RAT BOSS ATTEMPT 1 (Gungeons and Draguns UPDATE) - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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oh okay let's do it did we think bullet run bullet could be good let's just try the bullets off the bat robot is actually a very difficult character to play so I don't feel like making this harder on myself we have to raise 115 rave dance to brain powers is Danish Adonis 100 bits if we can modify it we can modify it it's didn't want to take too much time to do that I don't even see that Ghost so 115 I think it was monies raised to go by the key and then we have to take that key down to the rat if they have two blanks we have to have a key on normal key that is there's a normal key Oh like this hoho but the pilot I already died in one hit oh my god I'm not sure how I even dodge that it was like the longest dodge has ever been dodged in dodge history no to usurp demon vague for months in a roll what is up hey Utz I'd even make a buttload asked question hats huts how did you get so good at Guin at gunjan I played it a lot this room is ghost shaped anime mangas 100 bits so I got guns none switched the other day and decided to play it at work somehow on my second try I beat the dragon as well as getting angelic Junkin on the first floor okay we'll see you're ridiculous that sounds like that was before the patch that sound first of all if you've never seen junking before there's like a 25% chance that you can't you're gonna find them on any junk like they give them to you if you've never had them they say here you go here's junk and have fun and then there was also a bug where you got like way too many chests I'm assuming that's why that was doesn't it take like eight chests eight junks to get him angelic something like that so quit hacking the game did anime you know have to cheat okay angel shade music ten months in a row hey hot sorry I can't make them more streams I'm in school full-time and work as much as I can hope you're having a good day I am I hope you're having a good day I hope you like take it easy sometimes what is this right do you have a shield okay this lady apparently has a shield for you if you're the robot but I'm fine I'm doing well today your mama's ghost shaped this is harder than the binding of issac yes very much so take it easy to rid of it lights got hurt just got hurt sweet dude sweet dude made a captain I'll [ __ ] you spawns of freakin grenade on my dick yeah sure no no no good good start good start hots well done Gigi yeah that was the weird part this happened two days ago I guess they were slowing updating the switch version for some reason it only loads though it only loads you up on chests in the first floor yeah I think they just update or - there was a bug with the king if you [ __ ] the King in the first floor it just didn't work you got a king in the first floor it just didn't do anything well do I fully heal now cuz what if I fully heal and then I go into a different room and then I just screw myself over again smash it on my head oh I like it just kill yourself we're miracle workers Riviera Rippey area alright it's going better now thank you so much the 5,000 bits that is way over the price of the wheel alright wheel of doom what have we got one shot ten arm curls [Music] late bands check it out this is for you this is for you this is how I stay in shape you guys this is your fault [Music] or Gorgon on the switch legs the crap out of the game with how many tears she fires I can see that it's kind of like 8 9 10 Oh whoo I am sweating I need to know I need one of those what are they the bands those things are like incredibly handy okay if you don't have a space to put free weights or the money to buy free weights get some bands they kick your booty I'm sweating I thank you so much for the 5,000 bits by the way that is that's something else oh you know what we should probably you know how about that there we go I'll save that for later save this I might want it in a bit did something to Sparkle from that I think I kicked a candle into it yeah okay it's not a mimic blue you know not that good five spins I'm saying every every donation over 1,000 or over ten so like if you donate ten bajillion dollars I'm not gonna do push-ups until I die but yeah that that's how I'm gonna do it so honestly you guys if you want to like rippy area I could have said 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 on five different things and I would have been obligated to do five times so I just I'm trying to take the the the I'm just trying to make it so they don't get like over killed here weird egg ever want to buy that right machine pistol also amazing has a bunch of good synergies that we've already seen just wanted to donate 5k I wasn't expecting more than once been is that Gregg dude Junkin is essentially Gregg they have the same face kind of under their distant cousins pretty sure they're distant cousins burn the egg yeah what's the deal here someone said throw the egg into the fire and someone's a serpent if you cook it well I already put out the the fireplace how the hell do I do that