Introduction To Raspberry Pi For Ham Radio

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what is up everybody welcome to Friday welcome to the ham radio crash course thanks for coming on out here I know you've got a lot of options for things you can do on your Friday but I appreciate you coming out and hanging out with me so thanks again for showing up this is Josh ki6 and AZ and we're about ready to kick this off so what we're talking about today is gonna be raspberry pies and ham radio and realistically even in an hour this is going to be an introduction to raspberry pie and really I'm hoping to give you the tools the mental tools necessary to get started with raspberry pies and from there the sky's the limit you can take it in whichever way you go and we will be doing follow on streams on this to go into deeper dives there's all kinds of different areas we can go into in fact I've already done a video on this like the qrp guys whisper pie then I built not too long ago so yeah big thanks on everybody coming out and I appreciate it we've got things set up over here it took a while man this was a this is a good stream to get going just for how many things we had to get going big THANK YOU to loyal for all the work he did get in the the images going we had a bit of an issue on a an archive we had a sword out and algae for seeding the torrent and geek of the world for helping out there so yeah very good let's switch on over here boom what is up everybody hopefully you can hear me all right yep it looks like I'm alright very good again thanks for coming in this is the ham radio crash course trying to create an inclusive space for you to I thought I was hearing background noise for you to ask your questions in and around amateur radio so I appreciate that we will be doing a an after chat the after chat is on discord the link for discord is in the description so if you were interested in that make sure to check us out there and we will take Collins at the end assuming we have enough time which I think we will so homework for this weekend or this month or going forward is think about getting a Raspberry Pi because there are a lot of fun and I'm gonna walk through a little bit of the details on what I like about certain models and not other models and then some of the things I recommend getting Josh finally found the email regarding 270 302 adding a pan adapter good that was from Peter got my call sign today kc3 oh no oh and oh very good we've got a ton of people hopping and thanks so much for everybody hopping and I appreciate that about 200 people man that's awesome thank you appreciate it oh and if you could just do it right now while you're watching give me a thumbs up the YouTube algorithm it helps it out basically if we're concerned about amateur radio declining the best way to do that is encourage more people to get licensed and that's what this is for doing this show so if you could give me a thumbs up I would appreciate it no Trevor says he's already got his Raspberry Pi ready well if you want there should be a link in the description to an image and that's one of the images that we'll be talking about so if you want to start downloading that it is on BitTorrent and you can get it that way and this is a you know the clean side of BitTorrent this is all safe stuff that we're using I've got it running over here so appreciate everybody that's eating that Katie - Katie Z amateur radio says finally someone give me an idea on what to do with all these pies I have lying around yeah pie collection syndrome is a real thing people seem to get them a lot and you seem to acquire them because they're so inexpensive but then you you start working on it you're like what do I do with this thing well today we're going to show you a couple of applications but the main application is gonna be like a full-featured Shack in a pie write Shack in a pie all those software that you'd want to run a Shack is gonna be what we are gonna be talking about so again thank you for that I will take a bit of a detour here today this is a funny story as we go into the news here today I had somebody knock on my door I don't know if he's watching but you kind of maybe get where this is coming from somebody came to my door it happens to be running for the local council and he had a sign which we support him and we're gonna put his sign up but then he said hey so I was watching this video online and I was trying to program a bow Fang are you are you that guy yeah I am that guy so I'm going to hopefully help him out his bow Fang I guess but yeah so I had somebody come to my house asking me if I am the ham radio guy so that was that was fun alright let's see what else we got in the news well let's switch over ha no that's my don't look at that we need that potentially later hopefully not though I think I got all that sorted out so what's going on the news so the ready roundup is this weekend and if you are an ft 8 user well you can use ft 8 on the ready roundup this is the second year where they're allowing it and they have some special rules for running on ft 4 and ft 8 so if you are so inclined this is how you would do it and I believe I put the link in the description for that so go check that out assuming I have some time I'm gonna try and get out there and on it my my bolts fell out of my rotor on my beam so I have to get up there tomorrow hopefully my roof dries off and I can put those bolts back in there I put Loctite on so I'm a little weirded out on how they fell out but anyway what else one thing I want to give a shout out to quirky qrp link should be in the description but if not he's quirky qrp hammer radios on etsy quirky qrp has been a pretty big supporter of the channel for doing all the giveaways he's done he's done multiple giveaways on his hf transmitters the original quirky qrp keychains and obviously this link tenez so if you're interested in and this is not affiliated with me i just support what he does and he supports what we do so mention it just for the heck of it quirky QR PHR CC gives you a discount there if you want to buy something from him so just thought I'd give him a shout-out cuz he's a nice guy and I appreciate it ah beer somebody asked about beer I've been running around like a crazy person trying to get this going so I'm gonna drink the easy jack IPA this is just an easy IPA to help me get into the swing of things we got kam Rd radio stuff in the house what's up man very cool appreciate you coming out as well hmm so um I am so bummed out that I couldn't work him on Black Friday he was out there I got the notification on my phone using ham alert I've got all the the youtubes the YouTuber crew in there it came up said he was activating a park and I went to the frequency and there was like a local net it was like a California local net and they were all talking about the fires and flooding and all that stuff because we were having both we're having a lot of snows in the mountains and probably something's on fire but anyway yeah right on very good hey we got James Hannibal in the house so very good thank you I appreciate all the support by the way it means a lot yeah all right hey Josh I'm a 13 year old and you and other youtubers got me in the hobby seven threes kn4 vti very good and we got Santa Tony we got people from all over the country watching right now so I appreciate that thank you very much guys okay so what are we talking about well we're talking about the Raspberry Pi and these are two of my pies right here is my pie for which is my portable Shack in a box pie this is what I take out when I go in a field and I want to work digital modes you can run logging software all that stuff we'll talk about and then the