The 6 Powerups Usopp Could Obtain in Elbaf

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so I don't know how many of you guys actually watched the latest episode of One Piece episode 1093 but we saw kind of a ridiculous feat in that episode so toi this time around had the brilliant idea to adapt cover stories into the anime which is something they do from time to time but it is very inconsistent this time around though we got a very important cover story adapted and that is Kuan and Van ogre's raid on H cake Island in this cover story we see van auger and Kuan lay waste to Cracker in the manga we don't really get the full scope of how this battle went down it really just looked like Kuan one- shot him right we see cracker we see his frozen body and that's pretty much all we get out of the scene but in the anime toi decided to go a step further toi decided to add a little bit of flare to the scene and it started a lot of conversation because in this battle we see V ogre one shot crackers biscuit soldiers not once not twice but three separate times times one bullet one kill is absolutely ridiculous when you think about how hard Luffy struggled against these biscuit soldiers back in hul cake Island even though cracker isn't exactly an opponent we're wary of anymore he is still a very strong opponent nonetheless so having then augur Just Walk On By and onot his biscuit soldiers is very impressive and then of course uh something really silly about the power scaling aspects of it is that in that same episode van auger shot John Bart in the gut and John Bart tank it with seemingly no hockey whatsoever so what does it say about John Bart I don't really know but just reing it in this video was pretty much inspired by Van auger's feet in the episode while it is not canon I wouldn't be super shocked if van auger had power similar to this in the manga because when you really think about it van augur is potentially Uso's final opponent in the story when you think about the future fights of One Piece all we have left are really the gor in the world government and the Blackbeard Pirates the order in which we'd fight these two entities is still unknown right now but either way van auger is built up to be one of usopp's final opponents so why not give him somebody who is absurd somebody who can actually One-Shot biscuit soldiers it just makes a lot of sense right end of story Usopp should be at that level in my opinion and this kind of spurred a thought in my head like hey how does Usopp Bridge this Gap because let me tell you you know this is pure head Cannon pure speculation but I do not believe that Usopp right now on egad island can one-hot a biscuit Soldier Actually I don't even think he could take down a singular biscuit Soldier without some sort of assistance so that right there got me thinking how could Usopp level up in these next couple of islands what powers or abilities could he get and I feel like this is a Hot Topic considering that elbaff is right around the corner do you guys know how long people have been hyping up usopp's adventure to elb ever since 2007 when we got introduced to Dorian brogi people have been expecting an usapp power up once we hit that island and that right there my friends is what we're here to discuss today the six power-ups that I think Uso could get when we hit elath or Beyond so for the sake of time I'll try to keep these points short sweet and somewhat simple and also I will be list them from most likely power up to least likely power up I think that'll be a fun way to do it and we will start with the most likely powerups first so the first PowerUp that I believe that Usopp is most likely to get in the story is obviously future sight hockey so back in dress Rosa we saw Usopp unlock basic observation hockey and it was a very impressive showing he sniped sugar from miles and miles away and not to mention the way he saw sugar was very special as well not just because this is a great Usopp feat because very rarely in the series do we actually get to see what observation hockey looks like from someone's point of view we only get that twice once with Usopp and the second time with Fuji T where he sees all the citizens running alongside him so I do think this is a very special moment and I think Usopp could unlock the advanced observation hockey which is just straight up future site and one of the most recent showings of future in the manga we saw Shanks tap about 10 seconds into the future during his fight with kid to predict what kid was going to do and he said hey that's not cool so he cut kid off before he could even begin I do think that Usopp maybe not 10 seconds but I believe that Usopp will have a great understanding of observation hockey and future sight so much so that he can see maybe about 3 to 5 seconds into the future I don't think that would be too absurd and not to mention I don't think this power would be wasted on usup either so so taking into consideration that van augur is most likely going to be usopp's Blackbeard opponent I feel like this would be a very useful ability against van auger because when you really think about it van auger has the warp warp devil fruit he can pretty much use Instant Transmission and teleport all around the world how is Usopp supposed to keep up with somebody like that Usopp isn't exactly known for his speed Feats so I think it would be really hard if he tried to bridge the gap through physical mean but if Usopp had future sight though he could actually predict where Van auger would teleport probably well before van auger himself even knows he's going to teleport I think that would lead to a really cool battle and exchange and it could bridge the gap between van auger and usop and it would also