that's only improved with age as players grew up and realized all the jokes about dreadzone's cereal and toys and hundreds of action figures and ratings and marketing and al easily falling for blatantly fake news stories that all of this wasn't absurd it had teeth and those teeth sunk right into the throat of reality it especially hits different if you're like me and actually wanted all of those dumb toys when you were a kid that insomniac was making fun of but they also secretly wanted to see made themselves in a world where massive companies can just straight up violate copyright and patent law and get away with it thanks to an army of lawyers things like the mini turret's description ring even truer today over time we've all met a glemon vox but at least in his world vox is an open book about how greedy and scummy he is for every player that just did not enjoy this game whatsoever back when it released there seems to be another who today lists deadlocked as one of their favorite ratchet games now of course with all of that said it's not all rosie here in dreadzone thanks to the mid development pivots several cuts and concessions had to be made if deadlocked was going to finish production on time for example at least a couple of the planets feel a little bit under baked thanks to cutbacks such as ace hard lights homeworld planet torval another world that's great at giving you these segmented little chunks of build that lead to a clear objective by the end of the planet ratchet's missions here all revolve around finding out the location of the planet's only escape pod but once you're done this planet only has a single optional dread challenge and it's a turret mission that feels like padding almost like it was obligatory when almost every other planet in deadlocked has at least two bonus missions at least one of which usually feels a smidge inspired or unique to that planet this sticks out quite a bit considering that it's the homeworld of one of our main villains a dude who has about as much if not more cutscene screen time than even ratchet that this planet is only used as a set piece and we really don't get any exposition out of it beyond a couple throwaway announcer lines feels like a huge missed opportunity for this level specifically it's even more frustrating because the only other time that this sort of thing happens is on planet stygia the planet with the meteor force field that i mentioned earlier which is aesthetically probably my favorite in the entire game this level has some of the highest stakes in ratchet deadlocked and not only does it not have any secondary dread challenges after you complete it the penultimate challenge doesn't even work properly according to the announcer's description the ground is meant to be radioactive so that only merck and green can get down there to hack the terminals while ratchet flies overhead and protects them with a hovership in reality though you can just hop right out and fight all of the foes on foot and i would argue that's easier and more beneficial to do so since you don't get weapon experience from a vehicle of course i mean maybe it means that ratchet might get cancer one day but we'll get there when we get there i guess and these two planets are close to back to back only separated by the third tournament which just so happens to feature the only exterminator boss that doesn't talk or really have any exposition so this last chunk of the game feels decidedly more slapdash than any other portion a lot of these later game levels especially are full of little corners to sneak into some gravity boots pathways intended for deadlocks multiplayer that could have hidden secrets here in the single player but no such secrets really exist in deadlocked ironically thanks to the more open design that should have been more secret friendly but since the team was already rushing to catch up to the game's schedule rather than hide gold bolts in specific areas that might only be accessible during certain missions the decision was made to leave that sort of collectible out entirely the closest you'll find in deadlocked is the occasional jackpot crate tucked away in a corner which will give you some extra bolts to say the least it's definitely not even close to the same and that little bit of exploration is definitely missed here in deadlocked doubly so given that the wider levels should have if anything allowed for more secret placements insomniac tried to balance this out by including 15 skill points per world rather than one or two and each of these skill points pay out bolts as a completion reward these may ask you to defeat enemies in a certain time limit or with a certain weapon destroy a bunch of boxes cameras that stare you down in almost every level complete a challenge or boss fight in a time limit without taking damage they're by and large nothing really special often you'll accidentally complete 7 or 8 of the skill points just by playing the game normally sometimes getting a few of them in the very same mission in the game's extras menu you'll unlock a bunch of little completion bonuses at certain skill point thresholds including a bunch of weather effects a wrench upgrade that adds a freeze and morph mod the ability to keep ratchet's helmet off during gameplay or my favorite the ability to customize the game's heads up display to any color that you'd like i know it sounds simple but it's a great little reference to up your arsenals for some reason controversial yellow orange hud color