One Piece Drinking Buddy Tier List

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace the amazing all-in-one website platform that makes managing your brand an easy and unique experience more on Squarespace later in the video hello and welcome back to the channel and I just had a thought recently and I kind of wanted to make a video about it I was thinking who would be the best one piece characters to go out and have a drink with you know like if I can make a tier list of a bunch of One Piece characters ranking them based on how fun it would be to go out and have a drink with them what would that look like and so I went out and I decided to do just that so I went ahead and I've created a tier list uh the top of the tier list those are the boys uh this tier list is going to be just everybody that I would just like love to have a drink with like you know just part of the boys The Boys Are Back In Town like when you go out drinking with the boys the kns it's going to be a banger no matter what happens even if the worst thing imaginable happen no downsides all good the next step down that's going to be the dogs now the dogs are a lot like the boys the thing is though they it's it's a little bit dangerous going out with these guys all right now it's it's going to be like a fun time don't get me wrong it's going to be a fun time but like um they might get into a fight and Hell the fight might be with you that's another thing they're just wild they are on go um still really great you want them there but it's just there's just the chance that things could possibly go south it'll still be a really memorable night and eventually a funny story but yeah it might be dangerous that's all I'm saying so they're a step below the boys but the dogs are still welcome always and the next we have the Colin Robinson's which I don't know if you guys watch um what's that show called uh I was going to say It's Always Sunny In the Shadows It's Always Sunny In what we do in the shadows It's Always Sunny that thing we do in the shadows no what we do in the shadows uh Colin Robinson so it's just like a dull person like a not necessarily an energy vampire just like somebody who's like really dull and they don't really bring any energy to the party but you know sometimes you need those characters though sometimes their draw sense of humor is what uh they they can create some really funny jokes basically like I enjoy having a Colin Robinson around every now and then so yeah they're not literally like an energy vampire Empire they're just a really dull person but you know sometimes we need them so they're number three on the tier list and the tier below that is going to be the kill Joys now these are people that I just I you know you don't want to go out drinking with them um the only joy that can be had is jokes that are made at their expense you know they're just not going to it's just not going to be a good time and you know you definitely wouldn't go out just the two of you basically you would definitely need some other people in there with you because otherwise there's going to be no joy to be had and the final tier is going to be the trash which is I would be embarrassed to even be seen with these characters much less go out and have a drink with them all right so these are people that I would never in a million years go out drinking with but now that we've gotten that out of the way let's go ahead and get into it all right so the first character on this list wow that's Absalom God you guys I don't know if you guys know how I feel about this guy but I hate him I hate him so much and he's just so creepy he's the guy that was doing all those awful stuff to Nami in the B he's going right in the trash hello he might be the top of the tier list with the trash I hate him I hate him a whole lot so moving on Ace let's see Ace is definitely gonna be he's either a dog or a boy is he a dog or is he a boy it's going to be a great time I don't see anything bad happening with Ace I'm putting him in the boys I like it U let's see alvita uh I'll be honest she's not really funny she's really just kind of like Colin Robinson I'm sorry I I I think that there's a lot of jokes we could make with V but you know it's not that I think maybe she'd honestly I don't even know no I'll put her in the kill Joys honestly that's she doesn't have anything to say she's just pretty I guess and it's like you don't even think about that it's not that I wouldn't like yeah she's a killjoy she's not a Colin Robinson all right now aliji he's next so let's see aliji definitely is going to be he's a Colin Robinson I don't really see his personality like really like he's a great character but I don't really see him like I what what are we going to talk about I I don't know the one thing I would want to know from him is why you think joining a terrorist group after you left the police force why you think that's going to solve the problems that you want to solve in the world it's it's not you're not even doing active good I would have questions for him you know what I'm saying so I definitely want him to be there I definitely don't want him to be excluded but I don't have anything really to say to him but before we continue getting into the tier list we need to have a word from our sponsor which is Squarespace a platform