How to become an achiever ? - Brian Tracy

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hello achievers today I am with a new awesome guest I'm sure you know him he he's eating frogs and he's one of the most famous author on speaker in the world he's brian tracy is with me just next to this pool you will discover him if you don't know him and he is awesome hello Brian hello David how are you today we knew a California eye shadow a lot like California usually what ambien mercy was its big Spanish also right yes you have a lot of expertise and before to ask you some questions about what you what you do now I would love to know your story your journey and how did you became one of the most incredible awesome leader in this this one how did you start it well it's very simple I started off from a poor family with no education and I began asking why is it that some people are more successful than others and I began to ask other people and to read and to study and I spent my whole life researching the answer to that question why are some people more successful and what we find is that there are specific reasons and if you do what other successful people do you get the same results and if you don't you don't and so you can start from anywhere any background any nationality but if you do what other successful people do like physical fitness or mental fitness you can soon get the same results great do you have a a moment where your life's changed did you have a moment what when when you decide to to follow this advice is the turning point for me that moment was when I was struggling in sales and I went to a top salesperson and I said why are you earning ten times as much as me the greatest and he said well he said show me your sales method and I will give you some advice I said I don't have a sales method he said well that's your problem he said selling is a science it's like cooking with a dish in the kitchen over the recipe there's a formula to it if you follow the formula you make sales and it has several parts and if you don't you don't make sales except by luck well well that was the turning point in my life and this was what I learned is that you can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set for yourself and I teach that and I've taught that for more than thirty years you can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you can set if you want to become healthy or wealthy or raise happy children or build a successful business you can learn how which means there are no limits and that was the big turning point in my life and did you add some type some struggles are you sure you had that I would love to that my audience listened to the successful people are not so low-key and had struggles and can you share me one of your struggles and how you overcame it well from a very early age I have been very persistent and that's really the most important quality because every successful person fails over and over again you lose time you lose money you take bad jobs you make bad investments you start businesses that don't work or you produce products that don't sell so I have never thought about failure and what I learned later was that successful people don't think about failure if you say what was your failures they do not have an answer for you because they can't think of having a failure just load successful people have learning experiences painful learning experiences expensive learning experiences but I can't think of ever having failed I've only had interesting learning experiences and if you learn from each experience you get smarter and smarter and it's part of the process of Education of learning what you need to learn is it is impossible to succeed without failing first and usually without failing many times and what what could be one of the most painful learning you hadn't knew at the beginning of your journey well you always have to say in what category are you talking about relational health yeah well let's talk about money in business the biggest mistake I made was producing products or services that did not sell or producing products and services and not focusing enough energy on selling them nine out of ten mistakes that companies make is they produce a product or service that is not right for the market and as a result they lose a lot of time and money so one of the things we know today is that if you have an idea for a product or service before you start to spend time and money you go to a customer and you say I have this idea for this product or service would you buy it at this price and find out get a customer's opinion immediately and that will tell you yes or no and that's what Steve Jobs did and that's what mom Bill Gates did that's what all the successful business people do is they immediately ask their customers before they invest time and money so at least the times when we did the same thing yes before to write a book now with with books what I would do is I would create seminars and I would give seminars to public audiences I have spoken to more than five million people and I'm caught I read about three hours each day well sometimes more but an average of three hours each day for 50 years let the books a lot I saw that the books in your house well I have written 60 books this year I am publishing eight books eight books this year alone but I write four or five books each year all different different subjects and I can write a book from my memory because I have spent so many hundreds and thousands of hours reading and researching and teaching so then I think that would make a good book and I will sit down and I will outline the book I have a system and then I will submit the proposal to publishers I would say I have an idea for this book if I write this book would you be interested in publishing this book and if no one says no if no one if no one says yes then I won't pop I won't write it but sometimes they'll say yes that is a good subject and so I'll write the book and they will publish it and it will be published worldwide I have in my mind I have three or four book ideas and every one of them would be will be published and worldwide I will write the book and it will next year it will be worldwide great I love that yeah I would love to know you have a birth a book called maximum achievement yes and I love this title and but what is the what are the keys to what are the keys of maximum achievement well the book is probably the best book ever written that covers the the entire subject of personal success it basically starts off with yourself is your level of self-esteem which translates into your level of self confidence is the starting point of success if you like and respect yourself you will set big goals for