🌟 BRIAN TRACY: Master Your Time, Master Your Life! | Time Management Guru | Author of Eat That Frog

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back on michael sandler your host on inspire nation if you've ever wanted more success happiness and fulfillment in your life then we have the master time master your life show for you today I'll be talking with one of my first guiding lights and mentors in my life though he has no idea that's the case Brian Tracy motivational speaker and the best-selling author of over 70 books including a new favorite of mine master your time master your life and that's just what I want to talk with him about today about a breakthrough system to get more results faster in every area of your life that Plus will talk about Hawaii and Palm Springs good will and Vincent DePaul's the Phoenix seminar and the inner game of success the power of detentions the importance of clarity why you might want to take a two-night Shabbat what in the world is psycho neuromotor activity the super conscious mind and why if you don't straighten up you'll end up like Tracy gotcha so welcome to the show Brian are you ready to shine yes let's go woohoo so before we dive right into things I've just I've got to ask just how many Prem president and prime ministers have you had dinner with probably three or four over the years fantastic and if we go back in time if we go way on back can you tell us were you a model student growing up absolutely not I was kicked out of school several times and I left school without gret high school without graduating and work washing dishes so and what was your parents mantra around money while you were growing up we can't afford it we can't afford anything so then as you are a child before you got kicked out of schools and I guess you are having a record number of detentions at this point absolutely it sounds like around 16 you had a revelation that if you wanted to change things you needed to do what well well but the age of 17 or 18 I realized if I wanted to change things I had to change myself and then age of 20 I had probably my greatest turning point when I realized that I was completely responsible for my own life and I found that every single successful person starts to be successful after that point they realized I'm responsible this is my life nobody's coming to the rescue and until that they're blaming others and they make excuses and they hold back and they complain and they criticize but after you decide to accept responsibility your whole life changes so you were a construction laborer if I understand at the time and then how did you decide to go from there and say I'm getting into sales well what happened was I worked at laboring jobs for several years and then I could no longer find a laboring job and I had to eat and Edie is a real motivation yeah the only thing I could get was a straight Commission sales job knocking on doors so I took it and ran with it and that was the turning point I never went back to laboring and there was somebody I guess who introduced you to the Pareto concept or the Pareto principle at that time and I think you ran with that as well well a friend of mine in selling said did you know that the top 20% of sales people earn 80% of the money and I said I'd never heard that before he said oh yeah it's pretty common principle in sales and I said well if that's the case then I want to be in the top 20% and as you said I'm going to write a new book next year so it's gonna be called turning points but as I look back in my life I find that there were many large and small turning points and one of them was that because I found then that if you commit to getting you to the top 20% and you just keep working at it there's nothing that can stop you from achieving it but if you don't commit to getting you to the top 20% you automatically default to average and you'll never accomplish anything in life and so I began studying this I've read 6,000 books you can see all these folks behind me this is a fraction of the books in my home and I read most of them but what we find is that every successful person is successful because they make a decision to be very excellent at what they do and they work at it sometimes for years before they achieve that you've heard of the the 10,000 hour principle that was identified by pairs Anders and Anders at Ericsson actually that was discussed 25 years ago the Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book on it and everybody runs around whoo it's been out for 25-30 years this research says it basically it takes months five to seven years of hard work and about five to seven thousand hours to become excellent in your field you know it's interesting because I would say this to my sales audiences and I would say now most of you are thinking geez I'm 30 years old I'd have to be 37 to be at the top of my field so I would ask this question I said well how much older are you going to be in seven years anyway and the answer is the time is going to pass is 7 years from now you'll be 7 years older the only question is will you be average mediocre worried about money every single morning when you get up and all day long are you going to be at the top of your field living in a big house in the hills with beautiful cars and your kids in private schools and the decision is 100% up to you because anybody can get into the top 20% if they decide to whatever so that was the turning point for me I decided to get into the top 20% and then I looked up and I found there were no barriers it was an open field there's nobody stopping you so I say to my audience as I said there's only one person who can stop you from being in the top 20% now who would that be and the whole audience gets it instantly they point to themselves it would be me that's right so don't let yourself hold yourself back anyway so that was a turning point for me I'm you know we may use that as a theme today because I think that's so important it's a topic I've been talking about a lot on the show lately which is that things always happen with the decision you you can want something all you want but until you actually make that decision with action stepping forward nothing changes yes and that's a very important point is it your life just goes on by momentum or inertia Sir Isaac Newton's law of inertia is a body and motions it stands to remain in motion in the same direction unless acted upon by an outside force human beings continue to do the same thing indefinitely unless acted upon by a decision is they make a decision that the thing I called like a bump car in the in the Serkis like a bump car that make it easy to go in a different direction and until that happens nothing happens so you're right on the mark there so going along those lines with that bump car what is the importance then of having clarity well the I would say it's a clarity is probably 95% of success I teach it almost like a fundamental religion and you start off by asking being clear who are you I mean what are your strengths what are your weaknesses and then what do you want to accomplish with your life and so we start off with real simple questions like if you had no limitations if you had all the money and time that you needed if you had all the opportunities and contacts is what would you ideally want to accomplish in your life and so then we take people through it goal setting exercise which is that exactly the first chapter in the book master your time master your life because until you're absolutely clear about where you want to end up then as they say if you don't know where you're going any road will take you there now there was a wonderful book written back in the 90s called on strategic planning it was the top book for business it was called competing for the future and what they said is that to be successful you have to identify the skills that you're going to have to have to be at the top sometime in the future because you cannot achieve anything more than you're achieving today at your current level of skills and knowledge so you have to decide it and then once you are and then you have to decide your goals and what they said was this is what you're absolutely clear about your future vision and your current decision making is very easy very easy to make decisions in the moment if you're crystal clear about where you want to be in 3 to 5 years and how you do that you just make sure that everything that you're doing today is consistent with where you want to be in the future and I teach this to people and they just sit there shaking their heads and they said it's it that is so