my SUPER secure Raspberry Pi Router (wifi VPN travel router)

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It's not my video but it's a video but it's a cool use case. I dunno what kinda speeds you would get though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sieltigre πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really want to do this project, before I go on vacation in a month, but don't seem to be getting solid answers on how to connect to a hotel's network that have a captive portal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sans_Crainte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
And this video, I'm so excited in this video, we're turning this raspberry PI into a super secure network. Router raspberry pies can do pretty much anything, including becoming a router is kind of the perfect router. Look how tiny it is. And it's perfect for traveling, which is exactly what I'm going to use it for. This will be my official travel router. When I take my family on a road trip here soon, and it will securely connect me and my family, wherever we go to the internet over VPN dude, it's amazing. And in this video, I'm going to walk you through every single step. And honestly, it's not too crazy. We're going to install open WRT, which is just this amazing Linux-based open source, a router. I'll show you how to get a basic network set up, and then I'll show you how to connect to nor DPN all the time over this raspberry PI. And you can use this thing anywhere. Coffee shops, hotels, Airbnbs, whatever it is, it can connect to public wifi as a client and give you internet access, but also give you secure VPN internet. That's awesome. So here we go. No time to waste. Let's get the sucker going. Cause I'm about to leave for my trip. Get your coffee ready, man. Never checked out coffee and also shout out to the sponsor. This video posting here. I believe every one of you should have a website and hosting, or is the place to build it. We'll talk more about them later in the video. Okay. First, let's talk about what you need. Well, the first and most obvious thing you need is a raspberry PI and here actually have good news. This is a rare project where most raspberry pies are supported. Open WRT can be installed in pretty much anything from the zero to the PI four. Now there are some considerations you gotta to think about when you pick your pie. And I always recommend just to have the raspberry pie four, cause it has everything you need built in wifi, Ethan at ports, and it's stinking fast and it's going to give you the best performance. So get the four, but it supports everything, which is so cool. And also like every pie you're gonna need some goodies, like the power supply, a micro SD card or USB micro SD card reader. And if you don't already have one, make sure you have an Ethan at cable and a computer you can connect to with that Ethan, a Gable. But normally when you're buying a raspberry PI, it comes in a kit and you get all this stuff right there in the package. Second, and this is pretty important. You'll need a USB wifi adapter and you'll need one that can work with the raspberry PI and specifically open WRT. Uh, personally, I can recommend this guy right here. I had just bought him from Amazon. He works. Check the link below. How much was he? Let me check. Oh, he's like 12 bucks. Yeah, get this guy. Now you may already have one and it might work, but I can't promise it'll work. And as we're walking through our steps, you'll find out pretty soon if it does or it doesn't. And then finally you need coffee. I'm sorry. It's just required. If you do anything in it, you have to have coffee network,, coffee break to fuel up. Let's go. Let's do this now real quick. Before we start, I want to show you how this is going to end up working. Now I'll be using a raspberry PI for, for this project. The key considerations here is that it has built in Ethan. It of course, and built in wifi. And then we'll also have a USB wifi adapter that will plug in boop right there. So we'll end up having two wifi interfaces. You will need two wifi interfaces. So if your raspberry PI does not have wifi built-in well, you're going to need two wireless adapters to USB wireless adapters, because here's how it's going to work. The onboard wifi. The one built into my raspberry PI for that sucker will connect to any public wifi available that wireless will be used to connect to public wifi. The USB wireless adapter will be giving me and my family wifi. It will be the one broadcasting, my SSI D and what I connect to to get access to the internet. And the ethernet port will just be part of it. He'll be part of that same network that my family is connecting to. So if I didn't want to plug in something to that, for example, I'll be plugging in my raspberry PI Nass to the ethernet port. So I can watch Plex movies on the road, in the car with my family. It's going to be awesome. Anyway, here we go. So again, if you don't have two wifi interfaces, you'll need them. Okay. Step one, we got to bake our pie. We got to put open WRT on the sucker as the S so real quick again, links, blow for everything. Go out and find your OS. Match it up to your particular pie. For me. I have the raspberry PI four B, which is right here. I'm going to download this firmware right here. Boom. And it's super small and really fast. So watch this. I'm going to take the dang. It's