yourself and if you like and respect yourself you will persist longer and you will eventually succeed and so how you feel your emotions about yourself is the starting point and the most important part of success and so the the goal of children a goal of parents is to raise children with high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem your goal as an adult is to build your own self-esteem your own mental fitness like physical fitness requires physical exercise mental fitness feeling very positive about yourself and your life requires mental exercise now what I discovered which was one of the most important things of all is that self-esteem the other side of self-esteem is called self-efficacy which is a word that means that you are good at what you do so therefore when you work to become better in your field whatever you're doing whether it's in school or in your job you feel more confident and more positive about yourself so the more you like yourself the better you become and the better you become the more you like yourself so you can actually get on to an upward spiral which brings us to your subject of success for young people the key to success is very simple I've written two books on this is you must become very good at doing something that is important and valuable to an employer you must become very good at it there are no successful people who are average and it takes a long time to become very good at something even it's to be if it's to be a gardener or an interviewer or a speaker it takes a long time to become good at it but you must be determined from the beginning to work extra hours to become very good at the work that you do if you do that every door of opportunity will open for you your self-confidence will go up people will admire you and respect you your employers will open doors for you it's the most amazing thing and yet only 10% of the population knows this 80% of the population works for a while according to research they work to become okay at their work and then they level off and years go by and they never prove they do their job just enough not to use their jaw unless of course there's a downturn in the economy and they are the first ones that are let go from their company so the top 10% however are constantly improving lifelong improvement learning new things and becoming better if you do that you own the future and if you don't do that you're always a victim of rapid change so you build your self-esteem your self-confidence and you do the 10% more than the people do improving every day no I say you you try to join the top 10% of people who are constantly improving yeah they never stop learning okay so we say leaders are readers the leaders in every field are constantly reading and learning more about their field but the natural tendency is for people to work and then level off and never improve 80% of the population never improves yeah it's amazing yes and they don't understand because they're surrounded by people who are not improving either and they think well this must be the way the world is and so they feel out of control of their lives they cannot earn more money 80% of the population has no extra money they the amount that they earn they spend to live so they have no savings they have no security because they don't earn enough they only they're always paid only the minimum but it's the top 20% of people are paid more and more and more well you say that the first step is to develop self esteem and self confidence yes how to develop self confidence and self esteem well as I said before one of the keys is to become very good at what you do so but what I teach is the importance of goal setting setting very clear goals or big teeth and making plans to achieve the goals and then working on those goals each day because when you are working toward a goal your self-confidence is up your energy goes up you actually become more intelligent you have more self-esteem and self-confidence so this feeling of forward movement is one of the most important success secrets in the world successful people are always moving toward something important to them and the feeling of movement makes them happy it releases endorphins in your brain which cause you to be more creative more positive stronger more powerful so the first step to build self-confidence is to set a goal set goals take actions to go and keep work every day toward the achievement of your most important goals great and some people have fears to take actions for example and they they to write their goals but they don't take action so according to you why and how to help them to to take actions well there's no easy answer yeah most most people the bottom 80% are lazy and it's something that it's not polite to talk about that most people are lazy and they're looking for an easy way they're looking for a shortcut to be successful and there are not there aren't any but if you do something repeatedly over and over you develop a habit so most people are in the habit of looking for easy ways to get the things they want and they're surrounded by people who think the same way you know as much as 95% of your thinking is determined by the people that you associate with on a regular basis if you associate with people who don't do don't work hard don't learn socialize after work then you become like them you think like them you talk like them you dress like them you marry them and so you're married to someone who also has no ambition and you raise children and your children have no ambition just go to work and complain about your work but top people associate with other top people there is what you heard about the law of attraction and the law of attraction says that if you change the way you think you start to attract new people into your life if you become aggressive about personal development and personal growth you start to meet other people who think the same way and the old groups of people that you associated with fall away and the new group of people appears so people say well where do I find positive people who are thinking about success all the time mmm first you become one and then you will naturally attract it okay it's great answer I would love to know your point of view because I there is a lot of amazing books like like yours like Napoleon Hill books and limited power and there is a lot of seminars also and I I would like to understand why some people have the books follows the seminars have the keys I've every seen to succeed and continue to struggles and don't succeed because they don't apply them they do not practice the things that they learn and a success is is very simple if you have a clear goal and I teach this be clear about the most important goal in your life the