Raphael Boss Fight in the House of Hope - Renfail Plays Baldur's Gate 3

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probably right Beyond these doors in the foyer things you need to know about rapael he's almost home night Closer Than a Kiss okay his favorite color is blood yes and he probably knows a thousand ways to kill us this is going to hurt I have no doubt it's going to hurt all right all right deep breath let's open the door I'm going to quick safe just to make sure that we're okay I am nervous as all hell wonder where we're fighting him portal to the devil's fee time slows for a moment and the air becomes thicker the master of the house is coming you yes me he's summoning his AIDS oh my god there are many things in your world that I loathe litters of kittens chattering children the noise and the chaos of it all God he's such a brilliant character in my world in my house there is order and there is decorum you came here uninvited and you stole from me in doing so you brought the chaos of your world into mine I will not abide it oh oh my God Killa this is your chance to be free help me take him down you think I'm on your side the only reason you're here is because Raphael allowed you to be I permitted you the freedom to decide your own fate you could have been smart selfless saved the world instead you came here and risked everything it's the Fatal flaw of mortal kind take away their free will and they call you a tyrant allow them to indulge it and they become tyrants you would have been Heroes if you'd only dealt fairly with me instead you're not so different to doomed cus overreaching your limits and burning your world to Ash wrong wrong wrong they will save their world and smash you to Smithers it's this charming naivity that makes your company such a joy to me hope I'll even forgive this little Rebellion once you're suitably chastised this isn't a rebellion it's a Revolt I'm revolting then hope dies today Commander you can salvage a trophy from these insects when I'm done with them gladly oh I actually get a chance to do a persuasion roll there is no way even if I hit a 20 I would have to hit a 20 right it would have to be a natat 20 for that to act I've got an inspiration I'm burning it but it's only going to work if aat 20 rolls up I mean all the bonuses have been rolled [ __ ] all right that's that you overestimate your abilities I stand with Raphael I love that there's a chance if you have any last words make it quick cuz if I had four inspiration points I would have burned them all right there and if I wanted to I could scum save there and just see what happens with that role but I won't um I've been hoping to kill you ever since I met you hope it always Burns you in the end little mouse well we're committed now down Comes The Claw are we going to see his true form finally well technically we've seen him his true form before but all right I am gonna probably want to do some counter spelling here the music do [Music] iname God damn I I the chanting oh God the composition in this game is just amazing that brought tears to my eyes guys that's awesome um screw it uh I don't want to react because it's just fire the curtain Falls but hold your ab squirm squirm for now down here come the claw oh my God they've got Raphael singing down comes the claw and that's hope yeah guys we're going to have to look this song up and figure out what this [Music] is how hard you have fought brave brave but it's all been for not from Souls that couldn't be bought doomed detected and C oh gather round children I'm I just can't wait for my turn this is this is no more deals it's over the Final Act your doom no more grace it's over this [Music] house all right I got to let a cat out give me two [Music] seconds horrible timing for a kitty cat to want to go out all right it is my turn um there is nothing for it we have got to go balls out here um you're going to take a little bit of damage everybody I hope you're ready okay you immediately wild form into Al bear and immediately rupture oh I don't let's get this over I'll take a few hits it's okay what happens if I do rupture here I'm still going to get some of my friends that is not good uh I got knocked prone by my own ice oh he got knocked down prone that's great all right that's great that's perfect all right I'm poisoned I'll take the hit it's all good oh he went in Biz you know the smart thing to do here how many can I get with this man I'm also going to get I don't want to get Gail as the problem it's probably better if I do Spirit Guardians with radiant damage and this will help please oh wow why did she take so much damage holy crap why did why did what what happened that she took all that damage I did not see what happened there I wasn't paying attention I am F I am death okay um yeah we need to not worry about these little dudes oh you got to be kidding me she got nailed all right um take it's better than nothing all right it's their turn now o it's all good War Caster they're going to get la oh man they are pulling out all the stops for this fight oh but that's that's all good that's why I went Al bear and and Lazelle has a boatload of hit points all right Gail is going fullon magic Missile uh fifth level God Rafael's got 666 hit points yeah okay survival is all that matters all right here we go we need to take out the ads okay screw it did I actually land fearful on Raphael I did you should never have so is he going to run that guy's going to keep going invisible I that's okay all right I need to do something like I need to major heal is what I need we also need to get rid of these okay [Music] okay what did she step into that took damage that she took damage I'm going to have to uh check the combat log and see what's hitting her Victory awaits no you are not getting away from me that easy disadvantage High defense yes oh hang on what are these things oh [ __ ] was I supposed to deactivate these I didn't even notice these until just now [ __ ] and I don't have well I feel like an idiot right now well it doesn't really matter because my whole objective here has been to survive the first wave so full Ro [Music] rebuke all right one [Music] down okay Gail buddy this is what you need to do right now I have to attack them oh crap man choice but to keep going all right oh what just what what blocked my Jump Man man what blocked my jump we still got the invisible dude running around the field too uh-oh that's like his heal yes I'm counter spelling that there's the invisible dude I'll take care of that in a minute there's a way to do that um well knowing what I know now take uh Lazelle screw him man um see how many hit points does this thing have left we got to kill this yeah we're going action surge do some range attack I mean it's it's all I can do at the moment what spells does she have the very least she's good for the heals all right Gail you just need to [Music] probably we need to take care of that dude down there let's let's do this oh it's immune to my cloud kill man wonder if this is worth the cost not cool right uh counter spell I feel like that was a waste of my cloud kill oh she just got punted all the way over there F damn you time to strike all right I need to like take the hit what the fck man I forgot she had her weapon can I I've done all I can here can I use an arrow hey man it's better than nothing [Music] oh I'm going to use divine intervention on all nearby enemies you shouldn't play with div it will burn you