Raspberry Pi Projects

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hey guys it's Rendon with TJ free and today is Pi Day March 14th and so in celebration of pi day I thought I'd line up some of my raspberry pi projects that I've built over the years and quickly just show you what they're all about the raspberry PI's this little microcontroller computer it's the size of a credit card cost about $35 it's been going strong for about the past decade now and I built some really cool stuff with them but I just wanted to show you one of the easiest ways to start using your Raspberry Pi is just as a desktop computer so it has an HDMI out an audio out as a network card and USB ports the hard drive is just a micro SD card that you download the operating system to and flash it using special software and you can run most often people run a Linux operating system with a desktop graphical user interface here I have it plugged into my monitor and this is with a Raspberry Pi 3 and it performs really well so it does everything that you would expect a desktop - you can browse files you can run different applications even things like Inkscape I'm running here you can do video editing this is a version of Minecraft specifically for the PI that works really well although it is kind of a limited not the full version of Minecraft but it has very responsive games you can watch movies you can browse the Internet it's actually very functional as a desktop computer these cases are pretty cool they're from zebra case and I kind of like and they're a little bit more pricey but they really make the the raspberry PI's look awesome you can get all kinds of different cases because the board just comes just the computer board by itself so this is the Raspberry Pi the original one of the first ones they ever purchased and I'm using this one right now as a server they're not as powerful as the modern PI threes and fours but it does have video output it has some memory it uses the larger SD cards to store its operating system and this particular one I have plugged into an external hard drive and I'm using it as a server in my house so it's just sort of like a network attached server storage and so you can install anything on this people sometimes do next cloud or you can just run like a basic Samba or FTP server to serve files between computers so it's a nice lightweight low power consumption network-attached storage this is also an original Raspberry Pi in a more robust case and these are set up with the HS mm PI software so it's a ham mesh where it uses an antenna to create a mesh network between different nodes so each of these is a node that has a battery pack and this antenna hook to it and then it communicates between the antenna so it can turn a device that doesn't have wireless capability into a wireless device but more importantly you can have two or more you can have you know 20 devices talking to each other communicating over the 2.4 gigahertz network so in this case it's sending a wireless signal over to my desktop computer and it travels down the device and just plugs into the Ethernet port and so my desktop computer usually doesn't have wireless but in this case it would and you can run your own private intranet and if you are licensed ham radio operator like I am you can actually have extra frequencies that are not available to everyone else which is kind of cool and something else you can do is you can run this pirate radio so in here I have a little antenna this is using PI T X and so this PI T X software lets you actually transmit radio not just 2.4 gigahertz but you can transmit like on the FM bands for example and actually pick up that radio signal using a just a regular off-the-shelf radio this next project is the only one in the lineup that uses the Raspberry Pi 4 and it's also taking advantage of this choral USB accelerator for extra processing what this does is running tensorflow light to do object detection in real time so this is processing 20 frames per second right now and it's detecting objects using this camera so this is a 1080p USB camera you can also use different cameras and I'll show you an option here in a minute but this is really cool to detect in real-time and you can do you can train it to do your own type of object detection so there's some really neat applications with this and it's definitely an emerging technology using machine learning and AI guess artificial intelligence this is that camera that a lot of people use for the Raspberry Pi it has a slot in the Raspberry Pi it can fit into correctly without having to use USB this next project uses the Raspberry Pi three and it has a touchscreen and a case that's specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi so you can create sort of a touchscreen tablet this is running the software Kodi which is a media software like a home media computer although this one's mobile if you connect it to a battery pack and you can use this to look at pictures to watch movies and play back any kind of media so it's just like a whole media center you can you can even play games on this and there's all kinds of plug-ins for doing additional things you can stream live TV to this or satellite TV so it's really really cool and you can organize that and see the metadata and have good control over all of your different media and since the Raspberry Pi has built-in Bluetooth you can connect Bluetooth devices like speakers or headphones for streaming that audio or you can use an output over the HDMI cable or over the audio jack this is an older version that I was doing using the original PI and it's also running this is os MC but you can run Kodi on it as well and just plug it in to a TV to convert any old TV into a smart TV this project is the pirate box and so you have a box this one's not completed yet but you put everything in here and you connect an antenna to the outside and then it broadcast this wireless signal that anyone can pick up it's an open Wi-Fi network that people can share files and they can chat they can you know communicate on your own open but private network so it's a it's not dependent on a router and this one I don't believe this there there might be some capabilities from mesh network as well I haven't used this one a whole lot this is a battery pack so I built this I bought the the case but then I salvaged batteries out of old laptop batteries these 18 650 