Programming Intro - Best Programming Language

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creating these classes requires equipment and services that cost money if you appreciate this education please think about going to Eli the computer guy comm and offering a one-time or monthly recurring donation welcome back as you know I am Eli the computer guy get in today's video I'm going to be telling you what the best programming language for you to learn is that's right you want to get into the tech field you want to become a coding professional in today's video we're going to talk about what the best programming language is for you to learn now in order to figure out what the best language for you to learn is I suppose they're the first place we should start is is with Google so why don't we just go over to Google and actually do a basic search to see what the best programming language currently is so here we are my computer I have gone to Google and I have plugged in the best programming language and we come down here we can see that there are a whole bunch of different blog posts and articles telling us what the best programming languages are for us so it should be relatively easy to figure out what it is we should learn so if we go over we take a look at one of these right so this is from the I Triple E the Computer Society if we scroll down we can see what their options are they say number one is Python number two is Kotlin if we keep going down number three is Java number four is JavaScript and node E is number five is typescript number six is go and so on and so forth you go down and you see swift but then we go over we take a look at the nine best programming languages from full-stack Academy and let's see what they have to say if we scroll down we can see number one position they have a JavaScript wait a minute wait a minute rebel e I trouble number one they said was Python oh that's what's going on here if we scroll down we take a look number two is swift that was that was much further down unless my Triple E if we keep going down Scala well that wasn't even over here on track I I Triple E we have C and C++ pythons down at number five we got PHP we got Ruby oh this is this is yellow confusing okay well let's go over here so this is the ten best programming languages so if we go here this is guru 99 he's a guru so Python is number one here we go down number two is Java and we can start to see there are some similarities but then we got our what the hell's are these people never talked about are the hell's all right R is the number at number three position we keep scrolling down okay we got C JavaScript we see Swift okay so we're starting to see some of the old familiar ones but then we see these random ones pop in like R and all this and as we can see as we can see different people have a different code what coding language is in the number one position somewhere python you know somebody else is saying i was a javascript over here oh that can be a little confusing so maybe maybe this is the wrong question name is wrong again when we use something like google if you type in the wrong question then by default any answer you're going to get is probably the wrong answer for what you're looking for so what if we go to google we type in most jobs for coding languages right maybe that'll maybe that'll be a little bit easier for us right if we're trying to get jobs here so i clicked on a couple options and we look at the most jobs 10 most in-demand programming jobs we scroll down here we can see python okay java javascript c c++ Ruby go Kotlin again PHP Objective C and Swift whoo I wasn't sure what our was but here but here it shows us the top 10 are is nowhere there so ok maybe I should pick one of these we go over and we take a look at coding dojo for Cody bootcamp you can see Java Python JavaScript C++ C sharp PHP and then we got a pearl wait a minute what the hell is Perl oh oh oh you thought you thought this was gonna be an easy video you did not you thought this was gonna be an easy video from Eli the computer guy oh no oh no if you're expecting to come to you on the computer guy and get a simple answer well let's just say you're you're probably not going to be satisfied by this video so I take you to mom I guess to go over and take a quick look at goal I think that gives you an example of why it is so difficult to figure out what the best programming languages is to learn I get from so many people and people email me and contact me and they say Eli I don't want to get into the complicated stuff don't don't teach me too much don't ask me too many questions don't don't poke me and prod me and try to figure out what problems I'm trying to solve no Eli just tell me the best programming language to learn oh and then I get a migraine for a while I've been saying very snarky comments and all goes downhill from there so the big thing that I want you to understand is genuinely when I say there are a ton of programming languages I'm not saying there's a ton of programming languages you know when in the entire scheme of programming languages so if if you include COBOL and if you include Pascal and if you include basic earth nobody programming language I'm not saying that I'm saying in actual use right this second there's a crap ton of programming languages and apparently Perl apparently they're saying indeed has 13,000 Perl jobs color me surprised I was I was in fact surprised by that one I didn't know Perl was still that popular oh and so that's that's one of the issues you get into it's also a lot of folks who go out there and they say what is the best programming language and then they expect an answer and it's it's that whole problem of well it depends it really really really depends so the first thing it depends upon when you're thinking about going out there and learning a programming language is again what is your situation what problem are you trying to solve this is one of the biggest issues I have with newbies especially folks that you know don't code don't do anything is if you have absolutely no problems to solve and becomes very very difficult to tell you what you should try to learn because you're not actually playing around with anything again as I say with my little Arduino projects right so we're gonna be keep picking off the wrong one where is it that's it right that's why I've been doing these Arduino projects right so we're gonna be doing more of these we're gonna be doing video shortly and so this is a little Arduino Uno and so this is what it's called a micro controller so you can attach sensors to it or you can have it trigger physical actions like turning on fans turning on pumps that type of thing and so what I want to do is I want to create a whole little infrastructure using these basically creating an IOT infrastructure so since I know what I want to do I want to put temperature sensors and we'll put humidity sensors I want to put moisture sensors I want to do that and I want those to be able to program eclis trigger physical actions that happen water pumps to turn on fans to turn on that type