Boethiah, Daedric Prince of Plots | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #43

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to fudge muppet my name is scott here with michael and drew as always and today we are talking all about the daedric prince of plot's boethiah so drew i know i know you love boethiah and we could probably get the the scat story out of the way you know that's one of the most important stories yeah look sometimes you got to build up you got to let it digest a bit before you get on to that but i don't know i mean to start off with boeifee like we're all gamers here so to put it in a way that all gamers can understand but he feels like the dark souls of daedric princes you know he's like he's all about overcoming obstacles being the best you can be and if you want to be bowiefy's champion you've got to like kill everyone around and you know don't bootlick you've got to prove yourself that's beefia yeah overcoming is a massive element and that's i guess why she's very she slash he is um very favorable of law khan and it seems very like related like in some texts it's kind of like could be like implied lovers and others it could just sort of be like buddies and so on but as we know like law khan's sort of creation of mundus um is sort of a big mortal test in the eyes of the dunmer at least i guess i'll just quickly get out of the way as well that boethiah is one of those daedric princes that just appears as a male and then a female and then as a male again even though they can all do that if they wanted to boathia tends to do it a lot so you will hear in this podcast us switch between he and she not on purpose just because like i'm thinking of the skyrim quest and i say she or so on and so purely um purely just opinion based but i kind of liked when it was because the female introduction um was in um in skyrim before that i'm pretty sure it was always male and you had when it was like the anticipations and um the tribunal they were all like sort of reflections like vivec and uh mafala were both sort of um you know in the middle of the of the bone area or whatever and then you had um almalexia's anticipation was boethiah the the male female swap and azura so this hill and it was just kind of like neatly like that but then they went in the texts often say that though predating skyrim maybe i'm wrong i feel like i just remember it being in the law could be there are a lot of texts where they use both pronouns in the same text yeah as well it yeah it is kind of cool i think bowie is one of the ones who is coolest when they're embracing both like depending on the scheme or plot that's happening and you know how it's kind of like mafalo it can be beneficial to appear as people want to see you whether that be female or male yeah or else that's the thing it's like any daedric prince can technically do it it's just you don't see it with some like there's nothing limiting azura from showing up as a dude you know yeah yeah that just sounds a bit odd doesn't it holding like a moon and a sun and just like i don't know yeah i mean i don't want to get too metaphysical too early but it's interesting when you're talking about the connection with lorcan like there's a there's a lot of relationship between bowie if you're in lorcan there's even like um the khajiit call the um ebony male the shr the death shroud of law khan um but what's interesting is when you kind of look at boefia's teachings to the kaima there are a lot of similarities with the elven auriel you know the idea of escaping or transcending mortality in the mortal realm um and i know obviously lorkhan's test the the psijic endeavor is kind of like that too but it's weird how it does overlap with the way the lc auriel is it is about proving yourself beyond mortality i guess the difference is maybe bowifia didn't really like the idea that elves were just looking backwards and feeling sorry for themselves instead they're supposed to embrace their challenge yeah well that's the fundamental sort of um difference which you know we'll get to the to the pooh story everyone wants but we've got um where you know boethiah has sort of uh given her teachings to the velocity and prophet belloth and the velothia fellow's followers and they were leaving to go to a new land which was resdained later morrowind um and they became the kaima people but on the way trinimac orioles champion tried to stop um tried to stop them and then so uh boethiah uh well there's different way there's different texts to say how it goes down like some say like boethiah just won some say miphalla came and stabbed trinimac and weakened him because trinimac's supposed to be like one of the most powerful gods um ever but the big sort of uh this is the story yeah we're gonna get to the pooh story but here it is but um boethiah um was uh didn't like the way that what was it again that there's a quote it's like uh they didn't like a trini they thought that tears weren't the right response to the sundering or something something like that i can't i'm paraphrasing hardcore there but essentially um they thought uh boethiah thought trinimac was you know taking law khan's name in vain and you know obviously big fan of law khan and then um yeah and and then they had a little fight and the traditional well one of the traditional stories is that um boethiah ate trinimac and essentially shot him out and he turned into trinimac into malacath and now that's why that's all there's an alternative version where it was like sort of like excrement sort of shout out and then they rubbed it all over themselves or like i've heard that on both followers like the followers of trinimac did that and became the orcs but also the dark um well the alma did that and became like the kaima yeah it can get quite weird i mean everyone's got their own version of the story malachathium himself says that that's like far too literal but i mean i would say that too if if i was in that position because i'd be embarrassed it's one of the actually the whole thing that little story there it's a really good way to think of it i think it's like the perfect example of sort of and what they call an anewic or a patamatic sort of philosophy like it just puts them right there but with here is completely a paramedic idea all for laura khan all for the the challenge overcoming kind of thing and then you've kind of got um the annuic perspective being the looking upon creation unfavorably and being like we're trapped or whatever so you know for example like red guards even though they're not connected to the elven pantheon they do share the same anewic beliefs about how you