Raspberry Pi - What is a Raspberry Pi Computer?

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please remember that the complete information for the class that you are about to view is at eli thecomputerguy.com not only do we have our videos there but we have part lists diagrams pictures and even complete code examples so if you are watching this video and you want more information please go to eli thecomputerguy.com welcome back as you know i am eli the computer guy and in today's class we're going to be doing a brief introduction to the raspberry pi so the raspberry pi is cool the raspberry pi is sexy for the iot world and the it infrastructure the raspberry pi is absolutely an amazing thing but just like many it products if you don't understand what the raspberry pi actually is you are going to lose your mind trying to deploy this into the real world one of the big issues with people that try to go when they try to start using raspberry pi's is they fundamentally do not understand what this product is so when they go and try to develop solutions based off the product or when they go out and actually try to deploy this into the real world all hell ensues because it's just not it's just not what they thought it was right so basically today's class we're going to go over what a raspberry pi actually is and give you a decent introduction so you feel comfortable going forward to develop projects with your raspberry pi so the first thing to talk about when we start talking about the raspberry pi is to explain what the raspberry pi is not again one of the big issues in the technology world is people assume a product does something that it doesn't do and then they spend the next month ripping their hair out trying to get the product to do what it's never going to do so it's very important to understand what the raspberry pi is not so then you don't try to start developing things that you're just never going to get to work on the raspberry pi so we look at the three different products that i have on the table here you might look at these three products and go oh these are the same things right you know we're talking about the iot world i have a raspberry pi here i have a mini pc here and i have an arduino here some people at home may be looking at this going okay those are those are the same types of things let's move on the important thing to understand is these are not these are not the same types of products these are incredibly different and you will use them in different situations a raspberry pi is a raspberry pi a mini pc is a mini pc and an arduino an arduino is off in its own little world entirely so we're talking about a raspberry pi the important thing to understand is that this is in fact a full-fledged computer this has a real cpu this has ram this has storage uh it has the the normal input and outputs so it has usb it has a network card depending on what version you purchase as a network card again depending on what version you purchase it has a wi-fi standard wi-fi uh bluetooth the whole nine yards so what i can do is i can actually install an operating system onto this raspberry pi connected to a monitor connected to a keyboard and mouse connect it to the network and basically when i boot it up you will be in a very normal operating system environment so there are a lot of different operating systems you can run on a raspberry pi there are variations of windows you can run on a raspberry pi there's a hundred different variations of linux you can run on a raspberry pi so on and so forth so it is important to understand that this is actually a full-fledged computer you can actually run a web browser and i'll show you that in a future class not only can you uh use it as a server but you can have use that as a web browser again you can use it as a desktop computer if you really wanted to that is not the same as an arduino an arduino is a microcontroller what a microcontroller is is basically just a simple ic chip and what happens is basically you feed the the arduino code and then all it does is it loops through that code infinitely normally what happens is you connect sensors to certain ports on the arduino and then you connect some kind of output of basically physical device on other other pins so let's say you have a distance sensor so i could connect a distance sensor to some pins i could connect a little beeper to other pins and then as something gets closer to the sensor i can have the little beeper go [Music] right or i can have a water sensor so i have a water sensor connected to an arduino if that water sensor detects water it can then trigger for a water pump to turn on and be able to pump out water so it's very important to understand is when you're dealing with the arduino there is no operating system here uh you're going to be using the arduino ide you're going to be be able to code for inputs you're going to be able to code for outputs you might be able to do some a little bit more sophisticated things you can actually now build very simple web servers using these arduinos but this is not a full-fledged operating system you cannot plug this into a monitor and actually you know go to cnn.com or use a web browser or anything like this this is a microcontroller it's a different world so think about this if you're going to be creating sensors if you want to create a specialized sensor suite you would use an arduino or if you need to trigger physical things to happen to turn on hvac systems to turn on water pumps to turn on those kind of environmental controls that type of thing and you want to create something very special that is something that you might use an arduino for but an arduino is a microcontroller it's not a full-fledged computer well then you're probably sitting there and you're looking at this and you're going well okay well that's this is a computer right it's obviously got a wireless on here it's got the inputs outputs on the backs you got the network it's got the the hdmi port the whole nine yards so these must be the same they're close they're close they're very similar they're very similar but again they are not the same the important difference between these two particular devices so these are two computers right so i can plug this into a monitor keyboard mouse and i can go to cnn.com same as true with raspberry pi i could set up a web server on this