Rare Kit Car, will it Run?

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hey guys how's it going working some a little different today no not this it's this a kit car from the 70s Prentis picked it up not running we don't know much about it even the person he bought it from doesn't really know much about it so we're gonna go bring this in the shop and see if we could bring it back to life no we were looking right seats look comfortable that makes between like a Ferrari a Corvette rusty engine so I don't think it's run in quite a few years and yeah we don't know any history on it but our job today is to see we've been resurrected waiting I want to go too fast with those wheels though tell you that they like that old way around Plus have seeds [Applause] you get over here are you sure do you want yeah [Applause] [Applause] that's supposed to do that it's about the right size for it's like a big go-kart don't even need to see Joe you want me to dub this over with Phil Collins yes I'm seeing a striking resemblance to choice of vehicle [Applause] [Music] get remote have released it into the other yeah slight adjustment drunk do you want - it's not not bad it doesn't feel like it's bouncy [Music] [Music] [Music] check out the did a little angle iron yeah throughout the whole car they didn't both sides my Banting kind of shaked it that's but yeah yeah they put the battery boxes here gonna need a bigger battery for weight well yeah with that thing I got garden tractor battery that's tiny long yeah I mean the floors have some fiberglass but and then crown straps broke off the Trinity put it on it's a late on deluxe it's been dead mother's been in there for a while we were thinking somebody swapped engines out it's all the wiring system ected lights been in there for a while yeah still running a thermostat it's weird for a dune buggy what if it works yeah does it lead it there's some bad you car looks like it's fun to get to the other side I was saying I mean it mean a porthole access hole I think that fuel pump right that's the fuel is probably good where's the fuel tank in it it's pretty here huh what's it running them it's a little tank put it in backwards yeah yeah and it made the phrasing I see the VESA angle going across he putted strapped in you put gas in through the will oh great she's got a shimmy at about five what that one's got some drag go check out with this thing skipper wiring that does not look factory holy or does this thing he's got a fuse box in it a house we're gonna plate like it's not no no it's pretty ugly under there guys these guys see I'll shut the end of it yeah yeah you guys get under there go guys to dark scary spooky that much freak has a newer Volkswagen switch though that's that of a GTI or something must be the turbo button yeah dark but it's got something it may have gas in it Julie Taffer [Applause] well spins around you know what we got for compression now look I jumper pack up to it we figure we're gonna release the shmoop because you think we have gas in it and also when we drop that screener we'll have a better idea what's happening you drip and live it oh god this yeah it's nasty yeah it's very thin it's gas yep keep cracking them so it flows oh that stinks Oh what is that and what was not water well the carb is covered by the body I'd be surprised if I cut I think it's gasoline yeah yeah it's fuel pump points yeah Oh little ass kid oh that stinks a good year I think it's fuel usually it usually sit on the bottom I'm gonna find out you want to think the oils thick holy oh look at that that was a weird where thin stuff came out first Oh against water its water maybe a mix and faster bullying the best you got trainer has a big old plump up yeah I'll bring you back when you drop that off so it's gone from like really thin watery stuff Teleca thick gooey Ikey some like starting to hang down and stringy not sure what that is but it doesn't resemble oil very much anymore we're gonna pop it out cover off and see what the rockers look like generally you can kind of tell the life of an engine by how much crap gets built up around the rockers judging by the that bail hasn't been off in a while neither how you ready go for it you won't slide up okay I'll towards you work no I just know a lot worse okay cause afraid of looking at that oil what we were all rusted so we're gonna drop that strainer down in a minute and then clean that out you got fresh fresh oil to put in it good tinder read to it where they got confused long as the transmission matches the car that's all they have it's all he had going in don't let it fall other side down yeah there's some metal and amount of that there's some chunks yeah yeah makes your normal 30,000 mile oil change they're gonna grab the strainer she was the top of that looks like oh not too bad pop it over here yeah this means that all no any sludge really just just never picked this trainer now wow they trained James oil they just must never clean that if it doesn't have the plug he doesn't have the drain in the center right he'll never clean that if I just pulled it down and put it back up hell he never pulled that down and wonder why it was leaking there's no seal between it no no no seal there's no seal on there you know there's your problem you clean that stuff up neither does tailights errata gonna look at the carb looks like it's on full throttle up the cable stuck or what might be the gas pedal - ran out and got away like talking mini getting a