Raspberry Pi Build for Ham Radio Part 1 Step by Step

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welcome back guys this is Jason km4 ACK today we're gonna take a look at building a Raspberry Pi for for ham radio from scratch stick around and we'll get right to it so up until now on the channel we've covered a lot of different tutorials on how to do this or that but I often get an email from somebody brand-new that says okay which video do I start with how do I do this in in a step-by-step order and up until now I haven't had anything like that so I decided that I'm going to be moving to the PI 4 over the PI 3 and I thought I would just go ahead and do a video on the step by step instructions for getting that done in addition to that I've created this website here and there will be a link to this site down in the description below it'll be getting started Raspberry Pi something along those lines but we'll get that down in the description below now what I've tried to do the goal is to create this tutorial so you can literally copy and paste step-by-step instructions to get your Raspberry Pi up and running now this will take at least a couple of videos maybe three this is not going to cover installation or I'm sorry configuration of every single application out there but this is intended to get a base system built and include win link I believe when link is a fundamental requirement or at least to this for me so we will be covering that at least the basics of getting that up and running in this tutorial so I'm going to skip through the four words you guys can read that when you go to the link down below what I have done is I have downloaded raspbian Buster with desktop I don't need this full full-blown version that they have here I just need the desktop version so I've downloaded that now guys don't use the herbs download it's super easy I guess to flash a card with it however it installs a lot of extra junk they that just kind of gets in the way of our system let's try to keep our systems to a minimum and try to help them run as fast as possible on these little single board computers so this is what I've started with and I'm gonna scroll on down we are in the initial setup phase for the computer so again I flash the card I've enabled SSH and I've done a video on that there's this actually links to the video if you need to know how to enable SSH before you ever boot it and then I inserted the card into the PI and booted up so now I need to SSH into the PI and we're going to take care of turning on VNC and setting the screen resolution now you do need your Raspberry Pi plugged into your router with a cat5 cable so that it can grab the IP address if you don't have a monitor hooked up you have no way of getting in and controlling it except over the network and it's not connected to our Wi-Fi yet someone jump over to my router and I'm just looking through the current dhcp lee leases you'll have to figure out how to do that on your router i'm not proficient on all the routers out there i just happen to know the ardent routers pretty well but this is it right here the raspberry pi and this is my IP address i'm just going to copy that address and let's head over to the terminal window now I'm running a Mac if you're on Windows you could use a a plight hoody do a google search it's a free download but I am running from a Mac so I'm just gonna use the built-in terminal window to initiate the SSH connection so I'm going to say SSH give it a space PI at and I'm going to paste in that IP address that we just copied I'll go ahead and hit the return key and it's going to ask me for my password that's a default password because we haven't been into the system yet so here I'm going to enter raspberry and that'll bring us in once once I'm logged into the raspberry pi I'm going to run sudo recipe - config and go ahead and hit the return key and that's going to bring us into this menu here so first thing we're going to do is enable V and C so I'm going to come down to option v using the arrow keys on my keyboard and press Enter we'll come down to V and C press ENTER again and now I'm going to use my tab key to highlight yes and then I'm going to press ENTER on my keyboard that's going to come back and tell me that the VNC server is now enabled enter again to say ok and now let's come down to number seven the Advanced Options and we'll come down to resolution and I always like to pick the very bottom one 1920 by 1080 I'm gonna press ENTER and it tells me that that's been set enter again to say okay and then I'm going to use my tab key to highlight the word finish and we'll go ahead and press return it's going to tell us that we need to reboot for everything to take effect so I'll go ahead and reboot this and we will be right back okay while we're waiting on the machine to finish rebooting you'll see that we did these steps here in that last section we did go ahead and perform the reboot now we need to use our VNC viewer on your PC or your Mac to go ahead and connect to the Raspberry Pi and this is a link here so if you don't have the VNC viewer you can click on it it'll take you to the appropriate website where you can download that software once we get V n seed in we're going to be doing these steps here so we're just going to complete the setup wizard alright so let's go ahead and look at our VNC viewer here's the IP address now if yours is completely blank here you could simply type that IP in here as well go ahead and press ENTER and it's going to bring up the login screen so username is PI and the password is the default so raspberry once you're logged in you'll be presented with this information here now this is a warning that we've got ssh enabled and the default password for pi has not been changed not a big deal we're about to take care of that so we'll just say