Thriller Bark Is Hilarious

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the Warlords all hate the straw hats and I'm not talking about just the obvious ones all right obviously crocodile does obviously doflamingo does no I'm saying if you'll let me I think I could explain how each of the seven Warlords hates the straw hats okay and we're gonna go ahead and start this one off with one that might make you shake your head a little bit Bartholomew Kuma he definitely hates the straw hats okay and to explain why I think we're gonna have to look at the events of Thriller bark through his eyes so follow me you are Bartholomew Kuma you're a warlord but despite being a warlord you're actually a pretty kind decent and honorable man but no matter how good you are you still work for the war government so you got to do what they say now the mission for today they want you to go down to your homie Gekko moira's Island and deliver a message okay now his island is in the middle of the Florida triangle now if that sounds familiar it's because the Florida triangle in one piece is just real world Florida the entire Arc of Thriller bark takes place in Florida pretty much just in someone's backyard and if the name similarities on good enough for you you don't need any other proof other than how Luffy acts as soon as he gets to Thriller bar I mean as soon as they touch down he hops off that boat and he starts trying to domesticate every wild animal that he can see I mean he's carrying a net he's trying to catch ghosts he's trying to make a Cerberus his pet I mean just thank God Brooke is the only one to make the cut because if it was up to Luffy we'd have like 75 new Florida crewmates on the sunny so anyway your mission is to deliver this message to Gekko Moira on this weird Pirate Island in Florida you don't want to go but you got to deliver this message okay but in addition to the island being in Florida you don't want to go for another reason it's because your homie Gekko Moira he's kind of the worst okay and his crew well there well there's no easy way to say this there are all sex offenders all of them and it's just awful I mean there's one of them a doctor who's famous for saving people but he actually just ends up murdering them so that he can reanimate them as zombies so that they can be subservient to him which just has the most awful implications and then there's the other guy this guy who has a devil fruit that lets him turn invisible and he uses that to just terrorize every woman in his life I mean he's basically just translucent from the boys like beat for beat bar for bar he is just translucent and it is just awful to see and like there's no evidence that Gekko Moira is also an offender um but like why are you friends with these people man like that just makes you look so bad so again you are a decent honorable man and as a decent honorable man you try your hardest to avoid Florida as well as all of these other weird people but you gotta deliver this message so you get it in your head look let's just go there let's deliver this message and let's just get out of there so that's your mission you're going You're trying to get in and out as fast as possible so as soon as you get to the island you run into this pink hair teenage age ghost girl and remember this is an Island full of degenerates so as soon as you see her you go yeah we uh let's uh let's get you out of here so you use your devil fruit powers to eat her off the island you don't really know too much about her and you don't really even know where you're sending her but you think anywhere is better than Florida so you keep going until you get to the main building and in the main hallway of that building you see two people fighting now it's translucent from the boys and some other pervert that keeps his hands in his pants and the two of them are both just screaming about how they would much rather be staring at women bathing than fighting each other and you go that's awful but not at all out of place for Florida so you keep going all right and on the way you see more and more reanimated people you see zombies everywhere until you come across a skeleton with an afro fighting a zombie Samurai you think that is it does I need to keep going okay you keep trying not to ask questions but you think you might as well just mention it to Moira as soon as you see him because there's a lot of weird stuff happening so you get up finally to the main place and you see more right like Kuma my dog how you doing how you doing kick your feet up you good and you're Kuma so you're like I'm good hey there's two sex offenders downstairs fighting over an unconscious woman in a wedding dress do you do you know anything about that or more was just like Ah that's just it's just Absalom he's a goofy that's how he plays I mean she's in on it too I bet probably you know it's it's fine and you're like okay um also there's a skeleton with an afro fighting a zombie Samurai who looks suspiciously like the ancient wano hero whose grave was just robbed not too long ago I mean do you do you know anything about that or and he's like what you're crazy man I tell you what you gotta stop smoking Kuma you're Kuma you're starting to get a little bit frustrated you're like there's a skeleton with an afro fighting a zombie Samurai in your front lawn and you don't know anything about that nope okay and the two perverts fighting over which one of them gets to marry the sleeping teenager you don't know anything about that either but you assume it's probably okay and he's like look man this is Florida all right a lot of weird stuff happens like what am I supposed to keep track of every weird thing that happens here like you need to just relax okay just kick your feet up and tell me why'd you come here like what's going on and you hate it but he's got a point okay because you really don't want to be here any longer than you have to be so you're like look man I just I just have to give you this message from the world government okay apparently all of us are meeting up in marineford but before that they just want me to give you this message apparently there's this lunatic just running around beating up any warlord that he sees and you should probably be careful okay that's it they just want me to make sure to let you know that you should be