Raspberry Pi Build for Ham Radio Part 2 Step by Step

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welcome back guys this is Jason km4 ACK today we're going to continue on the Raspberry Pi for build stick around and we'll get right to it okay so just a quick recap from last week we flashed our card we got the initial setup doing and we were able to VNC into it we got the hotspot installed and then we got the GPS installed in working today we're gonna start with FL rig this one happens to be super easy to install right now because the repositories have almost the very latest version of the application in there and we don't have to compile it from source as this changes over time I'll update the the webpage to reflect those changes so I'm just gonna open up my terminal and paste in that command well sit back and wait and FL rig will be installed this is one of the primary ways that I'll use rig control nowadays I just find that it's easy it works and it'll work with several different applications JSA call ft8 I even use it now primarily for Pat Wynne link just set it there and then inside of Pat I don't typically enter any connection information I just go ahead and click the connect button because I've already changed it with FL rig up in our menu we should be able to find FL rig so I'm going to go ahead and open that and see if we can't get that configured so now that it's open to it let me get this out of the way let's hit config setup transceiver and the rig that we're going to use is the 8:57 d today and the serial port you kind of have to play with this a little bit look and to figure out which one is your cat cable but on on my particular cat cable I know that it starts with this F F T di right here so I'm gonna select that one my baud rate is 4800 the rest of I'm basically just gonna leave it default and click the initialize button I've heard my rig click a couple of times across the room so I know everything is up and working so FL rig is configured and ready to run I'll go ahead and close that we don't need that open currently all right clear that screen out and let's see what's up next all right this is something that I like to do that really kind of customizes my pie for me and once you learn to do this you'll probably won't want to do this as well have you ever noticed sometimes let's say the LS command I can run the LS command here and it works if I'm over in the downloads directory I can run it here and it works but sometimes we can't type a command in any directory we've got to be in that specific directory in order for it to work so let's look at this GPS install right here if I'll go back to my home directory and I try to run GPS install it's gonna give me a command not found even though that script is on my system so that has to do with your path in Linux if a command is within the path you can run it from anywhere in the system if it's not in a path then you have to be in that specific directory to see your path you can type echo space dollar sign path in all capital letters and that will return your current path and each folder is separated with a colon here so this is one folder in the path this is the next what we're going to do is we're going to add a directory to that path that we can store some of our scripts in so let's take a look at this you'll see that I just ran that echo path right there we're going to make a new directory so I'll just copy that command and paste it in and then we're going to modify the bash RC file so I'm gonna copy that command we'll paste it in and we're going to come to the very bottom of this file just use your arrow keys on your keyboard we'll give it one more space and when we get to the bottom we're going to add this information here so I'm just gonna paste that in here I'm gonna press control X Y and enter now in order for those changes to take effect you're going to have to close out of the terminal window I'm gonna open the terminal back up and I'm gonna run that echo dollar sign path command again you'll notice right here we have a new directory home PI bin so anything I put inside of this bin directory can then be run from anywhere on the system with some of these scripts and things that I've written that I'm gonna share with you guys you want to put them in that directory just so you can run them from anywhere and you don't have to be in any one particular directory for those to run so that's modifying bash RC next up we're going to install wind link now I've got two different videos that just released these are updated from the ones I did over a year ago now so I'm gonna kind of go through this setup really quick but if you want more detailed explanations you can check out these two previous videos so first thing we're going to do is move over to the Downloads directory and then this command will grab the latest version of Pat which is 0.8 point O so I'm gonna paste that in while that's downloading go ahead and copy my necks come in again guys notice that this moves back and forth make sure you get all of the commands when you're copying them now that we've got that downloaded I'm going to just paste the install command in and that's done so we're gonna go ahead and clear that screen and I'm going to go ahead and configure this really fast again if you need help with configuring Pat check out the previous two videos that I've done okay and after we've got it after we've got Pat configured we want to go ahead and get that to start on boots so I'm going to go ahead and copy these two commands we'll run them one at a time so there's the first one here's the second one and then finally we're going to reboot the system so those last two commands will have Pat start as the system boots up to check that we can type PID Oh F space Pat and this should return a number this is a process number so we know that Pat is running in the background I'll see what's next up on the page all right so there's the PID of path that we just ran next we're going to be installing our dot and r dot GUI our dot is a way for Pat to communicate over HF and the GUI just gives us a graphical representation of the connection as it happens so first up is our DUP and we'll just go ahead and start copying and pasting commands one by one here so the first one we made a new directory that one we changed into the new directory this one make sure I only get one line at a time here this one is going to download the PI autopsy modem and the next one is going to make it executable here we go alright let's just clear that screen here the next command we're going to run is a record - El Avery court is going to return