Ranking every Sims 4 world (2023 San Seqouia updated)

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I feel like we need to start off with Willow Creek there's 21 Lots in total I personally feel like that's enough the only issue I have with Willow Creek is that we've got a lot of residential space but not much Community lot space especially seemingly there are so many packs now I feel like they need to update it just by giving us like an extra space or two for Community Lots because it feels a little bit weird to put Community Lots in the residential bit I don't know about anyone else but like ever since einstall growing together all of my Sims constantly want to embrace the cheerful trait like it is so annoying nothing to do with this video just thought I'd mention it anyway every single area in this world comes with like a little park or something similar basically Barbecues in a bench but there's not really that much to it I genuinely believe they should update this world with just like one or two houseboats I think it would be really cool but I mean there's all to do here absolutely nothing I mean we've got Magnolia Blossom Park which is very pretty Park but again like there's nothing to do unless you go see installed like it is just a couple of trees you know we got this big open space not like you can build on it or do anything there because this Sims for us is weird closed lot system it's just do not it's pretty like it's a basic world it's vanilla I feel like every single Sims 4 game needs a nice vanilla American Blue Suburban world and do you know what I can appreciate it from the perspective of being a basic I am openly very very vanilla and proud to be vanilla and I do like this as a very vanilla world it's just not big enough and I like a little bit more and there's a lot of benches and barbecues but not much else to really do but for what it's worth it's an all right little place to build your basic American Blue Suburbans I know that's what you all like even though you have a hundred packs installed you always start brand new save file in Willow Creek I know what you like by the way our ranking goes from I have a firm erection my type on paper cotton candy ice Vapes people who clap when the plane lands QR code restaurant menus and Batu guys this is a bit of a tangent I know this is very very Karen of me I admit that but I genuinely can't stand it's one of those things that have lingered since a pandemic like every restaurant now makes a scanny QR code for the menu I hate it I genuinely just can't deal with it I want a real laminated paper menu in my hand do you know what else I hate about restaurants these days when you go into a restaurant maybe this is just a British thing but every time you go into a British restaurant they're like oh have you been here before do you know how it works like what do you mean it's a restaurant I do not answer I can't stand when the servers say oh our Chef does a fresh food policy which means every item just comes whenever it comes they're basically trying to put a positive spin on the fact that their kitchen is very disorganized so if you're eating with another person your meal might come 10 minutes after your friend's meal like why are you trying to upsell it as oh it's fresh made on the spotlight no it's not you're just disorganized anyway bit of a tangent Willow Creek it's not the worst it's not the best I'd say it's comparable to cotton candy ice Vapes next up we've got Oasis Springs this is again has 21 Lots although I find the map for this world extremely misleading like ridiculously and when you click on it like these lots have grass it's not a desert it's literally grass so why are they lying for in the map screen I mean the little Community lot wrote looks nice but again like it's only four lots and there's a lot of benches and barbecues but there's nothing really else to do although I admit it's a nice change to the vanilla Willow Creek but like it's nothing special it's just you know it's like having a cotton candy ice Vape new Crest was made to fix a problem but in it vertically ended up creating more problems everyone was complaining that the two base game worlds were not big enough so they gave us another world but they literally put nothing in it and because of how many loading screens there are in The Sims 4 it is such a chore to fill all of these Lots it's a nightmare genuinely can't stand new Crest it also has the exact same Vibe and aesthetic as Willow Creek so it's basically just like a Willow Creek extension and doesn't offer anything new although it was a brand new free world I admit so it's not her terrific I'd say it's comparable to the kind of people who clap when the plane lands Magnolia Promenade what even are you what are you the worst thing is right if you're a gameplay person one amazing thing about the Sims 4 get to work is making a retail shop is genuinely my favorite thing to do in The Sims 4. what I think they should have done in this fourth empty lot here they should have given us a blank retail store so like a ready-built shop but with nothing in it because the whole cool thing about retail is that you can literally sell anything the problem with these three other shops is that they're all pre-made shops one of them is a fashion store one of them's a toy shop this other one totally forgot what you are but anyway there's three pre-made ones I genuinely think they should have just built up an