new start button that'll make life a little easier and pop the passenger tire off their rear so you get to that starter so that's the start ups you can get out of the lane the heavy lead coming these power coming in then there's gonna be a little wire which is probably this one or this red wire one of those two would be the one that makes it crank and the start button either one doesn't really matter red or black you're just gonna go from the heavy lead to the little lead the heavy lead has power all the time coming from the battery and a little one guys don't can see there you go clean up those two on there normally we pull up plugs but a little bit of oil down a cylinders but it turns so easy we're not gonna worry about that once you get the oil in it will just spin it with the starter get a listen to it snap no click that gets the combo for the wires you're not sure we'll give it a bump and up here it's the cast cap and I show how that is working it's a [ __ ] setup huh the end is busted off I wonder if it came close to the tire maybe and they broke it off on purpose I think the wheels look better on his beetle nice funnel here we have 37 foot like you drink beer out of that or what it was bezu thought I was gonna go yes well I'll look for a good smokey start is that thing orientated yeah it's not warranted right nope that's why it feels into that lower cavity instead of going I just rotate it out of here there we go Smokey's good for the thumbnails if it when it starts up go get up this way trying to find it well apparently that it's the hotly going to the starter smoke comes out something a little bumpy hey who found it don't you look around it's cool yeah they grant on hold on that ground is kind of if he you want to grind it down a little bit that's uh would give a little more shot hold it let me get behind it I don't think it's gonna even have spark okay crank go listen to it sounds pretty even is there that's good looking to spark that yeah it sounds pretty yeah usually if you get a dead cell noodle you want to give that even pulse going to it so we're just gonna Hotwire it right to the coil get a plug out of there for put another plug in it going on outside a little bit working for us what are you going where's the long red wire that you want to add oh yeah I'll just run that to the hot [Music] I'm spinnin see if you can support you get oil commander water way to spin some out ya know it's just a low point is it still just filled out I think it's still filled up I think wait what's going on with the we got a light up there I might be a little bleachy for you guys but I look to that you get four points that's there where I know oh they're crowded there cooker other guys well look yeah we're looking right there that's our on-off signal yeah they're really fed it up try cleaning them up to see if it'll help us we're gonna fly all over right let's go make sure wire coming off the distributor just in the back here should go to our negative side of the coil which it does again this is the hot side we also have to have a Hopf eventually a hot wire coming off the hot side of the coil going to the fuel solenoid and the shut-off is two points is the choke on this side a wire goes to and a wire needs to go to here but we don't need that to run right now especially with it he's stuck on full throttle it's hard to get in here huh I know is it that body over take the body off cut hole it's all on top of my box worn out on too many strokes I should try and yeah we fail to make sure that the coil wire is on the center of the coil that kind of helps to but those points were iffy that condensers really looking suspect also but don't judge a book by it's cover you like the plug wires I'll give you a hot lead when they do it the start button let's go put that wire back on dribble a little bit fuel down a car and see if she goes boom boom full run that's a lot it is slowly you first I guess you can get that throttle cable to back up before just Reds wide open with no oil pressure for the first ten seconds yeah pedal might be just rusted forward that's good darkness back in there smells like mothballs it's either all the way back already I think it's seized right up on the okay now that you thought of cable I think it's the yeah the roller the cam little is a rolling dinner behind the panel and it's she step on the body on the aluminum down below so we're gonna have to vice grip it and WD at least these just pull yeah floor it it's stuck so the aluminum in the steel are corroded together it's stuck all the way for I can you pull the roller back up again the pedals to the floor yeah maybe yeah it's made a lot of door you can open on this thing to get in there it's got an allen wrench for the set screw on the throttle cable instead of a regular eight millimeter so we try not to do that for now just so we can work the throttle without it you'll get kind of that ladder a Walmart mm-hmm well I can't get enough I can't get it off the leverage you want to put a little pipe or something on the water strip you know long ways I got it I got it close that bubble should pop right out of it it's a little tight you pull the cable the rest away outer huh you don't have it it's just gummy knows you're also missing is to return spring I have one no return spring on that would just bring me goes from here to here and choke off invest in another dollar five in it you got three quarts of oil a strainer kitna spring so far whoo you want to I don't