How to Setup a Raspberry Pi LEARNING Desktop (Linux, Hacking, Coding)

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make that work the Raspberry Pi for this little tiny device might be the best thing to learn Linux hacking programming and that's exactly what I'm going to use mine for you see my wife and I we homeschool our kids and I want them to learn Linux I want them to become hackers and programmers and everything and I'm gonna turn this guy into a desktop for them to learn okay so in this video with the help of my daughter's we're going to walk through the setup of making this the ultimate learning desktop now this won't be your average Raspberry Pi setup we're gonna do a few things tweak a few things starting with the basics of just how to plug it in set up the SD card we'll move on to how to set up Barry boot which allows us to boot and use multiple flavors of Linux all from just one little SD card no switching SD cards just one guy well then look at setting up multi-user login from all my kids can log in and use it and then also even setting up a few hacking tools and speaking of hacking I like to thank the sponsor of today's video Nord Locker Nord Locker is designed to keep your data safe now I don't know if you heard me mention that I'm teaching my daughter's how to hack so yeah watch out so Nora lockers here to help out and protect you from my daughters by encrypting your data keeping a safe and hidden wherever it is but how does Nord locker keep you safe well let's say this is your data your super secret data that you don't want anyone to ever see your ever find sometimes don't want to share that data with people people you work with people you trust so you'll take that data and you'll send it over the Internet but what can happen is a hacker might intercept this message and want to look at your data and without data encryption the hacker can see exactly what it says but now if you take that same bit of data and you encrypt it with Nord locker and you share that same file with your friend over the Internet if the hacker does intercept it the hacker can't see your data it's encrypted the only people who can see your data are you and the people you decide to share it with and give access now get out my office thank you for your help encrypting your files is super simple and easy I'll create a file with all my secret super data super secret data and then all I have to do is just drag it onto my Nord locker application and it's going to encrypt it and it's encrypted just like that like that was encryption I think it happened it's safe now I can throw these files in the cloud Google Cloud Dropbox I can also send them via email and they stay safe along the entire journey they have apps available for Windows and Mac and they encrypt your data using the latest advanced ciphers which basically means they can do a really good job of making your data safe and hey the best part about this you can get an or locker for free up to two gigs at the link below or use coupon code Network Chuck so here we go with the help of my daughter's will set up our raspberry pi 4 or any raspberry pi for the ultimate learning experience let's do it now what do you need to get started well of course you'll need a Raspberry Pi for three I wouldn't go below that you'll need one of those tiny little micro SD cards I would say 16 gigabytes to 32 gigabytes 32 preferably you also need a little USB adapter so you can plug this into your computer and get it ready to go you'll then need a power cable a monitor keyboard and mouse oh and don't forget you'll need another computer to set up your micro SD card so let's go ahead and do that right now actually you'll take that little tiny little guy you'll plug him into your USB adapter which way then we'll take the USB adapter and plug it into our computer once you have your SD card plugged in we'll go download a tool to make this guy fresh and ready to go I'll just Google SD card formatter and that should find what we're looking for it's a tool called the SD memory card formatter from the SD Association what's great about this tool is that you can download it for Linux or Windows so the process will be the same I'm using Windows so I'll click on for Windows to download this guy scroll down to the bottom accept all the terms of course and then download that sucker run it and then install it once you have that installed we'll launch the program SD card formatter now here you can select your card make sure you select the right one you don't want to destroy some valuable information that you have like right now mine is defaulted to an SD card that has stuff on it I don't want to destroy so I know the one I want to mess up and make clean is e if you're unsure you can unplug it see what's missing plug it back in but just be cautious and from here I'll leave everything as default I'll just do a quick format and I'll click format and then yes and boom it is complete it is fresh ready for us to put some stuff on it I'll close that program and then I'm gonna get back to my web browser go back to Google and I'll search for a program called berry boot or