Horrible Brim - Hutts Streams Antibirth

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uh we're gonna jump into antiverse for those of you on youtube welcome i am doing this as like a repentance pre-party kind of thing and we're gonna just jump in i think like maybe he's doing some eating runs this is technically built off of rebirth as you'll notice that my category says binding of isaac rebirth i wonder if people like what the i probably should have just put after birth so that i could be in a larger category and get discovered better or whatever eat and run go so we're gonna see some things what i think is gonna be really interesting here is to see how anti-birth worked and how they rolled it into after birth plus the the the comparison of the two i think it's going to be really really interesting um also to announce right now i believe it is not set in stone but i do believe that i am going to be doing an interview with edmund mcmillan himself on saturday so we should come up with some really really awesome questions for this interview what do we have uh what is it f7 f8 that's correct f7 uh we have the pin the pin is pin cushion i don't know holy [ __ ] oh what's up cdm so that yeah that should be really fun i have a whole thing like our i've got i got some ideas you guys you're gonna like it for the for the interview what changes were made to keep her i've seen a lot of questions already um just like even just on his amas that he is on twitter all the time this is a horrible room start with five bombs which is nice to know question mark recommend blast miss i might even own blasphemous that's about 10 games that i own right now that i oh my god did you see that squeeze in there i still this room is just a no this is a this is a hard pass room i mean imagine any room with this many spiders in it i think this is the probably the only one with this many spiders in it but 285 damage as well um this is insanity straight up surviving this room is a huge feat hello there oh wow yeah like i said um we'll be interviewing ed i'm gonna have to come up with some spicy questions i have some ideas already on the table this is xl4 by the way this is um this isn't gonna end well ask him if spiders are sent in ai ask them what changes were made to keeper and ask about console releases there's a lot of questions i feel like the most burning questions that have already been drilled in like why aren't you making an online co-op and i probably will hit on those most burning questions even though he's answered it a hundred times even though i've seen him answer it a hundred times don't forget that i've got that card sitting down there um ask him his favorite synergy now i don't want to overburden him with those kinds of like what's your favorite stuff because like you guys do that to me and i don't always have a good answer for you oh god the spiders again we got hit that means that basically our double d is gone i'm not even sure that rebirth had double d on the first xl floor a lot of things are going to be weird and different like devil deals they don't work the same way they don't just take uh you can't have a one heart with it you can take a two heart deal it takes all your soul hearts with it where can we see the interview the interview is gonna be here on twitch but then i will also um upload that interview in its entirety to my huts too and then i'm planning to make a super cut for my huts1 channel the ridge basement modeled after his real one isaac is modeled after ed of course you know this many [ __ ] up things couldn't have happened to ed but um you know it's loosely loosely related to him what's his favorite item i just i'm not sure i'm gonna go there if we do it's gonna be a lightning round i think that uh those kinds of questions uh may be interesting but you know i'm gonna ask him a certain thing like like how is his work-life balance going is that him that just spit out a second kid i think i think they did i think they just had a second kid come on come on samson's chain worked with me here i really like samson shane something i saw recently from ed too is that he doesn't think that there's inherently just horrible items in the game and he was talking about like even bob's brain he's like it's really good if you use it correctly and i agree i've always said that if you can wield the bob's brain you hold the power the free bomb plus poison mallow's here what's up mallow how in depth will the modding tool revamp be is there gonna be a modding tool revamp come on this rebirth samson's chains killing mate he doesn't i don't ask him to tell a story about him and vin working together i think isaac's heart in his mind was supposed to be a cool thing and and it does have its uses right you can protect your your yourself you're invincible in a way so to say i i have an interview lined up we'll see if it happens i think he's still got to clear up his schedule plans for saturday at some point in time but if he can't make it work then that's just the way it is i think this is very last minute i think i'm one of the last people to get an interview isaac's hearts okay too live yeah it'll be live on twitch dang it i'm so used to like samson's chain from after birth plus it just it's rocks so easily ask him if the mobs will be buffed what mobs [Music] you guys have never done an interview before in his shows you gotta give me good questions so much filler isaac's heart's okay that's the i think the point was that he