careful so Maura here's that and he kind of gets a little offended he's like what do you what do you mean by that what do you mean I should be careful and so you're just like I mean I'm just saying like you know like he'd be crocodile so like I mean what are you gonna do and this is when he gets just really hot at you he goes like I don't know who you think you're talking to Kuma all right I'm Gekko Moira all right I'm the BET all right I went toe-to-toe with kaido I got Giants back here man you think I'm scared of some crackhead just running around fighting people I'll tell you what I'll knock that crackhead out I don't care like you know I'll tell you I will do that right now you stay right here you watch this all right I'm gonna go I'm gonna go show that crackhead what for and so your friend goes outside to try to prove himself by fighting a crackhead and his friends and you watch as this crackhead and his friends just beat the bats off this man I mean they whoop his ass it's really hard to see I mean they beat him up so bad it just starts throwing up it's disgusting the whole time he's looking at you for help and you're just like no don't look at me don't do that I told you not to fight okay I told you not to go out there I told you don't do I said it wasn't worth it who told you to go out there and prove yourself by fighting a crackhead did I tell you to do that I did not tell you to do that and so your friend gets beat up and you think you know that's tragic but you know there's no skin off my bones all right I gave him the message it's not my fault he immediately got himself beating up by the crackhead I was warning him about okay I'm just you know that's nothing to do with me it's time to leave Florida but there is an issue okay because you see this lunatic has now beaten up another warlord specifically the thing they sent you to prevent he has now achieved and he just recently declared war on the entire world government so they tell you they call you up they're like Kuma listen I don't we don't care what you do with the other ones arrest them beat them up it doesn't matter but you gotta take care of this crackhead bring us the head of straw Hat Luffy because he's just getting out of control and you've got kind of a problem with this because from your eyes this crackhead and his friends have just beaten up all of the sex offenders on the island objectively making it a better place all right you know how to testable these people are and Through Your Eyes he's kind of just cleaned up the place okay so you're like you know I don't want to do this but you know it's a job I got to do what I got to do so you think about it you know and maybe you could just send him to rehab I mean the crackhead clearly has a problem he's just so hopped up on Mountain Dew you maybe he just needs some help so you think maybe you'll just send him to rehab so you go and you're trying to help the crackhead but as soon as you approach him all of his friends uh stop you they go no you can't take them we don't want you to take them and you're like listen guys calm down like you're all exhausted and even if you weren't like you're not as strong as me so just let it go let me help your captain crackhead like stop being so selfish like stop expecting him to be like this force of nature that just punches whatever you want him to do let me get him out of here of course they're not trying to hear that okay so they all try to fight you you beat him up as nicely as you can by the way so once they're all beaten up you go to try to pick up their Captain um but then this green-haired Samurai jumps up and then Cuts your arm revealing that you're a robot or you think all right I guess I missed one but you're like listen I don't know if it's just bravado that was cool man but like you know it's clearly just bravado like you are too exhausted and even if you weren't you're not as strong as me so just let it go and this Samurai looks you dead in your eyes and he says hey man are you black and you go I don't see what that has to do with anything but no I'm not and he goes ah dang it okay so uh you're not black so I can't beat you how about this how about this okay you need a head uh how about this you take my head okay Luffy's gotta become king of the crackheads it's like the only thing he's ever wanted in his entire life how about you take my head instead all right you take my head we'll call it even Stevens all right let Luffy go and so you think you know that's pretty admirable okay maybe you misjudged these lunatics maybe they are really about it for their Captain okay and right as you think that one of the perverts that was fighting over the sleeping teenager downstairs comes walking up to you with his hands in his pants and says no take my head and then you go oh you're part of this crew too immediately makes you rethink what you just rethought you go nope I was wrong they're all degenerates maybe they're all offenders as well you know I don't know I should probably get Luffy out of here get him to some rehab it'll all be for the better okay but then the samurai knocks the Pervert out and he's like listen don't even just forget about him he's got his own problems like he's got his he's working through his own stuff just me in you here just take my head let Luffy become king of the crackheads it's like the one thing that he's ever wanted please just just take my head we'll call it even Stevens come on and you're like all right so you seem like you mean what you say you might be this honorable person like you appear to be so I'll tell you what let's put that to the test okay I'm going to use my devil fruit powers to extract all of your Captain's pain all of his exhaustion just everything okay if you can take that pan on top of your own pan I tell you what I would just leave but I'll tell you this I saw what you guys just did okay you guys beat up my friend the giant that he was controlling and then you beat up my friend again when he ate like a thousand Shadows like I know that that's exhausting for all of you if you take on this Captain's pain on top of your own pain I promise you you're not gonna survive so what do you say and he does not hesitate he agrees but just to show him that this is serious okay you take out all of his pain and then you take out just a little bit like that