show that haky transcends all because that is what kaido said when he was fighting Luffy right hey devil fruits are great but hockey is even better Usopp besting van auger's devil fruit with hockey would be a beautiful showing in my opinion so now the second likely PowerUp that Usopp could potentially get in the near future would be a brand new type of observation hockey Al together and I know this does kind of blend in with the first PowerUp but here me out a little bit so in the one piece movie film red we saw a brand new type of observation Hockey being utilized by Usopp and yaso where Usopp could actually tap in to yaso mind and see what asop is seeing it was kind of ridiculous it reminded me of the six pads of pain where all of the bodies were just linked up and they had total vision around the battlefield and honestly I don't think that would be a bad fit for Usopp either of course though the main thing working against this idea is that film red isn't exactly Canon and Usopp doesn't have these abilities but I could see this being worked into the future of one piece and not to mention in the film R volume 4 billion Data Book Oda actually wrote a bunch of notes notes on how strong some of the redhair crew actually is and he wrote something very interesting for Shanks where Oda himself noted that Shanks has the power to cancel other people's observation hockey which is a hockey feat that we have not seen in the anime in the movie or even the manga so Oda himself is already toying with the idea of how to expand hockey in the near future so giving Usopp a brand new type of observation hockey in general I I don't think is too farfetched and not to mention but it would fit right in with usopp's fighting style as well so it wouldn't feel alien by any means and hey if option one and two are a little bit too crazy we could always dial it back and say that Usopp could just get base Armament hockey and be able to shoot his pop greens with that extra oomph which is something we do know is actually possible because the amazonians at Amazon Lily were able to infuse ryuo into their arrows so yeah whether it's observation hockey a brand new type of hockey or just straight up Armament and ryuo I do believe that Usopp is going to get some form of hockey advancements in the near future so 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upgrade I believe that his pop green Arsenal could be expanded upon once we hit elb so back when we first hit sabot 2.0 and fisherman island people were hyping up usopp's pop greens to hell and back and I was one of those people when I saw Usopp utilizes pop greens and you know Sprout flowers out of the ground I was going crazy because I was always an Usopp fan I always wanted to see Usopp get stronger as time went on and pop greens were perfect for Usopp up until they weren't so as the arcs went on usopp's pop greens became less and less impactful they started doing less and less damage because our opponents just kept on getting stronger a prime example of this would be on onigashima back when Usopp was fighting page one and ulti I was on the boat that Usopp was gonna One V one page one you know I was one of those guys every chapter we got of Nami and ulti and Usopp in page one it just brought a smile to my face because I knew deep down that they were just going to fight and Uso was going to go crazy didn't happen you know like a kid waiting for Santa Claus he never actually came instead we had Nami beat ulti which is something I absolutely love for her but as far as usup goes he didn't even get a good honorable mention in the page one fight in my opinion because what happened was that used his strongest attacks against page 1 but page one brushed all of them aside whether it be the skull bomb whether it be the bamboo shoots Usopp could not even scratch pagee one I mean well he did scratch him but he didn't draw blood he didn't mortally injure him it was big mom who had to put down page one and I was just so saddened to get that outcome because I really felt like Usopp could have shined right there or at least you know page one would be like oh that Usopp guy guy you know he's a real Menace that never happened there was no Usopp respect on Oni gashima minus his speech that it gave to kinan and EO Usopp in my opinion just did not really have a great showing on Oni gashima if you're looking for battles if you're looking for character development I think it is there but me I'm a battle junkie you know I'm all about my battle shonin I want to see people fight and Usopp just has really been letting me down in that regard for the past couple of arcs but I always reel it back and and in the back of my head you know like like a weird Winter Soldier code I'm just like wait for elbaf wait for elb wait for elbaff and hey if Usopp were to get a power up on elbaff I do believe it could come in the form of advanced pop greens and let me tell you guys why and this is going to sound so silly but it's so true but the reason why I believe Uso's pop greens could get a glow up on elb is because the plants of elb might be a lot bigger than usual I I know some people probably just busted up laughing when they heard that because it's such a simple thing to say like oh it's the land of giants so they have giant plants but that is somewhat factual right because when kid was going to elbaff and we saw the fish off the coast killer made a remark saying hey the fish of this island are really big you know like you know this place is pretty huge so I wouldn't be shocked if we get introduced to Giant plants and if Usopp can somehow obtain the seeds of those plants and bring them into his Arsenal and even if that isn't the case and let's say Usopp cannot obtain the plants of elb