doesn't feel like there are filler as a i think it was orange orange i'm not mistaken there is a use for every single thing that he's put in the game it's just there's always something better and we know that better and we've had that better thing so we're like you know um monster manual why would i ever even touch it i'm not gonna take monster manual but like if you use monster manual in a room it could definitely save your life no bad items holy water exists holy water could save your life too you take damage and it spreads the creep and then anything on that creep takes the damage right it's there there's a use there we just we've had better and we demand better at this point in time but as far as i know i think he's pretty excited that like a lot of the items in the in um not rebirth but uh repentance they're gonna be pretty spicy he said there's no bloat no filler items but once again he defines that differently than you guys would so what does it really mean who knows that sea scrolls can spawn shitloads of health this isn't going to come in handy now but i think it's probably worth having no bloat finally not like he didn't take the bloat out of the game huff daddy d prime sub what's up spicy sauce 99 million 99 million scoville five months i think i recep two weeks ago is also is it me or is your stream flipping from dark to bright back to dark it might be me i i don't see that am gamer i'm not sure i announced you 64 months hello there cat muffin did i say that three months much love from pa pennsylvania no that's washington other projects i i guarantee we'll be talking about mugenix which is his latest and greatest is baby now he's very excited about it he announced something like something along the lines of there being an isaac 2 i'm going to ask him about the future of isaac and if isaac 2 actually was a thing or if he was being facetious so there's lots of questions i already have lined up i also have a a video idea and i'm not sure if i want to warn him about it ahead of time or just just do it on stream did you watch the oleksa interview no i will and sin victor is also interviewing ed on friday so i'll be able to kind of see what they've asked him and i think that'll um i'll have an easier time narrowing down my own questions after i see that have you talked to him before i've never talked to him before uh beyond dms beyond slipping in the old dms when he mentioned isaac too it sounded like he was talking about some vague thing he wanted to do some day with no set plan i i agree um but i was under the impression that ed kind of wanted to just like wrap up isaac and be done with it right maybe not done with it like future project i think it's almost like he set his career off to like like it isaac is always going to be there it's too big not to be in his life and he wouldn't be dumb enough not to i don't want to say cash in on it because it sounds bad but you know what i mean he has this really awesome thing that he can use even to just launch other projects and like he made bumbo right let's maybe he wanted to make a match three well making it an isaac match three was the way to go i mean that was a smart decision captain fluff bucket hello hey matey that'd be me orange orange orange yo watch me the tears down now the tears up really does help with the 285 damage though he doesn't want just isaac to define his career i think to some extent we all know that that is just kind of going to be the case it's kind of like daniel radcliffe and harry potter i'm not saying it's on that level but um just as an example that's fine that's a good time to see that [Music] two subs the bony cabbage and flavors thank you molo i appreciate that a lot i hope you're doing well dr du fresney that sounds like it's from something doesn't it five months oh [ __ ] my resub button worked milo also get to the sub to shifter all those on fire somebody put mollo out all needs help he's on fire no deal with the devil we called this we're going to go all route i mean i kind of think that that's the point of anti-birth isn't it to not do the alt-route on anti-birth seems a little silly to me but i kind of want to hit up the curse room what are devil deals that's a thing that you can see when you're like really good at the game having low blood sugar somebody give this man a candy bar i believe rebirth's red chest rates were better [Music] what did i tell you chats you heard it here first folks follow gifting another sub is this molo or is this low blood sugar molo thank you malo for the gift it's up to bdr james wonder bars nice noogity wonder bar crunch molo more like awesome that's freaking luck flipping cheat good one what are you health up i already knew what that pill was gonna be and i just said hey it's gonna be a health upper i hope so just to throw you guys off the trail that i'm you know otherwise you're gonna think i i'm cheating because i am totally cheating all the time all the time it's like 100 cheat you ain't cheating jimmy back up after hours is it what's gme at talk to me i'm interested i am an ape cheats still plays bad misses tinted rocks these are all calculated you guys i don't want you guys to get like i don't want you to catch on to the fact that i'm that i'm cheating so i do things intentionally like anytime i ever miss a tinted rock or forget the name of an item or do anything wrong ever i mean i am perfection incarnate so if i was just to be perfect all the time you guys would hate me think about it sand