particular computer and use it for a web server same with raspberry pi so there are a lot of things here that are very very similar the difference though is that the raspberry pi uses something called an arm processor this particular many pc uses an x86 processor so when we start talking about cpus that there's there are arm processors and there are x86 processors and when we talk about x86 processors we're talking about things such as intel uh we're talking about amd basically any of those x86 clones and the this is the standard processor that most like normal desktops and servers would use xeon processors or x86 processors celeron processors or x86 processors atom processors or x86 processors right and so there's a special type of way that you have to code an operating system and also you actually have to code the software to run on x86 processors so the big thing to understand is that the raspberry pi uses an arm processor so you have to actually go out and get the operating systems and software that will run on arm processors so this is one of those things where you can run into problems because you may be sitting there and with these little raspberry pies you can get them all the way up to eight gigs of ram at this point so you can have eight gigs of ram it can have quad-core processor so one of the things you might be thinking about is like oh well you know why am i going to run my active directory server on some big server anymore let's say i had a 10 person company and so instead of installing windows server onto a real server you know hey what if i installed that onto a raspberry pi well the reason you will not be able to do that is because the the microsoft the windows server operating system isn't built for arm processors so you simply would not be able to install that onto an arm processor type computer regardless and so that's one of the things that a lot of people run into is they may be sitting there and they're like oh okay so we have this big box in the corner it's not under a tremendous load so why don't i just transition that over to a little raspberry pi so i can just have this little device and it'll be you know providing very basic services to the network one of the reasons you might not be able to do that is because this is an arm processor this is an x86 processor so you may want to go down to a smaller x86 processor but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to go down to something like a raspberry pi so these are close these are close but they're so close that it can run you into problems because you just assume you assume what you can do on this you can do on this and that is not just not the case this is an arm processor x86 processor and this is an arduino which is just an entirely different world so it is important to understand that this is not what a raspberry pi is a raspberry pi is a full-fledged computer but it uses an arm processor instead of the x86 so now that we know what a raspberry pi is not it's not an x86 processor it's not an arduino now let's talk about what is required to actually set up a raspberry pi system so obviously the first thing that you're going to need is the raspberry pi itself there are a number of different versions of the raspberry pi we'll talk about that in a little bit but basically you're just going to need your raspberry pi board and this is going to have most of what you're going to need for your project so again this particular board here we have the network card we have the usb connectors we have uh two micro hdmi slots this has the wi-fi built in this has a bluetooth built-in so on and so forth so again one of the important things to be thinking about when you go for the raspberry pi is the board that you're going to buy for your raspberry pi will have most of what you're going to need for whatever project that you're going to do so in the arduino world many times you simply buy an arduino then you have to add a whole bunch of crap to that arduino to make it do whatever you needed to do with the raspberry pi basically you buy the base board that is going to give you most of the resources that you're going to require for your project and then you add a couple of sensors you add a couple of additional things on so that's just one thing to keep in mind so you have the board itself again there are a number of different boards out there we'll talk about that in a second past that then you're going to need a micro sd card so the storage for the raspberry pi uh is actually the micro sd card and so what you're going to do is a next class we're going to show you how to install an operating system on the micro sd card you then take that micro sd card you simply slot it into the raspberry pi and now you have a full-fledged computer so basically this is the computer with the ram with the cpu and then there is the storage beyond that you are then going to need to think about getting a case uh so just like any kind of computer you need to think about getting a case for your computer this is the standard raspberry pi case i simply got for these particular projects but there are a lot of different cases out there uh so just like if you're building a gaming computer gaming system you may buy a different case than you would for let's say a system that you're simply giving to a secretary in office uh the same is true with the raspberry pi so if i'm really going to be hammering the hell out of this little raspberry pi i'm going to be making it really hot so let's say i'm going to be doing things such as processing video files or something like that just like a normal computer this will heat up based off of how much i'm actually using things like the processor so if i have it in a case like this that doesn't really have any air vents that doesn't really have any fans or anything like that then uh basically i'll probably run into issues with thermal throttling where the raspberry pi will get so hot it will no longer be able to function properly and then it may shut down or i'll get quirks or i'll get problems so if i'm really going to be just be grinding away with the raspberry pi i may want to get a different type of case that may have additional fans on there to increase the airflow maybe be a little bit bigger so again have a little bit airflow there if i'm going to be connecting things to my raspberry pi i may want holes in the case