of thing I have an idea of what problem I want to solve and so it's pretty easy to learn languages again the Arduino IDE using what's called an Arduino IDE in order to code for this and basically it uses a derivative of C it's kind of one of those things in the programming language it's programming languages and they grab parts of it yeah anyways it's C ish let's see yes but it's it's Arduino there's a language for Arduino then when this connects to the network it needs to send its information up to a server and in that server basically what this can do is it can send a post information if you don't know I'm talking about whatever basically can send the values of variables using something called post and then when it sends that to a server you need a language you need a script up there to be able to take that post data I'll be able to read it and then be able to do something so I just put into a database or whatever so with me I need what it's called a server-side scripting language in order to do that I already know PHP I like PHP so I'll use PHP for that then in order to actually put the information to a database so PHP can take the post data but then it has to write it somewhere and so in order to write it somewhere I want to write it into a my sequel database table so in order to write it into a my sequel database table you need to use a language called sequel structured query language and or do that so PHP will basically send a sequel statement to do that database to write the data then when information needs to be read out basically in reports or whatever trigger events to happen PHP will be able to grab that then what if I wanted to show up on a web browser or something like that then I know I need to know HTML I need to know CSS and if I want fancy little graphics or animations to happen I need to know something called JavaScript right so because I have an idea of the problem that I want to solve it's very paint-by-numbers okay I need the code for this here's a question what language do I use to code for this oh I use Arduino IDE okay now I know that I need a bit of send post data so okay figure out the post okay so I need a language to be able to grab that post down and do something with it and then I can see what languages are able to do that and then I can figure out what language I prefer then it's like okay I grab that data now we need to put it somewhere am i putting into a file and I put it into a database am i you know doing whatever else that's so if I put it on my sequel database then I need to know sequel structure Korean language if I was gonna be putting it on to like one of these cloud database system so Google has a cloud database system or whatever else I may need a different language right so basically it's all paint-by-numbers if you have a problem to solve to figure out how you're gonna solve a problem again if you're in the Microsoft world so let's say your system administrator in the Microsoft world and you're trying to be able to administer your systems better you may decide to use C sharp so C sharp is Microsoft's basically coding language to be used on what's called the Microsoft stack so if you need to be able to access and deal with Active Directory and the exchange server and the Microsoft file servers and possibly you know get to Azure and bring in services there if I need to connect all those things most likely thing what you're doing c-sharp is the way to go so this is why it's important for you to have a problem have a problem you trying to solve I don't I don't care whether it's making sure your plants get water do they don't die from dehydration or if it's connecting active during some kind of biometric system to trigger notification events to happen right having a problem this all makes life a lot easier because you're just okay what language do I use to do whatever that is if you don't have a problem and you are basically looking for jobs or one of the big things that I would tell you to do I've talked about this before is go to meetups and talk with tech companies in your particular area something that's very important understand people want jobs right and that's one of the biggest problems like one of the biggest problems with things like this you know top 7 jobs again especially news they'll they'll take a look at something like this go OK Java or ok Python or uh ok parole again seriously Perl but the big thing to be thinking about with this is the coding languages that are needed in your particular geographic area so I was thinking I think about this with the startup community a number of years ago right a lot of web apps were being created and here in the Baltimore area for whatever reason PHP was at the go-to language so over on the west coast so West my gaming west of the Mississippi seemed like everybody was using Ruby on Rails when I talked with any tech company creating web apps west of the Mississippi they were using Ruby on Rails right so if you're in Austin if you were in Denver if you were in San Francisco you wanted to create web apps probably the best way to go was Ruby on Rails but for whatever reason I don't know I talked with the CEOs I talked with the hiring people I don't know why but here in this particular area PHP was huge so that's one of the things you have to be thinking about is within your geographic area the programming languages that are most significant and possibly pay the most amount of money may be different than in other geographic areas again weird things here like in the Baltimore area so we have an area called Hunt Valley so Hunt Valley is it's just no way I mean it's just a it's a suburb it's just like completely truly totally normal suburb you saw Hunt Valley you want to think twice about Sun Valley it's just it literally is just Hunt Valley but when the weird things is is for some reason that was a big hub for a video game creation Zingo was there a lot of video game companies were out of this weird weekend I have no idea what is this weird little suburb of Baltimore that had a lot of videogame companies so again if you were interested in creating video games going and talking with some of those video game companies and figuring out what languages they need would be a good way to go and figure out what programming languages you should learn again being here in Baltimore near the DC area if you're just trying to learn a programming language and get a job again I know in DC they're still running COBOL that seems like a joke to people that's more of a joke and Perl but right they got a systems if they're still running COBOL even if in 2020 or later the fact of the matter is they have systems they need somebody to administer those systems that know that programming language so that may be a weird good way to get a job you know a 21 year old who's willing to learn COBOL that might actually be a surprisingly valuable so if you're thinking about trying to figure out when these coding languages again it's good a go take take a look what the best programming languages are go take a look at the top you know programming language so you know top paid