God like screw the rat by the egg all right Jesus how do I put into the fire that I don't have anymore [Music] gonna need that use one of those fire stands later in the floor can I actually or is that you're just making [ __ ] up feel like y'all are just making [ __ ] up am I supposed to walk into the fire like Khaleesi did those spell doers do the spell guys get nerfed because they're dying with one of my sword lasers I don't think that was the thing before animate hunter bits apparently if you were missing any health using it will heal you all the way if you drop it and break it it might drop you a gun or item or a slug Lowell [Music] God shedding to the bed send the information I don't think we're gonna have enough money to buy a key and the egg you guys I really want that black chest though because we took to kill the rat we need the money and the key and the blanks but we also need a good gun to kill him with trigger boys would you quit inviting your friends over god damn it Tim we have a limited amount of pizza rolls you know that I'm not the bank Tim keep the rolls don't grow on trees paint the trees the guy's dead bail get me all just agree that he's dead [Music] if pizza was fully organic and grow on trees how would life be different kr says hi hots I got a story for you the first time I paid plate is the robot God he was a pain to get I ended up getting the payday mask some gun Knight armor parts and some other broken items but the best part about it was that when I got to the dragon I hop you cut you off there Cara no I then there's a character limit why is it just like more clear about the character limit turbo gun repetitive strain I don't know what that means I don't know what this thing does is it new while we're loading any further attempts to reload increases the damage mode to claw Oh what [ __ ] so you just like smoosh the the reload button then all right yeah it's gonna be 2535 I think we need [ __ ] dude that's what 65 that's 60 [ __ ] I have 50 we need more stuff by the egg please that will say you want me to buy the egg and junk the black chest what if I buy the egg and just open up the chests probably not gonna get the money then but at the ends and before stealing item you need an item to be able to steal an item you guys buy the key I'm gonna I'm gonna open up the chest read my last comments as peeps I only have like this much area where comments are peeps I can't like scroll up forever and ever and ever what's that platinum bullets wait why is it cracked with each one served they only grow more powerful shiny shells have been forged and reforged hundreds of thousands of times at least ten hundred I don't know what that is how do you serve it [ __ ] floor later dungeon eagle maybe there's good synergy with it who knows alright should we find the secret room maybe burn the egg at the next fire well yeah do I get anything now if I bust these open or is that just an to get the unlock probably just to get the unlock huh increases damage and fire rate with every enemy killed seriously that's real then that's real good we can't do this room though because we [ __ ] it up because we bombed it up straight from the wiki that sounds very broken it's probably not like a huge damage boost but anything is everything yeah I have no idea where we would uh find a secret hum one thing I despise most about this game is looking for the goddamn secret room doesn't give me a percentage so I don't know how big of a boost I can't imagine that because that would be like people are saying incredibly overpowered here's the rest of the story but uh but the best part about it was that when I got the Greg and I had 15 shields and I killed the dragon super quick and when I got to his past well let's just say I quite a lot of humans died that day rip sounded like a good run Seagram can just like lick me and my unlikable parts bothers me so much I hate this thing the Frick would I even look God prick son of a Frick chaos shadow eight months in a row can I stay up until 9 p.m. now dad only if you do pushups with me you made a crack it was what was the item before the boss that's not like crack that's a bullet hole gg gg chat bullet holes no you made a crack puppy jad things are so smart I'll make your crack fricking shop bomber [ __ ] boy if it has a synergy maybe it's good otherwise I think it's absolute trash I think it's trashed here [Music] Megan crack is bad bad and illegal let's try this gun out with the whoops with the whole reload thing [Music] that's like really annoying to have to do that reload like that it seems pretty worth it it's gonna hurt my hand gonna hurt my hands if I got that with the kaga war it would just break it in half this is like hell a powerful dude my hand though it hurts subs a car hacker probably a special synergy with the kaga war good B I think all my guns are platinum now Oh suck on that bag boy suck on that bad boy bad boy or bag boy super geek are you how are you dad I'm good I'm doing well today I'm pretty good [Music] coin crown the more coins we have the more damage we do how the Frick am I gonna get the nod key if I'm gonna buy all