know mortality is kind of a bad thing it is yes sorry i was going to say it is funny how they go to morrowind and the dwemer obviously have a presence there and while the two elvis elvish races go about it completely different ways they are both trying to ascend to godhood in a way like the dwemer through technology and kind of you know all of their uh tonal architecture and whatnot but then the chimera in the sense of just transcendence through overcoming life's obstacles and leveling up as drew likes to put it to all the gamers out there but but it is like that as opposed to like praying and just hoping to go back one day to your ancestor form or or undoing the world or whatever way you want to go about it it's like transcendence through like action at the end of the day bowiefie's goal with this dealing with trinimac was was purely to prove that you know trinimac is called the paragon he's like the perfect example of what you should aspire to be whereas bowiefy is saying no don't like you know don't just kneel and worship gods and do nothing for yourself prove yourself to be a god so in a sense if malakaf is saying it's too literal-minded you could almost imagine it like the saying we have we're like i'll get on like you know you're having an argument and he he beats down trinimac's ideas and that's essentially him like you know pulling him out he's just like beating him in the uh in the field of ideas but at the same time it's murafic era so you never know it could be literally i mean the the book boethius proving which you can find in skyrim is is a good example of bow with his attitude because it's the one that talks about the followings going to summon the followers going to summon boethiah and then as they appear they're kind of all even though they're bow with your followers you'd think they'd know how to act but they're kind of a bit too begging for mercy and she basically destroys each one even with like a blink or breath and things like that until one of them realizes well oh i better do something and just basically shanks the other one in front of her and um kills the other follower and then they get rewarded and i think it's through is it in her teeth the the gate of oblivion opens up and they go through into a realm in um is this the oblivion one in that story it's from skyrim right but yeah i know the exact story you're talking about it's something poetic yeah like in her mouth or her jaws or something yeah so it's have mercy upon us one of them says she blinked twice once he was in agony twice he was destroyed she cast a withering glance across those remaining and said i do not grant mercy and so it was with the others she putting them to proof they offering none finally she came to me eyes are glow with anger tongue wet with hate and said of all my believers but two remain tell me second to last with what shall you prove your existence without hesitation i drew forth my blade and buried it in the chest of the other who stood beside me and without fear replied ask him whose blood now sprouts from my blade if i exist she smiled and the gates of oblivion opened between her teeth then she said tell me now last of my followers wherefore do you remain where the others do not i retrieved my blade and offered it up saying i am alive because that one is dead i exist because i have the will to do so and i shall remain as long as there are signs of my handwork such as the blood dripping from this blade accepting my gift she nodded and said indeed well like um and another thing is eso uh i think makes it canon that essentially her um her arch rival is molag bal and i was thinking about that a bit and it kind of makes sense out of all the daedric princes for but we fear to hate it would be molecule because even though he's strong there's two things really he does for mortals either one he enslaves them and takes away all their free will and their ability to to achieve the sigic endeavor or or whatever um or he's giving them like this kind of artificial immortality in the form of vampirism where you don't actually if you're a vampire and you can live eternally you don't really need to strive to kind of like you know defeat the tower and overcome mortality it's just you know it's cheap kind of like boethiah just chooses violence every day like that's her work there's a really good there's a good chunk here that i think sums her up pretty well called glorious upheaval it's from l scrolls online but it's basically like a book trying to convince you away from eight divines and why i should follow boethiah but boethiah waits to receive the word word but he waits to receive the worthy he pays no no heed to muelling praise and prayers or cries for aid and mercy from his faithful he delights in the blood of the overthrown that betrayed the conquered and murdered those too weak to survive and receive his gifts only rebellion and violence only treachery and aggression and the power you seize can prove you a smear speck of dusk dust was deserving of notice your prize waits between his dripping fangs if you dare claim it the tested who stand drenched by the viscera of the pitiful glimpse secrets held only by the prince of plots which i'm sure is sort of like you know psijic endeavor kind of related who proved the weakness of gods when trinimac suffered in his stomach every power can be dismantled demonstrate your will to the deceiver do what you must to sever the grip of all rulers and place the crown on your own brow in this way you carve the path to illumination you recognize your potential and like i really like that too because it kind of it sounds so much like kim like and especially if you look at the 36 lessons of vivec and all of the um references to um you know the the ruling king and the crown said like you know using sort of uh monarchy what's a what's it called again um uh but melech bell calls it the uh the symbol of royalty is kim that's like that's how it's called so um you know and that kim is quite literally exerting your utmost will onto the universe and so on and it's very in like that sort of boethius domain of overcoming and exertion and you know becoming a god even like it's very suited for that long-term kind of goal it is interesting that out of the three good daedra that the dark elves follow they're quite different like especially in terms of how they want to be worshipped like azura basically wants you to suck up to her basically what you absolutely shouldn't do when talking to a summoned boethiah um whereas boethiah is definitely more uh i guess anti-simp in the way like he here's a quote from both his proving again but like here's what one of