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she seems like a very compassionate person she looks like she would be the type who would uh sympathize when you're telling your stories even though she's very very much above you I don't mean you personally yeah I mean I don't mean to say that about my daughter no one's above my daughter she's above all I am here with my dad good morning good afternoon everyone you're so formal sup yo got better what's up y'all you know nothing about gunshin impact like at all absolutely nothing is it magic or is it uh technology mostly magic mostly yeah like a jrpg fantasy elements so today I will be showing my dad all of the current playable characters to get his Impressions but before we get into it maybe you guys should go touch some grass because today's video is sponsored by merge Gardens merge Gardens is a fun puzzle solving game where you build your own garden filling it up with trees flowers birds and more 10-tier plants and solve the mystery surrounding the property you inherited like why there's a random man magically transformed into a topiary in my backyard where'd you come from there are multiple puzzle types to solve you can organize your garden merging plants and Wildlife together to create new exciting combinations or enter the Mansion to solve classic matching games and uncover details surrounding the mystery I personally enjoy unlocking new story points after I've completed each Mansion puzzle it's fun to piece together the clues and meet new characters the gameplay is actually so satisfying swipe your screen and watch the pieces fly with every successful match whether you're playing from the comfort of your couch on a tablet or bringing your phone outside to sit in some real grass merge Gardens is the perfect way to wind down and take a few Quiet Moments to puzzle solve if you'd like to help support my Channel download the game today for free by clicking the link in the video description and pin comment or by scanning my special QR code on the screen thank you again to marriage Gardens now let's get back to the video all right well are you ready for the first character as ready as I'll ever be here she is this is Amber the immediate question is what is she throwing up in the air it looks like a teddy bear his name is Baron bunny uh he's a bomb he's a bomb she's hugging a bomb that's kind of weird Kaya better than the last one what's his name [Music] this is Lisa Lisa she looks like a witch I definitely like her she reads that's good she's not hugging a bomb I don't know she looks a little stuck up she's got the Hermione vibe to her Barbara Barbara oh wow is she a nurse she is a Healer yeah she works in the church too my next guest was going to be is she a nun she's obviously a caring person she's pretty good A little bit less subdued than the librarian so she's my favorite so far all right this is Razor all right this guy looks like link oh he's got a wolf friend who's rustling his hair seems a little dramatic he kind of seems like uh theater kid he is not a bomb he's a chef that's acceptable then so I like I like that better she seems pretty normal this is bado uh-oh uh-oh hitting the hooch is that an expression uh hitting the hooch I don't know about that Hooch itself is a definitely an expression this is a singcho uh he looks kind of Regal with that coat I like the coat he seems like one of those uh kind of cool royal guys who would hang around court and uh make fun of the king when he's not looking so I think he'd be cool to hang around with she looks all conservative to me so she seems like she would uh be the type who oh my God she's got a crack pipe oh Jesus well there goes that I was going to say she seems a little conservative and the kind who would scold you for um saying things like that looks like a crack pipe well she's got a crack pipe this is official generally like the hair across the face look she does seem a little bit dramatic as well but not as bad as that uh theater kid really Bennett Bennett he he reminds me of one of those guys you see at Oktoberfest who are dancing the funny dance where they kick their heels up and hit it with their hands probably drinking a beer probably eating a pretzel all right Lederhosen it looks like he's wearing Lederhosen I like that I like the uh I want a rock pose I don't know he seems pretty normal I pick him for my softball team okay you know that's fair he would I think he would probably uh be pretty sporty this is Noel she looks like a maid she is oh she is so I guess her occupations what are the card game that they do Yu-Gi-Oh Magic the Gathering Magic the Gathering player puffy pants never trust a guy in puffy pants no no absolutely not why not Lederhosen they're fine I puffy pants not so good sucrose oh wow science nerd I was gonna say she definitely looks like a bookworm but she's not very good because she just blew up her experiment to keep her away from my lunch this is not her normal outfit her name is James this is her normal oh my gosh I like the other outfit better she she very approachable now that I see her like this she looks like she is the older sister of the guy who is uh making fun of the king she's a real Authority freak and she gets really PO'd when he makes fun of her favorite Monarch dear Luke oh this this is the bad boy he's got a ponytail too this is the bad boy this is the guy I would strive to be this was you in high school oh no this wasn't me in high school this is what I wish to be in high school my mom told me used to steal candy from kids on Halloween when you're in high school that was Middle School oh sorry sorry Middle School yeah this guy's cool yeah I would definitely want to hang around he wouldn't want to hang