Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Horizon Forbidden West (Tips & Tricks)

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so we finally have the platinum trophy in horizon forbidden west which as always means it is time for tips and tricks i wish i knew earlier before we even jump into the gameplay let's check out some really useful things in the settings menu the first and most important thing in the settings menu is going to be under the controls tab there's an option here called turn on quick swap and for some strange reason on this game this by default starts off you definitely want to enable turn on quick swap what this does is allows you to change between multiple weapons or even multiple ammunition types of the same weapon very quickly by simply tapping l1 without the need of opening up your weapon wheel this can work in two different ways the predetermined method is that if you just press l1 it'll switch back to the previous weapon you was using and then back and forth the more advanced option is that if you go into the weapon wheel you can press square and choose what you want to assign to your quick swap there's also another very useful function for quick swap which i'm going to jump into in just a second but before that let's continue in the menus there's an option in the visuals tab called climbing annotations always on and this one is less important i can understand why some people would want to have this off but it's definitely useful to know that you can turn this on but by turning this setting on it will allow us to see which mountains are climbable constantly without the need of keep on scanning i understand that this can ruin the visual aspect of the game for some people who don't always want this on but for many players after a few hours of gameplay keep scanning every five seconds to see what's climbable in certain areas can get quite annoying so it's nice to know this exists and in the general tab there are two more settings we're gonna be checking out the first one is standby screen mode as you may have noticed especially on the ps5 the loading screens on this are insanely quick almost instant however when it finishes loading you always have to press the x button so you get time to finish reading the tip or whatever and quite honestly unless you're really interested in reading these if you switch this mode to immediate you don't have to press x at the end of every loading screen it will automatically simply load you back into the game without needing to confirm anything now finally also in the generals tab something that's in quite a few rpg games these days which i'm definitely grateful for is the option to turn the headgear visibility off and on some headgear can look pretty cool but quite honestly sometimes i just like the armor piece and don't want to cover the protagonist's face so you can actually turn this off just to turn off the visibility of the headgear that you're wearing now that we're finished with the settings before we move on i promised i would show you another really cool function for the quick swap option that we talked about at the start for this next tip we do need to understand how the energize feature works in this game in the warrior skill tree the first ability to unlock called resonator blast will allow us to build up energy by striking enemies with our spear when it turns blue that means it is fully charged meaning the next time we hit an enemy with the r2 attack with the blue spear activated it will energize the enemy when we energize an enemy they will get this blue target on them which if we shoot the blue target with an arrow it will deal a massive amount of damage so obviously that's not the tip we're just explaining what energizes the tip for this is a very nice way to charge up your spear before you even head into battle many of you have probably realized by now by performing a fully charged r2 attack even if there's no enemies present it'll slightly charge the energize on your staff however to do this a few times out of combat can be very slow and tedious and definitely not worth the time it takes just to charge it up before you head into battle but with the quick swap setting we mentioned before active we can hold down r2 to quickly charge up the energy in our staff but before even releasing it what we can do is simply press l1 and it will cancel out and then hold down r2 again then press l1 again and quickly cancel it out a few times and this is a very very fast way to fully charge up our spear without even needing any enemies present one more quick thing now we're on the weapon wheel that many people don't know is that when you have the weapon wheel open if you click r3 it'll actually put away all of your weapons which obviously isn't really that useful for anything however just a bit of a pet peeve of mine i just don't enjoy walking around with my weapon around like in villages and stuff there's a really useful function in this game called the job function what this allows you to do is when trying to craft or buy any armor set weapon anything you really need materials for if you press the triangle button and create a job for that material it'll guide you on the map to where you can get those materials from so this is an amazing way to get those rarer materials without the need of looking up where to get each thing one of the reasons many people just stick to using the regular arrows all the way through the game is because the materials to actually craft special type arrows they're kind of rare and annoying to farm but a really cool solution to this is that there are four salvage contractors around the world which are marked by this icon right here that looks about like a scroll contract if you go to these npcs other than their quest contracts they actually sell really useful materials for crafting the ammo for the rarer weapons but each one sells slightly different things so definitely check them all out and find whichever one is more useful for the ammo you are trying to farm the location of each i've been showing you here in the background of the gameplay there are only four of them in the entire game and now that we're talking about the salvage contractors and we've just checked out the location of all four of them i would also definitely recommend doing all of the quests under all four of these npcs as soon as you possibly can that's the reward you get for completing all of the salvage contract quests is the best armor in the game and i guess this is as good time as any to transition into the best bow in the game and of course we are speaking of the death seekers shadow this legendary hunter bow is absolutely amazing and quite easy to get honestly all you