simple one of the things that one of the no exercise I do I say how many people here would like to double their income and everybody raises their hand I say well I know several different ways to double your income that are absolutely guaranteed but let me just give you one to start off with before the seminar I say imagine that you have two types of activities that you engage in each day and we call these a activities and B activities in two different categories a activities are those activities that move you toward the goals that are most important to you those are the most important things that you do every minute of every day B activities are activities that not only do not move you towards your goals in many cases they move you away they are basically distractions or wastes of time they're the the they chatting with your friends and checking your email and all these things that are totally valueless activities so here you have these two categories you want to double your income do only a activities and don't do B activities and do them all day long and if you'll do that and develop the habit of doing that you'll double your productivity your performance your output your income and your rate of promotion and it's absolutely guaranteed and I know because I've taught it all over the world and when I go back people come up to me and say you told me that idea you're here you're ago I'm learning three times more today than I ever thought I would earn in my life I can't believe it I just don't do anything it's not moving me toward a financial goal and and whatever you do repeatedly eventually becomes a habit so you get up in the morning you plan your day and you start on your most important task and you stay at it till it's done and then you do the next important task you stay at that till it's done if all you did was three important tasks each day you'd be one of the highest performing and highest paid people in your field whatever your field is I have things I put on my note on my book of intentions daily and in my my daily to-do is it's called an SMP a single-minded purpose wonderful and I want a single-minded purpose for the day but if I have to no more than three single-minded purposes you're Tom you're second and if you need to go for the third so so let's go from there what is the the importance of putting our goals in writing and how clear do we want to be well you asked earlier about a cyclone your own motor activity yes which is is a highfalutin word but it means it there's three there's there's three learning modalities that a person has there's visual there's auditory and there's kinesthetic and when you write down a goal you activate your visual because you see it you activate your auditory because you actually sub vocalize it when you write it down and it's kinesthetic so you're doing it physically as a result of all three of the is this gold dropped straight into your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind accepts it as a command and then begins working on it 24 hours a day and I I've worked with people that have been absolutely astonished they've heard about writing down goals for years and they've never done I said just write it down I mean there's seven days I promise you your life will change and some people come up to me before the end of the seminar you won't believe I had one recently she had this one goal that's all she wanted she wanted her son transferred from a distant University to a nearby University so he could be closer to home and she had contacted the registrar she had called people she had done everything and there was all too many technicalities and he was already enrolled and everything else and so she wrote it down what in the seminar as a goal and while she was in the seminar less than 30 minutes later the Registrar of the distant University phoned her in the seminar and said we've managed to put the transfer through and your son will be transferred next week and she said I can't believe it she said in less than 30 minutes this excited to start from a distant University in a distant City phones are in the seminar and fulfills her gold exactly the way she wrote it down I said yes and see it works it works all the time people are shocked until they do it I mean even when you and I do it let me write it down and we make a plan and there's suddenly we realize the gold we say damn you screws this is amazing stop this review work we've even are shocked ourselves and let how many times it works for us so from there just it may sound silly well I think it's really important I'd love your take on it I have right here a physical notepad that is because while I type to write my books and stuff what I want to put I call it throwing a joke casting a large stone into the pond of the universe I want it in physical writing nice blue no I love it this something like this will make you rich people don't understand it all you need okay you know I read this one wonderful one-liner thirty years ago it said get yourself a ten set pen tense and pencil and our notebook and begin to begin writing down some million dollar goals and I thought that's really simple all you need is a little pad of paper and a pen and just write down your goals and what happens is it's like planting seeds like a farmer the the nature and sunshine water rain the soil the nutrients will grow them will grow the seed you don't grow the seed you plant the seed and planting the seed is when you write it down physically as we just talked about and it's planted and then you get on with the rest of your life as now it starts to work it starts to grow and some plants or seeds like grass can grow overnight you could plant plant grass the next morning you see green Chinese bamboo tape takes five years so some really big goals take much longer to accomplish but they are continued to grow and all the powers of nature are working on the goals the law of attraction is activated you start to attract ideas and insights and people resources and money it's the most astonishing thing but only 3% of adults will write down their goals I could even I can talk to them like this that's what I used to do in my coaching programs is my business owners is that the beginning of the first day we have would you work with me one day in every 90 days for four eight hours I would hand out I look like this I say I want to introduce you now to your new best friend and then I would teach them now to first of all determine their goals and then second of all simply to rewrite their goals every morning in the present tense without referring back to the previous page so you have to write them from memory you can't just copy like a child's copy book you write down your goals from memory and what happens is your goal definition changes and your order of priority changes and new goals pop up and other goals drop off Jesse they do this for 31 days people come back to me and said that exercise gave me more success than three years of coaching at twenty-five thousand dollars a year I made more money in the last 90 days with that simple exercise and anything I've ever done I said of course it's like a miracle write down your ten calls every day I learned that 34 years ago and started doing it and never stopped do you ask them to or maybe another exercise of yours to link an emotion of feeling a a state with that with each one of their goals you can do that but it's not necessary because if it's if it's a goal there's an automatic state of anticipation or hope or expectation and I know all of the psycho neuro linguistic exercises and they're all very good to link your goal visual a link a visual picture and so on but the very minimum just write it down and all the other things will take place you know if you write down a goal to earn a lot of money you the first thing you think of is how you will spend the money how you'll improve your quality of your life but you clue your lifestyle where you live the car you drive and and so on so and then those pictures in your mind activate emotions they activate excitement anticipation they stimulate your creativity they attract people and circumstances in your life but the main thing is just get it written down on paper beautiful so from there we'll jump forward in your book just a little bit and maybe you can tell us the importance of the three words clarity focus and concentration yep well it clarity is my favorite word and it has been ever since I began and and if you write something down by the way that automatically makes it clear and this is what every single study has found so now sometimes you weren't even clear