Linux - Best Distribution...

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please go to Eli the computer guy calm in order to view schematics code and more for the projects that you are learning about welcome back so today's video I'm going to tell you the best Linux distribution and if you follow me for any length of time you know what that really means is I'm not going to spoon-feed this crap to you I'm going to explain some concepts some things that you have to think about and then I'm gonna let you go out there and figure out what the hell it is that you want to do so today what we're going to do is I'm going to explain some of the things that you really need to think about when you're going out there to choose a Linux distribution especially if you're going to put it into a production environment now this isn't a very important thing to think about you know when we talk about production environments a lot of times people think about hundreds of servers or thousands of servers or whatever the backbone of your infrastructure is going to be but the reality is you know a production environment can can be a pretty small environment this could simply be a server in order to run your work order system maybe a server in order to run some kind of a note of email notification system things like that and what happens a lot of times is people build those kind of boxes they build those kinds of servers because it's kind of like a one-off thing right oh I'm a little bored you know I don't have anything better to do so I'll spin up this box I'll set up this service and hey this will make our life a little bit better the problem is eight years later when that box is still running and now instead of having one user connected to it or ten users connected to it you don't have a thousand users connected to it basically the decisions you make way back when when you're just a little bit bored and you want to set up this box really will have an impact much later on so what I'm going to do today is I'm going to talk about the things that you need to think about when choosing the best distribution for your environment in your situation so that you don't end up having a complete mess later now the first thing you need to think about when you're gonna be diffusing the best Linux distribution for you is to remember that with Linux let's be honest here let's be on an old-time IT guy to whoever the hell you are let's be honest Oh Linux pretty much kind of sort of the same right you got the same Linux kernel you could use the same shells most of the same shells no matter what what Linux distribution you're using if you're using Apache on ascent at OS it's basically the same as you can Apache on Ubuntu the reality is is all these thousands of distributions really kind of sort of at the end of the day work the same but the problem becomes in the details so this is an important thing to be thinking about as a technology professional right so when you're sitting down and you're thinking about what operating system that you're going to use for your infrastructure and you have you know Windows versus Mac vs. Linux there are huge differences there there's huge differences between those operating systems there's huge differences between those ecosystems and so it can be really easy honestly to choose one over the other it's like okay well I know we have an Active Directory infrastructure I have a big budget so I'm just going to use Windows or hey we don't have an Active Directory infrastructure so I don't care about that type of thing we have a smaller budget we really care about open source so we're going to go Linux hey we have a stupid amount of money and we just want to throw it at the wall so let's buy Mac right you know when you're thinking about the the core operating systems again whether you're talking about Windows or Mac or what Linux when you're choosing between those that decision can actually be very simple the problem you get into is once you choose the Linux right you can have at you have a thousand different distributions of Linux but all those distributions of Linux are very very very very very similar and so you can get caught up by basically thinking that they're all exactly the same just choosing one willy-nilly and then again when you're building out your project or maybe four or five years from now you can run into problems because of these smaller things that you weren't thinking about or ad and they come and basically bite you in the butt in the future so when you're going to be thinking about deploying a Linux distribution of for your environment you really need to be thinking about the small things not just the big things not just you know oh I like the shell or oh I like the logo let's be honest let's be honest that's what most people use it density for your Center I like cats I'm going right out right you know instead of thinking about that you got to look at the smaller things you got to look at your environment you really have to think about what you're doing what problems you're trying to solve what resources you have and where you think your organization and your department are going if you think about those things you'll have less problems in the future supporting the distributions that you an deploy and life is gonna be a lot easier for you so the first thing you're gonna have to be thinking about when you're looking at whatever distribution they are going to use for your environment or the environment that you think that you're going to be going into is simply to ask what the software requirements are now it is kind of weird in the linux world but there is some software that will only run on specific distributions of Linux a lot of this has to do with the Red Hat world so Red Hat is you know the big one of the big 800-pound gorillas in the Linux world and so they have some software that more or less will only run on Red Hat so one of the things that you have to be thinking about is you have to be thinking about you know what is it that your your clients your users need what software what products are they going to be using to solve those problems and then simply asking you know what what can I install that on a lot of times what you'll find is that the particular packages that you're using they will only run on