Rapid Learning Techniques l Brian Tracy l How to Learn Fast and Rapidly l

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rapid learning techniques what we know about the brain okay what we know about the brain is that intelligence is developed through effort like physical muscles so your IQ is malleable over twenty-five points there are certain exercises that you can do like muscular exercises to build your IQ you can go from average intelligence which is 100 to 120 526 IQ by doing certain exercises that activate more of your brain cells many people by the way you have high IQs allow their minds like their muscles to atrophy so they're not as quick or not as smart as they might have been you can actually become smarter by doing some of the things that we'll talk about both today and tomorrow IQ is affected by yourself concept if you consider yourself to be a bright person you'll be much smarter and more creative than if you don't so when your parents always tell you what's how smart you are you start to perform at a much more intelligent level than if your parents tell you something negative or tell you nothing at all so tell yourself you say I'm a genius I'm a genius I'm a genius say it say I'm a genius yes because you have had genius ideas throughout your life you've had incredible ideas the difference between geniuses and non geniuses is non geniuses have occasional right great ideas geniuses just say I'm a genius and they have right ideas all the time that's all in other words really fit people exercise their everyday non fit people exercise twice a month so if you're constantly using your mind you actually get brighter and smarter and you start to unleash more and more ideas which we'll talk about tomorrow so second learning ability can be increased and you can learn to learn faster and easier if you want to earn more you must learn more and you can actually accelerate the speed we call this accelerated learning I'm one of the foremost authorities in the world on the subject I've done extensive programs on all the different ways that you can turn your brain into a sponge so it just absorbs information there is a direct relationship between learning and longevity the more actively you learn the longer you live the more actively your mind is in that's why Gerta started writing the second part of Faust when he was 86 years old and Faust is considered one of the greatest of all pieces of literature he completed it when he was 89 I mean he was still a highly productive person in his later years because he remained fully engaged all the time number four the longer you continue to learn and the more active you are mentally the longer you live and the healthier you are that's why the whole idea of retirement is an old idea that goes back to the Industrial Age where people worked until they were 55 or 60 and then like an old piece of machinery they were worn out and they got taken off the line and put in a field and allowed to deteriorate in the Industrial Age people are taken off the line they go home and sit in a will a walking chair until they die today because you work with your brain you'll be at your prime at 75 you'll be as bright as a berry you'll be dancing at weddings and you'll be traveling you'll be learning reading studying new subjects going back to school this is the best time in all of human history as long as you keep your brain active interesting point mmm there's more and more direct connections between Alzheimer's and brain atrophy people started watching television thirty years ago they still watching television and the brain turns to porridge because there's no stimulation where's people who are active and busy very seldom have brain deterioration what they call senility diseases of senility so rapid learning techniques the left and right hemisphere of the brain are responsible for very different ways of thinking first of all there's the right left hemisphere is the logical it looks at everything when a cold logical way it's rational and it looks for reasons why what are the reasons why things happen it's analytical as we talked about the conscious mind it analyzes things carefully and picks them apart accountants are very analytical it's pragmatic yes does it work and all I want to know is does it work not what it is but does it work for me will it be effective it's concrete it likes tangible answers tangible numbers proof it is linear it works with facts and figures in a linear way step by step like engineering if we call this the engineering side of the brain it is sequential it deals with things in sequence one after the other like a recipe where you put the ingredients together it's very much a left brain activity it's responsible for language but it's responsible for language in that it is responsible for words I sure hope they got this down properly it's responsible for learning the individual means of words and and that is why if you notice that people from East India win all the spelling bills spelling bees because they have a particular way of memorizing words and they memorize jillian's of words now that doesn't mean they're fluent in speaking the language but damn are they good with the words and it's it responsible for math as well because math is a logical rational sequential linear form of I thinking the right hemisphere of your brain is responsible and forwards there we go it's responsible for words the right hemisphere is visual and it sees things the right hemisphere takes photographs of things and will look like when you look at me you see me and the whole room up here at one time it is a holistic it sees the totality of things it goes into a room and sees everybody in the room short depth long depth motion movement and so on it is intuitive it operates from feelings it has a gut feeling about things this is a right brain activity it is abstract it sees concepts and ideas it can create pictures in its mind or pictures in the air its musical it