about what you wanted so that when I work with my coaching clients with my corporate clients when I do strategic planning for billion-dollar companies first thing we do is become crystal clear about where we want to end up a week a month a year five years from now and this requires a lot of debate and what is quite funny I sit down like I did a strategic planning program two days in September in Washington DC and there's a lot of interesting parts to that since the election but anyway I had about 19 20 people and we find that almost everybody has a different idea of our strategic goals purposes focuses uses of money and so on so by the time we finish everybody's on the same page everybody has the same idea where we want to be in one year three years five years and what are our priorities and who are key people and key resources and what the cost it's quite astonishing because it's almost like though racing cars where they have nitrous oxide cylinders and they put on the nitrous oxide cylinders like in those movies they had and the car just explodes like a rocket well that's what happens in people's lives and in corporations they explode like a rocket they suddenly start to move ahead in incredible speed and sometimes they tell me jeez I had it it's almost scary the speed at which my life is changing since I began to write down their goals and I said well do you want to stop and you know I love it I love this yeah so going there let's talk about then getting things down that you need to get done and maybe you could share with us briefly the ABCDE method all right let me get me answer your previous question which I was a failed to do clarity is to be clear about the goals focus is to focus on one goal at a time like you talked about the three things focus on their most important goal if you just focus on that very often one goal is worth ten times as much as any other activity and Warren Buffett and Bill Gates said that focus is the most important quality you can develop to be successful in today's world and then the third part is concentration and I learned this decades ago this wonderful line is that concentrating single-mindedly on a particular task or achievement does not guarantee you will be successful but not concentrating absolutely guarantees you will fail and so those three and the wonderful thing about habits is you become clear about what you want to accomplish you focus single-mindedly on one thing at a time and you concentrate on that task until it's complete one two three one two three and it is astonishing as you know because your practices and I practice it I would change it yeah I just got got my 80 third book yesterday in the mail and it came from a two-day interview conversation and it's called the science of money it is how to earn or how to increase your income and become wealthy and it was with a professional interviewer with a series of professional questions and what they did is they asked me questions for two days in a studio and then they took this transcribed them turn them over to a professional writer in New York and the professional writer wrote it into a book so it's like a con session conversations with experts and I had forgotten it and it just arrived in the mail yes I got ten copies and what it does is it deals work with what is money where does money come from how is money increased how do businesses succeed what are the reasons for success and failure financing what can you do to become wealthy and so I've studied this subject for nidalee thousands of hours and so basically it was like a stream of consciousness this is exactly what you do in each of these areas so you have the interviewer asking the question which is written down and then me free-flowing yeah anyway the the the the point is this these are the keys to success is to be crystal clear about what you want focus single-mindedly and concentrate until you achieve your most important task fantastic thank you from there real briefly because we don't need to dive into the the super nitty-gritty of this everybody you're gonna want to get the book but can you tell us briefly about the ABCDE method I think this is powerful for getting a handle on our to Do's yes well many people have told me come up to me with with their eyes and face is shining in my seminars and I speak to about 250,000 people a year in about twenty to twenty-five countries a year I spoken in 82 countries I just got back from Vietnam a couple of days ago and before that I was on a fifty three day trip throughout Europe Russia Kazakhstan and the Middle East so so so I go to a lot of places want to come back a cupcake comes up to me and he says that ABCD method but that doubled my income he said I'm on my way to becoming a millionaire he said I use it every day and what it is this we say make a list of everything you have to do before you start the very act of making a list the very act of making a list on a piece of paper like this will make you rich so what I what I do is I make you make a list and then before you start to go over the list and you divide it into five categories ABCDE now an a is what it's called and must task and one of the most important words in time management or in life management or in success is the word consequences consequences so something is important if it has big potential consequences for your life something is unimportant if it has low or no consequences what is the reason for success and successful people focus on those activities that have the largest potential consequences what do unsuccessful people do they waste their time on things that have low or no consequences but and they're fun and they're easy and they're enjoyable and whatever you do consistently becomes a habit so low performing people are always doing things of low value so you say Annie attend a task is a task that you must do if you don't do this there's gonna be serious potential consequences for your boss for your banker for your bills for I mean this is important so that's an a task and you're right in a next to it and then your B tasks are B tasks that you aren't things that you should do they have mild consequences you know get back through certain emails and call your friend and and and so on you should do these but they have mild consequences and nowhere near as important it's a test C task is a task that has no consequences it's a it a you whether you do it or not do it it makes no difference at all and so you only do C tests actually you've done your a and B test you already do B test after you've done your a test now the last through ABCDE D is delegate and the rule is delegate everything you possibly can rather than doing it yourself you only have a certain amount of time and you cannot spend the time doing low value no value tasks one of the things I teach people again double your income it's very simple let me I ask a question I say in terms of your time how much do you earn and and I think how much do you know but wait a minute how much do you earn per hour I learned this from a successful multi-millionaire who when I met him had nothing and was deeply in debt and when I met him again good friend of mine I was multi-millionaire and he asked me this ask me how much do you earn and I said well I'm trying to think on a monthly annual basis you know how much do you earn per hour and that started me thinking about that and the more I look at successful people and study their biographies I find that successful people allocate their time in tighter and tighter amounts like you and I we have 40 minutes and so on so they tighter and tighter amount and really successful people allocate their time in 10 minima 10 minute amounts I called a friend of mine actually spoke to him again yesterday he's very wealthy he's worked 100 starting from knocking on doors on the street multi-tone hotels office building very smart guy anyway when I called him up a couple of years ago for an appointment so I can speak to you between 1020 and no no but you can 10:40 and 1050 on Thursday at this particular day I said jeez I said that's pretty precise he said yes he's haven't I said I have an appointment at 11 o'clock and I will be getting into my car at 10:00 my limousine which is being driven by my valet and I will have one phone call to make and I'll have a 10-minute window on this trip and then I have to get out of the car to be on time or my appointment down in downtown Manhattan and I'm sorry I called him on the second and we spoke you said let's get straight to the point because we now only have 9 minutes left and boy we did we go through a lot of stuff in nine minutes and