The Complete Ratchet and Clank Timeline | The Leaderboard

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it's been nearly two decades since ratchet and clank teamed up for the first time and since their debut on the playstation 2 they've saved the galaxy time and alternate dimensions again and again their journeys have spanned six different sony consoles and with ratchet and tank ripped apart coming out last month we figured it's high time we chart out the story on a timeline there are a lot of ratchet and clank games out there but in this video we're only going to cover the core games in the series developed by insomniac games that means no spin-offs and a word of warning everyone we will be talking about the story of ripped apart so unless you've won the lottery and purchased a ps5 or scalped it off someone else you may want to look away when we get to that point with that out of the way i'm caboose for the leaderboard and this is the ratchet and clank timeline [Music] interesting you're quite handy with your range the first game of the series came out back in 2002 and introduced us to our heroes ratchet and clank ratchet is a long back stuck in velden working as a mechanic with dreams to complete his own spaceship meanwhile clank is a robot created on the planet cuarto in a manufacturing plant while living in the facility clank overhears a message that alonso drek the dictator of the blar grace and chairman of drek industries is planning to build a weapon that destroys planets in order to build a new home world for the blog horrified the clank escapes quarto but is shot down over velden ratchet goes to investigate the crash and after some bickering the two decide to team up ratchet will help clank put a stop to drex plans and in exchange clank will provide the missing part that will let ratchet complete his spaceship and thus a dynamic duo was born leaving velden behind the two go on to disrupt drex plans before they seek the help of captain quark one of the biggest heroes in the galaxy unfortunately for ratchet and clank quark is working for drek as a spokesperson but in a boneheaded decision quark only reveals this information after he has trained ratchet as a hero because quark took a page from the awful villain's handbook ratchet is able to escape the lair of the the the blargan snaggle beast yeah uh-huh eventually ratchet and clank fight quark in a lengthy space battle blasting him out of the sky but don't worry quarks alive this would be a very different series if rationing clan killed him the duo then head out to stop drex plans for good on quarto they learned that dreck plans to destroy belden with a weapon aptly named the deplanetizer they really thought that went through after defeating drek in a final battle the villain is launched towards his newly created planet which is then promptly blown up by his own weapon ouch with the galaxy saved ratchet and clank decide to return home together because after you watch a planet blow up together it's impossible to not become best friends with that person i mean come on try it sometime but but not actually that would be it would be serious reaper don't do that almost a year after they saved the galaxy ratchet and clank return in going commando with a new quest ratchet is hired by abercrombie fizz widget the ceo of the mega corp corporation to recover a biological experiment stolen by a thief in the bogon galaxy meanwhile clank is hired to work for the mega corp itself the two are then split up with ratchet pursuing the thief to the planet aranos the thief escapes and soon after ratchet receives a message the clank has been kidnapped by the thief ratchet takes a brief detour to rescue him and the duo join up to chase the thief across the galaxy though they can't catch the thief they are able to recover the experiment unfortunately fizz widget dumps them off on a desert planet and leaves them to die this is why you never trust corporations this game ratchet and clank is why no other reason shortly after the thief reveals herself to be a female lombax named angela cross she used to be a former megacorp employee but believed that the experiment was dangerous and tried to put a stop to it that experiment is called the proto pet which looks like a cute and cuddly little creature but is actually a violent monster you may have heard the other name for this monster and it's uh cats i believe the three of them go to confront fizz widget only to discover that it is actually captain quark in disguise i know i'm as shocked as you are turns out that quark is holding the real fizz widget hostage and plans to unleash the proto-pets across the galaxy so that he can defeat them and be acclaimed as a hero once again unfortunately for quark he is eaten by a mutated proto-pet while trying to fight ration and clank forcing our heroes to rescue him once again and thanks to a radio signal that angela creates the remaining proto-pets are defeated and the bogon galaxy is saved that's two galaxies saved in just under a year which is a good track record for any galactic hero keep up star lord one last thing about angela this is the only time she makes an appearance in the games it was nice knowing angela but please get out leave just angela angela just go okay just go that was terrific yeah great change the channel but the man said to stay tuned in ratchet and clank up your arsenal ratchet and clank are relaxing in the bogan galaxy but they soon learned that ratchet's home planet of velden is under attack by the evil doctor nefarious i'm not sure i needed to say that he is evil considering his name is dr nefarious but it's better to be safe than sorry ratchet and clank work with the galactic rangers to push back the invasion of tyrannoids and discover that the only person who defeated dr nefarious in the past is our resident wannabe superhero captain quark the two then go out in a search of the missing captain discovering cork on the planet florana living with the locals after apparently losing his memory in the last encounter with him after forcing quark to watch his