Ranking Genshin Characters by their CRIMES?!

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hello welcome to ranking characters by their crimes you might be wondering what it came to me in a dream during the day i will be ranking the characters based on how long i'd think they'd be in jail for and i'm also gonna be talking about what i think their crimes would be our categories starting up at the top are life sentence send them to prison and definitely they're going to spend a couple years in prison they're a regular at the local jail arrested once on accident good noodle no sentence and they're the one putting people in jail i have not thought this through this video might be a mess but you know what what video do i make isn't a mess so here we go aether is a good noodle the biggest crime he has ever committed was downloading music off of limewire this might be a hot take but for some reason i'm picturing albedo in prison for a few years i feel like he's getting up to some shady business with his science experiments albedo in breaking bad either that or his clone would get him in trouble and albedo would get framed and sent to prison and he'd be like all right i don't really know anything about ailoy's personality i guess i'll say she's a good noodle like i mean i don't know amber's a good noodle i don't really see her as a narc that's putting people in jail ito ito ito my sweet summer child is a regular at the local jail i feel like he gets a ton of misdemeanors and he's always getting in trouble on like the city-wide scale but nothing's bad enough to send him to the state prison you know what i'm talking about he shows up on a friday night like yo what's up ted and they're like what did you do now ihito defacing public property it's either like a game to him and he's trying to see what he can get away with or he's genuinely like what did i do and poor shinobu pays his bail every single time like can we go one week without me having to pick you up from the courthouse no we cannot baby arataki no prison food for me ito barbara is a good noodle she's not audacious enough to send people to jail ooh beidou beidou has had a couple run-ins with the law but whether or not it was on accident or she's a regular at the local jail hmm all right here's my head cannon baedo gets arrested maybe like once a month once a quarter even and ninguang has to go bail her out but she's totally proud about it she's like hey what's up girl can you stop getting into bar fights benna is the king of being arrested once on accident accidental arson um he tripped and fell and set the building on fire or maybe it was that one time he accidentally poisoned the guy with his cooking he did not do any crimes on purpose but boy did he do a couple crimes he's like this is my new adventure team it's like a bunch of dudes like ooh chong yoon is he a good noodle or did he get arrested once on accident while i feel chongyun is at risk for getting arrested once or twice i don't think he has so far so i'm gonna say he's a good noodle with no sentence i'm gonna say d luke puts people in jail he's got the batman thing going on dionna totally got arrested once on accident something went down on her bar once you know and then she always like she's like yeah the incident eula also got arrested once on accident because she threatened a public official or someone who worked at the county jail and they were like lock her up boys bishop got arrested for pirating anime shows online official like goes on the dark web i don't know dude she gets up to some shady business on the interwebs ganyu is a good noodle no sentence goro got arrested on accident and he was terrified he was gonna like pee his pants because he had to spend one night in jail he attended an inazuman protest he ended up in jail for the night because the cops thought he looked shady or something i don't know who tau is giving a few years in prison you know she is riding this line super hard i almost want to put her in a life sentence but they can't like prove anything it would have to do with her funeral directorship she like frames it on jean lee supposedly gene is putting people in jail kazuo got arrested for drug-related charges i feel like he got arrested on accident because of paraphernalia sorry chief maybe he's been arrested a few times i wouldn't call him a regular though kaya on the other hand kyle would get speeding tickets all the time but he would just like wink at them and the cop would be like you're fine just the warning just the warning but then one time he got the strict cop that actually arrested him for it ayaka is a good noodle never had a sentence um ka-ching ooh would she nark on people i want to say she's just a good noodle i don't think she would nark on anyone clee dude what if clee is like a hacker on roblox or something i don't think you can you get arrested for that she's definitely blown some stuff up she's a regular at the local jail and they're like why'd you bring in this child zara is the queen of putting people in jail absolutely lisa had a wild night when she was in college and got arrested maybe with kaya who knows maybe they were out on a girl's night and then jean had to like bust her out and she was like hey lumeen is also a good noodle mona i want to say mona gets brought in for shoplifting all the time ninguan gets arrested for tax fraud whatever martha stewart got put into prison for is what ninguang would get put into prison for i mean she would pay bail and get out but she would still get sentenced to a few years in prison no doubt i like how beidough is a regular at the local jail and ninguang is going straight to prison people are gonna be like no ninguang is a saint i smell some tax fraud noelle is a good noodle chichi got arrested once on accident i i feel like she caused like car accidents for some reason there's no cars and gentian impact yeah but what if there were anyway now are we talking about ride and shogun are we talking about a because a probably is putting people in jail and ryden shogun is getting a life sentence for crimes against humanity honestly sorry ryden shogun but you're getting a life sentence home girl she's like i am the law and i'm like not over here you're not razor got arrested once on accident for indecent exposure or something because he was taking a bath in like a public fountain rosaria also got arrested once an accident with these fools over here i don't think she would let it happen more than once kokomi also got arrested once on accident she was like crying the entire way to the police station i feel like i've heard people say that sayu is actually an adult but she looks young because her growth is stunted or whatever if that is true somehow then she got