Getting Started with Raspberry Pi 3

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are you interested in getting started with the Raspberry Pi 3 but you're not exactly sure where to begin well this is the video for you stay tuned welcome crosstalk Solutions my name is Chris and in this video we're gonna talk about all of the basics that you need to know to get started with a Raspberry Pi 3 so basically what hardware you need and then how do you get an operating system installed under the device and how do you start working with it so we're gonna cover all of those basics in this video but let's go ahead and get started with what exactly is a Raspberry Pi 3 to begin with so essentially a Raspberry Pi is just a very small form-factor computer that runs a Linux operating system and with that computer you can do a ton of things if you google search Raspberry Pi projects you'll have an endless list of things that you can do with the Raspberry Pi ranging from everything from like a weather station to a retro gaming console right so those are all super fun projects I personally like to use raspberry PI's for IT administrative purposes so monitoring systems for instance I can take a Raspberry Pi if a customer is having an intermittent problem with one of their computers or with their internet connection I can put that Raspberry Pi at their location and have it monitor whatever device is not behaving well and it can give me a lot of information about when the device was having problems ok so let's get started with the hardware what do you need to get started with the Raspberry Pi and they make this very very easy online with these panic hits so I got this one from Amazon this is the complete starter kit the cost of this kit is $69.99 and there are other kits as well that will talk to you about now I will put links to all of the products featured in this video in the description below and those are Amazon affiliate links if you click on the link it doesn't change your price at all but it does give me a couple bucks for the referral so I appreciate every referral that I get and let's get started with the complete starter kit okay so this is the complete starter kit from canna kit and inside the box we have an HDMI cable we have an SD card reader we have a little quick reference guide that shows you the pins on the Raspberry Pi board itself that's kind of a but that's a good reference then we have a power adapter we have a case in this case this one is a black case they also make clear case which is actually the one that I prefer but this kit came with the black case and then we have the Raspberry Pi itself we also have a couple of heat sinks and we have the come on the canna kit Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide ok so if you want just the Raspberry Pi itself on its own with none of these extra hardware accessories this is 35 dollars and 69 cents okay then the next kit up that you can purchase basically has everything here - the HDMI cable the SD card reader and the actual SD card itself which is inside this Raspberry Pi case ok so right here this is basically the $49.99 version you get the Raspberry Pi without the micro SD card you get a case you get a power adapter the heat sinks and then a couple of pieces of literature so to me though I personally like the $69 kit so it's exactly this but it adds the SD card reader it adds the SD card itself with noobs pre-installed and we're going to talk about how to install noobs onto an micro SD card but if you want to save yourself the hassle of going through the noobs installation you can basically get this s micro SD card included in the Raspberry Pi for the wit with the $69 kit you also get a compatible hdmi cable which will output the Raspberry Pi video to a monitor okay so let's go ahead and set this one up we're going to put the power adapter and all this stuff aside for now and we only want to focus on the Raspberry Pi itself and the case and the heat sinks so let's go ahead and open these things up here we go so the Raspberry Pi again is a very small form-factor PC here we go so this is the board that it comes on on the side we have power we have HDMI I believe this is audio right here little audio jack and then on the front we have network and then four USB ports the heat sinks that come with this are meant to go onto two chips here they're sized properly for this chip right here and this chip right here so let's go ahead and put the heatsinks on first now these heat sinks are self-adhesive all you have to do is pull off the blue backing and then just pop the heatsink right on to the appropriate chip there's one and two okay now let's take a look at this case now the case that this comes with is the cannikin premium case for Raspberry Pi this is just a standard black case I personally prefer the clear cases where you can actually see inside with all the components but again that's all just personal preference if you look online you can see a ton of different case options available for the raspberry PI's including kind of cool ones like this one right here this is a case that looks like a Super Nintendo Entertainment System I think so they make all sorts of different cases and if you look on Amazon you'll absolutely find a really cool case that you're gonna love okay so in this case the standard premium case has the Raspberry Pi logo right on the top if we pop off the top everything is nicely labeled inside so you can see where the network and the USB ports are as well as some of the internal components the Raspberry Pi itself attaches to the bottom of this case which just pops out like that so we're going to put the Raspberry Pi mounted to the bottom of this case and then put the whole case together so here we go as far as the KP installation the Raspberry Pi simply slips underneath the side with the micro SD card right there and then pops straight and down so there's no screws or anything it just slides right in this case is perfectly shaped to accept to the Raspberry Pi 3 then we put this piece right over the top of that and it snaps in there we go okay so I've snapped it in we can see all of the components inside are labeled very nicely I know if that's focusing on that or not there we go and then we can pop the top on once we're done with that so there we go that's all there is to it my Raspberry Pi has now been successfully installed into the case okay so the next thing we want to do is get the Raspberry Pi operating system onto a micro SD card now if you did not get the micro SD card that came in the complete starter kit you can use any micro SD card though I would recommend one that is a class 10 rated card that's going to be the fastest for loading and running programs off of the Raspberry Pi once you have your micro SD card you want to go to a Raspberry Pi org and click on downloads now under downloads the first two things that you see here are raspbian and noobs okay so the difference here is that raspbian is for more advanced users who basically know that they want to put the raspbian operating system right on to the Raspberry Pi and it walks them through the various options for that now