programming language and that type of thing but once you've done that then go and look in your local area go to meetups talk with people see what companies are hiring for him because you may be surprised what companies are hiring for again I was talking with one CEO of a small development company in our area and a couple of years ago I mean like no lie he was paying $40,000 a year to you can't really call PHP developers for PHP developers that knew nothing if if you were motivated if you were disciplined if you were focused and you're willing to learn PHP he would start you at $40,000 a year just because he was so desperate for PHP coders and so again you can be sitting there going well party party thaw is the best or whatever but if this guy's willing to pay you 40 grand like knowing nothing literally all you needed was motivation to get that job that might be a better way to go for you so start now this particular video I do you want you to understand that the whole concept of the best programming language really is kind of ridiculous from the get-go depends on your situation and depends on what people are hiring for in your particular area now once I've said all that now once I've said all that now I'm actually going to tell you what the best programming language is I know it's whiplash it's would like one minute I say I'm gonna tell you the best then then I say there's not really best and then I'm gonna tell you the best again oh it can make somebody's brain her yes yes that's that's the case remember if you're going to get in the tech field get a big ol bottle of Tylenol caffeine tylenol boys for geeks everywhere but the one programming language that you do need to learn every coder needs to learn if frankly every IT professional needs a learner and if you're watching this you're probably an uber wannabe is drumroll please HTML hypertext markup language if you're going to be on a tech industry if you're going to be a coder the first language you should learn is hiker hypertext markup hypertext markup language now it's not technically a programming language oh my god I got so many snots I get so many college freshmen they give me so much crap because I have a video video video a long time ago I did introduction to HTML programming and oh my golly if there's anything that makes freshman computer science majors lose their mind it's here somebody calling HTML a programming language it is in fact to be clear a markup language what do I mean by a markup language basically this is a formatting language so if you go to a website and you're looking at the website it's kind of like it's kind of like the bones of the website right if you if you go to a house that's being built and you see the structure you see the beams you see the walls that type of stuff that's kind of like HTML and then everything else gets glued or painted or nailed on top of it so when you look at a web page there's gonna be a head to the webpage you may not see you may not notice but things like title right so up at the top of a webpage up on the bar it'll say the title you know this is a web page or something like that that's actually within the head portion of the HTML coding when you go down to the body portion had the sizes of letters or words or how how things are broken out that type of thing that's all done with with HTML it's basically a very simple formatting language that allows you to do things such as you create form so if you create a form asking for somebody's information the form itself will be in HTML so if you're doing web apps and then when you hit the submit button who will then send the the information you plugged in to that form to a script that will actually do something based off of its programming why hTML is important now is basically any web app that you're going to be dealing with has HTML it's everything that you're seeing when you look at that web page you've go to he like the pewter net guy com the base of it is HTML if you go to the base of its HTML anything that's in a web browser the base of it is going to be HTML so to understand how lists are created and understand how to how you know tags are done that is absolutely necessary for a new person it's also important even if you're gonna be developing desktop applications or mobile applications nowadays because a lot of times you'll see with these desktop or mobile applications that they use web technologies all right so again if you go back 10 or 15 years the desktop is desktop smartphone what smartphone and web was web they were they really were basically their own word worlds they didn't really they don't really share a lot of the core technologies nowadays though if you're using a desktop application on a Mac or on a Windows machine many times what is being presented to you really is more or less just just a web page right the the application is presenting a web page to you versus you know going to it through a web browser but a lot of the formatting a lot of things behind it are again still in basic HTML so hTML is is absolutely necessary if you're wanna be you're a noob if you don't know HTML or learn it it takes a day one day one day you can learn it isn't that complicated along with HTML one of the things you should also learn is something called CSS cascading style sheets that's what kind of gives a web page is a little bit more than pizzazz so changing fonts changing colors creating basic shapes doing that type of stuff that will be in CSS so CSS is something that you have you should have a basic understanding of again one day one day for HTML one day for CSS and then the final language in this whole formatting language thing that you should probably take a look at this something called XML extension extendable extensible markup language where this is used nowadays a lot of times is things such as RSS feeds so if you're dealing with things like podcasts those use XML files and basically what it is is it's a formatting style for things when you're cine like when you create an application that has to be able to read stuff into it a lot of times it'll be able to read XML files and so XML files you're able to use basically it's formatting but now you use it for things such as podcasting and other kind of like communication type services but it's kids very useful to understand and at least know the basics of so really again there is to be clear there is no one absolutely best coding language but you know HTML like if there was gonna be one HTML is the one you need to learn it's it's not gonna pay you a lot of money or anything and HTML on its own can actually do a lot but but if you need to learn something learn HTML first now once you've learned HTML and CSS go learn it seriously you're not gonna make a hundred grand knowing HTML but you do need to know it the next language to talk about is again PHP you know a lot of people I don't know whenever I talk about PHP they absolutely lose their minds but talk about a lot of professional coders and again in our area PHP is an in-demand skill set and it is very useful to understand especially with PHP 7 now a lot of people