Ranking My Viewers' Taste in Waifus and Husbandos

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right now we are going to be reviewing some student submitted homework okay i asked my students to submit their favorite waifu or husbando and we're gonna collaboratively try to grade these submissions first up pavo a speedwagon he is the best waifu uh as he is always there for you and always supports you during your fights a little bit of a syntax error perhaps you meant husbando such a good one i consider myself definitely a speed wagoner again we talk about loyalty it doesn't get any more loyal than a speed wagon oh the top hat though right you could say that you want to ride on his wagon i got a wagon for him to speed right now right there kiss shot best waifu is obviously kiss shot and husbandos wow two for one you're getting a little into dangerous territory here a match made in heaven slash hell you're shipping them together whoa whoa that's not what this is about this is not what this is about this is about your waifu your husbando in fact this is blasphemy because you're getting cucked here what is this your waifu and your husband what are you what are you in the side you're taking pictures on the side huh what what is this what is this raftalia from rise of the shield hero cute anime cat girl with the mostly submissive personality she was definitely one of the reasons why i love this anime so much isn't she a squirrel though i haven't seen the show i think you get an f for calling raftalia a cat girl also i see that people reacted to your image jail why would they do this definitely gonna have to report this to the dean for sure shizuru mizuhara from rent a girlfriend okay f rent a girlfriend you're renting out your girlfriend it's like the other thing what are you like taking pictures in the back you're you're caged up you're taking pictures for them what are we talking about here you're renting your waifu how could you how could your wife would be rentable no that's an f my waifu is goro me from yakuza kiwami i like it i like it very screams confidence and i can imagine it's sort of like a power bottom sort of thing and you know what actually it's like it's like a it's it's like a two birds with one stone if not the power bottom and instead the top that works either way for me so it's like you know grab bag and also you know you talk about loyalty there's nothing more loyal than a yakuza member otherwise they're gonna be missing some digits do you see any missing digits no that means that gotomi is loyal a plus i don't want to pick on anyone again this is just a learning experience but i'm going to have to give this an f because we talk about the principle here are my top three in order i i'm ending i'm i stopped right there i'm not reading the rest top three in order are you implying that you have more than one waifu or husbando disgusting where's the loyalty absolutely disgusting f wait also what do you mean your waifu is what is that five nights at freddy that's what what are you even talking about what is that horrific thing on the left the middle now we're talking bark bark and also the right what is that it's like a viva viva pinata character cerros victoria is my favorite waifu it was amazing to watch her be a badass vampire he's also lovable and has a top tier dependable personality vampire though that seems a little hard to manage can you sustain sustain a realistic relationship with someone who can't go into the sun or he needs to feast on human blood to sustain themselves that seems a little i get everyone has their baggage you know like like i'm lactose intolerant so my partner has to constantly worry about like oh you know is there milk you know it's like hey is there milk in that coffee there better not be milk in that coffee you know i get everyone you know relationship can't be perfect but the the vampire baggage seems a little extra i do get she does seem very passionate loyal steadfast powerful which are all traits that i'm you know i'm all for you know i'm for it sharp teeth okay actually that's the deal i know i said that it's not all about the physicality that being said sharp vampire teeth scrapage i don't want no scrapeage scrapeage is not something i want to be in a part of f ah ah c c minus c plus regan arataka from mob psycho 100 is best husband might be a con artist but he's a generally good guy nah nah con artist are you kidding regan is on facebook messaging all these uh widows or divorced wives conning them for their money yes chief don john he seems like someone that would only marry you for the green card to be honest he's liked because he's pegable is he pegable what where's the where's that conclusion drawn i'm just curious is that is that something is that known it's pegable regan is pegable a stalfo because it takes a real man to become best girl a quote from sun tzu probably i know we all read the estafol starfall doujins what about or staff or staffer a little outdated but yes i'll give this one an a plus in fact this is this is setting the curve you've set the curve for the rest of the class we talk about how the mainstream understanding of something can often lead to a lot of misunderstanding part of a staff will be coming so mainstream maybe mainstream's not the correct word but like it's like oh yeah we all know a stalfo but do you really i think you have a twisted idea maybe not twisted but just your understanding of why people like a stalfo it falls a little short because it's just surface level oh you know he's he's cross-dressing and he's got a dick oh it's a meme mustafa's meme it's it's not just that it's not that because you know there's plenty of characters like that but why is a stall flow so popular partly i like that there there's sort of a confidence to him ostofo i think put simply just does what he wants to do that being said i just think he's got a tight blissey what is this cookie run kingdom uh favorite husbando is definitely lilac cookie what is this this is like a like a sort of like a dancer a little exotic okay okay i see you man these cookies are starting to look a little what is this like you know gerudo link link in the gerudo outfit that's some that's that's kind of like that's kind of hot isn't it the face veil belly dancer thing a plus for the lilac cookie oh carson ibaraki from the official toro manga wild and horned hermit she's very compassionate insightful kind and insightful i hope you mean like i-n-s-i-g-h-t like insight because you wrote i-n-c-i-t