Usopp vs Augur: Oda's Inversion of Luffy vs Blackbeard

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while Usopp and Van augur may be one of the most obvious matchups for the straw hats and Blackbeard Pirates the meaning behind their fight will go far beyond just a battle of the snipers because since the end of the East blue whoop slap has had us wondering whether Luffy's journey is truly due to his dream or his fate and while we know Luffy and Blackbeard are all about their dreams I think it's clear that Usopp and Van augur are clearly oda's examples of Fate auger has mentioned fate nearly every single time he's ever appeared in the story and even in his introduction he mentioned that fate is a result of your daily good and bad Deeds he was also seen right next to Blackbeard and Gaia where teach even joked about how it was weird augur failed to mention fate and one definition of the word augur is literally to foretell Things based on Omens as for Usopp what better example of Fate could there be than someone whose lies are almost destined to come true he almost creates his own Fate by telling tall tales that he eventually gets to live out these two snipers are the perfect ju to position to their captains who are the ultimate embodiment of dreams so I want to use this video as a chance to dig into why fate is so important how it tells us how their fight will go down now that augur has the warp warp fruit and why it will also likely Crown the next sniper King and as much as I'd love to Dive Right In 86% of you amazing and intelligent people who've watched my videos over the last month may have forgotten to hit subscribe last time you were here so you know what to do but when it comes to dreams and fate in the context of of one piece and particularly with Luffy because of his Newfound son God NAA powers that could be worthy of an entire video on its own but just to summarize how I view it dreams are an outcome you wish to happen and work to manifest it into reality while fate almost prescribes the opposite that a certain future is already destined to happen a dream almost makes it so you are the force willing a certain outcome to happen while fate is thought to happen Beyond a person's control Luffy and Blackbeard are clearly two sides of the same coin when it comes to pursuing dreams but Usopp and augur are two sides of the same coin for fate augur is constantly assessing Fate's role in whatever he's involved in while Uso prescribes his own fate through the lies that he tells and I think there's a very obvious reason why Oda chose the snipers to embody fate specifically because shooting a gun or a slingshot for that matter is a perfect microcosm of how fate works the reason for this is that the instant that a shot leaves the sniper's hands you could say that it's faded to land in a certain spot even before it actually does the wind and other forces may affect it on its way of course but regardless the destination is kind of predetermined the instant it's in the air and that is exactly what the best snipers try to predict they try to assess all the forces of the world like wind speed and direction drop off of their gun at that distance and things like that so they can get the outcome that they want they don't ignore those forces of the world they recognize them and account for them to augur we are basically all bullets destined for a certain destination and he's trying to figure out what those destinations are he feels like fate is guiding everyone somewhere already but people like Luffy and Blackbeard want to choose their own path that's why augur is constantly assessing how fate is affecting whatever he is doing but Usopp almost flips that idea on its head where he is the one guiding fate itself when he lies about something it's like the world almost conspires to make it actually happen like he's driving The Winds of fate or he at least has a crazy knack for inherently knowing where the world will take him either one of those is possible but it probably has to be one of the two we will cover this in more detail later but there's actually another reason why Usopp and augur are the perfect ju suppositions of Fate to their captains Luffy and Blackbeard and that's that both usop and Van augur kind of act as a second captain despite having a lower rank in the crew and both of them may have even opposed their crew at some point now don't get me wrong right Zoro and Sanji are clearly the wings of the pirate king but Uso has literally gone by Captain Usopp he often acts like he is leading 8,000 men and he's also the one to stand up to Luffy and fight him over the Mary and while we don't have a ton of information on Blackbeard's crew since we don't see them all too often augur was shown right next to Blackbeard in the middle of the panel when we first saw their crew together in Gia he was also trusted with going to whole cake with just aliji who is somewhat of a new recruit and most importantly this could actually tie to John auger the real life pirate that van auger is based on so John augur was a fairly famous pirate in his own right but the real story to write home about here is that he was put on trial and judged by another pirate named Josiah Burgess who is obviously the pirate that Jesus Burgess is based on the current first Titanic captain for Blackbeard the way that Josiah Burgess got on that trial was that he surrendered to King George and took a pardon and in doing so he actually managed to meet up with the real life pirate Blackbeard while traveling with some trading Goods but after that he was tasked with judging several Pirates including none other than John augur who was eventually hung as a result of this I'm not sure exactly how much Oda will dive into this but