guy in the background this guy right here is a PI three with a whisper pie hat on and a hat is the little dongle that you put on these GPIO ports and that allows you to basically get the serial out connected to a hat or a daughter board that is running some kind of hardware technology next to that is a screen and then next to that is my little GPS Donal that I also use in the field and I have a foldable Bluetooth keyboard which can also work with USB now the links are all this stuff are in the description so if you're interested you can go check that out you don't have to buy from the Amazon store but this is kind of just a concise way for me to list it i am in amazon associates so just a heads up that oh did we just lose it there you go there it is so I am an Amazon associate so depending on you know if you buy something I get a little bit of the action for sending you there just an FYI so good game ham rodeo and B's says thanks for spreading the ham radio word I appreciate that and there was another one in there Scaletta davis sends a super chet I thank you for that I appreciate it okay so everybody that's asking what screen what case the link is in the description it's on the amazon link so if you go there there'll be a raspberry pi section and that is what I'm recommending that is what I use so that's that's what I'm showing now the screen and the keyboard are not needed first and foremost they're not needed it does make things a lot easier I will mention that right up front and so what am I saying a right easy or easier well let me let me go back to the web here and we'll start diving into this oh also winterfeld a big reminder on winterfeld Day January 25th and 26 ok so here's here's some of those items let me go forward here second so here's the raspberry pi 4 which is the current release of the raspberry pi there are three options one gig to gig and four gig memory options that you can have on this I recommend going with the four gig when you're running applications for amateur radio or just running from a desktop or running VNC which is basically a remote desktop system via the network that you're on I support the four gig option for that now what is the big upgrade between a Raspberry Pi 3 and a Raspberry Pi 4 because some of you may have Raspberry Pi threes and by the way if you have a Raspberry Pi 3 don't worry about it there's no big deal I'm assuming a lot of people that may be watching this already have that so no big deal you can still make this all work but you'll see as I start going between the Raspberry Pi and the 3 and the 4 that there are gonna be some performance differences there ok a couple of big things that jump out right up front the it the Ethernet adapter on the PI 4 is a full one gig Ethernet so you're gonna be able to get on the network faster download files faster or if you're connected to Ethernet via for doing VNC or SSH which is a terminal based remote connection system it's going to be faster you also have faster USB ports now let me be specific the raspberry the Raspberry Pi 3 has a gig Ethernet jack but it's hampered by the USB serial bus which reduces its throughput capability so keep that in mind and starting out so let me again repeat we are using an image and how this all works is you basically will take this single board computer which is the Raspberry Pi this little card has everything you need it's got the RAM it's got all your data jacks for the bus control in the serial control and all those USB connections as well as HDMI for the output and by the way this is the HDMI output these little ports are HDMI mini so if you want to go to a screen you need an HDMI mini cable next to that is USB see hopefully I'm not throwing terms that are up above anybody's head I will take Collins at the end so if you have a question and you're curious about something write it down and you can call in and ask but you should have capability to output your video you can connect a keyboard a keyboard and a mouse via USB and then you have USB C to power it so that's basically how it all works now it doesn't have a hard drive in a traditional sense what it uses is a micro SD card and that micro SD card is flashed onto the SD card and generally what I run there are different operating systems but what I run is called raspbian and specifically with the Raspberry Pi 4 I wonder what's called raspbian Buster with desktop and the recommended software which is this guy right here you download this I recommend downloading in torrent by the way on BitTorrent you'll download it much faster if that's gonna be a lot better trust me because it takes too long otherwise and what you do and I'm gonna show you this live you're gonna burn it onto the in onto the SD card you're gonna burn the image there and how I do it on a PC there are other ways to do it but a lot of people are on PCs so I would go with this way of doing it let me show you flip this around here and blad out here is my kind of remote setup also with the chat which you don't need to see so let me drag that down so i use an app called ballina etcher and this should be in the link if it's not in the link it's just ballina at your be al ene etcher et Cie h e r so what you do after you download buster is you just change the image to where that is I have a directory here and there's Buster full you would select that guy hit open and then you would select your SD card now I recommend I'll show you my my screen again my video again here I recommend just a simple little USB to micro SD card dongle but anyway you can do it if you have a native plug in your computer if you use an SD card adapter to go to micro SD that's fine you're gonna connect that into your computer and you're gonna hit select target there's nothing connect selected but you would select it if it was there it continued and then you just see flash and it's gonna go off and it's gonna burn the image that's all you really have to do to start up running Raspberry Pi at that point when it's done you're gonna take the Raspberry Pi SD card out and you're gonna shove it into the Raspberry Pi and I'll show you what that looks like with one of these SD cards so I have an SD card here I'm gonna shut this guy down we'll come back to him in a second this is the full ham-radio load so pop out your SD card I'm gonna take the power out of this guy cuz he's off now underneath here this isn't a case not the case I really recommend anymore but it is a case slide him in and we're gonna do this live now what I'm going to walk you through is setting this up you're gonna see the keyboard but that's only really helpful if you're just gonna have a keyboard connected to it all the time or you're gonna have it connected to a monitor like that but I personally like VNL seeing into my raspberry PI's and so that's what I'm going to show you right now we're gonna walk through the process to do that all right so this has set up this is the welcome to raspberry pi desktop I'm not going to run that okay we are connected to the Ethernet on the on the Ethernet jack there what I'm going to start up is what's called raspy config and I'll show you it once I get it set up I'm going to show you first on the screen and then I'm gonna show you again in B and C so hold on so I'm looking up terminal window this is a Raspberry Pi 4 so it's going to be a bit slower so just keep that in mind and we're gonna sudo into raspy config another reason why you may not want to use a keyboard a folding keyboard is that it's not as accurate so I'm going to go to interface options and I go to VNC and I'm gonna select yes okay we've now activated VNC and I'm gonna go to Advanced Options let me go to resolution and I'm going to set this one sec man I can