need to do is head to the moor of the arena and there will be an npc right here where we're showing you on the map there'll be a green market that will indicate a side quest once we have completed this side quest it will unlock the arena by participating in the arena we'll get medals and once we collect 80 medals in the arena we want to go to the vendor directly in front of the arena and here we can buy this legendary bow relatively early on you will need to advance a little bit through the story before you have access to the arena but again definitely useful to pick up as soon as you possibly can another thing which i believe the game does actually explain but for whatever reason i didn't notice until way in the post game mounts do actually have autopilot this is in the settings that it does start enabled so you don't actually need to enable anything when on a mount if you head on to any of the main roads and you just hold down x and forwards for a little while and then just release every button the mount will continue just following along the path it's kind of cool if you don't yet have the fast travel unlocked for that location and maybe you're busy doing something else again it's just one of those features that it's nice to know that you can actually do this most of you have probably realized by now but luckily in this game we don't need to craft a bunch of fast travel packs as we can fast travel completely for free from any campfire by simply pressing the circle button sometimes you want it to be a certain time of day and it kind of sucks playing in the night time though it is very pretty in this game but i just generally enjoy playing in the daytime especially when i'm recording stuff so if you go to any shelter which is the icon with a fire and the kind of the tent on top of the fire these ones all have these little seats that you can sit on and progress time to any time of the day that you desire and then the other issue is the weather sometimes it's raining sometimes there's a bit of a sandstorm going on there's actually a way to quickly solve this as well simply quick save the game at any campfire and then reload last save and it reload back in at the exact same time same place simply different weather if you're playing on easy difficulties you don't actually need to break off the specific part of the machine you are trying to farm so let's say you need the task on harder difficulties you actually need to shoot off the specific task to make it drop that without killing the enemy however on ec and story mode you just need to kill the enemy and it has a chance of dropping pretty much everything so if you are set on plane on harder difficulties a nice thing you can do is override the enemy and then shoot off the parts while it's pretty much completely passive now while in this game you can't actually reset your skill point allocation so wherever you decide to put your skill points they're stuck there for the rest of the game don't worry as there are enough skill points to go around throughout the game to pretty much max out everything the reason for this is because even once we reach level 50 we can continue to unlock more skill points by doing any of the optional stuff around the map such as collectibles camps anything like that all give you skill points so don't worry too much about where your skill points are going ash you're gonna be fine throughout the story however with that said i'm going to be pointing out some of my favorite which i would say are pretty much essential to get as early as possible when it comes to the skill trees under the hunter skill trees you want ammo expert which is incredibly useful it allows you to obtain more ammo out of the same amount of materials when crafting ammunition workbench expert which allows you to craft more ammo for less materials when you're doing it at the workbenches and the most important one here in the hunter is the triple notch what this does is when you're aiming down with l2 you can press r1 to load another arrow in all the way up to three arrows so you can shoot them all off at once a downside to triple notch is that it's kind of slow when loading up all three of these arrows so you're in grave danger a really good tip for this though is that you can actually quickly press l2 and r1 to quickly load up the arrow and then keep moving around and then when you get a chance quickly load up the next arrow as well you don't need to do them all at once as they stay loaded up until the next time now moving on to the survivor skill tree we have something really awesome in here many people are really disappointed that we don't have the shield weaver armor off of horizon zero dawn however the closest thing we do have to it here is the overshield valasurge this isn't a permanent thing however it is one of the valid surges which means we can activate for a period of time which is pretty much equivalent to the shield weaver armor off of the first game and again if you are playing on harder difficulties this is probably the best valley surge in the game in my opinion a few more skills in the survivor tree that are really useful plant forager just gives you more materials also potent medicine and medicine capacity which pretty much speak for themselves also really useful ones finally in the infiltrator skill tree you want low profile quiet movements stealth ranged and stealth strike plus stealth range and stealth strike plus are really only useful in those harder difficulties where you do need that extra damage when you're playing stealth however low profile and quiet movements i would go for even if you are playing on the easy difficulties as i cannot explain to you how many times the enemies can just see you from so far away and it becomes very annoying when you can't rest at the camps because some enemy halfway across the map is seeing you for some reason so i think those are the main tips i wanted to cover in this video as usual if you do have any extra tips you want to share with the new players definitely leave in the comments down below i hope you did find this video helpful if you did don't forget that thumbs up button subscribe for more content coming very soon and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gamer Guru
Views: 1,192,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horizon forbidden west tips, horizon forbidden west tips and tricks, horizon forbidden west, tips, tricks, horizon 2, how to, best weapon, best armor, best skills, things i wish i knew earlier, tips and tricks for horizon forbidden west, horizon forbidden west review, horizon, location
Id: kQu8aaue4_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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