lithium ion batteries and so this lasts quite a long time just all it's doing is running the PI and broadcasting that signal another fun radio project is this ad SB receiver so it's receives signals that are sent out from airplanes and different type of aircraft flying around you can use this in a plane if you're a pilot or you can just use it to gather information about what's happening in the sky above you really cool project and it's independent of the Internet although you can't connect to the internet for more information as well but it's really cool you know like that you can ask Google or Siri you know what plane is flying above me while using this you could detect it yourself has built-in GPS so it'll also tell you where you are so its potential for doing triangulation and you know finding out where those plane signals are coming from and where they're heading as well and there's all kinds of good information that those planes transmit to they transmit how fast they're going how high they are that's all just public information I guess you could say just in the airwaves that you're able to detect if you have the right type of antenna and the right type of receivers this also uses a battery on the back so you can run this mobile II and then you can attach to it with your smartphone or tablet or a laptop is how you interface with this so the Raspberry Pi is about the size of a credit card but the Raspberry Pi zero as an even smaller version of the Raspberry Pi here's a project that I built and just recently featured on this channel it's a treasure Hardware wallet and it uses the Raspberry Pi 0 so in this case you plug it into your computer and you can transmit or you can authorize transactions for Bitcoin or aetherium or different cryptocurrencies without revealing your private key so this is really cool nifty little things you can build and building it this way I think ends up being cheaper than buying the treszura Hardware wallet which is cool but again like many of the projects we're looking at the source code is released like strata X did it in the last project we looked at and treasurer did it as well they sell a commercial product but they also released their source code if you want to build one yourself which is a really awesome way to go who doesn't love the original Nintendo Entertainment System so this is a miniature version it's a case for the Raspberry Pi I have a Raspberry Pi 3 in here right now it has a functional power button and reset button and the whole thing is just powered off with a micro USB port you could also power it using batteries as USB ports on the front the SD card you can put different sizes in I have a four hundred gigabyte size so you can store games and movies or all kinds of information on here and this is running retropie which is an emulator or a collection emulators so you can plug in HDMI to your TV or use this mobily but this will actually run games like SNES and NES arcade games dos games Atari games even n64 on PlayStation you can use a keyboard or Mouse or you can use a different controller so you can even use the original NES controller by just getting an adapter this adapter here adapts it to a USB port and then you can plug it in and use it with the Raspberry Pi or you could use it on your computer they make adapters for the Atari controllers for the Xbox 360 controllers for the Super Nintendo controllers all kinds of cool things so you can find an adaptor and use an original they also remake they have a what's it called generic controllers that look like the SNES controller that has a USB interface as well if you don't have an original one they are getting a little bit more hard to find this last project uses the original Raspberry Pi and this is a Christmas light controller so it uses the GPIO pins to send the signal out to relay boards and those relay boards are connected to power outlets that you can control honor and off and then the Raspberry Pi also plays a WAV file with music and you can sync that that music - which outlets are on or off and you can actually flash them quite quickly - so you've seen people decorate their houses with Christmas lights and they they play music or they broadcast the music in fact you could probably mix that pie TX project with this one and you could broadcast that F on an FM station although you're probably not allowed to because it's against the FCC but you can broadcast on a radio tuned in listen to that as people drive by they could watch your Christmas lights play [Music] well as you can see I have quite a few raspberry PI's which is why I've decided to give away a Raspberry Pi 3 to one of you lucky viewers all you have to do to win this is subscribe to my channel TJ free and leave a question comment or a question or anything below on this video and I'm gonna choose at the end of the month from everyone who's commented I'll just get a list of those user names and randomly pick a name and if you're a subscriber to the channel I will send you this Raspberry Pi 3 anywhere in the world so all you have to do win this is if you're watching in March of 2020 you're eligible subscribe to the channel leave a comment below and you could win this and with the Raspberry Pi 3 you can build any of the projects that we've looked at in this video it's a great little computer you can also buy one of these there are $35 and I'll include a link in the description of the video on Amazon affiliate link using that link also helps support my channel so if you appreciate what I do or if you found this video informative consider using one of those links to purchase the the pie or anything on Amazon I would greatly appreciate it but as always thanks so much for watching please request in the comments below and I look forward to catching you in the next video you
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 1,778,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open source, open source software, tjfree, pi, raspberry pi, open hardware, open source hardware, raspberry pi projects, pi projects, best raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi ideas, raspberry pi diy projects, top raspberry pi projects, best pi projects, pi zero, pi 4, pi 3, top 10 pi projects, top 10 raspberry pi projects, raspberry pi 4 projects, pi day
Id: ZDfhcA0SCiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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