if you are a beginner I would absolutely recommend using noobs instead and newbs stands for new out-of-the-box software and what newbs is is basically a guided walkthrough of installation of not only raspbian but other operating systems as well so with noobs you get the option to install raspbian or if you want some other operating system you can select a different operating system and it will download and install that operating system right from the internet so that is a very very good option for beginners newbs is what is installed on the included card that comes with the complete starter kit from canna kit and that's what we're gonna download today so let's go ahead and click on noobs and then we're given the option to download the torrent file of noobs or the zip file of noobs either one of those options will work perfectly fine and once newbs is downloaded we then need to write that image to the SD card okay so once you've downloaded the noobs if file and extract it you're gonna get a whole bunch of files in the noobs version two for two folder now version 242 is the version that's out as of the recording of this video your version may be slightly different okay if you look at the instructions readme you can see some links that will give you information about how to properly format your SD card now once your microSD card has been properly formatted you'll essentially just have a blank SD card in my case mine is the I drive so I want to take all of the files here and I just want to copy them to the root of the I Drive so I'm just gonna select all of the files and I'm just gonna drag and drop those directly to my I drive now once this file copy has been completed we're ready to boot to the microSD card and that will boot up newbs which will allow us to select and install our operating system okay so while that's copying let's go ahead and physically setup our Raspberry Pi first we want to take our HDMI cable and we want to plug it into the HDMI port on the Raspberry Pi and then plug the other end into our monitor next you want to hook up a keyboard and mouse any keyboard and mouse should work just fine and these need to go into the USB ports hopefully by now your SD card is finished I'm going to be using the SD card that came with the canna kit which should already be pre-installed with noobs slide your SD card into the Raspberry Pi and we are now ready to power this thing on so let's get our power cable and plug the micro USB into the micro USB slot we can see that it's now booting up and here we have the boot screen I'm gonna bring the camera in closer so you can see what I'm doing here okay so here we have the Raspberry Pi boot screen or the noobs boot screen and we can see that the only option right now is raspbian so let's go ahead and click on Wi-Fi networks though and let's get it connected to Wi-Fi the raspberry pi 3 has built-in bluetooth and Wi-Fi so we're gonna select my network and we're gonna enter the password click OK and there we go so as soon as we're connected to the network now look at all of these additional options that have just popped up for various operating systems that you can install so if you wanted to do any of these other operating systems you can go ahead and select those now for our case though we're just gonna check the raspbian operating system and then click install now it's going to pop up a disclaimer that tells us that anything that we're installing is going to absolutely wipe out the SD card that's totally fine we're gonna say yes and there we go our Raspberry Pi is now installing raspbian okay there we have it OS is installed successfully we're just going to click OK and now the system's going to reboot okay so now we have our operating system up and running the first thing that we want to do is enable remote access for SSH that way we can access the Raspberry Pi from a different computer using putty so let's click on the little raspberry in the top left hand corner and go to preferences and Raspberry Pi configuration click on the interfaces tab and then set SSH to enabled and click OK now we need to know the IP address of this Raspberry Pi machine I connected this to my wireless network and it received a DHCP - IP address so if I click on terminal which is this little black box in the top left-hand corner and I do if config if' conf IG I'm given the IP addresses of all of my network interfaces including W land 0 which is 192 168 200 dot 196 ok so let's go ahead and flip over to my main computer and we'll connect to this system remotely and get it updated ok so let's go ahead and launch putty and we want to login to 192 168 200 196 that was the IP address that was given to the Raspberry Pi we're gonna login with username Pi and password raspberry so the first thing we want to do is change that raspberry password to something that only you know and that's super secure so we're gonna say sudo password pas s WD you enter new UNIX password and then confirm it and now our password has been updated if we log out and then log back in is PI we're going to want to use our new password ok so since this is a Debian based operating system the next thing we want to do is get all of the packages updated to the latest version so we're gonna say sudo apt - get update now this is going to go out to the Internet and it's going to grab the latest information about all of the installed packages on the Raspberry Pi and once that's done we want to run sudo apt-get upgrade this is telling us that it's gonna need to download 60 megabytes worth of stuff and do you want to go ahead and continue we're gonna say yes okay so that about does it I hope you guys enjoyed this Raspberry Pi 3 getting started guide from here the world is your oyster you can go out and use this Raspberry Pi for whatever you need to use it for and I highly encourage you to experiment with different operating systems keep in mind that everything runs off of that little micro SD card so if you want to have different versions of operating systems different projects different types of distributions all running on Raspberry Pi you can interchange those cards and just boot to whichever one you want to use at that time it makes it a really really great platform for learning Linux as well as doing some of these really cool projects that you can find out on the web also what else would you guys like to see me do with this Raspberry Pi please put that in the comments below I'm happy to take a look at those and create videos on projects that get a lot of interest I hope you guys enjoyed this video my name's Chris and crosstalk solutions if you did enjoy this video please give me a thumbs up and if you'd like to see more videos like this please click subscribe thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Crosstalk Solutions
Views: 851,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, how to set up raspberry pi, raspbian, noobs, pi, raspberry, configure raspberry pi, set up raspberry pi, raspberry pi how to, raspberry pi guide, getting started raspberry pi
Id: juHoJYX86Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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