specific districts the distributions or they will only be supported of specific distributions and so at the end of the day it becomes very simple that oh okay we're running this therefore we're going to be using this distribution that's that's all there really is to say so the first thing you have to be looking at is what are your specific software requirements the next thing that you have to think about is what are your support requirements now the first thing as I alluded to before the first thing you have to be thinking about with support requirements is that if you purchase or license software that is going to be running your Linux servers many times the vendors that support those products will only support specific distributions now to be clear this isn't necessarily a technical thing right and again this is one thing you have to think about in the real corporate business world is sometimes these companies say we will only support you know who bun 2 or red hat or something like that and then you get the get the hackers you get the kids out there and they get they get whatever product that is to work on a different distribution of Linux and then basically those people say well yeah these companies are just trying to force you to use X Y or Z distribution you can do whatever you want well what a lot of people don't realize is that many times the software will run on other distributions just fine but when you go to for support right imagine you're in a large organization again you have someone like a ticketing system or a notification system you have some kind of specialized system that are running on your Linux boxes right now most of the time they're gonna do whatever the hell they're gonna do you're gonna set it up you're gonna install it and they're gonna do right that's a great thing with Linux they're just gonna keep doing it right every once in a while maybe you get run into an issue you know you have to create a folder or you have to do some of some basic troubleshooting some basic maintenance and so you go there and do it but then every once in a while you may get some real nasty quirk basically in your in your environment with your networking with the firewall with a thousand other things going on that little box your company depends on I haven't really thought about it too much all of a sudden simply does not work again maybe something like an undocumented port so maybe you install a new firewall you think you know all the ports that have to be open you open up all the ports and for some reason this box is failing and what you don't realize is there's an undocumented port that it needs in order to do the communication maybe you have some kind of other issues so where that whole idea of supported distribution comes from is you're then going to call up the vendor most likely you're going to have a support contract oh right because the big thing to understand in the tech world is you're not gonna know everything you know the senior level mcse is not going to know everything the senior level network engineer is not gonna know everything you're gonna do a lot but there are going to be some of these specific products that you know there's there's something goes wrong with it right so you call for support you so hey help you know the things not working I need you to ssh into it or whatever else and fix the damn thing right and you will pay that company for a support contract so that they can do it or remember they have to think about actually providing the support services for these products and so again making sure that technicians are up to speed on specific operating systems and everything else that requires time energy expertise and so one of the things that the the vendors do is they say okay what we're gonna say is that our we will support our product on I don't know Red Hat and Ubuntu because when somebody calls for support and then they can make sure their technicians are experts at their product right on Ubuntu and Red Hat so if you call you've got that operating system or that distribution with their product and then they know everything that's going on again they know the commands they know the file locations they know how everything should work whereas again if you have like FreeBSD or if you're using some other distribution the fact of the matter is that when they try to fix the product or figure out what's going on they may not know what's going on specifically with that distribution and therefore they don't want to support it so one of the first things you need to think about is the support requirements as in when you purchase an application to install on one of these servers you see you purchase the support contract the fact of the matter is a lot of times that they are going to dictate what distributions that they are willing to support and so you're gonna be stuck with that the next thing that you need to be thinking about with support requirements is the question of is your company going to be purchasing maintenance contracts or support agreements for these Linux machines again when you have a company not every but not all the technicians in the company can be experts on everything and so what a lot a lot of times what companies like to do is they buy support contracts from companies again such as Red Hat so that if a server crashes then they know that they have somebody to go to right basically we pay this three hundred and fifty dollars a year to guarantee that if this Linux server crashes we can call somebody over at Red Hat and they will try to help us fix this and so this is something that you need to be thinking about with your company so if your company may be small so again support contracts can be expensive so you may have a small company with a rather simple infrastructure simple system so they don't care about support contracts so they don't care use about two or sento SS or red hat you're gonna fix it if it breaks you're gonna fix it but if you're in larger companies or if your company is growing something to really think about is hey can i buy a service contract or a support contract for these operating systems so if I've got 20 Linux machines all doing what the hell they're supposed to do and something breaks something fails do I have somebody to call that will then try to try to help