something that was a point of contention again even within the development team not just the fans so it was a way of saying here you pick your own as you're tackling every dread challenge and rising up the rankings you'll feel that sense of accomplishment start to build but also you'll stare down all of the other names on that leaderboard and wonder what their stories might be or in most cases might have been this is another one of the game's biggest missed opportunities we never get to see ratchet interact with any other contestants besides the four exterminators it would have been such an interesting plot point if a risky one for vox to pit ratchet against another hero in a one-on-one fight a way to test ratchet's mortals the icy planet of shar was actually intended to have something down this sort of angle with ratchet tasked with saving another one of the heroes as part of the challenge presumably though this was cut because there wasn't enough time to put together a proper cutscene featuring that other hero so disappointingly the closest that we get is the appearance of a couple heroes in the game's final cut scene some of these contestants as skins for ratchet or in the multiplayer and a little captain starshield web comic that released online as part of deadlock's marketing fun fact in that comic starshield takes on the cragmites no not those cragmites though uh just a just a similar name apparently oops it says a lot about deadlocked that some of my biggest critiques are effectively just me wanting more out of these characters and the world of dreadzone i would say after all deadlocked follows brilliantly in the world building and continuity of the first three games continuing to massage this broad world and rewarding long time fans with references to past games and creatures hell even just certain pieces of dialogue so yeah you man as i said before ratchet and clank are for most of this game sort of just passive participants in a story about greed that's taking place around them and honestly at this point in the series history that was a great move insomniac had said everything they could say on the ps2 about these two characters so throwing them in this completely different world and putting the focus on the exterminators and vox as they did was a great way to introduce the idea of side episodes into this franchise and that came at a perfect time since there were plans around 2005 for an episodic ratchet and clank anime to spin off of the series surprising level of success in japan a character like the second exterminator reactor gets maybe five minutes of total screen time but he stands out in deadlocked solely because the team maximized those five minutes like seriously his boss fight may as well just be the exact same fight as shell shock with more or less the same moveset except in this one he's more of an absolute pushover than the game's first boss but his cocky attitude and showboating nature during the fight along with the hyperbolized rags to riches hype story that vox plays beforehand cements him as one of my personal favorite characters in the game from lowly beginnings as a high school math teacher but baby i'm giving these kids the gift of learning you pathetic get out of my sight to spectacular success as a homicidal sports superstar we're rich i love you reactor i was always there for you i will say some of these story beats that were cut and some of these missed opportunities are more like dodged bullets ace hard light for example has this surprisingly solid character arc as this fallen hero who turns to the dark side a guy who happily kills for fame and money not money tin man fun he's an exceptionally insecure character who quickly grows jealous of and concerned with ratchet's success with being replaced the moment that vox no longer sees a dollar in him a moment that's rapidly approaching it seems in many ways he feels like a broken mirror version of ratchet of what ratchet could have been in another life say if he didn't have a clank to help keep him on track and to lean into this subtext here's the dodged bullet by the way insomniac early on thought about making ace a lombax to make his game long feud with ratchet even more personal instead they decided to save that lombax plotline for its own game and storyline separately later on a storyline that 16 years a handful of teases and 41 games later they still haven't fully addressed maybe one day i wouldn't wouldn't hold my breath though effectively deadlocked is the kind of uneven game where for everything i love and can praise there's a trade-off that i can't say baffles me they're negatives that i understand but they're ones that frustrate nevertheless for all the talk early on about a vehicle combat game being prototyped the vehicles really aren't featured all that much in this game's story mode a lot of them are for optional bonus missions and even then the landstalker is the only vehicle that i would call new most of the time when you see a vehicle it's either to cover up a wide open arguably barren map it's part of a mission that lasts 60 seconds or like i just said it's a mission that's optional to begin with or some combination of the three having a higher level cap for weapons means that there's rarely a need to stop using a specific weapon just because it's maxed out but at the same time it means that some players might favor just their favorite weapon until it's maxed and end up running into trouble in a hard encounter when none of their other weapons are