barely see this okay sorry about that it was a there's no resolution setting on a stock load that's really good so it's kind of hard on the screen to read but but once you do this once you got a look at that bad screen for a second once you do this once you can then VNC in and there's another way to do that which I'm going to show you again once it comes back online we're going to use putty which is a terminal application to basically SSH and SSH is just text only we're gonna SSH into this guy and I'm going to show you that raspy config again we're gonna do this a couple of ways so we did it first with the keyboard and the mouse on the desktop just right out of the load we loaded the SD card in we started the unit up and close the door please close the door please thank you all the way I gotta figure out a padlock from the inside so alright we should be up and running there let me let me flip over here so if we did this right we should be at 1/9 well I've got a key out one one if not it's point two and if not then we'll have to look at my router and see where it's at which is kind of par for the course and by the way I'm talking about my my home Wi-Fi router or Ethernet router it looks like that is not it so let me go ahead and find it where is it there's the putty window oh it was 12 okay I was off by one one two that's in the wrong space I've got this so jacked up on the high screen that I can't even see it anymore oh okay we're not there yet hold on we'll do it this way then okay so that worked VNC is working default password for Raspberry Pi is PI for the username raspy a raspberry for the password or raspberry however you want to pronounce it and so now you're greeted with the screen now it's possible sssh is turned off so I'm gonna show you that really quick so now we're remoting in straight into the the Raspberry Pi we're gonna run the terminal window again and again we're using the GUI right now and and sometimes you don't have that luxury so I'm gonna go ahead and check to make sure that we've got SSH turned on all right so we're gonna go back to sudo raspy config and let me make that a bit bigger so you guys can see I asked me how many times I've done this before just ask me okay OOP my fat finger all the commands okay so pseudo raspy config you can get this if you have SSH turn on but for some reason we might not have that turned on so let's check so SSH what do we got yes we do we want it on it's enabled now interfacing options we want to have VNC on we already turned that on so we don't need to do that and then we go finish and we're gonna do sudo reboot so it's gonna come back on now again because once you have it VNC it in and once it knows the password and the IP it's just gonna pull it up the next time it brings up so you can just leave VNC running in the background and it'll pull it up without any problem which is nice everybody's asking me how many times have you done this before a lot and here's my big takeaway if you could take any one thing away from this this video um raspberry pies they're running on an SD card they're really cheap they're really inexpensive it's very easy to get the images well I just showed you how to burn it on to ballina etch or raspberry PI's are made to be experimented with they're made to being used use them absolutely use them and have fun with them they're for your enjoyment as Hamm's we are supposed to be experimenters and enjoy that kind of stuff so absolutely get in there and play around with raspberry pies so you're not gonna break anything the worst thing you'll ever have to do is pop the SD card out of the back plug it back in your computer and reimage it that's it that's all you have to do so here we go it says ssh is enabled by default but the password hasn't changed that's right haven't changed the password so now let me bring up putty again putty putty putty Oh maybe if I was back in Windows it would like it better so here's putty again we're at 192.168 come on my one is dead 1.21 to go alright and so what you get a popup on is it says are you sure you want to connect to this non unknown device you say yes I do and then you'll get a login screen that says login as and you're gonna long it as PI and the password is raspberry and so now we're logged in you're gonna do sudo raspy config so I just took out like a huge portion of what makes resolute didn't want to do that I just took out what makes raspberry pi's sometimes very frustrating to set up is dealing with this just getting to this point and showing you how to turn on SSH how to turn on VNC that's that's the big first step right so same deal we're in the same unit so we can just go in here and say okay interfacing options we want to make sure SSH is on PNC's on etc so then at that point then at that point you can start loading software now I know I mentioned that you can just run the image that I have linked in the description which is on BitTorrent you can just load that the same way you would load what I just showed you the only difference with that one you got to be very specific you need to have an Ethernet cable connected to that for right now we'll make a new image up in the future that that allows for both options but the image that's down in the description is set up for wireless remote operation as though it was a standalone amateur radio like ham shack what that means is instead of it being a consumer of Wi-Fi meaning it connects to the Wi-Fi at your house the Raspberry Pi it makes a rapid Wi-Fi network that you connect to it with devices that's great for when you're in the field and you want to run something like wsj TX or a logger software or whatever so keep that in mind if you download that make sure you have an Ethernet cable connected to it when you're at home all right so there we go oh and Zacks uh that's funny what fold down Sonic D is he who's interesting is he hosting my torrent right now that's pretty awesome sonic DS in the house by the way and he's the maker of this song which is what we use for the theme song he's here staying with us this weekend I don't know if that's the same Sonic DN but anyway that's my buddy he's here I don't think it's the same thing necessarily but who knows that's my CD n oh wow that's funny that's really crazy sonic D the DJs in the house and you've got a CD and named the same thing cool k8m rd i got a raspberry pie from Kanak it works just fine yep in fact my raspberry Pete PI 3 is a canna kit which I'll put that box there ok so now you've got it up and running so maybe you want to install some software on it this is what I would recommend you do there is a blog where's the blog there it is d l 1g k k has a really really nice set up blog for Raspberry Pi for ham radio now the link for the image in the description loads all of that what this blog is saying and more but if you wanted to get the feel for Linux and how to operate on it then you can follow this blog and I actually think it's a lot of fun to do that a little bit that's up to you so basically if you scroll down here let me let me get to let me get to the first thing you must learn and you must master so the first thing is just sudo apt-get update so sudo apt - get is what you use for like go ahead and stop this guy I don't need to see what thank you for surprised subscribing by the way but that might get a little busy um that's the first thing you're really going to do when you when you get used to running this pseudo apt - get is - - get is what you're gonna use to download software that's the same kind of command you're gonna send and authorize Mike is saying Linux is not fun Linux is serious business no it's fun and again if you brick it you just reimage it and reload it so no big deal I'm