this [ __ ] there's no way we're gonna get a hundred gold I can't do it I literally cannot do it five two seven one eight five three thank you so much to the hunter bits have some it's theirs ain't there ain't no way I would do a jammed run but that y'all know how that goes I think I died like I was I mean I'm just out full about gain how much money don't forget to throw the egg in the fire what fire yeah I'm just I'm just [ __ ] up because I'm focusing on like literally five hundred thousand things at once here but I just don't even want to use this gun anymore it hurts me hurts my hands now I can't even charge up my blasphemy because I don't [ __ ] have any help god damn it I hate everything you guys how I was doing now I'm doing terrible I have to do curse runs to get enough money for the rat except jammed rat is literally impossible to beat yeah it is not possible literally is it there fine get a half part I'd like to fight the boss is my blasphemy please cuts it any fire like even this little like fire in the wall that one get the crown okay so then this like not do the thing that we came here to do there's only one thing that matters you guys if I don't do that then I'm quitting I'm literally gonna restart no like the ones in the ball fires I'll give you a ball fire also don't restart why wouldn't I we're only here to kill the rat that's like literally the only thing that matters in this life ok that was too fast to the fire though what if I blow up on a tnt barrel next to it I can't spider webs burn up too quick the fire they are talking about is those types of braised ears that are found to forage but they are also found in other floors as well Fras interesting hurts you have heart saved from the last floor oh nice game crash excellent that's what we needed right there sweet dude game crash love that oh gosh I'm loving it bop bop bop bop seriously though come Enoch why would that happen he breaks everything hunter bits oh this calls for a wheel spin one shot please ten push-ups fine punish myself for this [Music] Kickapoo juice Prime's up welcome back even though it says you're a one-month er all right let's restart the frickin game my face red a little bit I can't even get out of the game you guys it won't even let me go to my my home screen don't anything let me don't even make me get task manager out right now on your ass I can't even open task manager devolver digital please cult a nyan prime sub welcome free time has been non-existent recently since Kickapoo jus you can logout anytime you want but you can never leave dude what the [ __ ] I can't even see my task manager nothing works I'm not doing a hard reset on my freaking old computer here I refuse there we go etg is not responding wow it's like frickin flashbacks from every other Isaac game I've ever played in my entire life son of a dick dude I don't even save it 5 to 7 thanks another hundred bits rip rip alright alright be an [ __ ] then continue as an option I don't want to continue [ __ ] that whole that whole game I'm not doing it and I'm keeping my cape you can't take my cave away from me it's too important to me what have we put the gun game and just hoped by the time we got to the rat that we had a good gun I think that's the first crash that I've had and that's the first crash that I've had on Gunjan ever but you know it's pretty good I guess I'm gonna complain so hard hey top paiting TNT figured it out prime self welcome friend oh no bird bad bird party parrot no wait Murr ask a question do you have an xbox controller connected with BT it crashes into the gungeon nope only a wired man do you think I can handle those delays office it skies here's it waterless I actually switched over to all wired mice controllers everything because I will not deal with any problems associated with Bluetooth I've had too many mice Neeson's and controller and keyboards I mean that have just gone haywire for no reason connectivity starts typing random characters if you have a hey you're not even pressing like nope I'm not gonna deal with that never use a wireless controller on PC never had a problem with wireless mice I'm not saying that everybody has I have too many times I've been hurt before you never have a problem until you have a problem you know what I mean see four ring of mimic friendship [Music] see you Jody it's got served bud I missed the Platinum bullet idea though rip platy Bowles could have been real good and the the egg though will see the egg again just order my new laptop so Steven plays Hunter bits what'd you get and also is it for me can I have it what to make ride it to it with this rat explosions everywhere all right that's a lot of money somebody we don't get any bomb ass chests on this floor we'll just junk them go to the next floor and rack up even more money game slap its up slap dad also I see Schoen they're in for rainbow chest that could be a rainbow chest I've heard rainbow chest disguise themselves oh it's a fire Oh where's my egg I've heard rainbow chest disguise themselves as brown chest now hairy otter prime sub I'd hate to see a hairless otter how are you HOT I'm doing well