that helps you refine your brand or business in a number of ways for example you may need to create a website and if you do I've got some great news for you because if you use Squarespace you can get started with fluid engine a drag and drop website editor that makes creating a website a really easy experience but even though it is really easy you still get to make your website as unique as you need it to be but even without fluid engine the website template Squarespace offers are remarkably flexible allowing you to choose from a ton of different designs to customize your website in any way you want you can even use Squarespace as your very own blog if you need to sharing 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Navigator Nami swen and it's like what what what would I even have to talk about him he's just going to be making snide comments like shut up human why knows breathing all the fish man water he's just going to be racist while we're having a drink I don't all right so next is buggy buggy is going to have to be oh see here's the thing I want to say buggy would be I'm putting him in the dog the thing the reason why I'm putting buggy in the dog section he can't be one of the boys because bug there's always some crazy stuff happening if you're around buggy I could be partying with him and the next thing I know I'm an impal down relying on a crackhead that just broke into impel down for some reason you know how you know how crazy it is to be a follower of buggy if you're just even if you're just a casual friend that goes out and have drinks with buggy which I don't think there's many I think the only person that that is is guon and his life is he's doing pretty good for himself but still I just buggy is like if you if you're around buggy I really feel like it's not too long before you get hoed it's not too long before something happens and it's like all right how do we get out of here then I'm relying on a clown to get me out of the situation that I found myself in no I would just rather I would just rather not go now that being said he's still he's not one of the boys but he's still like I will still invite him every single time I'm willing to take that risk it's just the fact that that that risk is such like how high of a percentage that risk is that deters me I I cannot put him I cannot put him in the boys it's just there's too many things that are like this is definitely going to end bad Whitebeard white listen Whitebeard you are one of the boys and I cannot see that going bad at all no matter what happens I mean even if something bad does happen he it's Whitebeard Whitebeard is going to clear it up next we got BTO good old bartholomeo I'm going to say definitely one of the boys I cannot see some of these characters I get to and I'm like you know of the two of us if we went out drinking I would be the problem and bar bartholomeo that is definitely like that's definitely he's definitely one of them so you know if we went out I'd probably be the one that be getting us into trouble Ben Beckman um I mean I don't we don't who I I who even are you I don't think we have too much to say about it to say to him I I maybe controversial it just doesn't strike me as a character I'm not like he's right around where Kuan is like I'm not like if you if somebody like asks me uh go to your head five one piece characters you want to get a drink with I promise I'm not saying Ben Beckman and in fact even if you raise it to 10 people even if you raise it to 20 people I don't think Ben beckman's going to be in there so I'm sorry I you know he's and also we haven't seen enough of his character I don't really think he has quips he just seems like Zoro with guns and that's interesting I don't want to not invite him but I'm not going to go out of my way to invite him you know all right so next we have Capone gang beige now I I don't really care about you at all either to be honest I mean his crew is funny though if he if he brings his crew with him that guy with a long tongue he just leaves hanging out of his mouth that's it it's funny and I imagine I know that you know we watched it in Japanese it's just Japanese with subtitles but I love to imagine they have Italian accents that is so funny to me yeah but he's going in the Colin Robinson's I I wouldn't I don't want to not invite him but also like wasn't he didn't he shoot waiters in saot like they went out eating and he's just like this pizza's too cold or something and just sh he just shoots somebody ah yeah he's going and kill Joy I don't think I'm going to have that much fun with him uh Bellamy he is he's a killjoy he went out drinking and just started beating up people for having dreams in fact he's going in the trash I don't like him at all all right so let's see nami's Mom belir [Music] uh I'm going to say uh Colin Robinson for sure she's definitely not a kill jooy I don't know why I was I guess yeah that's true she's definitely not a kill jooy it's just I truly do not know what I would talk to her about but again I wouldn't not want her to be there for sure so go ahead beo beo is one of the boys come on beo that's that's an easy dub beo is so just just having a talking polar bear is hilarious I want that all the time and also beo is one of the most like one piece characters of all time you know like