gonna skip ahead a little bit and we're gonna get to the first we're not gonna do the GPS clock we're gonna install let's install direwolf on this new image so I'm on the web here this is the instructions right here we're gonna walk through an installation really quick and then we're gonna load that fully loaded ready to go image and we're gonna walk through some of the software that's on it I'm gonna show you what it looks like I'm actually gonna run that on my PI for now that I think about it because that's gonna be a lot faster so let's do it that way okay so let me go back here alright so we're looking at the Raspberry Pi 3 this is it in all its glory let's make a little bit bigger we're opening up a terminal window and we are really just gonna copy paste stuff over so I'm just gonna copy this and I'm gonna paste it so that's the first thing we're gonna make this a little bit smaller - thank you for thank you Frank Wilson we're gonna do a quick install leave a sound and we're gonna let it do its thing Frank Wilson says really appreciate your videos just past Tech in general you are helping me get on the air congratulations absolutely get on the air oh look at that H reflex says it's just apt now apt-get is old I am an OEM of Raspberry Pi now so first step is done by the way if you're interested in this I'll make sure the link is in the description for the the instructions on this blog so we're gonna paste the next one so far we're doing serious computer hacking all I've been doing is copying pasting I showed you how to set it up let's see that fail it did fail haha well here we go this is let's see newly installed after this operation 404 not found it okay we may already have it hold on let's see if we can run this guy so this is this is more about what I expect when you run Linux so we're getting direwolf now okay good we're receiving the objects that's more to the style of this whole thing right so a direwolf is a sound modem you'd use if you were running like a TNC or if you wanted to run packet or something like one of the radio networks this would be what you would use and we're almost done almost almost done oh good Zack Zack came in with the update comment so we need to do that too so we need to do sudo bump up sudo apt-get update so we just have an old version of loaded software titles yeah I I'm not a big fan of the green text I know people use that like a lot of people that that run on the Linux machines that I've seen at work and stuff they like that green tech stuff I'm not not a big fan not to say you can't you can change this to whatever color you want it is Linux in fact well that's doing its thing I'm gonna swap out the SD card in my my mobile rig which is pretty much the same load as I'm already running in that unit but it's just a different image yeah Lee leet hack Soares use green text yeah orange is good I like orange they're talking about the the background text on the on the Raspberry Pi here there are some kids that are like down the street that are just losing their ever loving minds all right let's do that again sudo apt-get so we skipped a step well see if that gets it looks like it does yes good no I'll show you what it means so we're gonna change the text to green on a black background burp burp burp that's that foreground is gonna be green there we go now we're leet hack soaring we are hacking now logic 44 says you have no idea how many times I've heard sudo apt-get in Raspberry Pi tutorial yes so now we've got the proper greentech so we can we can continue on our way so the the command then is we've loaded everything we need so we're gonna CD CD means change directory we're direct so just like your folder structure in Windows right we're gonna CD into the the direwolf directory which don't get don't get excited the tilde the little squiggly is your home directory that's like your username on Windows and we're gonna go to a direwolf now a bit of a just an FYI if you type in half of the directory any tab or just one character if it's the only directory that has that character structure it'll fill it out for you so going through terminal and typing really quickly can become really easy so now we're in the direwolf directory I'm gonna do a list that's what LS does so we've got a lot of files so I'm not gonna worry about them being right or not I'm just gonna follow with the process we're gonna make lowercase - J make is basically compile so we're compiling the code so we are building the code structure that's gonna run direwolf su do get PI ooh that looks good look at that look at that text man that's some good stuff Nathan long tapping twice gives you a list of matching directories it gives you a list of matching directories based off of like what you've typed so far so if you have like two directories that are both dir for direwolf and you didn't put the e and you get like directory and direwolf you'd see directory and direwolf then you can just keep typing tab one type one character and tab type of character and tab albatross says I should watch this while half I should man should I watch this what half asleep no single cab Steve this is not bosses as Linux sir Yeah right there lady red dress right that's that's the argument for lady red dress and that is uh yep there it goes right there boom its daus it actually works every ticket says ok so we just did the install there's where we yet now we're gonna do sudo make install so again we're only gonna we're only gonna do this once I'm not gonna walk through the whole thing because you probably like I don't really I'll just I'll just load the I'll just get that image you've already made and I won't have to deal with this so the only thing you got to do again we got to make sure SSH is on you got to make sure that VNC is on you can do that from just connecting a keyboard and a screen to your Raspberry Pi however if you don't have those options if you don't have a monitor and you don't have a keyboard like I generally don't believe it or not I have like a laptop and I have a computer but none of those are like freestanding things then you can just plug in an Ethernet cable into your Raspberry Pi in almost all situations you can SSH into that IP and use the password PI and raspberry then just go into that soo do raspy config and you can turn BNC on so you can remote in it's very easy all right so if you push up it brings up your last command so we're just gonna continue that command structure we're done and then we're gonna do a reboot and BNC just dies out and there you go yeah so the great thing about Linux and Raspberry Pi and all this stuff is you can code all these apps up you want you can you can modify stuff that already exists the code is freely available to look at and understand you don't have to do any of that though you don't have to do anything I'm doing right now if you're an amateur radio operator you can just throw that image in and you can go to that little raspberry logo and that's your Start menu the GUI for Raspberry Pi is the same like you kind of have in Windows it's just upside down right the taskbar is at the top so you go here right and there there you go there's your Start menu basically so we should have direwolf loaded and sure enough there is the there's a little direwolf puppy dog I'm not gonna run it actually let's just run it see what happens so tax filed artwork seems to be you know execute okay so we're running down our wolf now it's that easy I don't have anything connected though so it's gonna it's gonna crap out and it's no understood all right so that's that let me let me plug in my my PI for we were running on the PI 3 the whole time so we should see a pretty big jump in processing power when we switch over