demon 200 bits see people throw bits at me because i'm so perfect who wants to punch me anyone we gotta take her time although i wouldn't recommend it you probably break your fingers on my chiseled wonderful jaw made of stone kaiju streaming what's up next unknown pill will be health down says chat temperance claims to be perfect has no balls for the wheel of doom that's another thing you know how difficult it is to pretend to be tired from working out like oh these weights are too difficult when in reality i'm like four is that is the mod that won't be named question mark i don't even know you just asked stop being a bad boy or i'll give you a pee pee smack hmm yes officer we got him you are right now okay great i don't want to be involved in this just grab my name for the records okay what's up spicy sauce 29 million 500 bits eat all your bits or no desserts oh man it's so hard to see this curse of darkness is just normal downpour spiders are near impossible to see you heard about the three episode of abortion birth i don't even know what that means let's not compute does the challenge mod work for the upcoming isaac update i don't even think the modders know that it's a good question but you'll never get an answer until the time comes how many plans to try out kingdom hearts series while it releases this month new insane wiener rabbits thank you for the bits hey pk how are you today it's to me with a message to somebody else what do you have against baby killing mod [Music] some questions don't warn an answer follow gifting another sub the j2 maf j2moftw for the winter or the winds of winter that's the best song by the way you know i'm sad to hear that mu death did not get um hired onto the repense music team but ed like specifically uses radiculon in like everything so but i missed the secret room and i could have just bombed into the curse room yeah not me i wouldn't do that no way jose i don't know if it's my mustache but i just have such an itchy nose all the time you're probably noticing me like going like this it's like because i need to like you know you scratch the inside of your nose just by like moving the outside of your nose that's how you do it and that's what i'm doing from the mustaches i don't which is not distracting me chat i don't really think that that i don't know it's not like there's one that's like curling up that i that i notice and by the way trim the mustache are you kidding me right now do you hear this chat did i hurt you in some way was your family killed by a mustache extend the stash the mustache is perfect this is better this is better this is the way you have a parasite cutie i have a parasite that's why my nose itches try straightening it let me write that down on my book of don't ever do will never do i'm trying to find just the shop i mean the item room too i've got 52 cents here it's taking me forever to get through this i'm not even like trying to take forever oh that's right knife pieces i almost forgot about the knife pieces perm the mustache dear diary i got another horrible idea today i am not a huge fan of either of them but i guess this one cool thing about these um these all floors is that all the item rooms have two items in them i don't remember what this is i think it's a key that like goes in front of me like the rib no it doesn't that's not what it is i throw the key and if it hits somebody i mean we could try it i guess remote detonator is not doing much for me okay it's gonna be a lot of backtracking but especially with two hearts i'm gonna have to go for every one heart instead of picking up a second one and wasting half a heart you eat your own keys at people did it spend mikey probably because there's no charge on it [Music] shame we didn't get a charge up item because of this battery machine can help me out bud wanna like actually help me out bud ice baby ice ice baby skull skull skull baby okay he's loaded with bombs that's great we went from one to eight for very very low amounts of money if you really add it all up this guy's a cheater prove it when are you gonna dye the mustache you know i have an idea that would take some colored wax rainbow stash i might just rip the uh the half hearts for time reasons we got nothing but time but [Music] i gotta make decisions here people you know imagine seeing huts cheating accepted into usf like three days ago congratulations using his pure strength at this game david bowie's a playable isaac character how's it going chat you guys are all over the place today you feeling okay there's a problem reaching spotify api very interesting computer thanks not even playing spotify at the moment there was a problem doing this thing that you're not doing warning well with the iv bag it would be smarter to bring it back to the machine because we can double plays still i should do that i should bring it back instead of just popping all the iv right in here [Music] warning server not responding oh stream is down people on youtube my internet has completely failed me that is why the server api was not working for spotify i guess we'll just keep grinding away just us for now good time for grinding because then people are going to come back on stream but like what happened unless things go really really south and i have to restart the entire stream which kind of seems like that's the case the internet is just dunzo easy way to check that and see if my phone's still connected to wi-fi is it my router it says i'm kind of wi-fi but