that actually allow me to be able to connect to the gpio pins and the raspberry pi from outside the case so one of the things you are going to need to be thinking about is the case that you're going to use for your specific projects what will be the best case for your particular use canary case scenario simply going out and buying the cheapest little eight dollar case might not be the best way to go so basically so we have the the raspberry pi we have the sd card we have the case and then we have the power supply so this for this particular raspberry pi this raspberry pi is actually using a usbc power supply uh again depending on which particular raspberry pi you're using you're just gonna need to go out and grab whatever power supply your particular raspberry pi requires then past that you're then going to need to connect this uh into a monitor and so one of the things that's important to remember is again depending on what raspberry pi you're using some raspberry pi's have full size hdmi ports so you could simply plug a full size hdmi cable into the raspberry pi then you don't really have to think about it but with some raspberry pi such as this one this actually has a micro uh hdmi port to it so basically i either need a micro to full size hdmi cable i actually have those so one size is a micro hdmi cable and the other size is a full size hdmi cable or i would need a micro to full-size hdmi cable adapter one of those things just to be thinking about again that's one of the one of the nasty little things in the real world where you can be sitting there and you can be thinking oh okay i've got everything i need i've got the case i've got the sd card i've got the power slot supply i'm ready to go and then you go to actually plug this into your monitor and it won't work so this particular kit that i purchased this raspberry pi with came with this and again so this is a micro hdmi connector to a full-size hdmi cable and so that is something that you may need beyond that you can then also just simply plug in you know whatever usb mice and keyboards you have lying around so that's one thing i'll warn you one of the ways that you can save money with the raspberry pi is don't don't buy the official mice and keyboards so that the raspberry pi uses the same mice same standards for mice and keyboards as every other computer does so you most likely have a few usb mice and keyboard laying around so don't spend the extra i don't know 20 or 50 dollars for you know raspberry pi specific mice and keyboards because literally whatever usb usb mice and keyboards you have lying around will work fine for you so this is all that's basically required in order to set up the raspberry pi this will allow you to use the raspberry pi as a desktop operating system this will allow you to use raspberry pi as a server operating system and then future in additional classes uh we'll talk more about the gpios and how you can connect things like sensors and that type of stuff to your raspberry pi but this is the basics that's required for setup so now that you know what a raspberry pi is not what it is not and you know the the basic things that will be required in order to set up your raspberry pi let's go to the workbench so you can get a closer look at what this particular raspberry pi board looks like this is a raspberry pi 4 model b board so again there are different versions of the raspberry pi out there i will show you this particular board and then we will go to the computer and i'll just kind of give you an overview of the different raspberry pi's that are available so you have an idea of what you're dealing with when you're dealing with these boards so that let's go over the workbench and i'll give you a closer look at this thing so this is my particular raspberry pi board again this is a raspberry pi 4 model b a lot of this will look the same looks similar to what you're used to with a normal computer but some of this will be a little bit different so let's just go and take a look at what is the same as a normal computer so if we take a look here at the input outputs we actually have a gigabit networking card here so you're your gig networking we have usb 3 here so these are usb 3 ports and this here are the usb 2 ports so these are the some of the inputs and outputs we have beyond that we come down here this is a simple audio output so if you want to connect this to a speaker system something like that you could connect it there then here these are where we have our two micro hdmi ports so again if we're going to be connecting an hdmi cable you're either going to need a micro hdmi to full size hdmi cable or you're going to need an adapter like this and basically here all you do is you plug in and now i can plug this into a full size hdmi cable so those are the micro hdmi cable slots then over here this is where we have our usbc power connector so this is simply where we take our usbc power supply and we are going to connect that to this particular connector there and so these are the standard connectors that you're used to dealing with almost any computer beyond that we have some additional things here to be taking a look at so up here these are your what are called your gpio pens these pins right here are one of the things that make raspberry pi is really really really really cool this is why why i want to be dealing with the raspberry pi basically with the gpio pens these pens allow you to do things such as connect external sensors right so just like with an arduino how i could connect something like an ultrasonic sensor to an arduino and create a system i can do things such as connecting ultrasonic sensors or water sensors or other types of sensors to these gpio pins and then based off whatever the input is i can write code in the raspberry pi to have events fire off so basically with this i can have sensors connected uh to the gpio pins and then i can also have basically the gpio pens connected to physical events to have happen so i could have the gpio pins connected to server motors i could have the gpio pins connected to relies so if let's say i had a water sensor so if i had a water sensor what i could have is if the water sensor detected water then the art the the raspberry pi could process what's going on and then that could trigger uh that a water pump turn on that type of thing so these are the gpio pins up