arrested once we're trying to buy like an m rated video game chen ha if her red ropes were removed homegirl would probably be in for a life sentence and we all know it i want to say she was arrested once on accident for like a misunderstanding or for threatening somebody sucrose has also been arrested on accident let me tell you guys an anecdote from my youth when i was in school it was a very popular activity to play super smash brothers on an n64 emulator on the school computers everybody did it this guy came up to me he was like in an older grade and he's like hey my computer's usb drive isn't working can i plug it into yours and download some files really quick and i was like yo so he extracted the super smash brother emulator using my computer onto my desktop and then emailed it to himself the next day the cops show up and they're like you and they pointed at me and they were like come here and i'm like and they're like you put these files on this computer and i was like nope he did it they were like yeah that tracks because this kid was like one of those typical like dude bros who always got in troubles and i was this like little whelp who was super quiet and got all a's anyway moral the story one don't put files onto your computer when some jock dude tells you to extract them off a usb and two sucrose would get arrested once an accident for a similar crime against her will or maybe she's like a middleman for albedo's drug ring or whatever the heck he got arrested for that's more likely is she just got mixed up in whatever he was doing and she didn't know what was going on either way tartagles is getting a life sentence catch me if they can though because he's slippery if they actually managed to arrest this man he would most likely get a life sentence for like everything moida breaking and entering stealing from the president good luck tracking him down though i'll give you that tomah is the good noodle boy he's the top good noodle he would never he would never he would bust people he would be the one showing up to bail people out venti is a regular at the local jail him and ito are best buds they're like doing fist bumps in there he is intoxicated where he is not supposed to be he participates heavily in thirsty thursdays and he's proud of it dangling good noodle no sentence hmm honestly i see him keeping to himself so much that he would not ever have gotten a sentence for anything ching cho i think has a similar effect as goro where he's like attended a protest or something and gotten arrested and he loves to talk about it he's like yeah i've been arrested i'm a little bit of a bad boy myself um also similar story or she was like involved in like a deadly mosh pit at a rock concert or something yaya got sentenced to like one to three years in jail because she was involved in some sort of like illegal trading business they can't prove it was me though now can they they would try oh they would try half of these people are like yeah i did it and the other half of these people are like you can't prove anything yanfei puts people in jail she's a lawyer like come on now yo mia is a good noodle no sentence she's a good well you know okay here's the thing with your mia she's that good friend who will go along and like help you out when you're in a scrap her and some of her pals got into no good and she got arrested once by proxy ew and jean is a good noodle no sentence zhong li man's been around forever you know he's been arrested once or twice yeah i'm gonna put him up here he is giving me similar vibes as ninglong where he's in a position of power and he's got some secrets he's got a couple secrets of his sleeve his big long sleeves i don't trust you boy it's gonna come out that he like paid someone off to get someone like you know what i mean shinobu so if ito is a regular at the local jail i feel like shinobu's been arrested like once on accident but i don't think she gets into it as much she's bailing him out like come on now but once she went with him and got in trouble and and since then has been like dude yolon is absolutely gonna get sentenced to a few years in prison for sure her and ayato are into similar shady business you know what these four are into a similar flavor of shady business let's just say that hey joe he's a detective boy so he's probably putting people in jail is he though i feel like he would have gotten to a scrap at some point let's say he got into one bar fight in his glory days he got into a scrap in the school yard all right well um i'm like mildly not confident about this all right i'm gonna move kaching down to put people in jail she gives me mild narc energy not gonna lie i'm not feeling that with barbara because i think she would house criminals if they seemed nice to her i'm gonna move kaya up to a regular at the local jail honestly i'm gonna move razor up as well because he's like he's a savage like feral boy he's gonna get caught like i said taking a bath in the local fountains he's gonna get caught stealing bread from restaurants there's gonna be a protected forest area where you're not supposed to hunt for animals and he's gonna be like shooting down birds with electro they're gonna be like hey and he just never understands so he just keeps getting arrested over and over again i want to move hutau up to life sentence so bad but they can't prove it they can't prove it i think i'm done i think there's a couple cases where you're like well like yula might be putting people in jail but you know she herself got arrested once like these people scream i have never been arrested i have only ever put people in jail whereas some of these bozos they've gotten arrested once even though like on the general they are a good person well anyway as per usual let me hear your head cannons in the comments below what exactly got poor sucrose thrown in the slammer let me know pick your favorite character and tell me what their story would be also let me know if you have any other future gentian tier list ideas you would like to see thank you as always for watching this video hopefully you had a fun old time and i'll see you in my next video goodbye [Music]
Channel: Koomaxx
Views: 226,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin tierlist, genshin impact tierlist, genshin tier list, genshin impact tier list, genshin crime tierlist, genshin crime tier list, genshin impact 2.8, genshin 2.8, genshin 2.9, genshin impact 2.9, genshin impact itto, genshin itto, genshin impact itto funny moments, genshin impact heizhou, genshin impact itto build, genshin itto build, genshin impact list, genshin itto prison, genshin impact itto prison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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