well but getting out a lot of YouTube videos so I can't complain too bad right consistency is always good three keys Green is better than blue so he just opened it up lovey charm bullets I think that synergizes with like some of the other love stuff fits fit how is the kitty good and somewhere else Josh the lasagna prime sub welcome lasagna Josh thank you for supporting me sure Toby share toffee four months in a row welcome back Lord for being 31 months in a row welcome back friend o reading [ __ ] while fighting the king okay to be impressed none of that said none of that sir no to that [Music] crown of guns bullets crown of guns all right this thing's kind of funny shoots everywhere I've had a synergy with it before where I'd shot explosive rounds as well that was pretty cool all right I did not get any extra keys so we jumped the chest and head on down I suppose we could try to use it Wow okay uh junk for days Winchester rifle that's the Winchester rifle shows up everywhere like friggin everywhere this is why you find the secret room you guys right here that's the reason that you would want to find the secret rooms in before no Junkin though yeah I I highly doubt daddy's gonna come on play how about this piece of [ __ ] read hard yeah how about you lick my balls yeah where was the secret room or the the other room did we open it up yet crowd of guns with the remote bullets is actually pretty good since the bullets will go in one direction that's sound pretty good it sounds pretty hot indeed thanks to the hundred bits anime making it rain you had the option to make me do push-ups and you decided not to don't you care about dad's health other than that remotes bullets suck they're good with like mouse and keyboard I think but we're good to go right we're we gonna buy something in the shop no we weren't I could buy a key but I said not to buy they provide a small damage increase as well we're already halfway there to the goal so I charmed him I got to remember that you can even do that spend like 70 years since I've had charming bullets we traded platinum bullets for charming bullets he's the key drops though I think the vulvar took my words of advice he's and they heard me he just complained loud enough you just complained loud enough I'm telling you works like a charm [ __ ] that noise also don't go too close to the walls they hurt you walls hurt people full huh I'm not letting the rat take anything from me wouldn't it be cool if when you got to the rat he was even tougher depending on how much stuff you let him take kazoo rock is our Fox cause aura Fox Kaz or a fox what is your favorite gun in this huts for a long time it was the Megaman hands and it might be true right now because the Megaman hand has so many synergies I just haven't gotten it since but I mean Gunther and Polaris are just obvious choices as well rgt see what's you guys's favorite passive item in this game metronome Gunther our Lord [Music] not funny [Music] pre-recorded whoops did I do that kappa voice-activated commands you guys it's just huts luck in a nutshell in a hut shell ah that's not a black hole gun that is a piss ray okay so I should buy it then is that uh is that the consensus here that does is that what we're going with I should I should buy that then but you need it for the key I think we can probably afford it probably not goggle battle is my favorite passive [Music] [ __ ] it did whoo okay let's try it out yeah they kind of go in one direction enough for Ag a large boss like second phase rat boss mattress Murdoch seven months in a row tier two sub thank you so much I see that appreciate that see what you did there okay trap room or trap room I think we should do the trap room maybe oh [ __ ] dude didn't know that didn't go all the way across yeah everything should just literally just go suck the saltiest ball on the [ __ ] planet didn't know I didn't go across nobody no one told me that literally no one told me about that those are spikes so we just got to be fast yeah buddy Silas official four months in a row not been here to watch him still supporting awesome kaga battle is also good with bullets since he gains permanent damage upgrade we do the cog while reloading with his ardent it forced me to go yeah I got something in the chest and then the spike went right up my [ __ ] ass looking at you devolver digital I pressed the Dodge button it's not about being fast what the [ __ ] devolver digital you [ __ ] kidding me that is snow that is not okay that is not okay you open the chest and you go look at it I got a stellar thing and it's like death death death death death no [ __ ] you devolver look at my [ __ ] hell [ __ ] you rage quit I'm them there I'm done I'm [ __ ] done nope I not playing this game anymore that was [ __ ] dude I was the biggest load of turd I've ever seen in my life I can't even use blast me anymore I'm gonna think I'll never be able to use blast me I'm not gonna get that much health back but you got a health upgrade ho so I got hurt by his charmed bullets I think you do still that was just the biggest load of ass I've ever seen mega ultra sweaty ass has never