it killed her right oh no it didn't it looked like it did something to her though that was weird still breathing oh [ __ ] I skipped Gale God damn it I got so like distracted that I hit a button and I shouldn't have son of a [ __ ] this may be a fail oh counter spell I didn't I wasn't able to counter spell it that [Music] sucks oh no he went invisible again that's not good okay Shadow heart you just need to Big heal on [Music] Hope group heal time to strike okay I'm going to come down here and help with this dude we got to get him taken care of bye-bye [ __ ] doomed detected and all right how many how many how many hits it needs 33 just go all out moment light on my feet uh counter spell it man I should have it's a waste of a fourth level spell cuz I failed it oh no I'm out of heals aren't I almost take Swift and lethal all right can you jump over here in my best interest come on I need to like self heal at this point cuz he really don't like me he he try to kill me all right there's no way I'm hitting him can I no we're not doing that it's better than nothing my breath uh uh you can get that one this turn I'll work on this one I'm in my own cloud kill screw it it doesn't matter I'll dispel it next turn for Gail these are bonus hit points anyway all right okay okay okay let's let her not worth wasting a spell at the moment um let's just do a cure no see she's fine um I'm going put Shield of faith on myself [ __ ] I should have kept the Guardians up it doesn't really matter now little bit of cloud kill never hurt anybody all right hope you can Target isn't cursed can I try divine intervention again it hurt her last time didn't it not going to do anything with her Gail dude okay now all the pillars are down right still on my feet jump on top of him all you still got high defense but it's not as high as it was uhoh he's going to bump me out of my wild shape oh I don't I don't have enough a wild shape do I crap all right [Music] um crap I really don't know what to do here quick commercial break everyone to give a shout out to our first official Guild officer bubonia as well as all of the guild Champions and of course all of the members who help keep me on the air full time to join as a member simply click that join button below and pick your tier but you can also support with super Chats on any live stream or Premiere or super thanks on any upload or YouTube short don't forget the Discord let's get back to the the video on my way I will sent all right you missed twice [ __ ] three times you missed what the hell D detected and well let's see what she can do now okay she was able to do some significant damage that time what can Gail possibly do at this this point I mean I've spent all my big spells unfortunately it's better than nothing another fight let's go well shoot oh I I can do another hold on hold on I thought I was out of wild shapes we got this [Music] Hope's almost dead I'm going to have to oh no okay yeah we need to do like a is this going to be one one of those moments where I burn my divine intervention this is I got a I got a quick save here I don't trust my decisions right here because if if if a roll goes wrong I could die and I don't want to have to redo this whole fight so um I'm gonna let it finish saving first all right there we go I don't have a good option here all right she needs it most I am Fury I am death all right hit it this time come [Music] on all right she's about toast what is this spell over here okay all right time to push my luck wait did he push me out of how did he push me out of my wolf form that's not good um I need something that he's not immune to God he's got a such a high defense I've only got like a 30% chance of hitting him with it should I what about this it's not going to hit anybody right all right I have a healing word I can use on somebody Shadow [Music] heart all right what's he doing another big boom Oh man fading fast I need healing yes you do this is not that that big bada boom sucks every time it hits I have no choice this time I've got to do a self heal and healing word on hopes only have seven hit points I am Fury I am death he's only got 28 hit points four it's absolutely Preposterous that any of us are alive mayby we're not pinch yourself and check we're not dreaming the last of our Lives as we die screaming pinch yourself you are wide awake and Raphael truly is defeated that was the hardest fight I have seen in the whole game so far and bear in mind I had that this is on explore mode easy mode that's crazy then we're not just fine we're spectacular oh my goodness what a wonderful jent glorious day but my poister Killa it is not right that she died and it makes me want to weit B oce I don't think there was any way to save her when we were children she always kept the last piece of hisory for me and blooded the nose of the bullies who pulled my hair she was my sister but as a wise woman once said there's no point in crying over spell blood we must go on and despite all the years I've lost I have enough love in my heart to guide you home for the first time since you heard her voice hope seems calm and the peace flows from her into you soon soothing your very Soul you should come with me and go where I don't think I quite know how to be anywhere else but here anymore with a leg of pain and a thorough cleaning this could be a lovely little house it could it's an interesting location hardly leave after all who would ever want to think of Hell Without I hope I hope I'll see Killa again one day and that she'll say sorry and I'll tell her she's forgiven I hope I find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years and that I'll be able to put myself back together again I hope the Echoes of pain will feed and memories of Sorrow will die and that you'll visit me here someday and I hope you have a happy ending of your own thank you reward cool I need to check what those were uh but we also need to loot no where's Raphael there we go Reserve what is this hell dusk armor legendary heavy armor you are considered proficient with this armor while wearing it so I could theoretically wear this with my with my druid infernal retribution when you succeed to saving th the Caster receives burning for three turns Prime ages of fire you have resist fire damage cannot be burned you take three less damage from all sources that's very interesting oh we've got Diaries last night I dreamt of a river a all right I actually should have read chapter one first Final Chapter pinned in his hand the plot thickens goes the aphorism bow the wreaking flames of hell I will not be denied all right well that not only is the end of the House of Hope that's also a big bad boss fight episode in and of itself which is really cool and I need to quick save immediately um and go forth from here I believe we can exit and turn in our gloves oh I'm encumbered
Channel: Renfail
Views: 14,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 druid, baldur's gate 3 druid gameplay, baldur's gate 3 complete walkthrough, baldur's gate 3 complete playthrough, baldur's gate 3 boss fight, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3 boss, baldurs gate 3 boss fight, lets play, let's play, renfail, renfail plays, baldurs gate 3 raphael, raphael fight in baldurs gate 3, how to defeat raphael in baldur's gate 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 39sec (2439 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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