argue it's it's as good you know it's it's a good fine programming language and so PHP is one that you may want to look at now if you're thinking about it like well why why would I want to learn PHP so PHP is something called a server-side scripting language so what that means is basically you type out all the PHP code in a text file it's completely normal text file you can literally use you can use notepad you can use text edit and Mac you can use G edit analytics like just when I say a text file I mean it come text file right so you can write PHP as a text file you simply name it dot PHP and so txt when you're finished with it and then what happens is when you put that onto a server you install what's called a PHP interpreter so there is a scripting language interpreter so with this it's PHP and basically what happens is whenever a PHP file is called that interpreter reads it and then basically it just runs the commands it runs the program that's been creative why PHP is a very valuable language to learn is because it is the most prominent scripting language out on most standard hosting plans that you're going to deal with right so if you go out to GoDaddy Hostgator or whatever else and they're going to say they tell you what they offer with their particular hosting plans or possibly with their servers PHP is always going to be installed sometimes also Python but with all these servers it's always going to be PHP you're gonna have the basic PHP and my sequel stack on all these servers and so that is very valuable so if you're gonna be building you know basic web apps for customers for clients for your company knowing that essentially any server you're going to be putting it on especially any public server they're gonna be purchasing you know renting or whatever there's got to have PHP that is incredibly valuable one of the issues if you go on with it scripting language such as Python that's gotta be put on servers there's a lot of the shared hosting plans simply do not offer Python as part of their package why this is also important is that PHP has been around for a long time right 20 years so people have been using PHP and my sequel for 20 years and this is where you get into the world of legacy applications if people have been using it for 20 years that means there's a hell of a lot of code out there that's being created that has to be maintained has to be modified has to be upgraded and frankly a lot of people aren't going to want to have that code completely rewritten into a different language could a different language do things better yes is a company I spent a million dollars to basically take something from PHP to something else without any actual benefit that they can see no again that's why COBOL is still around right if PHP does the job and it's secure and all that then they're just gonna keep staying with PHP so I would argue for a lot of people PHP is a great language to learn because it's legacy there's a lot there's a lot of apps there's a lot of software out there that's already been created using PHP again if you're gonna be dealing with WordPress if you download so if you go to any like website that generally has like open source web applications that you can download helpdesk applications messaging applications different stuff like that a huge portion of time and those are going to be built in PHP so the nice thing again with open source is you can download previously created projects and then you can go in there and if you know the language you can go and you can you can twiddle and you can you can do things with that particular product to turn it into something valuable so think about PHP it's on again if you're gonna be dealing with shared hosting plans GoDaddy hostgator that type of thing you're going to be creating web apps for like small business clients that type of deal PHP is a very good way to go and again I talked with coders all the time and they're happy with it now when I was talking about PHP also brought up another scripting language called Python so Python is another screen in language and frankly if you're an IT professional so you're a system administrator I would really say you should probably take a look at Python one of the problems with PHP is that it's not it's not as loved as it used to be right with PHP people used to use it for email services and for database services and for a lot of things it was great for about 10 years but the thing is is you know the world changes technology moves on different products and services come out there and frankly for a lot of the new products and services PHP has been left behind so when we're started talking about things like AP is basically being able to communicate with other companies other vendors services that they have on the cloud that they have on the web the fact of the matter is there many times there are not api's for PHP but there are api for a language called Python so python again you sit there you type it up you can type it out essentially in a normal text editor if you really want to and then there's a scripting engine that is able to then parse what you have typed out and turned that into whatever program that you've created the nice thing with Python is it's a very very good general services programming language so one you can use it to do basic administrative tasks go in and clean out files go in and do basic basic administration on different servers and desktop systems and that kind of thing you can also create desktop applications relatively easily so if you want some kind of interface and you want to be able to click on buttons and type in information and actually have that do something work like a desktop application you can do that at Python then the nice thing beyond that is that Python works well with most of the API so most of the API is for things like storage and network services and again when I talk about cloud functions cloud functions are very very very very cool basically this is compute on demand it's called serverless architecture so if I want something like a machine vision on demand I can use Python to tap into that again storage services if I want to what if I want to create my own off-site backup routine or something like that I can use Python to connect to to whatever storage services I want to connect to and then create the routine for that how that should happen so python is a great language the only problem that you may run into is again if you're going to be using public hosting services again GoDaddy Hostgator that type of thing they may not offer python as an option as one of the scripting languages that's available there's a little bit more to it again it's not it doesn't have quite the legacy that PHP has so that's one of the things to think about but Python I would argue if you're just a standard IT administrator that's looking to improve your skill set looking to improve what you can offer your company your clients I would argue probably Python is the best way to go then we go to a language called JavaScript so I've ever done any kind of web app development or you've been looking into it