videos of his old adventures in order to regain his sanity on the starship phoenix he forms an elite squad known as the q force that answers only to him while searching for more info on dr nefarious ratchet and client discover that he has built a weapon called the bio-obliterator which can turn any living creature into a robot it's not good to put it lightly with the help of the galactic rangers the gang infiltrates dr nefarious's ship the leviathan in order to apprehend him unfortunately nefarious knew that they would try this in advance and rigged the ship to self-destruct while our heroes escape cork stays behind to gather intel and dies in the explosion of course if you've been following along you'd know that quark is functionally immortal in the ratchet and crank universe insomniac never let this man die after a short funeral ratchet and clank head off to defend the city of metropolis from nefarious army and the bio-obliterator shortly thereafter they discover that surprise surprise quark faked his own death they then managed to track down and destroy the by obliterator but it turns out the nefarious built a second more advanced version of the weapon the duo then head to nefarious base on the planet mylon where they fight the evil doctor before he turns into a giant robot fortunately quark arrives to distract nefarious while ratchet and clank blow up the robot nefarious teleports away and is stranded on an asteroid in deep space mission accomplished the new season of dread zone is underway and on pace to break ratings records once again this year's contestants include the notorious mafia crime boss known as a ratchet just as ratchet and clank take command of the phoenix in ratchet deadlocked they along with a bunch of our heroes are whisked away to the shadow sector a lawless part of the solana galaxy they soon meet gleeman vox the creator of the dreadzone a bloodsport where contestants kill each other for viewing pleasure ratchet is forced to wear a deadlocked collar and participate in tournaments against his will while clank tries to find a way to disable the caller so they can escape and save the other heroes despite vox slandering him every step of the way ratchet's victories in tournament after tournament make him the most popular star of the dread zone ratchet defeats the champion ace hard light and vox offers ratchet the opportunity to become a superstar and make loads of money but of course being the hero of the story ratchet refuses and this pisses vox off to put it lightly he tries to send ratchet into an arena that is scientifically unbeatable but ratchet just beats it anyways thanks to clank disabling the containment field keeping all the heroes hostage ratchet returns to save everyone but vox in typical bad guy fashion reveals that he rigged the station to self-destruct forcing ratchet to defeat him with the escape shuttles unlocked ratchet and clank prepare to leave before vox again in typical bad guy fashion decides to blow up dreadzone anyway escaping by the skin of their teeth ratchet and clank watch as the station explodes taking vox with it and with that we move on from the playstation 2 era of the ratchet and clank games into the playstation 3 era or as it's otherwise called the future saga clank i've uh got a bit of a situation here at the planetary defense center nothing heavily armed robotic commandos but i figured hey if you're in the neighborhood maybe with a brand new shiny coat of high definition paint the future saga kicks off with ratchet and clank tools of destruction on the planet kirwan the city of metropolis comes under attack by an army of dropheads led by a villain named emperor for civil tachyon the self-proclaimed crown prince of the qragmites and sole surviving member of the species turns out that the cragmites were wiped out by the lombaxes in the great war which took place thousands of years before the events of ratchet clank tachyon has been hunting ratchet down as he believes ratchet is the last surviving member of the lombak species and intends to bring the cragmites back to life using powerful lombax technology confused at the info dump that tachyon gave ratchet and clank escape on tachyon's private spaceship and are placed in hypersleep while they travel to the polaris galaxy while investigating tachyon clank encounters a small race called the zoni that only he can see they tell him that he was built for a special purpose and allow clank to see into the future via visions traveling across the galaxy they eventually come across a remote space station where they meet tallwin apogee an explorer looking for an ancient lombax artifact this turns out to be a device called the dimensionator remember this name because it's really important to the series as a whole the dimensionator is a helmet that is capable of opening wormholes to other dimensions it was used in the great war to banish cragmites to a distant star as it turns out they're not actually all dead just on an extended vacation really the surviving cragmite egg would later grow up to be tachyon who would start a genocidal war against the lombaks they used the dimensionator to escape while one guardian and his son stayed behind to hide the device the guardian sacrifices himself to save his son who is sent to the planet belden in case you haven't put two and two together that child is ratchet determined to protect his people ratchet goes off to hunt down the dimensionator they find it on the planet jerchu but is abducted by the space pirate captain romulus slag just as they reclaim it who else but good old captain cork shows up to take the device he heads to cragmite homeworld where he plans to destroy it and to no one's surprise quark is captured by tachyon tachyon summons the cragmites but ratchet and clank fight him and damage the device sending tachyon falling into a black hole which if you don't know is an extremely painful way to die i don't know how you would know that but if you didn't now you know and if you don't think the ratchet and clank games can be brutal well think again just as