them said to her and got killed each night i pray to thee each night i call out thy wondrous names surely thou must recognize the sound of my voice thy most devoted of believers she frowned and let out alongside and then of oh okay they're typo i guess and then of a sudden he was gone the air from her lungs dispersing him so you know it's kind of like it'd be good to get bowiefy's take on the tribunal well the tribunal betraying um nerevar and tapping the heart of lorcan because really everything about that process kind of aligns with what boeifee is teaching them if you sort of read like when you read the 36 lessons of evac and look at what vivec did it's very in alignment with what boethiah would teach and that's why sometimes it's kind of like the um it's a cruel like the good daedra aren't you know it's their metaphysical kind of lessons or there's more like if you just look at them like the three together there's no there's a lot of like nuances the reason to why they are worshipped by the donor or something because at a face value look like from a cyridic perspective there a lot of them you know mephilah and boethiah especially look pretty horrible you know so it's the kind of um yeah and i mean at the same time you know after i said um tapping the heart of lorcan would kind of potentially suit boefia um i can't remember what source it's from i think it's from eso as well but actually no no it's not it's not it's um but there's a quote that's it's from the five songs of warfare it says nerevar is the son of boethiah uh one of the strongest padamiks which i don't know when i think of nerevar it's it's kind of it's br it's it's almost restoring order a lot of the time you know like in his life indore nerevar was very much in charge and he was kind of like looking after the uh looking after his people and keeping them alive and whatnot and when he returns it's to kind of undo the the padamic uh that the padamike forces are being unleashed from the heart of lore khan it's interesting that because it's i kind of think sometimes especially when you look at that where um like you know there's the so the cell azure dynamic and the bowie theorem alexia like there might be a bit of lack more opposition within the reclamations or or the anticipations than you think but what's strange about that is that reference of like the son of boethiah because outside of that um nerevar is like most associated as azura's champion and and azura is the one who was like personally the most slighted by the tribunal's actions you know she set forth the prophecy and everything to bring it back down and it's funny that it's like i guess these songs of izmir are from like a um nordic perspective on the whole thing or like calling them son of boethiah so maybe it's a less nuanced take or something on it but it's interesting that like they that acknowledge him as a paramedic but i don't know like nords are technically paramedic you know they fall onto that sort of thing they're very favorable of creation and stuff so it's kind of but then again you know divides i guess like i guess one thing you could say about the analytic padamay dynamic is that padamaniak who look favorably upon creation um and like you know law khan's test and everything they aren't necessarily going to um like align together like they might it's they don't have any like sort of joined interest because the padme sort of or psijic endeavor ideal is to overcome and and violent and combative you know reach heaven by violence kind of thing it's also a chaotic force anyway like yeah you can imagine it's not cohesive where is the anuik it's sort of like everyone can just sit there and cry and have a big group hug and be like oh creation's so bad i wish we were like floating spirits and aetherius like they can all kind of align around their beliefs more because yeah i mean you could you could look at it just like earth in the sense that like um at least a lot of people on earth are favorable towards creation i mean but we wouldn't sit around saying we're all paramedic and all get along and all have the same beliefs like there's going to be a huge diversity in all the different cultures that fall within that that sphere or classification yeah yeah um one other cool quote here this is just a cool quote it might not be relevant let's see if you want to explore it but it was basically it's talk it's the same thing talking about um the why you shouldn't uh follow the divines reject the eyeless aedra rotting in aetherius that prison realm where flaccid souls languish useless and drained deny their commands and revel in combat speak heresies as black as the void and laugh in the face of the dragon ghost akatosh and his crumbling kin i just thought mad it sounds really cool it's like some boethiah propaganda until she kills one of your best friends in front of you and you go oh no yeah because it's tough love right but then it's it's not in the sense that she tends to make an example out of someone so severely that they die it's kind of like you have one chance yeah i feel like i can't really articulate it well now but i know that um in the 36 lessons of evac ended right into boethiah's sphere with lorcan and everything that the the concept of like will um and love being sort of the same thing and like basically there's a i can't articulate it here it's quite like complex and i need the quotes and stuff then maybe i'll have a go at it later but um there's this idea of like especially the way that vivek talks about it that will being like a form of like love it or love underwill i forgot i forgot the exact thing but basically that will in general is a is a powerful theme in the elder scrolls like you can forget about the love part for a bit but will really is like the overcomer like all the stuff with kim and um and also will as in like asserting your myth like if we talk about how like myth is a bit more like give and take and if you get on the dragon break all that crazy stuff and calpers and whatnot but if we talk about the idea like a myth appear where you're sort of you know changing the myth is somewhat changing reality that is a will being exerted on things but yeah well as a way to try and kind of reconcile that with a topic it's like where you know when you look at it through bowiefie's eyes of um the anuic forces like aetherius and the divine so say for example akatosh is being driven insane by the the sheer undertaking of maintaining time and the nefarious is where magnus despite being this this brilliant god of magic who's created the sun fled he ran away from this this kind of daunting prospect of creating the mortal realm