at 10 minutes he said times up talk to you again soon and I never forgot that and this guy is rich starting with nothing because he allocates his time so tightly so then I would say - so how much do you earn and they were certainly ok let's say you earn $100,000 a year $100,000 a year divided by 2000 which is the number of hours that our entrepreneur a self-employed person earns it's $50 an hour so therefore you are in $50 an hour person if you want to double your income you have to become $100 an hour person so what are the activities so that pay you $50 an hour or more and then owes we'll talk about it then there's only three there's only three activities that pay you 50 whatever your job is that they are $50 an hour or more so then you learn the great word of time management which is the word know and you do not do anything it does not pay you your desired hourly rate if you want to earn hundred dollars an hour it's still only three things but probably the three main things you're doing now but you have to do them better and you have to do more of it and so so so so d is delegate everything that does not pay you your desired already right do not make your own coffee and do not make your own photocopies and they're not waste your time reading sports pages because there's nobody from the outside it's going to come and pay you 50 dollars an hour so you always ask but I pay somebody else 50 or $100 an hour to do what I'm doing now and if the answer is no stop doing it and finally number five ABCDE is eliminated yes most of us are doing things that we started to do at a certain time in life and they may have been important or appropriate but now there are no value at all and because of the force of habit we just keep doing them all the time you know and it's quite astonishing stop doing it just stop doing things that no longer have any value and that's Warren Buffett was asked you know that Warren Buffett started with $2,000 he's now worth 350 billion last year he made twenty four point nine billion dollars in profit started with two thousand and they asked him what is your secret to success he said my secret to success is simply said I said I say no to everything except for the two or three things that pay me the kind of money I want to earn the two or three things that I do that are most important to my business I just say no to everything no no no no no no no and and I have found and I worked on time management I mean this is my this is my recent book I'm the best selling time management author in the world this is just my most recent book I in 42 languages by the way and one of the things I learned is is just say no what if it's an honor high value use of your time don't even start it just say no can you help me move on the weekend no can you do this for me pick this up for me do that no no no no I'm sorry it's not a good use of my time thank you very much for thinking of me but why don't you find somebody who's going nowhere with their life and has lots of spare time and get them to do it but for me I simply can't afford it so I remember this one great story I love it guy comes to one of the top salesmen in the company he says do you want to go for a cup of coffee you want to go Starbucks for a cup of coffee and the guy says no he said here many pleats in his pocket he gave me a five-dollar bill he said here you go and have a cup of Starbucks on me he said well why would you do that he said it's cheaper for me to give you five dollars and send you off to have your own cup of coffee and it is no need to get up and go with you I never forgot that I mean that is so smart and these guys are the highest paid people in its business excellent and well done we'll double back in a minute here we'll get there about the importance of free time so we're not saying not to be social with people but we're saying to be very choosy and picky with our time before we get there maybe you can tell us what is our most valuable financial asset yes well that's that's my favorite theme and it is your earning ability it's your ability to earn money and your earning ability is defined as your ability to get results that people will pay you for and when 80 percent or more of people the bottom 80% have never thought of this and I think one of the biggest lapses the failures in our school system and by the way I'm starting to read articles on it which is good is that every single student should learn that the reason that they are in school is to develop talents and skills that will enable them to serve other people when they leave here and earn a good living and have a good life and pay for their bills and have a nice home and car and clothes and everything else that's why you're here listen you're not here to have an endless circle of education and so you're here to learn and develop skills so that you can be of value to other people so that you can have a good life nobody's ever taught that and so your earning ability is made up of your ability to get results and then we go right around and there's three things that you do in any job that account for 90% of your results so your job is to figure out what those three things are and then I get that so I'll go through an exercise and then I say now here's the key first of all do fewer things don't do try to do everything do only do fewer things and the fewer things you do the more you can focus on your big three the next thing is do them all day long and then a third thing is get better at each one so here's a very simple system identify your big three that account for 90% of your value is stop everything else let's just say no then work single might are they on those three all day and then concentrate on getting better continue to upgrade your skills so you become really good at those three that'll do more to increase your earning ability faster and with greater consistency than anything else you can do thank you and from there let's let's talk about skills for a minute and and one of the themes that struck in my head from from the first thing that I read about you and it's something that I do voraciously might even be an understatement I tend to eat books can you tell us about the power of the book well with the simple ideas this is one idea can change your life one idea that you stumble across can change your life I was reading a book I asked a friend of mine I always ask them have you read any good books lately and this is about three or four years ago and she's very smart and she said well the best book I've read recently is called Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman which is one of the most respected book is sold 1.5 million copies I just read a huge article on it just last week and I said really I respected her I bought the book and I read it and it's really heavy going it's okay because I got the Daniel Kahneman they call him Danny got a Nobel Prize for something for insights that are in that book and so I thought about that I said that interesting and basically what he said is that is is that you can think fast or slow standar thinking is you think fast quick instinctive intuitive like driving through busy traffic you're caught you don't take a lot of time to think and however there are certain things where you need your things slowly and when I when I talk about his stuff I say it's know things where and have the biggest potential consequences and those are the careers that you pick the people you marry the investments that you make and so on so what what you do is you think slowly on those things that have the biggest potential consequences he's was Kahneman's insight which got him a Nobel Prize was that people use fast thinking when they should be using slow thinking and they make important decisions too quickly and they are too easily influenced by irrelevant information and so on so what I did goal goal oriented thinking versus distracted thinking and there's 50 years of research at Harvard on what it's called long-term thinking versus short-term thinking which is goal oriented thinking so I started to think about that and I said jeez there's a lot of different ways of thinking so I wrote this book to everybody a year to write this and it's called get smart and get smart says how to think and act like the most successful and highest paid people in every field and what it does is it shows 10 different ways of thinking and winner thinking lose our thinking and how do winners think how do losers think short-term perspective versus long-term slow think interest thinking inform thinking versus uninformed thinking it's astonishing how many people make decisions