this information to you now you do need to make sure that your signal link or wolfy link or you know whatever sound card you're running is cooked up before running this command the critical information I'm looking for here is card 1 device 0 and the USB audio codec tells me that I'm looking at my signal link so card 1 device 0 and then to start the modem we're just gonna start it just to verify that everything is working we're actually still in the RDoc directory so we're going to use this command here now again I go over this in more detail in the two videos referenced at in the Pat Wynne link section but what this does this is calling the PI R dot C modem for port 85/15 this plug HW : and then 1 comma 0 and this one comma 0 is coming from this information here the card number and the device number and then we repeat that so let's go ahead and press return and you'll see that the autopsy is listening and then a couple more seconds and we should get a bit more information about its levels so there's its current input Peaks well press control-c to get out of this all I wanted to do was verify that that was working or clear that screen out and let's go ahead and get our doc goey installed so again one command at a time and this command we're already in the our doc directories so the first one actually tells you to change to the our doc directory since we're already there it doesn't hurt anything to run that command but basically it's in the instructions just to verify you're in the right folder next we're going to download the our doc GUI with that command I'm going to slide over and go ahead and copy my next one while we're waiting on that to download this makes the our GUI executable and then we want to run this last command here I'm gonna scoot this over just a little bit and as we run this command you'll notice that we now have a new icon right over here on our screen so if we double click the icon we're want to say execute first time it runs it's going to ask you for the host name and the port for the host name we're gonna enter local and for the port number we're going to enter eight five one five we'll go ahead and hit the ok button it's gonna say that it needs to restart that's fine it'll do it automatically and if we were in a connection you would see data streaming by in these windows but we'll just go ahead and close that out for the time being let's see what's next up on the list alright so the next is the find our dot script that I have written now this basically keeps a list up-to-date on your system so that if you're out in the field you're able to locate our dot gateways to connect with with Winn link so first thing we're going to do is move directories and then let's use this W get command to download the script so we'll paste that in here our next command is going to make it executable once again we need to change directories now we're going to move back to the RDoc directory and I'm going to use this command to download a PDF document and this is a map that we can use for locating that and I've done a video on this find our dot that that goes over how to use it once you've got it installed so we're not going to cover all of that in this one but will will leave a link to that in the document next up we're going to install an app this is called events and it's a PDF viewing app that I like to use and it's what the script relies on to be able to display the maps we definitely got to have that okay once that finishes up just going to clear the screen out and let's see what our next command is this one here and this is going to create another new shortcut right over here so we'll paste that in and you'll see the new find our da shortcut that shows up right over here on this side of the screen let's go ahead and double click that this time instead of saying execute we want to say execute in terminal and this takes a couple of seconds to run to get started the first time it downloads one additional piece that it needs to work and then it's downloading all of the lists that we need and you can see that it'll come up it also tells you that you do need to maximize the screen for the best view that just keeps the information from wrapping into two lines but there it is find or dope is up and running I'm going to press 4 to get out of it and return and we're back to the terminal window that we were working in while ago okay so now let's automate the find our dock script so that it will keep our list up to date and it'll will do it every night at 2:00 a.m. so again we're going to go into our crontab with crontab - e we're gonna scroll to the bottom of that file you'll see here's what we entered in during the last video where we were setting up the auto hotspot so it'll be just down below that and we're going to run these two lines here so we'll paste those in and every night at 2 a.m. it's going to run to get our dot list script which will keep our list up-to-date to get out of this let's press control X Y and enter okay so next up on the list is rig control I like to keep this installed so that I can interact with the rig from the command line if you so choose to do it that way you could also use this in Pat so that Pat could control the radio and it allows us to control the rig through some of the bash scripts that I have custom written so we'll go ahead now this on this particular application it's going to take a little bit longer to run because we are actually going to be compiling this from source so copy this second line here that will download the application it is in a tar file so the next command that we're going to run will unter it so and if you're not familiar with tar files there's very similar to zip files but this command will untie at all right the next one is just going to remove that zip file kind of tidy up our system as we go here and then we're going to move into this new directory that it has created and the next one is going to be the configure command now the downside to compiling it does take a little bit longer to get them compiled and installed there is a chance of running into issues as we do this the upside of this is we get the absolute latest and greatest version of this this application hem Lib is constantly changing and updating to newer rigs as they come onto the market they update older rigs with new commands things of that so you definitely do want the very latest version of hem Lib if you're going to run rig control okay once that configure command finishes up we're going to use the make command next so we'll paste that in and give that a few minutes okay and once the make command finishes up we'll do