he is not going to disrupt the flow of too much of anything so again of the two of us if me and beo went out just the two of us I'm the issue beo is probably trying to rain me in he can he's definitely one of the boys uh big mom stop playing all right let's just keep going I don't I don't want I would be embarrassed to be say and then also she just be like trying to find people to sleep with to get like more sons and daughters so if I'm seeing with big mom people going to be like oh mogie I see you with big bomb hey yeah all right hey hey I get it she the emperor I understand next next is bluno which I'm going to say he is a killjoy I'll be honest I never got over what they did honestly the TR I mean it's not that bad he's just a kill Joy I don't really have he's definitely not to these level of like how much I don't like these characters Blackbeard wow um oh but just drinking with him actually no that's true cuz remember when uh before we knew how old Bonnie was he was talking about like why don't you just be my girl and then I'll I'll you know join my crew and be my girl so yep I I would be embarrassed I would be embarrassed to see to be seen with him and then there's Bonnie so all right well sorry Bonnie to put you next to Blackbeard it's just um yeah that feels wrong let me let me move her somewhere over here uh you're like seven so that's that's why obviously you have to go in the this category I'm sorry um if we change the concept to like just go out with you know and and not go out drinking I feel like even still why you know like I'm almost 30 what reason would I have to for us just the two of us to be out you know just hanging out there's just no reason there's no reason just feels wrong putting her in the trash I it's not that I don't like her character I you know what hang on let's let's do there so I added this tier which is the two young Bonnie we love you tier so that now you know she gets to exist in the tier of just like you know we love her in fact hang on in fact we'll move that up a little bit too so she's not like not because she's a bad character just you know she's too young to get a drink okay so that's that's it so Bonnie we love you you are not in the trash tier with all of the characters that I actually do not like all right so I'm glad that we got that figured out all right next we have either Dory or broggy I'll be honest I don't really know but I'll put him in the boys actually he would be it seems like they'd be really fun to drink with and they don't seem too wild if they do start fighting they fight each other that's that's more than I can hope for with a lot of these people that are going to be in there um this is one of the guys from the movies I don't even care I don't know who he is Jesus Burgess you're going to the trash too he s you know how annoying it would be getting drunk with that guy he's just drinking and he's like we [ __ ] it just oh my God ridiculous cabin dish cabin dish I'm going to say you're a Colin Robinson I it's not that I would not invite you being that you are a part of the grand Fleet um actually no I wouldn't invite you that's true sorry dude you're a kill jooy I think I would actively like if someone was like oh did you invite cend dis I'd be like no what uh this is some guy from alabasta don't really Jackal guy just Jackal I'm just want to call him Jackal want a big Mom I forgot what her name was like Olga or something not sure we'll do the kill Joys Don shinou gez John shinou is like I mean I don't really yeah he would just he just trying to fight too many people for no reason he's going in the kill Joys too Chopper come on we'll get him some milk it'll be fine bringing our pet dog to the bar that's totally cool Chopper is for sure one of the boys cracker is no yeah he's going in the trash I don't really like him crocodile crocodile I'm putting him in the dogs I'm putting them right there next to Buggy cross Guild is making their own cross Guild that's cross Guild about to be filled the dog's tear is about to be filled with cross Guild I can just tell uh who is this guy oh that's crocus crocus H yeah cro I don't see any reason why crocus can't be one of the boys I mean to be honest I don't really know if I like him that I don't know that much about him I'll put him Colin Robinson Colin Robinson uh Mr one don't really have any to I don't see him cuz we just really is just there to ride for crocodile do Flamingo I don't want to do that I'll be honest putting him in the trash I just don't want to be seen he's too evil to be seen with the stuff that he did and dress Rosa and everything like that that's just like like crocodile I feel like the audience has like largely forgiven him and if not I I I have just because you know he had a rough day I don't know about forgiven I guess that's a little bit much but no no he contributed in marineford there's a lot of things that he contributed in Marine for so like there's a lot of active good that he did in the story there's at least the argument you could make that crocodile has had somewhat of not a Redemption Arc per se but just like way more than doflamingo has has got going on that's all I'm gonna say okay that's that that's the truth for sure um and then there's brogy or Dory whichever one definitely bringing him up in there Dragon I mean what do