been cleaned before crusty moldy mushrooms growing out of an ass oh hey here's half I have barred ha ha that'll help give me that new badge daddy 205 thanks to the beds don't you have health on reserve after the boss fight do we have any reserve house [Music] it's been just duped by Chino totally duped Chino dabs it shows up in the elevator room and the the shop if you saved anything on the floor then the gumball machine appears tiny owl is 16 months what are you still doing here I have a migraine now I saw that fight me [ __ ] you're my friend now you can't hurt me what a shitty love I love you but you're hurting me putz doesn't know what happened with Jade huh you got to hop off here soon all right hiccup oh that was hilarious but you may want to try the elevator where they store the health this one or the elevator down it's already here by that kickapoo man hope you doing alright I'm empty you guys we just smack them around you think just popped in and killed the rat yet no you know what I feel personally attacked by that question what happens if you give the gun slingers ashes to an evil hungry chest probably nothing it's all good that was a few months ago a part of the reason why I wasn't on for a while totally understandable totally understandable moving on starting classes pulling myself up that's good take it easy I got a dip into my rose reserve here dip into my reserve guide dang it it's like when you have a friend over and you're like gosh I wish we could have a drink but all I have is this two in her bottle of alcohol and you're like it's a Tuesday god damn it I guess we'll dip into it I don't know why I didn't put that reload into this instead how is it not good spot for me to be in thoughts when you stream right now I am in fact Believe It or Not currently streaming I technically have two keys I just don't want to spend it that way it's too bad I can't tip over one of these fires onto it and like melt the lock or something Kobe prime sub it's up Kobe still gonna save a bunch of money's out to by the end of this streams are pre-recorded your item not even streaming right now begone slime how's it going buds I'm a little bit salty this combo is good though let's just hope we have ammo for it by the time we get to the rash if we get to the rats if you look it's kind of a big if right now it's like harnessing the power of the Sun begone slime Wow two extra keys do we use them then bullet bore mind muncher this one's interesting it's a drill shoo stings the drill Twitter to cope with you in that seeker and hope you enjoy it oh great oh great Oh fantastic I've got four keys I've got a lockpick let's let's use a lockpick if I can lockpick into there I will open the chest to spare keys is mighty fine let's poke at first Corinth II ring faster dodges you know sometimes it just like puts you into a situation where you don't know how fast you're gonna dodge and you end up coming out of it way too soon in your mind you've already mapped out how far you dodged and went and spoiler alert have to kill the rat is for mutant turtles sons and their teens use their ninja skills on you oh god that would be an epic crossover epic Rap Battles a [ __ ] alright that'd be awesome even if they just like had like a couple like four turtles in the corner that you're like oh those turtles and you don't get it until later and you're like oh alright we are we gonna go should we should we should be dip out are we ready emotionally then I got depressed I did I just grabbed the crust still shows it on the room made me panic a little bit epic Rap Battles of History you'll be much funny if I just kept straight face laugh at my own jokes do you use the new slide over the table mechanic nope that's empty we'll call will use the bingo bore it was sheer Chell listening to that rat joke top real pop would you die already Thanks thanks bud look at him he's like blue little he's freaking out dude freaking out man we sorely need a new gun here sorely need a new gun or ammo drop gonna rip my farken crest we need crests now I don't really need the grass honestly but but I just get much charmed brain drill not gonna work so well not not a very smart delivery method if you're gonna charm somebody a charming brain drill wait I forgot forgot what [Music] can you please not swear this is a Christian channel that's sad best part about this is you can't miss help is nice [Music] okay okay okay forget it we got a breath there you go whoa that like teleporter to his brain this gun doesn't does not give up no chill Oh suck on that vibe you suck that felt good you guys can we all get a high-five Helen high fives all around it's done locked was wondering how often a chat 250 page shows up could you explain that to me on your screen there's prizes and stuff just for being here I think you should fight him with the chronic guns right now well we should probably drop the crest off but I want ammo [Music] this is we're gonna pretty great though only had a bigger clip yeah buddy that feels good high-fives your face with pizza and uh I think the amount that I'd be mad would be balanced out with the amount that I'd