is the wi-fi working is the this is the big question oof well kind of seems like it is all my pornhub videos are loading properly so i'm wondering if it's a twitch issue then twist you chatty that's that's a weird thing too is my my stream chat is working on my stream manager on twitch website but chatty is not working nor is my obs it seems like my internet's just fine it seems like more of a twitch issue but why chatty i'm back in the chat now on chatty i'm gonna click the stop stream button and restart the stream sorry you guys on youtube i mean this is like stuff that's gonna happen like i have to get up to go to the bathroom or answer the door or eat some food you guys have the ability to skip ahead if you're using mobile you can double click on the right side of your screen on the app at least on ios and it'll skip you ahead 10 seconds or 30 seconds or something like that i use that all the time highly recommend restarting the stream boop boop restarting the stream still just grinding money so you guys didn't miss anything back i think that was really weird i don't know what happened my internet did not go down i was on my phone i was on the wi-fi i tested it out i watched like three point up videos but when you guys were gone no i didn't do that and i don't recommend going there because it's not it should stop don't hey no bonk um well yeah he's alive also my chat on my twitch dashboard worked just fine but chatty broke b-jabs two months say hi it's youtube gang here a long time without catching a stream loving videos seen every one of them like three times much love every one of them three times my god stop thank you for uh the awesome support why not four no he's not allowed to say that that's nice thanks for that i'm just not hitting him at all i'm playing like balls uh well that's brimstone that's sulfur and if i use it twice in a room it gives me brimstones permanently so i'm gonna go permanent brimstones only has one battery we could actually check the shop or battalion brimstones see told you guys didn't miss anything does the external item descriptions work with anti-birth does the after birth plus mod work for rebirth i believe not almost went down the hole i could have missed this door it would have been okay you can't miss the mausoleum door though the first mausoleum door if you do miss the first mausoleum door you are sol up [ __ ] the creek machine you are right about that one of those calculated mistakes that i inserted in there so you guys know i'm human unison victim might enjoy terraria expert mode synvicta does not enjoy platformers and i played terraria and did not have a good time the lion two total what's up well that was the thing that happens this pk with 100 bits it's the best pk what thing happened though because there was a lot of things that happened would you be specific could you be more pacific ocean you're being a little atlantic right now how much health do you have my god i do not recommend going on these floors with 285 damage by the way this is insane would i be able to use brimstone twice if i activated it no no i don't well do you in anti-birth get per wave charges i don't think you do i don't think you do troy has a game best done with someone else terraria is a game that you need about 7 billion hours in so if neither you nor your friend have a life which is fine for anybody that's uh you know under 30. okay that's not true you can be over 30 and play a game for 7 000 hours it's fine i just i don't even i don't even connect with games like that anymore it doesn't work i don't think it does i'm convinced that it does not tears up speed down that that's a good yeah very good very nice give you a battery inside the chest though all right whoever said that's banned ferrari and binding lines are similar you need to put a bajillion hours to know what something is i i would say terraria much more so than the binding of isaac the binding of isaac you can casually pop in and out i don't feel like you can casually i guess unless unless you're like not interested at all in advancing in terraria i guess you could just pop in and like build a tree house and then pop out but we're not talking about with expert mode are we ever played hollow knight yeah look it up it was uh one of the first ones in the scene yes machinima they'd say it launched my channel but i you know don't agree with that ooh both good i'm going to go flight in this one flight's very good anti-birth [Music] while i was getting more subs to gun fix kid and also ido bako with the prime sub appreciate that sorry i missed your 100 bits there uh 3 million last night from pk that's huge well done ice panda with a prime sub jrvg i thought it was subbed it would appear that you are indeed subbed but the boston terraria are hard and you like challenges it's mostly the seven bajillion hours that goes into the game and that that's why i did a backseat me for it i said i don't want to spend the 7 000 hours and that's exactly why in loop hero sometimes i i have just looked things up to say what's the combination with this tile how do i use the forest and then i find that out and then i just bring that to the game and then i i play the game and i beat it i tell you guys about it and i'm like well that was really fun for me beating it i only had to do one episode because i only had room for one episode not 75 episodes to figure out how to use a forest and it's a win-win-win-win-win otherwise i would have played halfway through