know if we can get to the there's a horn up and hearing you my god she might be able to see there is a horn right there in that darkness we're gonna backfill with gas and that will fill the flow ball up and give us a little bit of fuel to run out who knows what the inside of the car looks like but we're gonna start with that check out his little squirt bottle I'll I can see that's like the monster sighs call me Musti - extra Musti problem is is it filling it up or it's just like dumping right down the intake no it's filling it up we gonna have a wire on the fuel shutoff so it's not gonna idle unless you want to make another little jumper boys right that's more than enough I need that ain't that big we're gonna put a jumper on to the idle shutoff circuit without that it won't idle he blocks the fuel off at an idle that's for when you shut the car off it doesn't run after work that's the idea of them a little power for you sir yes sir by the way you know where it is my job is to yank the hot lead off your job is to look if you wanna castrated sitting on the floor or what underneath there hey Alex L know it's working rewrite your oh I guess so huh I'm breaking it off yeah me too well shall we let's do it [Laughter] [Music] little bit of mouse nets did blow out of the other side though I saw that sounded pretty good we're gonna more than like we gotta pull the car apart and clean it but we're gonna do is gonna backfill it one more time see if it stays running and throttle works like it showed if so we're probably gonna try to jerrican up to this fuel line and see if the fuel pump and all that works and see if I'll stay going on its own yeah fill it up shoot you can't we'll see if it will run off that float ball not just with like dribble down in it we'll let it idle to shock you probably really should do this but test light on the well pressure switch make sure we're good and far as that I don't suspect to be an issue but wouldn't hurt yes spit all that and grinds and everything inside his toolbox I know it's kind of after the fact we're just gonna check for oil pressure so the lights hooked up to 12 volts hot on the other side anything we touch that's metal should come up and light it oil pressure switch should be on when I crank it it should shut off Lou see how that does for us we got no it's not gonna start so we got good oil pressure in schools that's good how long it takes for the oil pressure to squeeze out through the pores is how long put a light to come back on that's good sign that looks like you think it might be better if you put your ass in the passenger seat maybe in there I'm gonna go ahead firsters going in where's the PB no more yeah not much left in the can I have another can I always have a can he had a hole the straight up is nothing like I can't steering wheel out of you it oh it smells so it's like they put like pepper meters oh I call me in the morning they strum it play out for your feet is it actually moving the lever or now not yeah it was pretty frozen you got a little hammer I can bang on it maybe loosen it up a little bit okay sure is dark in there does it have any movement to it you see if you can get tomorrow a little bit I got it is that lovely steel to aluminum corrosion you pay a light bill loosen it up I know this is a good ad for Mac tools so that's a Mac light yep I just bought it two weeks ago it's energy saver I like Mac tools I'm just saying this light's not the gratis great here so I think when we drive this we're just gonna sit over there and steer move the steering wheel over and I'll work the pedals from right here cuz I'm stuck Thank You Trey get out of there oh yeah oh yeah wait miles really focused oh yeah get nice and loose now get all the junk junk in the trunk junk in the trunk oh yeah floppy now oh yeah one more a little squirt in the crap out of it should be good Wow yes he is but that's comfortable what'd you find I found a huge box yeah see fun to change if he's this yeah I mean you got you gotta be a contortionist actually think that break is separate comma click get now it's down all the way oh it rolled fine I wonder why that break feel like that yeah I just rusted up in there adjust it for non rusted adjusted for non rusted yeah and now it rusted yeah yeah a rush Barbie so we need power in definitely power hand mmm you're gonna chew on it yep yeah mustn't tripped out of it so it works [Music] [Music] I think let's go and fuel up to it people stay running yeah does Zach just professed yeah the plug wires aren't even almost severed safety first right third in my book safety third needs three pieces of duct tape not to I do first do one more this way yeah what's first first the one we always get hurt because you're so paranoid about getting hurt you get hurt okay thank you fuel line's not even close to the exhaust right you got a good two inches I do four just in case and that you're you're gonna screw up the matrix about this should be maybe I think now you're overdoing I feel pretty good [Applause] you kill this vehicle safe behind way travel but are we tape a flat plates to the front do you want to watch Kate flashlights to the front or what's the thought there do you think they'll work Oh try it I don't know what's gonna we got to do something for wiring I think splode mr. Hogan regular battery and I actually only has terminals does it think what I attached to it was there it was there a set that because I that big one that goes I think it did yeah figure it