My Pokémon Teams in Every Game

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gory teens prevents Michael here and today I'll be covering the Pokemon teams I used for my first playthrough of every Mainline Pokemon game as best as I can remember first off are the Gen 1 games red blue and yellow of which I have only played yellow this was not my first game though I started with Gen 3 and never went back to play the Gen 1 games until they came out on the 3DS in 2016. yellow was my pick because it had all three starters and because Charizard could actually learn fly the team began as the starter Pikachu all three fully evolved starters Alakazam and Tauros I had never used all three Kanto starters on one team and thought it would be fun to do so then Alakazam and Tauros were picked because they're extra good in gen 1 compared to any other generation psychic types are broken in gen 1 and Alakazam is the best one besides Mewtwo meanwhile Tauros a Pokemon I've always liked is underwhelming in most games but in gen 1 it was extra powerful thanks to gen 1 crit mechanics the crit chance was based on the Pokemon's speed and thanks to tauros's Speed it crits over 20 percent of the time with every move this is not how the team stayed though yellow versions starter Pikachu does not have improved stats like it doesn't let's go meaning it became unusably weak before long I swapped it out for Zapdos the best electric type in the game finally I ended up removing Venusaur and using Rhydon instead Venusaur was super useful early but less so as the game went on ride on became an excellent answer to electric fire and flying types types that the rest of the team needed some help with before I move on to the next game friendly reminder to check if you're subscribed to the channel a lot of people watch my stuff all the time and are not subscribed and I would appreciate you subscribing pretty please next is Gen 2 and the game I played was silver like with Gen 1 my first playthrough was not until it came out on the 3DS this time in 2017. the team was Typhlosion Steelix ma champ Alakazam Lapras and firo since I played this game as an adult and could plan ahead of time since it had been out for almost two decades at the time I went with the team I believed was possibly the best team one could use for a Gen 2 Johto playthrough Typhlosion is both my favorite and the best of the three starters Alakazam is still good despite the psychic Nerf thanks to special attacks with all the elemental punches and Lapras is a powerful water type with ice type stab extremely helpful for Claire and Lance then Rocky the Steelix muscle the mod champ and Kenya the Pharaoh are all in-game trade slash gift Pokemon the most in-game trade Pokemon I've ever used on one team they're powerful on their own but became even better since they got boosted experience in a game with weird level curves and no modern day experience share that's a big deal the only thing I disliked about this team was that the only way to get a metal coat early was on wild Magnemite a Pokemon that can flee well once I got through that nightmare this team was awesome next we move forward in the generations but back in time to gen 3. the first Pokemon game I ever played was Pokemon Ruby and I should use this to clarify I'm only going to cover my team for the first playthrough of a specific pair so I've played Sapphire but since it's virtually identical to Ruby I'm only covering my first Ruby team this does not apply to enhanced versions though I am going to cover my Emerald team I got Ruby alongside links on my ninth birthday back in 2003. So as you might Imagine by my age at the time I was playing uh calling this a team would be a stretch I played most of the game only using my extremely over leveled starter Sceptile named blade once I caught Groudon something I did by Saving and resetting multiple times a strategy I came up with by myself at age nine that I was very proud about I used it alongside Sceptile to help me defeat the Pokemon League my first Kanto playthrough Pokemon Leaf Green went similarly I used just my Blastoise named squirt for everything I cannot remember a single other Pokemon that I used even briefly like I don't even know what I used for fly like I must have just beaten Lieutenant Serge and Erica by being extremely over leveled then came Pokemon Emerald where team building finally started for me it wasn't a complete team of six but I did use more than one Pokemon Swampert brelum and torkol comprised of my first Emerald team for most of the playthrough a trio of Hoenn Pokemon that I was and still am quite fond of fun fact I was actually able to get two silver symbols at the Battle Frontier with this team at the Battle Pike and the battle castle the fact that I did that with three random playthrough Pokemon as a child is a feat that I still find impressive and am still proud of to this day Rayquaza was added to the team once I could catch it though since as you might imagine discovering I could get a level 70 legendary before the league was mind-blowing and was an instant addition to the squad Tim by dinner party oh you're hosting a dinner party indeed it's the four year anniversary of the sponsor of this video raid Shadow Legends the action-packed RPG available on mobile and PC in which you can take part in thrilling battles using a variety of over 700 different Champions and to celebrate I'm hosting a dinner party that's wonderful Count Me In but who else will be there my team skull grunt's girlfriend of course but I also wanted to invite some champions from raid I'm just not sure who any suggestions hmm I would say Molly Tang heard herndig fod Board of The Bard and Gala long braids I see that you picked four for the four-year anniversary but why are they all dwarves they seem like they know how to party one of them has Tankard in her name and another one is literally a Bard good point I'll pencil them in by the way did you hear about at the AR event I have new players can use their player ID at egg from April 14th to May 15th to hunt for dragon eggs and a chance to an amazing in-game items or real life prizes like Amazon gift cards why'd you ask knowledge of it is a prerequisite for an invitation you should download rate using the link in the description below or by scanning the QR code on screen new players will get a starter pack with all this cool