strong enough despite the game's checkpoints being incredibly forgiving the dreadzone station arena doesn't feature a built-in vendor like the arenas in ratchet 2 and 3 did and worse yet your ammo often doesn't reset after dying or finishing a mission meaning that you'll have to wait for the game to load you back home to buy a new weapon upgrade or just refill your damn ammo to flip that and offset a negative with a positive this time the enemy variety feels even lighter than up your arsenals but in this case that's because in a great touch these enemies scale with you as you ascend through the different tournaments their armor colors and the amount of armor they have will reflect the tournament that they're appearing in and this in turn seems to reflect the amount of damage that they'll deal to you some challenges are so short and segmented that this game would have been perfect for a handheld like the vita but the ps3 port was so bad that a vita version was never even considered other challenges will have really unique gimmicks like the one on orcs on where you get to choose between different pathways that ostensibly feature different enemy types but then because this game seems to have been in such a tight push to release we never get to see these ideas fleshed out or expanded upon so we end up with a game full of really neat maybe half-baked ideas that rarely if ever resurface in later games i think the relationship between vox and ace hard light is a great example of this not that it's half-baked but that it's a unique feature that we don't really see in these games executed in this way a relationship between a main villain and henchmen where the henchman is at risk of being replaced or discarded but never attempts to turn on his leader if you think about it it's another good reason for quirk to have taken a break here in ratchet deadlock because hard lights in an eerily similar position with vox here that quark was in with drek in the first game now i doubt that was intentional but it fits in well with how often deadlocked re-uses repurposes or references chunks of the trilogy many of the exterminators attacks for example feel ripped right out from previous game's boss fights possibly because they may very well have been if they were that tight on time from shell shocks shock waves and missile barrages which are just sort of ratchet boss fight 101 to the eviscerators homing missiles taking a page from drex needle tendril attack all the way to ace's nefarious s hologram doubles although up your arsenal had a sense of finality to it it's these little greatest hits references as well as an arguably underrated final boss fight that we'll touch on in a bit that gives deadlock just enough of an argument to hang in the same conversation as three of the ps2's strongest and most beloved games even if realistically deadlocked is sort of hovering around the edge of that conversation listening in and nodding its head it's after taking down the third of the four exterminators that deadlock's plot really kicks into gear as much as a plot can really kick into gear with only a handful of cutscenes at least throughout the first couple acts of the game clank and al find a few fatal flaws with dreadzone security systems including finding a safe way to remove the deadlock collars and that all of the containment suite security cameras are disabled during arena battles the moment that al finishes taking off clank's collar however he's shot in the back by ace with the same pistol that killed captain starshield with his body beyond repair al is carted off in an ambulance which is surprisingly caring for what you'd expect from dreadzone this is truly where vox and hardlight put their full efforts into sabotaging ratchet at any and every cost including kidnapping merck and green and forcing ratchet to rescue them from a hostile prison complex and of course sending them into an impending meteor shower that threatens to destroy an entire planet but as we know ratchet is ratchet it's not like a little death's gonna stop him today and after these ordeals he takes down ace in a one on i guess that counts as a one-on-one fight with the lombax now standing alone as vox's only remaining top contender the mogul tries and fails to convince ratchet to sign the dotted line and sell his soul away for merch rights a vengeful vox then sends ratchet to the untested inescapable ghost station a dreadzone course filled with the bitter ghosts of robots and enemies that ratchet had defeated over the course of this dreadzone season an inescapable ghost station from which ratchet quickly escapes yeah i don't know why they try at this point the idea of a level filled with past enemies seeking revenge is an awesome one that we don't see return all that much probably because robot ghosts are a bit too out there even for these games most of the time we'll probably never see that again i'm a little teapot short and stout i'll admit i have a bit of a soft spot for the ghost station thanks to this vengeful spirit idea more specifically because of my favorite piece of dumb environmental storytelling that i think that any ratchet game has ever had so earlier in the game we had robot zombies right robots that died and were reanimated well here in the go station we've also got ghost robot zombies a robot that was killed and then came back to life only to be killed again before reanimating once more but even angrier so that's already amazing but there's one specific room in this go station