already done. Okay. Time to write the sucker to our SD card. So grab your micro SD card. Where'd my others. Get your USB micro SD card reader, the bad boy in there and plug it into your computer. And they will use my go-to tool for imaging. Anything with the raspberry PI the raspberry PI imager link below Mac Linux windows first I'll choose my O S, which is the one we just downloaded. So I'll hit that and I'll scroll all the way to the bottom and select use custom. We are doing something custom here. You want to select the open WRT image, open that, and then finally select your storage. Make sure you pick the right one. Mine is 32 gig micro SD card. And that's it guys click on, right? Yes. And super best coffee break because this thing goes so slick and fast. Here we go. Bam. And the time it takes to sip a cup of coffee, it's ready. Grab your micro SD card. Read that sucker. Slide that into your raspberry PI, depending on what model you have, it might be a bit different, but I'll slide mine in here. Ah, now the cool part is you won't need a monitor or keyboard to get the sucker going. So first, what we'll do is take an ethernet cord, plug it into your laptop or computer or whatever, and plug that into your raspberry. PI's Ethan end port, Ugh, love that sound. And then we will plug in the raspberry PI power and that sucker will boot up auto magically. So now how do we access our pie with this new open WRT oh, S installed? Well, again, right now you should have an ethernet cable going from your computer to your raspberry pies, Ethan airport, by default, your raspberry PI will have an IP address of one nine, six, Our goal right now is to be able to access the IP address so we can configure that bad boy. So what we'll need to do is give our computer, our interface and IP address in that subnet. So what I'll do is give my computer and you can follow along and do the exact same as me. Yeah. P address of one nine, six, dot 10. Let's go do that right now. I'm going to do it inside a windows. I'll do it. Windows key S and search for control panel, click on networking, internet, click on view, network, status and tasks. And then my Ethan up port is when I want to change right here, click on properties, find my internet protocol, version four adapter there and change it from automatic to manual one nine, six, dot 10 default gateway of 1 92. You don't want us to take that And that's all we need to click. Okay. Okay. And close. And we should be able to access it. So now, and by the way, if you're using Linux or Mac, it'll be different. Right? So, um, Google that I can only show so much anyways. So I'm going to watch my command prompt or CMD for macro Linux. That'll be terminal. See, I'm helping you a little bit and we're going to SSH into that bad boy. So the command will be SSH. Default. Username is root at one nine, six, And here we go, type in. Yes. And we're in open. WRT on a raspberry PI, are you ready for this coffee break? Just real quick notice. They did not prompt us for a password. Super insecure. Let's go ahead and change that type in P a S S w D, which by the way, that's how you change the password on any Linux device. And that's it just hit enter. It'll prompt you for a new password. Enter your new password in something good password for root change by route. Now whether you're new to networking or not open WRT is fun. It's a new thing. I'm used to Cisco stuff and ubiquity. This is all like Linux. So check it out first. I'm going to show you something we're going to do CD or change directory. We're going to go to Ford slash etc, or Etsy Ford slash config, and just go there. Hit enter type in LS to see what's inside all these files right here, hold ARCA, figuration of our raspberry PI router, our network config, firewall, DHCP, and we can edit these files. So let's take a look at network verse. Then we're actually going to make some changes here. Actually, no first what we're going to do is back up our files in case we screw something up. So here are the files we're changing and we want to back up wireless network and firewall really easy to back those up, check it out. The command will be CP, which stands for copy. We'll do firewall first firewall. And then we'll say the name of the file. We want to copy it to firewall dot BK for backup Don, we backed it up. Let's do it again. Do up arrow, do it for network network dot BK, backed up and we'll do it for wireless. So now if we hit LS, once more, we get our main configs and we get our backups right there. Perfect. Now we're ready to make some changes and not be too afraid of what happens and worst comes to worst. You can always re image it. Uh, did you see how fast that was? Like? So it's not a big deal now real quick. Let me tell you something. As we're doing this project, as we're building a raspberry PI router, did you know that you're building some crazy skills, marketable skills like Linux and networking knowledge that you can put on a resume or even better a website? Yes. These are skills that can help you get a job, but you can't get a job unless someone knows about you. Unless someone can see what you're doing. I truly believe having a website. Your name with your branding is the best way to get your best foot out there. Sure. You can have a resume, but man, having a website along with your resume puts you above the rest. That's why I'm a big fan of hosting. You're the sponsor