he could get the soil from elb as well because we do know that Usopp has a pop Green Garden on the Thousand Sunny so maybe there's something special about elb's soil and he utilizes that to make his pop greens even stronger believe it or not but I'm a really big fan of this idea because Uso pop greens are just so unique to him and I would love if they just came back to the Forefront of his Arsenal so yeah having him get new pler Advanced versions of Pop Greens on elb could just be a really simple solution to scale him upwards for his future battles so now onto the fourth potential upgrade I believe Usopp could get over on elb I believe he could get a brand new weapon all together before we get into it I just want to put this disclaimer out there I do believe that Usopp from the start of the story to the end of the story will be a sniper you know it is ingrained in his character he's always going to be our little sharpshooter of the straw hats that is just who he is but that being said I think there is a potential for Usopp to get Moler Thor's hammer and of course that sounds a little bit ridiculous but let me explain let me explain elb thus far has had a lot of Nordic references from Loki to the ships to the atam tree looking like erville there's a lot of things that ties elb to Norse mythology so I wouldn't be super shocked if by the time we hit elb we just get hit with more Nordic references and Meir would be one of them so now you might be wondering how a hammer would exactly fit into usopp's Arsenal right when you think of Usopp like I said you think of a sniper why would he pick up a hammer out of nowhere well if you recall Usopp has always been using a hammer throughout the series he used a hammer against Chu which is a member of arlong's crew right he used the hammer he hit him and that is how he pretty much finished that fight another noteworthy example of how usup has used a hammer was against perona because he whipped out his iconic 10 ton hammer and not to mention there was also the fight with Mr four where he whipped out not only the 10-ton hammer but he used the Hammer as ammo for his SL slingshot I'm sure most of us have watched the Thor movies or at least knows how this Hammer mythologically should work one it produces electricity two only the worthy can wield it and three once you throw it out there it actually flies right back to you so let's say hypothetically Usopp gets this Hammer he uses it in conjunction with this slingshot and once he fires it out and it hits its Target it comes right back to him he has unlimited ammo if that is the case and I think it would fit with him quite well and not to mention but this could fix one of usopp's major problems in terms of combat which is close range fighting of course this is something that doesn't exactly need to be touched on right Usopp is a sniper he fights from long distances but hey if anyone ever tries to box Usopp maybe he does have some crazy Hammer techniques and he could just simply knock them away so that he could finish them off with his sniper I feel like Meir would just be the perfect addition to usopp's Arsenal and it could even be a huge step when it comes to Usopp achieving his dream of becoming a brave Warrior of the sea because like I said earlier according to mythology or at least some cases of it only those that the hammer deems worthy can actually pick it up and wield it so imagine if we get to elb and we learn that you know hundreds of Giants and people come by to pick up the hammer but they can't do it but all of a sudden Usopp picks it up and it deems him worthy that would be a great way for Usopp and even us to acknowledge that he has become a great warrior of the sea and that right there doesn't even have to be the end of usopp's dream either maybe Usopp picks up the hammer it deems him worthy but Usopp doesn't see himself as a brave Warrior yet so he spends the rest of the series with his fight against van AER with his fight against the world government trying to master the hammer and prove that he is indeed worthy in the end I I just feel like that could be a really cool plot point and I feel like it would really help progress Uso's character and end goal so now on to the fifth potential upgrade that usamp could get in the future of the series and this is where I start to fall off on the possibility list right you know the first four I was pretty strong on even mol as you know head Cannon as it is I feel pretty good about that but here onwards I'm kind of like you know I'm like scratching my chin I'm like okay this is a stretch but there does exist a reality out there where this could happen and number five is Usopp unlocking conqueror's hockey you know boo I know right some people hate this idea a lot and I feel like that's very fair but this is another way for Usopp to prove that he is again A Brave Warrior of the sea because he has conqueror hockey because he has that kingly ambition and by getting Kings hcky he would put himself up there among the list of greats so you might be wondering why conquers hocky out of everything well there is this ongoing gag where some of usopp's Lies do become truth eventually uh there's actually a whole list of Usopp lies that do become true and it's kind of crazy when you really look at the list right we have the giant goldfish we have the tonas we have Miss Groundhog's Day like there's a lot of lies that just straight up become a thing in the series and One Lie that he made over on onigashima was that he had conquer his hockey so I forgot who did it it was either Luffy or kaido but there was somebody up on the rooftop that was just straight up exhuming conqueror hockey throughout onigashima so much so that people on the bottom floors were passing