entire retail lot made it so it was very cheap for you to be able to buy and then you can just fill it with whatever products that you want I think that would have been a great idea to allow people to jump straight into retail gameplay because even though I love retail it's so exhausting because before you can even even like start a shop you actually have to build the whole shop and if you're not a builder you can't do the gameplay which defeats the whole point of it it's very annoying also this horrifically ugly useless little Park here you can't even edit it it's so ugly they genuinely I think they should have just made this a lot identical to this one on the right here and just put them two next to each other because let's be honest this world is tidy as so I'm sorry Magnolia Promenade you are just as bad as QR code restaurant menus windenburg is sexy as I believe there are 26 lots and I genuinely love how each area is so different and you know the Jeffrey Epstein Island bit this is genuinely one of my favorite places because it's so versatile like I normally use it if I'm doing a build save to make like a rich person's Island but you know you can make it like a horror Survival Island like you could do whatever you want with that I think it's cool but this top area here is genuinely my favorite because there are literally so many Lots it is insane and I think it's really pretty looking don't get me wrong there's nothing to do is any Sims World and it definitely makes me miss the idea of having open worlds again because imagine if this whole area was open because all of these lots of buildable on but like imagine if we had open world spat this makes me want open worlds because it just looks so pretty and I think there's a lot could be done with it and you know I was saying before like we really just don't have any Community Lots in The Sims for well I think this area is great to put them in also this bottom area here this little modern quarter in the corner here again is great for building just like loads of little Community Lots I just think it's very versatile I am verse in case you're wondering I always get a bit TMI in my videos that was my first TMI moment of this video anyway this world 100 my type on paper all right Sam myshuno is like way too big to literally look at everything because there are so many different apartments so I believe there are technically 26 slots including all the apartments I will admit the park in this world like what the is she doing why we got this bill which looks like an American Blue Suburban House in San marcino and it literally is a house like it looks like one of those weirdly open empty symbol based game houses what they should have done with this slot is turn it into like a historical site because I feel like every single big city in Europe at least anyway has some kind of like historical sites which are untouched also this world only comes with like literally just one proper roof what's it called not roof house what what's it called when it's on the roof but it's like a building right on top of the roof genuinely forgot what you call that anyway if we like delete everything you've just got a whole blank canvas up here but this is the only one and I feel like they should have made a lot more like rooftop place that's it rooftop we've only got one proper rooftop lot and they needed to be like so many more and I'm really disappointed about that but in general I like that you got the three main quarters absolutely cracking world my type on paper the next one is forgotten Hollow we've only got five Lots so it is a forgotten about worlds you'd think it would contain like so many different dark secrets and things is like the only vampire world in the game but there's nothing to do here we've got this like big open Plaza but there's nothing going on it's just very like weirdly huge for such a tiny world with little houses there's just like nothing here like there's no secret about this island because you know vampires they can like teleport or you know fly somewhere as a Batman if they can fly on here find something secret find a little catacomb under here like the Simpson just didn't go deep enough with this world not at all you know we got a little Pierre not here you know like a lookout place over here you know it's got a bench that's all it's got here a bench like what do you do here look out of the amazing view of the Rocks like do you know what I mean the world is bollocks I'm sorry you're as bad as a QR code at a restaurant brunerton Bay has 14 different Lots we got a beach over here although it's not much for beat August the game's like and of course it's bloody lagging I'm gonna have to restart it honestly guys I'm sick of the Sims 4 like just stop I got a powerful expensive PC this shouldn't be happening anyway I restarted I loaded up the game and then I loaded the save and then I loaded the world and then I loaded the lot in the world so hopefully it's all finished loading and it's all going to work now anyway we've got like a little Beach area but I can't say like it's that in spite like it's the ugliest beaches in my life if I went on holiday and I saw this beach I'd be a bit disappointed absolutely nothing to do here although I like that there's like this little secluded lot there's another little secluded lot next to it and I think it's quite cute but my favorite area is like the pier area I genuinely think this is so pretty especially