around with me though I can just imagine this is Chichi yeah she's like somebody's annoying younger sister don't like her she's a zombie oh this is Mona she's very long legs for a witch what is that supposed to mean and witches usually have short legs that's how you know witches usually have short little Stumpy legs yes this is kaching she got something to do with cats not really no her hair's just like that which looks pretty basic boring oh this is a Cub Scout she looks like a Cub Scout a brownie a girl Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts so what does that tell you she's a boy this is a boy he's named after a coffee he's got braids better to dip them in the coffee it kind of reminds me of uh if you had blonde hair he'd be like dandelion from The Witcher and you know how annoying that guy is and I don't but he's very annoying he's a Bard oh he's a Bard okay the venti is a Bard he's a bard Jesus you can spot the birds from a mile away you can smell him clean see how she looks like the little sister who's a cool little sister but she would probably punch that other little sister Chichi she'd be like don't be a tattletail and another little one this is diona she looked evil oh my God and she's got a tail oh no tartaglia oh I like him yeah again this guy looks like uh dude you want to hang around with not quite so much as the other guy but he make a good side kick for the other cool guy so you definitely want to sit at the lunch table with these dudes add them to the friend group absolutely wow this is like this is the heavy metal uh heavy metal chick is that a drum in the back it looks like it yeah it looks like so she's a drummer too her weapon yeah those are weapons oh my God she is jamming out with the guitar yes she's my favorite so far this is Jeong Lee the cool dude that you don't like so you know how there's a group of cool guys and you're like oh I wish I was like that guy but but this guy he's a real jerk is he like stealing girlfriends like what kind of jerk is he Eddie Haskell probably don't get the reference but uh he'd be really really nice in front of the teachers but then when they turn their back you'd punch in the back of the head Albedo Albedo isn't that what they call something to do with um when it snows and the Earth gets whiter and it reflects more light oh I didn't know it's called the Albedo well he does live in the mountains with snow so looks a little studious doesn't look like it's much fun give you a disapproving glance for a lot of things he looks like a disapprover she looks stupid she she's like a joke everyone loves her and I'm the one who hates her they're like we hate her people DM me getting pissed because I hate gone you we're gonna leave it at that I am happy that's good enough moving on this is Xiao this guy looks cool too he looks like the guy who is really good at something but he doesn't let anybody know so he's like the quiet guy and everyone thinks oh he's nothing but then somebody brings in a banjo and he's like here let me see that and he like rips off Foggy Mountain or something you're like oh my God I never used to play the banjo he's like yeah well with whatever it's not a big deal don't don't worry about it yes it's cool I like him this is hutau she's a trend follower she's a tick talker yeah yeah she's like she's got to be on the latest trends and stuff they ought to change her animation so she's doing that weird uh Wednesday dance that would be perfect Rosaria she is taller than most of the guys better dressed than just about everybody and she realizes she doesn't even have to rub it in because everybody else knows it too she's all right to be around because she's really not as awful as she think she is but she's just so perfect what do you think her job is like what is her outfit giving to you satanic none yanfei yanfei don't have much to say about her she's not striking me I don't like the Hat this is EULA for some reason she strikes me as being sporty too I think she's the captain of the softball team everybody likes her because she's nice never says mean word about anybody he looks like uh he's a little bit too young to be hanging around with the rest of his other guys so he might be an overachiever I'm not sure I like that yeah it looks like a dork your inner bully is resurfacing ayaka one of the kids that is in your class and you can't remember her name this is dressed like some kind of weird animal uh avoid this one yeah she's weird you know Mia you gotta wonder when you see kids and they're like they're not sporty but they got bruises all over oh they're doing yeah what are you doing do you recognize her Eloy she looks like someone that I would um want to hunt mechanical dinosaurs with yeah very specific absolutely Sarah she's very serious in a position of responsibility ability like the president of the student council or perhaps the equipment manager of the sports Department she rose with an iron fist you're crafting a big high school alternate universe Ryden Shogun love the hair friendly face she seems like a very compassionate person she looks like she would be the type who would uh sympathize when you're telling your stories even though she's very very much above you not only you personally yeah I mean I don't mean to say that about my daughter no one's above my daughter she's above all okay this is Coco me she looks like she smells oh like a fish like a fish Toma do these qualify as puffy pants I'm trying to decide are these things puffy no they do not qualify as puffy pants they get extra points for the boots because I love the boots solid guy you want in your softball team he would be a consistent base hit he's reliable and he's uh physically capable playing field Outfield hit a