Ranking Every Spider-Man Villian - A Tier List

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St to rank some stuff yes the internet loves ranking this time around we're going to be ranking Spider-Man villains oh my goodness some people say the best Rogues Gallery in all of comics some say Batman's is I said some people I didn't say all people some say it's Captain America's Rogues Gallery Red Skull that's it I was going to say another guy who's like an evil Captain America yeah the guy who does the big kicks on the boat oh okay the big kick on the boat man yep I do remember him yeah then he got kicked with a bigger kick and he fell off the boat and he's dead now those are all s tier so I've covered that obviously uh so yeah we're going to be talking about I was going to say most it's not most a lot of classic Spider-Man villains now bear in mind folks we are going to miss your favorite and it's on purpose that's right but it's not big wheel that's true yeah so leave a like if you could we're going to kick things off with Rhino oh yeah okay now guy sewn into a rhino suit of sorts or sometimes it's a mechanical suit we're just doing vaguely okay sometimes it's Paul giia sometimes it is and he's wildly drunk cuz he went on that Winery tour with Sandman do you remember that I do yeah yeah yeah yeah so that's a dangerous combination completely agree I feel like Rhino is kind of a beati of Spider-Man villain somebody somebody else sends to beat up Spider-Man oh yeah okay but I think Rhino also probably has like a personal grievance against Spider-Man because he's been beat up so many times but I guess we can't factor that in every time because almost all Spider-Man villains probably have that you've beaten me up 50 times of your decades long career and I'm mad about it I'm going to give him a b though based on the how I feel about being a a BT villain okay that when when he shows up Spider-Man's not like oh my God no the RH the Rhino again I'll web his face and he'll be like I can't see but I'm still going to get you spot and then he'll run off a bridge or whatever got yeah you're right look I would give him a c tier but he's committed to the suit oh yeah like he lives in that now and I and I got to respect that I think so B tier is perfectly fine next up we've got another guy sewn into the suit oh yeah scorpion there's going to be a lot of guys sewn in the suits I think I feel like there's more tragedy involved because it's definitively like a mechanical thing that he's like put into it seems more uncomfortable than a rhino suit is my point yeah yeah got that laser in the Stinger that's a bit of fun bit of fun um sometimes he's just a guy in a prison with a scorpion tattoo that's true that's fun yeah I would say you're level below Rhino even yeah I think he's a seist I I you know again you're you're right personal animous aside he's usually just a guy robbing banks or hired muscle or something like that he's someone we're going to be saying Craven the hunter oh yes but I know you're thinking he's a good guy he's got the movie coming up and he seems like a nice animall loving man well wrong idiot yeah they got it wrong yeah that's right we've read the comics M you haven't neither of the filmmakers I'm guessing anyway he's a maniac a big game hunter I would say he was one of Spider-Man's more dangerous villains before like Carnage and Venom and that showed up he would always be tangling with him sometimes he puts him in his grave sometimes he puts him in his grave that's I mean that's good right yeah but then what has he done for us since that's true I mean he's got laser nipples doesn't he at one point sometimes he's got laser line nipples absolutely and that's cool he's probably an a yeah and he's he's doing a lot with a little you know what I mean he can't lift a 100 tons no but he's still you know he's still a dangerous villain he can eat a room full of spiders he did do that once remember oh that's true yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah next up we got an earlier one chameleon sure okay a guy who can look like other guys was this maybe Spider-Man's first costume villain I believe it was okay all right so I think early on it was just like I could look like somebody else it was a series of rubber masks yes but then later he got like moldy plastic flesh and he can Holograms can you replicate Powers no okay no that's not cool that's not cool is it one time he was behind bringing back Peter Parker's parents do you remember that oh when they were robots they were robots so that's you know that's pretty Sinister that's a bit of fun one time he was Peter Parker's driver in Europe that's true yeah that guy was chameleon that's undeniable that's true look I like the power set I think that's cool I like a Master of Disguise that's a bit