goal that could help you the most if you achieved it when you're young it's usually a financial goal but it may be a health goal or business goal a relationship goal but be clear about your most important goal and then make a plan to achieve it and then do something at least one thing each day that moves you one step closer to your most important goal maybe is smooth things yes you do it's just a small step and the the best is to do it first thing each morning start your day by doing something that moves you toward your most important goal now the second thing I say is that in order to achieve a business goal you have to become excellent at something and it's usually not very much there's usually two about two or three skills that you need to be at the top in your field in any field and so you ask yourself if I was excellent in one skill what skill would help me the most to achieve my most important yeah it's great and so you said that is a goal as well so now you have the two the goal and the skill which are like a railroad car they're locked together is as you work to become better in that skill you start to achieve your goal faster yeah as you achieve your goal faster and you become better your self-confidence goes up your self-esteem goes up you become internally motivated and driven to do more now the biggest enemy of success I would say there's probably three enemies of success yeah the first big enemy is the comfort zone is like you've come all the way from putti to San Diego and gotten in touch with Denis Waitley and me and other people well that's a very big thing because we are very busy we don't usually do interviews because we simply do not have the time but you wrote to us you followed up you are very aggressive you are very polite and Denis recognized as I recognize that you are a special kind of person and so therefore we made time for you we charge a lot for our time people that ideas a lot for our time so we make time for you because you had a very clear goal and you knew what you needed to do and you began to take the steps day by day and what you have been able to achieve interviewing these people and myself is very good very admirable but it wasn't by accident and it wasn't because it was easy no ok well attorneys and and then you did your planning and you came here and you got organized and so you've done a wonderful job it means that you have a lot of great success qualities and but the comfort zone is where people become comfortable doing what they're doing and they don't like to change so there's tremendous resistance to change in our 80% of the population finds reasons not to change even if the change can be positive or beneficial the second thing that holds people back is what is called learned helplessness this is where people feel I can't do it I cannot make a change because of the economy because of the world because of my company because of my childhood they are always thinking about excuses or reasons why they cannot change why they cannot do something new or different and the third enemy is what we call the path of least resistance which is always looking for an easy way to achieve a result but nothing worthwhile can be achieved easily everything worthwhile requires a long period of hard work with many failures along the way I can guarantee that many people who you asked for interviews told you no they did not have time they were too busy they were not in town or they weren't interested or many of them did not even reply yes they sent them emails they did not even reply well so what do you do do you become discouraged you quit no you just persist it just persist and then someone says yes and someone else says yes I'll tell you a quick story yeah I love stories I I've written books on time management yeah and my books on time management are some of the best-selling in the world in 42 languages very successful anyway about five years ago I got a letter from a woman and she was writing a book on time management and she said would I write a testimonial for her for her book and I said of course I'd read her book the read the manuscript good ideas of course I will help so I wrote a nice testimonial and she wrote back I said thank you very much I was so happy to receive it and I did not hear from her for about three or four years and then she wrote back to me and she told me her story she had spent five years teaching time management and then writing this book and then trying to get the book published and she had an agent and she went to every publisher and they all said no no no no and she had decided to give up and then she received my testimonial in the mail saying this is a really good book you should read this so she took this to her agent her literary agent who took it to the publisher and the publisher said if Brian Tracy says it's a good book I will publish it she published the book it became a top seller changed her life completely she's now written three other books that have been published because the first book was successful she said I was that fair the day that I received your testimonial I was going to quit because I had tried for so long and was unsuccessful and I received that it turned might change my life I love these things you never know how one act of persistence can be what breaks through you never know which one it will be so you find successful people just always persist because it could be just one more just one more meet the next step yes I love this idea yes I love that you have a book and I love this this is this title you are crazy to do that it's eat the frogs and I have the I would like to talk about that but before I would like to know when you have ceased at all in mind it's a crazy title and it's not easy to understand what you mean when you just have the title and did you have some depth about this title now actually this title was it came from my reading and it came from a story which is explained in the book from about 1884 where Mark Twain said if the first thing you do in the morning is you eat a live frog you have the satisfaction of knowing that that's the worst thing that can happen to you all day long is eating a live frog well the live frog is your biggest and most important task and if you start every day by doing your biggest and most important tasks completely then you start your day off with tremendous energy and all day long you will be more productive all day long your mind will be sharp you'll have more energy so my book is called 21 great ways to stop procrastinating and get more things done faster anyway eat the frog was a chapter in my book which is which is called like time management or double your productivity and I said it to the publishers and the publishers went through it