to the 4 and I'm gonna boot it back into that ham radio image so hold on in fact I will show you what I'm doing why not there we go okay so I'm gonna shut down this guy because I'm gonna pull actually I don't need to I need to do any of that I'm just disconnecting it so just connect any Ethernet Ethernet goes local because again you need the Ethernet for this fully built ham radio version and we'll work on another version of that works on both a local Wi-Fi like if you're gonna run it at home as a Pam Shaq computer will make a version of that and then will also have a regular version like the remote version and I do want to give the big shout out before I forget and I and I apologize I didn't do this up front I really do apologize on the shout out goes to w3 DJ s he built this pie image and I mean let's look through some of this right now this comes loaded with all the applications you'd really ever want for amateur radio ham Lib chirp he has an AP RS client he's running he does qss TV which is for SS TV GP predict for satellite prediction free DV Blu DV whisper pie it's got WS jtx it just has literally tons and tons of software this is all pre-loaded you just have to burn that image shove that card into your Raspberry Pi and you get access to all this stuff if you're running an SDR it's got qubit software-defined radio blah blah blah APRs client FL digi logging applications win Lync applications Morse code applications the only thing he asks the only thing he asks is if you use this if you like it give it a try send him a QSL card w3 DJ s I think that's I think that's pretty cool I think we can do that so alright we should be good there option what you say to me so let's go to PI portable yep there he is okay hold on I'm typing in the first login cannot ok so here's here's some of the stuff you have to deal with we'll figure this out live so going back to my screen here cannot show desktop will shoot what do we do we can't show the desktop well let's bring up that putty window again this guy's gonna be on a different IP soon a what is this guy on actually there are properties 166 okay there we go we got a putty window so we're gonna pie and we're gonna go raspberry russ berrie so we're in now we can hack the Gibson we're gonna go soo do raspy config and believe it or not I really haven't I played around this a bit beforehand but my first thing was just getting this to run which we were able to so we want to turn on VNC which we just did BNC is enabled and we already have a SSH so we don't need to do anything like that so we'll go ahead and finish it and we need your reboot okay so this guy is unhappy so I'm using real VNC by the way I already have him set up so I'm just gonna change him to automatic and set that to automatic forget sensitive data okay why are there so many kids outside all right let's make a new one new connection 66 aha okay so I believe I think I know it no I don't know loyal was probably right he's giving me cues in the chat he's like you may have to do this but I think I think that we got to go back to putty and set something really quick because I don't normally have to go into config and in fact I'm trying not to go into config so you guys don't have to I want to make this as simple as possible although I know that the fact that we're already playing with them around with the Raspberry Pi work we're pretty much in the weeds a little bit so I appreciate you guys sticking with me because it can be fun we're back in sudo again to do raspy config I think nope sorry we're gonna go back to Advanced Options [Music] resolution we're try that once and if it doesn't work we'll yeah see if that works otherwise we're gonna we're gonna get wild a little bit and I'm no opinion under beer there is a wealth of things you can do while that is waiting to reboot let me show you some of the things you can do first things first where is it there it is the drawers digital radio amateur workstation the Hat so basically okay good it's working that was what I expected it the resolution wasn't set so you have to set VNC to on and then you need to set the resolution to an appropriate resolution to output it had never been set so it had nothing so it's like well I don't know what you want me to do so I left it blank the drawers hat basically allows you to kind of have a radio interface directly on top as well as the capability to run DC power into your Raspberry Pi and power it it's a bit expensive it's $150 there are other versions of this and you can make your own there's plenty of things you can do but it slaps on the top of it you get SMA connections you get connections for radios and you have that DC power connection one of the things it has that is a is a really cool thing is it has the connection already for the GPS device and I'll give it a note on that too on since we're we're getting ready to dive into this a bit let me set that guy up so I can switch over to it what a lot of the raspberry PI's will none of the raspberry PI's have is an accurate clock source because it's just this remote device you have to connect it to a network for it to use MTP which is network time protocol but if you're out in the wilderness and you're operating you need to draw your time in from something else and the most often thing that you'll use is GPS so this dongle is also linked in the description in the Amazon store and I use that to basically get my time source once I get a GPS sync I pull in the satellites I get my accurate time source and that's what I use if I'm running wsj TX for example so GPS is kind of the way to go and that's a really cheap dongle so alright let's see so we've got it it's up and running so here is the the Raspberry Pi ham radio image you can adjust this to make this output at a higher resolution on the Raspberry Pi 4 but anyway so this is going to be a snappier than the three we're gonna look at some of the stuff that's in here that's for coding qss TV is right there where is the here's the here's the big stuff Kong's aster sastras great for APRs FL rigs if you want to do connecting to a radio which you're likely going to want to do if you're out and about so let's run WS jtx really quick so this is startup 4 WS j TX we're kind of testing the the speed and power I clicked it so it will come up in a second this is the first time I'm starting it but there we go it's gonna complain there's no uh there's no radio connected oh it's not because there's no setting okay so this is WS j TX obviously there's nothing connected I could really quickly everything's here everything's here I could just set it up alright I think I'll do that I might just connect back my old SD card and run through it let me make sure I've got on my notes then I'll open the calls up and I'll take calls while I'm setting up my my ft8 mobile setup which I actually use my razzed on my iPad to control it and I'll show you what I do for that that's a lot of fun all right let me switch over here make sure we walk through my notes okay we did all right so I'm gonna turn this guy off I'm gonna shut him down I'm gonna put back my other SD card and I'm gonna switch over to this guy and I'm gonna start taking some calls so let me grab my K x2 cuz of course I've got to run it on a k XD right hold on alright there's my K x2 so come now colors and I'll take your call live while that's going on we can start clearing out some space here all right so I'm gonna which are all let me move the mic too as well gonna withdrawal the SD card I'm gonna put my oh really I was only running on a 32 gig huh it's kind of funky alright so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make sure my GPS dongle is connected I've got a tiny little adapter for that or connector