here and this is what makes raspberry pi you know really cool and really interesting versus just simply being a small computer then beyond that there's a couple of connectors here that we'll just go over we'll deal with them in later projects right here is a camera connector so again one of the cool things especially in the modern iot world is you can connect cameras directly to the raspberry pi this this weird little slot right here there's there are a number of different cameras that have been created that will connect into this particular slot so this is where you connect your raspberry pi camera and then here is actually a raspberry pi display connector so think of this connector if you've ever dealt with laptop screens so how the laptop screen connects into the laptop motherboard it uses a little ribbon connector much like this and so the same is true with the raspberry pi and so instead of connecting an hdmi screen if you wanted to go with maybe a lower cost screen or a more specialized screen you can actually connect that screen directly to this this little ribbon connector right here and so this is a basic overview of what the raspberry pi looks like and then on the bottom this is where we have our little storage so this is where our little sd card goes we simply slip that in there and this is what we're going to be dealing with with this particular this is a a pi 4 model b so with that let's go over to the computer so i can show you some of the different uh versions of the raspberry pi so you have an idea of what else is also available for you so here we are at my demonstration system i just want to take a look at some of the different raspberry pi boards that are available again at this point there are a number of different raspberry pi boards that you might find in the wild and obviously they continuously create new boards uh so the board that we're going to be dealing with from many of our projects are going to be the raspberry pi 4 model b but if we scroll down we can see that there are numerous other different boards out there so we have the the pi 3 model a plus pi 3 b plus pi 3 b uh pi 2 b pi 1 b plus so on and so forth and if you can take a look um not only is there a difference with simply like what the ram is or what what the processor is but there's also physical differences so with the raspberry pi 3 model a plus as again as you can see that actually has a full size hdmi connector so this is going to be a very important thing to be thinking about with the raspberry pi is what your particular use case is because in your particular use case it might be far more important for you to have a full-size hdmi connector than it does to have something like usb 3 right and so when you're sitting there and you're thinking about what raspberry pi to buy uh you may think you may find that actually buying an older version of raspberry pi for your particular situation might work out better for you if we go over and we take a look again at the raspberry pi that we're dealing with so this is the raspberry pi 4. again i've got the the b version we go over and take a look at the tech specs and we can see what this thing has so it has a quad core 1.5 gigahertz processor so again arm just so that's reiterated this is an arm processor but it is a quad core 1.5 gigahertz processor you can get in two four or eight gigs of ram uh so again if you have like ram intensive tasks you may want to go for that higher end ram if you don't have higher ram intensive tasks you may want to go for the lower end ram one of the important things to be thinking about when you buy the raspberry pi is it's very much like specking out a server or specking out a desktop operating system or a desktop computer think about what the situation is think about what the resources will be that are going to be required for your particular project and then buy the the particular raspberry pi that suits that particular situation so whether you need a two gig or an 8 gig that really depends on what you're going to be running on the raspberry pi beyond that we have the wi-fi again for this particular version we actually have ac wireless and then we have bluetooth 5.0 with bluetooth low energy so again depending on your particular project having ac wireless and bluetooth low energy that might be a valuable thing or maybe not gigabit ethernet two usb 3.0 ports and two usb 2.0 ports we have the the gpio header so this is the full 40 pin gpio header so different raspberry pi boards may have different sized uh headers so basically that's a number of those gpio pens so just one of those things to keep in mind two micro hdmi ports then this is the display port that i showed you and this is the camera port the the special ports that i showed you stereo audio coming out has the codex built in has a micro sd slot 5 volt dc via usbc and power over ethernet enabled it requires an additional poe hat so these are some of the things to be thinking about with this particular board if we go over we can take a look at let's say the raspberry pi 3 model b so this is an older version but here again you got that full size hdmi port so that might be valuable for you we can scroll down we can see this is a quad core 1.2 gigahertz processor this only has one gig of ram it has a wireless lan so i think this is like only in or something land it only has 100 t100 ethernet has 40 pin gpio and it has some of this other stuff down here so again it's just important to understand that there's different hardware depending on the different board that you buy then we can go all the way down to the raspberry pi zero w so this is the smallest raspberry pi that they create but this particular one actually also has a wireless built-in so we can take a look at this and if we scroll down we can see that it has abg in wireless lan it has bluetooth 4.1 also has bluetooth low energy it's a one gigahertz processor with 512 megs of ram uh so on and so forth so again this just gives you an idea of the different raspberry pi's that are available one of the nice things about these these smaller raspberry pi's so if you go with the zero or the zero w is the price on this is freaking wonderful so something with a full wi-fi stack that you can actually run an operating system on the whole nine yards this thing only cost fifteen dollars right this costs fifteen dollars and if you get the