and they said this title would be the perfect title for the book if you could make this the title and then run the idea of eating the Frog through the book and we'll publish it it became the best-selling book in the history of this publishing company the best-selling time management book in the world now all over the world and it literally changes people's lives forever it was just that one idea is pick your most important tasks like your most important goal that you work on each day pick your most important tasks and complete it first thing in the morning yeah I love that because it is a metaphor and you you can't not remind not to remember that and so do you suggest to maybe to write a book with a kind of metaphor well it's interesting I have a friend who teaches a three hour course on title selection when he breaks students live in a room and also online and he will spend three hours with them just working on title selection because his philosophy and he's a very successful author is that the title is the key it's the hook that makes the book sell and so people will spend three hours going through and asking questions what would be the best title they say you cannot tell a book by its cover but the title of a book will often get you a publishing agreement if the title is strong enough so for example I wrote another book last year called kiss that frog and eat that frog is time management kiss that frog means dealing with negative events in a positive and constructive way because the big greatest single obstacle to success and happiness in life is negative emotions negative experiences that a person continues to think about so how do you stop thinking about negative experiences kiss that frog is 12 ways to overcome negatives and become completely positive it's very powerful yeah and so it comes from the the fairy tale of the princess in the woods who kisses the Frog who turns into a handsome prince so that's the metaphor is that sometimes your worst experiences can be the handsome prince that changes your life if you can learn from those experiences mmm it's great I love that yeah I would like to have your point of view about you have children and you have grandchildren yes imagine that we this video will be will be watch by your grandchildren what could be the life lessons you would like to share to them if they're if they are 18 years old and imagine that you are speaking to them what could be the life lessons you would like to share to them with your huge experience well one of the greatest obstacles to success is self-doubt if we doubt ourselves we think maybe I'm not smart enough or maybe I'm not bold enough or experienced enough or educated enough and so self-doubt holds people back now the reverse of self-doubt is self-confidence so what I tell my children and my grandchildren is first of all you have unlimited abilities you can do anything you can learn anything you need to learn you can achieve any goal you can set for yourself but I also say you are a thoroughly good person you are a very good person and you must never doubt yourself no matter how many problems you have in life hold on to that so my four children were here this weekend because it's Father's Day and they wrote me little cards and every one of the little cards they wrote said thank you for always telling me how good I was and always believing in me and always reminding me how excellent I was as a person and all four of them are positive and happy as Jelgava now they have children and they're doing the same things to their children and they're raising their children so their children are full of self confidence is really great always tell your children that you are really good children and always tell yourself that you are a very good person and you are saying something very interesting because you are that's unlacing oh it's good what you are doing but you are yes you are so you are a thoroughly good person one of my goal is to build one year school for students for students between 18 years old and 20 years old because I was shy and I was alive I had a lack of self-confidence and let's consider we build the program together yes in this one year I would like to give them or to help them to have the foundation of the happiness and success yes what you should do in this one year to help student to help choose to grow and have the foundation to become not only successful than with money but successful in every field well it's interesting in psychology there is an expression called a sense of control and people are happy when they feel they're in control of their lives and people are unhappy when they feel they're out of control or controlled by other circumstances so if I was to teach a course and I have designed this in my mind many times I would call it success 101 a one year course on success the starting point would be to teach people to set goals setting goals is the master skill of success because from it everything else is possible and they can be personal goals financial goals but teach them how to set goals and we have I know you don't have written books on the subject and I have courses so learn how to set goals first day what are your goals for this week this month this year five years where do you want to be in 10 years you can change as you get new information but start off with an idea of where you're going and then make plans to achieve the goals and then organize the plans and this is all in my system my goal-setting system now each day you plan your day in advance and you use your time and you work on achieving the goals that are important to you you set priorities and you do things of high value rather than things of low value you see when you're doing things of high value things that are moving you towards something that you want you feel happy when you're doing things of low value or no value you feel angry and so you find much negativity comes from not being productive people feel that they're just not using themselves very well another thing that I would teach people has to do with self-confidence and I have what is called a speaking Academy where I will take 12 people every three months and I will teach them in in 3 days how to speak how to give a talk how to take any subject design a talk and get up and give an effective talk short or long and we use video cameras well play it back and we have a system and it's amazing because people come in at one level mentally and they go out at this level in terms of self confidence they are unbelievable they can be shaking or nervous at the beginning of this three-day program at the end of the three-day program they are amazing they have so much confidence and three months later when you meet them they're still the same