I don't need this anymore so I'm gonna get rid of this guy disconnect some this stuff yeah I like this micro SD card holder a lot it's like a credit card I'll throw the link in the description the the Amazon link as well for that if anybody's interested so there's my K x2 sitting next to my Raspberry Pi I went with the the full blackout effect on this so it's kind of got like a stealth look to it because I was doing it for the gram so I have ran this before on in my garage and I haven't had any problem with getting a connection to USB I'm sorry GPS okay so here's what I end up running I have a USB sound card the audio cables to connect to the radio and then a nother kind of elongate ER and the reason for that is the USB ports are pretty cramped on the Raspberry Pi so that's why I use this because you need to use this to control the PTT and cat control of the kx2 so color semi coordinated pink goes to pink green goes to green for speaker and mic and green which is your speaker output from the radio or from the computer needs to go into the mic connection on the kx2 and phone or mic needs to go to phone on the kx2 and then this whole guy needs to give me a couple of inches of cable and then we're gonna tie it off this cable is way too long all cables are too long for doing a lot of stuff but on the Raspberry Pi and we'll connect this guy in okay so technically that's it so now I should be able to I'll make sure I'm on 40 I am on 40 I don't see any activity on the GPS yet though so that is a bit troubling what I will do is go back here with that all configured I should now be able to hop back over let's get into the PI portable here aha alright we're back in so this is a different image and I've got a different desktop on this one and it looks like my desktop so a little screwed up but whatever it's fine we'll deal with it okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to pull up the GPS monitor where is it there it is GPS Mon oh mmm what did that say ooh that's interesting I know what happened we're getting in the weeds a little bit here so I'm doing a little computer hacking I apologize again this is not what I expected to have to show you but I am off-roading a bit okay we have no callers nobody wants to call in Wow no questions everybody has no questions for the Raspberry Pi alright I'm hacking the Gibson right now yeah sudo apt-get livestream oh yeah the livestream it was on the other screen but negatives nobody called in so all right hold on there you go alright so we're back in one connection which is me let's see if this fixes it it most likely didn't but should be fun what JSON okay why are you doing that now of all times everything worked before and now it doesn't work unknown device huh whatever [Music] hey we got a caller what's up what's your name hey my name is Genesis and I just passed my tech and general exams and so I had thank you cuz I was your general training was really nice excellent so that that was helpful that's always I always liked it yeah tell me it was helpful for them so thank you for letting me know I appreciate that yeah especially in the end when the stuff and the things that it's so much easier to get that background behind some things from someone who has actually done them well thank you I appreciate I'm glad well one I'm glad you got it congratulations on getting your license that's a huge thing and I appreciate you taking a look and it was helpful for you so the first time I'm catching you live and I have to say right now have a Raspberry Pi random next I'm trying to capture my neighbor's Wi-Fi WPA handshake so cool stuff that you can do with the Raspberry Pi it is cool if I agree so what is it you're getting again basically this connects devices that my neighbors have from the Wi-Fi and then captures the Wi-Fi handshake that you can run with a dictionary and think and you can find their passwords oh just okay I don't condone that but okay I work in network security so it's between my moral code that I can inform them that they should change that password is not very good but that is that is good for you to inform them but yeah dude first do no harm yeah very good no questions or anything other than that actually I want to ask like on the on the when you have it with you on the trail or whatever how do you actually interface with it we connect that little wonder that you have were you just set everything up and have it running I show you I use my iPad but basically my iPad is displaying the screen that's right here okay so basically you vs you through the iPad yes exactly and no the Raspberry Pi becomes the hot spot so when you use that image the Raspberry Pi is the hot the hot spot you'll see it as a Wi-Fi connection you just have to connect to that Wi-Fi well thanks for all of that and thanks for helping me get my exams done and I'll keep watching for the rest of the night thank you I appreciate it what was what was your name again I need you write it down did you not see it some shortened form of a longer name that what the one I like but okay very good by the way everybody that says iPads too expensive you can use any tablet once you get VNC connected you can use any VNC application to do what I'm doing so don't get upset yes I'm using an iPad I'm not you but people don't already commented something can connect wirelessly yeah right on alright well thank you for calling in buddy take it easy okay see ya bye got another caller hey new color what's your nin installed gen - is this this is Connor install genku are you trying to do voice commands right now what's your name okay he left alright we're back well I'll try again go ahead caller what's your name what's your name color yeah name your Rangers Jeff yes BJ Raiders good how's it going man what's your is it all right okay I guess I'm not anyway no can you put the website down yeah it's in the description for the video camera huh it's in the description in the video okay okay yes okay well I'm telling you the questions later okay okay well thank you very much all right oh thank you I appreciate it thank you so much okay thank you see you bye okay there we go let's bring that up ha okay audio isn't working right okay so we're part of the way there let's we've got rig control that was the first thing so if I wanted to I could switch this over 220 yep I switched right over alright so we want to get it over 240 again so now it's just a question of audio we got a caller go ahead caller what's your name oh you got a mute your audio there you there caller yeah I'm here what's your name Gethin json press x to jason how's it going hey dumb gamer dumb Gaber comment go ahead oh it's it's every boy no I can't I can't even tell over the audio yeah go ahead mud what's up man yeah well the audio is yeah the audio is kind of weird no well now you talk like that you sound just fine I don't know what was the deal there but yeah you sounded kind of weird oh it sounded weird to me at first also okay so what's up calling earlier I called it earlier because you said you'd have any color so I was like I'll call in and then I heard like three people online so it's cool that's uh I've read about WS jtx working on on a UNIX based box or a Raspberry Pi but that's the first time I've ever seen it right there so that's really cool and well we'll get it we'll get it going right now I just got to figure out what I'm doing wrong I normally have this on my my iPad like I said oh that's exactly why what do I have Hardware card device it's dramatic I mean it works in it works perfectly once you do it right that'd be it it'd be an easy way to bring a you know Raspberry Pi don't weigh anything there'd be a great thing to bring on a soda trip if you want to