at night time you see I always like on this a lot like to build a nice little restaurant I think it's like a really cute idea even though like these lots that are pre-built are residential I would honestly scrap them and turn them all into Community lots and make some nice little things with them I just think it's a great space and it's very detailed I mean you can't do anything in the space because it's the Sims 4 world and it's closed and there's nothing to do but for what it's worth like it's good for The Sims 4 it's my type on paper Valley I just I honestly I just can't bring myself to deal with it guys I can't deal with it Judith Ward's house honestly is the biggest tragedy this whole thing look how nice it's supposed to be you're on the Hills it's like um is this like Hollywood is Beverly Hills in Hollywood or is that in California or like LA or something I don't know anyway this is supposed to be like an incredible place for these rich people houses look at this look at it what the is it who the built this I'm sorry you're getting fired from your job and it's built on this like lovely little Podium thing as well like it should have been so good but it was terrible also the whole point of the pack is have like celebrity hot spots where different celebrities at different levels go there's only two lounges that come with the world one of them is like a dingy bar and the other one is more up class why aren't there loads more it's the whole place is just tiny as well there's only 11 Lots seeming it's an expansion pack it's tragic you where's your icon little list you're worse than QR code restaurant menus I'm sorry you are strangerville oh again like I I can't deal with you I can't deal with you off I'm not even looking at you you're going in QR codes salani this is a very unpopular opinion there's 14 Lots yes they're all very pretty but like every single area in this world is exactly the same like you know this bottom area looks nice we've got all the different houses not that half of them are even real because they said okay yes the Sims 4 has a close-up system I need to get over it I know it's my issue but then we've got this place here which has you know all these nice little islands and you can go up to them and visit them but there's nothing to do on them rendering them pointless and it looks exactly the same as the other area too the only like redeeming quality is this like survival area where we've got this little island here it's a very small spot but I think it's a really cool idea and I do like this little space because it's very secluded from everything else and I think it's really cool for gameplay but that's it I know it's very unpopular I know oh but I am putting it in people who clap when the plane lands I'm sorry Glenn Brook is a tragedy all of the Lots here are bloody horrific this lot here angers me the most look how ugly it is look at all these windows this house was made by a billion dollar company by the way a billion dollar company that's so bloody stupid they forgot to put a door going from these stairs here they still haven't updated it years old they still have it bloody fixed it what the is wrong with you with your company although the great thing though about glimmerbrook is that you can travel to the magic realm which is like a secret lot in the world don't get me wrong this lot like why have we got like an American Blue Suburban in this magical world not for me but I do like we got this the little area here I feel like I do think it is a little bit of a disappointment that like you can't really build anything anywhere here I think they should have let you build somewhere but like this little area I think is really cute there's also this top little Greenhouse area here there's literally like nothing to do here I feel like you know what is the point in this they should have done a lot more with it and they should have turned this into like a proper buildup a lot it was a very much you know a missed opportunity or at least put something cool and Secret in here that you can go in and find but they didn't but I think it's a nice little world to facilitate doing you know mostly magical stuff and you know they've got like a little jeweling grounds here anyway to do some fighting each other with ones I don't even know what to call it one fighting that feels like a homophobic slurp I have been doing a little bit too much one fighting recently I don't think I need any more okay that that was the second over share like it just came out I'm sorry I may or may not edit that out the main glimmer book world is not very good but I like that they've got the little magic area it's just well it just was implemented terribly no sorry people who collect by the plane lands so the thing I like about brytester is actually very similar to British universities in their system and that we've got like old fashioned universities like Oxford but then we've got a lot more modern ones and I like that we've got you know the modern university area here and the old-fashioned one here and then we've got the main town area here like it feels like a student now I do definitely think it was a missed opportunity for townhouses because I mean we got townhouses they're just not functional I feel like they could make functional townhouses by making them work in the exact same way as Apartments do I genuinely think that would work very well but I think it's a pretty area I really love this