with long-term consequences without enough information and you'll find that your smartest people of all Peter Drucker I just bought this booklet last week it's called the Peter F Drucker reader I love Peter Drucker he has one liners that are life-changing one of the things he said in one of his books years ago I never forgot he said that if you gather enough information in any in any area the correct decision rises to the top like cream rises to the top of milk it's just keep gathering information and at a certain point it becomes clear if it's not clear continue to gather information anything ah you'll find that every big problem you had in life is you made a decision that's the wrong decision you didn't have enough information darn I just done more research I wouldn't have made that decision in the first way I've lost a fortune by not doing enough research so there aren't only a result oriented thinking versus activity oriented thinking one of the characteristics of all successful people is they're described by others has been intensely result oriented they get a lot of results in their field they produce vastly more than the average person so this is a time management chapter it's all the different ways that people like the ABCDE method but one two three and so on and then we have positive thinking versus negative thinking obviously flexible thinking versus rigid thinking there's an entire there's a book that sold a million copies called mindset and it said there's two types of thinking flexible thinking versus fixed thinking I was teaching that 35 years ago and this woman writes it down and said did you know Carol dick yeah Carol Dweck if you did it even if you think more flexibly and continue to learn you'll be more successful than if you're fixed thinking and you don't learn anything wow what an insight that is million copies can you imagine that a million copies anyway I've creative thinking versus mechanical thinking then entrepreneurial thinking versus corporate thinking if you're working for a company think like an entrepreneur things like the person is responsible for getting results and helping the company move forward not a nine-to-five er who wastes their time and then finally my last chapter which I love is called rich thinking versus poor thinking how do rich people think and there's lots of research on this it's fascinating it's fascinating how rich people think and the all you have to do like I had like like a searchlight it's just change your thinking and start thinking this way rather than that way so to who I got a I got a jump in there since you brought it up people are gonna be asking how do rich people think well rich people all are always thinking about creating value for customers that's all they think about is what is it that people want to need that I can give them in a cost-effective way poor people are always thinking how much everything costs and how they can't afford it and make home and watch TV so you'll find whether it's Steve Jobs or or or Bill Gates or anybody whose wealth or even a small entrepreneur I mean I just read a little story in our local newspaper there's a company that's called burgers 50/50 and and I've never seen it before we started in Orange County hundred miles north of here and this young guy developed this hamburger that's 50% meat and 50% beef and 50% pork or something like that it's a hamburger and he started called burgers 5050 he's got six burger places now and he just sold them all for two million dollars to another company and you think about that and this guy stuck came up with this idea six or seven years ago I've had of making burgers that had that tasted differently because had a different combination to me and what was his thought his thought was he'd probably tried it out on himself tried it out on his friend since because if people really like this what a great idea if I could make this available just like Ray Kroc and McDonald's and I could make this available the more people I can make money and he did and he did and and that's how rich people think they're always looking what is it that people want a need they're willing to pay for but I can produce and this is the key to entrepreneurship I can combine all the ingredients necessary to bring the product to the customer at a total cost that's lower than what the customer will pay that's that I spent several thousand hours studying economics and free-market economics is just based on that you bring the product or service to people who want it need it and will use it and pay for it at a cost lower than what they're willing to pay that's a secret to success in business so that's how that's one of about 17 ways that rich people think another rich people get up before six o'clock in the morning rich people get up early and rich people have rituals rich people get up my basic rituals get up and exercise then get ready for the entire day and then plan the day if I haven't already done that and then or said organized priorities and then start work get on with it start working and the ass of the average rich person is actually working by 8 o'clock and the average rich person works about 10 hours a day on average 60 hours a week works about six days a week there's no rich people that work five days a week there's no rich people that work eight hours a day there's no rich people that get up at seven o'clock and run around in circles to get off to work on time and so you just say well this is really simple stuff yes yes it is so do it and if you do it repeatedly becomes a habit and it become soon it becomes easier to do than not to do I like it so from there since you talked about working five or six days a week maybe you can tell us what your Sabbath is and your two nights of rest all right well well that that idea as you know comes from from the Jewish religion and the Jewish religion I still remember the movie Fiddler on the Roof if you remember that oh yeah what a big deal Sabbath Sabbath is coming they're running around in circles because habit means they stop the day on Friday and easy stop it by five or six and after that they do no work until Sunday that's 36 hours I call it two sleeps they have two sleeps if ever you want to go on a vacation with your girlfriend your wife or something else always make sure that you go away for at least two sleeps one sleep is not enough if you're just basically getting there unpacking getting up packing and going home so you always want to have one full almost 24 hours where you don't have to do anything and so this this idea of the Sabbath is really great because if you can imagine that your brain is it's like a cell phone it has a battery and your little cell phone has it has a little chart has a little lightning streak well your brain burns down over time and you're just like your battery burns down and at a certain point now you can recharge your telephone in a couple of hours with a electrical line but your brain requires 21 for 48 hours to recharge and a Sabbath gives you actually two full sleeps two full nights which completely recharges your brain and then what happens is when you start work again you'll actually accomplish more in the next first three hours I've arrested a week then you to accomplish if you worked all weekend long and you make fewer mistakes you'll be more creative you have more energy and so more and more people are finding this is it rest you see all these vertices of our rich people resting over yachts and ski lodges first-class air cabins and so on you say well how are these people going to all these vacation places and be rich well the answer is when they work they work and this is the critical thing when you work work and then when you take time off take time off and don't mix them up worst thing you can do by the way is to stay on your damn computer all weekend long I think we'll just catch up with this I'll catch up with it catch up with this there's a little button here it's called the off button what you do is you turn the damn thing off and leave it off check it check your if you're going to go on weekend check it twice at two or three times a day turn it on check it turn it off don't have it continually buzzing because every almost every buzz is spam just leave it off and then go through it quickly delete delete delete turn off almost like it's a contest how fast kind of get off and on this phone and try and turn your keep your computer off completely because if you leave your computer on you lose one point of IQ for every hour that you have your computer on that means at the end of an average day you are ten IQ points dumber so