responds to music and the emotion and the fun and the thrill and excitement of music which the left hemisphere has no interest in its artistic it's the it's a brain that is responsible for painting and for art and for sculpture yeah it is spontaneous it is open spontaneous excited it laughs it cries and it feels emotions and so on it's responsible for dance all of dance is a right brain activity I would say that probably turbofire is a right brain activity as well it's responsible for poetry and the the use of poetry and it's responsible for language language actually shouldn't be in the first column the left brain is responsible for learning words and the right brain combines them into language and so whenever we use language in sentences and pauses whenever we speak we're using the right brain well well we know is that the two brain the brain functions at four different levels the first level the beta level is the conscious level like now which is 14 waves and above when your mind is really keep working really intensely it can get up to 15 20 25 30 waves and it's wavelength the wavelength activity is very intense the second level is the Alpha level which is 8 to 13 words per second and the Alpha level is when you are meditating your eyes are closed and you're just completely relaxed although you're quite conscious and aware the third level is the theta level the theta level is the level between this relaxed conscious awareness and sleep it's where you start to fantasize you start to you start to drift you start to have little dreams and so on your mind just starts to move away and the Delta level is half to four words per second or waste per second and that's where you fall completely asleep a complete sleep cycle takes you from beta through alpha deep relaxation theta where you start to dream and into Delta which is very deep now if you have go through a complete sleep cycle it only lasts about two or three hours and if you have ever had an experience where you've gone to sleep at say 11 o'clock and you wake up at 2 o'clock and you're wide awake have you had that experience and you lay down and you can't get back to sleep it's because you have been fully rested you've had one complete sleep cycle and you're fully rested and now you can't get back your toss and turn and toss and turn and finally when the morning comes you're exhausted and you get up and you at 3 o'clock in the morning you felt great this is because you went through a complete sleep cycle the problem with us today is because of food and drink and stimulation we have to sort of keep going into theta and we never get through a full sleep cycle once you've had a full sleep cycle you come out and you're white away people like Lyndon Johnson never slept more than four hours a night there are many very creative people who never sleep more than four hours a night because they've been programmed from an early age for one reason to have a complete sleep cycle every time they close their eyes so basically they're up there was a gentleman in England most amazing damn thing he had a brain it had a concussion and because of his concussion he could only sleep three hours a night and so he decided a smart guy he'd used the spare time because nobody to talk to at 2:00 in the morning and there's nothing worth watching on television I've tried so when he did this he decided he would take that extra five hours and study and over the course of the next 20 years he got seven PhDs he got a PhD in philosophy a PhD in history he got a PhD in science got a PhD in biology got a PhD in poetry got a PhD in in Medieval Studies he got serious PhDs you can one of the learn he became one of the learned man in the world by using his extra five hours every day just to study so it's possible to go into deep sleep actually you can program yourself just say I am when I go sleep tonight I'm going to sleep deeply and well and when you go to sleep your subconscious mind will say okay I know what to do put them down put them under and we'll Lam but what will happen is you'll wake up at two o'clock and you won't be able to sleep and you come down here ruined tomorrow morning and very mad at me so the best method to get people into the Alpha Theta level is to combine both hemispheres is to use music and relaxation and when you close your eyes relax and listen to positive messages they bypass your conscious mind you've heard of hypnosis or self-hypnosis well this is a form of what is called autogenic conditioning or I'm sort of heterogenic conditioning where you're actually put into a deep state of relaxation by another voice plus music and the words are vol very positive affirmations that's all written down in your book by the way they bypass your conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious mind and when you are awake from this deep form of relaxation all those positive messages are programmed into your subconscious mind and begin to change your thinking your feeling and your behavior the new words or messages go straight into the subconscious so you can learn rapidly if you do the following things define your purpose and we give you some goals is have an intense desire to learn and then all we study with classical music now this is a little bit different from what we just talked about in terms of what we're going to do now but I wanted to put this in is that you can learn rapidly by having a very clear goal for learning have an intense desire to learn it always studied with classical music playing in the background if you study with classical music the words that you're learning actually ride on the classical music sort of like riding on on a river they ride into your mind with the music if you listen to words or songs with words you don't learn what you're studying you learn the words from the song remember when we were young we drove around listening to musical songs how many people could still remember those songs the music comes on remember