it is uncanny that the pirate who inspired Blackbeard's first Commander judge the pirate who inspired Blackbeard sniper because the straw Hat's de facto first Commander being Zoro judged the straw hat Sniper being Usopp back in water 7 Zoro was the one to step in and say that Usopp couldn't rejoined until he apologized maybe Blackbeard's crew went through something similar with their ship the saber of zebec and that's how Oda will parallel this judgment between Josiah Burgess and John augur while Usopp wanted to keep the Mary maybe augur once wanted to get rid of the saber of zebec because while we know that's Blackbeard's main ship we have never seen it one single time in the story his crew is usually just riding a log raft or something but the point here is just that augur and Usopp kind of have very important roles as almost a foil to their Captain but the similarities don't end there because Oda even updated their post times skip designs in a pretty similar Way by giving them both some facial hair so before they let the rest of their hair get out of hand I had to recommend the sponsor for today's video manscaped I know about 94% of you watching right now are guys just like me because YouTube tells me these things and after I finally got to try manscapes perfect package 4.0 I can 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to that down below so thanks again to manscape but back to the video I've mentioned a few times just how much augur focuses on fate but let me just show you how extreme that truly is I've already mentioned the line from his introduction as well as the line from Blackbeard during the cruise introduction but even after the straw hats took the knockup stream augur mentioned how this world is just like a giant gear or wheel thus hinting that fate would help them meet the straw hats yet again during impel down he said that shiru saving them from aelin's Poison must have been an act of fate and he also said that fate was why Luffy and Blackbeard met up down there before Ace even fought Blackbeard augur mentioned that the SE train being nearby was some kind of Fate because it would help them catch the straw hats and then during that fight augur claimed that they were at another of Fate's Crossroads this man literally cannot stop bringing it up no matter what situation he's in but the last one is what stands out to me the most because what happens when two Fates Collide or when two people with the same fate or the same dreams which we've seen so many times in one piece get in each other's way well that's exactly what we would learn when Usopp and augur finally duke it out because I think there's a good chance that whoever wins that battle will leave being known as the sniper King and doing so may even be auger's actual dream or at least what he believes his fate to be which would be even more fitting I think and that puts him at a Crossroads with Usopp because I think there is no doubt his fate is definitely to become the sniper King now to be clear his dream is to become a brave Warrior of the sea but that's something else entirely his fate however is to become the sniper King and I can almost guarantee that because of one reason Usopp lied and claimed to be the sniper King meaning it has to actually happen just like all of his other lies in the story because as we all know Usopp and so King are not the same person and while a lot of us love to play that off as a joke I actually think it's 100% true in this context because Usopp isn't the sniper King yet the entire reason so King existed in Ann's Lobby was to basically let Usopp tap into an alter ego one that he was able to be more confident in especially after what happened between him and the crew and he even tapped into this personality during Thriller bark to essentially hype himself up he basically had a fullon conversation with himself so that he could stay confident and beat perona so King isn't Usopp it really is someone else at least for right now he isn't the sniper King yet but he did lie and act like he already was so that means it absolutely has to happen eventually and there is no better opponent to become the sniper King against than van augur who now owns the warp warp fruit seeing seemingly letting him teleport himself at will and even doing so to others that's kind of the ultimate trump card in a sniper battle because even if Uso's shot is On Target augur can warp out of the way thus nullifying how snipers fight to begin with it's almost impossible to know that you're ever going to hit that Target unless you can either a predict where they will be beforehand with future sight or B change your shots trajectory after the fact and those are both things that I think Usopp will learn to do I'll talk about future sight later because aug will likely tap into that as well but changing a shot's trajectory seems kind of odd because we've really only seen that in one piece with Vander deckin Mark Mark fruit this lets him assign a Target so that he could use almost anything he wanted as basically a homing missile but I do think there's actually one other example of this power in one piece that oda's hidden from us in plain sight and that's usopp's dad yaso otherwise known by his epithet Chaser the name Chaser itself is very likely to be a double on Tandra because on one hand we know shank's crew loves to drink and some of them even have names based on drinks or liquids in general like lime juice Bonk punch lucky Rue and Shanks even said the best sake he knows of was from his hometown and a chaser is usually what you drink after some questionably tasting alcohol so that you can chase it down with something that tastes good but I think the other layer to this name is simply that yaso shots can chase