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Hey guys on this episode of Make It Real we're building the resistance crossbow from half-life that's right it shoots red-hot rebar this video is sponsored by next games which allowed us to build this awesome weapon for hunting the undead now obviously we're gonna need quite a bit of steel for this project so we're gonna go to the supermarket! "The supermarket?" Yeah, The metal supermarket. Alright so how are we gonna build the half-life 2 resistance crossbow well as you can see I've got some nice blueprints here a screenshot from the video game so let's figure it out the beauty with this project is it's literally made of scrap materials in the game which means we can actually make it look just like this quite easily so first of all we're gonna need some box tube we've got right here now the trickiest part about building a crossbow is probably the release mechanism so we're gonna cheat elope so we just got a cheap crossbow here how they can see it's actually a pretty slick little crossbow we could actually modify this to become the resistance crossbow but I'd rather make it look just like the one in the game we could also make use of the existing limbs but I think it'd be cooler to try and use this so this is actually a truck leaf spring and might be a bit powerful yeah it bends a little bit I think we're probably gonna have to remove a few of these extra pieces of steel oh yeah I think that'll do the trick now because the weapon we're making is gonna be really accurate we're gonna need a scope so I picked up this airsoft scope which is actually a 4x scope complete with illuminated red and green crosshair like I'm kind of joking like it's not gonna be accurate but we've got the scope because as you know adding a scope adds 10 plus accuracy points alright so as you can see in the design the limbs actually this is actually technically a compound crossbow where is the cross but we have is just a regular one so we're actually use these pulleys and add them to the ends of our crossbow limb next step will be to actually cut a groove out of these two is in order to hit the pulleys inside all right time to take apart a crossbow and see how we can make use of the components we have all right so we're going to start by trimming off all the unnecessary parts of the original crossbow so we're gonna cut off the tail stock molten plastic grouse Dremel probably would have been a better idea but too late okay you gotta remove the fun cool part yeah so we might have to go a bit off the plan first of all the actual trigger mechanism is behind the grip and I wish these well a bit prettier now I was thinking imagine this is a very expensive and time-consuming project in fact we wouldn't even be able to do it if not for a sponsor so I'd like to take a minute and tell you a bit about this game I've been playing it's called The Walking Dead no man's land I've put a link in the description below including a special offer that's only available right now it's a turn-by-turn strategy game so if you're the kind of person who likes playing chess or checkers you'll probably like it the best part is it's an officially licensed walking dead game which means you get to play the characters from the show in actual walking dead locations including Alexandria during my trip down in Michigan for the artprize with Ian I played this game for hours and made it pretty far it's kind of addictive during your turn you move your characters around every time you move the zombies move too which means you'll have to use a bit of strategy and problem-solving to get out of tight places and beyond adventuring you also get to set up your camp build up your fortress and defend it and if your fan of the TV show The Walking Dead you're gonna recognize the in-game characters like Rick's and shown Ezekiel Daryl and even negan who's a special character you can get for free right now if you use my download link below when the newest updates the game includes a new game mode called the distance which is a biweekly event or you play a survival mode there's also a new crafting mode lets you collect components and craft badges for your survivors to increase their attributes the game is available on Android iOS and pretty much every other device so if you like zombies saving humanity and being a certified apocalypse survivor download the game for free today the offer is only available right now so go ahead and click the first link in the description below alright let's finish this crossbow I think Daryl will need it now honestly it's not actually as heavy as I thought it would be I mean it's pretty heavy it's gotta add some stuff to it but I can flex with my fingers I'm just scared to pull it all the way oh my god all right so we've been able to actually draw and fire the crossbow which is pretty awesome so we had a bit of difficulty when we made it it was just too damn powerful and what we did try and fix that was first we machined slots into the limb of the crossbow so it'd be a bit easier to actually drop back that still wasn't enough so we made the slots even bigger and we actually used our mock CNC milling machine to do a nice little curve right here unfortunately it was still actually really hard to draw back now we didn't want to weaken it anymore so we decided to turn to a compound crossbow we actually went out we bought better higher rage pulleys that are a bit smaller we're going to replace them with so let's do that right now which means we have to actually now add the most iconic part which is the actual heating of the rebar part so we've got a few copper bus bars which were actually a machine in our time our CNC machine had a slight groove for the piece of rebar to sit in them males here what is it just you it's a are five hundred proof steel yeah we're making the frying-pan from pub G we're seeing how much current it takes to heat up one of these projectiles so we have two car batteries in parallel now hypothetically we should be able to get about 2,000 amps out of these ready well she getting red-hot how's her current there we go look at that red-hot yeah okay yeah good job you have one directed by the Red Hot 900 the dropping yeah for that ant hey 50 so as you can see there's also a sweet spot before the red-hot metal it gets highly unstable just for shits and giggles we're gonna see how much power will take to heat up actual rebar there's some pretty good sparks so the other issue with actual rebar is because it's all rusty and rough it is super hard to actually get a good contact so honestly the other option is probably better if I would loo that I cut through the arc yeah test two today we can't fit two car batteries