javascript is a language that has probably come up so whenever you take a look at a standard web page the standard web page again the bones of it is built are built in HTML the formatting again the fonts and all that kind of stuff is done in CSS but then any kind of interactive feature on the page that's actually going to be done by JavaScript so if you move your mouse over something and there's like a rollover effect so the in some of the image changes to something else that's done with JavaScript if you have drop-down menus so if you go to website if you go to e like Peter guy comm and you go to a drop-down menu right and you hover or you click and a menu drops down that's done in JavaScript so when you're doing any kind of web apps and you need that interactive element Java Script is the language to go with go with now honestly up until oh I don't know probably 11 years ago at this point JavaScript and I hate to say it wasn't also right it was a great programming language but it was kind of one of those things that was lumped in with HTML and CSS and PHP it was like yeah you need to know all of that and do to create a website but it was kind of one of those it's it's an also it's also you need to learn that well one of the things that happened 11 years ago or whatever is that confident that Steve Jobs decided to not use Adobe Flash on the new iPhones and the new iPads right so Adobe Flash was how we used to have animations and we also used to have interactivity on the webpages that we went to there were a lot of problems with it there are security problems whether there are resource problems with it Adobe just kind of crapped their craft a bet when they can't with flash flash is one of those things like back in 2000 it had problems but it gave you a lot of useful things and so you could overlook the problems by the time we got to 2009-2010 and still had a lot of problems and you know it seems like the move with the world was moving on and so Steve Jobs just came in and said the obvious said you know the world's moving on these lower power these lower resource computers iPhone smartphones and tablet computers simply don't have the the resources to deal with Adobe's crap and so he said we're just not gonna have Adobe Flash and now back then again 10 11 years ago that was a big deal well the problem came is that Adobe Flash had had been solving solving a lot of problems for folks if you wanted little games to play on a webpage you used Adobe Flash if you wanted videos to play used Adobe Flash again so much in that complicated interactivity was done with Adobe Flash well when he killed Adobe Flash basically said we're not gonna put in iOS devices the world needed a better option and so JavaScript actually ended up being a very good option for simply replacing flash lots of web developers already knew JavaScript JavaScript was already used for interactive design on webpages and so it's kind of one of those things well oh we know if we add a couple of more things to JavaScript we can get JavaScript to basically do be doing all the stuff that Adobe Flash was doing and it's already built into all these web browsers and there's not all the massive security problems era with Adobe Flash and everything else so let's go with that so really about tenor years ago there was a real big new push for JavaScript because it was now the default for any kind of interactivity when you're dealing with web pages and so JavaScript is very useful for you so if you're if you want to do things like again if you're gonna be doing any kind of web apps and you want that interactivity if you want to be able to create basic little games in in a web page you can use JavaScript to do that basically any kind of web development where you're going to need real-time interactivity on the web page javascript is a way to go then the thing is is once everybody was already using javascript you know people start thinking about it and they're like well you know if we already know would you have a script because that's why the problems of programming languages like there's different syntax there's different delimiters there's different ways you you code they are different languages and so some people started thinking about it and lots of different people start thinking well if we already know if we already know JavaScript you know to do some of these server functions in order to do some of these other functions that I need to do I don't really want to have to completely learn a new programming language can we get JavaScript to do that since we already know this language we already know the syntax and that's where you start to get all the variations of JavaScript there that are out there so if you need a server-side so when you're looking at JavaScript the javascript is something called a client-side scripting language what that means is the web browser on your computer is actually reading the code that you wrote out in JavaScript and then is presenting you with something a message box that stupid little video game whatever else that's being run on the client side so when I talked about a PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language so that is run on the server but javascript is a client-side coding language so it's run on the client well some folks were thinking like hey you know we already know Java could we just create a version of Java that would run on the server so then if I'm trying to create a web application where I need you know both some kind of client-side service and some of some some type of riverside service i can use the same programming language language in order to write those two components and that's where we get things like a nodejs so one of the cool parts if you get into the JavaScript world is there are a lot of offshoots of JavaScript there are a lot of different ways that JavaScript can be used in the modern world so once you learn JavaScript you may be opening a lot more doors than you may first realize and so that's one of the reasons that's a good language to learn so next I want to talk about Java now to be clear Java basically has nothing to do with JavaScript this is one of the confusions people think javascript is like Java light or something like that no JavaScript is JavaScript and Java is Java and these this type of word or naming choice is one of the things that makes a tech industry so annoying because people name things this way and you know you know the average person is going to correlate the two they're gonna think JavaScript has something to do with Java window javascript is JavaScript and Java is Java they're to a different programming language languages so Java is a compiled programming language so what that means is that you will put it through a piece of software called a compiler and then what will get spit out on the other side is your application that will be able to be read by the operating system of a computer right so back in the old days compiled languages is the way everything went again if you're dealing with C or C++ or anything else basically you would type out our you're call your code you would