down his enemies kind of copying Vander dein's Powers but likely just with hockey and the red-haired pirate it's mimicking devil fruit Powers with Just Hockey or life return maybe or whatever other techniques there are is something I've talked about in a few videos already and as for yaso I doubt it's the exact same thing as Vander deckin since that man didn't even need to know where the target was and the weapons could turn like 180° if needed but the idea here is still the same yaso will probably be able to alter the angle just enough to hit shots he normally couldn't or wouldn't either to bend around a corner in case he doesn't have the line of sight to chase a slightly moving Target or if Usopp were to ever get this ability he might use it to pursue a Target that keeps warping around however an easy way for augur to counter that would just be using future sight and while we don't necessarily have proof that he has this just yet the word augur can literally mean to foresee or predict and we know that snipers and observation hockey kind of go hand inand Usopp unlocked a unique long range form of it during dress Rota to take down sugar and I think there's a chance augur already has something just like it because of what happened during his introduction three seagulls were flying near the Mary right before Gaia and then all of them got shot with two dying immediately Chopper was able to deduce that they got shot from a direction in which they can't even see an island so Nami thought that that would be impossible and Usopp even said if that is true with what kind of eyesight using what kind of gun and what kind of technique does the shooter have they probably got shot before and just happened to fall down now so look if Usopp is impressed about somebody sniping and thinks that maybe someone couldn't even do that then I feel like I'm also obligated to be kind of impressed this seagull thing is also definitely a connection to the augers of ancient Rome these were religious officials who were basically tasked with observing natural signs like birds primarily to see if a proposed action got Divine approval basically to see if it's good or bad and that's why after he shot those seagulls augur mentioned how fate is a result of your daily good and bad Deeds so given how far he shot them from I wouldn't be surprised if augur already had a similar form of observation hockey to Usopp to be hon where he can basically sense their presence even from insane distances but it is also likely that he at least got some help from his weapon named senu this thing is basically just a long rrange rifle likely based off the blunderbus and while we don't know a ton about it I'm sure it helps him shoot long range a hell of a lot more than a slingshot or a lot of other weapons Usopp saw before that point so maybe that's why Usopp said what kind of eyesight or gun or technique do they have it may not be something he's actually experienced before so I have no doubt that that gun did did help augur here but I still would imagine that at least by the time Usopp and augur fight by the end of the series they'll both have that long range observation hocky at their disposal and now that we're this deep in the final Saga I would have to imagine auger's also a prime candidate to have future sight I mean like I said earlier in the video the word augur itself basically means to predict the future based on Omens if van augur isn't going to have future site then I don't know who will this could even be a reason why he was tasked with going to hake Island without keiji specifically kak Curry would be the biggest threat there with big mom gone and wano and another future set user could act as a potential counter to kotak Curry I'd also like to imagine Al keiji had it as well being an ex- admiral and all but the simple fact that augur was there could be a clue maybe and that probably means that Usopp will need future sight as well I mean it would be almost impossible to imagine Usopp countering him otherwise even if Usopp learns Yo's chasing abilities augur would still be able to see the future and Dodge it and I don't think Usopp learning future sight is really that hard to believe since he already has some form of observation hockey and the man basically predicts the future with his lies and another potential option here which I am fairly confident will come into play during their battle to be honest is how Luffy disrupted kaku's future sight by messing with his focus when he saw him eating the donuts Usopp is a huge trickster even going back to his fight with Chew in the ketchup and he always tries to throw off his opponent with his lies like saying he has eight th000 men at his disposal auger has come off as nothing but calm cool and collected which is exactly what you'd expect from those who excel in observation hockey but Usopp could be the perfect counter to that with his Antics the first time Usopp ever uses future sight or at least Alters the future that auger saw that's definitely going to mess with auger psyche I also think the environment is going to come into play in a major way when these two fights if we go again back to usopp's fight with chu in arlong park he only survived because he had a Forest to hide in Chu was using water shots almost making that somewhat of a ranged battle by the way and Usopp used the trees to protect himself and on top of this Usopp is very closely tied with plants in general because of the time he spent at the bow and archipelago during the times skip where he learned to utilize the pop greens these pop greens have to be a major factor against augur and having a forest type environment would Aid him significantly I think because if the battle was just in a wide open space