whereas you've got meridia who um what's the term consorted with illicit spectra which is referring to law khan so meridia despite excuse me all her kin running away potentially fell in love with law khan and as a result she got to create her own realm of her that she got to create her coloured rooms and she gets to be a part of the mortal realm and she's it's very dynamic and you could say like as you said with will equals love her willing herself to defy her siblings and her father and and embrace what law khan's creating is kind of what boeifee is talking about the idea of the yeah like through love that kind of like willing themselves into into being and being a part of everything as opposed to just running away and yeah i mean you can think about too like things like you know creating a baby is like you're like you sort of need to love to exert your will on the universe but it is the kind of idea that like you know will is often connected to love so for example you know you're really ambitious and you want to do really well in your life and became say maybe you want to be some famous author or something that the love there is kind of blended with the will and that it's what gives you the will to do it like if you don't love life you lose the will to live do you want to mean they somewhat it kind of it kind of seems like passion would be like a good way to fuse those two ideas together yeah yeah but yeah because like you know as another example if you don't have passion when you're say like creating something you know like a i know like a fallout 76 or something you just make something you just make something crappy if you if you don't love if you're not in love with the process and you're kind of just doing it for some other reason like kaching or something like that that you know that's just a random example but you know that's what so boeifee would never have allowed it to happen a good way is i feel like we've covered a lot of we you kind of get the gist of what bowie theory is in the sort of conventional understanding um you know will overcoming all that kind of stuff but by any means necessary wake up choose violence all that but we can talk about some of the other um uh interpretations of boethiah i really like bowethra from the um from the else elsewhere's pantheon so called the warrior of east and west which is also interesting i don't know if that's a direct reference to like eastern morrowind and west as in like maybe elsewhere where they are i guess or but um i don't know i'm not actually i can't remember i can't remember if there is an in mythos thing for that but um i i like that take it's another another sort of thing with the lord i'm trying to i'll find again yeah so boweth the warrior of east of the east and west she is the mate of mafala who did not forget her love for bowethra after a nurse sent her into exile for her rebellious nature bowethra walked the many paths in exile and she returned it was she who pried the eye from magrus and this is why khajiit values swords as well as claws there is no need for a true cat to pray to bowethra as you honor this spirit merely by walking the path and only hiding in order to pounce it is forbidden to say her name on the nights of the ghost moon as during these phases bower through dons the death shroud of lorkhaj and wages war beyond the lattice and the death shroud being there is the ebony male which is really cool because we made videos before about how like ebony is like the crystallized blood of lorcan that's why you find a lot of it in morrowind around from the where the heart was um but sort of yeah it's such an epic name death shroud by comparison yeah well with the with the khajiit mythos kind of coming into it it really does um amplify just how much bowiefy is in the nature of her sphere means that she's constantly in conflict with other other deities and you know you've obviously got the the conflict with trinimac that we all know but then just in the few sources we have from the khajiit stories she fights molag bao meridia and mehrunes dagon when they assault the luna lattice she pried out magrus's eyes you said she fought noktra to to reassure her that she wasn't the great darkness namira but she was something of her own so because of boethiah's fear she is always involved you know she becomes one of the most um dynamic of all the princes purely because of that it is it is interesting as well how it carries over into the kijiti ideology so heavily that they don't even worship boethiah in the traditional sense like if we go back to that story about the reverence and both you're not really liking it in their pantheon it's like no we don't even pray to her at all we just take the action like we just be what the ideology is and live it and not talk about it and pray about it and whatever else i really like that i think that's really cool and i like how the which we haven't really talked about heaps yet the whole traitorous betrayal element of boethiah because obviously bow with you it's not just a soul warrior god in the sense that you could say trinimac or some some deity like that is so um yeah i just really like that it's like waiting in order to pounce that's what i was getting too it's kind of like i to like further talk about the with you in general um it's anything to achieve your goal it's just like and nothing's off limits it's all about your will to win whether it's underhanded or whether it's you know one-on-one it's just about becoming i guess the most powerful you can be even or using everything you can so that's why it's interesting that like just to connect back in like nerevar being the son of boethiah it's just interesting that that's the take on it or that name just because um what the tribunal did sounds very in um you know very within boethius sphere of things you know like you're stealing power and overcoming so it really seems like an azura thing to be annoyed about which is but but then again sometimes the daedra they obviously have their own motives and we have to see them in some ways still as individuals in the same way that nocturnal wanted to pry power in elder scrolls online and a lot of people were angry because they're like no she's just this shadowy god of thieves who only does nice things but in the same way it's like you can betray someone and and they can be like oh that's cool because i like betrayal and that's my technique but um i'm i'm still mad at you because you betrayed me um yeah did you get what i'm getting at yeah yeah but yeah it's also weird about nerevar because you know even if you look at it through the khajiit perspective you've got mafala