a tool I don't where I put links below for all of this it's the berry boot and boot loader which allows us to have multiple flavors of Linux such a cool thing to do here we have two links one for Raspberry Pi for very important you do that if you have the Raspberry Pi 4 and then for the 3 to 0 whatever download that tool so I have the 4 I'll download it for the 4 it'll take me a SourceForge and then it will start downloading now I will open my file explorer and go to my downloads folder where I just downloaded a berry boot and here he is it says it folder so I need to unzip it or is it and I'll right-click that and you select extract all and extract that it'll automatically open the folder for me and when it finishes it'll do that there Adele is so it's important that you extract it first you unzip it and then whatever you have left which is should be inside the berry boot folder that it creates we're gonna take all of that inside the folder copy it and then we'll jump over to our new leaf our newly fresh clean SD card and we will paste the contents of the stuff we just copied and we'll let that paste and boom we're done like our SD card is ready to go berry boot is solid time to take it out and put it in your Asbury pie but hold on we need to plug up our Raspberry Pi we need to put all the components together I'll let my girls show you how to do that as I you know offer a little help if you purchase one of those can Achatz which gives you the Raspberry Pi and all the components like just everything you need which I highly encourage you to do it makes it super easy it will come with some cool stuff like some heat sinks to put on your components to make sure your eyes rip I doesn't get too stinkin hot ours actually came with a fan as well so I have my girls stick them on there and then they also come with a case which by the way none of this is required you can run your Raspberry Pi just like this naked with nothing on it it'll be fine I'm done before may overheat yeah is it gonna blow up I don't know but I keep these running naked like this and it's usually fine but anyways if you have a case pop it into your case if you have a fan plug a fan of the fan we had you'll plug it into some GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi we'll to offer a 5 volt and ground connection for your fan you could refer to the GPIO pin out diagram for the Raspberry Pi for 3 whatever you have and once you have everything plugged up and snug looking kind of like this you can take that little micro SD card actually where did it go did I lose him oh he's right here whoo take them out of that USB adapter and slide that guy into your Raspberry Pi now whoa here comes the fun part we're gonna plug in our power cord we're gonna plug in our HDMI cord to the Raspberry Pi and then to our monitor we also can't forget our keyboard and mouse we won't get very far without that in my case I had a USB wireless mouse and keyboard so that's perfect wired is fine too now if you have one of these cool power switches it'll just turn on and off when you hit the button [Music] otherwise it would have powered on immediately if you plugged into the wall if you start seeing some raspberry PI's going across the screen you know you're in the right place and if you see this screen it means you set up Barry boots perfectly great job and let's let's configure it disable overscan yes leave that there network connection if you're plugging in the ethernet cable leave that to Wired if you're connecting to Wi-Fi like I am we'll choose Wi-Fi it auto detected that I was indeed in the US but I'm not in New York I am in the central time zone which will normally be Chicago the keyboard it works and I'll click okay then it found my Wi-Fi connections mine will be port key then I'll put in my password I'll click OK it'll connect to my Wi-Fi here then you'll get this screen and I'll pause real quick this is the power of Barre boot I have two options one is the storage on the SD card plugged into my Raspberry Pi we're going to use that option that's the most common option but then we have the option for a network attached storage I can actually boot an operating system off of a remote storage ass and somewhere else which is cool when I can do that now maybe we'll do that later maybe I should do that later I kind of want to do that now but no we're gonna to go with the first option my 32 gig SD car filesystem ext4 perfect let's do that and I will format formatting complete now to pick our first operating system which is kind of exciting now you'll notice that there's not a lot going on in my menu because I have a Raspberry Pi 4 if you have a 3 you might have a lot more here there should be more down the road for the Raspberry Pi 4 but it's new they're trying to adjust some things for it because he's got to be all different and stuff with a 64-bit architecture however this is fine right now now my first OS the choice will be raspbian the debian based OS for the Raspberry Pi it's built for the Raspberry Pi I'm gonna pick that every time that'll be the main driver for my girls as they learn hacking Linux programming all that