me out and so that's something you need to be thinking about the distributions is our service contracts our support contracts important to you is this something that's valuable and if it is then you need to look at distributions such as Red Hat that offer those as support contract services the next thing that you need to think about is what is the institutional knowledge of Linux within your organization so we talked about with institutional knowledge is what do people within your tech organization already understand right and this is one of those weird ones again in the tech world this is a weird one where you may go out there and you say okay we're we're looking at deploying Linux into our environment what distribution of Linux does everybody know and then everybody raises you know you've got five or six people in its loop raise their hand like oh we know SUSE Linux like why the hell do you know SUSE Linux but for whatever reason and they focus on SUSE Linux or Mandrake Linux or cent OS or whatever else right so one of the things you have to be thinking about is when you deploy these these server boxes these these Linux boxes into your infrastructure they are going to have be supported not just by you but importantly by other people this is an important thing you have to think about in the technology world isn't the technology world people really get this whole idea of army of one right I'm I know how this box works and so I will fix this box well what happens if you get sick what happens if you get tired or how does it get fired before you're fired probably don't care right the fact of the matter is what happens if the box crashes when you're not around right then somebody else another technician is going to have to sit down and figure out what's going on the the smaller smaller the learning curve that they have the better it's going to be for everybody right so let's say you have a custom application or a specific application that's running on a Linux box and so the person sits down and it's Ubuntu or sent to us right but they already know how that distribution works they already know the commands they already know the file structure they already know that they can just sit there and tippy-tap typed app and figure out what's going on right then life is gonna be pretty easy right they might call you up and say hey this uh you know the box failed you know do you have any idea what might happen you're like oh yeah you need to start every star XYZ services they already know how to deal with that distribution so they go okay they restart XYZ services and life goes on right that that's that's pretty easy right you had a problem the person was able to sit down they're able to troubleshoot it they were able to go on here's the problem what happens again like if everybody in your organization they have the institutional knowledge for Ubuntu right so they they've been hyper focused on a bun tool and then you deploy a sent OS box now it is still Linux a lot of things a lot of things are similar but some things are different so when they sit down they're gonna go again they're gonna oh it's Linux this is gonna be no big deal other type crap why did that work tight crap why did that work oh crap this is a cent o s box isn't it Oh anybody here remember anyways uses sin oh no he's alright and they're gonna have to go through there they're gonna figure out the specific things they're gonna have to do actually extra Google search feed and then they're going to have to make sure that when they're drebbel doing troubleshooting is the Box making mistake or did they type a command and improperly that's the kind of stupidity that you can run into and so one of the things to look at when you're going to be learning Linux is just what is the institutional knowledge what what distributions is your company already using right if your company is already using red hat or four cent OS or they're already using an Ubuntu the fact of the matter is just learn that that is what they're already using that's what people can help you with they already know what's going on you can communicate back and forth if a box you build has a problem somebody else can work on it rather easily and so you know a lot of these things it's just go with the flow if there's not a major reason to make a major course correction again you can you're just doing it just to set up boxes then just do what everybody else does dozen already knows and go from there now a big thing when you're thinking about these distributions and again you're thinking about things like service and maintenance contracts you're thinking about institutional knowledge I know I know that doesn't sound cool that doesn't sound cocky like that's not cool you know I'm doing this for the passion I mean this for the cool I don't want to deploy the same distribution we've deployed ten thousand times if they just deployed distribution ten thousand times I'm gonna find an entirely different distribution to deploy just because you know I really care about that I'm not like you you'll I'm not old burnt out right I care about tech I'm gonna use every single distribution I can possibly get my hands on well the problem is that's horrible for a company that's horrible for our company it's horrible for a company it's probably not too good for your career because one of the things that you have to be thinking about again when you're deploying these distributions in the real world is something called the total cost of ownership total cost of owner is one of the major reasons that large organizations still go with Microsoft Windows Server versus Linux even though Windows Server you have to pay six hundred three thousand dollars for the third server license and they have to pay like fifty dollars or more per client access license plus you know Bill Gates just comes over every once in a while and raise your fridge right there's a reason why people still use Windows / Linux even though Linux is free well you'd have to be immoral you'd have to be a to pay all this money and let Bill Gates raid your refrigerator whenever he wants when you can use Linux for free well the reason for this is something called total cost of ownership so when I deploy a server into my environment I am not simply looking at the cost of the individual