Library a lot as well in the center I've always wanted to turn it into some kind of like you know you get those like designer Outlet Villages like I'd love to do something like that in this little area I've just never been ambitious enough but I think it's a beautiful world and it fits its purpose perfectly I'm giving it my type yeah my type on paper I do really like cotton candy eyes fakes because we don't have the proper townhouses which is what I wanted Evergreen Harbor had a lot of potential but it fell flat don't get me wrong I think it's a really cool idea because as you progress through like working on your environmental footprint the smog clears and it gives you a sense of achievement it's just the world itself it makes you realize how shallow The Sims 4 is like look at how huge this entire space is like it's literally bloody humongous the only thing is it comes with literally zero unique gameplay but technically it comes with one tiny bit of unique gameplay which is this uh what do you even call these like these big bins anyway you can dive in there for food you can take a nap in there or you can find like scraps in there but apart from this one tiny object there is nothing to do here like look at all of this you think oh this is a cool thing you can walk on it you can walk all over this but what can you do on it nothing see I would have liked the ability for like mischievous Sims to go fly tipping and dump all of their rubbish in there and make the environment worse and poison the water in the town this little area like I'm saying little is bloody huge and there's nothing to do here like why does it exist maybe I could have you know just had a rabbit hole of my sim exploring in this little cave and finding something finding the clown from It like there's so much they could have done and they just didn't do anything they literally did nothing I hate it it's going in QR code restaurant menus so Mount comoretti this world has 14 technically 15 Lots the thing I love about the top area with the snow is it like the snow feels kind of different to the standard snow that you see in The Sims 4 Seasons and that like it looks very you know Japanese and I like that and by the way all of the lots are built really nicely because this time around they actually got simmers to do it an EA to not do it because EA are terrible at building in their own game whereas the players are not terrible so I'm really glad that they actually get like people who are in The Sims Community to build these bloody places anyway it does look very japanesey I lived in Japan for two years so I think I'd know it looks very middle class I mean there's nothing to do here but it's nice I like that they got the vending machines as well all dotted around the world because that is very realistic I will admit this bottom area is very Bland and I just don't really feel like it adds anything I almost kind of wish they turned the bottom area into more of a like City because Japan is known for huge skyscrapers and City buildings and I think it would have been a nice way to show off like that side of Japan also like these unusable Lots go themselves honestly I think they're crap they could have even just like you know made this a rabbit hole where you could buy snowboards and snow gear but they didn't it's just a missed opportunity I think it's all right and I think it's nice that we got snowy area outside of seasons and it I think it's a nice way of phasing out the concept of a Seasons pack because it doesn't need to exist I just don't think it's that special cotton candy ice Vapes I'm sorry henford upon shaggly the world is very pretty I like the little town square although it really annoys me that these shops you can't function them you can click on them and Window Shop but they literally just stand outside and look and then get a movement it's very shallow I almost wish like each shop was a rabbit hole because they did it the lazy way of just putting a market stall here and saying you can buy everything from this Market store it would have been much nicer to have like you know a grocery store here this one you could buy exclusive fashion from that you can only buy here this one is a proper Bakery to buy like nicely freshly baked right in the morning they could have made it like that and they didn't it's such a missed opportunity this top era he you know like you'd think it would be really cool like look at this like is it in I guess it's like an island you go here and you think oh my God what is this this looks like something out of Legend is Audi you're like oh my God this is amazing what's over here oh my God and there's nothing there's literally nothing here literally nothing it's just so pointless it's just a very shallow world with a lot of trees and to feel brutally honest with you as a British person who actually lives in the countryside I'm sorry but this world doesn't look like the British Countryside I mean it looks very magical it looked this little area here is beautiful looks like a Beatrix Potter movie This is the redeeming quality of the world but it doesn't look British I've never seen these like willow trees before in my entire life in the UK like I haven't seen them once don't get me wrong like the lots are built very nicely it is a pretty world it's just like there's nothing to do here it's very shallow I just I'm sorry it's like people who clap when the plane lands it is tartos is actually one of my favorite