shove it through something called a compiler and the compiler would spit out your program on the other side and then whatever operating system you can pile that program for would be able to to run it so if you compiled it for Windows Windows would be around if you compiled it for Linux Linux would be able to run if you compiled it for UNIX UNIX would be able to run it but you see there's a bit of a problem there we talked about the old compiled languages you would have to compile your program for each one of those operating systems it was a process called porting so if you've ever heard about that before where people talked about oh we have this application for window and we are going to port it to map or port it to Linux basically what they're talking about is they were going to recompile it for these different operating systems and most likely have to go in and do some modifications to the code to actually make it work the problem is with that is that means you have to write your program have actually multiple number of times to get it to work on these different operating systems and that can be a problem especially like with lower level things if you're dealing with device drivers possibly or stores or things like that how your application talks to Windows may be very different than how it needs to talk to Linux that's where Java came in so basically Java came in a long time ago really would popular around the 2000 timeframe because what was cool about Java is you can install what was called the Java Runtime on to these different operating systems so you can install Java onto Mac and you can install Java on the Linux and you can install Java onto Windows and then when you created a program in Java you simply had to program it to run for Java so basically Java that Java Runtime acted as a layer so the people that administer Java they wouldn't worry about the device drivers they would worry about the storage they would worry about all the lower-level communications with the operating system and then you could just program for Java right so people would install Java on to their different operating systems and then you could simply code your program for Java and then you could code it once and then it would work on you know whatever operating system had a Java installed so it was it was great for a little while it was great for a little while for a number of years and then people basically frankly forgot about it again this is important thing to know about coding languages is they kind of come and then they go and then they come back sometime and so with Android Java is the main programming language for Android and so I feel basically when Android came back when you started having the Android smartphones and the Android tablets then there was a real push again for people to start learning Java pushing pushing Java out and so now many Java is seen as like one of the number one programming languages in demand in the world I don't know it was like a year or two ago it depends with these different programming languages but it's one of the number one languages out there the reason being is because you can use Java in order to code for Android so Java is a great language with the idea of basically being of a code for all of these different operating systems using one a single programming language it's a compile programming language that means you said you you take your code you send it through the compiler it's able to then run much faster than the scripted programming languages and it's very useful so you can use it for server administration tests you can use it to create all kinds of desktop applications you can use it to create android applications for smart phones and for tablet devices and it's a great overall programming language and is one of the ones that that's most highest and demand so especially if you're thinking about Android development Java is probably the way to go so we're talking about Android development but now the question is what about iOS development so what if you like iPhones what if you like iPads that type of thing if you want to code for iPhones or iPads there's a coding language called Swift and that's basically it you can probably find some other way to code for for iOS devices but more or less the default is Swift Swift is it if you want to code for iOS devices you're gonna learn Swift Swift and what else do you say about Swift if you want to coach fry OS devices learn Swift that's about all I can say now once we've talked about Android devices and we talked about iOS devices then we go back the normal Microsoft world right it was modern world of startup companies and snapchat and uber and all that kind of thing it's it's easy to forget that Windows desktop operating systems and server operating systems still run a huge portion of the world's computing right if you see if you think about it most desktop computers are our Windows machines servers in the enterprise and I'm not talking about web servers servers in the way the enterprise environment Active Directory exchange all that kind of thing they're gonna be Microsoft and so one of the things you should be thinking about is if you're gonna be in the enterprise world thinking about what language works best for what is called the Microsoft stack and that would be c-sharp so Microsoft has been creating programming languages for a long time again back when I was new were an IT learning something called Visual Basic was the standard everybody basically learned but now time has moved on and so basically c-sharp is the language that you'll be wanting to learn if you want to be building more complicated applications in the Microsoft world especially if you want to do things we're gonna be connecting with Active Directory if you wanna be connecting Active Directory with as your services and your local exchange server and other things a c-sharp will be the way to go other programming languages may allow you to do that again python may allow you to do that but c-sharp is one of those again it's like if you're in the Microsoft where it's one of those weird things right where if you want to do Footloose and fancy-free you want to run Linux and all kinds of different operating systems and do all kinds of weird stuff right learning Python or something else is a good way to go but you know if you if you've decided on the Microsoft world again I'm not gonna get in the argument one way or the other but your company or you have you decided on exchange server you decided on Microsoft Active Directory you fix you decided on as your functions right if you're already you've walked into the Microsoft world it's one of those things you might as well use the Microsoft product that has been created to most easily solve your problems in the Microsoft world it's one of those things I talked about like deciding between AWS and as your so Microsoft as you were is Microsoft's cloud platform storage and all kinds of stuff and then of course you have AWS they have their thing right well if you're a startup company if you're a new company then there are some questions about whether