license I am looking at the overall cost everything it will cost me and my organization's to keep that box up and running for the life expectancy of that box so if that box is gonna be up for five years I am NOT simply looking at the $600 and $50 Cal's and all that kind of thing I am looking at things like what are support contracts going to cost how much do technicians cost who know this particular operating system if I have to call in a consultant is the consultant going to be you know can I get a pretty generic consultant that's gonna cost me $100 an hour or if I call somebody in is it going to cost me three or four hundred dollars an hour right these are things that you have to be thinking about you know that's a big thing with the the service contracts is if you look at like Red Hat I was just doing a basic search and it seems like a standard service contract for Red Hat is three hundred and fifty dollars per year so three hundred and fifty dollars per seems per server that you have running and a lot of people that's ridiculous why would I ever spend three hundred fifty dollars per year for a maintenance contract for a Linux server that's free well the reason is is because if you have to call in a consultant because that that Linux server crashed it may cost you 850 dollars an hour for them to try to get that thing back up and running and remember in the consulting world good and bad guarantee results are not guaranteed oh yeah I'll take that $1,500 from you and yeah if it breaks tomorrow I'll just take another $1,500 from you right so by paying three hundred and fifty dollars a year it's kind of like kind of like health insurance kind of like insurance where you pay it if if you don't need it then it seems like a waste but if you do need it you're not paying somebody a hundred and fifty dollars an hour in order to keep the thing up and running and again that's that's the type of thing that you need to be thinking about with the distributions where you know are you going to go with command line or are you going to go and GUI you know you have to think about you know the the technicians that are going to be using these servers and maintaining these servers it's all well and good it's all well and good to get all high mind and I would never use a GUI on Linux well here's the thing right if I have a $15 an hour employee that's responsible for that file server print server web server or something like that right I would feel relatively comfortable with a low level you know a couple year technician working on a GUI based web server or file server or something like that most likely they'll be able to handle it on the other hand if all there is is a command line right that might that might be a real issue so now instead of being able to pay that 15 $20 an hour technician you gonna be paying a $50 an hour technician in order to figure out what's going on so one of the big things to be thinking about with the distribution of Linux that you're gonna be using is what is the total cost of ownership and again if you're not there I know you're the smartest person in the world but what happens if you're sick when it happens if you have a flu that day if you have the flu and that box crashes how much will it cost the company to get that box up and running is that something that your assistant can simply walk over see what's going on and get it back up and running so essentially it doesn't cost the company anything at all is that something where your assistant can call the support services and say hey our box crashed can you ask that sake Intuit figure out what's going on that costs you $350 a year or is that something where there's no support your assistant doesn't know what the hell to do with this thing so you're calling in a $200 an hour technician to more or less reboot the thing so you've really got to be thinking about total cost of ownership when you're looking at which distribution of Lennox you're gonna that's going to put into your environment because this can make a huge difference and again this is a big thing why a lot of people laugh and they get all snotty and snarky about why do organizations still use Windows when they could use Linux and if you actually read the white papers if you actually look at the business people talk about it many many many many times paying that that license fee paying for the client access license is paying for all of that the total cost of ownership is so much unless I mean just just exponentially less than then running Linux because of all these other things again most of the tech industry already understands how to use Windows so many people in tech print industry already have their MCS sees there is just a huge amount of documentation and support services out there and so the fact of the matter is is that these companies realize Oh Windows on a total cost of ownership basis ends up being less expensive than the freeletics and so this is one of the things you have to be thinking about with Linux distributions whether you go with command line whether you go with the shells which shell do you use you just use no use KDE what do people feel comfortable with this is really going to matter for you and your organization and now the final thing to think about with whatever distribution you're gonna decide to go with is just basically you know what do you like what cost you look what do you look at a logo or a distribution what calls your name what says your name because in reality that's a lot of why people go with one version of Linux over the other again the kernels that more or less the same shells are more or less the same most of services that you're going to be using or more or less the same again once you get as support and special products and all that it's more or less the same it's a thousand I think I think it's kind of like pants right you know you have you have Carhartt pants and you have North Face pants and you have Levi's and now in reality you know it's if you're going to a construction site it's probably better to wear car hearts versus North Face and they were gonna go hiking up a mountain that's probably better to hike of a mountain in North Face versus car hearts but in the end of the day you can hike up a mountain a car hearts and you can go to a construction site in