Demon's Souls - Before You Buy [4K]

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and we're back with another episode of before you buy the show where we give you some straight up gameplay and our first impressions of the latest games it's me falcon i have the distinct honor today of talking about demon souls for the playstation 5. like i've been really excited about this personally since they announced they were going to be doing a remake and i mean keeping in mind this is a first look for us we wanted to jump in give you some good gameplay footage just to check out some quick thoughts i mean this is a game that we've all already played and some people might even just be waiting on a ps5 i don't know we wanted to get some quick info out there in case people are curious about picking it up though it's a remake like i said it's a from software game from 2009 from the playstation 3 the hd remaster has been developed by blue point who at this point they're like the people to go to for that kind of thing they did the shadow the colossus remake which is just colossal i guess part in the pun demon souls is a beloved game and blue point was definitely under a lot of scrutiny fans of the original want not only the game to keep the spirit of the original but the difficulty and it also has a responsibility to kind of be there for people who aren't really sure what demon souls even is like when you reintroduce a game that maybe wouldn't have had the size of audience that it has today you kind of have to make some assumptions about what they're expecting in a modern game and how that applies to their perception of a classic game whether that game is being remastered or totally remade so let's start with what this game actually even is like there's a lot of interest in this game being a playstation 5 launch title and there's probably a lot of people who will try this game who have never played a soul style game no bloodborne no sakura no the surge no ashen no neo not even code vane so basically it's an action rpg you start by making your character which is thankfully just a way better character creator than in the original although you can still make weird monsters that are horrific and bad um you just select your class you get started story's simple the kingdom of bulletaria has been enveloped by a mysterious great fog the king was screwing around with demons the old one has risen and basically the world's doomed so you have to go in kill the demons get out story is pretty thin as has become a staple of these games you're not really getting a lot of plot here the story's told through various npcs dotted along the various areas and there's details in the world and in item descriptions the simplicity is not bad it's just mysterious and a lot of the time you might be doing something and you don't really know why it's a big part of what makes these games so beloved the complex and deep lore you really have to put in work to understand or even find in a lot of cases but if you just want to slash some monsters it's easy enough to ignore that stuff as well it's basically like a slower hack and slash game more methodical generally forces you to play more carefully enemies and traps are everywhere and death can come at pretty much any time in probably one of the most beginner unfriendly moves ever after you die in the tutorial you'll find that you need to play through the next area with half your life bar gone game is i mean unrelenting at first but if you keep at it and persevere i think you'll start to understand why this game is so beloved by people there is a certain satisfaction in beating a boss or somebody who you thought was impossible after spending the time figuring out why you couldn't beat them when you kill enemies and bosses you collect souls it's what you use to level up but it's also how you buy items and repair your weapons it's kind of an all-in-one currency part of what makes these games so difficult is that if you die all those souls get dropped in the ground where you died and you'll have to get back to that point if you want to get those souls back and if you die again they are gone for good it's harsh but one forgiving thing about the game is that every single item you collected or shortcut you unlocked stays opened even after you die so these games can be cruel but they do give you a little slack once in a while but at this point i'm sure a lot of you already know this stuff what makes demon souls really stand out is that it was the first souls like keep in mind first is a little bit of a stretch there are other games but for all intents and purposes this established the current trend and genre it also feels a little more experimental than the later games there's a lot of weird stuff from demon souls so i was surprised when they announced blue point was remaking it like were they actually going to keep the game exactly how it was i'm happy to say that they pretty much have the combat actually feels really great especially with the new haptic feedback and the controller i was a bit skeptical about that feature i like the switch one but it's also not something that i really think is incredible however i think that they actually managed to do a very good job with it not only in the hardware implementation but in this demon souls software implementation of it but beyond the weight that that adds to the combat it really hasn't been modified much if anything apparently bluepoint directly imported the combat data so stuff like how fast a weapon swings how an enemy attacks how fast or slow you dodge and what the invincibility frames are for those dodges are apparently exactly the same as the original at least that's what they say i'm not a hundred percent sure i believe them somehow the combat feels a little more responsive than in the original which i actually did go back to and play it in preparation for the remake in the original swinging sword sometimes feels a bit mushy but it felt really good here if improved attack animations and feedback effects is really all