work digital oh I'm going to from now on yeah the only problem is like you know how like you did when you hiked up you carried your surface right and that would kind of be what you'd be doing right you'd be doing that well and that's not a problem really because I mean the surface doesn't weigh anything but you know ever ever since we went on that hike I've look I've been poking around on Amazon for different Windows 10 tablets and immediate stuff that's half the size of a surface so it y-you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna do some experimenting with different sound cards or whatnot to see what I can get to work the best but yeah but I do like the fact I mean because you you you would need a monitor for it but wouldn't need necessarily a whole laptop you just need something to plug in the Raspberry Pi right you don't need to yeah you could just get a touchscreen monitor some people do that yeah yeah I've seen I've never seen jws jtx operated that way but I've seen people operate other Raspberry Pi stuff that way so but yeah cool cool man well I just wanted to call in I never called in to you before so I thought I'd I'd uh see how it works I appreciate that it sounds like it's working yeah it's definitely working there's a delay between the call and the end of YouTube just because the YouTube play so those kind of weird in that direction but it but it it sounds fine you sound good I think I mean I think the audio is good coming in good yeah okay okay all right man thanks for calling in see it thank you all right you bet okay so what do we do in that time that we took a couple calls one I think I found part of my problem I have the audio now piped into ah I know exactly what my problem is I am an idiot the biggest idiot let me tell you why radios like freakin coax haha why what did I have what do I have connected right here what is this where is this going oh no wonder I hate sometimes I'm telling you sometimes I'm not unsurprised I don't break things at more than I do Wow k x2 thank you for not killing yourself thank you for like you know alright we're almost there I promise and then we'll go do the after jet because I need to relax a little bit here we go throw this over to the overhead for dramatic buildup hey did anybody notice what's wrong with that K x2 why I'm not seeing any signals I'm not transmitting on it but why am I not seeing any signals guys any idea why not might not be seeing any signals hmm I don't know cuz I had the freaking thing connected to the whisper pie which you know is you know good but like the last five minutes hey what's going to pay look at that now we got hey all of a sudden it's alive oh wow look oh hey look at that geez alright let's tune her up I'm so whacked out with the tuner that it took a second see now the audio is all jacked watch this need to lower it [Music] okay so we're holy running off of my Raspberry Pi in my KXT right now I'm gonna call CQ if you guys want to work me go for it and we are transmitting cuz blaagh that red light is on right there we'll let it run for a second who wants to work me on WS jtx go for it oh we got a caller hold on caller I got so excited by that you know if you attached akin to an antenna hey color what's your name hey this is Aaron okay i-5 that's IQ Aaron kf5 FAQ kilo India 5 Foxtrot India Quebec oh ok f IQ got it Aaron thanks for calling in what's up hey oh I was actually curious uh a little bit of the roving in the VHF UHF contest and why they do the ft8 stuff uh however my like search my six meter radio that I used it doesn't have cat control that was curious about how you if you've heard anything about maybe trying to get PTT from a computer over to the radio cause I don't cat control and which radio was it again it's an old Ranger six meter radio now I'm not sure about that there's no interface for it right right is this just a fixed end and mic cable all I have you don't have like an audio output like a mic connection output or amboy yeah yeah you know has the audio output for sure do you have fun okay no it is not yeah okay so then you have to hand PTT it alright hey canine BFG trying to make a contact negative 15 to me I don't know if you can hear me or if he's just just sending my callsign we'll see if we can actually if you can actually receive me but yeah if you so if you don't have a mic port that you can in something you can box off of then it's hard for you to get so what you need to happen is obviously the audio needs to come into your computer which I was having a problem with because I didn't have an antenna connected but you also need to be able to key your mic either by something connecting to it or something manually keying it with which is a PTT or cat control if you don't have cat control you can't change frequencies so there's a lot yeah I don't know what to tell you unless you can figure out how to get your audio in that's the trick if you don't have Vox yeah somebody said signal link in the chat but I don't know that that's the right the right solution either I don't think BFG can hear me I think he's just calling out so that that would be yeah that would be the way to do it is figure out how to do that I'm sorry that was not more helpful and uh worth the shot yeah sorry about that thanks for calling in though I appreciate your um take it easy hey no problem you do uh Jason is asking am I on 40 yes I'm on 40 there is somebody else that called me let's see if we can get them really quick w4w for well we're getting adventurous let's try to make a contact on FTA I'd like to actually increase the rig this is pissing me off by the way because on my on my iPad which I'm gonna try and I'm gonna try and see if I can DNC into this thing really quick Oh see it looks a lot better on my iPad I'll show you what it looks like on my iPad kind of I'll show you on the overhead actually so I'm vien seeing right now so I'm on my iPad this is what it looks like so that's my tablet and again it's an iPad it doesn't you don't have to use an iPad though this is just what I use and it's it's perfectly sized for that you can sit down on the bed whatever you don't need to have the pencil but it's nice to be able to see the waterfall that way and there's a lot of activity so I'll leave that running right here my Android plays better with our pies no not anymore not anymore doesn't the the raspberry pie for having the capability can connect USB CD USB see on the iPad pro or iPad this have that so that's not really true plus it doesn't matter it's a VNC connection if you can set up a BNC then your favorite tablet does not matter doesn't matter at all so feel free to use whatever you like your heart's content nobody can hear me I'll go back to Colin CQ we got a caller Jack k4n Gd thanks for calling in buddy how's it going to come what's up man can you hear me yeah I can hear you yeah I just want to check in 73k I'm streaming and now I'm back again Yeah right I know I appreciate you coming back thank you yeah that's a good question so on the Raspberry Pi 3 it's pretty demanding but if you are looking at my screen right now I am V n seed into my raspberry pi 4 and here is the CPU the CPU scale is low it's not maxing it out at all huh yeah so let's show it as a percentage that'll be so 10% usage right now running wsj and I'm I have the 4 gig the 4 gig version people are saying they can't hear you Mike bias turned off no that's weird no your uh man W 4 u WC is a plus 4 to me and he's not copying me all right I'm gonna go to the full 10 watts output full 10 watts I'm gonna warm up my K x2 I'm glad I got those heat sinks so I so did you have a question jack all about one of the question really I mean yeah it's you know 30 percent 25 