North Face it doesn't really matter it's kind of like that like where do you really think about Linux distributions it's it's like pickets you know the difference between Levi's and Lucky's and car hearts why you choose one or the other oh you'll come up with reasons everybody does everybody well the reason that I wear these pants are right you know but the fact that matter is a lot of times it's like and like oh oh I like that I like you like the look and feel you like this the color freakin skiing right though those kinds of things maybe things that draw you so after you've thought about things like the the support services after you thought about things like required required distributions after you thought about total cost of ownership and institutional knowledge a lot of its simply going to come down to what what do you what do you like again and it really so many times it's just you look down to the pants you're wearing and you wear those pants because and that's why a lot of people accuse their their distributions they'll come up with very long-winded reasons of why their distributions are the best distributions to use but basically what they're really telling you is why their pants are the best pants right if you kind of get my drift so that's just one thing to be thinking about too again if you're if you're sitting there you look at these different distributions you've thought about these other things you've got a couple in front of you that you can use you know maybe it comes down to look and feel maybe maybe fedora maybe it's like ooh and like I like fedora you know you your boot up Fedora you're like oh I like I like the blue I like the kind of like dark bold thing going on or you boot up whoo bunt too and it's got that little orange key thing Oh kind of like the orange II thing and though Suzy's got their weird-ass lizard I think Mandrake's got a penguin which makes sense right you know that's that's really what it comes down to sometimes so so that's fine again that's a--that's fine there's no no big no no problem with that and so some of the time that really does just come down to the look and feel now one of the big warnings that I'll give you as somebody that's been around for a little while is whatever the hell you pick whatever the hell you pick try to be as consistent as possible as I as I was talking about before if you're gonna be deploying web servers if you're going to be the plane pull up deploying Linux servers in your environment if there is not a reason to go with a different distribution just use the same darn distribution everybody else is using because again from an institutional knowledge people being able to work with that distribution to feel comfortable with it from a documentation knowledge basically documenting what you know why this server is different than this server for a lot of different reasons it is very useful to simply stay consistent and that's also important if you go off to the Red Hat world so the right hat world it's kind of its own little weird world it's got support services and all that one of the things to be thinking about if you go to the Red Hat world is maybe you want to spin up servers where you don't need those support contracts right so again you know if you're doing I don't know cluster II and if you're doing something very sophisticated you most likely want to buy support services from Red Hat just in case anything goes horribly wrong you have somebody to call but the reality is is you're probably gonna have you know web servers that you're fine you don't you don't need support services on our print servers or file server you know these basic crappy servers that have been around for 30 years and so they're fine any problem they're gonna have you're gonna be able to fix so you don't want support services on those so some of you think about is instead of going to a bun - right so a bun - is an entirely different fork than Red Hat one of the things to think about is just going with sent OS so sent OS is the the free kind of sort of version of Red Hat basically everything works the same way it's within the same fork so you can hand out you can have your primary infrastructure with support services with red hat and then you can have the secondary infrastructure with all these kind of like run-of-the-mill servers that you don't need support services for but the important thing is that all of your technicians will be able to go rather seamlessly between the two if they're sitting down at a Red Hat machine they know what commands to put in they know what's going on if they sent a sit-down a synth OS machine it's basically the same thing they know everything that's going on and they won't have to have a learning curve they won't have to have a problem so really think about keeping everything as consistent as possible across your infrastructure at the end of the day it'll make your life a hell of a lot easier yeah yeah your jobs not gonna be as exciting it's not gonna be as exciting fireworks aren't we gotta be going off there's not gonna be emergencies and everybody running around screaming for their lives and that's a good thing that's good remember as technicians as technicians the quieter and more boring your environment is that's that's that's winning that's winning if your environment is completely quiet and it is so boring you're sitting there just banging your head against the wall just to get some kind of stimulation that means you're doing things right yeah it's you're doing things right so try to try to keep consistency across all the things that you're doing it'll make your life a hell of a lot easier at the end of the day so to wrap this up I figured I give you an example of why we're going to be using Ubuntu as the base distribution for the introduction class when I actually start teaching you the technical things on how to work with Linux and for me the reason that I'm going with Ubuntu is a couple of fold the first reason is is because it's the most popular Linux distribution out there so it's been the most popular for a long time and again for me my personal thing especially when I'm doing education is I always like betting on the waiting horse why would I bet on any horse other than the one that's already winning it's just kind of my thing like I look