the computer become a continual connection with your email actually makes you stupid and but no no and this is why I you're preaching to the choir on this one I have set times that are that I'll check my email I know if I check my email first thing in the morning the day is a goner and I no longer own a smartphone I have this is my little backup emergency phone I don't even know the phone number because nobody will call me on this thing when I'm on when I work I work when I'm out I'm out yes good well that's the main thing and so one of the things I put into my horse is more and more is to avoid the attraction of distraction and I and I was listening to a really smart woman talk about strategic planning and she gave one but she gave her seven seven points on all of which I know but the seventh point was this and she said write this down on a sticky note and put it everywhere so you see it all the time and here's what it said here's the question when you before you start to do something ask is this movie meat or one of my most important goals or is it merely a distraction what a great question is this movie meat or one of my most important goals is it merely a distraction I say is it merely a time waster and do that every single time before you do anything check and and and just like we talked about a and B tasks make sure that everything you're doing is moving you toward one of your most important goals now here's the huge payoff people say well isn't the you know doesn't that lack spontaneity and there's a too rigid no the number-one goal of all of human life going back to Aristotle is to be happy is to just be happy if you go to spiritual is to be joyous experience joy so you can actually measure and I know this from an R and by the way you can actually measure how successful you are by what percentage of the time you experience joy what percentage of the time are you happy you can tell a quality of a relationship whether it's between a man and a woman huh parent a child boss an employee by how much they laugh together you'll find Mike I gotta tell you about 27 people in my company you're going to that company everybody laughs all the time every meatiest laughter yeah everybody laughs all that everybody's happy and it's one of the most productive darn companies that you can imagine everybody wants to work there and everybody works hard and they're creative and you know what they do is they turn off their phones and their emails and they're all working they're all in digital marketing and then they turn off their emails and their phones four five six hours of the day they discipline themselves they come in and one of the race okay everybody everyone's okay and they all shut down so that they can work and concentrate single-mindedly on their work and they were very productive and they all get paid based on commissions royalties profits and so on why don't one of our makes $140,000 a year others make 80 thousand twenty three-year-old and make 80 $90,000 a year because that they're working on generating revenues they're working on satisfying customers all the time they're doing away rich people there and they also they're linking their performance to $2 to knowing what that means in terms of dollars which really helps them have something to shoot for yeah and they all know if they get this a result if you get that result and so on then then they get this piece sometimes I don't ask an audience I say how many people here work on straight Commission and there's a silence and then what 10 or 15 percent of people will hesitantly raise their hand I say well what is what is the truth what's a true answer to this question and the true answer is that everybody works on commission everybody gets what they said call in New York a slice of the MiG is they get a slice of the value that they create so if you want to earn more money what do you have to do you have to create more value and who do you create value for you create value for customers so that's all you think about is how can I create more value how could I make more customers happy I figured I figured of writing a book enjoying talking to you but I think in writing a book called the called the er factor just like the emergency room could be capital er factor and I say what is the key to getting a customer to buy from you and so we put my I throw out these questions all the time I say the answer is but you have to make the customer happy a customer has to believe that they will be happy if they buy your product or service now how do you get the customer to buy from you again well the answer is you have to convince the customer that they won't be happy or than if they buy from your competitor they will be happier than they are today er so I said and what is that well how do you make your customers happier well you served them with better products faster easy earth cheap cheaper - neat convenient Tertre a in in other words everything's at earth everything is a comparative so in life all of our success is based on the comparative the ER and I talk to foreign audiences and this works the same way in German they say you know good better I'm bested so it's a it's a Messerschmitt gucchy from leichter and so on better easier faster so this ain't the same thing is all you have to think if you want to be successful in business you have to say in what way or ways is my product or service superior to my competitors what way is it better faster cheaper easier more convenient to use because other than that nobody will buy it so every one of us has to focus on the ER and then once you focus on the ER the most like who is the fastest deliver of online purchases in the history of the world well obviously Amazon Amazon and that's what Jeff Bezos started on and when they first started up if he bought a book from Jeff Bezos took five to seven days and his idea what it was it'd still be easier for a person to order a book with a much larger selection and have it delivered to their home than to order the book store as I would have to do I go to the book store and I say I'd like this book well we're out right now but we'll have it back in stock in seven or ten days and can you come and pick it up at that time and so okay you just accept this because there were no alternatives and you have to go back to the book stores halfway across town and they would have it with little tag on it for you and so on and you won't pick up the book remember those days oh gosh yes senator Kent the center place for Barnes and Noble or whatever bookstore thank you a special order and then you hope it comes in quickly yeah and you know and you see because it has to come from one of the one of the book distributors like who's the big book distributor anyway cops are come from one of those distributors and they have to put in the order and then the order has to come back it takes it takes five days to a week so what Jeff Bezos did they said it's still easier if we can get the book to you in five to seven days and then he focuses this whole company focuses how can we decrease the amount of time it will take to deliver they're now down to single day they're now working so in centers like San Diego is there's a very large number of most popular products including groceries that you can order it in the morning and you have a movers in 60 minutes they make steamed meat Wow 60 minutes not many other products yeah buddy like you buy a book you know book like this it could be there in a day for sure used to be three days four days now the most popular books are you you order them I remember I remember I was having dinner with some friends and me and friend of mine said you should really get this book it's really good I said great so I ordered right there at the at the table I didn't check check and the next morning to derive the book was the book was there before I even had time to read the book and it cost me 30% off and it was delivered 100% paid because I have prime so I don't have to pay for delivery I mean and so what Jeff Bezos may increase his net worth last year by 21.5 billion dollars he's now the third richest man in the history of the world why because he serves customers better faster easier more convenient and that's all he thinks about all day long I mean what is so hard about this focus concentration I love it let's let's let's tackle a couple of the biggies and then we'll let you get going here we've talked about success we're talking about time management let's talk about people and family time maybe they're cuter and cure equals the PS help me help me out there what did you mean bikini of relationships