like i'm gonna incite a revolution or a riot i don't know if i want to be my wife who is i don't know if i wanna ins like insightful in terms of like inciting stuff like violent activity i'm assuming you mean insight like like they're they have good like foresight or something like that renery rock bell from fullmetal alchemist a plus a plus a plus you talk about waifu material caretaker but not only a caretaker like not like she's gonna baby you but more of a caretaker like she can get things done not not a hard head but she's got that fire right she she knows what needs to be done good balance good balance of like you know aggressiveness and and and caringness there's a good balance in renery you need to have a little bit of spunk the more i think about it the more i like this i haven't really thought about this one um uh ramayana from evangelion doesn't ramael want to like turn all to the ends of turning all of humanity into right okay so actually this is an f because we talk about loyalty ramel from evangelion wants to turn all of humanity into an uh a conglomerate goop hive mind group consciousness you talk about polyamorous relationships we're talking about the most polyamorous because we're talking about everybody i don't want to share ramael's curves with the rest of humanity as we're one gloopy amorphous hive mind yeah mercy definitely like the mommy vibes so definitely like caring and like and like kind of milfy and in that i mean she's literally like a caretaker literally like a medic zuko from avatar the last airbender you talk about loyalty well he did betray his father and his entire fire nation even if they were in the wrong he technically did betray them i mean they're in the wrong depending who you ask but he did he did betray them technically speaking duke is a good pick you know these personality types like i i really do think the greatest husbandos are the types of characters that are very subdued in their kind of outward personality but very steadfast in their like beliefs they're very passionate and they just they know themselves they know what they want but they're not like they're not annoying they're not like you know like naruto's annoying like believe it i believe in myself believe it's like shut the [ __ ] up naruto okay we get it do v tubers count as waihu's and husbandos i would say no i don't think v tubers count as waifus and husbandos they're oshies remember the term oshi they're your oshi it's apply it applies more to like idol culture because with waifus and and husbandos we're getting into like so like let's say like my husbando is a stalfo and yes there is like an a voice actor that plays a stalfo but it's sort of more disconnected than a v tuber a v tuber they're they're closer to the character they play and now you're getting into some weird like you're shipping real people or you're like lusting or like desiring you know it's one thing like oh yeah that you know sorroway is cute sorry is really cute i like her i like watching her streams i think the motto is cute but but to say like oh but saturday is my waifu i have like a you know i you know i i okay ah you almost got me i'm not i'm not outing myself hold on that that that youtuber's my waifu it's mine ah you know i have like a i have a figure of him and i put him in my jar and stuff so yeah be tubers no don't do that it's too weird it's too weird to be or not to be your waifu that is the question but no seriously speaking i think i have to give this one an f why is to be a bad waifu settle down settle down sit down sit back down quiet f y 2 b all right can you maintain can you realistically maintain even if it's made up in your head can you realistically maintain a made up relationship with 2b you're focusing too much on the physical appearance of 2b think about the actuality first of all 2b is an android it's like a 2b is just a step above a fleshlight let's say you do it do you really want to inflict that emotional pain on 2b don't these androids live for like hundreds of years because they are robits you want to do that don't you think 2b's got enough baggage already it's like when your pet dies you want to do that to her i think you're too until you're in you're in la la land you're dancing with ryan gosling in la la land is that what it's called is that the movie you're dancing with lady gaga in la la land wait no that's the one with bradley cooper the android's not gonna be emotionally there for you i mean look at what 2b did spoiler alert murdered the person she cared about over and over and over and over and over and over again i think for like what like hundreds of years or something for the greater good uh greater good i need a lover who's not worried about the greater good right and she's an android androids are robits machines don't have a soul when you're when you pass away and your soul ascends into heaven your lovely waifu to be not going to join you in salvation because she doesn't have a soul because she's a robot and that's why toobie is not a good waifu misato from neon genesis ivan galion kind of a train wreck of a human being but a beautiful goddamn train wreck nonetheless and lord knows she tries her best that's fair that's fair listen when we talk about wife who's in husbandos how can i expect my waifu to be perfect when myself am not a perfect being i'm lactose intolerant i don't i have bad vision i have a bad back i [Music] have some sort of repressed thing going on with like i wore the skirt and i was like oh wait this feels way better than i think it should you know like you know but we so it's okay to have some baggage misato's got a lot of baggage when you when you clock out work stays at work misato's like all right we destroyed the angel that's trying to like obliterate us um but i'm just gonna you know that that's work i clock out i go home i take a nice bath and uh drink a beer and relax i like a girl that can have some fun don't take things too seriously a plus though pure ass sick who the [ __ ] who who's this actually let me think about it okay so kind of like the furry version of misato working hard all day dealing with the village and whatnot and then ms uh isabelle definitely comes across as the type of a lady that goes home after holiday's work pour some whiskey just let it all loose enjoy the enjoy herself probably [ __ ] like an animal too sheesh [Music] you
Channel: Professor Lando
Views: 260,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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