of this video. They are a fantastic way to build your website. In fact, all of my daughters I have of them, yes, I have five daughters have their website on hosting you're right now because it's never too early to start branding from four months old to my 10 year olds. Yeah, they have their own website. And if my four month old has a website, I think you should have a website and choosing hosting or for that website is a no brainer, fast servers, 99.9% uptime guarantee, which you, you want to keep your website up. It's optimized for WordPress, which is what I run all my websites on. That's the best thing ever. And they get lost. They get chat support 24, 7, 3, 5. They have a crazy user-friendly control panel. I think it's really easy to set up. I even made a video about this. Like I made a video telling you why you need a website and I showed you how you can do it. So check it out somewhere up here, you also get a free domain SSL and a 30 day money back guarantee. So yeah, don't waste any more time. As soon as you're done building your raspberry PI router, go build yourself a website. In fact, talk about doing this. You'll be amazed at what employers will look for. If I were hiring someone right now, if I saw that dude you're hired, let's check it out in the description. I got a link for you hosting forward slash network. And Chuck, you use my code number, Chuck, and you get 10% off. Let's jump into our network file first now, bad news nano. He's not here right now. My favorite text, editor and Linux. We have to use VI or VIM. Let's do it. So type in VI and then the name of that file network. That's it hit enter we're in all this right here is our network configuration. It's cool. Right? So let's make some changes. Okay. First we're going to change our land network here. One thing we're going to change is the IP address. One on, six, eight. That is the most common home network IP address or sub-net and you know what? Hackers know that too. So we're going to change. So they don't know. So we can use a directional pad to scroll down there and to make this edit change. We're going to hit the, uh, I key for insert insert, and now I can start editing. So I'm going to backspace that IP address and put in a custom one. Like I dunno, 10 dash 71 70 You can copy me if you want to just make sure it's a private IP address and that's all I need for that network there. And then we're going to add one more line here. So go ahead and bring your cursor with the directional arrows all the way down here to the bottom right here had enter in a space on over to where it all lines up. Nice and pretty. I just liked the way that looks so here type in option and then type in force underscore blink, and then space single quote, one single quote, which we're basically saying this is his IP address. Keep this config, save it. Whether he's up or not. So he's done. He's good. Now hit enter a few times. We're going to make a new interface. You ready? Whoa. This is crazy. All right, here we go. What can I get a copy of what we just did up there? Typing config interface. And we're going to name this new interface, single quotes, WW a N or w [inaudible] single quote. Once more to close that sucker route hit enter line that option up with the N type in your first option. Oh yeah. We're going to add some config to this. We're they going to type in Prado, P R O T O space, single quote, D H C P single quote. Now what this is doing here is we're telling our way to interface, to pull an IP address from DHCP, from whatever wireless network we connect to. So if it's public wifi like Starbucks, boom, it's going to give your web interface and IP address, whereas appear on our land. We're doing static. We want that thing to stay the same here. We want to match it to whatever network we're connecting to golden. Now, for some more options, enter space on over space out option. We're going to type in pier, DNS space, seal quote, zero single quote, and then one more time enter space on over option we'll type in just DNS single quote. And then we'll put in a DNS server. We want to use for our web interface. Me. I love to use Cloudflare's You can use that as well. And then as a backup, I'll do Google. So space eight dot eight dot eight, eight CloudFlare and Google can't go wrong. Right? I don't know. Okay. We're done with the Wayne interface. We're going to add one more. This is a promise config interface, single quote, VPN client, because we will be setting up a VPN connection. Now, if you're not going to do VPN, then you can skip this part. I am because I want to be secure because we know hackers, hack Starbucks, wifi all the time. Right? Anyways, I'd enter space on over option. If name renaming interface, single quote ton, zero single quote, and the one more option. Roto single boat, none single quote. Now that's it. We're done now. Just so you know, all we're doing here can be done in a nice, pretty gooey. So if you're more comfortable with that, go for it. We're going to do both with this tutorial. I like doing both. Oh, it's so fun. Anyways. I'll show you the gooey here in a bit. So now how do we save this or easing them? So it's a little unfriendly, but to do this, don't do anything just yet. Just calm down first. Hit the escape key. Then hit colon then type in w queue. I know it's fricking weird right here at the bottom left. You should see it just like this squiggly colon WQ. If