you I mean I don't know I don't know kill Joy honestly what does he doesn't have anything to say Drake I'm going to put you kill joy we don't know that much about you anel enel's in here twice well good we'll put him in the trash tier twice uh foxy o foxy foxy one of the dogs I just feel like I just feel like Foxy he's got to he's going to be trying to like mess with something I don't know with that slow slow food he's going to be trying to be doing some dumb stuff he's going to that that would just get really annoying in fact nah I got to put him in the dogs yeah yeah there there's he's got the he's got he he could get annoying but I'm putting him in the dog section I am I don't think he's going to be like a Colin Robinson he's definitely entertaining but these characters in The Colin Robinson section basically is the no character no jokes no funny at all Foxy's pretty funny Foxy's pretty funny I just don't I don't see myself having a magical time every time we go out drinking then again should foxy be a part of the boys or the dogs I don't know screw it Foxy come on up buddy for your contributions to Comedy I'm I'm going to you know I'm going to make the call you're one of the boys foxy sorry I doubted you all right I really don't know who this guy is oh that's Fuji Torah Fuji Torah is without a doubt a Colin Robinson yeah he's a Colin Robinson cuz again Colin Robinson's are good they just and they have their moments in fact he's probably the top Colin Robinson I can really see myself like having a great time with fujit Tor cuz remember when he was pretending to just be a blind old man and dress Rosa yeah yeah yeah um don't know who I mean I know who that is but like I don't know his name so trash GARP garp's one of the boys come on come on getting drunk with granddaddy crackhead come on uh pin wheel guy he's going to be a Colin Rob son right there with B Mir hi heru hydrogen bomb whatever this guy's name is uh yeah he's a kin Robinson I don't think he has jokes Bo Hancock get up there in the boys I don't know if I need to explain but I mean I'm probably not going to live past that night I'm probably turned to stone immediately like as soon as I see her so part of me is thinking like oh but what if she just keeps talking about Luffy I'll be like good I like Luffy too let's keep talking about him say more words Bo please uh H who who is that guy's name is the idiot in wano who's teamed up with Scratch Man a PO why don't you get in there one of the worst generation he truly is the worst uh hell Meo I don't have that much I'm giving him Colin Robinson he's he's made a lot of improvements I'm I'm actually showing some respect here I think that it would be really funny having him in there the mountain bandits in the first up stop uh this Mar I think her name is he or heene uh but and a kill Joy uh Iceberg Iceberg look like Iceberg could be a dog dude I don't know Iceberg I feel like having a drink with Iceberg well he's not going to be dangerous that's the thing I I'll give him Colin Robinson yeah that's true uh sanji's brother ichien or whatever this guy's a trash I don't have anything to say to them uh this guy I'm sorry I know he's part of the grand Fleet but I won't say trash I'll say killjoys yeah cuz it's not that I'm scared to be seen with him yeah so that's true oh that's ivanov's uh person I'm going to say killjoy don't know who that is Ivanov I'm putting ianov probably honestly Ivanov is going in the boys ianov probably would be like really fun to drink with like really fun to drink with actually so yeah I'm putting I'm putting him right there oh no that's the wolf guy yeah get on get on in the trash Jabra wolf guy from uh in's Lobby don't remember who oh yeah that's the guy that uh lost saved in saali don't even know his name so he's going to have to go in the maybe not he doesn't have enough of a presence for me to say anything other than a killjoy I'm sorry Diamond josu same exact same judge get in the trash you neglectful father kaido God he's definitely going in the dogs he's drunk kaido is so chaotic there's just no way that I like no the one party that kaido threw that we've seen in the in the story he got jumped at his party I'm not trying to get caught in that kaido I'm not trying if you get jumped at your party I hope you don't think I'm a help like not that you would need it but also like I don't know that's just awkward you get but like you'd he'd be hilarious don't get me wrong I definitely like you know I don't rock with what he did in wano but he got punched in a volcano I I assume by now he must have learned his lesson this is uh Kaku get on in the trash I can't wait to find Luchi I'm going to put him in there right next to you I don't got nothing to say to him Khalifa I really should put her in the trash yeah I'll put you in the trash I don't have anything to say to her either uh katakuri come on katakuri you are one of the boys man huge uh killer killer is a kill jooy uh King is I just don't have anything to say to King honestly I I would give him a kill jooy too honestly K Adam Sandler Adam Sandler kizar I damn I love Adam Sandler that's the thing I'm letting my Adam Sandler bias ring true here kizaru Adam Sandler I want to say yeah he's doing a lot of stuff that bothers me in the manga right now that's true but like I still love