grounder you can even pitch uh in a pinch your favorite animal ears and tail Goro Guru is this a guy in puffy pants oh no he's got funny ears that are moving and a tail go to omino likey this is Ito this guy is combing his hair is the fans this dude is the boyfriend of the heavy metal chick oh okay yeah he's cool he's cool a little bit scary but good to invite to your party cool Eugene yeah her huh yeah her huh it's like uh I remember her flag core that's what I think of oh yeah the color guard shenha just kind of quiet yeah Miko see this this you have the exact opposite she seems pretty smart but she's a little full of herself all right this is ayatos this is ayaka's Brother carrying around the big gulp dressed to the nines a little too Posh to play softball those people that go to 7-Eleven before class and like are always late because they needed their big gulp you know yeah yeah I think he hangs around with venti all right this is yaylon the unconventional girl alternative she is a little bit of a tomboy all the dudes like her because she's just like one of the guys this is shinobu what's with the face covering she's a ninja and her hair is suspiciously close to looking like ears Hazel trying to decide if those pants are puffy I don't think so it almost looks like a kilt he gets extra points for wearing something that almost looks like a kill so he's like a retro 70s Guy Mr retro definitely invited him to the party this is kale green hair no good no good I feel like you're like the bouncer at this imaginary party and you're like you're gonna have to go yeah you know you sorry oh my god oh no oh no uh you know what this is the guy who is weird and has puffy pants and ears but he really does such a knockout job that you have to give him credit for just sheer execution if you're gonna have somebody with puffy pants ears and a tail it's got to be this guy and the hair chartreuse not green chartreuse on that too this is Dory again very intellectual a little bit of a screw up though over styled Candace also one of the cool girls big lover of David Bowie oh see if anybody gets that I know this is the dude who is really into it whatever it is he's into man he is really into it and you gotta love people like that 110 and this looks like his girlfriend really this is 110 yes they make a perfect couple nahida also one of these younger sisters I don't know I guess she'd be okay she's got good color coordination Layla what she got to hide what's wrong with her what's wrong with her pharu's on I love that name I don't know she looks pretty normal which is odd for this group of people so gotta give her points for that she looks pretty normal The Wanderer is also his name is scaramosh as well you know when you go out in the sun you really need to protect your skin and there's nothing better than a wide brimmed hat he is intelligent for doing that because he looks kind of pale you know maybe you want to get sunburned he looks all right you know he kind of looks like uh one of the cool kids younger brothers and they're always telling him to get lost but he never gets lost but he's not so bad I love that we have Yahoo she would ring everywhere she went is that a bomb I don't believe so okay I don't trust the girls that hug bombs I hate them God looks like a slacker oh he'd call him the dude the dude hey dude what's up dress is nice for slacker but still looks like a slacker idea this is the Rival to the girlfriend of the uh rock and roll dude yes exactly she wants Ito yes but he thinks that cat ears are weird as well and so he just for some reason ignores her totally and really pisses her off which is too bad because uh personally I think she's a little cuter and we have Mika Mika I hate to say it but Mika looks like uh one of the cool kids tomboy younger sisters go by Mike go by Mike it'll fix a lot of your problems just go back that's advice from this guy he's like dude just go by the name Mike just go by Mike this is the protagonist girl goody two shoes and she has a twin brother but I don't have him of course you have to pick here of course of course oh oh and this creature what do you think of this little is she all right you know who I think of immediately Ed from uh Cowboy Bebop oh interesting maybe she's really smart but maybe she's really stupid it's hard to tell she's too crazy you don't know the lie between genius and insanity is a thin line all right well that's all the characters I have to show you for right now who out of all these would you say is like your favorite if you can remember definitely the rock and roll couple okay Ito and jinyan definitely yeah yep yep yep that right there the sumo wrestler thing is he got me a hello well this was a goof and a gaff thank you for joining me this was hilarious you were pretty accurate on a lot of them or you were exactly not accurate which is also entertaining so either way that's the go-to extremes remember that thank you guys so much for watching I hope you have a great rest your day and I will see you in my next video goodbye bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Koomaxx
Views: 148,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact roasts, genshin impact impressions, genshin impact mom impressions, genshin impact dad impressions, genshin mom impressions, genshin mom ranking, genshin mom ranks, genshin dad ranking, genshin dad ranks, genshin my mom ranks characters, genshin impact my dad ranks characters, genshin impact ranking characters, genshin impact first impressions, genshin first impressions, genshin character first impressions, genshin impact character first impressions
Id: Qjb17ZtP_u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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