you should go with AWS or is your AWS s and benefits that you're has some benefits which one you're going to go with again we could sit down for three and hash it out and figure out which solution you could go with but the thing to be thinking about if you're in the Microsoft world you've already bought all your cows you already have your Active Directory service you already have your experiencer you already have all this stuff and your company isn't gonna be migrating off of Microsoft you know within the next few decades then my argument is go with as your as your was built by Microsoft to work the best with their products so why duct tape and super glue stuff together in order to make it work properly with AWS you're already logged into Microsoft so just yes admit admit admit that you're stuck with them and go with this you're it's kind of the same way I would think about with c-sharp could a good Java do some very good things in the Microsoft environment yes can't Python do some very good things in Microsoft environment yes but you've already decided on Microsoft you've already bought the cows you've already bought all this credit you know just just go with c-sharp stop trying to be a cool kid all the time and go with the language that's actually built to deal with your particular environment so if you're in the Microsoft world the Microsoft environment I would HIGHLY highly argue C sharps a good way to go then finally for this video you get to the CES C++ world right so this is where you get a lot of folks especially the computer science folks real coders real programmers no C or C++ and it's like yeah you know sort of again depends on what you're trying to do again very important it's not that any of these languages really are better or worse than any other language it's what you're trying to solve for so when you're dealing with a c c++ world you're generally dealing with things like actually being able to modify components of the operating system doing things like writing device driver so i had a buddy of mine who was into c c++ write that that was his job and basically he was doing things dealing with autonomous vehicles in real time so really really really really the complicated sophisticated problems where there's not a lot of user interface basically he's coding for how the servo motors are going to move how the sensor it sensors are going to interact with each other and trying to try and get the communication to be best in a real-time scenario so for a lot of folks out there they think C or C++ is the way to go right I want to be a real coder I wouldn't be a real prime not I'm not all learn oh pythons for you know it's script kiddies out there I'm gonna learn C or C++ the problem with C and C++ especially for new people is the problems that you're generally trying to solve a C C++ are so complicated that generally a lot of new people they they don't know enough to solve the problems that C and C++ solve you know saying it's like you actually have to understand a lot about computers to get to the point where C and C++ are useful tools for you to be able to try to solve the problems um imagine if you wanted to be a handyman imagine if you had the idea I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna create a business and I'm gonna be a handyman and then somebody gave you a crane you're gonna have a hammer you're gonna have some radial sander you didn't have a paintbrush you had a crane to be clear to be clear a crane is a very powerful piece of construction equipment and crave is very useful but the crane can be very very valuable in the future you may need a crane but if you have not printed out your business cards yet and somebody plops down a crane you're not really gonna know what to do with it right so I think C and C++ is very good again for the computer science folks people don't really want to get deep into computers again if you're going to be going to a four-year program again get your bachelor's degree in computer science then it makes sense that you're going to use you're gonna learn C and C++ because in the FIR your second year depending on how they do it you're gonna learn see your unwanted C++ and then they're gonna do it then then the next class you're gonna learn how to do something with that and in the next class you're gonna do more things with that in the next class is going to keep getting more and more complicated and your teachers are going to guide you down the path on okay now that you know these languages this is how you do something useful with them the problem with new people again especially if you're yourself studying you're you're you're trying to learn this yourself you learn it and then it's like okay it's kinda like me with languages in my life I've actually I've spent a lot of time in classes learning languages German Frank and Spanish right too much time I spent years I've got a weird life anyways I've spent years of my life learning languages I am horrible at every other language than English the reason is is I'm in the United States the United States is 3,000 miles by 2,000 miles were boarded by Canada at the top right the fact the matter is when you go traveling around the world when I go to Europe I can speak English when I go to India I can speak English when I go to Thailand I can speak English when I go to Costa Rica I can speak English when I go to Calais I can mostly speak English so the reality is I have spent years and years and years and years being given a good education learning all of these cool languages and I can barely speak any of them because I as an American I genuinely do not have a use for them we all just speak English I'm in Baltimore I can travel all the way to San Francisco and I will never need to know anything other than English right and that's when the problems you run into with some of these these languages again like C or C++ you can sit there you can you can self-study you can learn but if you're not really sure what hell to do with it to do next then then you're gonna lose it again like when I tell you to learn PHP you can spend a week learning PHP by the end of the week you can actually be creating applications that have real-world uses you can be creating notification applications you can be creating the system applications if you can create them back-end for websites and that type of thing in one week you can be building something again Python within a couple of days you can be doing something useful and if you if you're able to do something useful then then you learn from doing that then you learn what you don't really understand so then you're able to focus on that to learn more then when you learn that then you figure out this other thing and you keep building right so so maybe again if you learn Python you might be you might say oh I'm gonna learn Python in order to I don't know create some little desktop applications so I can keep track of whatever IP addresses are currently connected to the network and then once you do that you go oh look there's these IP addresses that are connected to the network you know it'd be nice if I