be happy that I had pizza at that point I could have been even match bring out the brain drills in these guys just unlock them I'm gonna deal with their garbage then you'd really drill into the brain of a ghost putz don't forget your penny questions I've been playing dungeon for like a month or so I can't go further than the hollow any tips everyone's asking me for tips tips tips tips tips tips tips tips irini Oh tipper Rooney's iron-shod ARRA two months in a row expand dong welcome back our slash expand dong tips I just like the only thing I had to say about it is just you know you gotta keep playing it you got to keep playing it and you have to know like secondhand nature how to dodge and when to dodge with every single enemy that is your best defense that's the way to do it all right drop the crest everyone wants the tip just the tip long ladies I think maybe we fight the boss know they'll be holster this who can handle now send your heat-seeking Rockets at me see how that goes for you doom on his family I don't know why I gotta bring your children into this salty plant 32 months it's too many knock it off dude Gunjan ants synergizes with oh my god it's got a larva on it the great queen ant Oh what does that mean I always full health nunchuck ants what the hell was that it's a rocket-powered ant gun what this still works just normal okay oh the way better than the normal ant guns through the normal ant gun Kirby killer prime sob what's up welcome I'm a fan you know I can dig that first energy I got in so gross that's nasty gross but exciting just like your mom did sorry that was a little hanging joke you know what else hangs low I shot all $5 hey beard man Hutt's loves d spot hath been taketh Thank You char oh what's up right by that well we can spring-heeled boots what is that even more dodge power [Music] omnomnom de Vos seven months in a row what is up how are you doing my dudes its Wednesday my dudes oh Jesus I stood right in the curse remote pool its kind of makes it harder to him I feel like it takes away from my oh my my I don't leave power well health back by the way junk attacked 22 months in a row welcome back to two good number what since when do I have to fight this little [ __ ] again I don't even know how to fight this guy he didn't have a health bar he's got to want the cobalt gun shield gun shield gun [Music] what do you want for me what do you want from me what do you want hey the Freak was that about chest drop though with a key make mo see if you get a gun game drop remote bullets it ruined me oh that's a good call because it's gonna go bounce off things and goal point point point unless you're like really good at aiming it all right Nintendo Gun ninja contender guns I need to save um at least one key but you know I don't see why we couldn't just open up the chests maybe lockpick one of them maybe ask one of them to chew on a dick nice look at the pea shooter just use it for a secret room finder at this point in time we didn't find a secret room yet right caliber is pretty sweet doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo use crown for finding secret room no microns like them my best gun right now never does not actually condone the chewing of dicks especially of his own how much teeth do you want gonna give you so much teeth I need some more bonk music and you get the bonk out any good synergies for the peashooter yeah broccoli that was already the case before the for the update broccoli is real good it like multiplies the damage by a bunch hello mr. secret rum want to come out to play you care to join us I thought laughter dentures out-of-state amount of teeth laughter dentures out-of-state amount of teeth I think it may be I'm not getting a joke I might not get in it's just free stuff man balm companion app doesn't really synergize with anything we have right now gray mouse or synergizes with guns and deviltry what does it do for me when i reload a sword pops out yeah sure okay I think I'll take the office I'll stay with the lockpick since we needed to save keys it's too bad we can't sell [ __ ] though don't have enough for the boots or the key okay fr double e spells good fruit sweet mace windu swords all right should we go wait do we want to go to the second secret floor I think that might clear out all of my ammo that might not be good for me you know dangerous nah just play it safe I think right not if you want to win I think we should probably just play it safe we got the crest of the thing but like why why why risk it right we can be risky like after we've beaten it for the first time Lazarus project did I say welcome if not welcome also Chino did you explain the joke is it now what I want to save Gunjan aunt and I want to save crown of guns I want to get more ammo for them in fact for the mouse battles rats sorry speaking of rats here's the rat room shouldn't the grey Mouser do something against the rough Jesus Christ against the rat found you fine Jay let's just open it now so we don't forget to use our key save our key 10-month static on the Rick 10 months welcome back oh [ __ ] that guy jumping around is a stupid little [ __ ] cart okay well lock that room forever locked that room forever too vulgar for twitch for me to explain in that case I say gross GML come on that's nasty I see you I can smell you oh my goodness I knew which one he was cuz he was still charmed what a dumb came down with the case of the big gums these bits are for Lenny guess it's not a [ __ ] cart now suckers ha ha I picked that up on here he's going uh this is going all right science gun it's good science cannon with a synergy would be better if I got a black chest now Alma be pissed Kim the old timer trick and a lower tier chest all my fire mash shotgun cog battle cog is good cog is good should we save up for the COG then full ammo chip if the glass shrine shows up I call hax the one that gives me three last things I need two blanks yeah I'm thinking about not fighting the boss might get an excellent gun I might already have excellent guns though you know at what point do we say we have enough but at what point could another health piece do us good but at what point are we not gonna get a health piece but lose health [Music] [Music] come up up up up up so the COG gives my sword a permanent damage upgrade since I never have to reload it is that true lockpick it's true I might find a key to them fight for me minions he shot his own friend Oh brutal man even though this guy was back here why does this sort of homing the horse or doesn't have homing I've got remote bullets so I'm doing the homing myself it doesn't have homing it's got its homie get it alright um like I said I'm kind of thinking about not fighting the boss and like we're super cool anyways you got a bright future I just feel like I'm gonna accidentally use one of my blanks and be an idiot but then again I get enough money to get that cog a battle but then again am I really gonna be able to focus and not to use kaga battle on the rat battle no I'm not no I'm not cog of battle though [Music] fight the rat would you believe that the clobber gets good with the kaga battle cog is amazing cog is amazing but just don't know I want to just fight the rat I think I think I just want to get to it remember off we have to like actually get to the rat too though [Music] what is the COG do it allows me to do an active reload and increase my damage for the next clip I'm just gonna go you guys are the notes of the directions the exact same you wanna come up buddy he's like I heard something rats [Music] get up here you lazy stoop $5 bright future confirmed come on thanks for the $5 shower appreciate that I'm waiting on you what an idiot you're kind of an idiot dude you're kind of an idiot brah cows gu inc to 14 months in a row what's up welcome back what do kitten think buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy buddy he's like I got to see this rat I got to see this rat for myself I need to kill it dad kill the rat let's team up do you think that Lenny knows he's a cat and I'm a human or do you think that he thinks I look like what cats look like right cuz he's never been able to see himself do you think he looks like me do you think he's a human or do you think he thinks he's a human I wonder that oh yeah the chin massages and scratches oh yeah they were so good why don't you just give him a mirror putz are you high it's a legitimate question plenty rubs were Hut's la Conrad kill five more dollars some shar wé wé well we appreciate you oh it's love Thank You Cheryl your food place alright that was a quick one all right you know what to celebrate the amount of $5.00 had given me Shara let's let's do a wheel spin the wheel of doom a little oh it just pops up and it goes away that's amazing ten arm curls again I gotta earn those five dollars seven eight ten we love fitness all right if I get ripped it's all your guys is false please give me a six-pack you guys we should have added crunchies the shirt off for doesn't count go get swole get so swole thank you for correcting me child Chino hunter bits thank you and Mick mosey thank you for that 1000 appreciate you guys hey my things leaving stupid cart oh that's what it should have done wait I missed it can you two again we need some sort of ABS thing because I want to have I went ahead like find them the nerdiest way to get a six-pack ABS to get six-pack ABS from from video game playing I got these ads from gaming I was like what [Music] okay where are they where are the is it not items then I pass them there they are okay down left up right down right still the same thing down left up right five dollars I got you Brett also done biceps though flexes in return I'm technically doing it every ten dollars and and and ten ten dollars and 1000 bits should we lower it to five dollars should we Lord to five dollars all right we gotta go down the whole stupid rats killing this whole family on the way down you know what I've got sixty-three cents can I go back and get the kaga battle now no I can't jump up the whole [ __ ] balls yes please all right we'll do it every five dollars but if I started taking shots you guys pop counts one per donation five dollars five hundred bits now I don't want to do any more