Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W: We have a new Pi!

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My wallet says "Noooooo...."

but my body


👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/GustavoM 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is going inside the Pi Zero Gameboy case and emulating ALL THE GAMES!!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/flemtone 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Was literally thinking about when a new one would come out yesterday night.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ODXT-X74 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I might have to buy 4 more...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EntertainmentUsual87 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just purchased one from Adafruit. Wondering if I can just throw my SD into it from my old Pi Zero W from my PiBoy GB case and it work better for some games or not.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LiarInGlass 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers this time it's a special extra episode so we can take a look at this the brand new raspberry pi zero two w which has just been released by the raspy pie foundation yes we've got a brand new raspberry pie now i want to stress from the start that this is not a sponsored video but the raspberry pi foundation did very kindly send me a pre-release raspberry pi02w so i could make this launch day video so let's go and take a closer look right here we have the raspberry pi zero two w with the two indicating second generation and the w meaning that it's got wireless connectivity the zero two w is officially priced at 15 and i imagine this means that in the uk and europe it'll probably sell for about 13 or 14 pounds or euros so let's get it out of its little bag which should be straightforward even for me yes we've got it out and here it is the raspberry pi zero two w and let's compare it with the original raspberry pi zero w and straight away we can see that the form factor is identical the connectors are identical so a new board should be a drop-in replacement for the existing board except with more power and it should also work with existing accessories so for example here i've got the official case for the raspberry pi zero it should just drop in there somehow like this there we are and the top will drop on like that yes we could use it with the original the existing raspberry pi zero case let's go get it out because i'm sure you want to know about the specification and this new board is dominated by one component which we've got in the middle here and this is a brand new chip designed by the raspberry pi foundation and known as the rp3a0 or just the rp3 this is a sip or a system in a package that contains both the soc and the ram so whereas on the first generation pi zero models the ram was stacked on top of the soc here both the ram and the soc are in the same package and in that package the cpu is quad core with four 64-bit a53 cores running at up to one gigahertz and this is coupled with 512 megabytes of ram we therefore have a lot more processing power on the new zero as the original xero models are single core however the ram on my new pi 02w is the same as previously which is a little disappointing but i imagine the specification is constrained by the 15 price tag to discover a little more about the rp3 sip i reached out to the engineers at the raspberry pi foundation and they told me that the memory is low power ddr2 running at 450 megahertz they also said that the soc is similar to what was used on early pi 3 models the gpu is therefore a video call for design with the same image sensor pipeline and video codecs in terms of connectivity what we have here as we've just seen is very similar to what we had on the original raspberry pi zero and zero w models with a micro sd card slot a mini hdmi connector and two micro usb two connectors one of which is used to power the board and the other for plugging in peripherals critically for projects we also have a zero form factor csi or camera serial interface connector for connecting a camera as well as an unpopulated 40 pin gpio header so here we could take the gpo header like this one and we could solder it to the board dropping it in like that and we could use that to plug in jumper leads or we might want to use maybe a right angle header or maybe to solder leads directly to these pads for certain projects and for other projects we wouldn't need connections here at all oh and it's worth noting there is one different in terms of these connectors on the new board compared to the old one because on the older pi zero models there were four more holes and pads here two of which could be used for connecting composite video but do not fear if we take the raspberry pi zero two w and turn it over you'll see there's all kinds of solar pads on the back two of which down here can be used for composite video and the others i'm sure i've got lots of exciting purposes which we'll discover in time finally the last thing i've not mentioned is on the top of the board which is the wireless module here which offers 80211bg and end wi-fi as well as bluetooth 5.2 and so there we are the raspberry pi zero 2w a new quad-core 15 sbc and so i think it's now high time to get an operating system installed on it on a micro sd card and to see how it performs right i've now got the raspberry pi zero two w all connected up and running as you can see and if we go across to the desktop we're running raspberry pi os which is so much more responsive than it is running on the previous raspberry pi zero models the raspberry pi 0 1 and 1 w as i guess we now call them if i go to the menu it's just crisper it's just easier to use let's run up for example genie for a bit of programming how often i run this up in the raspberry pi zero it just comes up so much quicker that's just so nice let's run up also for example the task manager there pull that up again nice and crisp very responsive i'll just pull it out like that although in fact you can't see the multiple cpu chords in this can you so let's actually close that down and just nip across to the terminal again it comes up quickly let's run a base top and yes you can see we've got our multiple cpu cores all four of them at the top there and i know some people will want more memory on the raspberry pi zero two w i understand that