on the bottom of our cross now we're gonna power this crossbow we thought we were gonna be able to use some of the normal zippy lipo batteries that we had already but it turns out they're not powerful enough and in the game they use a what looks like a six volt lantern battery and that would just not heat up a piece of rebar so we're gonna have to use some modern technology each of these can actually put out 250 amps which means all aid in them together what's that around two thousand amps plus they have a peak discharge rate of double that so that means hypothetically we can put out 4000 amps that's almost 30 kilowatts of energy are you guys staring now we want to make this look as close to the crossbow in the game as possible so we're gonna disguise these light bows as lantern battery and to do that I got some yellow duct tape ha and there you have it one lantern bed so we still need to connect the power wires from the battery to the contactor which connects to this copper bus bar here and in the battery to connect directly to the bus bar in the front making it short on the rebar in between them now before we did the X we're basically now to take off take apart the entire gun just to fit the wire through the inside of the gun we've got to add a stirrup so we can actually load this thing okay you give that beep three it's like if that mechanism failed as I'm pulling my fingers there hmm the safety didn't auto engage that time please work trigger mechanism all right so just for a point of reference we're gonna try shooting a regular crossbow to see how it compares to the one we built that's so easy cross puzzle cool yeah once again this is how easy 135 pounds draw a cross bill it's below just like that cannot do that on mine well sure what's more since a little you can't dry fire these things yeah we shouldn't shoot this one I saw another one somewhere I like crossbows hey back to our craft oh come on three two one all right first test of the crossbow we're not going to eat anything up just yet but let's see if it can shoot a regular arrow oh you go at me okay ready all right let's move on to some more serious firepower more serious ammunition and bent it oh my god let's shoot it from the ground I have to hold it holy shit yes that's my sparks here we go why is it not turning red there we go holy and I'm gonna aim for this shoot holy Sh I hit the Apple zoom and zoom in get the steam I chased really good for us alright I missed it but half her skulls gone oh boy yeah let's talk about what we're going to test the song we actually picked up some Ivan heads from zombie go boom but unfortunately these things don't come with brain matter on this episode of cooking with a hack Smith we're making ZOMBIE BRAINS we don't have a lid do it it's in the messy you know we don't have a lid have you guys ever seen chicken hearts before what's the candy that's shaped like this no Swedish great alright play a gumdrop but like I like that they're weird oh yeah throw any eggs in fridge this was actually an CH he graciously donated to cooking with Zack Smith yeah they think things are bad man that is nasty I guess I'll just I'll Jam a few chicken hearts in I'm a chicken hammer and there you have it zombie brains made a lot of extra you want some oh hello my name is Gordon Hackman and I'm a research associate at the Black Mesa facility in the anomalous materials department at least I was until everything kind of went sideways so I've had to create this weapon to deal with the issues we've been having so let me show you how it works all right now it's time to test our highly experimental weapon for killing head crabs I mean zombies I guess we gotta draw this first now for the purposes of this test we want to make sure we have a exact baseline for the weapon so we're gonna be shooting it from this platform as opposed to actually holding it all right so ready to test safety off what really sliced the head open there tick - I don't think I've ever seen this happen during I haven't had before so I think we I I didn't actually holy crap I didn't quite get to the red-hot part so that's why it's not a fire he's not having a good day yeah yep what so in the game when these red-hot rebars stick into a frigging concrete that's just that would never happen because once it's red-hot its malleable it is soft as you can see here like it literally became like I almost lay a little corkscrew and pretty much all of them have bent so so one thing half life probably got a little bit wrong with the the physics in that game among other things yeah I'd say that's pretty effective all right so the resistance crossbow proves pretty effective against zombie heads especially because it actually lights some on fire so even if you don't get a critical hit you're lighting that zombies head on fire and they're not gonna last very long after that but we got finished this guy and I got a crowbar oh Jesus Christ those things are hard yeah I'm a lot more impressed with the bullet went through him now like seeing how hard this skull is there we go all right final test big bolt super red-hot we're gonna see what it looks like in slow motion when it literally squiggles itself on this plywood skid all right so we're likely pumping around 15 to 20 kilowatts of electricity into this piece of steel and it is just glowing orange hot it is going to start melting soon we need to shoot it ready I didn't go to squealy he's definitely wood flying but better if we actually had some well I hope you guys enjoyed that project we had a ton of fun making it and we're super thankful to our sponsor for helping make it a reality because we wouldn't have been able to do this project without them so please check out their game The Walking Dead no man's land there's a link in the description below and a special offer that's only available right here as always make sure you're subscribed with notifications turned on you're not gonna want to miss our next projects and don't forget to check out our other makeup real projects in this playlist right here thanks for watching
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 6,739,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red hot rebar crossbow, half life crossbow, half life, half life 2, half life 3, resistance crossbow, hl2, hl3, make it real, real life, valve, steam, resistive heating, superheated projectile, 200lb crossbow, hacksmith, jorge sprave, slingshot channel crossbow, slingshot channel, aweme, thehacksmith, replica prop, replicas, half life replica, red hot rebar, red hot metal, rebar crossbow, rebar, diy crossbow
Id: 0nLT_bEaLlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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