stuff now with the full version because I want all the bells and whistles all the goodies and this will be installing over the network which means it's going to download the OS and then install it right now so I'll click OK and it's doing it now my time might be a bit faster I do have pretty fast internet at my house your time could be a bit longer no worries let it finish [Music] [Music] [Music] basket not all the way to talk [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you like it and you'll receive this lovely message once it is done click OK to reboot and it will reboot go now don't go anywhere sit there and watch this you have 10 seconds to decide what you're gonna do or just click around there we go who saved myself here if you just waited it would automatically boot into your raspbian or the first OS whatever you chose this will be your default you can stop here you're fine or you can add some more OSS more on Linux which we will do right now so I'll click on edit menu now we're going to add an OS I'll go and click add OS we're back at that same screen tells us what we have available we get that cool little hard drive there next to the ones we've already added which is just that guy there now the ones I want to look at are not the appliances but the others the others and this is just so cool with the fact that we're adding multiple OSS to our Raspberry Pi the crazy multi booting on a Raspberry Pi so we have some fun ones here one that I wanted to add was sugar which is like a NOS built for kids I downloaded it for my three-year-old to keep her busy while my wife is homeschooling the two older kids and it's great they also have Ubuntu server which is pretty sneaking cool you can practice all your boo to stuff and then Puppy Linux I don't know what's cool about Puppy Linux but I downloaded it anyway just to see what it was like in it I don't know comment below if you know it's cobalt Puppy Linux I have no idea so for now I'll download sugar click ok and of course it'll go with the same process of downloading it and then installing it and when you're done adding all your extra operating systems you can click exit which I'll do which will reboot and get you back to that same boot menu now I'm not gonna freak out I'm gonna let it do its thing right now I'm gonna let it boot to its default boot OS raspbian now what's cool about this is the Wi-Fi you set up in the boot menu is automatically applied to raspbian already like it's already I'm already connected which is super cool love that feature now you may have noticed that when we boot it into this Raspberry Pi no login screen you just defaulted boom we're in there that's what it does by default right now we are the user PI but we don't want that to happen I want my daughters to be able to login to their own profiles every time this thing boots up so let's make that the default behavior we will open up our terminal our terminal for the first time here we are let's make our text a bit bigger who may be too big but hey at least you guys can see it now right let's uh make my terminal here a bit bigger cool to make this change will have to edit a file now and that might sound scary if you this is your first time messing with Linux don't worry I'll walk you through it so the first thing we're gonna do is change our directory from where we are in the terminal change directory it'll be C deep for change directory pretty simple right and we'll go to the directory etc light DM light DM so make sure you got your slashes in there your forward slash and we just change directories notice how your your path here changed that's how you know you're there from here we're gonna use the text editor Nano now make sure you do sudo or su do however people say it to make sure you have godlike master permission this gives you authority every time you execute a command in Linux so I'll say sudo nano which is the text editor we'll be using it's the most user-friendly one out there that's why I'm using this now and then the file which is light DM dot conf and we're in the file now using your directional arrows we'll scroll down Shh pretty far down actually until we find where are you will find it eventually and I passed it ah there it is you can see everything else here is commented out or it has a pound sign in front of it that means it's not being used except for the auto log-in user equals PI we don't want that to happen we don't want any kind of auto log-in to happen so we're going to comment that out we're gonna put a sign right in front and that was it that's her only change just that one little character change and then we'll hit ctrl X to get out of there let's go say hey hey you got some changes you want to save those hit Y and then enter and you're done you did it now my kids got a log into this thing right so I'm going to clear my terminal I'm going to create some user accounts now I had them do this and I'll walk them through it of course but I think it's important for them to get their hands on the command line to actually type some stuff in and again we'll walk through this it's really not too crazy so check this out