you see that you're good hit enter. You did it. You saved the config now real quick. We're going to make one change to our firewall. So again, we're gonna do VI this time. We'll do firewall as the document, we're going to open do it. We're only gonna change one thing down here. We're going to change configuration for this zone right here, the zone for our whanau. We're gonna change this option input from reject to accept. That's all we're doing right here. So again, scroll on down with your directional arrows. Get in place right up here. Next to that reject hit. I just start editing, remove that type and accept. And then we're ready to save. Hit escape. Colon WQ enter or solid. Now we're going to reboot our raspberry PI. And when it comes up, things are going to be a bit different. It's going to be fun though. Ready? So first let's type in re boot and that's it hit enter by buddy. See you in a minute. Okay. And you should lose connection. We just did something. That's going to affect how we connect to him again. His IP address was 1 91, 6 8 1 I changed mine to a 10 dot or was it again? I don't remember. Was it 77? Let me go through this again. That's all remember a 77 or 71, 1 of those two. So we'll need to be on that same network in order to connect to that guy. Now the good news is that network is handing out IP addresses like candy DHCP sucker. So all you had to do is change our adapter back to DHCP. So here in windows, I'll get back into my internet adapter, go back into his properties, get back into his IP before stuff, and then change it back to obtain IP address automatically. Okay. Actually, I'm going to change it back for my DNS too. Yes, we're all good. Okay. Close. And now we wait here on windows. I'll see if I got anything yet. I'll do IP config. Take a look at that interface. Okay. It was 71. Yeah, here I am. Right here. It gave me 10 dot 71 71 dot 2, 4 7. And I'm going to connect to him on 10 dot 71 70 Let's try it out. So the command will be SSH Yes. And then my password, I said earlier, boom, we're back in. So here's the state of things. We get our new IP address on our raspberry PI our new sub-net our new land. And I have a new IP address too exciting. Now our next task is to get our USB wifi adapter set up. Now you might think it would be as simple as just plugging it in and magic happens. It works. No, it is rarely that easy, but we got coffee. That's why we have coffee. Anyways. Coffee break. Now the good news is it's not too crazy. All we have to do is install a few drivers. So let's get this guy back on over here. We're not ready for him yet. Just a moment, Bubba. We'll have you up there in a moment. First, we're going to download some drivers, not the download drivers will need internet access. Our raspberry PI is going to need internet access. So our task right now is to get his internal wifi adapter. All my raspberry PI for, I want to get him connected to my wifi here in my house. It's actually crazy simple. Check this out, watch. Oh, it's so fun. So back at our terminal here, we're going to make one change to our wireless configuration. So we're going to do VI once more. We'll be done with the I here in a moment. Don't worry actually, you know, we'll keep using it just for fun. VI we'll do Ford slash ATC Ford slash config Ford slash wireless. And we're in here. We have to make one change to our radios, zero interface, which is the default. Built-in one to the raspberry PI. We have to make this change in order to make him come up and work. I ran to this issue and I couldn't figure it out until I found this awesome forum with this awesome answer. Here's the answer right here. Let's make some changes. The first we're going to change our channel right now. It's 36. Hit it. When we get there, change it from 36 to something like seven or yeah, just do seven for now. You can change it later. We'll change your option. HW mode right here from 11 eight to 11 G the down here, option HT mode. We'll change it from VHT 80 to HT 20. And then we'll add one more line underneath option, disabled Stuart enter space on over option we'll type in shorts, underscore GI underscore 40, and then space single quote, zero single quote. That should be all we need. Now, if you know anything about me, I hate wireless networking. So don't ask me what that meant. I just know it, fixed it and it works. And that's really all I care about. So we're going to hit escape, colon WQ to write and quit, to save it and get out of there. We're golden. And now we have to apply that configuration to our wireless interface. If you commands here, first it be UCI commit wireless for committing our configuration, saving it, bam, and then just type in wifi. Boom. You know what? We forgot. One thing, hold on. Let's get back in there. VI EDC, Etsy, config wireless. We forgot to enable it. So right here, notice it says option disabled one, which is like binary. It's like one is on. So yeah, option disabled. It's disabled. Let's enable it. So we're going to turn that one into a zero hit I she's at 1, 2 0 escape colon WQ out of there and then we'll do that same commit thing. UCI commit wireless type in wifi. Okay, cool. That's a lot better. Okay. Now real quick. Just for fun. If you pull out your phone or something that has wireless and you go to look for your, uh, wireless connections around you, you should see something that says open WRT. Yup. There it is. It's