it maybe even a quarter way through and i would dump that off because other games are coming you know what i mean and you guys are like why don't you finish this that's what i'm into darkest dungeon not gonna lie i don't have the time i don't have the time for it and now that i've not played it enough it's like i'm more likely to not play you know it's like when you're like i'm gonna work out every single day and then you work out every day for like three days and you're like [ __ ] that never again i'm done it's not like you're like i'll just scale it back to one you're like nope twice a week nope never there is no in between it's the og flame wheelers you guys meatwheel.com only novices work out every day first time i've ever received a gifted sub just ladies and pandas loving a freight thank you so much for the fog gifted subs that you just donated awesome to schamelian phobic creek cricketing amber gasa and legion of pandas i have a stomach ulcer sorry to hear that i am a stegosaurus same energy hot spinning wheels of shmeet repentance releases march 31st of this month let's walked into that i thought that was a door in the corner first on the corner silly silly heads stupid pants oh light's going to make my samson's chain much easier to use callus at 96 pennies i well no callus does not help with flight it's really good but not with light you planning on playing the new monster train dlc is that out dan diaz comes out in the 25th too crawl space crawl in the place one question at a time chat well he keeps hearing a high-pitched beep it's part of the music crawl space what crawl space [Music] did i uncover a crawl space that i didn't see crawl space you dumb hey why don't you stop being an ass you ass before the room boss oh great nice chap what's up hold on gg that was disappointing juicy sack is just it's a quality item honestly i think it doesn't get enough love as it deserves uh slaying creep plus spawning spiders this item will shoot random tears in different direction directions um not as helpful as you might think it sounds really cool it could synergize though we are going to get brimstone so it's like eyesore he doesn't love juicy sex i had juicy sacks with your mom last night the tree on plant prime sub what's up in chat 27 months also deadly cookie for 22. come in for that double year my sir dubs here and notice how i just shoot out random directions no love for the poor sack i just shared love for the sack though i'm like sex great i'm sure i didn't take it but now i can live its own life zubat used super sonic player one threw game boy out window and there we have it winter wool 51 months finally over the hill for the sub woo 51 welcome back in nine months but baby for zion johnny green laser nope as we picked up poison tears very cool pretty low damage brim still better than nothing how did i get hit when i'm over here is answer my question sir i've seen some health with this the mirror isn't good question mark i don't think the mirror will do anything um at this point in time on anti-birth i don't think the mirror does anything i could be wrong though i don't just buy stuff i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do about that that room is stacked today the new isaac dlc comes out no it's today is not the dlc of the coming out today of the game no need some health um i'm dangerously close to death and anti-birth is very unforgiving just get better you have black candle but the room is still dark bam what an idiot he walked right into it i didn't have to pick up a single bomb yo fire rate is also just good and oh really good stuff that i won't be taking [Music] um it's mine's one so no no knife piece and no mausoleum door we're gonna need two soul hearts for the mausoleum door there's a chance we don't make it to the mausoleum the chance we just die i misheard anti-birth as hentai birth and i had too many questions could be something to bring up on that interview with ed have you ever thought about well what do you want me to do with that that's when's our cooler version of larry jr that is not the tears pill experimental speed up shot speed down positive for me shot speed does not matter [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what's going on in this room who's who's here who did it oh you're cheating buy me a tinted rock matchmaker matchmaker find me a fight catch me a catch their last shop no i think there's shops on the mausoleum tinted rock please i need it need the health please i'm not seeing anything does i do anything for soul heart anything is it show tunes day to day must be hey look at that the room would be hell without flights imagine seeing a fiddler on the roof keck cannot wait for repentance have not played isaac for a while due to it becoming easy that's what we main the lost i play nothing but azazel it's so easy find me a perfect match in the rock i'm gonna make sure i don't walk into a bomb rock on that because it gets less fun the more you play i don't enjoy playing zazel it's like hey do you want this game which shines with how many synergies it has with all these other items you want to play this character that has none of those synergies who just takes a [ __ ] on the entire point of the game huh zazel although i'd bet money that is not going to be the case in repentance i bet you that is a question that we should remember is zazel going to be more worth playing pop up in the lava i dare you you won't up up sucka azazol you trying to tell me