everyone's celebrating the win the zony show up and kidnapped clank taking him to another dimension unable to prevent his friends kidnapping ratchet bows to save clank setting us up for the first cliffhanger in the franchise but just as peace was restored to polaris his first mate was kidnapped by creatures known only as the zoni the next game ratchet and clank quest for booty picks things up a year after tools of destruction ratchet and talon have learned that the only person who can contact the zoni is a legendary space pirate captain angstrom darkwater journeying to darkwater's home planet of a murder they learn an unfortunate fact dark water has been dead for years the two are then marooned on hulfar island where they soon discover that dark water left behind a teleport called the obsidian eye which can be used to create a link to the zoni's dimension to use the obsidian eye ratchet and talon need to find the fulcrum star which powers the massive telescope their journey across the planet puts them at odds with both darkwater's former crew and the resurrected captain romulus slag who was brought back to life after his untimely death in the last game he's also possessed by the vengeful spirit of dark water it's two pirates in one body which is far too many pirates if you ask me fortunately ratchet is able to beat them both in a pitched battle granting him access to the obsidian eye upon activation ratchet learns that clank has been damaged due to constant exposure to zoning energy which also caused him to lose his memories thankfully the zony found a doctor to fix him ratchet and clinic's old nemesis dr nefarious and just like the last game we're ending on a cliffhanger as ratchet and talwin set out to rescue plank from the hands of the good doctor and the zoning i thought we could start with a whole i did my own stunts angle and sort of rolled into my method for accomplishing this brooding stare yes we'll get into that in a second uh but but first could you comment on the disappearance of clank oh right little guy what do you want to know about him for in ratchet and clank a crack in time clank is still trapped by the zony and dr nefarius he's been stuck in a zony construct called the great clock for more than a year and during that time nefarious has been trying to gain access to clank's brain when the zony refused him again nefarious portrays them with a device called the hypersonic brainwave scrambler this not only shuts down the zony and the great clock it also allows clank the chance to escape clank then discovers the true purpose of the great clock from orvis a super intelligent zoning the great clock maintains time throughout the universe shutting any temporal anomalies however it can also be used to manipulate time orvis also reveals to clank that he created him making orvis clank's father however it turns out that the real orvis has been missing for two years after encountering dr nefarious elsewhere ratchet and captain quark crash land on the planet quantos while searching for clank say that 10 times fast they are attacked by nefarious assassin the lord versailles who mistakes ratchet for another lombax named aleister azimuth ratchet escapes and meets up with azimuth who was a good friend of ratchet's father azimuth tells ratchet about the great clock and they come up with a plan to not only save ratchet's parents but the entire lombax race soon after ratchet and azimuth get in contact with clank using another obsidian eye clank requests the two travel back in time to save orvis from the hands of nefarious that's right it's time for time travel which never makes a timeline complicated ever not once has there been time travel in any form of media that's been convoluted in any way no it's always easy to follow ratchet travels back in time to save orvis but fails returning to the present ratchet intercepts a fake distress signal from clank and rescues him though he warns ratchet about the dangers of abusing time travel this causes ratchet to reconsider his plans to save his family and azimuth leaves upset at his changed mind the two then meet with quark and infiltrate dr nefarious's base it turns out the nefarious plans to use the great clock to create a reality where super villains such as himself always win against heroes so that he never has to experience defeat that doesn't happen however as ratchet and clank overcome the doctor again and put a stop to his plans afterwards clank reveals that he intends to follow his father's wishes and manage the clock azimuth is still determined to use it to bring back the longback's race but ratchet refuses once again as a result azimuth kills ratchet yeah bet you didn't see that coming huh but in case you forgot there's a giant time machine just around the corner clank uses it to reverse time six minutes into the past which saves ratchet's life as azimuth begins to rewrite reality ratchet reasons with him to stop this madness and prevent the end of existence azimuth feels ashamed for his actions and sacrifices himself in order to stop the clock from breaking which saves the universe ratchet and clank help the zony repair the clock and ratchet says goodbye to his longtime friend however clank changes his mind deciding to continue following ratchet on adventures as he has become so important to life and if that isn't brotherly love well i just don't know what is i'm dying no you're not oh fine you know you laughed the first time i did that i found it to be quite humorous in the last game in the future saga into the nexus opens with ratchet and clank escorting the criminal vendra prague to a prison where she can serve a life sentence however vendra stages a breakout with the help of her twin brother nefton resulting in the ship's explosion barely escaping with their lives ratchet and clank informed talwin of what's going on and head to the planet yarrick to follow the siblings the bad news is that the planet was abandoned years ago and is haunted by ghosts the worst news is revealed when the duo meet pollux a scientist who worked for dr nefarius who was