broadcasting. Super cool. Okay. But now we're going to take that connection and make it connect to your wifi, my wifi, to get an internet connection for that. We're going to the gooey here. We, so fire up that web browser navigate to that IP address at a raspberry PI router, 10 dot 71 to 70 had enter. Oh yeah, here we go. Log in with that password you set earlier and we're in now. What's so cool about this. As most of the config that we have demonstrated can be done here in the gooey. So again, if you feel more comfortable doing that, go for it. Let's get back on task here. So first we're going to go to, and then, then you appear network and then to wireless click on wireless. We can see right here, we have our wireless radio interface that we just brought up and then here's the SS ID that's being broadcasted. We're going to change that up a bit. So first I want you to go over here and click on scan. This is so cool. Watch this click on scan, and it's going to find all the wireless networks in your area. Great for reconnaissance and great forward connecting to wireless networks all year. Now, for me, I'm gonna connect to my home network, which is poor key right here. I'm gonna click on join network. You do the same for your network. And by the way, this is what you'll do. Whenever you go to a new place. If you want to get their internet for your raspberry PI, it's going to do the civil process. Super easy. Now, two things we're going to change here. First, we're going to check this box to replace the wireless configuration with what we're doing here. And then we're going to put in our wireless password, which you should have a password. If you're open, then you're crazy. So click the box by him and then my wireless password, which I don't remember. I could go find it. It's super complicated paste that sucker in there. And just notice this. You don't have to change it. It's being assigned to your Whan firewalls zone because it's going to be a one interface, an interface that connects to the internet and gives you internet. So now we're golden. Just click on, submit, submit, and then scroll down just a bit and click on save and just to make sure things happen, click on, save and apply down there. It won't take 88 seconds. It'll be done in like three seconds. There we go. Oh yeah. So what we're seeing right here is bam. Our interface is now connected to Porky it's client. Now we're seeing all the stuff about his configuration or it's, it's a connection. I real quick, if we go up here to status and click on overview to get back to that page where it shows us all the stuff I scroll down just a bit. Heck yes. I can see what IP address are pooled from my wireless network here. So when you connect to any kind of public wifi or some Airbnb or hotel, this will be what it connects to and what would it pools right there. So now we should have internet. You wanna check it out? Let's try it. Let's get back to command line. I know you missed it first. Can I ping things? I'm not sure if it has pain. Let me try to ping Yahtzee we get ended up. Yes. Okay. So now remember our goal was to get this guy set up right now. If I plugged them in the recipe, I'd be like, okay, who's this guy. We have to dial in some drivers so we can recognize this thing. First. We're going to type in one command. Oop, K G space update. It's going to update his list of packages. Here we go. Hit enter. And we got a little failure. I'm going to try it again. Come on buddy. Okay. Dolby stubborn. It should work. We'll try it one more time. Not liking it. You know what? I'm just gonna do a reboot to see if that fixes it. Cause that's the best thing you can do in it. Okay. Let's try it one more time. Oh, PKG updates. You better work this time. Sucker. Yeah, there we go. That's much better. See a reboot fixes everything guys. And now I'm going to celebrate with that little coffee break. Hey, what's you fast? Okay, here we go. Now we're going to install a bunch of packages all at, for this guy. Again, commands will be below. I'm going to copy and paste or installing a lot. And within all this mess, it should be drivers for most of the wifi USB adapters you have anyways, hit enter. It's going to do its thing and we're going to have a little coffee break again. We've had a lot of coffee today. Haven't we? And we're done. Okay, cool. So now, now we can plug in our USB that are not real quick, real quick. I wanna, I wanna try something. Typhon LS, USB. Notice what you have is let's listen to your USB interfaces. What you have plugged in and notice what you have here right now. Let's plug in our new guy. There you go, buddy. Do LS USB. Once more. There he is. Our a link 8 0 2 at 11 N w land. Now to bring this guy up, to make him alive, I want to type in one command. And at this command works for you. You know, your driver has been accepted. It's good. Here we go. The command will be IFF config. W LAN one up. Here we go. Oh yeah. So if I type in, I have config listing my interfaces there. They all are. They're so pretty. Here's my internal wireless and my wifi adapter. Perfect. So now here's the state of things right now. W Xero's doing his thing is connecting us to public wifi or wherever wifi it's supposed to right now. It's going to be that wifi in your house. And it's supplying you delicious internet. There'll be LAN one. He's doing nothing right now. We got to config him. What we're going to make