it's only a few commands actually just one command I'm going to use a command to add user add user all one word and then right after that you put in the user account you want to use so my daughter she put in Chloe Panda that's what she wanted to use and oh look what we did we didn't use the sudo command which gives us root permissions it says root has to add a user to the system only root can do that by saying sudo we're saying we know root said I could so when we throw this out I'm gonna act klar like a pirate Clark clear and this time we're going to use sudo add user Chloe Panda and now let's see if that happens yeah it did and so we added the user now it's taking us through kind of a setup like hey they use your password so I have my daughters enter in their own secure passwords and then you can put in some profile information like full names and room number this often might be used in classrooms so super cool thing to do and then they don't have phone numbers and it's information correct yes it is and we're done I'll add one more my middle child Addie picked addy pig I don't know she's into pigs right now or something and same situation now to quickly verify the accounts you created to make sure they're actually there you can look at a particular file that contains all the information we can quickly read a file by using the cat command my daughter's love that will do cat and then the actual file that has this would be etcetera PA SS WD and right there at the bottom I can see my two users I just created Chloe Panda and Addie pig with with all of their groups and attributes so now let's test that out I'm going to log out I'll go to the raspberry up there at the top and do shutdown and then log out sure enough it worked we got addy we got Chloe and we got the default pie I'll log in this addy here and I have my daughter's log in and create their own personalization you know they added her own desktop photo and that's the misnomer about Linux right like it's you think Linux is just command line which I did say that Linux is scary because it often seems like it's only command line but it has pretty goo ease to anyways now we're logged in as addy so that totally worked now I want them to be able to remote into this Raspberry Pi from their iPads so when they're up in their rooms or you know whatever whatever they're doing I want them to be able to log into it and and practice whatever they want to practice also it's just cool so let's make that happen so I will again launch my terminal and it's been reset because we're now in a new profile stopped it adjust my preferences here again ah come on okay now with our super large terminal font now something real quick addy doesn't have the same permissions as pi we were logging this pi before you're making system changes and by using sudo we were like hey root said I could addy doesn't have the backing that Pi has we need to pretend that we're going to be the user PI we can do that by using the su command so I'll do su and then the username PI I'm going to impersonate the user PI and it'll ask me for PI's password another default password for PI is raspberry so I'll use that now I do recommend you changing that but for now it's fine and now I'm suddenly PI anyways now we're gonna allow some remote access to our raspberry pi I will do sudo recipe - config this is a special little configuration walkthrough to help you I figure you're as a PI anyways we'll do that now and look how pretty it is using our directional pad we'll scroll down to interfacing options number five and I'll hit enter and there's one thing we're gonna change actually - if you are wanting to do this first is SSH you can remotely access the command-line secure shell let's go ahead and able that done and then we'll get back to option 5 interfacing options and this is the one we can use with their iPad VNC p3 here enter and we will click or you'll the directional pad to scoot over - yes and say yes and it's been enabled perfect and then I can use tab to jover to finish and that was it not too bad right there's one more thing we want to change to make sure they can remotely access this Raspberry Pi all the time without any issues and that's changing it from DHCP to static on the IP address allocation now where does all that gobbledygook mean well if I do ifconfig to see what IP address this Raspberry Pi has I can see under WLAN 0 which is the interface I'm using the wireless interface I've got my IP address 10 7 1 119 if I wanted to remote into this Raspberry Pi I will remote into the IP address I point at that IP address the problem is it's using DHCP which means it's a dynamic IP address assignment basically that means this IP address could change it probably will change so one day when trying to access it from their iPad it doesn't work so we'll want to change it to make it static we'll say I want you to be this IP don't you ever change and it will it won't ever change because it it's a computer it does what you tell it to do so let's do that now it's again it's it's not too scary yeah and I'm gonna walk you through it so I'm gonna clear my screen by typing in