raspberry pi zero without wireless that is only ten dollars so for ten dollars you can get a full-fledged an actual computer uh again to run very basic desktop operating system or a very basic server and so that's something that you may want to think about so if we look at this you know the the the pi 4 model b this is really cool and sexy but i think this is like 45 or 50 dollars if you just buy the board itself it's 45 or 50 dollars and for that you know you get gigabit ethernet you get 802.11 ac you get a lot of hardware here you know again we go down to the zero w this only costs you fifteen dollars also gives you wireless but obviously doesn't give you as much processing or ram so again depending on your particular situation will really depend on which one of these you use so that's a base overview of what these look like physically so now that you're getting a better idea of what the raspberry pi is i want to talk about the gpio pens so i would argue the gpio pens are what make the raspberry pi a really cool little product so at this point in time there are a crap ton of small inexpensive power efficient computers out there that you can use to create desktop desktop computers or servers or the whole nine yards what really makes a raspberry pi interesting is these gpio headers so with these gpio headers again just like when you're dealing with the arduino what you can do is you can connect external modules and devices to those gpio headers and then trigger things to happen so again i can connect an actual this is an ultrasonic distance sensor so i can actually connect this ultrasonic distance sensor to this raspberry pi through the gpio headers and then you know if if something comes too close to the raspberry pi i could trigger a physical event to happen so basically maybe if something gets too close to the raspberry pi i could turn a light on or i could i could you know have some kind of alert warning sound trigger something like that so that's what makes this pretty cool you can add water sensors you can add distance sensors and temperature sensors all the kinds of sensors that we worked with before with the arduino you can add all those types of sensors and actually more to the raspberry pi and then with your code you can trigger what'll happen based off of what the sensor readings are but once you start dealing with these gpio sensors this does get a little bit more complex and it is a little bit more confusing than the arduino world the first thing that you do have to remember is when you're dealing with the raspberry pi you are dealing with a full-fledged computer so you're going to be interacting with the gpi gpio pins through the programming language of your choice generally especially when you're starting in the raspberry pi world is going to be using the python programming language so when you code for the raspberry pi you can be coding in python you can be coding in php you can be coding a node.js so most likely whatever coding language you're already comfortable with if you're used to a server-side of coding language that coding language will most likely work on the raspberry pi then what you do is you use a library so gpi gpio libraries for whatever particular programming language you're using to actually be able to interact with the gpio pins so if you're using python there's a built-in library called the gpio0 library and so through python you're able to call that library and you're able to interact with the pins the same is true they have a library for php so you can go do a google search for the library for php to be able to interact with the gpio pens nodejs has a library for connecting to gpi gpio pens so on and so forth so one of the important things for interacting with gpio pens is you're going to be using a standard programming language most likely python you'll be using python you'll be using the gpio library and with that library you'll be able to write the code to be able to read from the pins and then actually send outputs to the pins as need be one of the big issues that you will see though with the raspberry pi world is that there are 40 pins here and there's no there's no writing there is no cheat sheet actually built onto the board itself so it can be a little bit difficult to know what pin that you're supposed to be connected to so let's go over to the computer so i can show you what the pin layout is so you have a better idea of how you'd be connecting your devices to your raspberry pi so here we are at the raspberry pi website so again this is just at raspberrypi.org and we're going to the usage of the gpio pens and this will kind of give you an idea of these different gpio pens this is something you know if you've been getting a little bit older and you've been wondering whether or not you should buy reading glasses this this might be the time to buy reading glasses uh one of the things i do dislike about the raspberry pi is it is it's a little bit difficult making sure you're connecting to the proper pin and they haven't done you any favors by this pin layout so basically when you're taking a look at the board this way this is the the pin diagram the pin labeling for what these different pins are so you can see on the top left hand side you have the 3.3 volt power then under that you have the gpio2 and gpio3 for sda also sda and scl you will remember those from the arduino world then you have gpio4 then you have ground then you have gpio17 27 22 then you have a 3.3 volt then you have 10 then you have 9 then you have 11. then you have a ground then you have a zero then you have a 5 then you have a 6. then you have a 13 then you have a 19 then you have a 26 and then you have a ground you go over the other side you have two you have two five volts then you have a ground then you have 14 15 18 ground 23 24 ground 25 8 7 1 ground 12 ground 16 20 21 and so and so yeah so if you have any problems with your raspberry pi projects if you're sitting there and you just cannot figure out why your sensor is not working properly it's probably because you plugged it into the wrong little connector on this gpio output um again i don't i don't know what the hell is going on here um you know it's just you just look at how this is diagrammed out and this is a complete mess but as with many things in the technology world just because it's a complete mess and looks stupid doesn't