in-game loot great I'm looking forward to the party by the way what are you serving Slowpoke tails just kidding probably casserole next is Gen 4 I played Diamond over Pearl and my first team was Torterra staraptor luxray botsol Dialga and a drift blim that eventually got replaced with Lucario due to driftblim not being well good I'm very fond of this team since it was my first balance team of six even though in retrospect I can see it's super standard for a Sinnoh playthrough if you've ever played through Sinnoh and not used a luxray or staraptor who are you in addition to this being my first team of six it's also when I started my personal trend of only using new Pokemon or new forms for my first playthrough in a new region next was Platinum but I sadly cannot tell you my true first team I lost the cartridge a few years after getting the game and after transferring my original Diamond team to it for all the complaints about modern Pokemon games at least if you lose the cartridge you don't lose all your Pokemon and save file you have to lose your entire switch would then mean losing all of your Pokemon game save files okay man I guess there's pros and cons I don't remember anything about my first Platinum Team except I know I started with Infernape the best I can offer you is my second Platinum Team which I know exactly what it is because the second Platinum cartridge I got I still have and I looked that team was Torterra staraptor float Soul Raichu mang mortar and Giratina quite a few repeats from the diamond team but remember there was an entirely different team in between the two plus I also think another Diamond team after I restarted it and in that one I used Napoleon so I had used all three starters so I just went back to Torterra next was my first Johto game Soul Silver I used a team of Typhlosion Golem Ampharos Poliwrath Scizor and Lugia but swapped in suicune for polyrth after the first League win since it was significantly stronger I used this team to beat red you may have noticed that I used legendaries a lot I did it more when I was younger because like what child turns down a legendary but I still some sometimes use them today I know a lot of people don't because I think they're too overpowered and it makes the game too easy which I get and I've definitely avoided using legendaries for that very reason at times but also can be kind of fun to control a deity moving on to Gen 5 my first unit of a game was White Version my team was Samurott Zeb Striker conkelder crocodile archeops and Pharaoh Thor I'm quite fond of this team and while none of them are top favorites for me except Zep strika I still Harbor a soft spot for all these Pokemon even the less popular ones like conkelder that strike is the coolest one though finally back on the switch this year baby I'll play with an evolution probably not but maybe some better moves better stats something next I played Black too not The Logical sequel to white but I had also played Black after white and I thought black qram looked cooler I tried something new for this team and that was using more than six Pokemon I know Gary did that in the anime and I remembered that and thought that was cool it was tricky to do but it was definitely an interesting experience I rotated around Samurott Ampharos crowbat gigolith sock Zoroark sawzbuck bohem Flygon and kobalian unfortunately I don't know which team of six I used to beat the league for the first time since the Hall of Fame Only Stores the most recent 10 or 20 entries and I beat the league a lot training Pokemon up for the Pokemon world tournament then came the jump to 3D while I made the jump to college between X and Y I played X my team was Greninja heliolisk Gogoat Charizard the gift Lucario and Xerneas with Charizard and Lucario taking turns mega evolving Talonflame holds an honorary spot since for some reason I continued to use it decent amount even after having Charizard oh wait I know the reason because Talonflame is awesome also this might appear to break the trend of only using new Pokemon in a new region but since Charizard and Lucario can Mega Evolve their Mega Evolutions are new forms and thus count the most memorable thing about this team for me is that it taught me a valuable lesson just look stuff up I did this thing where I was like oh I'm an adult now I'm in college I can play through this without looking anything up because I've played a lot of Pokemon and I know what I'm doing and then I ended up with like a level 47 helium tile I didn't want to look up how it evolved and I could have sunstoned it way earlier next was Omega Ruby the appropriate choice for me since I started with Ruby I started with Sceptile obviously then used Glade manectric Crobat Gyarados and Agron every member of this team except Crobat could Mega Evolve so it was really fun swapping which one of these cool Pokemon I powered up based on the specific battle using a different one for each Elite Four member Gallade was notable because I'd never used it on a playthrough team until now and had wanted to for a while but also it was only possible because well I kind of cheesed it I had to trade a dawn stone over from my X version because for some not logical reason you can't get a dawn stone until Wally gives you one right before the league literally it's the last battle before the league that's the earliest you can get a dawn stone which is ridiculous Gallade is in the Hoenn Pokedex like why would you not be able to get the dawn stone until the national decks next is Gen 7 and I played Pokemon Sun this was actually the first time I ever recorded and posted to YouTube my first playthrough of a new Pokemon game the final team of six I used was decidueye vikavolt Midday lycanroc araquinid palisand and solgaleo but solazzolin hero the shiny gum shoes contributed a lot prior to the league and yes that's a shiny gum shoes I got a full odds shiny young goose less than an hour into playing the game something that I still cannot believe happened another interesting thing about this team is that it has more type overlaps than I think any other team in this video two Ghost types and two bug types it's a strong Testament to how cool I think all four of these Pokemon are since I normally limit type overlaps pretty strongly next was the enhanced version Pokemon Ultra Sun my final team of six was incineroar Hawlucha Garchomp toxipex