ok and we'll go ahead and press next this is our setup wizard that will always run on a brand new PI so we'll go ahead and click the next and choose your country language and timezone and for me I'm gonna say use the English language and the u.s. keyboard and press Enter or click Next rather give it just a second so it can set up your location your time zones and all of that and then we'll get to the next screen on the next screen we're going to enter a new password so Cheers whatever you won't hear make sure it matches when you type it twice now when you log in in the future instead of using that raspberry which was the default password you'll be using this password here whatever you choose for that password to be will click Next I don't have a black border around my desktop so I'm just gonna click Next again and now it's searching for Wi-Fi networks that it can see so as soon as this pops up I'm going to go ahead and select one of the wireless networks here in my Shack let's just go with that one for now click the next button and it will ask you for the Wi-Fi password enter the password and click Next now it's gonna try to go ahead and connect and you'll see right up here that this changed from two arrows to this Wi-Fi symbol so we know that it is connected now next thing it asked is do we want to update the software absolutely we want to update the software so we'll go ahead and click Next here this is going to take anywhere from 15 30 45 minutes so go have a cup of coffee and I'll be back with you guys as soon as this finishes up okay so after your PI has finished its updates and you've rebooted this system we're now back to the desktop let's check the website again and change hostname now I'm gonna go ahead and do this you don't have to do this step but I like to have different host names for each of my pies because I've got like seven of them sitting on the network if they were all named Raspberry Pi I'd never figure out what was what to do that let's go to the Start menu preferences and we'll come down to raspberry pie configuration and right here I'm gonna call it video pie that way it'll be different from everything else on the network now it's gonna ask me to reboot typically I would say yes but in this case just for times sake I'm gonna say no we're gonna be doing plenty of reboots as we go through this but on the next reboot that'll happen okay so next up we're going to just double check and make sure that everything is up to date so I'm literally going to copy and paste commands as we go through this so let's go ahead and open up our terminal window and we'll paste in that first command this should just take a couple of seconds because I know everything is up to date and while we're waiting on that I'll go ahead and grab the next command which is the upgrade command and this just verifies that everything is up to date should you have run into any errors when you did it with the setup wizard going about it this way you would go ahead and get your system up to date and correct the error that you might have seen I have seen the setup wizard a timer to not be able to reach the website and wouldn't do the updates but those first two commands just verifies we have everything up today so we're going to clear the screen with a clear command let's head back over here now the next thing I like to do is get the hotspot installed and the reason I like to do this remember guys I don't use monitors and keyboards on my pies they're always headless so when I'm in the field I need a way to connect to the Raspberry Pi so what this does and there is a video here for reference got a little bit more information in it but what this does is this allows the Raspberry Pi to generate its own Wi-Fi hotspot that I can connect to with another device and then use VNC to see and control the Raspberry Pi so again we're literally going to copy and paste every command going through here instead of typing everything out so I'm just going to bounce back and forth now be careful on this occasionally there is a scroll bar at the bottom make sure you get all of each command so that we don't run into any errors so the next thing we're going to do we just downloaded the script the next thing this next command is going to make this script executable so we'll go ahead and paste that in and then we'll go ahead and run the script with the next command now this will take a couple of seconds because it's going to install a couple of other pieces of software that we need so I'll be right back as it when it asks us for the first question okay so as the script continues to run it's going to come up and ask you for the password that you want to be used with the the new hotspot so in other words whenever you try to connect to it say with a tablet you're going to enter this password so we'll just give it let's use my callsign what for ACK and then we'll give it a couple of numbers now do note here that password needs to be between 8 and 63 characters long if it's too short it will not work well going and press return it's gonna ask us ask if that is correct we'll say yes and the script will continue to run now in just a couple of other seconds it's going to ask you for the Wi-Fi SSID that you would like to connect to this is the one already in your Shack so you'll go ahead and enter that here one of the Wi-Fi is already in my Shack is camphor ACK - portable so we'll hit return after you've given it the name and then it's going to ask us for the password for that one so well enter that press Enter it's going to ask me if it's correct and it'll will tell it yes last thing to do is we do have to do a reboot to make everything to get everything up to date after that's installed so I'll go ahead and type the reboot command and press return now that the PI has rebooted our hotspot is installed and you'll