Build A Raspberry Pi NAS For $35 Using All New Parts

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today we're going to be building a Raspberry Pi based Nas or network attached storage device using all new parts for as little as possible if you don't know what a Nas is it's essentially a small computer that's hooked up to a storage drive and acts as a file server on your network allowing you to access your files from any device this is not the first one I've built I've actually built a few of these in the past but they've all turned out to be quite costly so in this build the primary focus is going to be on building a fully functional Nas for as little as possible to do this we're obviously going to have to cut some corners and make some sacrifices so I expect it to be slow and it probably won't have a huge storage capacity but it will be perfect as a first Nas build for someone who doesn't want to spend a lot of money or if you're wanting to build one just to learn how they work and how to set them up to start we're going to need a really cheap computer and they don't come cheaper than a Raspberry Pi zero the original being just five dollars the trouble with the original is that it's now quite underpowered and it doesn't have any on-board networking abilities so we need to add a USB wire file ethernet adapter which adds to the cost so I'm rather going to Splash out on the 15 par 02w this is the second version of the pi zero which has an upgraded 64-bit CPU that matches the launch version of the pi 3 and the w means that it's got built-in wafer so we can use this as our network interface and then we don't need any additional adapters or dongles for storage an SSD is the obvious reliable answer but the cheapest one I could find from a repeatable brand was around 35 which was more than double the price of the par 02w it was also a two and a half inch sadder draft which would then require a USB adapter and since the power Zero's USB port is a micro USB port we'd need another adapter to convert it from usb-8 to micro USB so it'd be in for close to 50 in total for storage instead I found one of these 128 gig SanDisk Ultra dual drafts these were made as flash drives for Android phones so it's already got a micro USB port to plug directly into the power without any additional adapters the best part is that this was only 12 dollars and you can even get a 16 gig one for seven dollars or 32 gig one for eight dollars if you'd like to go a little bit cheaper the last components I need to buy is the micro SD card to load the operating system onto for this I use the 32 gig SanDisk Ultra code which was around six dollars so I was all in on the parts for 33 dollars leaving a couple of dollars extra for a fan and heatsink you don't need a fan if you're not using the pi in an enclosure but I want to design a 3D printable enclosure for it so it looks the part when it's done so I'm using this 30 millimeter 5 volt phone to design the enclosure I used Fusion 360. are designed it to house the power zero with the ports kept internal so that the storage Rod would be within the nas so I made a slot along the side that fit to the back for the power cable to pass through I made the enclosure as a two-part design that looks like a two-bay Nas with the bay sliding out on a carrier tray for the internal components the past storage and fan will all be mounted onto this tray so there's no need to worry about disconnecting cables or Jumpers when sliding it out a 3D printed the two parts in Black pla or Mac reality Ender 3 it took around 19 hours to print both and used just less than a dollar's worth of filament I removed the supports and then the enclosure was ready to mount the nas components into I made two versions of the enclosure one which you can screw the part directly onto and in this version which requires some M 2.5 brass inserts the brass inserts make it a bit more durable and it's then easier to install or remove the power multiple times without stripping the threads we can then Mount the paw into the brass standoffs with some M 2.5 by 6 millimeter button head screws foreign now let's Mount the fan I'm using the fan to pull air into the case and I'm going to be mounting it using some M 2.5 by 12 millimeter button head screws and nuts on the back [Music] I'm plugging the fan into the 3.3 volt and ground pins on the part so that it runs a bit quieter than at far faults next let's install the drive the housing on the drive that protects the USB ports gets in the way of the adjacent power cable so I'm going to remove it by snapping off the gray slider cover we can then plug it into the pars micro USB port next let's add our power cable alongside it lastly we can add our micro SD card which are flashed with Raspberry Pi OS lights using Raspberry Pi Imager there are a few things we need to do in the settings tab before flashing the image we're going to be using this as a headless part meaning we want to access it from another computer on our Network to set it up rather than having to plug it into a monitor keyboard and mouse so we need to give it a name to identify it on our Network I'm going to call it mini Nas we also need to enable SSH so that we can access it remotely I'll leave the username as Pi but change the password then add the Wi-Fi network name and password and set the region make sure that you get all these correct or your power won't connect to your network and you won't be able to access it so you'll need to do this step again we can then put our micro SD card into the part and that's the hardware complete so let's Slide the train to the housing and get it powered up once the pie is running leave it for about five minutes to allow time to run through the first boots and connect your Wi-Fi network we then need to find the IP address of the part we can do this through the Network's DHCP table or using a utility like Angry ip scanner we'll be looking for a recently added device called mini Nas with the IP address we can then SSH into the pi to continue setting it up I'm going to use the terminal on the second path for this you can also use the utility La Pati to do it from a Windows PC we'll need to enter the username and password that was set up when we are flashing the micro SD card and we then have access to the part next let's run a quick update then we can enter this command to download and run the open media Vault install script this will install and set up everything needed to run open media Vault on the part when it finishes it'll recommend restarting the part do not do this or you'll have wasted half an hour of your life like I did because the imv setup disables a Wi-Fi connection by default so you'll either need to start again by reflashing the OS image or find a way to add an ethernet adapter to the pi to be able to access it again I reflashed the card and ended up back here a while later from here you can go into the omv workbench through a browser by going to the parse IP address you'll be prompted for a login which is admin and open media vault you can then go to network and interfaces and then recreate your Wi-Fi network connection you'll also need to click on the tick in the yellow box to apply the changes for them to take effect I also did this through omv first aid in the terminal although I'm fairly certain you don't need to do both but I didn't want to take a chance and then have to start again for the third time once we've restarted we can move on to setting up omv I'm going to go over this quite briefly here but I'll leave a link to a good guide in the video description if you'd like to follow along we essentially need to wipe and mount our storage Drive which is 128 gig Sanders graph thank you foreign folder on it called mininas and then enable a sharing service to access it through windows you can also create user accounts with different access routes and set up a dashboard to monitor your mini Nas through the web interface foreign with that all set up and running let's try it out and see how good it is or perhaps rather how bad it is we first need to add our shared folders a network location and once we have access to it we can then try copying some files across to it let's start by copying a 600mg video file and see what speeds we get so it seems to stabilize that an average of around four and a half megabytes per second this is a bit less than I was expecting but honestly isn't terrible it's obviously not great for large files like this but if you want an easy Network location to store documents and small files then it's quite usable I need to do some experimenting with the speed to see where the bottleneck is as I expected it to be a bit closer to 10 to 15 megabytes per second as the Wi-Fi and USB speeds on the par 0 2 should manage significantly more than the four and a half megabytes per second I'm currently getting but in any case we have a perfectly functioning Nest that costs 35 dollars to build and we can easily add more storage or more reliable storage in the future if we'd like to another interesting aspect of this Nas is that it runs at just over one watt so it'll run for an entire year and only consume a few cents to a dollars worth of electricity let me know what you think of my budget Nas in the comments section below and let me know what you think the first upgrade should be I'll leave links to the parts and to get the enclosure 3D printing files in the video description thanks for watching please remember to like this video If you enjoyed it and subscribe for more Tech and electronics projects tutorials and reviews [Music]
Channel: Michael Klements
Views: 657,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, nas, network attached storage, pi zero, pi zero 2 w, pi zero projects, pi zero 2 projects, open media vault, omv, open media vault raspberry pi, sandisk, wifi, file server, diy, 3d printing, 3d printed, creality, ender 3 s1 pro, fusion360
Id: gyOHTZvhnxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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