Ranking The Straw Hats Based On How Funny They Are | Merry Christmas!

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hello and happy holidays from the channel and I just want to say first and foremost a huge shout out to my boy Tekken you see Matt has shouted out this channel on a few of his videos in the past and it always felt a little bit weird giving him a shout out because it's like what am I going to say you guys should go check out tekking he's an amazing content creator because you know that you obviously already know that but nonetheless tekking is an amazing guy so when he hit me up to ask if I would like to contribute a video for the St Jud charity stream that he did a few days ago I of course agreed immediately and when I was watching the stream he actually managed to raise over $12,000 for St Jude and I think I saw a tweet that said that that number was actually raised to 13,000 that's just amazing I'm very glad to have been a part of that at all but the video that I contributed is actually going to be the one that I want to share with you guys today it's a nice light video nothing crazy but it'll hopefully give you something to laugh at during the holiday season because it's not lost on me as a 9s kid Christmas and the holidays does not feel like how it used to how it's supposed to whether that's because we lost loved ones or maybe life's just whooping us right now I don't know I just want you to know that you're not alone and I really hope that you can find something to laugh at today speaking of something to laugh at something hilarious happened you see I decided to try to record this video last night uh but the problem was I had just gotten back from a Christmas party so I was feeling the Christmas spirit if you know what I'm saying and it's just the footage is I mean look at this I'm not even using the microphone there's no audio in a lot of this and eventually I get it but for most of it it's just goofy talking to the camera off the Christmas eggnog and no one wants to see that no one wants to see goofy rant while he's drinking eggnog and go wildly Off Script and I'm just so glad you guys agree because there definitely isn't the bloopers from the video that I recorded last night at the end of this video so you definitely shouldn't stick around to the end to check that out but yeah guys that's it today I'm still working on the next hilarious video it's going to be Kashi hilarious part three I'm trying to have that out before the end of the year working really hard on that but I couldn't not release a video on Christmas you know that just felt wrong but that about does it for the Preamble guys um if you are not of age obviously do not drink but if you are of age then I hope you'll pour a drink for me and my family because I most certainly will be pouring one for you and yours love you guys so much thank you for watching thank you for being interested and I can't wait to see you in the next one but until then I hope you enjoy this video so it is the end of the year which apparently means it's time to go crazy on Twitter about who we think the strongest one piece characters are like this is something that's new to me being a one piece fan and a one piece YouTuber I didn't know that the end of year was the signal for everybody to just go crazy with power scaling which as most of you know I'm not really that interested in power scaling especially for a series like one piece because while it's interesting I just don't see you know like if this were the universe or the bleach universe and we were talking about characters that didn't get the chance to fight or characters that did and we just want them to run the ones again like that would be cool like I could participate in those discussions but with one piece it's like what are we going to talk about man whether or not I think Super Saiyan Bugs Bunny could beat stoned Adam Sandler in a fight I don't I refuse to believe that Oda is writing one piece with any of that in mind quite frankly I think he's more interested in the comedy of one piece and the overall narrative so that's what I'm here to talk about okay we're going to go through our straw hats our beloved crew members and instead of ranking them based on their strength we're going to be judging them on their comedic chops and we're going to find out which one of these lunatics is the most hilarious so this is what we're going to do there's 10 straw hats so obviously we're going to rank them one through 10 one being the most hilarious and 10 being the you know they're all funny obviously I just want to get that out of the way right now every last one of the straw hats to me could do their own standup special and I would watch the entire thing but at the same time it just cannot be denied some of them some of them are just way funnier than the others and that's what we're going to decide here today but with that being said Jim has to be the number 10 spot here it's just he's too Bound by reason like I feel like if me and jimbe went out drinking it would be fine nothing would happen like if anything I would be the lunatic like I would be the liability he would have to do things to make sure that I was okay and he'd do it because he's jimbe he's awesome to date the funniest gag I think I've seen of jimbe would have to be when they're in onigashima when Luffy went ahead to go try to stop kid and that's when Zoro went after him and zimbe watched the whole thing happen and he went to go tell the crew mates like oh this happened don't worry because Zoro went after him like that was just hilarious like jimbe didn't think he had to go out there there and stop Luffy the captain of the ship from going off on his own because you know he's the captain he can do what he wants and he didn't think to stop Zoro from going after him because that's the first mate so even if there is an issue Zoro is going to rectify it he's the first mate and to have the whole crew be like jimbe you you idiot it's just really funny oh and his reaction to nami's conqueror hockey um you know as soon as they all got their new bounties love you Jim B but yeah you're number 10 I'm sorry man so that's my number 10 pick so now let's go on to number nine and for number nine I'm going to go ahead and give that to Frankie cuz here's the thing like for me obviously Frankie is funny like obviously he has some really good comedic moments but I guess for me it's like does he really even have a gag like to himself at all I mean like there's the Pervert gag but it's like that's sanji's definitely and you know Frankie is not a pervert he's just a guy that refuses to wear pants and if you think about it nami's already that person on the crew so but I do have to say one of the funniest moments in one piece for me is that time in Fishman Island when that guy is on