clear or from a pirate flower and using sudo once again saying hey routes got my back I'm going to use Nano to edit a file this file is a forward slash etc a lot of stuff in etc etc' and as a DHCP CD dot conf now again lots of scary lines it's a text file but if we scroll all the way down to pretty much nearly the bottom actually no right here example static IP configuration and we can make our changes notice everything is commented out or it has that same pound sign which means it's not being used we want to remove that pound sign and make our changes so interface Ethernet 0 now I'm not using Ethernet 0 now if you are if you have an Ethernet cable plugged into your Raspberry Pi this is what you'll want to have but I'm using the wireless interface so I'll change it to wlan0 for most of you that will be the case I'm assuming and then I'll set my IP address so uncomment this static IP address line and I'll set my IP address which on my network I'm going to have it set to 10 7.1 dot let's just say 35 and then it's a slash 24 subnet mask and a lot of cases on a lot of home networks you might have and it'll be also a slash 24 but just check your router settings static ipv6 address we're not using ipv6 don't worry about that and in static routers this will be your routers IP address your home router your work router or whatever you're using it's your default gateway mine is 10.7 1.3 and a lot of networks if you're using the 192 address again it might be it's normally dot one in my case I just have to be different changing it actually makes you more secure I'm setting it to dot 3 and then domain name servers your DNS servers it's what your computer will use to say hey where's Facebook whereas Google you want to change this I'll remove all this information right here and just keep it simple I'll put in Google that's Google's DNS server you can use that it's what a lot of network engineers and IT people use it'll work just fine and with that I'm done like that was it if I hit control X to get out press yes and enter that's that's changed now if I do ifconfig it won't show just yet I'll need to reboot my machine so let's go and reboot it what are we waiting for so I'll do sudo reboot right here from the command line damn I'll go ahead and log in as Adi again host give me a warning hey SSH is enabled your default password for PI has not been changed you know what let's go and change that let's be secure so I'm gonna I wanna make sure I don't get that message again and make sure I'm you know being secure because we are gonna do hacking here soon aren't we so to change the password for PI I'm going to impersonate PI o once more so I'll do su PI I'll enter PI's password raspberry for now and then I'll enter the command pass WD PA sswd and that's all you have to do to change your password and because I'm impersonating PI I'm like hey I'm PI right now but I put on the PI mask Kampai I can change the password for pi by entering that command so enter the current password and then my new password and we're secure once more now from here if I do ifconfig again to see ah no you type it right ifconfig to see what my IP address is now look at that my static IP address is set let's make sure we can actually go to the internet make sure I didn't break it so let's launch the internet browser and I'll go to like Google or something and sure enough it's working just fine now I have a confession to make there is an easier way to change the IP address on your Raspberry Pi you don't have to use a command line you can use the GUI configuration so if you went up to your Wi-Fi the marker cursor up here if you right click that right click there we go wireless and wired network settings click that now because I'm not logged in as pi I don't have access to actually change anything but if I were logged in as pi I can go in here change this to W and 0 and then make the configuration changes if I were PI if I try it now like if I were to change this 2.36 and try to apply that it's like you can't do that you can't make a change to that file see it's that same file we were changing isn't that cool like you saw behind the scenes now so this is like why would you use this you have the power of the command-line sorry I'm a little excited anyways so now my kids can remote access this Raspberry Pi which they think is super cool and hey I think this is super cool you'll need to download an application called VNC which is free on iPads and and free on pretty much everything and all you got to do is put in the IP address and know you're accessing your your device remotely now I mentioned hacking what about hacking how can we hack with this thing I don't see any Kali Linux which at Kali Linux is a flavor of Linux it has a ton of hacking tools you don't have Kali on here Chuck yeah I'd have seen an option for Kali in the multi Multi berry boot stuff you're right I'm sorry maybe it's coming down the road sometime but you can I tell you a secret it's a big secret you don't need Kali Linux - heck why is that well because all the tools that you have pre-installed on Kali you can install those on other Linux distributions