i'm not saying it correctly many have challenged me on these kinds of things you have survived oh actually it's isoscell how long until repentance the 31st so next wednesday and i believe it will be at midnight pst but that is another question that we can ask him can you please ask edmund if there will be alt floors for mausoleum and corpse that's definitely an important one of course zazel is specifically there for new players who need a crutch who are the survivors i've gone into hiding witness protection program could be against the law for me to tell you health is good item room please now we have brimstone but i think the candle is actually going to be our main source of dps he's drinking he british [Music] water it's actually a dirty chai 48 four years huh welcome back i think i finally nailed your name this time it's taking me four years i didn't even see what had what happened there one of those diggy guys matchmaker matchmaker find me a diggy guy to go up my [ __ ] mitosis myosotis is what i really meant i i think it grabs things on the floor that you didn't pick up and it dumps them on the next floor this is half off so yeah bro no coins you're full daddy you called me daddy i'm going to take all the coins i see why don't i just spend them in the shop well that's a no-brainer i thought lottie there that's a no-brainer i do believe that our uh little brim is gonna be doing more damage than us i'm not totally sure about it but i i i do believe that is the case [Music] uh two swords to get into the mausoleum so we better have a a pretty dynamite boss fight slash next floor wouldn't even be against like a health upgrade please ethic paper three months i was wondering why you didn't have a sub badge next to you how do you have 285 damage because i'm really bad at this game my first time playing looks like it's your first time in the stream we wow why are you so mad bro it's just a joke just a prank bro prank lasers if this damage they basically are um i guess i don't have a choice here do i okay perfect give me health yep oh good [Music] that's bad the the pill not the singing the singing was amazing if i can just hit the perfect diagonal anyway i can just push it no i can let me push it huh there we go there we go i missed might not seem worth it but if i could just scrape by a little bit of health mausoleum is a tough floor we got our knife piece correct yes don't tell hot but we're going to prank him yeah chat we are pranking huts don't do something totally obvious that would give it away thanks mayo sotis meiosidis oh readily admit i do know how to i do not know how to say that word yup a gooden or it's not because it's not firing doesn't work with brimstone my ohio told us [Music] i do not believe that um anti-grav has any effect on brimstone in this version maya sotis [ __ ] ah dickholes ah son of a hairy butthole this is rebirth that's why i thought it wouldn't do the thing but it's currently doing the thing best yeah well minus the the shop or the arcade tune up that one's the best all right money that's why you still play isaac money that's a joke i still enjoy the game it was a crabs reference wasn't real life best song is flash isaac basement theme let's see now you're also incorrect about that because even flash isaac arcade theme is [Music] popping [Music] the best dragon three months want to say thank you for keeping me happy with your streams and youtube videos your content helps me with my depression a lot i'm glad to help in any way a song makes me want to cry [Music] supposed to be a heart-wrenching tune [Music] no this is beautiful now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast these are the laser guys if they hit you with the laser they switch spots with you son of a [Music] that was the song that was used in the trailer for anti-births to speak hey i'm pk and i'm so knowledgeable more damage look at my damage is that our first damage up booster green is not a creative color and you hit something here's an idea shop first um i'm not a huge fan no this is patrick a huge fan of the uh broken stopwatch doesn't do it for me doesn't get me there so to say i don't come close to ejaculation when i'm next to it is what i'm what i'm trying to get at if you guys didn't catch that in fact i'm further from it i just thought i'd explain that i know that english isn't the first language for some of you so did you know just to make sure that we're there too far i said it doesn't how is that you it's very normal in fact they don't get it your elevator doesn't go all over the top does it buddy broken stopwatch is good dr dremble spinner bits thank you for that homing brim enemies is a hard pass as well was that necessary ah necessary do i have to take my own urine hard pass on your health there is no book worm so i guess i'm not sure why i bought it and to be honest flexing my money impressed shopkeeper he's like two shops because the both sides of the mausoleum can have separate stuff i just think there can't be two item rooms so there can be like two curse rooms and [ __ ] thanks for freezing me bud really helpful i appreciate that probably didn't steal that from zelda nope nip seraphim i don't think so i gotta get him to walk into my laser balls that's the easiest method here what's the most annoying enemy the chats they're also the most generous though damn hope you guys brought vitamin d because here comes the shade get your mom vitamin d what caused brim to charge up like that anti-grav