every single work it's because at that time that's what was happening the music combined with the words what's going straight into your subconscious mind and you have it twenty years later sometimes you have it for the rest of your life the music will come on and you can sing along the whole song because it went into your mind what we're going to do now is a form of progressive relaxation with music it's called taped affirmation and we'll take him we will repeat five with an affirmation five times when you hear the first affirmation and which will be you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself as you hear the first affirmation just simply say yes or I agree your arm might your eyes will be closed you'll be completely relaxed as the message goes into your mind you just say yes or I agree or that's true you just agree with the affirmation you'll probably find yourself so relaxed that you won't be bothered saying it again the each of the affirmations will be repeated five times you'll first of all be counted down by the count of 20 until you're deeply relaxed the affirmations will be repeated five times each and then you'll be counted back up to full wakefulness this exercise takes about twenty minutes and it's really quite beautiful and so what we're going to do now is spaced repetition practice what you're learning okay buh buh buh all right these are the last rapid turn learning techniques these spaced repetition practice it use a variety of stimulation take regular breaks we should probably change the order of that so the last thing we talked about is taped affirmation with music but now we're at that so what I would like you to do is I'd like you to empty your hands we're going to close the door and turn down the lights and what I'd like you to do is empty your hands and get your hands-free I just put your hands in your lap and then close your eyes and listen to this music and listen to the words of the music and just completely relax and just let go remember the less you try the faster these words go into your subconscious mind and change your thoughts and feelings and behavior please begin your feet are flat on the floor or out in front of you resting easily your hands are on your lap but not touching each other just resting comfortably across your legs now close your eyes taped affirmation is a process of progressive relaxation you simply let yourself relax as I talk to your subconscious mind do not consciously try to relax just let it happen easily you will find that as I count slowly from 1 to 20 your subconscious mind will gradually relax your muscles you will feel a wonderful sense of peace and tranquility do not be concerned about what depth you are reaching instead of testing to see what depth you have reached let your mind dwell on the peaceful feeling of relaxation you are experiencing and let yourself go I repeat do not be concerned about what depth you are reaching instead of testing to see what depth you have reached just let your mind dwell on the peaceful feeling of a relaxation you are experiencing and let yourself go with each count the relaxed feeling will deepen until at the count of 20 you will be in a deep state of relaxation and ready for your affirmations now take a deep breath hold it and as you hold it you will notice the tensions in your body now exhale and as you do the tension seemed to drain from you and you feel relaxed all the tensions are draining out just as the tightness goes out of a balloon when the air goes out now let your breathing be relaxed and easy one the feeling of relaxation is spreading through your whole body a wonderful feeling of relaxation spreading throughout your body to your legs and arms feel very relaxed and good and a pleasurable feeling of relaxation slowly spreads up through your legs and up through your arms and into your body 3 your face is relaxing more and more now all tension is draining from you the relaxed feeling is spreading spreading through your body all the tensions are draining out for you are letting yourself relax all over just letting yourself go easily slowly relaxed and light five a wonderful feeling of peace and quiet is slowly coming over you a wonderful peaceful feeling six your entire body now feels very and deeply relaxed the soft relaxed feeling is deepening with every word that I speak very relaxed seven you can feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed you are letting yourself relax more deeply eight this is a very enjoyable feeling relaxing deeper and deeper and as I count further the relaxed feeling spreads more and more nine now as i continue to count toward 20 you will become more and more relaxed with each word I speak with each breath you take you will become more and more and deeply relaxed ten the very relaxed feeling are very good eleven more and more and more relaxed 12 deeper and deeper thirteen peacefully softly he relaxed 14 relaxed and light 15 very very light sixteen more and more deeply relaxed very peaceful seventeen wonderfully relaxed eighteen completely limp and relaxed nineteen very deeply relaxed twenty you are now in a state of deep relaxation very very relaxed each time that you use this tape it becomes easier for you to relax the affirmations have a stronger and stronger effect upon you now listen to your affirmations you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself [Music] you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself you like yourself unconditionally you really like yourself you always speak in positive terms about yourself and others you always speak in positive terms about yourself and others you always speak in positive terms about yourself and others you always speak in positive terms about yourself and others you always speak in positive terms about yourself and others [Music] you enjoy and appreciate everyone you meet you like them and are they like you you enjoy and appreciate everyone you meet you like them