which means we can install Kali tools on raspbian where we're at right now so let's do that I'm gonna clear my terminal here now real quick before I can install anything I have to make sure I update my repositories basically my list of things I can apply an update so this isn't actually installing an update so I'll be really quick but if I do sudo apt updates this will update that list of stuff it shouldn't take too long now time to install some hacking tools one of my favorites is your seniya a popular tool to hack Network stuff Cisco switches Cisco routers really fun stuff so I'll do a PT install your sin actually I'm gonna do ctrl a to go back to the beginning in my line and type in sudo so I say hey routes got my back your sin yes what's there right yeah okay cool hit enter it's gonna say hey yeah I found it it's this big one Meg that's cool I'm gonna do that hit Y and enter and it's installing you're setting it for me done so now let's type Yersinia maybe do a - - help to see what we can do with this Oh got to be root okay sorry roots got my back pseudo will do graphical mode so I'll try sudo your sin iya then - G capital G whoo look at this oh it's an alpha version of the GUI ah no big deal but Here I am using a hacking tool on raspbian no Kali Linux required let's do one more right let's it was trying to install a popular one called a header cap great for man-in-the-middle stuff and just a hole a ton of good stuff so I'll do a PT install header cap and I keep forgetting stinking sudo there we go now we got two options listen install outer cap graphical yes I do want to install it kind of big though two and a half Meg's worth it and we're done that's actually pretty quick someone do you a pseudo editor cap do - - help to see what I can do with this looks like it's the same situation we do - G and get a graphical interface let's do it yeah look at that y'all don't come to my house I got people hacking with raspberry PI's now overall the Raspberry Pi 4 is a pretty great little device it does a lot for how big it is the one we were testing on is the Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 gigs of RAM which means you can do a lot more at one time and we put it through the test like we let my kids play minecraft I had them do their daily coding activities which is using an app called tinker a web-based app [Music] this is awesome and it actually loaded pretty well no it didn't load fast I'll I'll tell you this it wasn't like wow that was impressed it was like oh it's um it's taking a while to load but hey it loaded so it totally worked and then watching YouTube videos no problem it actually did great with watching videos so can it be a true desktop replacement for a power user no no it won't be because you'll be doing a lot more than what this little guy can handle but for daily tasks like learning Linux or trying a few hacking scripts or learning coding this thing's perfect it really is and pretty much everything from web browsing to editing documents of stuff can be done by this little guy so perfect for Mike it's like they're not doing anything crazy and the fact that they can play Minecraft on this is pretty cool too so what do you think do you think any of us will be replacing our desktop to the Raspberry Pi 4 or maybe even the PI 5 down the road let me know your thoughts below I know for now this is the perfect device for my kids to learn and play around and tinker with things and and possibly even break it because kids often break things so for $35 I can stomach that price of letting them just have at it if you'd like to pick up a Raspberry Pi for I've got links below so yeah now this is just the basics of what you can do with the Raspberry Pi 4 if you want to see what else you can do like maybe you want to do some Network automation using this as a controller check that out up here or maybe you want to use this as a Halloween prop controller and control your Halloween props like I did up here you can do so much with these things speaking of which what else do you want to see me talk about what else do you want to see about these raspberry PI's any particular projects let me know below well guys that's about it if you liked this video hit that like button if you haven't already subscribe hang out with me I do a lot of videos well I try to at least and I have a live stream every Tuesday now so anyways that's about it yeah I'll catch you guys later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 1,390,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, kali linux, linux, hacking, raspberrypi, top 10, how to setup raspberry pi, coding, python, how to, raspberry pi 4 setup, kali linux raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi 4 gaming, raspberry pi 4 projects, raspberry pi tutorials, raspberry pi 3 projects, raspberry pi projects, comptia linux+ exam, comptia linux plus, raspberry pi 3, linux gaming, python tutorial for beginners, python programming, coding bootcamp, raspbian, berryboot, multiboot, cbt nuggets
Id: vbaJcRxASo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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