abducted by the progs to study the netherverse an alternate world inhabited by demonic creatures ratchet and clank follow the twins and meet mr i the leader of the nethers mr eye tries to destroy them but a timely appearance by captain quark saves them the two travel around the galaxy to put a stop to mr i's plans which involve creating a device similar to the dimensionator that can connect the netherverse to ratchet and clank's universe along the way mr eye betrays vendra and traps her in the netherverse causing nefton to team up with our heroes to save his sister and stop mr eye's plan the only condition is that these siblings must turn themselves in when all is said and done ratchet and clank steal the dimensionator from the intergalactic museum of history and bring it to neptune to repair it just as mr eye attacks the reality while clank rescues vendra ratchet holds off mr eye long enough for the pragues to banish the giant eyeball back into the netherverse the twins turn themselves in ratchet reunites with talwin and clank takes the dimensionator for himself this sets the stage for the sequel which wouldn't come out until 2021 or it would but we gotta talk about one of the other games first the 2016 ratchet and clank game for playstation 4. some people call it a reboot others call it a remake but the best way to describe it is a re-imagining of the first game the plot is mostly similar though there are a few changes namely the big bad is not chairman drek though he is in the game instead it's dr nefarious because why not use the villain that comes up the most in the series also captain cork is less antagonistic in this game as he only begins working for drek after ratchet and clank start gaining popularity as heroes he also goes to jail at the end but apart from that it's pretty much consistent with the first game so why are we mentioning it now well insomniac has said that the newest ratchet and clank game is a follow-up to both this reimagining as well as into the nexus the plot follows up from the latter but in a spiritual sense it follows the 2016 game so yeah we're putting it here this is also going to be our last warning for spoilers we're going to go deep into ratchet and clank rift apart story so leave now if you haven't played it yet or you care about the story you still here why are you still here you want to just be spoiled all right he just wants it he just wants the spoilers he just he wants to be spoiled fine all right well we're gonna get into it let's not waste any more time and get right into the story of ripped apart i had a speech prepared but considering that our event seems to be under assault i will cut to the chase ratchet and clank are being celebrated as galactic heroes with the parade in their honor which means it's the perfect time for clank to reveal that he repaired the dimensionator so that ratchet can search for the lombax race and his missing family this is also the perfect time for who else but dr nefarious to attack the parade and steal the dimensionator for himself in the chaos ratchet accidentally shoots the device causing rifts to open up and sending the trio into an alternate universe before the dimensionator breaks and separates them nice job breaking it hero dr nefarious finds himself in a throne room where he is mistaken for emperor nefarious a version of himself who has never been defeated throughout his conquests he takes up the emperor's identity in order to track down ratchet and clank meanwhile clank finds himself in the hands of rivet a female lombax who is a member of the resistance against the emperor after discovering a coming dimensional cataclysm clank gets in touch with ratchet and formulates a plan to rebuild the dimensionator and return to their home dimension ratchet teams up with a robot named kit to track down a forge where they can build a new device while rivet and clank search for a power source when the two groups meet up kit partners up with rivet and ratchet and clank reunite together they complete the dimensionator and stop dr nefarious from stealing it only to have emperor nefarious arrive and take it for himself using the device the emperor defeats captain quantum an alternate version of captain quark and he celebrates completing the conquest of the universe that is until he realizes that he can use the dimensionator to conquer every possible dimension the gang tries to prevent the emperor from discovering a dimensional map but he too steals that and captures ratchet and clank all seems lost keep in mind though that this is a ratchet and clank game rivet frees the locked up members of the resistance as well as ratchet and clank they chase after emperor nefarious who has begun to invade ratchet and clank's home dimension everyone teams up to take on the emperor including dr nefarious himself and together they are able to defeat and banish him into a rift clank quickly repairs the dimensionator and stops the dimensional cataclysm the game ends as ratchet clank rivet and kit all decide to hang out and repair the damage the emperors caused all in all a happy ending and there you have it the complete ratchet and clank timeline that is at least until insomniac decides to make another game in the series share what your favorite ratchet and clank moment is in the comments below and don't forget to like this video and subscribe to the leaderboard for more timeline breakdowns i've been caboose and we'll see you next time you
Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 207,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leaderboard, Game, Gaming, Video games, ratchet and clank rift apart, ratchet and clank, ratchet and clank ps5, ratchet and clank ps2, ratchet and clank rift apart all cutscenes, ratchet and clank into the nexus, ratchet and clank going commando, ratchet and clank rift apart cutscenes, ratchet and clank into the nexus walkthrough, ratchet and clank games in order, ratchet and clank games on ps4
Id: QMSmCh8bba8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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