Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide: Install and Setup NOOBS

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hi my name is Ian Buckley and you were watching make use of comm today's video is about the Raspberry Pi if you've just got one of these and you've got no idea what to do next this video is for you today we're going to take you through putting an operating system on the PI I'm setting it up for the first time and a few handy tips and tricks that will hopefully help you in the future so let's get started for this tutorial today we're going to need a few things as well as the Raspberry Pi we're going to need to power it so we'll be using a micro USB cord for that this needs to be plugged into something that is 5 volts and at least 2 amps the official Raspberry Pi power supply is highly recommended I'll be using my home power supply today will also need a USB mouse and keyboard which will attach to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi and an HDMI monitor which is just off screen over here before we connect anything to the PI it needs an operating system now the Raspberry Pi 3 uses a micro SD card I don't have a micro SD card reader but I do have one of these adapters so I'm gonna plug the micro SD card into the SD card adapter and attach it to my computer where we will now go and download our operating system so head to Raspberry Pi dot org slash downloads and we're going to use noobs today now raspbian is the official operating system of the Raspberry Pi newbs stands for new out-of-the-box software it does include raspbian but it's just easier to install so from the official website you can either download it via torrent or just download the zip get that zip downloaded and we will then put it onto our SD card once it's finished downloading if you're using windows simply right-click on the file and select extract all when it's finished extracting the window should automatically open if not just go to the noobs directory that's just been created and it's everything in this directory that we need to copy to the SD card so if you haven't already put your SD card into your reader now and you need to make sure it is already formatted but you just need to copy these files from here to the SD card once the files have finished copying over eject your SD card from your computer and you can put it into your Raspberry Pi so now that you have your micro SD card with your operating system on all you need to do is flip the Raspberry Pi over and you'll see at the bottom there is a slot for it just make sure you have it this way around so that the tabs of the micro SD cards can talk to the tablet on the board itself and then push that in once it's all the way in you're ready to attach all your peripherals and get started so when you get it set up it should look something like this I've got my USB keyboard and mouse here just plugged in if you want to connect directly to the internet via ethernet this Ethernet port here you can just connect that directly to your router and over here I have an HDMI cable which is running to my monitor so now that I've got all of those things in place this power cord I'm gonna plug it in and it's worth noting that there's no on/off switch on a Raspberry Pi board as standard some cases have them but there isn't so I plug this in with the power off but you'll see as soon as I turn the switch on the boot the pi starts to boot up immediately it's just something worth bearing in mind especially if you're a beginner because um if you turn it on when you have the wrong pins attached together or something you could maybe fry it so just a good practice to get in to have it off of the plug turn it on when you know you're ready now that that's booting up let's look at what we see on the screen so when you first boot up you will see this screen so at the bottom of the screen you can change your language and keyboard language for the installation and in the main window you have two options here you may have more depending on which version of newbs you have we're just gonna install raspbian today as that is the operating system designed for Raspberry Pi set it installing and just be warned it can take quite a while so you might want to go off and do something else while that's happening once the installation is finished you'll have a dialog box telling you that it's been successful click OK and this will automatically reboot your PI into the raspbian desktop now on first boot raspberry pi has their own setup so I'm this is where you can set your country I actually live in Germany but I'm going to leave this at United Kingdom for now I'll show you why in a minute but this is where you can set your country language and timezone it's also where you can change the password for your PI now as standard each PI's name is raspberry and each password is PI by entering your own password it's just a little bit more secure that might not matter to you right now but it's it's worth doing it's also worth noting that if you want to see what password you're typing in there is an option to unhide it I would suggest you choose a better password than I have here on the next menus where you get to choose your Wi-Fi network once again most raspberry pi board have Wi-Fi built-in if you have an older Raspberry Pi you will have needed to plug in a Wi-Fi dongle for it to work either way find your network and select the correct one and put the password in as I mentioned before you can get around this by just connecting directly using Ethernet as well the final thing we do is check for updates it does it all automatically you simply click Next and it will check for you again this is something that can take a little while so just leave it going and when it's done we'll come back to it when this is finished you'll get a dialog box saying the system is up to date click OK and you can get started using your Raspberry Pi for a little more configuration we're going to go to the applications menu and go under preferences and select the Raspberry Pi configuration so we can make a few other changes here the main thing that I want to do is just change the name of the PI so it isn't just the standard Raspberry Pi there's also an interfaces menu here and you might not need to know about this if you're just starting out but it's worth seeing it's here because SSH and VNC on this menu are what allows you to talk to your PI headless Lea and here I'm just changing the time zone as I mentioned when I first logged into the PI I said I was in Germany and it forced me to use the German language now I do speak German but I would like it to be in English and this is how you can do that this is also where you can set your keyboard to your language if you haven't already done it you can you used config it will ask you to reboot your PI so I click yes and it will automatically reboot so that's it um I hope this has been a good introduction to the Raspberry Pi and getting it started for the first time if you're wondering what to do next I would suggest going to the main make use of web site and searching for Raspberry Pi we have an unofficial guide there along with a lot of great beginner projects for people who are starting out on their Raspberry Pi journey I hope this video has been useful to you please subscribe to the make use of YouTube channel for more weekly tech tips and giveaways thanks all so much for watching bye bye
Channel: MUO
Views: 666,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, setup raspberry pi, setup noobs, raspberry pi noobs, getting started with raspberry pi, getting started with raspberry pi 3 model b, getting started with raspberry pi 3, install noobs on raspberry pi, raspberry pi (computer)
Id: wvxCNQ5AYPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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