out we're gonna hook the jumper pack up to it and see if we turn the headlights on anything happens yeah I bet you the key that we don't have needs to be turned on maybe you could anything light up you think you thought those bushes for the headlights for the wipers starts cranking there's nowhere to be a knight rider' I guess no ground surface to work with so [Music] so I put power to the headlight but the headlights filling with smoke I'm not gonna last very long that means it's a loss it's vacuum gonna burn out maybe we go try picking that up to the other side see how that one does yeah that or go for a quick ride it's probably at about another minute it's you will Fergus poof that one's a little better so far yeah it's got some smoke going on inside it no I need one I wouldn't go too much Kisa comes out the other side if it falls off it'll make a nice fireball we got gas in the tank we're gonna go fire it up see if it stays running did you pick up the fuel pump will suck fuel the wire should be the it's unplugged that couldn't I didn't like the coil that we know is that all I would it explode Oh jump it back in goes boil you never not to my club maybe [Music] [Music] yeah Lindy track primate against you ever go through take the few pimple policy [Music] [Music] I even touch it you stuffed with fuels in the carb yeah yeah I think that fuel pump is just running this here then direct up high enough it should be viable I think if we can get the prime yeah the push through yeah I had to push a little air in a gas cap to make it to go but so he found out why there's gas in the oil because when we hook the gas tank up to gravity feed going down it literally just overflowed the carbon was coming right up out over the top and right back down the intake so the float is definitely stuck or broke or all the above but this came with an extra carburetor so two bolts two wires and a fuel line rocket we're at it she won't swap that over and when we go at a different car for fix the place you want to do gonna pop this off and pull him in for Darin for a second he's on the phone and pop this off and see be sure the floats duck maybe why this car was having issues it's definitely pouring out the top this is the boring part man she's glued together pretty good moves a stranger it's a boat sunk no I mean it seemed to be floating strange huh I guess let's try the other carburetor but I don't do you want to blow through that and see if it turns on or off when you're they put it the other way and yeah yeah what ya see fingers all over no not working it's it's gummed up it's iffy it's iffy makes a good note new card let's see how this does well I'm gonna pack he doesn't need it right so much gas now muties yeah what's that good [Music] in your armpit Oh was it the door yeah you literally see the fuel was coming out of the tailpipes I let it set up a little bit what do you got two plugs out of it we're gonna spin it a little bit two plugs yeah we'll put two two fresh ones in one plugs that we took out if you could see it you see the carbon built up on the matter of that surprise I think even ran the other ones aren't much better and let's try it again the joke's on fire [Laughter] [Music] with that hat carburetors on the new carburetor thanks a little car what you up set the fire you're gonna rock what [Music] [Music] [Music] we're to see if there's any gas even left him the tank and made all that made his washed right through the other like a shoe some oh this some in there maybe we just need to create a vacuum again mmm try try bowing down through it you're gonna have a hell of a head rush that night Oh [Music] well guys we tried we saw some misuse the workout we just we're trying to hurry because we're running out of time and that's just yet we're literally out of time that new car makes they'll have some issues the loop how we have a setup it although it is higher than the carb and it should feed through maybe causing us some problems but we're calling it a night it's late I think we're going on tennis or show and we're we all we got to kind of stop making noise so guys it's the next day and we ran out of time yesterday Justin decided to take the original carburetor and give it a good cleaning put a gasket set in it carb kit in it and see we get that one to work the new shiny one not so much he went with the Ken dip let it soak would you do overnight or like all decks from this morning yeah but the difference the old sonic cleaner makes you see you know how it's still fairly dirty on the outside of it whereas when they come out of the ultrasonic they're really clean let's see how this works out for us might to go put a fuel pump on it too is the next thing that fuel pump doesn't seem like it's functioning then hopefully we get at the yard drive and that's our goal I feel like the flow was sticking sticking orders you got sunk right well no what was confident it was just overflowing well then I would I would figure was this I think it's that the float seemed fine that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I just didn't have any in it so I'm assuming it's okay I was floating in there when I popped it open and I had about half full fuel in there so what I like to do when I get the carburetor is all done is I just blow in through the fuel port in this patch no fuel might even blow air in and if you take the carbon you flip it over and you can't blow air in then you know the float is moving and that the valve is shutting off