and buffer being mates so the and and if you know if bo if nerevar is the son of boethiah then azura is the only one potentially not involved in the creation of naropa yet you know um the the tie between azura and nerevar is so strong yeah sorry i was going to change the subject oh i was just saying that like it stated that they're um that they're all allies the so you have azura bowethra and um mephala are allies as well as like with lorcaj was like it's more sort of explicit in the khajiit mythology the khajiit mythology has heaps overlapped with them with um dunmer um it's such a cool mythology as well it's it's such a shame that they kind of riddle thar it out of the current state of things like it's like everything is old and not modern it's like oh they had this really cool pantheon that was more popular back in the day but not so much anymore i'd love to see it return i mean this statue looks really cool the one in the elder scrolls online for bowethra yeah you almost can't really tell that that's a khajiit until you see the tail because there's like a lynx looking creature as well which i i like as kind of like a companion there reminds me a bit of a clavicus violent barbus dynamic but you can see the tail of the the creature but then there's also a tail just tucked down i i believe um where the cake of bowethra is um they say it could be uh omar's rut yeah the ones that kind of look like human elf things i'm also going to go ahead and assume that um the katana is supposed to be gold brand which is one of bowie through uh boethiah's other artifacts yeah and i mean um one thing about bowie fear as well tied to a different race altogether which i'll i'll say now this is completely conjecture and it's like you know don't take this too seriously anyone but it's kind of interesting when you look at the foul more and the old mary dominion in the fourth era i i can almost imagine that once the falmouth took over they were they were really radical compared to the kind of contemporaries and the the long lineages of um of monarchs and i can almost imagine that they've looked at their anewic ideals of trying to kind of keep their purity in return to the divine and like this isn't working and i can imagine that they've kind of like secretly looked at what the chimera have done and been like bowie has got some good points so this is why we're gonna you know obviously the towers theory isn't approved but maybe they want to go tear down the towers following what boefia would tell them to do i feel like right now you're unintentionally massaging elder scrolls legends law into it because remember in the elder scrolls legends thing you have lord narafin and he has this plot with boethiah to do the culling and you know this big daedric ritual to kill off a bunch of people so if you look at it through that view then perhaps that makes a little bit more sense as to some of them i absolutely thought about that connection yeah because i remember we were kind of like it is a little bit jarring to see the uh the high elves especially in the forefront when you imagine them being very you know in favor of the aedra then turning to danger it seemed like an easy way to make him a bad guy but if you do look at it through this kind of weird conspiracy theory then i mean there is the quote what about here i'll add to your theory isn't there a quote in oblivion that npcs say to each other when they're just like i hear daedra worship is becoming increasingly popular in the somerset isles isn't that isn't isn't that i can't remember i'll take your word for it i was i was when i was playing oblivion for video i'm working on i i'm pretty sure they said it they wouldn't say aedra why would they say aedra worships becoming increasing yeah they wouldn't say that but you know and the same thing like everyone's individuals so you can have uh like narafin maybe takes on that ideology like you're just talking about drew and then he and his small cult you know act you know not necessarily in conjunction with the rest of the thalmor like they're doing their own thing to yeah he's here's the quote um i hear daedra worship has become increasingly prevalent in the summerset aisle and then the two responses to that can be um oh no it's one the ultimate have powerful wizards it could be a dangerous situation hmm so maybe they're a little foreshadowing there potentially maybe the foul more are gonna like the chimera are gonna come back because bowie is gonna change the foul more into the chimera they just go further down the path and then they all end up dark elves and then scott's incredibly happy because dark elves occupy big spaces on both sides of the map now i can't i kind of like the dunmer where they're at to be honest at the moment like because i mean it even fits in i like how it's neatly is sort of there with it with the downfall of the tribunal they lose the sort of opulence that they had and the position of power that wasn't about the individuals it was just given to them by these tribunal gods that basically protected them and so now they've really embraced that sort of reclamations um philosophy and the whole city can endeavor which is to sort of like suffer and overcome and in part like boethiah it's like earned like fight your enemies and earn your way up you know versus when you when you see like the the golden age of the dunmer a lot of them are just you know chilling as rich priests and and you know living in luxury and it's kind of the opposite of the sigic endeavour so where if vivec succeeded like that's what i talked about in that big vivec video is where he was sort of like where he kind of accomplished it he kind of screwed over his people at the same time because he took away the challenge from them or the ability for them to grow so it was just on the back but yeah you can check that video out if you like yeah yeah because they they they do need boeitha more than ever now if they're to come back from their current predicament because you know as far as we know the argonians are still running rampant in the in south and central morrowind then again maybe the vet could have just summoned a tidal wave and washed them all back to black marsh and then they'd be set without bowie fear's help it's i'm i'm interested the more i think about it and we probably should do an episode kind of just on the reclamations for this but um azura just seems like the the odd one out of the bunch like there's obviously in terms of her philosophy like i don't really see perhaps actually maybe in the elsewhere mythology there's a bit more um but azura's connection to law khan necessarily outside of you