worlds in the game I think it's really unique I know it's supposed to be Italian inspired honestly to me it looks a lot like Spain I like that we've got a beach although I hate the fact that it doesn't function like the beaches in Island living I think that's a missed opportunity it doesn't feel very alive also I hate the fact that this beach lot here like you can technically build on it but you can't build out over the sea with decking or anything like you can in Island living which is a missed opportunity there's lots of cute spaces like this but you can't do anything with it so it's pretty pointless or like this area you know what is this like you can't do anything here so what's the point in existing we've got the other top area here too which is again just like a little bit Bland there's not really much like oh yeah it looks pretty like it looks like a nice little holiday Resort but you can't have holidays really in The Sims 4 because we don't have hotels like yeah you can see in a vacation rental but it's not the same thing like you don't get a holiday experience in the game you know it's big it's beautiful it's just not interesting and it's a shame because I think it's one of the most aesthetically beautiful worlds that we've got in the game because it's beautiful I won't say it's horrific I'd say It's a cotton candy ice fake Moon would mail I'd say is quite an interesting one oh I just went to click on somebody in the world and somehow I've ended up in muffin munches the cafe I made for my dine Outlets play how did we get here oopsie anyways the world has a lot of trees it's very secluded in its appearance although it's not actually secluded because any Towny from any world comes here the whole point of this world right is that it's supposed to be very secretive and abandoned yet you always get townies from other worlds coming in and spoiling the immersion but I genuinely think it's a cool looking world the lots are very well done there's lots of kind of nooks and crannies and special areas there's definitely a lot to explore there's this you know nice little Mountain Area here too where you can get up here although there is nothing to do up here because you know the Sims 4 generally has nothing to do in any of this world you can come up P if you want to although it's got Greg's cabin which is like a special MPC to see this is a nice little little quality that I genuinely like I'm not going to spoil the story of Greg because this isn't a gameplay video but it's something unique and it adds a little bit of lore into this Sims 4. it's not a very interesting game but this is one of those rare occasions where they actually had an interesting character into the game although it does fall flat in terms of like you know there's literally like nothing to do here it's one of those standard Sims 4 things where like it's very aesthetic like I love the aesthetic here genuinely top-notch there's just all to do it's beautiful and I'm gonna give it that it's one of the most aesthetically pleasing worlds in my opinion and I think with a lot of imagination you can generally do a lot with it it's cotton candy eyes fake copperdale is the next World do you know what on the subject of it because we were talking about the It clown earlier this little area reminds me of um it too anyway the Sims 4 is very Bland in terms of then not really being much to do I like that they at least tried to make an effort to add a little bit more by giving us the little Fairground area here I mean it is all Rabbit Hole experiences and all you get from this little area is guess what moot licks if you go on one of the rides so it's not that special but you know there's a little ice cream truck like it's a place to hang out it's a place to do you know at least something moderately fun it's not totally fun because it's an open world idea in a closed World system which means that however much they try and make it fun it will never truly be fun seeing that the high school years pack doesn't allow you to create your own school which is absolutely ridiculous you're stuck on this school lot building a school is very Advanced because it's such a huge lot so you think at least the base game one would look alright but it's literally horrific look at this just look at it there's nothing here it's horrific it's so empty it's so shallow imagine going into a school like this you'd be terrified having like an ugly classroom is pretty realistic because classrooms in real life are ugly because schools have low budgets but still like come on they could have done better than this and you know we got this whole school field but but you can't do anything with it nothing really is really interactable apart from this little cheerleading map this tiny map right in the center it's just a very shallow world for a shallow pack honestly one of the worst like a QR code at a restaurant Sans Sequoia in other words Willow Creek 2.0 first thing I want to say is I hate the fact that this little pier has a lot here that you can't interact with an enormously missed opportunity also you can't tell like which houses here are usable and functional and which one are just fake decorations I think it's very misleading and it's really confusing comes with a little park but there's nothing really to do here seeming that this was a pack about you know growing up as a family I'm honestly so confused why they didn't add brand new playground objects like it seems