times the quantity the quality of relationships times the quality of those relationships equals a personal success yes and there's a direct relationship between I say this beeper to degree the number of people you know and who know you in a positive way and your success I was just I'm into I'm in a real estate deal I just got a full update on it yesterday I own a piece of it and what happened was I had a client in Budapest my client in Budapest asked me if I wouldn't be able to introduce him to people who could help him to introduce invest in real estate he's very successful in the United States and I said well I know about three people in different parts of the country who are very big in real estate and he said well if you could set up meetings with them I would come over so it just turned out that I could put together meetings with three of them one in Miami one in San Diego one in New York all within a seven day period and I called him up and I said would you be interested in all said absolutely because they're good friends of mine I mean good friends of mine and if I suggested they'd say yes so they set up meetings with all three of them he entered into and with East quad is called his nickname is the Donald Trump of hungry I mean that he's he's the man and finally actually in hungry anyway so we are now on the process of closing a 300 million dollar real estate development in Florida and it's all come together it's got the approvals it's got the design got the engineering got the land got everything else and it all came together because I knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who could help someone and and and and you'll find wherever there's a turning point in your life there's a person standing there and usually if you keep me for good or for bad so therefore the more people that you meet and get to know and what I always say is if you want a network the key to network is when you meet a new person do something for them do something nice for them send them something give them something the very best thing you can possibly do is to send your new acquaintance a customer because you're new acquaintances should probably be in business or send them a patient or or send them a piece of advice or or send them an article or or send do something and you've always focus on doing something for them and forget about getting something for yourself the law of sowing and reaping is the greatest log of history and if you says if you so whatever you're so that also show you reap so if you do something nice for other people what will happen is that they will think of you down the road and they may not think of you for a week a month a year but then one day you get a phone call and somehow it's consistent with a goal that you just wrote down a couple of days ago and it opens the door that introduces you or gives you a piece of information that can change your life so so the more people you learn say so and so when you get a chance to go to meetings and so on meet people and instead of looking to benefit from them look for ways to help them just to look for every single time you help someone else it's like planting a seed and the seed will grow and will come back to you from there real briefly quiet time spiritual development or maybe even when we're fairly spiritual and even woowoo audience here the importance of the words I am here yes well again I don't know if you ever study Peter was Fenske he said my whole body of Russian metaphysics it was started about 1895 but the the words I am here if you do it in a quiet will cause you to awake in the Bible it says awake about those those thou who sleepest and to to awake or to become conscious of who you are and where you are the words I am here and then just stop and be aware of who you were where you are what's going on around you you can't do this for more than a few seconds because your body will shut down in fact what this Penske taught was that if you look at your watch you just take a look at your watch with your second hand and you say I am here you cannot watch your watch for more than a few seconds before your mind drifts and if you could just keep doing this keep doing this and get it up to thirty Seconds your consciousness will race to a point that will astonish you he said if you could if you could keep your mind focused for 60 seconds you could conquer the world nobody can because they cannot remain conscious of themselves being present in this moment for 60 second impossible nobody's been able to do it but all spiritual teachings are aimed to help you to be so calm that you can be aware that you are here that you can become awake to yourself in your life there isn't but that's a whole nother subject and I I know you've done a lot of work in that area it's all a lie fantastic and and clearly then there's and we don't have to go into it today the but meditation is extremely important for helping us to be able to do this yeah it's my favorite definition is just mind calming it's mine calming meditation enables you to calm your mind and I and I and I so what I met some people are not meditators I'm not people say do you teach meditation no I don't but I do teach contemplation because I think contemplation meditation your eyes are closed contemplation and your eyes are open contemplation is we and solitude is rece it perfectly quietly for 30 or more minutes completely quietly in an environment where there's no distractions no music no coffee no nothing you just sit totally still for 30 minutes or more and what that happens is your whole mind columns completely and then your mind begins to flow do you know all about this it think contemplation is the greatest spiritual practice of all I'm not a meditator mister but if you're our meditator people who are meditators one of those interruptions we had before we started here was from a very successful friend of mine who meditates torture three times every day he's one of the most successful people in his field in the world and he had tribute it he trims it to daily meditation beautiful beautiful beautiful what advice as we wrap this up just a few quick wrap-up questions Jessica my wife she's the producer she always wants me to ask a question about parents and their kids what advice would you give today for parents their help their kids along this path well children just like grass grows naturally I read a line way back in the beginning of my career from a psychologist and he said there is within every person an irresistible tendency to grow to realize their full potential in other words you don't have to you don't have to plant it it's there all you can do is suppress it so I'm here at home we have just had Thanksgiving and an early Christmas because we go to Hawaii and all my family is here and it's gone from one child to two child to three child before child to five grandchildren and then two boyfriends and girlfriends and we'll always practice one thing with our children and it's unconditional love and acceptance I've never criticized my children and I never punished them I know my children my parents are terrible at this they were brought up by parents who believe that you have to you know beat the crap out of your kids so they'll smarten up and fly right so I have never criticized my children because I couldn't think I know that criticism destroys young people and I never punish them if they make a mistake I say well what happened and they'll tell me what happened I say well what did you learn I say well I learned this I said well what are you gonna do next time they say oh the next time I'll do this or not I won't do that I say that's great I said you I made bigger mistakes than that in my lifetime and that's the end of it and another thing my parents did if I made a mistake when I was five they would still be reminding me of it when I was fifteen so if my children make a mistake and all kids make mistakes and get into stuff it would be discussed once and never brought up again unless it was unless it was humor so your children never walk around with this burden of guilt and feeling of unworthiness and so on and so forth they're just happy all the time you come into my house at any time when my kids are grandchildren here they all laugh because they have never and I didn't know my daughter ever been criticized my daughter's thirty-six has three children the oldest is nine none of those kids have ever been criticized my son has two little girls never been criticized and they laugh all the time so if I could just give one piece of advice to parents is just drown your children in unconditional love and