mean you can do anything about it right this is this is how the pins are set up and so you just gotta grab your reading glasses or your magnifying glass make sure make sure you count properly oh was that was that supposed to be the fifth pin down or the sixth pin down and then connect everything up so these are the different gpio pens and so you will be using uh this chart or a chart like it a lot when you're actually building out the raspberry pi iot projects again just simply to make sure that you're connecting to the correct pins and if you're looking at this thinking my golly this is stupid don't worry you're not the only one it is very it's very curious with a pin out uh past that we can go down we can see some some different information so they talk about the voltages they talk about uh inputs and outputs and that type of thing so we learn a little bit more about that you can learn about that here uh they also show that uh rasp rasp io uh that i guess some of the raspberry pi boards you can actually get this little little template to show you what the the different gpio pins are which yeah anyways uh past that um i just did want to show you uh this is the gpio0 library so again in order to be able to communicate with the gpio pins whether it's input or output you will need a library for your programming language the gpios library is comes with the raspberry pi operating system so when you install the raspberry pi operating system the gpio zero library is already installed this is for the python programming language so if you want to use php or node.js go and do a google search on that but the gpio library is just for python and just to come down here i just want to give you an idea of what the coding in python looks like when you're dealing with gpio pins so this is where you're going to be importing uh the the libraries for for python so so from gpio0 you're going to import led from time you're going to import the function for sleep then this is where we actually create the led so the led is going to be connected to pin 7 gpio pin 7 and then this is just a continuous loop and so basically all this this particular code is doing is making a blinking led so it's going to turn the led on so this is the led gpio7 then it's going to sleep for one second led off sleep for one second and loop loop loop loop loop blue plug if if you go through here again you can see some different things you know so garden we have an led we can have a motion sensor connected to tpio4 we have a light sensor connected to gpo gpio5 and then we can create code based off of what's coming in from those different sensors we will talk about this in in classes going forward but i kind of did just want to give you this overview to realize dealing with the gpio pins is not some you know insanely complicated thing you just do have to understand what pins to connect to and then whatever library you're going to be using to connect to those pens you'll use what's ever required with that library so this is basically what those gpio pins look like and more or less how you're going to be interacting with them now as far as the gpio pins and add-ons are concerned you can do more than simply connecting basic sensors and basic outputs you can also connect more complicated boards to your raspberry pi in the raspberry pi world these are called hats so in the arduino world you may connect a shield to your arduino so let's say a data logging shield or a wi-fi shield or a network shield in the raspberry pi world this would be called a hat and think about it in a computer you know reference think about it as an additional basically something like a pcie card that you would slot onto your raspberry pi to give a lot of additional functionality we go over to computer for a second i can show you some of the options are available whether or not you will actually use hats in the real world really depends on your particular projects just realize basically what the hats are is they're like additional add-on cards for the raspberry pi that generally will provide a lot more complicated resources to your raspberry pi project than simply basic you know basic digital or analog sensors so let's go over the computer for one second just to show you a couple of these hats so you have an idea what's going on there so if you go to the raspberry pi website you can scroll down i've shown you the boards but if we keep scrolling down we can see a couple of the hats that are available from raspberry pi just like on the arduino world there are a lot of other vendors out there that manufacture hats for raspberry pi's so if you're looking for a hat to do a specific function go do a google search add a fruit maybe uh creating one some other third party vendor may be creating the hat that you're looking for don't think that these are the only hats so you can see here we actually have like a tv hat we have a poe hat and we have this little sense hat and these are the ones that raspberry pie themselves are building and selling if we go over we take a look at like the raspberry pi poe hat so as i as i showed you in the documentation the raspberry pi 4 model 4 model b that i have actually can support power over ethernet so if i wanted this to be powered over an ethernet cable i could simply plug the ethernet cable in but but to make that work i would need the poe hat to be actually able to process that power and so this is that particular hat so we can go through we can take a look it tells you what hardware is needed for this particular hat to work so on and so forth if we go over we can take a look at the tv hat so if you wanted to actually be able to bring tv into your raspberry pi for some reason let's say this is for like some kind of surveillance application something like that you can use the raspberry pi tv hat to do that we can go and take a look here and basically as you can see the little hat basically slots on all of those gpio pins and they're able to connect the tv cable here we can go down we can take a look and see what information is required in order to make this particular hat work and then we can go over and we can take a look at the sense hat so the sense hat is actually pretty interesting and again depending on what particular project that you're doing something like this may be valuable for you so instead of adding on a number of additional little