PSYCHOTHERAPIST REACTS to Bo Burnham- Welcome to the Internet

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perfect [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of reaction therapy i am tom stevens your resident psychotherapist here to break down lyrics to some awesome music and today i'm not sure it's music it's actually somebody we've never featured here before his name is bo burnham everybody's been asking about him so we are going to dive in and see and you know what there's nothing like reacting to somebody we've never reacted before i decided to sport all of my reaction therapy gear from the hat to the shirt you can find that too check the links in the description of this video for our patreon page for the merch we have for the discord server we have and for any resources you want for mental health but for now let's just get into this because you know our mission is to spread mental health awareness to the world through music and lyric and this sounds like it's gonna be good this one is called bo burnham welcome to the internet so without further ado let's do it welcome to the internet have a look around anything that brain of yours can think of can be found we've got mountains of content some better some worse this is like reminds me of the comedian tim hawkins that i love where he's got this song tied to lyrics about life that are just life lessons and of course this one's about the internet and i have a feeling he's gonna describe everything about the internet here but the way he presents it i mean he is so official up there typing or typing hitting this keyboard and the backdrop everything this looks really cool can be found we've got mountains of content some better some worse if none of it's of interest to you you'd be the first welcome to the internet come and take a seat would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet there's no need to panic this isn't a test just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest that's the truth he is describing to perfection what the internet has done to take over our lives it's become everything to all people most people and it rules us at times right and it's it's woven in a way to where we can give you anything you want and in fact i feel like many times they give us what they want us to have and steer us through the current because there's so much out there and it used to not be that way as a guy who grew up without the internet without technology at all back in the 70s and 80s 1970s and 80s i can see a life all the way up into adulthood without any technology and all of a sudden now in the last 20 years it's been an explosion and the internet just gets bigger and bigger and has more and more content and has more and more steering currents and has more and more takes over what we do every single day this isn't a test just not or shake your head and we'll do the rest welcome to the internet what would you prefer would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur be happy be horny be bursting with rage we got a million different ways to engage welcome to the internet put your cares aside here's a tip for straining pasta here's a nine-year-old who died weak i remember reading something from somebody in comments about bo burnham that he had gone through a lot of anxiety i think even maybe before covid and then when coveted hit it it might have creeped up again but he's had his own issues with anxiety in the past you wouldn't know it just watching him perform because he seems so funny and he seems so entertaining and engaging but i would love to see more of his story to know because i think he's got a lot more than this out there and you all have to let me know what's the good stuff he's got so far this is leading into welcome i'm going to tell you exactly what's out there which you already know about but i'm going to describe how ludicrous all this sounds that we just let this take over our lives your cares aside here's a tip for straining pasta here's a nine-year-old who died we got movies and doc man he just goes to everything and fantasy sports and a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters and harry potter [ __ ] each other welcome to the internet hold on to your socks cause the random guy just kindly sent you photos of his [ __ ] they are grainy and hot pudding he just sent you more don't act surprised you know you like it you [ __ ] oh my goodness gracious bow this is going deep and do you hear how it's going faster it's like he's speeding things up like life is sped up with the internet with technology with social media all of a sudden it ramps us up and do you know i mean i said it i say it all the time people go on to social media for a high to feel better and they come off of social media feeling worse it happens over and over just test yourself you go in looking for a fix checking out what's going on in people's lives what's going on with things you've posted whether you've gotten likes whether you've gotten friends and followers and all that stuff and then you come off depressed it happens over and over again unless you're one of the ones that got a fix and a high and you got the dopamine fix of followers and likes and things like that and you feel better temporarily because you got to go to another post in order to keep the high going just like a drug but people go on to social media to feel better come off of social media feeling worse happens over and over this is going way too fast and uh not time improved here he just sent you more don't act surprised you know you like it you [ __ ] see em at my head and get offended see a shrink show us pictures of your children tell us every thought you think start a rumor buy a broom or send a death threat to a boomer or dm a girl and groomer do a zoomer find a tumor in your here's a healthy breakfast option you should kill your mom here's why women never [ __ ] you here's how you can build a bomb which power ranger are you take this he is going crazy with this there's so much material in what he's saying about the internet and about what you listen to this and you think that's what we're filling our brains with and that's what young people and this is what bothers me the most y'all young children learning the internet and social media technology so young two years old and over where it becomes a part of their life and their brains aren't developed y'all please remember that until your teenage years or later is your brain not fully developed and so if that's the case then we give children the internet social media technology they'll take it just like if you put a five-year-old in behind the wheel of a car to drive they'll drive it they won't know what they're doing and also show a ten-year-old an r-rated movie they'll watch it it'll fill themselves up they won't be able to understand what it means but they'll act it out and that's what happens with young children it's too much too soon too fast and remember i've talked about the nervous system before when we get on social media and you swipe and you swipe and you change and you fix it you just get the instant impulsive gratification of looking at things we get used to that and we speed it up and our nervous system gets sped up and all of a sudden inside our body everything is just going so fast and that's why we come down off of a high into a depression is because regular life when you put your phone away or your computer away it doesn't run at that pace and so we have to slow down and relate to people and that's what turns people off and it makes them so socially misfit many times here's why women never [ __ ] you here's how you can build a bomb which power ranger are you take this quirky quiz obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids could i interest you in everything all of the time a little bit of everything all of the time apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime anything and everything all of the time good i interest you in everything all of the time a little bit of everything all at the time the story the story of the internet right a little bit of everything all of the time when i grew up stores closed at a certain time sunday's stores were closed we had different boundaries now it's everything all the time it's always on and remember when you're always on when you're always plugged in when you always have a device going especially when you go to bed with that your nervous system inside is amped up and it will not settle down we have to get away from it doing everything all of the time a little bit of everything all at the time apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime anything and everything all of the time okay a little switch up you know it wasn't always like this not very long ago just before your time right before the towers fell circa 99. this was catalogues travel blogs a chat room or two that is so true you go back to 99 you just go back a little over 20 years ago and they're just maybe a few chat rooms and and just it's not much social well technology wise what any social media but just not much technology wise and you might have had aol instant messenger in the beginning which was very primitive but it's notice how it's going slow now it was slow back then and when he was doing the now everything was so fast and he's doing a great job of painting this picture that is not pretty y'all about our technology blogs a chat room or two we set our sights and spent our nights waiting for you you insatiable you mommy let you use her ipad you were barely two and it did all the things we designed it to do oh that scares me so much i really believe that designed to do this whole technology thing is designed to do something and it's designed to draw you in it's designed to get you used to it it's designed to follow their path and a lot of times it's not us finding what we want to look at it's them putting in front of us what they want us to look at and it can be dangerous especially if young children when you put them at such a young age in front of this they just keep looking and looking by the way children are not only going to get fixated on it and they are going to get potentially addicted to it and drawn to it needing it but they're also going to see things that they don't need to be seeing at too young of an age and what can what scene cannot be unseen that's what is so scary here than the old days of seeing a vhs tape of some kind of cartoon or something now it's just open for whatever pops in there and the way he said we just spent our days pining or waiting for you just sitting here when we had the first days of messenger the first days of a blog oh what it would be like if it just got bigger and bigger and stronger i remember about 25 years ago having a client in my office who worked for a major technology kind of firm and he was talking to me about he'd worked all over the world and he was talking to me about this thing that it's not really well known right now but it's kind of the next thing that's coming up and nobody really understands it but it's actually going to be the way that changes and revolutionizes the world when it comes to the way we communicate and it's this thing that's called broadband i remember him saying that very specifically in my office i'm like asking about what he did and his job and he's like it's hard to explain but it's basically just this channel of how we can communicate all over the world very quickly and it's it's technology that's way ahead of its time and it's coming and it's going to change everything and remember i'm talking about broadband and i'm like wow how quickly that did happen you know when that guy went from something primitive into something that's just futuristic so we pine we waited for it we wanted it we asked for it and be careful what you asked for right because then it's here now look at you [Music] look at you you you unstoppable your time is now your insides out honey how you grew and if we stick together who knows what we'll do it was always the plan to put the world in your hand did y'all hear that it was always the plan to put the world in your hands like that was the plan and we waited for it and it's like oh it's like a baby that's grown into a child then into an adolescent into a teenager into an adult and we've just waited for you to grow and now we fit so well together because you are unsatiable and unstoppable there's not enough of you i can get and there's no way i can stop you now it's just too big it's gone too far and here we are where it's just out of control to put the world in your hands [Music] [Laughter] could i interest you in everything all the time a bit of everything all of the time apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime anything apathy and boredom those aren't allowed we've got to get you hooked up in tune and triggering away with the keypads with the phones with the computers all that stuff can i interest you and everything all of the time this the truth of our society today it's right at our fingertips and that's what's so sad in a way it's a double-edged sword right because even reaction therapy here doing these videos i'm able to talk about all the stuff i do with clients in my office i can only see a limited number of them every week but here i can touch base with millions of people and talk about the same information that might help somebody that never would have gotten help in the past for anything that's going on in their life so that's the good of it and the bad of it is but we stay hooked on it in so many unhealthy ways there's healthy there's unhealthy and everything all of the time could i interest you in everything all at the time a little bit of everything all of the time apathy is a crime anything and everything and anything and welcome to the internet our first opportunity to see him and it was a banger i loved it i want to see more of what he has because this goes above and beyond even the music that we do that we're gonna have to change the mission statement from spreading mental health awareness to the world through music and lyrics well that was music and lyrics same thing but we could branch out a little bit and move some bo burnham into the house that would be great remember this in real therapy just tom break it down lyrics if you want professional help go seek some of the links in our bio there are resources there maybe some of those can help you deserve the help check out the links to our our patreon to our merch to our discord it's all in there too whenever you get a chance but i appreciate you being here nick and i are thankful for you watching this and recommending bo burnham to us i can't wait for the next one and i can't wait to see you on the next reaction therapy [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reaction Therapy
Views: 375,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: juice wrld, juice world, juice wrld reaction, nf, nf reaction, therapist reacts, psychotherapist reacts, top, reaction channel, tom stevens, x reaction, xxxtentacion reaction, reaction therapy, reaction therapy channel, reaction therapy juice wrld, reaction therapy beat drop, reaction therapy nf journey, eminem reaction, eminem, nf journey, bo burnham reaction, bo burnham welcome to the internet, welcome to the internet reaction, welcome to the internet reaction bo burnham
Id: 1JJcnzg7J-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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