him do is become the wireless access point for us to connect to and have internet. Now, after we do this, that's a working router son. It's going to be ready. You ready? Here we go. We're going to stay in command line land. Cause I I'm comfortable here. I love it. And you should too. It's really fun. First. We're going to edit our wireless configuration file. So we'll do nano this time. Now I know the text editor. It's so much easier. Nano Ford slash TTC Ford slash config Ford slash wireless. Boom. If we use a directional pad and scroll down just a bit, we can see that. First of all, our new USB wireless interface already has some config in here. There he is right there. Radio one. That's his device config. And then there's his wireless interface config, which is actually broadcasting open. WRT right now, if I check my phone again, that's going to be him actually. No, he's not there. Can you guess why he's not there right now? Because he's disabled. We're going to change that. Aren't we? So let's make a few changes here. First. We need to obviously enable him. Now the cool thing about nano is you don't have to do any kind of keystrokes. Just start typing away. Change that one to a zero saying, no, he's not disabled. Now let's configure his wireless interface. Just a couple of things here. First we'll change his SSI D to something that you want for me. I want to change it to network. Chuck underscore travel beautiful. I'll change the cryption to PSK two. And just below that option key. And we'll put in our wireless key that we want to use. When we connect to this wifi, I'm going to put in vacation. I'm going to end up changing that, but that's what I put for now. Now that should be it. I'm going to hit now nanos different take control X, Y, and enter, and we're saved. We're good. And then just as before to commit our configuration, we'll do a UCI commit wireless and then type in wifi. Boom. We're solid. Now we can actually connect to our raspberry PI's network and we'll have internet. Let's try it out. Okay. Let's see. Um, can I say network shuck, travel, but by the geisha password in Yale, join it. It looks good so far. See if I've got an IP address? Not yet. Okay. Got one notice on the 10 71 77, blah, blah, blah. Sub-net now let's see if I can, uh, get something. Let's go to network. Boom. Yes, it works. Okay, cool. So right now you have the working travel router. Like you go to your Airbnb, you go to your, whatever it is, public wifi, Starbucks, you connect it to the wireless by going through the gooey, like we just did. And you're good. Like that's awesome. Right? But we still have an issue, right? We're not secure. We're not protected. We're not going over VPN. Our network traffic is not encrypted. That's not good. So now for the next part of our config, we're going to set it up to where all of our traffic over this bad boy will go over nor DPN. So no matter where you go, your traffic's hidden and you're secure. So let's try it out. I'll keep in mind. While some of these steps are very specific to Nord VPN. It should be pretty much the same for most VPN providers. I'm just showing one that I use all the time. So here we go. Let's go. And then it should go without saying that you gotta be a paying subscriber. He said nor VPN, which you should. It's good. Anyway, here we go. First, we need to get our client profile set up. So I got a link below. This will take you to a page where nor VPN will recommend a server for you. And I like that one. If you don't, you can always select your country of preference, but I'm good. I'm going to click on show available protocols right there. Let me zoom in a bit on that. There we go. So click on that. And then for our example, we're going to download the open VPN UDP config, download gag. Now our task is to upload this file. The one that we just downloaded right here, we're going to upload that sucker to our raspberry PI router. And we're going to use secure copy or SEP. So fire up another. So like currently right now we have the command prompt and we're inside of our raspberry PI router. We're going to pull up another command prompt or another terminal. That should be the same on all platforms all the way should be simple command. First, I'm going to CD into my downloads folder because I know that's where my filed is. File file is. And then I'll simply type in S C P space. I'll specify my file name, which let me go find it real quick. Kind of a long one. There was space. And then the server or the raspberry PI route, or we're going to upload it to, this will be a route at 10 dot 71. That's 70 And then we'll tell it where to put this file. So colon Ford slash we're going to put this in, etc. At Etsy Ford slash open VPN and then actually have to name the file. So we'll do four slash and we're actually going to name it. This and F for config. And that's it. It should prompt you for a login. Let's try it out. Yep. Let's get a login for your raspberry PI boom, upload it. Let's go. Make sure it actually did it. So let me, uh, pull it up real quick. Pull up my other command prompt. I'll see. D two Ford slash Etsy Ford slash open VPN LS that there she is. All we need right there. Okay. So now that we have our Nord VPN file configuration uploaded, we can keep configuring our stuff here. Now don't get scared. This is the note pad with all the commands we're going to enter right now. Don't worry. It's not too