external sensors it might be better to simply add a hat that has a number of those sensors already built into it so for this particular hat the sense hat it has a gyroscope built in an accelerometer built in a magnetometer built in a temperature sensor built in a bare metric pressure system sensor built in and a humidity sensor built in so imagine if i'm going to be creating some kind of environmental control raspberry pi device instead of adding and wiring all of these individual sensors to my project it might be better to simply buy this one particular hat that has all the sensors i need then i can simply interact with those sensors there's less opportunity for for wires to get pulled out or to have little problems little quirks with failure so this is an overview of some of the hats we'll deal with these in classes going forward but this just just does go to show you not only can you be connecting individual sensors but just like with a normal computer with an arduino you can add on a full basically additional expansion card to give you a lot of other functionality for your raspberry pi projects so now that you know what's going on with the hardware of the raspberry pi now we just need to talk about the operating system that you're going to be using on your raspberry pi so again to be clear this is a full-fledged computer it just happens to use an arm processor there are a lot of different operating systems that are available for the raspberry pi and so what you decide to use really is up to you your situation your preferences so on and so forth when i do the raspberry pi classes i'm basically going to be sticking to the raspberry pi os so basically they have a distribution of linux that they've they've they've tweaked uh to work properly on the raspberry pi and then i will also be doing classes using ubuntu so there's a version of ubuntu that will work on raspberry pi i'm one of those people that believes in consistency so most of the time when i'm showing you how to do different things with linux across the board i'm showing you how to do that in ubuntu i for me for me i have just picked ubuntu as my default standard for the linux distributions and so basically when i'm doing the raspberry pi classes when i'm doing the introductory level raspberry pi classes i'll be using the raspberry pi os the distribution specifically built for the raspberry pi but then as we go on and we start doing more complicated things basically building out more projects that would be more of like an infrastructure type environment that is when i will switch over to ubuntu because again i've already done many classes showing you how to use ubuntu and so if you already know the commands and standard ubuntu that you use on a desktop or laptop the same commands hold true with the raspberry pi so if you're already familiar with ubuntu i can bring you over to ubuntu on raspberry pi show you a couple of additional things again how to interact with the gpios and that type of thing but the knowledge base that you already have in ubuntu will translate over to the raspberry pi this is something to be thinking about again with the operating system that you decide to use if you're a hacker if you're a hacker right they've got they've got a cali version uh that you can put on the raspberry pi uh if you're in the windows world so you're using active directory and that type of thing there is actually an iot version of windows 10 you can put that onto raspberry pi again there are a lot of different flavors and versions of operating systems that you can put on the raspberry pi what you decide to put on the raspberry pi depends on your particular situation i'm going to be showing you the raspberry pi os just because like that's the default standard it's pretty easy to show new people and then when i start getting to be into more complicated things i'll show you how to do that using ubuntu simply that is my preference what you decide to do in your environment really is up to you so let's go over to the computer i will show you kind of like the standard distributions that they suggest for the raspberry pi and then we can go over and i'll just show you there's like a list of 20 other of the best the current best distributions that you can use just to kind of give you the idea that there are a lot of different operating systems that you can use and so what you decide to pick really is up to you so with that let's go over the computer and show you what different operating systems are available so here we are back at raspberrypi.org in the download section and this is where i can just show you something like the official operating system that raspberry pi gives a thumbs up to uh obviously there's a raspberry pi os so this is the version of linux a distribution of linux that has been especially basically tweaked in order to work with the raspberry pi again i will be showing you a lot with this particular operating system just because it's the default standard it's not particularly like a great operating system or anything but it's kind of the standard everybody starts with so you can go with the raspberry pi os if we scroll down we can see that they do have some other third-party operating systems here and then again these are the kind of i don't wanna say that there are the the approved ones but basically people feel pretty comfortable about using uh these on the raspberry pi uh we have the ubuntu version so ubuntu mate the desktop ubuntu core ubuntu server they have osmc an open source media center libre elect mozilla web things pi net risk os uh and those are some of the operating systems that basically give that the raspberry pi is more or less giving it the thumbs up to but if we go over we can take a look and we can see that again there are a lot of different uh operating systems that are available so i simply did a google search and this is the 20 best raspberry pi os is available in 2020 again you know it depends on what you particularly think but if we come down here we can see that there's a raspbian if you want to use that we can see diet pie we can see a libra elec that we saw up there osmc risk os windows iot core so again if you needed a variation of windows for the raspberry pi again the iot core is not like a desktop version of windows we'll talk about that later latka but basically you can scroll through here and you can