so obvious to do something like that in a pack like this and they didn't and they didn't build a park for it it's just silly the next area of the world has one usable object which is a rabbit hole movie theater which is better than nothing but that's basically all you can do here you know you can walk down to this little Bay area here but there's nothing to do and may I add all these buildings up here look like weirdly like low res they seem to look like really bright and not match the aesthetic of the world in the slightest and it's just so strange to me like why they're so like blocky do you know I mean they're just weird looking it doesn't make sense and then it comes with something called the Celebration Center which is a new lot type in The Sims 4 which adds absolutely no gameplay and it basically just functions as a gym forward slash Library lot which is bloody tragic and I'm sorry I'll be honest with you this law is not it I don't know if I'm see I'm not blaming little simsy because I feel like maybe EA were like oh you can't use too many objects like it must be limited so it works on cheap laptops like I'm not blaming her the actual lot itself is ugly as I'm sorry it's ugliest is one of the ugliest Lots I've seen in one of the more recent packs it is I will be honest about that it comes with this building you think oh this is interesting what's this well it's um it's nothing you can't click got it it's another you know this whole huge area here like why did The Sims team spend so much time with so much of their budgets on this huge area here when there's literally not one single thing to do here literally nothing it just doesn't make any sense to me it's a copycat Willow Creek which you should not have in an expansion pack by the way do you know what I know this is really and dramatic of me but it is going in battle so next up we've got Granite Falls I will admit the Lots in Granite Falls look like warehouses not like log cabins which defeats the whole point seeing the whole pack is about going Outdoors there's not really much to do outdoors in this pack other than hunt for bugs I just don't feel like there's that much to do and it's not for me we got the Granite Falls Forest area which comes with a lot of trees but again like it's just a lot of trees like there's nothing really to do it just feels like such a missed opportunity like I genuinely don't even know what to say because there literally is nothing to say and oh my gosh outdoor Retreat really needs a refresh like it needs it badly because this is just not it so I'm sorry you're going in QR codes salvadorados on a positive note I love this world I think it's pretty big seeming that it's a game pack firstly I like the little kind of opening area they made that area in this opening area a bar I personally don't think they should have made it but I personally think they should have made it like a historical site or something seeing this packs about traveling they should have made it like a tourist site where you can look at things and take pictures of certain things but it's an all right looking Hub and I do think the world is very nicely decorated although the thing is it's full of many different vacation rentals like this which I'm too not to be fair they're not bad they're not the prettiest but they're not the worst they don't feel like you know a holiday Airbnb like it doesn't really feel like that it doesn't feel luxurious but apart from like the actual Temple exploring there's nothing really to do like we've got this one National Park area but it falls victim to the standard Sims 4 barbecue and bench set up for every single Community lot and there's nothing else to really do here other than serve as an opening to go into the dungeon and I hold any kind of vacation pack to high standards as a result of the Sims 3 Welsh adventures and it just Falls very flat in terms of the world there's nothing to explore even though the whole point of this pack is exploring and finding new things like it's pretty there's a lot of trees and it's definitely my favorite vacation world it's just like there's nothing really to do I'm sorry you're going you're pretty but you're nothing special you're going in people who clap on the plane lands I would show you journey to Batu but I literally can't because EA won't let me because technically there are no Lots here that's why it's in its own special category with Santa Koya you may have noticed nothing has given me a firmer action and that's because this Sims 4 is a closed lock system however hard they try to create the illusion that it's an open world it's not I do think they need to spend less of their budget on worlds and more of their budget on gameplay as you can see this city list is very bottom heavy that is for a reason even though Sims 4 worlds are pretty they're the shallowest worlds of literally any Sims game and they did go back quite a few steps from The Sims 3 which is not what you should do in the next installment in the next installment you should go bigger and Bolder not go back except do you know what I mean anyway if you enjoyed this tier list you might also enjoy the next one recommended thank you very much for watching I will see you in the next one
Channel: SatchOnSims
Views: 52,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4 worlds ranked, sims 4 worlds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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