crazy. We'll walk through it all together. I'll hold your hand. Let's go first. We're gonna make sure we have our packages installed. Let's grab those first few commands, paste them in there and we are solid. We're going to set some parameters. Let's do that real quick. So here, we're going to do our open VPN directory, selling it where it's going to be. We'll copy that paste us liquor in there. We're going to label what the connection will be called. It's going to be called client bam, copy and paste that now we're setting the variables for username and password. This will be the Nord VPN username and password. So put that in right here between quotes. So mine is going to be here. It's going to be your email address that you use for your account and then, oh, VPN pass. And between quotes. I always want to say parentheses, it's going to be your Nord VPN password, just paste that sucker in there between quotes and enter. The next script is just going to create a nice little file with those two pieces of data inside of it, paste that bam. And then finally, the next section of script will actually create your VPN configuration. Copy that just as it is. It's a fancy Lennox bash scripting. Boom. It did it. Now. We're almost there. We're almost done. I know it feels like a lot. This next thing will actually make it to where we can manage this VPN in the web gooey, which we'll take a look at here in a moment. It's a copy that go in here, paste it hit enter. Cool. And then finally our firewall configuration. We're just going to copy and paste it just as it is. This will allow some things for our VPN to work and you know what, that's it. That's good. Let's go take a look at the gooey and make sure everything looks solid. We're going to mosey on over to VPN and open VPN here in the menu. And here we go, here it is clients. And yes, it's connected. Now we got a test. It's let me pull up my phone where my phone go. There it is. And actually first I want to do this. I'm going to check it or uncheck it, save and apply. This is going to stop my VPN connection so I can actually test and see if I'm on it. Okay. So just verifying here. I am connected to network. Chuck underscore travel, got my IP address there. I even have my at T and T turned off our, here we go. Let's do what's my IP address. Bam. Now I'm not going to show it to you, but it begins with 1 0 7. The Nord VPN one should be different. So let's go ahead and go in here in the gooey, click that checkbox to enable that and click on, save and apply. Cool. It's connected. Let's refresh this page and see what happens. Yes. One at five, that is a Nord VPN IP, which means all my traffic is going over nor DPN through this raspberry PI router. Are you freaking kidding me? That's amazing. Yes. Now I lied. There's one more thing I want us to do. Looking back here at Mike fig, there's a hot plug we're going to, we want to add to this, basically. This will make it to where if the interface is disconnected, it will restart our VPN service to make sure it does stay up, which you know, for a travel router. That's what you want. So to paste that config in there, boom, and just like that, my raspberry PI here is a router and I'll just that a pretty stinking secure one. It's gotten to connecting to an or VPN. So wherever I go, hook it up, my family is protected. Now open WRT this thing's a beast. Like there's so much to it. Um, I spent a good while it kind of playing around with it, making sure I was comfortable with it. My goodness, it's powerful. It's open source Linux. It's it's the best. And by the way, people often do use the raspberry PI as their main router in their house. You can replace your main router with this sucker. Now it won't be as fast as other fun routers, like getting a PF sense router with a beefy set of hardware, but it still does the job. And for me traveling, it's perfect. I'm gonna keep it the car. It'll give me a connection to my nest, my raspberry PI nest that I have now, we're going to watch Plex movies off of it. And of course, wherever we go, safety and those guys, that's all I have today. Let me know what you think of the video in the comments below. Let me know if you do this. I want to find out it's not really crazy expensive. It's kind of cool and fun and geeky and really why not? So, yeah, so I have, don't forget to hack that YouTube algorithm today that like button notifications, bell and subscribe and comment, all that stuff. You got to have YouTube today, but do it ethically, of course. And again, shout out to the sponsor of this video, hosting her. If you want to get into it or you're trying to advance your career, you gotta have your place on the internet. This sucker will augment your resume. It will put you above the rest and hosting her. We'll get, you started to build you a website, check it out, link below. And also have you seen the shirt? Yeah, that's a raspberry PI and you can get one right and yet for real, it's all I have. I'll catch you guys next time.
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 367,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hostinger, raspberry pi router, raspberry pi, router, raspberry pi vpn router, vpn router, travel router, raspberry pi travel router, nordvpn raspberry pi, openwrt, openwrt raspberry pi
Id: jlHWnKVpygw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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