and they like you you enjoy and appreciate everyone you meet you like them and they'd like you you enjoy and appreciate everyone you meet you like of em and they like you you enjoy and appreciate everyone you meet you like them and they like you you always decide for yourself what is best for you and you allow others the same right you always decide for yourself what is best for you and you allow others the same right you always decide for yourself what is best for you and you allow others for the same right you always decide for yourself what is best for you and you allow others the same right you always decide for yourself what is best for you and you allow others the same right you accept complete responsibility for your life and for all of your reactions to all situations you accept complete responsibility for your life and for all of your reactions to all situations you accept complete responsibility for your life and for all of your reactions to all situations you accept complete responsibility for your life and for all of your reactions to all situations you accept complete responsibility for your life and for all of your reactions to all situations [Music] you enjoy excellent health and you are easily able to relax at anytime you enjoy excellent health and you are easily able to relax at any time you enjoy excellent health and you are easily able to relax at any time you enjoy excellent health and you are easily able to relax at any time you enjoy excellent health and you are easily able to relax at any time [Music] you are always calm confident and self-assured in your interactions with others with groups as well as with individuals you are always calm confident and self-assured in your interactions with others with groups as well as with individuals you are always calm confident and self-assured in your interactions with others with groups as well as with individuals you are always calm confident and self-assured in your interactions with others with groups as well as with individuals you are always calm confident and self-assured in your interactions with others with groups as well as with individuals you are very creative in all areas of your life always tapping more and more into your super conscious mind you are very creative in all areas of your life always tapping more and more into your super conscious mind you are very creative in all areas of your life always tapping more and more into your super conscious mind you are very creative in all areas of your life always tapping more and more into your super conscious mind you are very creative in all areas of your life always tapping more and more into your super conscious mind you have an excellent memory and you easily recall names numbers and information you have an excellent memory and you easily recall names numbers and information you have an excellent memory and you easily recall names numbers and information you have an excellent memory and you easily recall names numbers and information you have an excellent memory and you easily recall names numbers and information you are a total winner and you are completely successful at everything you undertake to do you are a total winner and are completely successful at everything you undertake to do you are a total winner and you are completely successful at everything you undertake to do you are a total winner and you are completely successful at everything you undertake to do you are a total winner and you are completely successful at everything you undertake to do now as I count back towards zero you will slowly return to full alertness let the tensions of the day leave you do not need them and when I reach the count of zero you will be alert fully rested and you will feel wonderful both physically and mentally 19 18 17 16 fifteen you have let your tensions flow away as you return to full alertness you maintain a very relaxed attitude without tension [Music] 14:13 well [Music] 11:10 you are slowly returning to full alertness nine eight seven [Music] six now as I count from five to zero you will have a wonderful feeling of well-being you will feel energy flowing through and through you and when I reach zero your eyes will open you will be smiling and happy you will feel wonderful all of your tensions all of the pressures of the day have gone you will feel wonderfully energetic and ready to meet any challenge five four three [Music] two-one-zero are very alert and feeling wonderful stand up and stretch or move around [Music] so how was that we have copies of this for you for each of you to take home so you could do you can listen to this anytime you like it just gradually reprograms your mind in a very positive very relaxed way and as you notice you're completely alert there's no subliminal message you can hear every single word clearly and it just sort of like the words just flow into your mind on the on the river of music and we are now done for the day thank you very much that's it so we're all going to meet out here in the public area sort of as a reception gathering beside you're at 8:30 sharp tomorrow morning and tomorrow we have a wonderful day planned for you that tomorrow will build on today today we sort of laid the foundation tomorrow we start to build thank you have a wonderful evening [Applause]
Channel: Road To Success
Views: 31,679
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, inspiration, success, training, Success, wealthy, dreams, goals, achieving, moivation. Life, true, purpose, want, successful, seminar, power, personal, inspiring, manifest, manifestation Consistency, consistent., whatever, it, takes, motivational, inspirational, meaning. Becoming, what, you, psychology, brian tracy, psychology of achievement, Releasing your break, gola settings, rapid learning, rapid learning techniques, rapid learning cycles, learning, how to
Id: Kjez1x8blYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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