out people were wondering what was happening and Usopp being very Usopp took credit for it he said oh they must have passed out because of my conquer hockey and ever since then I I have had this like you know itch in my neck that's like wait Oda surely Oda knows what he's doing right like like oda's having Usopp lie about conquer's hockey could be foreshadowing that Usopp will get conquer's hockey later on so yeah there is that chance um I do feel like if Usopp were to unlock conqueror Hony he wouldn't exactly get Advanced conqueror hockey I feel like it would be just a really nice setup for a scene like God Usopp and that's pretty much it you know I I don't exactly expect Usopp to master it to the extents of Luffy and kaido but he could just simply use it at a very Peak moment like Luffy at Marine Ford or even Luffy at impel down right people are in trouble something's about to go down and then boom Usopp conquers hockey people pass out and then we all clap for Usopp I feel like that could be very plausible so now on to the last upgrade the sixth upgrade that usop could get uh funny enough this was actually at the top of my list going into wano and going into egad Island But as time progressed I realized that this option is becoming more and more flimsy and that option would be Usopp getting a devil fruit so when I think about Usopp getting a devil fruit I kind of see it in two different camps I can see Usopp himself eating a devil fruit and I can also see usopp's weapon his Kabuto eating a devil fruit especially now that we're here on egad island because Dr Vega Punk is around and Dr vegapunk is the man who found out how to give weapons devil fruits in the first place the idea of usopp's weapon eating a devil fruit is just straight up cool across the board right like Usopp could talk to his weapon he could strategize with his weapon his attacks would get a lot more potent and through this possibility we would learn how vea Punk actually feeds inanimate objects devil fruits there's just a lot of winds if Oda goes this route but the reason why I'm no longer bullish on this idea is because we have Zeus Zeus is pretty much an unofficial Naka he just straight up lives in nami's Baton and I feel like if Usopp were to get a z and devil fruit in his weapon it would just be like another Zeus which Zeus himself already gets very little screen time so I feel like having another sentient weapon on the crew would be a little bit redundant um I wouldn't mind it but we're at the point in the story where we have so many straw hats and so many characters on board the Thousand Sunny that not a lot of these characters get polished anymore so I feel like adding another you know semi Naka to the crew would be very but then again you know if elb is usopp's Arc and if we spend a lot of personal time with Usopp maybe this does feel natural but yeah that is the main reason why I'm not exactly on board with this idea anymore it's kind of like I fell out of love with the idea uh as far as Usopp himself getting a devil fruit I always thought that would be really cool you know give Usopp a loia and then boom you know people try to hit him he they phase right through him I think that'd be dope but Oda actually answered a question a long time ago in an SPS as to what devil fruit he thinks would fit Usopp the best and I don't know how many of you guys actually remember the answer that Oda gave but he said that the devil fruit that would best fit Usopp would be the pocket pocket no me where he can essentially just reach inside of his body and have infinite Pockets he has an infinite storage inside of his own body and while that is cool in a sense and that would be very handy for Usopp I would argue that Usopp already has that ability right like how many times in the story has Usopp just randomly pulled something out of his pockets that really shouldn't be there you know Usopp essentially has the pocket pocket noi already in my opinion but hey who knows that SBS was made a long long time ago so maybe Oda has changed his mind throughout the years maybe he has a different idea for devil fruits in regards to Usopp now uh one thing that I do think would be really fun if Usopp did eat a devil fruit would be that we would finally see a member of the crew eating a devil fruit we haven't really seen that that often where people find a devil fruit out there in the wild and eat it for themselves so if Usopp were to do it that would be a pretty cool thing to see right like we've been to so many islands in the past 26 years of one piece and not once have we just looked up at a tree and saw devil fruit so maybe that's in store for us here but who knows man thank you so much for listening to me ramble about six different options for Uso's potential upgrades hopefully you enjoyed this video please let me know what you agree with disagree with which option do you resonate with the most what do you think usamp's going to get I would love to hear anything and everything down below and one last time thank you so much to the sponsor of this video skillshare again click the link in the description down below and the first 500 people will get a one- month free trial to skill share which is a invaluable experience in my opinion so be sure to take advantage of it but yeah I'll catch you guys when the next chapter one piece drops my name is Sai and I'm signing out peace
Channel: Syv | Retcon
Views: 172,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Syv, Syvduck, Syvreon, Syvn, one piece, one piece theory, usopp, usopp elbaf, elbaf, sun god nika, awakening, blackbeard, one piece chapter 1107 spoilers
Id: gVJgM4CRoRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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