i just didn't think that this was the case in rebirth but [Laughter] trying to bite me enable my giblets here nibble me giblets captain the health upgrade be for the devil ah i'm almost there i'm thinking about taking them to get her in my red health that's i'm giving you a gift take it or no balls no longer affect you for this run huh vitamin d's nuts awesome health up no blood items in the game huh ed no polaroid so no point i'm gonna get one though you should test us play a couple rounds of killing floor and find out if we are good or trolls i have no idea what you said i'm testing you to see if you're good at the game of your choice is that a game i've never played is that does that sound like it makes sense to you chat's getting clever on ways to try to get me to play games with them hold on quote clubber uh hudson give me a gift no i read all that test me in a boxing match dad don't you test these besties with testies needs more bass just play runescape jellyfish gamer three months totally not reptile 11 months welcome back where's my cricket's head can't believe you missed a tinted rock ah did i though you stream at release hour of new isaac question mark most likely yeah which is gonna be like 2 a.m or some [ __ ] like that i highly doubt ed's gonna give out early access to anybody that'd be super cool if he did so i didn't have to be able to starting a stream [Music] more hearts like dark hearts like a new heart type some of these questions are just so specific that it's like why am i setting myself up to say no if anything i would ask are there going to be anything is there anything going to be anything new right period what's the new stuff you're willing to go over if there aren't new heart types right hey is there gonna be a new heart type is there gonna be a new trinket that's like this other trinket that looks like a banana ed he's like the hell is wrong with you i'm leaving this interview um i wild really good to have freezing and it would almost be a guarantee with the brim i think but it's hard to hit me hit the brim infestation 2 is just powerful all the time we've got the completed knife by the way ask him if he is a boob or ass man fans what is dainty ace dandy ace the game i've covered it before that's a i think it's an active item endorse box what do you have many take gold horn thing ring the one true ring what about isaac makes you keep playing what drew you to it in the beginning um i like the roguelike obviously the aspect of that like roguelikes in general especially being 30 they're incredibly nice to play and i don't have to spend 75 000 gazillion hours to get good at them although i have spent 75 gazillion hours it's got to be the uh i'm gonna go double deal first i think the other room is gonna stay there isaac has formed its own miniature ecosystem lies about his age god are you okay today you don't seem like you're okay today nor are you making much sense i'm gonna play more rescue rain too probably at some point 75 gazillion you know people out there that have spent 75 gazillion on a game hours y'all know him nice health grab let's be punished over and over as far as um dungeon crawlers and roguelikes in general isaac is just it's so crisp it's so crisp like how it handles like the movement like the graphics everything is so just nice and neat and i really think that that is rice krispies exactly that is one of the biggest things that i would complain about most games that come out today people will be like hey huh it's check out my game or hey hats check out this game from this company would you like to sponsor an episode and i'll like take a look at it for like three seconds and i'm like no i can already tell it is not up to the standard that has been set but it's not everyone has a huge team i'm multiple wait [ __ ] yep ed's uh any developer or andy uh i guess he did go through nicholas a developer and he did have a small team and a small team for rebirth rice krispies are the worst cereal changed my mind you add sugar to it though right skull and 63 what's up scone scone favorite cereal go thoughts is picky confirmed i i can be picky because games like isaac or gungeon exist so here i am playing this game cinnamon toast crunch how do you feel about cinnamon toasties the off-brand version that comes way cheaper but in the ginormous bag dead cells also pretty crisp who the [ __ ] adds sugar to their cereal americans i used to get that generic version the cinnamon toasties in college all the time it's my go-to out they are the sad step child and don't have as much yummy flavor you see i actually think that cinnamon toasties what do you want from me in this room they're better they actually have more flavor and in fact they did blind taste tests that proved it maybe we need to give another chance and maybe you could be saving money 15 or more on car insurance by switching to cinnamon toasties a lot of operands are better don't give me that look it's science but we are in corpse one what is a cinema toasty do you think you're being funny do you think this is humor i'm actually gonna well yeah let's go for it worth barely but worth what do you use to maintain the stash it looks pristine um a hair clippers that's it just trim it up every now and then get those stragglers that like if you have a long beard seriously just like get it wet comb it out and trim off the excess hairs that make your face look like a pube it is not difficult and it makes so much of a difference so much of a