much you send it his way and he has a seizure just that much of it nearly kills him and you're like yeah that that doesn't feel good does it might want to rethink this and just without hesitation he gets up and he's like let me do this somewhere else so you're like whoa okay that's that's kind of cool that's kind of cool and again without hesitation he jumps into the ball of pain and basically just explodes all right but instead of just laying in the fetal position screaming he just stands there with his arms crossed like the most Florida Florida man you've ever seen and the whole time you're thinking like okay nah that was cool all right and so you got a newfound respect for this Kraken in his band of lunatics and as a man of your word you leave you come up with some excuse for the world government though because you can't just you know you you let this dangerous crackhead get away you think you know he did just declare war on the world government but surely he'll lay low for at least like a week okay you think you've at least got a week to think up your excuse to tell the world government so you think you've at least got a week so you start trying to think of what you're going to tell the world government three days later that crackhead and his group of friends have made their way to sabari archipelago and basically set the entire place on fire Kuma I thought you said you took care of a straw Hat Luffy and then you're like actually I didn't give you my report yet but what you know what what does that matter like what's going on and they're like well that crackhead has punched this Celestial Dragon we've sent like a bunch of Navy soldiers and an admiral there to take care of it basically the whole island is on fire like you need to go clean up your mess right now how did it get away from you and you're like I I don't know I'll just get there okay you can't can't think of an excuse off the top of your head so you just go you think all right no more excuses I gotta use my devil fruit powers to at least send them away take care of them do something so you show up and the first person you see is a Samurai and you see the wounds that he took from the battle and from taking on all of his captain Spain and he's the one he's he's one of the ones fighting the hardest you're like again that is really cool but dude come on man like I thought we had a deal like I'd spare you guys and you guys would like relax for like a week like you couldn't even give me a week bro I couldn't even think of a good excuse to tell my boss and so you eat him off the island and one by one you eat everybody else off the island you send them each to different places that will act as their own versions of rehab because clearly they're all on crack okay until you finally get to Captain crackhead and you send him to this island populated by Amazon's okay like it's an Island full of women there's no man at all on the island so you think he's gonna go there and you don't think he's gonna die but they're at least gonna fight him beat him up a little bit or keep them they'll imprison him like he's not going to prosper if you say send him to that Island you go back to going your other business okay you go back to do a more warlord stuff three more days later you get a call from your boss said Kuma in my office now and you're like I don't know what this could be okay but let's go you get there and they're like now why is it that the crackhead that you said you took care of has now teamed up with the pirate Empress she has professed her undying love for him and the two of them are fighting at marineford the two of them are fighting at the Paramount war and they're just beating up all of the Marines it's them and a bunch of other people that shouldn't be there and you're like I that sounds ridiculous how he I sent him to the Amazon Island yes but like there's no way that he made the Amazon queen fall in love with him like how would you even verify that that's such a ridiculous sequence of events like I don't believe you and the world government goes you know what Kuma you're right that is a truly ridiculous sequence of events and we would have no way of verifying that information if it wasn't for the literal clown that is live streaming the entire War right now buggy is catching every one of your mistakes in 4k and narrating them what's up guys it's buggy welcome back to my channel well there goes that crackhead that beat up the warlord at Thriller bark if only someone would have stopped him there oh there goes that same crackhead that went to sabari archipelago and basically turned the entire Island to an island on fire after he punched a Celestial Dragon God we really should have stopped him right there oh isn't that the same crackhead that broke into impel down and busted me and so many other criminals out of impel down so that we can come here and cause even more trouble for the Paramount War it's too much the clown that live streamed the war is the final nail in the coffin the world government looks you in your eyes and they're like Kuma you're fired okay I'm sorry this is too much and so that's it you know you tried your best to be an honorable man but because Luffy is just the biggest crackhead on the planet that just didn't end well for anybody okay so you end up fired and things don't get too much better for you after that but that's a story for another day but yeah that's it guys I hope I've given you enough proof as to why Bartholomew Kuma definitely hates the straw hats um I stand by it let me know in the comments if you think Kuma really does hate them or if you think he's still just an honorable guy that's just taking it all in stride I just think there's just only so much that a guy can take that's it guys Thriller bark through the perspective of Bartholomew Kuma thank you so much for watching thank you for being interested and I can't wait to see you in the next breakdown chapter review discussion uh POV perspective change whatever the next video I can't wait to see you there later
Channel: Mugiwara No Goofy
Views: 287,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Thriller Bark, Zoro, Bartholomew Kuma, Kuma, Perona, Luffy, Gecko Moria, 7 Warlords
Id: C3nK5YiOuwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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