they've actually like a chick coming out of an egg that breaks out of the egg and becomes a bird well they actually break out to a new level and they never go back so one of the things that young people should be taught is how to speak in front of others and the way that you do that is you just have them speak over and over to other people and get feedback unless you're the Yeti yes every every once a week maybe twice a week you have a speeding class and they prepare and they give their talk it has an opening and development and a close it can be one minute or it could be three minutes or five minutes or longer but they get into the habit of standing up and speaking on a subject and what happens is like the chick coming out of the egg all of their self-doubt disappears and what is left is self-confidence and it this spreads into every part of their lives the other thing that I would teach is selling the ability to sell then you'll said if instead of UI well learn how to sell yourself but learn how to sell a product or service you see the ability to sell gives you tremendous confidence and it opens every door for you and everybody is in sales of some kind you have live on they do it they have the sales people who sell a product or service but you also have businesspeople lawyers doctors parents who are persuading so selling is basically the the profession of persuasion where you persuade people to do things in a very positive way and it is an art it's very much like cooking in the kitchen is just because you have all the right ingredients in the kitchen does not mean that you can cook so it's learning how to sell and I teach this a lifetime I try to read buckles though I've several books and I have taken people who are starting at the bottom and they've become rich because they learned how to sell and the more they sold the more confident they become and the more persuasive they were the more affected they were the higher was their self-confidence the higher their self-esteem and today my friends who own 10 and 12 companies who at one time could not sell anything and I taught them how to sell and today they're they're rich and powerful and famous the ability to sell to persuade is so important for success so if you combine goals and time management and continuous improvement along with learning how to speak and learning how to sell which go together in one year you can take a person and transform them into a very positive confident successful for the rest of their lives yeah and if they do is that at the age of 18 it's a great gift oh it's wonderful yeah thank you very much you have awesome answers and it's great it is one of my favorite project and it will make a difference in the life of people and I will do that and thank you very much so Brian I have a serious questions for you and I would love to help people to become losers and I come to you to have advice to to do that we have some tips to become another absolutely first of all only do the very minimum at your work and never offer to do anything more if you just do the minimum come to work at the last minute and leave at the first minute and waste as much time as possible during the day talking to your friends that's the first way I do personal business on your cell phone and telephone and computer just waste as much time as possible second of all don't have any goals for the future limit because it because if you have no goals then you have no direction hmm and you have no future and you'll always have to do what other people with goals tell you to do so you'll always be a lower person taking orders from people who have goals well the third thing that you can do to be a loser is be very poor at your work and never improve do only the amount necessary not to be fired and never become known as being good at your work so always be one of the lowest level contributors to your work another is complain about your boss oh and your company yeah and your coworkers all the time and the society is always complaining about how they're no good and how they're holding you back and how the reason you're not successful is because of politics and personalities another would be to not manage your time well oh it's never do anything of value is never plan your days just do whatever happens during the day one of the very best ways to be a loser is to be critical Oh criticism of your self but especially criticism of others is the fastest way to destroy human relationships so you will never have any good friends you'll never have good relationships if you have children your children will never be happy your spouse will never be happy and nobody will like you it's great yes so those are some really really good ways to be a loser yeah I think you have a lot of advice so you have to write a book it's a great question thank you very much remember I will apply that a more serious questions because I want to the people they listen your your expertise about that what could be the main things we have to keep in mind to be a good seller well the most important thing is to think about what the other person needs what the other person wants and needs it's interesting when you study the mindset of successful business people they are focused on the customer and and how can they help the customer improve their life with their product or service is they they believe in the goodness of their product or service whether they're selling vitamins or cell phones or home furnishings they believe that these are good products and that if you have them your life will be better and they used the products themselves and they would sell them to their mother or their father and so they're always thinking how can I help you to improve your life in some way now because everyone is skeptical and because the average person in France or the u.s. receives 3,000 to 5,000 commercial messages advertisements of some kind each day everywhere people are skeptical so you have to break through that skepticism and the way you do that is you think what is it that my potential customer really needs and wants to improve their life what are the problems that they have that my product can solve what are the needs that they have that my product can satisfy what are the goals that they have that my product can help them to achieve and then you say to them if you have this problem or need my product or service is something you should look at and let me explain to you why it can help you that's how you sell you sell by teaching by finding people who can benefit from your product or service far more than the cost and then you teach them how your product or service can help them to improve their life mmm right it's short I curate I love that about public speaking what are the main