videos that make you feel pain | KLEE SUMMONS

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i'm gonna win four straight 50 50s all right i've got my three talisman my luck charms my my sigils of permission okay number one foggy hat number two apple juice and we've got our lucky spot with those three things on our side there's no way we're losing 50 50s yes i'm not nervous i am not nervous i am peace i'm serenity i'm calm because we win these okay we absolutely win these every single time we will do it together you guys are my fourth luck charm too streamer luck i'm logging into the first account we are pulling for brenno oh they're here okay brenno code clay wanters will be clay havers less than three okay we are in first sign of good luck no resin cap crack open the uh the juicy juice all right we're seated this music is awful tonight crimson night music so we've got 50 okay we've got 56 intertwined fates six seven okay so how many is that book maps real quick six times how are you guys so fast wait some of you are saying 37 some of you are saying 43. okay i'm the most common answer is 37 so i'm just gonna trust you there all right firstly stay in school guys how do you guys feel about wishing in silence verse 50 50. please come home verse 10 pull no let's just go for the clean music we know we're going to get her so why wait to celebrate [Music] ah we're not in the soft pity range but zhongli's little coffee coffee shop corner it's brought home characters early before okay we've got a sucrose constellation okay so the 60 what 67 steal the show miss girl oh you know what it's okay guys clee stays out a little late on her adventure sometimes she may be late but she'll come home she'll she'll come home safely okay let me check real quick are we doing on constellations okay okay barbara probably don't want too many more of sucrose and then official oh no official so it'd be nice if we could bring home officially [Music] clearly the bay club is always a good omen official i'm not even stressed okay we're just gonna keep going no no no no i'm so sorry frick ah this clay skin looks a little weird brother says at least it's not d luke okay so bruno wants me to keep going you know what guys hope hasn't died yet hi dish first time watching your stream why you pulled on standard banner just kidding okay okay we are not giving up hope guys we are going to continue and we will get free okay cle next 10 poll [Music] official triple official constellations special blah blah oh okay one more temple come home okay at least we got official and a sucrose i believe [Music] i believe [Music] oh i'm sorry i couldn't do it i'm so sorry this is you know what i'm never doing this again bad froggy hat wait bruno what's your what's your twitch username real quick i wanna at least gift you some rocky hat let us down okay at least you have a sub you may not have kelly yet but at least you have a sub okay we're getting my back up i will win this next 50 50. listen no question no no no man so many of you believe that i would win the 50 50. i'm sorry i've let you down today but i will win the next three fifty fifties mark my words clay is coming home she has no other choice clay it is your bedtime oh should we wish here instead since our lucky spot didn't really um didn't really work so we've got four intertwined fates and seven thousand eight hundred and thirty three primal gems nine ten oh oh i don't have to win a 50 50. oh well i misunderstood the assignment so no no no no listen i do have to win 50 50. if you're watching this on youtube i will win the 50 50. watch watch me win watch me bring home clee early hello fishel come on clee [Music] imagine we got double click clean clay no bubbler please please play first try 50 50 we win these all right we're uh we're one for two guys we debate club what a good almond super super super super grocery girl sucrose sucrose sucrose yes i'll stop when we hit our next four star another debate club well that must mean another sucrose is incoming [Music] another debate club sucrose [Music] she another debate club sucrose sucrose sucrose sucrose sucrose super sucrose sucrose okay well we got one there she is miss clee i hope you have amazing where are you [Music] we got another one monta sapito who does not want cli but wants to pull for sucrose i feel like we should play the the like the dragon spine theme or something for this so what you're trying to say is that you fell no no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop i picked the wrong server wow we really learned from last time didn't we no uh no resin cap today we're going to go to our lucky table cleat is guaranteed we could pull clearly it's impossible to know surprise in the first ten no problem easy [Music] okay well we didn't have officials so that's good i guess so gross supra sucrose sucrose [Music] we're not done we're spending all of it unless unless you don't want me to spend all of it if you don't want me to spend all of it please tell me i will stop babila babala constellation for bubble i mean we'll do some single poles [Music] maybe oh [Music] okay another bubbler sucrose sweet flowers [Music] [Music] razor what are you doing here so final results we've got two more barbara constellations for you one razor constellation one sucrose plus her constellation and then oh first time pull official i hope you enjoy your constellations thank you for letting me pull all right pogies we have ones uh this is a big one guys all right we're in uh resin is camped resin is quite captain sucrose is indeed very dead um maybe that's to indicate that they do not want sucrose everyone is in the middle of the of this quest for some reason there's a chest over there i just started playing really okay we've got 30 wishes maybe i must have gotten it mixed up but i thought you had like 20 000 primo jets i did i just told you i ran out eight nine ten okay so we do have to win the 50 50. i believe khali is gonna come home on the first on the first tenfold i spent them for fates but twenty thousand buys a lot more than thirty ple click click cleave click please click click click okay no clue in the first one that's okay that's what 60 69 come on this one dang no hard pity tenfold this is it right here guys oh actually you know what i don't think we actually even have enough this is only going to take us up to 89. it's no it's no problem because she will come home before heart pity no no question please let it be clean please [Music] [Music] this clay looks really really tall sorry forgive me my luck has dried up it's gone it's gone it's over it's a constellation oh i'm so sorry i'm never doing this again [Music] why do luke why it's a lot of maura ah i'm sorry i'm so sorry hurley curl i'm sorry that i lost the 50 50. and i'm sorry to everyone who i'm disappointed today and with that i will never be pulling on any anybody else's accounts ever again freaking gotcha games i hate them [Music]
Channel: dish
Views: 1,383,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4HA9dpqnI7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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