then Usopp would just get creamed augur could warp out of the way to protect himself but Usopp would basically be a Sitting Duck especially if augur is as good at sniping as we think he is which he definitely is so I think this leads into an interesting discussion about auger's warp warp fruit Awakening because if we follow the logic of other parami Awakenings then he will likely be able to affect the environment around him in some way like by warping it I guess we already know that he can warp other people because he warped burges to shore against the heart Pirates but maybe he can't warp inanimate objects right now as some kind of limit to his abilities but the Awakening would maybe let him do so or if that's not it like he's already able to warp inanimate objects as much as he wants then maybe the Awakening would let him warp things away much further than normal cuz I would assume he has some kind of range on it like law does with his room which the powers are different obviously because law has to swap places with something but still so imagine if auger gets the ability to warp things across the entire planet or something because if the fight truly does happen in a forest-like environment or somewhere where Usopp has stuff to hide behind then augur could start warping away every single tree or rock or whatever it is on the island so that Usopp has nowhere to hide or Usopp might just get Warped away himself we know that hockey can nullify devil fruit Powers as we saw with law. Q so maybe Usopp will need to learn that as well to stop himself from getting warped away or even better and this is something I personally am dying to see is that Usopp gets warped across the planet or at least to another Island that's really far away or something but the catch is that maybe he's still able to shoot van auger because like I mentioned earlier when augur was introduced he shot from so far that we couldn't even see the island that he was on so imagine Usopp does the same thing to Van auger where he's so far away that even augur can't see where Usopp is this could then Force augur to warp right back to Usopp because otherwise he couldn't shoot him maybe and this could tie back to the whole Vander deck and an yaso Chaser thing because if Usopp gets long range observation and the ability to make his shots Chase enemies he would basically have to go back and take on Usopp head on immediately and the potential for their battle to develop into this kind of scenario is why I am positive that this will be the fight for the title of sniper King shooting accurately from Far distances and High Press situations all those kind of things help make a great sniper but the battle that augur and Usopp could have would just be Way Beyond that think about the daddy Masterson battle in logtown and then ratchet that up times like a million and you get this battle that's the difference between a great sniper and the sniper King but the thing with sniper King is that it's supposed to be meant for the king of sniper Island a place that Usopp said was just in your heart and as we know we have to take everything Usopp says kind of seriously and being in your heart tells me that it isn't a place right now but maybe it was or it will be so I propose a few different options for this the first is probably the simplest and that's that he will create sniper Island and become the king of it or become a king and rename wherever that land is sniper Island maybe the island he beats augur on will just become known as sniper island or maybe serrup Village will be renamed that at some point because of all of usopp's Legends or at least sniper Island could become an epithet for surup Village much like How brave Warrior of the sea and sniper King will be epithets for Usopp if he is meant to marry Kay at the end as a lot of us expect he would be kind of a king of syrup Village at that point so he could just lie and say it's it's actually sniper Island thus kind of making everything come true but another fun option here is that it used to exist but doesn't anymore I mean Islands getting erased is something that's becoming more and more common unfortunately and perhaps augur and usopp's families could have some connection to that Island I mean I would absolutely love it if say auger's family were once the kings of sniper Island but got taken down by someone from usopp's family or vice versa I mean both augur and Usopp are from the East blue so that kind of lines up right away and yaso and Usopp or kind of proof that Marksmanship can be passed down through blood yasa has had like zero involvement in usopp's life yet Usopp is still such an amazing sniper so it wouldn't shock me at all if there is a connection between these two going to the past and if both of them come from sniper families then maybe the Difference Maker between them is usopp's nose which of course he got from his mom and the reason I say this is a really long nose like that almost acts as a natural bodily iron sight it's never outright said in the story but maybe that unironically helps him aim I mean so King even had a long nose so that could be a sign in and of itself but if you want to hear more about Usopp and maybe even his potential ties to Prince Loki of the Giants then check out this video on the screen right now but first make sure you like And subscribe and until next time later
Channel: Dak's Saké
Views: 298,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece theory, one piece 1090, one piece luffy, nika, gear 5, oda, sun god nika, laugh tale, shanks, luffy, usopp, augur, van augur one piece, one piece 2023, blackbeard, sniper king
Id: zAPQ74U-VTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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