things you learn with your huge experience about public speaking I am a speaker in France and I will become a speaker in English also it is one of my goal I will do it in one month or six months I don't know I but what I'll what what could be the best advice you could give me to become one of the best speaker in the United States well first of all speaking is a craft it's like carpentry or surgery there are this process and system to it and I've studied this system and taught this system for more than 30 years and so study the subject read books on how to speak and listen to audio programs on how to speak and then practice and practice and practice the key to public speaking is to connect with your audience and realize that it's not about you it is about your audience and so you have to ask who is my audience I do about 80 to 100 speeches each year anywhere from one hour to three days and so for my first question is who is going to be in the audience what is their work what is their income what is their education what is their family status what are their hopes what are their goals what are their dreams because you want to like a plug connect with how the audience is thinking and feeling when you open a speech and I I teach this but when you open a speech you always open it by making a statement that tells people that this is the right place for them to be so for example when I speak to sales audiences I'll say that top sales people earn far more on average than average sales people and sometimes one additional skill can help you to dramatically increase your income how many people here would like to double their income raise your hand raise your hand everybody in the room raises their hand I said good then if you will listen to me I will give you several proven ways in the course of today to double your income the guaranteed to work they cost nothing and they have been proven by thousands and thousands of other people would that be a good use of our time today if I were to give you several ways to double your income everybody says yes I said put them that's begin that's how you begin a one-day sales seminar and I have their complete attention all day and then everything that I teach I say now here's the starting point and I show that this is the starting point this is the next stage these are the things that you can do at each stage to dramatically increase your effectiveness to get better appointments to make better relationships to understand the customer situation better to make better presentations and use your time better and so on so I keep linking back into increasing your sales and increasing your personal income and this will help you and this will help you and this will help you and at the end of the day I almost always get standing ovations from after seven hours of speaking standing ovations and they're not cheering me they're cheering themselves they're applauding for themselves because wow they say I can use these ideas I am happy and make it they are eager to go out and use these ideas so when in my speaking Academy I teach people how to do a 3-minute talk well and a three-minute talk has a very simple formula you open with a strong statement grabs people's attention a question a question or a statement you could say for instance sometimes I will say 20% of I'm speaking to business owners in one of my business programs 20% of businesses in every industry earn 80 percent of the profits in that industry every business starts at the bottom and then some businesses do certain things that get them into the top 20% what I like to do is show you how your business can be in the top 20% of profit earners in your industry would that be a good goal for today yeah absolutely and if you're in the top 20% then I'll show you how to get into the top 10% of the top 5% using methods and techniques that have been used by tens of thousands of businesses worldwide the guaranteed to work is like two and two is four if you do this and this you get this result so let's begin so that's how I would start a two or three day seminar now everybody knows the theme of the seminar and they know that everything that we teach is linking back to the getting into the top 20% of business profitability because business owners are concerned about profitability that is the major focus of a business owner and it's the same with you and i we're both business owners we think is how can I take my ideas my services and make them profitable because we want to have a good life with once we eat nice foods and wear nice clothes driving a nice car we want to help other people but we don't want to starve at the same time we we say we want to do well by doing good we want to do well for ourselves by doing good for others and so the second part is then you tell your own story I didn't know this is what I would say when I started my first business I didn't know any of the things I'm going to teach you today and you know what I'm almost went bankrupt I lost my house I lost my car I lost all my money because I had no idea how hard it was to start a business I thought it's a very easy thing so everything that I'm going to teach you is st. things that I have learned and sometimes I will spend more time talking about I tried different forms of sales advertising products people money loans every mistake that you could possibly make and everybody in the room is going mmm you know he knows me yeah they've all done the same thing and then and then you shift and in a short talk this all can be done in three minutes three to five minutes in the short talk you say there's three key points I want to share with you now and and these if you will follow these three key steps you will be able to start moving your business into the top 20% and then you can kaboom kaboom and develop the three points and then you close and you say these three points will only work if you work they will get you results if you will apply them over and over again so promise me that when you leave here today you'll take the first action and try it whichever one of these points you think can help you the most promise just on your talk in three minutes it's great you
Channel: David Laroche World
Views: 395,949
Rating: 4.850678 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Tracy interview, determination, education, famous authors and speakers in the world, France, goals, How to become an achiever ?, influence, leaders, learning, marketing, mindset issues, Persevrence, self confidence, self-esteem, selling, societal issue, Success enemies, successful, to become an achiever, to help people, to learn, Writting
Id: m72OVO_9lYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2016
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