could click on the IP address and actually be able to pull up information about that client computer and so then you figure out how that works and then you're like oh and you know since I'm the administrator anyway if I could click on that get information and then if I know there's a problem with that system if I could then remotely get into that system or remotely perform tasks that would be useful and so you go and you do research right and so that's a way you know where you start and yes you start with the variables and the loops and all the boring crap you're always gonna have to learn but then again with PHP with Python with it with JavaScript with Swift with with c-sharp you know it may be a week of boring stuff that you've got to get through but then once you get done with that boring stuff then you can be like oh I bet I could create this little app to do this and then it does that okay now that I've done that I'd also like you to do XY and Z and then you figure it out right and that's part of the motivation that's part of the learning process with these programming languages and that's one of the problems with things like C and C++ is this not that they're bad languages again if you're gonna be a computer science person if you really really want to get into the nitty-gritty like really code coding again for device drivers for operating system kernels that type of thing C and C++ can be very useful the problem is is that for most folks that are trying to get in a technology world especially self-study boot camp IT professionals that type of deal literally C and C++ are solving problems that you may not even know that those kind of problems exist and so you kind of probably got to be a bit of an issue for you and it's gonna be hard for keeping motivation and you know continuing to be excited to learn about the language and so there you go now you know the number one coding language to learn that's right HTML HTML hypertext markup language that is the language to learn and then CSS and then go learn language that's actually gonna pay the rent to be clear for any noobs out there HTML is not gonna pay in a wrench but you need to know HTML again if you're a new person you're watching this learn HD like you gotta know HTML if you don't know HTML life is going to be very difficult for you don't worry it'll just take it'll just take a day no big deal but then again like I say with these other languages it really depends on what your situation is what you're trying to solve for what people in your area you know they're they're they're hiring for so on and so forth now I didn't talk about some of the other languages out there I didn't talk about pearl blast from the past I saw that like it's on my screen right now on like what really there's 14,000 pearl jobs I'll be darned I'll be durned as they say I didn't talk about pearl I didn't talk about our I didn't talk about dark I didn't talk about go and then talking about fill in the blanks there are again as I said before there are a lot of other languages out there that again they are in use their input Dakshina they are in demand the problem you get - especially if you're the type of person watching a class like this is again where do you stop where do you focus the whole nine yards if companies in your area are hiring go developers you may want to learn go if they're hiring our developers you may want to learn our again dart developers and so on and so forth I would say out it out of what I've talked about today these are the best programming languages to start looking at again depending on what your situation is PHP is a great language Python is a great language and javascript is a great language Java is a great language Swift is a great language and c-sharp is a great language I would argue these are when is that one two three four five six probably these are the six other languages you would sit there and again depending on your situation and what people are hiring for I would pick out of those again as I've said in other videos you are not married to your coding language if you start with PHP it doesn't mean you have to dine with PHP you can learn PHP figure things out solve your particular problems and then realize nobody else in your area has your particular problems and then you can learn go learn c-sharp right you're not married these languages so what I would say is go pick the language that works best for you you're most likely to get hired within your area get as much experience as possible as you can without language and then when you kind of get to the end of your learning track you basically more or less get as far as you can go that's when you can look at some of these other language is again Dart and go and our pearls are still having about bro no parole and you can see maybe one of those languages does something that that solves other problems right you know and as you're learning to build applications as you learn to build software as you're learning to program eclis administer systems you may you may sit there and you may run into issues with the language that you pick you know your language Java or C C sharp or whatever does X Y & Z very good there's no option for these other things and so that's where once once you kind of get to the end of what you're learning you start to feel very comfortable confident that's when you can start saying okay these are the other problems that I have what languages will solve those problems and then then you may find out go dart Perl X Y or Z in code from there so that's just a basic video for you today on the best programming language is of course hmm not a programming language is a markup language trick questions quick comment oh it's horrible oh you get these first years you get these first year coders you know they're freshmen in college oh they come to I've it I don't know why I minded the video that I put up there's something like a decade old ten years old called introduction to HTML programming and these kids just love to come I just beat up on it to be clear hTML is not a programming language it's a markup language but you know gets mushed together so these are some things to think about when that as always I enjoy doing this video man look for it's the effects on apparently the type of content you just saw is not what Susan W wants for the future of YouTube this means that recommendations by YouTube to this channel have dropped massively and views are becoming a comically small I hate to ask I used to say I would never ask but if you could subscribe like comment and most importantly share the videos that you appreciate that may help slow the death of this channel do you remember that if anything at all happens to this channel you can go to Eli the computer guy calm to view the content and access information not available on YouTube
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 42,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy, Repair, Networking, Tech, IT, Startup, Arduino, iot
Id: PTU9Ut2TsHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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