Adam Sandler okay fine let me let me separate this what how do I feel about kizaru he's a Colin Robinson okay that's I I feel like that's a good compromise I enjoy his character and his movies let's see now we got what is her name koala koala she's a Colin Robinson I don't really have Kobe Kobe you're one of the boys bro you are one of the boys Kobe you've been doing excellent in the manga can't wait to see you this is that guy in Alabaster that tried to like do a a coup in Alabaster against Cobra hilarious I I forgot his name I think his name was Kota that is so funny I'm going to say yeah I'll give you your kill Joy you were just so stupid is that Don C boy get your ass in the trash uh so this is the that's one of the cp9 guys get in the trash Kuma God I need I almost made a separate tier all the way for you hey man uh Kura yep come on Jam Lee Curtis come on get slide it on up right in there get you in there and them boys I like that all right let's see Kuro get on in the trash stupid Lafayette latit whatever the [ __ ] I'll be honest I don't want to be seen with you law come on law get up there one of the boys Leo get up there one of the boys so far the dogs is the most illustrious spot it's just straight dogs and the dogss man wow Luchi getting the trash dead ass I do not like him lucky [Music] Ru don't see that much from him I know he'd be fun to drink with though all right fine I just feel like I can't I don't like him that much we don't know that much about him but I don't think he's a Colin Robinson then again I think that's fair it's it's it's about where you know that's fine Luffy come on buddy you know damn well you you one of the boys uh Maki or makio or whatever her name is I'm going to give her a Colin Robinson I'm sure it's fun to drink with her though Marco one of the boys mihawk that's a dog that's a dog if I ever saw one he just be doing too much like the whole thing where he showed up to barer and then fought Don C and and Zoro that was just he was bored he's too much of a wild card get in there with cross kill mihawk uh this Marine guy kill Joy just already know um gecko Moira trash don't want to be seen with you bon clay get on in there one of the boys best boy Nami get on up there one of the boy for obviously the boys is gender fluid I feel obvious I don't I feel like I didn't need to say that but you know you never know uh no Nami sister I mean if nami's in there she's going to be like what so not she just isn't though honestly I'll give her Colin Robinson Hai I just want of the boys to Toko Yaki I won't forget what you did for this uh call Robinson cuz I think he's in the grand Fleet right I don't know I guess kill Joy cuz I don't know know who he is ores listen I wouldn't be but what am I going to talk to with the zombie ores when am I going to talk who one was already the pacifista the paci why would the pacifista I don't want to go out drinking with the pacifista I'm sorry that would be awful so I guess it's not that I don't want to be I'll just put killjoy yeah kill Joy kill joy for sure all of these characters I want it to be known that I hate but then kill Joy is just yeah uh that's Paulie the guy with the Rope I'm going to say Colin Robinson he was he was kind of funny pel you shouldn't even be alive kill Joy perona perona is one of the boys what the [Music] hell feel like I should have looked at these pictures more let's just skip it I guess I'm just oh no oh that's Queen that's queen go ahead get in the trash Queen reallyy one of the boys Ru one of the boys who the hell is that did they just put a silhouette in here why did they do that I know how much Oda likes Silhouettes but I truly I don't know ryuma the zombie Ruma I'm going to say kill Joy cuz it's depressing having a drink with a zombie who is this silhouette dude just get in the trash whoever he is he should have said something Zabo you are one of the boys Ayu definitely get in the trash is that oh that's Sanji that's Sanji that's Sanji Sanji obviously get on in there one of the boys sing Goku that's a Colin Robinson if I've ever seen one Shanks one of the boys these two laws crew they can be I mean I can't yeah I got to put him down there I'm sorry I know that I'd have fun drinking with him but I just can't let everybody be part of the boys cheer you get in the trash smoothie big mom's daughter smoothie I'm tempted but yeah she'll she'll be in uh Colin Robinson spandam get in the trash Stussy you are one of the boys who the hell is that I I know I know who he is I do he's going to get in the trash though uh uh suru I think is her name definitely a kill Joy she look like she on her way to arrest somebody arouge I'm going give you Colin Robinson I just don't know that much to say to you Usopp get on up there you are one of the boys van auger get in the trash I you know I'm going to give him Colin Robinson he I don't even I think he was part of whitebeard's crew but I I don't know that much wool listen um giving him the the dogs he might do something stupid but it'd be hilarious to go get a drink with him Yas up you need to raise your son bro what's wrong with you I'm going say yeah he's part of the boys uh get in the trash sanji's brother Chef Ze one of the boys of course Zoro one of the boys of course Caesar get in the trash don't want to be seen with you care