the sunny and Luffy approaches the ship like who is that on the sunny and Frankie tells him exactly who it is but Luffy mishears or he wasn't listening at all but he repeats it back to Frankie oh I get it so that's a Shipman coding Frankie's brother and Frankie just looks at him for like 10 whole seconds and then he's like you know what yep sure you got it I just love the idea that Frankie knows how stupid Luffy is and he understands that in this situation ju just don't even like whatever yeah sure whatever dude and then another funny moment is in dress Roso when Frankie is telling Luffy like listen I know you got to participate in the tournament um just promise me you will not use your real name because remember Luffy we are still undercover right now and Luffy's like don't worry I got it and then literally like not even a full second later Luffy starts signing his full name onto the form it's it's hilarious I love that joke so much but perhaps the most funny thing about Frankie is his post time skip design I I can't be alone in being disappointed with how he looked at first like obviously he grew on me but like honestly even now dude I look at his shoulders and I'm like H God just go back to the way you were before let me stop I love you Frankie but as far as comedy goes you are number nine in the straw hats now let's move on to my number number eight pick for the most hilarious Straw Hat now this one might surprise you but I'm giving that to our boy Tony Tony Chopper Chopper is really versatile when it comes to Comedy like he works really well with almost anybody and some standout moments have to be in the G8 filler Arc where he's pretending to be a doctor that gets me every time but a gag of choppers that I especially love it might even be my favorite one is whenever he's scared of Nami in early one piece like before he really gets to know any of them that well whenever Nami scares him he just jumps off of the Mary like just full on into the ocean even though he knows that the sea will kill him doesn't care he jumps head first in there every time because he would rather drown than be around Nami I guess I don't know I love that gag and especially there's one time where Chopper jumps in and Zoro just jumps in after him and this all happens in the background of the scene that's playing it's hilarious and really chopper with any of the dudes in the crew you know like that's like a really good family dynamic they got going on Chopper is the youngest brother and then he's got all of these deranged older brothers like usopp's the only normal one and even he often gets Chopper involved in some pretty ridiculous situ situation so it's just great Chopper is always entertaining and most of the time he's funny too so I'm giving him number eight for most hilarious straw head let's keep it going let's move on to number seven and for number seven for the most funny straw hat I am giving that to Brooke I don't know I don't really care what your opinion of Brook's uh panty jokes are or his his bone jokes whatever let's forget about all of that okay let's even forget about how when we first were introduced to Brooke he was just a burping and farting skeleton let's forget about that no no no like all of it all of it I am giving Brooke the number seven SP got purely off of this one joke and that's when they are in zo and Luffy is about to let slip that they know the Samurai and the ninjas and everybody on the island which remember was something they desperately wanted to keep from the minks so in order to stop Luffy from blurting that secret out just immediately Brooke says bone bone chop and he just karate chops Luffy in the back of his head it's hilarious bone bone chop gets me every single time I find myself whenever I'm just walking around the house just boom boom chop and another moment that kills me every single time is in Sati when you discover that Duvall's face is just sanji's wanted poster and Brook's reaction to that is oh it's so funny it is so like his laughter is like everything was serious before then but Brooke literally he could he couldn't hold it in anymore and he literally passes away right there it's hilarious but yeah I love Brooke so much just for those two jokes alone so I'm giving him number seven and with that let's go ahead and move on to number six and we are giving that to our Beauty Nico Robin in the cowboy hat here's the thing I love niik Robin's dark humor I really do her suggesting the most terrible things that could happen in ordinary situations will never not make me smile so that's hilarious but the joke that gets me every time when I think about niik Robin is in zo again when they are going up the cliff and conjuro Drew that really awful drawing of a dragon and they named it runos I think and niik Robin is the main one invested in this she's not as vocal about it as everybody else she holds it in but like we know how much she's really rooting for this Dragon until the end when the dragon passes away before everybody's eyes and niik Robin is the main one one screaming you did it runos it's just great I love her for that that's one of my that's probably my favorite Robbin joke ever but yeah we're giving number six to Robin and after that we are going to move on up to number five which is going to be our beautiful Navigator Nami SW and it's like here's the thing the Nami has conquerers hockey gag like I I actually love that gag I it's always funny to me it's just hilarious how no matter who you are once you join the straw hat crew you're now living in the reality that Nami can beat you up like it's just that's just the reality of the situation and I love that they basically confirm that when jimbe is new to the crew and he tries to like say hey Nami maybe go easy on him and Nami checks him immediately like that's that that's hilarious like jimbe was like what conquerors hockey what is thought you were the Navigator what's happening it's like as soon as jimbe joined the crew Odo wanted us to know like oh yeah no like now Nami can beat him up too don't worry it's just funny I love it every time every interaction she has with any Straw Hat it's just hilarious especially when she gets into her Uso bag and she starts trying to lie and cheat her way out of just the smallest punishment nami's funny man and she's my number five pick for the most hilarious straw hat and with that we are going to move it on up to number four and my number four pick for the most funny straw hat that is going to go to our boy Zoro the Zoro gets lost gag that I listen that has no right to still be so funny it might be the funniest thing that I've I've ever seen I don't know I just I love that gag so much and it's Amplified by the fact like I don't know if this is true for anybody else but like I know somebody like that in real life someone who is