so Justin's continued to rebuild that carb and wants me to go check the choke that looks like that lead on is how to lose on and what they do is it just just gets heated up I'm gonna ground the body of it try to ground the money of it and then put power to the outside of it and slowly over time that should move [ __ ] what a sharpie or something you know we'll call it right there I will just let us set up for a couple of minutes and see if the the coil changes the diameter it's bad a minute later you can see the different that distance it's already traveled in that time so that you could just fine so trying to figure out why there was no fuel going through the fuel pump there's your problem what is that mud wash or something right - idiot I want the whole thing's it spray just fuel I just puff through it's not full already fill this side yeah a bball side shoot Timmy I sometimes you can take an air gun and like give it a good jolt through it you know get the dire frame to free up there you go alone sorry yeah yeah you get them wet he started I'm sticking I saw there you go hey you guys he's a happy camper now they don't find you handsome find me handy let's give her another shot yeah there's no carpet [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys wanna see [Music] a little bit faster driver mightiest follow one for that bottom the air/fuel mix and he is smaller one we don't know what the timing Randy is too so the Roddick cable is by me it's not going back all the way I pushed it all the way back and I wonder why I couldn't get the idol it'll go down you got smells good police says run it now that's good time I pushed it I ran the idle speed down as far as I can get it but then I shut the throttle all the way it wasn't shutting all the way because the cable was holding it to titres by a ik back off the cable just a bit so I can slide back [Music] apart [Music] [Music] face gossip Lincoln and bass guys too sleek and awesome to run real lean and not idle maybe age I think but that's you that's your kill it's up it goes something goes wrong give that in you actually began yank any of them off it should kill it so that's the power to you your coil mm-hmm just tap that on to you ha you just hold this all like on my lap we're gonna be safer I think all of its pretty safe maybe some gasoline then they mix of this so I'm putting this in here clamp it right in there the button to start a button and think you're good to go that was in here that is for yourself whoa I try to steer out of it Wow let's try it again looks comfortable get that your way [Music] it's like a bathtub when I was a kid I wish I had a bed that looked like this that explains things like please I kept about 16 power wire no I'm making sure did it stick again some of that goal of this unity phone yeah yep okay hit it let it go yep just don't floor it I didn't for it terney down like oh maybe are you hit it once before you even so rep red wire I thought I scared I scared it works like this did you have to get very far away from it this spirit it's flooded put any gear [Music] you see the Thrilla wire this time you're left with a six-inch burnout yep the scary ooh is it [Music] chicken you got it push your clutch back in once it says rolling music [Music] [Music] good catch Amira all that what did it feel like good luck power I think you choked Chet aha oh wait maybe the coil wire came undone that's how I was thinking you know do it we go background I cut my hand over it to see if it'll go get river up hold on no guess what does it work I'm gonna kill the power [Music] [Applause] I hear noise pull my feet keep your fantasies to yourself better you me you get another 15 years out here you all be doing that [Music] oh yeah you probably just take the ground on and off leave the little red wire with the hot lead and so if you gotta kill just ground grab the ground clamp off okay no charging system so it's not gonna stay running [Music] what you off to the side let him go by and we'll start from the bottom when you're on a plat you cut my hand over it you keep it right we're going keep it going the life pump started second Oh that's great [Laughter] [Laughter] easy get under it the top of the hill for the day hold it might be yeah it's pretty low there's some in it but where's it hid Me's guess yeah is that there's a pickup tube that comes up about a half inch below the base of it but you gotta be happy to feel since the walk of shame watch what you're doing the duct tape will melt if you spill it now top fire I think she's driving around up there when she get it up there precision right new game okay [Music] [Music] that's it we're gonna go shut it down thanks for just have a little fun with it see what components condition of the components and from there do more with it but we just wanna have a little fun to play with it till the next one see you later [Music] it's not know where you're going that smashing this up so what you're cleaning at the shop [Applause] you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 521,965
Rating: 4.9041829 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mustie1 new videos, mustie1 will it run, vw kit cars from the 70s, vw kit car build, vw kit car bodies, dune buggy build, barn find, mustie1 2020, engine repair, collector car
Id: MhKXH-dp7B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 11sec (4811 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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