sudo make install all right that only takes a couple of seconds last but not least is sudo LD config we'll paste that in and return and that completes the hem Lib section so we've only got a couple of things left and we're going to have our base ready to go next up on the list is direwolf so we'll go ahead and move to our home directory with CD space tilde and we're going to clone direwolf now again we're going to build this or I'm sorry compile this from source rather than downloading it because that'll give us a much more current version of direwolf alright once that gets finished let's move into the direwolf directory that's the next command and then we need to install these two apps I'm sorry this app it's not two of them it's only one of them we do need to get this installed because direwolf is dependent upon this app already being installed so we'll go ahead and do that installation that's pretty quick and simple and again we're going to run the make command so we'll paste that in and we'll give that just a few minutes to run okay once that finishes up it'll actually tell you right here what to do next the sudo make install which is the exact same command that we have here on the webpage go ahead and paste that in and give that a couple of minutes to run oh I forgot that's the quick one okay so the next one is the install cop again right here from our page so we'll paste that in and then the last one it tells you to do is this make install - RPI I don't typically run this as far as I know all it does is put a desktop icon here and I really don't need that so we're gonna call that good right there now we do need to go ahead and get a basic configuration of direwolf done this only takes a couple of seconds and if you don't recall from before what your sound card settings were we're gonna go ahead and paste in this a record - ale and this tells us right here this is our signal link sound card that we're working with it is card one device zero okay yours could be different but probably not so you probably just follow along with the defaults here but should your card be different you'll have to change some things in the direwolf file so we're gonna go back to our home directory with CD space tilde and then we're going to say nano direwolf dot Kampf all right and we'll start scrolling down I am looking for this first line right here that says a device plug HW : 1 comma zero there is a pound sign in front of that we want to remove that pound sign this here is that sound card information so if yours happens to be different from one comma zero or card one device zero rather you want to change those numbers there let's keep coming down the file until we see no call that's what I'm looking for so here's that no call so let me come right on down here and I'm going to put my call sign in right there and then last but not least just a few more lines down look right here and make sure that this line this modem 1200 does not have a pound sign in front I think now as a default it's set up like this without the pound sign we definitely don't want a pound side in front of it go ahead and press control X Y and enter to get out and let's see yep so this tells us this is exactly what we just did that wouldn't we replace no call and we made sure that the pound sign was not in front of modem 1200 so that takes care of the basic basic direwolf configuration good enough for now and if you want to do things more complicated like running a digi peter strictly with dar wolf you're gonna have a lot more configuration but that's way out of the scope of this video all right let's move on to the ax 2 5 tools and guess direwolf and the ax 2 5 tools let's say I'm a copy and paste this in here these are things that other apps can use soap a twin link may use it X aster if you want to set up a APRs iGate you can use it with yak which is yet another APRs client a lot of different applications can use these basic tools to communicate over RF alright so the next thing we're going to do is run this sudo nano a export command so I'm going to paste that in and then we're going to come to the bottom of this file right here and we're going to paste in this line so I need to copy that and we'll paste it here and then I've got to change no call to my callsign of course you will use your own callsign here control X Y and enter to get out all right let's see what's next up on the list we need to install this ax 2 5 - apps so we'll go ahead and paste that in give that just a couple of seconds let's see and we need to reboot when we're done with this so we'll go ahead and issue the reboot command press ENTER and we'll be right back okay so after the reboot let's go ahead and open up the terminal window and then let's slide back over to the webpage we are just about at the bottom gasps all right this will tell you how to do a pat Wynne link test to know that you've got the two meter package stuff all installed correctly I'm not gonna do that right now only because I don't have a package station close enough to me that I can connect to I do want to show you this though and this is something that's a new issue in Buster when you start direwolf so I'm gonna go ahead and paste in the direwolf - P command I'll hit return and you'll notice that we get flashing text this is a known issue I do believe they're working on it there are some workarounds to it and I may get into those in another video how to install the development version but I just basically wanted you to know for right now it doesn't affect anything it's just a bit annoying but it does work perfectly the way it's done and this is not something that you've done incorrectly so it works just like it's supposed to with this known bug to get out of it you can press control C you'll still have the flashing text but if you type clear all of that will go away alright guys that is the base system complete now everything else that we will do and we'll get into these next sections in the next video that's gonna be the actual applications that we run on top of our base don't forget guys to back up your pie now would be a fantastic time to do that since you've got your base right where you want it and you know that everything is working correctly all right we'll get into the application install on the next video we'll see you guys then until then 7:3
Channel: KM4ACK
Views: 17,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham, ham radio, emcomm, ares, raspberry pi, direwolf, ax25, pat winlink, build guide, pi 4, buster
Id: Bwo782dvQng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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