but even with its half gigabyte of memory and we've got some allocated here to a gpu we've still got a lot of memory free when we're running a graphical desktop and often you won't be running a graphical desktop doing project work on a raspberry pi zero so it's a very nice new board and i keep saying it's running faster here than a traditional model one raspberry pi zero but we should really test that out properly and so what i'm now going to do is to close things down we'll go up to here and log out and shut down like that and i'm recording in such a manner you can see a blank screen when things are shut down and i'll bring up here the output from both the raspberry pi zero to w and also a raspberry pi zero one w and i'll press the switch to turn on the power there we go and we can see the difference in boot speeds and i point out that both raspberry pi zero models have got raspberry pi os installed on the 32 gigabyte sandisk ultra micro sd card and a1 card and boot speed is of course a critical aspect of using a raspberry pi zero if for example you're using it as the brain for your robot you want your robot to come to life as fast as possible and indeed talking of as fast as possible the raspberry pi zero 2w has already booted lock in 27.2 seconds it's beaten the oh so important 30 second boot mark i find i don't mind a computer taking up to about 30 seconds to boot after 30 seconds i start to get impatient anyway saying that we should let the raspberry pi zero 1w also complete its boot so we'll speed forward in time and there we are the raspberry pi zero one w completes its boot process in 91.5 seconds which means that the raspberry pi zero 2w boots over three times faster than the previous raspberry pi zero models greetings here i am back again for a second test which is going to be a cpu test and initially here i'm running on the raspberry pi zero 1w where i've installed sysbench using the command sudo apt-install sysbench and we're going to be running this sysbench command what i've used in various forms many times in videos to do tests and this is basically going to be the cpu test as you can see it's going to factor prime numbers to a value of 5000 which is a fairly small number for a test like this but i know the raspberry pi 0 1w will really get worried doing more than that it'll still take quite a while on the raspberry zero one w and hopefully less time on the the 2w and you see on the end of here we've got a num threads equals one because we've got only one processor core on the raspberry pi zero one w this will be changed to threads equal four when we run the same test on the raspberry pi zero two w anyway let's run the test there we are it started off and we'll speed forward in time until it's finished and here we are we have our result the raspberry pi zero one w completed the test in 87.4 seconds which is all well and good but of course we really want to know what the difference will be on the raspberry pi zero two w running the same test so let's go across to the raspberry pi zero two w and again run the test only this time with threads equals four because we've got a quad core processor on this new pi and there we are a fantastic result 16.19 16.2 seconds compared to 87.43 on the raspberry pi zero 1w so clearly we have got a lot more processing power you would expect it going from a single core to a quad-core processor but we proved it here in sysbench we've got loads more power available on the new raspberry pi zero two w so here i am back for a final test currently running on the raspberry pi zero 2w and we're going to do a test using the gnu image manipulation program the graphical program let's just run it up from the menu i thought i'd show you how rapidly it comes up on the raspberry pi zero 2w which is pretty good for a program as as intensively heavy as in terms of resources it uses it's going to come up fairly quickly i think that's not bad is it launched on our raspberry pi zero i'm still getting used to having a more powerful raspberry pi zero and what we're going to do for the test is something i've done many times before we're going to create a new document which will be the default size of 1920 by 1080 which will come up like that there we are it fills it all in and then we'll go to filters and we're going to go to render and we're going to go to lava and at this point i'll bring up exactly the same setup on the raspberry pi 0 1 w so we can see how long each takes to complete the test so i'll now press ok and then we'll speed forward as the computers get on with some processing and here we are about three minutes later in the real world with the raspberry pi zero 2w having finished the image processing task in 181.5 seconds meanwhile the raspberry pi zero 1w has clearly got some distance to go so we'll get back in our virtual time machine and here we are the raspberry pi zero one w has completed in 868.8 seconds which makes the raspberry pi zero 2w 4.7 times faster at this image processing task and i'm sure some people will say when would you do image processing in on the raspberry pi zero that's not what it's intended for and yes you're right although you can do so if you wish as you can see here but there will be occasions where doing image processing is a key part of what you're doing with a raspberry pi zero for example if you're running motion ios to do motion detection when you've got a camera connected for a camera motion detection type device and it's therefore very pleasing to see a real world result showing the raspberry pi zero 2w is so much better at image processing than its ancestors in the raspberry pi zero clam i've always been a big fan of the raspberry pi zero and i'm therefore very pleased we've now got a new model with a quad-core processor and i'm very much looking forward to seeing what i can do with this new board in future projects and future videos but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and i hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 288,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, Raspberry Pi Zero, Pi Zero 2, Pi Zero 2W, new raspberry Pi, quad core pi zero, quad core raspberry Pi Zero, Rasperry Pi Zero 2 W review, Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W performance, performance tests, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt
Id: Qxcyb5z2HDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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