know being a daedra or whatever but her yeah with the khajiit the the links between lokan azura they're they're strong but it's never that kind of um idea is never really brought up by the dunmer yeah um i don't want to get this wrong but i'm i'm fairly sure with the khajiit you know azura is obviously the maternal figure to the khajiit but she also kind of consoled lor khan when he was existing in the great darkness and he was bleeding from his heart and all of this it was azura who essentially helped him survive that and pulled the darkness out of his heart and all of all of that stuff so you could her importance to law khan and i guess you could say to the good daedra is clear there but you don't really hear it said much in kaimer and dunma mythology yeah but then azure gets talked about a lot i would say even azura in in the dunmer mythology it almost seems like she's the most talked about i think because she has to do with like you know the prophecies and stuff like that but um yeah she's she's talked about a lot by comparison mcfarland is by far the least i think but um yeah back to boethiah yeah it's hard to it's hard to take so if you're out of the tribunal like sorry the good daedra yeah to be fair like boethiah's and this goes with a lot of characters in the elder scrolls they're interesting because of their connections and interactions with other things like you can't really if you're just just discussing boethiah inside of inside a vacuum it's yeah you know god of overcoming and spirit of trials and like you know what i mean like it's not um there's not much to her outside of that it's what she does and how she interacts with other things that you know just thinking about it once again i'm going back to azura but i feel like the um the the canon nerevarine should be a khajiit it really it really should if you look at it through the um the elsewhere mythology because you you know as i was saying you got azura kind of pulling the darkness out of lore khan's heart and obviously the khajiit are her people so maybe a khajiit needs to come along and kind of purify the heart of lorcan from uh degoffer's influence and the tribunal and all that but that's just a i mean it before yeah i mean it kind of makes more sense than a lot of the other races being the narrator interesting yeah interesting but berefia yeah sorry i just have the exacto sora quote for you well not not ex not exact quote but just like reading um azura was able to rip the dark heart and all the darkness out of her brother before it i literally just like clicked paige before it consumed him and it's gone yeah um and we as for her artifacts um i'm on the azura page i'm not asking wait what zurich star that's not believe it well we sort of mentioned the ebony male but we know what that is it's a big you know evidence suit of armor and you know it's had varying effects in different games it's got the cool shadowy thing in skyrim but before it's been like um fire resistance and stuff like that but um it's a big ebony suit if you call it the death shroud of of law khan we explained that already um another the other big one you know about his gold brand which is the golden katana um that's been around and apparently it was wielded by the emperor when he charged into the battle the red ring but then we learned that that was actually the forgotten hero that was wearing the emperor's armor that was meant to be uh forged by the dragons of the north assuming atmora which i think is really cool because it's an example of one of those artifacts that's not necessarily daedric in origin but then a daedric prince decides to claim them um yeah yeah i mean it's def it's definitely um like i wouldn't you know dragons of the north you would assume at maura or perhaps even it could be skyrim i guess in ancient times but the reality of it is that it's daggerful era law that's um it's the same as the whole like um lyricist story where it's like fighting a that isn't that is a narrative but like yeah you never you never know and fear struck was never really mentioned again there's replicas of the fear struck shield in the elder scrolls online but i mean that's just a replica it's like a decorative kind of thing do you want me to quickly tell that story or deliberately you can in a sec just real quick on the fear struck thing yeah um i can't remember if this i don't know when this uh outfit style was put into eso and obviously that's how you can like get the shield look but i don't know if it how it worked i don't know if the modder took inspiration from eso and made the shield or if it was the reverse and some something tells me in my head i feel like it's the reverse because there's this really cool mod um i think it's even by frankly hd the same guy that does all the textures and so on a bunch of really for good 4k textures he did a gold brand and fear struck and like a boethiah pack of daedric items at one point i mean pretty sure that would be cool if it was true i just i just don't know if if they would blatantly rip off a model or something like that but i mean it's not exactly the same but i wouldn't hold it past i wouldn't put it past them at the same time yeah i'm kind of curious go on with the story well i'm just gonna look the lyricius story is is a akavir story actually so it's like a guy in ancient times a hero lyricius fighting against akaviri slave traders and then he basically meets a worm or a dragon um and he has this shield fear struck given to him by boethiah and the dragon melts the shield instantly just breathes fire and fear strikes gone and so he basically surrenders to the dragon but very boethiah of him he tricks the dragon by saying i i'll uh polish your one tarnished scale there's this one scale the dragon can't reach and so the dragon having an e ego says okay fine and then larussius climbs on shoves a dagger under the scale and the dragon can't hit him which i find strange if it's just one untarnished uh one tarnished scale because he's obviously bigger than a scale he's the size of a human so the dragon should be able to hit him but anyway we'll ignore that part of the story and then he basically forces the dragon to fly over and basically burn to a crisp the whole enemy army there and then jumps off knowing that he's going to die and then boethiah appears and saves him there's your paraphrased story i mean theoretically though a dragon would have a lot of trouble scratching any scale on its back right with its yeah anatomy and it's close but the way the story goes is like there's this one scale it can polish all the other ones but it's like this one spot on your back you can't itch so