they did and didn't change the combat then it's kind of more impressive that the visual signifiers and everything improve the feeling of the combat that much you really have to play it to understand but this is a game that is all about combat so the fact that they made it feel so good without changing a lot is actually quite impressive and yeah the combat feels great but it's really the visuals that are the star of the show here on performance or cinematic mode the game looks fantastic mode irrelevant i think performance is personally a little bit better i like the 60 frames per second but that's me it does help that the load times on the ps5 are as good as advertised like we're talking about seconds in transition rather than minutes like it used to take on ps3 the locations are dismal and creepy but they are packed with tons of detail and it's almost overwhelming when you first get to it like when i first encountered the vanguard demon the tutorial boss in the original game i i could run circles around him pretty easily but entering his area for the first time in the remake i kind of felt like i was playing the game for the first time and i just choked he had me down in literally seconds places in bulletaria that were just barren walls and hallways had become these decrepit ruins of a once great kingdom the places that were dark in the original are somehow darker and most of this game was pretty damn dark but there's also some incredible vistas to see like it all feels new even though you're playing basically the same game from 2009 all the weirdness is kept intact like the way your items add to your weight limit the way you do a little shove when you press forward an attack the way you climb some ledges sometimes that was totally taken out from every future souls game that is all here even the incredibly obtuse world tendency system is back they made it a little easier to tell what your soul tendency actually is but otherwise it is the same there's some stuff that fans of the original might have a problem with like some enemies have been redesigned and not necessarily for the better the fat official is an enemy that stands out in this respect he looks significantly different from how he looked in the original he lost his smile and some of the other npcs are different as well i know the bluepoint took the time to re-record a lot of the audio with the original voice actors but the ones who are different really stand out maybe it's just me i don't know personally a lot of the changes don't really bother me i feel like some changes with the remake were inevitable so i'm really trying not to nitpick it there's the obvious changes like taking areas that were pretty barren in the original and making them more detailed but there are a few things like the fact that healing grass weighs more or that they've had a few new items that kind of stuff a lot of the weapons have unique animations now i mean it's really obvious when you do a finishing blow on someone but it also looks like a lot of the weapon animations have been updated somewhat anyways otherwise it's demon souls it has got an incredible new coat of paint seriously like it's absolutely stunning at times but the way the game plays the design of the game world it is nearly identical to the original and yet this game just like the original is hard and not just because the enemies it can be a bit difficult to understand how stats work how different damage types work how certain bosses work i mean it's a game where there is no shame in going to a guide from time to time but here's the thing for people who have braved from software's more recent games like bloodborne and sakura this game might actually be a little underwhelming outside the traps and gotcha moments i think demon souls is actually one of the easier souls like games and this is coming from somebody who did play the original game in 2009 when it got its official us release personally i don't necessarily think it's the difficulty that makes demon souls or really the entire series unique it's the way from software just seemed to throw every idea they had at it whether it was super polished or just particularly fun be damned i don't want to spoil anything for new players but there's more than a few surprises to be found and the fact that blue point kept it all in is really awesome in my opinion there's some stuff that feels like it's subverting all the tropes of the genre of souls game even though this game created those tropes like if you've played the original you probably know what i'm talking about all in all this is an excellent remake that captures what makes the original so good while updating a few of the things that make it feel dated i'm gonna say that some changes might not sit incredibly well with the most hardcore among demon souls players but the original is still out there and it's still totally playable and if you want something to really show off the power of the ps5 this is it we could go on and on about the quality of the graphics but you're looking at it right now and i mean you can tell right you can see this footage right i assume that because you're watching this but the game looks incredible all in all gotta say it's gonna get a buy recommend for me but what about you what do you think about the demon souls remake have you played it have you not are you gonna is it a system seller leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is a subscription click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falconhero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 911,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon's souls before you buy, before you buy demon's souls, demon's souls gameplay, demon's souls ps5, demon's souls review, demon's souls remake ps5, demon's souls ps5 gameplay, demon's souls ps5 review, gameranx, demon's souls graphics, before you buy demon's souls ps5, demon's souls 4k gameplay ps5
Id: vPDs4zxjSvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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