God swamp person definitely get in the trash oh Corone come on you are one of the boys Dinger the dude that was kicking people in those high heels yeah I don't want to be seen with you that guy was crazy um Diamante get in the trash Steven Tyler uh Fishman tiger yeah I'm gonna say he's a kill joy for sure dude is way too serious who the hell oh that's the warden that's the warden's assistant uh that guy I'm going to say he's a Colin Robinson he was funny they was having me laughing keenon I'm going to say yeah you're part of the boys Keon what is that oh that's ores again ORS junior or whatever definitely a kill Joy I don't know he's just anytime you got just a sad ass backstory that's a kill droy mellin definitely a kill droy anytime you got a sad ass backstory or you might arrest us you're a kill Joy that's what it is uh Monae um thing is like why the [ __ ] why would I go out and have a drink with Monae like what what would that why would that ever happen and I'm seen with this bird person and I guess but it's like she's up to something she's going to hoe I'm sorry she's getting in the trash Pedro honestly one of the few characters that actually sacrifices themselves in a one piece story unlike pel wherever he is down here yeah you're one of the boys Pedro you are one of the boys uh uh Pika God just get in the trash Shiki oh I'll be honest Shiki damn just getting a drink just getting a drink Shiki might be a dog I I won't cap that [ __ ] might be really fun uh who the hell is that oh that's the guy from One Piece gold get in the trash Oh the snot guy get in the trash Virgo get in the trash and film's heads in trash well there we have it hang on it looks like we've got our definitive one piece drinking buddy teer list which to be honest let me rearrange these just a little bit I think I would put where's Luffy Luffy is by far I would say like the first I do like the idea of Ace being there and then I would say Sabo would be next Balo Chopper I'm not going to rearrange them all but just like this is like I would love going out to get a drink with all of these one piece characters like imagine can you guys imagine like this just group you go out like these are who you going out with Kuma's in there got Foxy's there GARP is there oh we are not leaving but Bon Clay is there too zoro's there dude oh my God I'm just now realizing Robin wasn't in this list for some reason she would have definitely been one of the boys and we got the dogs now this going out with this group of people buggy crocodile kaido mihawk wool and the Golden Lion Shiki oh my God that it's going to be fun but oh man man oh man that is a dangerous time that we're going to have here's the Colin Robinson which I think this is pretty consistent there's Fuji Torah uh Kuan Ben Beckman b mer there's crocus there's the pin wheel guy there's kizaru there's lucky Ru this group of people they are probably they're either on low energy and they're not doing anything or something one person acts up and then everybody just goes crazy but in General I think if it's just a group of these people nothing too entertaining is going to happen honestly then you got the kill Joys which to be honest all of these people together I don't know how I don't think there's a single laugh we squeezing out of this group I'm going to be honest with you I do not think there is a single laugh we squeezing out of this group like not at all I cannot find a single person that I think I would be I would genuinely be like like even the pacifista that's just going to be sad like maybe mellin maybe but then again even then his Warden was funnier than him but he's in there too so maybe mellin and his Warden the Egyptian dude maybe those two together can make me laugh but I don't know and then we make it to the trash now guys if you ever see me with any of these people much less this group of people I'm being held against my will I mean look at who's in this group it's just a b it's just all the Blackbeard Pirates big mom Luchi in here this is just a bunch of people that hoe people just for a living habitually they are habitual just line steppers they do whatever it takes to cross lines and just ruin things things for people everybody in here so this is the worst group I think I could pick for people to go out drinking with but there you have it guys this is my one piece drinking buddy tier list we didn't get to all the characters obviously but for the characters that they offered us I did think this was pretty interesting and please let me know in the comments what characters you think would be in your section of the boys and the dogs I really couldn't care less about the Colin Robinson's the killjoys or the trash sections okay those are just the people that I mean Colin Robinson's again you know they have you know they're they're fun you know I guess but you know come on compared to the other people you could bring just come on you know but yeah that's it for this one guys thank you so much for watching and I cannot wait to see you in the next one
Channel: Mugiwara No Goofy
Views: 49,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Luffy, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, Franky, Chopper
Id: 2a_7DKuHi0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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