it's like assuming lyricist is bigger than that one spot and that they can polish all the other ones it doesn't really make sense yeah it's it's a hobbit yeah i'm thinking too far into it but i don't get how it would even happen i'm gonna put it out there um i have a feeling that it was it look it's not the exact same but it's very similar in design with the golden steel for the fear struck thing but um it's from there's a bro jewel video from 2015 showing off the mod so like if when is it added to elder scrolls online but it's i didn't can't find exactly but i know the um because the book the it's like one of those like online store sort of like replica like cosmetic kind of things so i have a feeling it was actually after because elder scrolls online only came out in 2014 at that point so it's i feel like it could have easily come in the many years since then um afterwards but it's it's similar enough like it's it's cool but it's just yeah i can probably i can probably find where anyway what it came out july 2015 that i can see it uh the fear struck yeah but i don't know if this is the exact one because it says endorsements to total views six hundred so i don't think that's it is really similar hold on but yeah i mean we don't want to kick off some lawsuit we're just we're just looking at the law yeah because there's a skyrim special edition pages obviously on like mod pages but then you can actually if you look it up just go to the normal skyrim one i don't know but yeah it could be anyway well the point was it would be really cool if it actually was because it's kind of i loved whenever you see that kind of like outlaw stuff get canonized in game it's cool like how they canonized the the depiction of alicia the statue with the horns and everything and so on like they they do look at the fan stuff and take inspiration from it so it's definitely cool but um i can't believe elder scrolls online came out in 2014. i thought it was earlier i remember playing that at the very start when it came out and it was it was very messy back then oh yeah i remember being they've done a lot to it i remember being in high school in like the last year of high school in 2013 and like the e3 trailer and stuff for it had just come out and looking at it and so on and yeah and back in oh that's i gotta go you know shoddycast that's how they started off remember it was like uh podcasts in anticipation of elder scrolls online what was it i would like to tell this girls online kicked off camera camera started yeah he had like guides for like how to get certain resources and stuff i think i remember stuff like that yeah wow yeah history we started a year before that in 2013. yeah april as well crazy fudge muppets older than eso we're older than a game yeah god we're old [Music] we're going to be eldest girls boomers soon like well dude that already happens like the morrowind boomers and stuff i feel like i don't know i feel like daggerfall arena is like proper boomer right yeah proper boomer is playing daggerfall yeah and like that level what would you like jennifer morrowind our old mate zarak is the is the ultimate elder scrolls boomer yeah we've got a little while to go before we get there yeah yeah it's a good one it's it will grow up one day and skyrim will be the elder scrolls boomer game [Laughter] it's crazy i love accelerating the use of that word yeah now they've got to bring it's too catchy yeah anyway um uh what other artifacts are there i don't really think there are any there's those three uh we can talk a little bit about boethiah's realm which has two names similar to how death shroud has a cool version there's snake mount which sounds cooler but it could be better and then there's attributions share which is the other name for the realm now this realm of boethiah is kind of similar to the deadlands like it looks like oblivion a bit well when i say looks like oblivion looks like what you go through in an oblivion gate in the game oblivion um consists of stormy skies volcanic islands and lava seas now i originally put this down to a game development thing how in oblivion they obviously didn't go and make all these different daedric realms so that's why the tournament of the ten bloods which is boethiah's tournament where she has ten warriors fight against each other for an ultimate winner um looked how it looked but then i believe in the elder scrolls online you go to the champions arena and that looks different for sure but it is a lava kind of volcanic fiery stone realm yeah i think for me the the problem there is obviously as you said um the reason it initially manifested like that is because they just wanted to use a cell of the deadlines with boefe's statue in it yeah and eso kind of like decided not to go too far against that but i actually feel like there would be a good way that you could reconcile this law that was based around a limitation and not have it just be the deadlines and in the it's like you know if the idea is that boethiah's realm is just like a a place for a tour a battle royale or a tournament or something like that um then he can kind of adjust it to you know you can make the arena look like whatever you want like using a field spell in yugioh or something like that um and just like change it up and rather than having it just be another place with lava oceans and stuff like that well interesting oh what were you gonna say i was just to say the reason i believe it more to be like a cell thing is they did the same thing with periart's realm it kind of looks like the deadline yeah yeah for sure actually are you sure that was periites i just looked at that yeah no uh hold on i'm i'm gonna can i'm gonna i'm going to contest this i'm going to contest it hold on was it just because it was periodic quest i don't know what's called a bolivian realm of period it's like the location names yeah yeah but the actual dialogue that says yeah okay so here's the dialogue so there's these followers they get stuck in a stasis and periodic basically goes my followers are trapped between worlds their bodies here on this plane their souls in oblivion i would have you reunite the bodies and the souls i will transport you to the plane of oblivion in which they are trapped find their souls when all are collected i will return you here so for me when i read that i will transport you to the plane of oblivion in which they are trapped he's not like if it was his realm he'd be like they're trapped in my realm so for me i know it's called like periods realm whatever if it's called that in the game files but i could definitely see a period realm being completely different and