just see that there are a whole bunch of different uh distributions and versions of operating systems that you can use on the raspberry pi and again even including kali linux i know i've got the hackers out there i can't get rid of them i can't get rid of no matter how much i laugh at them no matter how much i tell them to go away i know i've always got the hackers watching these so if you want cali if you want kali linux on your raspberry pi they do have a version of kali linux for your raspberry pi and you can just go through and again like i say there's lots and lots of different distributions what you particularly decide really is up to you we can go over and i did just want to show you this is actually at windows the microsoft website so docs.microsoft.com and again they show you setting up a raspberry pi so this is how to use something called the windows iot core so again this isn't this isn't standard windows to be clear it's not standard windows it's an iot version of windows but again if if you need to interact possibly with active directory if you need to interact with the windows stat or the microsoft stack for some reason you may want to go with windows versus a version of linux and so this is showing you how to actually install this version of windows onto your raspberry pi so these are just some of the different os's that are available for you again i'm going to be showing you the raspberry pi os and then we're going to be working with ubuntu that's just what i default to what you decide to do is you know really up to whatever whatever your choices are so there you go now you have a brief overview of what a raspberry pi is why you should be interested in the raspberry pi and the basics of what will be required in order to make the raspberry pi function again i'm very excited about the raspberry pi because essentially what you get out of the raspberry pi is you get all the computer functionality of a computer so you get an operating system you get your coding languages whether it's python or php or node.js or anything like that you get what you're used to interacting with but then you also get the ability to interact with those gpio pins so you can do things such as connecting sensors you can connect hats so on and so forth so basically i really do think the raspberry pi is a nifty neat little technology device in the modern world and i think is probably something that you may really want to think about adding to your infrastructure one of the great things about the raspberry pi's 2 is that they are shockingly inexpensive again until i started working on them i really thought that they're going to be a little bit more expensive than they are especially dealing with the arduino world but when you look at the the raspberry pi zero so the zero without wireless so if you wanted to connect the sensors or things like that that's only ten dollars so you buy that you buy an sd card you know you you buy the power supply and all that and for a very very low cost you can have a computer based you know sensor or some kind of you know output something like that that's a pretty cool thing again the raspberry pi zero w so that actually comes with a full wi-fi stack that's only 15 and then you get up to the raspberry pi uh fours uh and and above and then you can get like two gigs of ram or four gigs of ram or all the way up to eight gigs of ram again this thing has eight gigs of ram it has a quad core processor has 802.11 ac bluetooth 5 bluetooth low energy the whole nine yards you get all of all of those resources in a relatively inexpensive small power efficient package uh that's that's pretty interesting in this modern world so i'm going to be very excited to continue teaching you about the raspberry pi i think there's a lot of things you can do with the raspberry pi especially if you start opening your mind and again in the modern world in the iot world you need to start thinking about computers in in relations other than simply you know desktops and servers so for so long you had a desktop and then you had a server and then we went to the cloud and so then you had like a desktop and you connected to something on the cloud one of the things i want you to be thinking about is yeah what if you could have the power of a computer for 15 dollars you could connect all of these devices you can do all this uh processing again intelligence at the edge so basically at the edge of your infrastructure with sensors and all that kind of thing what if you could do a lot of interesting things and basically instead of having a hundred client computers that connect back to one server what if you could have a thousand sensors or a thousand devices all bringing in information about your environment and then thinking about how you would process that information how you would parse that information what you would do with that information once you've gotten results i think that's where we start to get through some very very very interesting things with the modern world of iot so i'm looking very forward to continuing this track as always i enjoy doing this class look forward to seeing the next one if you like the content that i create please think about going to eli the computerguy.com and becoming a member or donating please understand that all the educational videos are in front of the paywall that includes the videos that includes the notes the diagrams and the code example all of that is freely available and in front of the paywall but if you want to watch opinion videos or if you want to be able to comment you do need to become a member membership is five dollars a month or sixty dollars a year and gives you access to those opinion videos and the ability to comment if you don't want to become a member you just want to give a one-time donation there is also a donate button where you can do that please understand in order to provide the education that i am it does cost money servers cost money equipment costs money travel cost money all of these things cost a reasonable amount of money and the fact of the matter is is youtube's advertising 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Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 21,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: VPCayWm-Ei0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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