see that my new host name is showing up right here alright let's see what's next in the steps all right so we did the reboot now this is a test section for the hotspot so we'll just copy this and all the directions are down through here I'm going to go a little quick with this just for Toms sake but everything is documented in on the webpage so I did this which tells us to change up our SSID I'm going to copy and paste the next command here which restarts the hot spot so the hot spot will look for a SSID to connect to if it can't find it then it'll go ahead and generate its own hunt spot and it looks like that is that did happen so if I look here this is the Wi-Fi for my Macintosh so I'm gonna click on that and I should see a new one that pops up called RPI spot so we know that the hot spot is doing its job so let's see what is next now it's going to tell us to undo what we just did so that it'll go ahead and reconnect to the one in our Shack instead of running the hot spot for the time being so again all of this is documented on the web page so if I'm going a little quicker then you would like reading through the the web page will give you a will give you everything that you need to know but I'm literally copying and pasting out of these grey code boxes so we'll go ahead and paste in the next command and you'll watch right up here in the top right this will change from two arrows and we'll get the Wi-Fi symbol again here in just a second okay now we have the Wi-Fi signal let's go back and let's see what the next section brings so the next thing we want to do is we want to automate that hotspot so that the PI will check every five minutes see if it can see your shacks Wi-Fi if it can it's going to connect to it if it can't it's going to create its own hotspot now I really like this especially in my Jeep where I run the Raspberry Pi that way when I pull into the garage it just automatically connects up to my shacks Network and when I leave it goes ahead and generates the hotspot that I need to connect to when I'm out and about so we're gonna use this command here which is crunch Abe - II so we'll paste that in now this is the first time that I've run crying on this machine so it's gonna ask me which editor I want to use of course I'm gonna pick the easiest one because I'm most familiar with Nano if you know something about the others go ahead and choose one of them but I'm gonna choose one right there and hit enter and we're going to copy these two lines here and this tells us to scroll to the bottom of this file so you can use your up and down arrows to get to the bottom I'm gonna press ENTER just to give it one more blank line there and paste in that command we'll press ctrl X Y and enter to get out of that and that takes care oh no I'm sorry there's one more thing to do this is what I like to do the next section will go ahead and copy this command and paste it in and I'll show you what this does here while ago you remember seeing that rpi hot spot well I like to name mine something different I like to call mine something different so I'm gonna come down to this line and just take out that rpi hot spot and we'll just call this oh I don't know video pie I'm gonna press ctrl X Y and enter now if we went back through the test session test section for the hot spot when we looked at it up here we wouldn't see that RPI hot spot anymore what we would see then is what I named it which is called the video pie now now that should take care of all of our hotspot connection so let's move on to the GPS install now note about the GPS if you don't have one and you're wondering which one I used you can click here or down here again that'll take you over to Amazon where you can get the same one I use I think they're about 12 or 13 bucks it will take them a little while to get a lock the first time you plug it up and if you're using the one that I use you'll know that the GPS has a lock on the satellites because there will be a green light flashing on on the dongle itself before you've done anything to install or configure it it once it gets a lock it that green light will be flashing but let's go ahead and get everything installed for this I have a new script that I've written but we're gonna go ahead and paste in the first command which just changes directories we'll grab the next one which was my new install script that I've worked up just makes doing this a whole lot easier so we'll paste that in let it download next line or the next command rather that we're going to copy is going to make that script that we just downloaded executable and then the last line is going to actually run the script so we'll paste that in and hit return guys you see what I mean about it super simple I mean literally I'm copying and pasting off of the website to get the base of my system set up and installed okay and once it finishes up it's gonna ask us if we would like to reboot there's also instructions for some of this over on my github site but everything you're gonna need is actually on the web page as well so we'll go ahead and say yes here and give that a second to reboot okay I was hoping we could get through a lot more today than we did but I do want to you know make sure that everything gets thoroughly explained as we go through it I'm not explaining you know step-by-step commands the way I normally do but the way I've listed them out on the web page and the web page has great instruction on it you can literally copy and paste your way through this will pick up though in the next video and carry on Gus until then 7:3
Channel: KM4ACK
Views: 57,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham, ham radio, raspberry pi, buster, access point, hotspot, wifi, gps
Id: ZhnCvi54zwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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