that's not oh for sure michael's got you there he's essentially he's essentially eaten you and shout you out you are trinimac turn malcab after that one no it's because i had the same i had the exact same confusion i don't remember what video i was making but when i heard that quote i was like oh that that sounds different to how i'd imagine it if it was periodic realm that's just good news anyway let's not have periods realm just be another yeah motion of last time i i just saw like put down the game things like even if it was supposed to be it's just like i would just ignore it and expect them to do something cool in the future with it like yeah you know yeah there is a a sign like a demi-prince cyan of boethiah which also is science however it's pronounced i'm pretty sure it's cyan we all know what i'm talking about let's find out who's been trinimacked in this one let's have a listen scion scion all right boys i'm retiring you're out hope you like going in the toilet flushed btfo all right um so the farnuit hen character was rules over a pocket realm called the mouse like maelstrom which um the whole story can get a bit complicated but it sounds like what you were talking about drew when you were saying that like it could be like yu-gi-oh where you changed the scenery there were these i think there were barons and it's similar to the creation story these barons kind of turned themselves into different like arenas which you can go and fight in because it features in the elder scrolls online but i don't think it is just elder scrolls online law because this far knew it hen if your character was mentioned in the first sermon of the third year so if you go um it's in that yeah these are called the barons of move like this then an eighth eighth daydroth came and he was a demi prince called fanueten or the multiplier of motions unknown yeah of of sorry emotions known and he said whom do you wait for yadda yadda yeah this is like the birth stuff but but it is a very interesting demi prince in the sense that he knows like all martial arts basically like that could that could ever exist and he continuously learns from his barons as they discover new martial styles during their adventures outside the realm um however he has a very weak memory and the barons that their lessons begin to fade if they're away from him but then what happens is um the barons put it's like create the creation process the barons put much of themselves into the creation process basing each one on the lessons they learned while adventuring four of the arenas would be themed after a daedric prince's realm the baron who moves like a shivering droplet served gorath and like they all have their different like kind of themes like the baron who moves like a dancer's hips it almost reminds me of um red guard pantheon kind of stuff in the way that it's described um anyway so yeah they have all the different places like vale of the surreal drome of toxic shock sets flywheel wrinkle frozen blood um so you can get a bit more interesting lore out of boethius stuff there although there's not like a whole heap of interaction with boethiah and that specific um question this guy because the guy appears in elder scrolls online and i feel like this is the only time we've actually seen like a danny prince for real because demi princes are a thing and it's just fine you don't really see them much but i mean i'm just looking at the wiki page for it now there's like a demi prince of pastries regard like connected to shergorath um and there's some daughter of her scene but there's also the other thing that makes me think of if it's just a child and moral house right but i mean he's not like a demi daedric prince sorry yeah but they don't they call him he's said to be the demi prince of all that's out of i'm pretty sure that's kirk bride's stuff actually yeah demi god is better but the um but uh he's uh what was i gonna say um oh yeah there's also because i know malacath had a son at one point they're the one that showed gorilla tricked him into killing or i can't remember exactly how it went down but malacath's son died so i guess he would be a demi prince but um yeah we've drifted a little far from behavior not not really i mean this is a sign of boethiah like a yeah but i feel that's about it yeah but it's related and the the the themes of combat and all that they all shine through so yeah seems to make sense well any of you boys got anything else to say about this daedric prince boethiah the very last thing what i could talk about is um you know there's a picture that on the on the wiki there um but the the date the face of the inspiring fountain a dunmer mask aspect of boethiah and i really it's cool concept art around for this too but the multiple daedric helmets and they're supposed to be like representative of gods like i really like the idea of daedric armor like fashioned in a sort of representative way of the daedric prince like the different things but um and it had it has floating horns and that's cool too but yeah that's so i i love that i didn't even notice that now that i'm like actually looking at it and seeing the horns are hovering above the mask that is like i'm actually like i i quite like uh daedra karma um as well yeah in morrowind um i like skyrims i know what they're going for the harsher sort of thing but i still like the glowing red stuff more i think even though nostalgia i still oblivions is probably my least favorite of them all but i still really like it just because nostalgia was like so cool to get and so on but i like the ones that look a little having the demonic face helps because it's like the skyrim's danger karma isn't really scary it's just you know it's cool but it's not scary yeah yeah i like scary faces and masks and stuff and i feel like that should be for demon armor which is quite literally what it is so well if anyone out there listening is in a super bowethia mood we did recently ish make as in like october 2020 make a bowethra build the golden lion which you can go and play and it uses mods and has gold brand so you can have fun with that yeah yeah i think any any last words nope no thrusts i thrust my spear through drew [Laughter] before boethiah kills me all right well that's it ladies and gentlemen um we'll be back to nerd out with you again next time all right
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 45,916
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Id: RK2IxA27gLY
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Length: 54min 23sec (3263 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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