arm curls that's what I say to that you know what I'm gonna go on here and add push-up or curls out of category what are they called crunchies will do crunchies and I'll add a section crunchies that's a year let's wait that five now let's like wait at ten and I do two of them genius I think I might have just bummed it out though Frenchie crunchies there we go done hundred bits Marilu chaos you want to get fit from gaming at a set of something push-ups per boss kill a rare item drop adapt for each kind of game I'd do that like 10 push-ups every load screen or something like that II used to that in Skyrim another [ __ ] aren't you guys we're doing well we're at the we're at the rad boss my orbitals are freaking out once again well our what else get over here get over here right now orbitals get your ass over here it's sunny and wants me to go that way no orbitals this way are you coming or not there they are like wait dad wait up all right left right right left which one was first down course someone say $5 you can spin again OKC down this is why we put it at $10 god damn it I char Oh envy says let's do a Russian twist on your chair what's a Russian twist I've never heard one is it thought to be naked need to eat some of Alexia's salt candy so you have some salt in you for the rad fight at this point of time I'm praying for a shot 10 squats all right all right keep in mind I've got a broken right foot that can't bend past 90 degrees so if I go from my toes that's just the way it is they just want to see the rat fight let me fight [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh all right yeah I've got a broken foot I broke it when I was like 10 years old that scar on my ankle yeah foot stream okay did we go down did we already go down or did not go down yet not only we went down yet correct me if I'm wrong dab of hot sauce last week you were 10 years old [ __ ] dude I can't handle the warm-up down then left right yep then up then right then down then rights holy gravy holy gravy trains dang and most good though should we reload our pea shooter okay that was left this is up Oh what the Frick you can't do that right inside the door dick that was up this is right then we go down right who is this who's enchanting them why are they all jams oh Jesus dude why are they all jams it just naturally jams that seems ridiculous battle each other fight hahahaha awesome now down right now these guys are a ninja turtle reference that one's stuck on a table he's like hey I'm a I spawn at a table help tell me help hey you help all right now one more right right I did it right I do indeed he did it correctly I ain't got nothing that need no ammo if I leave it here then the rats gonna take it there right yeah can't save her for later either all right what if there was a secret room no off one of these what do we start off with crown of guns he's small form so I'm thinking maybe Gunjan ant but maybe even the Mouser Mouser sounds really good Excalibur also probably be a good choice even the bullet board you can't miss focus on just dodging him and in focus fire my bullet bore [Music] he notices money more that's not true Fergie I read that shadow I just can't see everything and sometimes and someone asked me questions that's been asked a hundred times and they've asked it personally 50 of those hundred times and I know right but what do you want buddy he's yelling at me hurry you'll be kicked out what me all right let's go [Music] rats puddle oh dude I'm like not oh i Sharaf i've more dollars they didn't even make a noise it it I feel your pain I have lots of problems with knees and my vertebra is missing one spine discs oh yeah rip that back move cut in half anywho I've got to get to sleep now it's late need to wake up early best luck with the rat thank you I sharo good night's I'll do that the wheel of doom after the battle fufufufu foo foo foo foo foo Hut's is in fact a logical nor messages peashooter no don't target the tiny rats jump rope what the [ __ ] was that that wasn't oh [ __ ] that to get you twice you're hurting me we're switching it up you guys made some more powerful here I can't even like get past that this is not that's not working it's not [ __ ] working dude this is not going well this is like really really really really really not going well what the absolute [ __ ] ass I don't even press this gun [ __ ] you like what the absolute [ __ ] [ __ ] right now dude I'm [ __ ] pissed off what the absolute [ __ ] you're [ __ ] dead you're dead I killed you like 20 minutes ago oh my [ __ ] ass ah dude no Nick moosie 11 months in a row I'm some sweaty that that's not that's not a thing you can't do that that was impossible that was the most impossible thing I've ever seen in my life [ __ ] this game man what is this who are you sweet did yeah yeah yep yep yep
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 30,460
Rating: 4.8716216 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: 2bbRZ4QRuMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 18sec (5238 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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