difference like two minutes of just trimming off the randos makes the world of difference what hots here i don't want to tame the beard goodness gracious don't act like your masculinity is at stake by grooming a slight amount what about thick hair beards what do you mean thick hair beards you can't make me do it no one's making you do it just like no one's making you look like a fool of a pube face right now got him high fives everyone 400 viewers something is fishy as in that's low or high if that's low then thank you it's high get this personality this is an interesting combo just eat the beard hair some get curly when short that's why i said you you you like get it a little bit wet and then you can like pull it out only grooming aloud is for your beard reality is often disappointing bold of you to imagine i have masculinity groom what you want and leave people alone lol i did a mention i did the mention i didn't mention though i did mention i'm not forcing you to do anything so it really was a response to people asking me how i maintain my beard and moustache after it was wet the hair dries then it curls up what then barber so let's say that you have this beard right and it's curly a you're not like the straight hair beard guys that have the pubes because it's curled up b if you do get it to straighten out you know get a little wet and you pull it out and you trim out the strays and then it curls up once again no more you're not going to have those ones that are like reaching up to your eye you've already solved the problem it's all it's all complete and solved in one step one step for everybody if you did trim your beard hairs you are not going to have any that go crazy i don't understand how it curling in makes it all sudden more crazy that's less crazy that's how i trim my pubes [Music] thank you outflayer55 what up there's a couple of uh eternal hearts that we passed up i just don't think i want them scone says that and then cdm goes it's gone coincidence yo i knew it was gonna be worth it yo good stuff double yo i mean i didn't want the eternal heart and here we are with one and i already had flights so there's no reason i should have taken that in at all but it's a good item and i want to support it cm knows a good thing when they see it you've seen the pubes this is going too far whenever you want to do cdm in your spare time it's gone i swear every time i joined stream it was 1k viewers we haven't had like a 1k viewer stream in a while we've been floating around 400 or 500 or so for a hot minute for some reason people are like i don't want to watch anti-birth i'm not interested even though repentance is anti-birth a perfectly timed candle look at this chub that's a great item he said through his tears is that oculus drifter is that the one where i get to steer it marked style if it's oculus rift that sounds good oculus oculus oculus oculus aquila sakuya sakuyas oculus sakia tumi baby now if it activates the oculus rift which it might not i'm not sure if it does but if it does it'll suck them into the laser which will be really handy probably doesn't proc though but we got rid of our health for polaroid invincibility mode now and we're looking good calculus ring get out of here no it's this vive uh i prefer the index looks like it's procking get away sir would you knock it off it could be procking on like little steven or something does that work zip zoop no [Music] two subs to kadeshi and just for fun thank you for that [Music] mucho gracias i could peek in this room see what's up that's a no it's a definite no dev call me with a prime sub what's up welcome how do you know i'm spanish huts because i know everything how is timmy doing apparently sin viktor says he's got a tim on his channel called timmy and then i was like oh i didn't know that and he got all mad that i was like you don't watch my videos i don't know what that is what is that it's a d6 shape is it what is it other d6 okay then huts what's one plus one look i don't have a calculator on me okay d3 it's clearly six sided eternal d6 that charges twice as fast but as a chance of removing items that says we could probably go for it now [Music] sausage [Music] twirler 40 months oh that oculus rift play very nice [Music] [Music] buddy i don't know that is sporeshot mucour meiosis let's just we're not gonna use that let's be honest cannot see the sausage sprite as a straight up peen i can't not probably why we use the term sausage in place of pin [Music] does just have a little tight knot in the end of it cdm i have the number of a doctor do you want that velour for months hey hi what's the number [Music] you don't tie yours up at the end like a freaking bag of bread nope i just fold and tuck under cringe keeps it fresh how dare you and there it goes yep i'm ready to leave is just as steady as he goes standing as she goes that's a little too loud oculus rift is going to be huge and deflecting the shots never mind he's already dead it's already dead wow gg remember how bad it started off very nice [Music] it was all a dream then isaac woke up to find that is not that his peep was tied in a tiny knot at the end and with an extra hard bash
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 17,991
Rating: 4.9440126 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: Px_bnXda1v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 37sec (5197 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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