that directionally challenged he's one of the members on my crew and he literally cannot go anywhere every time we playing games online he's like so how do I get there and you just you're just like you just go left and he'll be like so which way is and I just I'll just cut him off like which way is left I don't know maybe go right and turn around dog I don't know how to explain that to you moose getting off topic the point is this gag is Amplified for me because I know someone just as stupid so I'm giving Zoro the number four spot with that we're going to move it on up to the top three and so my number three pick for the most hilarious Straw Hat I'm get going to give that to my boy Sanji now listen we all have our issues with Sanji and Thriller bark like his pervert gag kind of I feel like that's when it just kind of really got off the rails and just became outright annoying and then eventually in Return of sa he was full-on just sniffing women in the street okay that that's not pleasant no one wants to talk about that I want to talk about a gag of Sanji I feel like not a lot of people are acknowledging okay now listen son this is this to me is the funniest part about sanji's character and I don't know if anybody's ever thought about this but but think about this during the time skip you guys know that sanji's training for the entirety of the time skip so every new move that he learned going into the new world he got that by running from the okama I like I I want you to really just let that sink in Sanji was so afraid to be dressed up as a woman and afraid of perhaps even his own identity in some way he was literally running for Just 2 years straight and that gave him all of the strength that he has in the new world like that is so so funny and it's hilarious because you know Oda isn't saying that like the okama is something that everyone in the one piece world would run from you put anybody else on that beach instead of Sanji and they're having a great time they're probably partying having drinks their training isn't going to be nearly as intense as sanji's Sanji is the only character in one piece that would spend 2 years running from the okama and it's just hilarious like that guy like in Fishman Island when the okama like were also blood donors I think for him because he just kept nose bleeding everywhere he's so scared of him like it's it's a truly hilar ious gag because I feel like there's a lot of like real people in real life that act like that nonsensically toward things that they just don't want to understand and so what can I say number three looks good on Sanji cuz that's the place I'm giving him for the most hilarious Straw Hat now let's move it on up to the final two now the number two pick maybe it's surprising maybe it's not I'm giving that to our boy Usopp Usopp has so many comedic bangers I really don't feel like I need to convince you but I'll go ahead and give you my standout and the DAV back fight when Usopp was coaching afro Luffy I just thought that was so ridiculous so out of pocket it fits so well into one piece but how how well both of them just played that gag like they were both just so into it and then of course in the G8 filler Arc condoriano that entire ridiculous situation watching Usopp be the only normal person that's infiltrating this army base it's hilarious like he carries so much comedically and he's really honestly in a lot of ways the comedic glue that holds the straw heads together sometimes like he can participate in so many comedic groups and Standalone like just him by himself he's always funny that way too like he's really strong but he's not as strong comedically as our number one spot which you might have guessed I'm giving that to our boy Captain crackhead Luffy might be the funniest character I have ever seen like I struggle to find real people in the real world that are funnier than Luffy and the best part about Luffy's comedy is sometime he really is trying to be funny and he's just trying to goof around other times he's just genuinely so insane the things that he's doing is funny because who would even like who would even think of the Ridiculousness that he does whether it's waiting on the sea train for an entire plan to be explained just so he can gumgum rocket himself right into any's Lobby whether it's trapping a yonko's commander in a mirror Dimension so you can engage in an 11-hour fight with him he tried to assassinate big mom and shouted his full name address and social security number he destroyed an island that was already both on fire and Frozen What like how the and I still can't get over how he jumped kaido on his roof for like 200 episodes like do you guys know how long we were on kaido's roof the whole time that lunatic is just throwing hands letting himself get beat up so we can learn new things he's hilarious and all of that capping off with gear five oh his comedic talents are truly they're Limitless he's taken them to the sky and he'll go farther still I don't know man maybe that was not surprising at all but Luffy is truly truly one of the funniest things that has ever been created and I hope his character can stay this Goofy and keep making people laugh because he is the number one most hilarious straw hat and definitely for me the most hilarious character in all of One Piece but that about does it for this one guys like I said earlier I was seeing on Twitter and everywhere everyone was talking about who they thought was the strongest I just wanted to make sure my thoughts were made known about who I thought was the funniest So yeah thank you for indulging me thank you so much for watching thank you for being interested and I cannot wait to see you in the next one did you like the video from my best friend tekking we you know we played on the monkey bars back in back in the Great school you know what actually before we end the video eggnog is stupid okay not because it tastes bad I actually I actually love eggnog but it's like it's got the shelf life of regular dairy products if you're going to taste that amazing you should last a couple more days and please remember to be kind to people please remember to be funny be goofy just make people smile make people laugh every time you engage with negativity with more negativity you are actively making the world a worse place every time you approach a situation with a boundless optimism of an unhinged crackhead eager to destabilize local government there's no way you're not going to make the world a better place
Channel: Mugiwara No Goofy
Views: 95,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Straw Hats, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brook, Franky, Nami, Robin, Hilarious
Id: yrwHNE6Oi38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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