along the nine tails and the MVP totem vikavolt I really like vikavolt but i x sure really like big vikavolt this team is honestly one of my favorites since cool in previous games but didn't have the chance to use then we make the jump to the most modern system the Nintendo switch which is where I played let's go Pikachu my team was the partner Pikachu Venusaur Arcanine Lapras Mew and shiny Aerodactyl unlike in Yellow Version the partner Pikachu actually stuck around due to having solid stats then Venusaur Arcanine and Lapras were a trio of awesome Kanto Pokemon that formed a fire water grass core Mew came from the Pokeball plus and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use a mythical and a playthrough and Aerodactyl was transferred in from Pokemon go since I thought that would make for a really unique team also it meant that I didn't have to shiny hunt it for my quest to beat all the master trainers with just Shiny Pokemon and considering that hunting for shiny Kabuto sprained my wrist I think doing this actually saved me a lot of physical pain also I should note that I did get a shiny venonet before my second badge which did not last on the team very long since venomoth is garbage but it was still cool and now for the new teams this is actually the third time I've made this video but the last time I made it was in late 2018 which meant let's go was the last team in that video I've got quite a few teams to add now the first of which being sword my final sword team was cinderace corvanite dreadna amped toxicricity grapple locked and dragapult all new Pokemon but corvinite and grapple locked were probably my favorites I should note that there was a period of the playthrough where I ditched my starter in favor of a grim snarl was because I thought cinderius was pretty underwhelming honestly I still do but eventually I felt bad and I brought it back Dragon pulp was also notable because it was a very late addition and I could only evolve it right before the final battles of the game but then it was amazing in all of those battles plus it's super cool so I was willing to make it work doing that actually started a recent Trend where I put the pseudo legendary on my team a lot of the times because it's fun to have strong stuff next came brilliant diamond and this team and this game in general was frustrating my squad was Infernape Rose raid Gardevoir Gliscor magnazone and Weavile the First new game team of six I've ever used that did not have a water type this team is frustrating not only because it struggled against the unacceptably overpowered Pokemon League although I suppose everyone's team probably did but also because of the gliscore situation I love glyce score a lot and I was excited to use it on a new game playthrough team for the first time since before release I was certain brilliant Diamond shining Pearl would have the Platinum sinodex well that didn't happen instead they kept the cinodex the same and had a lot of the Platinum Pokemon be available in the grand underground not all of them but some and glygar was one of those Pokemon I thought I was in the clear but then it turns out the Razer Fang the item needed to evolve Gligar was in the same place as it was in Diamond and Pearl which is after the Pokemon League I hate these games so much I thought the dawn stone right before the league in Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire was ridiculous but this is this is just completely unacceptable there is no circumstance in which a Pokemon can be caught before the league that cannot be fully evolved until after the exception of the Kanto remakes those get a little screwy but like the whole thing's it's like okay it's just what was here that's it there's a version of Gen 4 Sinnoh that just doesn't have Gligar and gliscore and then there's a version of Gen 4 Sinnoh that does why did they make a version of Sinnoh where you can get Gligar but not gliscore before the league that's so stupid they could have just put the Razer thing where it wasn't Platinum I did not just roll over and accept it though I had a friend trade me a Razer Fang so I was able to have gliscore on my first and almost certainly last brilliant Diamond team Sinnoh then immediately got a spectacular upgrade with Legends Arceus though Arcus like I felt like I was having Whiplash we got some of the worst Pokemon games ever and then only two months later we got one of the best my final team was hesuyan decidueye luxray Alpha hasuian gudra Togekiss Basque Legion and mamaswine despite the limited number of new forms in Pokemon I was still able to make half the team new forms or species plus together kiss and mamaswine still felt kind of new since I'd never used them before and while I had used luxray it's luxray so it's always cool as you can probably tell I'm very fond of this team I will cherish forever the memory of actually succeeding in catching the 10 levels higher Alpha hasuian sligu since Not only was I not expecting to but it was also extremely strong and fun to use then finally is of course Pokemon Scarlet my final team was Qui quavo armor Rouge kilowattroll Toad's cruel rev of room and back Excalibur plus annihilate and garganicle who helped a lot earlier in the game another team of entirely new Pokemon of which my favorites are armor Rouge which is still my favorite of the Gen 9 Pokemon and Max caliber it was both cool and was really fun to use to Dragon Dance sweep most of the league kind of funny how stat boosting moves seemed so useless as a kid but in reality can make a Pokemon completely broken so those are my teams let me know your favorite down in the comments below and thank you so much for watching with an extra special thanks to my patrons over on patreon for helping support my channel independent of fluctuating YouTube ad rates and if you want to help performing the same way links in the description below also if you want to check out some of my fun Pokemon content I recommend these videos here but that is all I have for now so until next time fans gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 764,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon scarlet and violet, gen 9, my pokemon teams, best pokemon team, pokemon team, every pokemon game, every game
Id: ESp8ew-jivk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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