percent right now that's it so pretty fine pretty ok yep yep so how do you power all this oh that sorry people are talking I'm trying to monitor chat and also talk to you so somebody was right whoever said that I should probably find a good frequency to drop into let's go to 900 sorry hold on one second that's probably gonna help a lot go ahead set go ahead Jack I'm out doing things like soda that is a great question back for you yes I do so so what I use currently is this thousand milliamp hour really thin where's my iPhone my iPhone is bigger than the battery bank and I can run this for hours off of this and it only one USB it doesn't do USB C output but right I think the new version of the Raspberry Pi 4 is not as problematic with powering as the first gen models were so it seems to work fine I can power it and I can run it for hours and hours and not have a problem of course you could you could get a solar controller you could build the whole thing there's no reason you can't so Diane on me here we go yeah so hopefully that helps a little bit I and they would just brown out I've connected this to my USB powered hub it works fine I've connected off of a little wall wart USB see it was fine I'm not had any problems running it off of different powers now I know that when the USB when the Raspberry Pi force came out they did have power issues but so far this one seems okay I have not had a big problem with him so right on I think I've got one another caller I think I'm gonna take that a caller yep and I'll talk to you later I'm gonna jump up to 11:50 is all right so all right jack take it easy see ya so I'm gonna wait for this to stop and jump up to 1150 you don't need to do this but whatever a lot of activity out there Oh what's going on why did that happen all that might have bumped the VF oh hey Ryan k1 lxu what's going on hey what's up Ryan yeah man how's it going pretty good um I finally got my Kenwood 436 so it's running I got a meter and fed up and a couple days ago I made my first contact on 80 meters there's a guy down the street for me right nice nice nice yeah you know I'm getting a pretty good laptop for Christmas I was wondering what would be the best way to start with digital on that radio what was the radio again ah Kenwood 4:30 it has a box which is an advantage you guys are hitting me with the the radios that aren't really digital capable let me see what the output is hey there's somebody ke 4j I see let's see let's see if we can complete the contact I want to see what the back panel looks like do you have yeah oh okay so you need to get um you need to have a speaker out and you need to have a mic in for lack of a better term and you need to have some way of keying the radio you can either key it with a PTT or you can key it with some kind of stuff hey we did a contact yeah hey let me let me yeah hold on let me let me let me see if if we just Google digital and Kenwood f430 okay there's a post on qrz I'm interested in PSK 31 and Riddhi Olivia and other modes on the TS 430 and let me show you guys what I'm working on here you're on the wrong one there we go so I have what hardware would you do oh yeah mmm yeah you have to use Vox right so the answer is not it's not necessarily gonna be easy I decided to go with an S USB I think so go on just do a google search for your Kenwood 430 digital and and start with that that would be my recommendation that seems like the way to go sorry about that I mean that's not to be honest it's a bit of an older radio and and so you're gonna have a harder time with it but yeah no reason you can't make it work so absolutely yeah all right thanks man all right Ryan take it easy dude you do have a good night see ya all right we're gonna wrap things up here so we got we got why did it set it back again it keeps underexposing the shots pissing me off oh yeah Bob says he's trying to work me yeah I'm only putting out 10 watts right now Bob we have a hard enough time with a hundred now I got that amp maybe I'll put it on the amp I might be able to get a 50 watts out of it if I put it on that uh that eight eight eleven there so that's a topic for another video I think so I'm gonna go ahead and wrap things up here guys we're gonna go over to the discord after chat and I will be streaming live to twitch on that for a little while I may have some friends come in here we'll see it's my wife my wife lets me do that but before we go can you Oh somebody asks can you use digital modes on the shag ug 90s yes you can somebody says because you're using a Mac I don't know what that means I'm using my PC you're looking at my PC literally my computer and my iPad are connected to the same Raspberry Pi at the same time running at the same time everything at the same time and the Raspberry Pi is running at four percent so if you ever had a reason to go buy one of these things now is the time we'll make follow-up videos on this I promise because it's been a lot of fun I need to figure out what I really want is although I don't do this what I'd really like to do is have a solar solution and a small battery pack that can run the whole and have the proper DC connection that I can just feed it with solar power and have it feed the Raspberry Pi and that'll be it somebody's asking me about my day job who I'm not gonna tell some people know it I'm a man of many mysteries yeah anyway what is my twitch name angry Shover bot is my twitch name but if you go to discord then you can find the link as we posted over there but before I go guys I got to wrap this up but without I have to mention my patrons thank you so much for the support it means the world to me a big big THANK YOU to carry blackwell Jason Brown Jason Siebert David dancer Oh Danny Miller wet oh by the way I should say this this was the patron picks episode man I am I am scattered brain trying to get this going I have two big apologies to all the patrons this should have went out weeks ago for them to vote I shove the vote out like yesterday largely that's because of the holiday season oh my gosh I'm so sorry to all the patrons but thank you for your support I really do appreciate it even though I treated you like crap this month I'm super sorry I apologize anyway Danny Miller Wesley magyar barber Shrock will lad Evan Hartman admin extraordinaire Franklin Lewis Brad Snyder Dennis dunder Dale Garrett Larsen Jonathan Franzen ad 6 DM Dennis the Wyoming ham Randall Hinsley Dennis Mickelson George Gainey and eek enemy Emoto Ron Thorson Ken Hall Shaun bales kg7 ITX urge or get to Vic Chad Robb Zaire's Devon B hedge Mark chase Raymond cracker Geraldo Kelso Rob k8b CR Lee Harrell Michael Carney Steve Barker mark fields Corey Sheldon Brad and Dow Stephen hunt carnold care Connard Carol Mike marusan Mike here Lee her old carpenter the brew crew of course appreciate it I'm not taking another call I promise guard we'll talk after Steven honor justinrowe Steven cardew's Brian Fairbanks Richard Smith Hercules Casey 1lz our Mike Zarin John flowers and Tom right whoo all right this was uh this was an interesting stream I had a lot of fun I'll touch you guys later see
Channel: Ham Radio Crash Course
Views: 68,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ham radio, Ham radio crash course, what to do with ham radio, ham radio basics, ham radio antenna, ham radio questions live, hoshnasi, amateur radio, ham radio black friday, radio deals, amateur radio deals, ham radio on sale, amateur radio on sale, radio cyber monday, ham radio gift ideas, ham radio gift guide, top ten ham radio
Id: wzkDxKkjRXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 48sec (5088 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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