that has i swear to god ghost zombie robots being revived by stasis pods in other word a robot that was killed and revived and killed and revived and killed and revived one more time only to be killed a fourth time the only way this could have gotten better is if at the end of this hallway they used the dragon balls to bring them back one final time only for ratchet to kill them again vox continues to spiral out of control after ratchet overcomes even this impossible challenge and when ratchet returns to the dreadzone station clank unveils his final escape plan well not his alone he's had help yeah al's half robot now which is well you know the thing while ratchet heads into the core of the battle dome underneath the arena distracting both vox and his troops clank will hack the shuttles to start picking up all of the remaining heroes and the audience the clever vox saw this plan coming though and rigged the entire station to explode if ratchet can't deactivate a series of bombs before the timers run out the shark even strapped deadlocked collars to the audience and to his announcing team who for the first time dropped their faux vox news hatred of ratchet and openly root for him to save them and save the day mostly mostly save them let's be real this culminates in our final battle against vox right in the center of his battle dome arena with the crowd cheering on ratchet as clank and the other heroes rapidly evacuate each and every audience member in the first phase of this fight vox doesn't actually do all that much himself aside from a sweeping ground attack his main attacks involve dropping dozens of bots to distract ratchet murk and green in hopes that vox himself doesn't have to get his hands dirty it's fitting given vox's character and fun fact this includes holograms of a bunch of vox's dread zone bots which in theory means that ratchet might fight a hologram ghost zombie robot revived from a stasis pod and if you're keeping score that's five deaths for those robots i almost got my dragon ball wish really though your biggest damage risk here is only if you let the fodder enemies overwhelm you or if you get distracted and run into the fire hazards it's the second phase where vox's battle starts to stand out as incredibly visually impressive as well as possibly a bit difficult depending on your luck it's very much a sensory overload kind of fight which fits vox's manic personality and the intensity that dreadzone's broadcasts have always had up until now on top of your usual easily dodgeable missile attacks vox has a patented shockwave attack in which he grabs a nearby hovering camera and heaves it at ratchet this idea of an enemy grabbing a piece of the environment and using it as a projectile was actually designed and intended for one part of up your arsenal but it was a bit too resource heavy to justify including for just one random enemy in one random level seeing it return here isn't just a great little nod to that enemy it also simply fits better here in a final encounter my favorite touch with this fight though is that vox's drek s covering mech just has so much style not only hearkening back a bit to ratchet one's final boss but also injecting this character's cd silver screen personality to it plastered over the front of this mech are a dozen holovision monitors which will often display a close-up shot of either vox himself or of ratchet taken in real time from this actual battle it's just it's just such a perfect conclusion to this game after his defeat at the hands of the lombaks and two pretty cool robots vox presses the obligatory self-destruct button for the entirety of dreadzone station spending his final moments thirsting over the ratings bump that'll come from trillions of viewers watching him and ratchet died together live on holovision what get in ratchet there is no time remaining but of course clank pops in at the very last moment to save the day ripping off ratchet's deadlock collar and tossing it into space as they just barely escape the massive explosion also ratchet saves vox's weird wet slug thing which the escape shuttle receives a handful of transmissions from some of the other heroes that were trapped in dreadzone thanking ratchet clank and al for the rescue and again reminding you of the missed opportunities that deadlocked ended up having by never having you interact with other heroes until the last scene of the game ratchet also gets hit on by one of these heroes hydro girl and clank picks up a possible new love interest secret itching clan co-star named venus so much for making things work with sasha or that horny infobot i suppose that's where our journey with ratchet deadlocked comes to a close with a funny call from captain quark and a little reminder that somewhere out in space dr nefarious and his butler lawrence are still floating and plotting their revenge i'm sure we'll see them again one day as i said before despite being a very uneven game at times ratchet deadlocked does more than enough that it's earned the love of many a fan of the series especially in recent years deadlocks had a bit of a resurgence perhaps because players saw that it was a one-off experiment and that later games would return to the norm or perhaps because this ended up being the first of many experiments and those later ones didn't work out nearly as well so by comparison this one looks a lot more acceptable the other side of that coin is that deadlock represented a chance for insomniac to branch out and recognize what