for the companies that are already in the first position and again unless there's a specific reason not to use that company I would just go with them because there it's more likely that everybody else more people will understand that particular company or that particular product more people we be comfortable with it there will be more support for it the whole nine yards so one of the reasons that we'll be using Ubuntu going forward is simply because it's already you know the most used distribution out there and so there's already a huge knowledge base for Ubuntu and people feel comfortable with it the other thing with Ubuntu one of things I like about Ubuntu is that there's a lot of different versions of Ubuntu out there and so it'll make it easier for me when I'm trying to educate students on on additional projects go into the future so I just finished up doing about 50 videos on Arduino and so one of the things that I want to do is I want to continue doing a series of IOT videos going in the future using Raspberry Pi and other things and so when I was doing the research on Raspberry Pi one of the things that I saw is that you can actually have a bunt to running on Raspberry Pi now again for me I like to keep the learning curve as small as possible so the way that I look at it is I can teach you who bunt to from the basic standpoint and then when we go to teach you Raspberry Pi going into the IOT world we're still going to be using the Ubuntu operating system on Raspberry Pi so when I'm teaching a Raspberry Pi you're not going to have to learn a different Linux operating system of different Linux distribution with with different things you're already comfortable to about too so we're going to simply be taking about two - raspberry pi and now we're going to be using Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi in order to trigger different pins and different events to happen so the learning curve for Raspberry Pi should be a lot of shallower than if I have to start with teaching you that I think it's a raspberry and Linux distribution teach you the specifics of that and go from there so that's one of the reasons that we'll be using Ubuntu is I think from an educational point it's already so widely distributed it's already on so many different types of products it'll make life easier for me and easier for you where I could just teach you who bond to here and then we take your knowledge from here and then we can transfer that when we're dealing with a Raspberry Pi and then we can take the knowledge from that to when we go to the cloud and so then I can be teaching you other - instead of tea can you file and folder structure for the 50th freaking tie right this is how files and folders are structured on this distribution and this is how files and folders are structured on this distribution instead of going over that however many times I can say it's Ubuntu you already know all that hmm let's get to the new cool stuff right and so again and that's an important thing to be thinking about in the tech world is do you do you really want to be reinventing the wheel do you really want to have to be relearning how to install an application from a repository or file a folder structure or do you want to use an operating system or distribution you already know how that works and now you can you can focus on the new cool stuff instead so sure for a lot of noobs out there I just made all that about as clear as mud I'm sure some of you folks like wow that answer nothing came to me it came to me you came to watch my video that's this is the kind of information you get out of me sometimes right you know I'm sure I'm sure there's a perfect distribution out there for you I just really can't tell you what it is again there's a lot of these things that you have to think about and too many people don't think about it you've got ten different distributions in an environment it turns into a colossal mess and then you know whatever so so these are some of the things that you need to be thinking about I would argue at the end of the day if you really don't know what distribution of one needs to go for I argue my personal opinion my personal opinion I would go with desktop Ubuntu Ubuntu is the the major player I think about like sixty percent market share they've got a huge market share in the Linux world plus again they have all these things again for a Raspberry Pi they have a lot of places where you can use Ubuntu and different areas if you use the desktop version it's very simple you've got a nice graphical user interface so on and so forth and so I would just argue start with Ubuntu because you're gonna get a lot of people out there some people are gonna tell you this and somebody gonna tell you bad some people gonna tell you the other thing and then again people get frustrated and confused I would argue start with about to learn about to feel comfortable be able to build a lamp server or be able to build a Samba server be able to build some of these other servers get comfortable about two and then if you find for whatever reason you don't like the color scheme or whatever else then you can go and look for a different distribution one of the big problems that I see with new people when they're trying to figure out what distribution to use is they frankly they never really learned Linux that well to begin with and so they learned a couple of things on about two and then they go and they try to use something else and then they get frustrated because what they learned on about two doesn't work on the other thing and then they go somewhere else they get frustrated and then they get frustrated then they get frustrated and then at the end of the day they just give up and at the point you give up the game's over so I would say sit down with the bum - you don't know anything else - so now what about to figure it out get comfortable building the server get comfortable working with it and then after that point you can go out there and start working with other distributions and and you'll probably better for it so with that as always I enjoy doing this video and look forward to seeing the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 26,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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