approval never take it away from them today I've asked my kids once I was there driving along with him when I was listening to something about parenting on her on her CD my wife was with me and they were in the kid back and it was something about criticizing children isola and children not doubting children doubt if they're loved you know they're nothing destroys a child more especially a female child and then to doubt that their parents especially their father loves them unconditionally it causes them to be insecure and unsure in all the relationships with men when they grow up is if my father never loved me unconditionally what about this man what if he doesn't who and so on so I asked my kids I said kids I said let me ask you a questions all for them and they all stopped talking I said do you ever doubt whether or not your mother and I love you 100% all the time and my kids what they said absolutely not how could you say something like that that's it couldn't believe it they were so offended that I would even suggest that we love them less than a hundred percent all the time and they all know they should they all talked about it they Miller was a fundamental building block of their character and as a result of that they are ambitious they're hard-working they get good grades they're popular they're friendly they're they're there they're entrepreneurial in other words you don't have to teach them that just give them unconditional love and acceptance and they will just bloom in the very best way possible you gave them the greatest foundation in the world yes thank you thank you thank you so just a couple more quick questions here what personally brings you the greatest happiness or what I call the wow factor the the very best and because this is Christmas New Year's and so on the very best is always dinner time with my family with my wife it was the best woman in the world and when our kids are here one two more everything else we take every opportunity to have dinner together and just sit around the table and just talk and laugh and so the very best moments of our lives have always been we go skiing we go traveling or the beach everything else but at the end of the day we go to Disneyland at the end of the day we all come together and sit around a table and that's the best moments of our lives and so we what we try to do is have as many of those moments as possible thank you so much from there where can people go to find your book to find all the books and to find out more well the place to go is always Amazon their books this book master your time master your life which is a life-changing book this will probably become the best-selling book on time management in the world my book like my current book be that frog is already the best-selling book in the world and so this has already gone into multiple languages and it's just just proliferating so so just go to Amazon go to any bookstore it's very easy to buy books today if I mentioned this book in a seminar I get and people want it but they order it while they sit in there listening to me and so that's they say yeah that's the simplest thing just go to master your time ask your life on Amazon and I think it'd be very happy you did and and I would say it is a beautiful book and important that's the word that comes to mind important potentially life-changing potentially life-changing and I know I've spoken to more than five million people all over the world and I have folded these ideas into my seminars every kind of seminar has something on personal mastery time management personal productivity and so on and this contains all of the best ideas I taught personally face-to-face to more than five million people and just one of these ideas just it one idea in the once action on how rich people think versus poor people could transform your life completely or you just hit the nail on the head - which is no matter how much information we take in all we need to do is take action on one thing and see a through to completion and amidst all the difference in the world yes absolutely any last words of wisdom you want to share with people today well well this is the end of the year and this is what I started doing decades ago the end of the year is a wonderful time because at this time you can decide that next year is going to be the best year of your life next year is going to be the best year of my life and then if you want to take it one step further you know with your with your workbook here there's a wonderful exercise that you can do as you could say if this year was the best year of my life in 2017 and it's now December 31st 2017 what would have happened what would I have accomplished this was the best year of my life and then you write down all the things that you would have accomplished if this was the best year of your life your income your health your productivity your growth your learning your education your new relationships and so on it's just write down everything that would have happened if this is the best year of your life and what you're doing is you're programming your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind takes those written instructions as commands and then just goes to work 24 hours a day and it's absolutely astonishing and some will be one week at a conference one will be one months only six months but it's absolutely I've had people who have accomplished their biggest goal on December 30th they wrote it down in the first week or last week of the year and the biggest goal of all they worked in working work and December 31st they got a call and they said oh by the way something remarkable like I just had this experience yesterday and I just just shake my head you know that's expression s MH shaking my head every time this happens I just shake my head I cannot believe it and my wife said you see that the you wrote down that goal you even think about that goal for months and that guy just called and said we're working to bring you that call you should have it within 18 to 24 months it's just anyway so so better if it's not in writing it's like cigarette smoke it has no effect it just disappears in the air so say all right this is going to be the best year of my life and then say all right it's now December 31st and this has been the best year ago my life and this is what I have achieved and write it down as though it's a present tense I earned this much I Drive this car I live here I do this always right in the present chance also it's already a fact and you'll be astonished what hat starts to happen to you sometimes very quickly it's just like that woman in my seminar starts to happen while she's sitting there big goals start to be achieved I love it well thank you so much Brian this has been a true honor a pleasure a treat I can't wait to read your next book and to read your book on prosperity and see what's coming next thank you so much it's a pleasure you have a great Christmas and may next year be the best year of your life thank you as well and for everyone out there this is Michael Sandler saying be well have fun get master your time master your life and as well make next year or this year there's still a few days left the best year of your life and shine bright thank you thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed it be sure to LIKE like below also leave your comments have some real fun with it subscribe to our channel where you're gonna get more great videos more interviews coming up and check out our website inspire nation show calm that's where you'll find tips vlogs information videos you won't find anywhere else and useful and helpful resources to really help you kickstart your life and to shine bright thanks so much again thank you for your support like like like comment subscribe see the website thanks so much and have fun of course shine bright
Channel: Michael Sandler's Inspire Nation
Views: 246,400
Rating: 4.8168182 out of 5
Keywords: master your time master your life brian tracy, author of the one time management, brian tracy master your time master your life, master your time master your life, brian tracy master your time, brian tracy time management audiobook, brian tracy time management 2017, brian tracy time, time management by brian tracy, brian tracy time management, time management brian tracy, eat that frog audiobook, brian tracy no excuses, tracy time, brian tracy, time management, eat that frog
Id: Jip9rToLXHQ
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Length: 66min 29sec (3989 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2017
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