didn't work with this series on a larger scale even if the game does have its fans myself included considering the shifts in industry trends in the years prior the diminishing returns of the mascot platformer and more stylized cartoony games in general and the fact that the xbox 360 was only a month out by the time of deadlock's release insomniac was justified in believing that they had to adapt or die and more importantly the adaptation did work showing the studio and sony that ratchet fans at least for the time being were a reliable hungry market even when similar games were on shakier ground did the darker vibe work for everybody no not even close not at all but it worked surprisingly far better than it had any right to by modern indications deadlocked was a great commercial success and became a greatest hits title in all three major regions surprisingly this was even the case in japan a country which according to many reports had not taken well to the darker direction of similar games such as jakk2 maybe it was those power rangers sentai transformations or the special japanese exclusive christmas edition of deadlocked with the special santa claus skin that did it yes that is real despite its surprisingly strong sales though deadlocked didn't even come close to the numbers or the acclaim of either the ratchet trilogy or the game's chief inspiration technically competitor halo it feels weird to call those two games competitors because it was never a competition if you've played both halo 2 and deadlocked i'm sorry to say still it ended up being an important landmark in the series as well as another opportunity for insomniac to improve upon ratchet 3's multiplayer modes i'll admit i can speak even less to this game's multiplayer mode than i could of threes as far as personal experience goes perhaps one day i'll try to join some of those community discord servers to play some rounds online because i'd really like to fix that the general consensus as i've understood it is that many consider deadlox multiplayer a leap above its predecessor thanks in part to sustain support from insomniac on their old forums on top of adding the occasional blog update to their site in the style of dallas and juanita's vox news reports a fun little way to build the world and address fan questions such as what happened to ratchet and sasha dating the answer to that by the way is that ratchet allegedly didn't vote for furry bill clinton in 2004 insomniac included several multiplayer skins that you could only unlock via the forums there was actual competitive discussion and technique sharing hell there were even some secret multiplayer skins that were only unlockable if you beat the java phone ratchet and clank spin-off going mobile if you want to hear more about that i've got just the video for you all together deadlocked had a highly praised multiplayer that many die hard fans would argue in different circumstances could have taken off as a multiplayer juggernaut perhaps not in this game but with some more improvements and additions in a future ratchet game whenever insomniac would take their next crack at it of course an over ambitious scope with the next ratcheting clank game would end up leading to the multiplayer and co-op being completely cut from the early pre-production plans a necessary cutback that inadvertently affected the trajectory of the entire rest of the franchise even to this day that one might just be the most fascinating development story that any ratchet and clank game has had now what do i mean by that you'll have to wait and see a little bit in the future but first i'll be taking a small detour from ratchet and clank next time here on the golden bolt to highlight a different game one that's grown on me more and more in the year since it released i hope you'll join me for that video just as you have here today and now is a good time for you to make sure that you're subscribed so that you can keep up to date when new golden bolt videos land i know i know you hear everybody say that all the time but genuinely not even a third of you watching this right now are subscribed i can pretty much guarantee it if even another third of you subscribed after watching this video i'd be able to produce these far more frequently it'd mean a lot if you double checked and while you're down there make sure to give us your thoughts about deadlock in the comments because i would love to hear them i'll see you soon for the next video and as always until then stay golden this video is made possible in part thanks to my ever growing list of generous patreon supporters including goldstorm 07 drastilite vincent anon 42 bahari calico plus harry james boss terminally nerdy the milkman wolf chaoson and buckleschucklow if you'd like to throw your support my way you can do so and get some exclusive perks by visiting patreon.com the golden bolt thank you
Channel: The Golden Bolt
Views: 247,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ratchet deadlocked retrospective, ratchet gladiator retrospective, deadlocked retrospective, ratchet deadlocked retrospective - adapt or die, ratchet deadlocked development, the golden bolt, adapt or die, ratchet gladiator, ratchet deadlocked, ratchet deadlocked review, ratchet gladiator review, deadlocked, ratchet and clank, ratchet & clank, ratchet & clank deadlocked, ratchet & clank development, Ratchet and clank ps2
Id: cHsramwwQfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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