of fun however I feel like he is surviving on the good graces of Spider-Man not just punching his head off fair you know what yeah cuz all you have to do is be like I see through your tricks chameleon I know it's you head's coming off dead you know he saying a d yeah I think a d wow but dead brackets you could be chameleon next up now people might think of this uh this character as a daredevil villain which he's more kind of transitioned into but the Kingpin oh yes started as a Spider-Man mob boss type person oh yeah I think this is an S one of the best you say yeah I think so justify your your judgment there James okay well he's he's the king of crime sometimes he's like I'm the man now and they're like you should be in jail and he's like well I'm not that's right and in fact I'm changing the law so I can never be in jail yeah exactly but he's giving everybody a run for their money he's basically like mob enforce Lex Lo that's true and he's giant so you're not thinking an S talk about a lot with a little technically not superpowered though also insanely Like Elephant strong sometimes yeah yeah yeah and proficient in Judo probably that's true and other Eastern Arts sometimes he's Michael Clark Duncan sometimes he is yeah sometimes he's a different guy Vinnie Deno I mean sometimes sometimes he's Jonathan Reese Davies is he from the Daredevil Hulk mini movie in the 80s oh yeah remember that I'm going s yeah no I think you're absolutely right and also he's got he's got the behind the scenes minations you know what I mean yeah next up we've got vulture again hampered by the fact that Spider-Man could probably breathe hard on him and he'd snapped like a twig cuz he's a 100 cuz he's 100 but sometimes he's sharp bladed vulture that's true sometimes he's enormous vulture you know flight suit situation he's the delightful Michael Keaton that's pretty good but he's still 100 he's always kind of aund isn't he oh no sometimes sometimes he's eufi that's true sometimes it's lady vulture oh yeah yeah well Spider-Man 4 was going to be vultures at one point that's right see yeah I don't know I mean but then again I found him in the movie that he was in pretty terrifying it was almost like dock in terms of like this is almost an impenetrable situation that he's built now at this point folks if you're wondering which versions of each of these characters we're it's whatever we feel like and you can't stop us it's whatever Springs to mind first which is the last one we saw yeah now I love look honestly I love that particular version of the suit with like the giant like fan situation in the wings and like the fur collar jacket good look now we met morbius how how does that make that's true and that must have been something to do with Spider-Man so that's got to put him up there I we doing be then I think we'll put him in a b all right what about Mysterio o big fan of Mysterio sometimes he makes everybody kill each other that's true he did that to Old Man Logan sometimes he's like a a funny special effects kind of guy and it's like all lighthearted and look it's a hologram of a snake and a smoke machine sometimes he like I'm dying and I'm taking it out on you Daredevil and Comics readers are like why that's never adequately explained dead Devil's never met you right what are you doing inherently quite ridiculous he's fighting back against that so anytime he does performs anything impressive or gets away with anything I'm like good job buddy y you're really working hard here completely agree you know I'm going to say a yeah I think so too and I think in far from home I think that really increased his uh I mean he had a whole lot of hologram didn't he that's true Spider-Man didn't know who to punch or look at that's true I think that really increased his uh I was going to say his worth but also his selfworth but he felt pretty great at a certain point yeah definitely what about man wolf who Jay Jonah Jameson's son who was an astronaut who went to the moon and got a space werewolf virus that turned him into the man wolf love that yep but F obviously F yes what have you seen him in lately no not that thank you I mean I think an e is more generous well I'm not feeling generous okay F hey it's your call manat I'm not going to fight furry old loser what I'm saying fair enough what about an anti-hero in Black Cat sure okay yeah I don't know I I is this even a Villain at this point I mean you could say this for a fair amount of these they all like Venoms and anti-hero now whatever we'll do next is a love triangle inherently villainous yes I would say yes it's very Sinister sort yourselves out what are you doing come on who's kissing who what is this right yeah but she's she's also right on that knife edge of like I don't know she is a criminal but I want to do kisses on her so I guess I'm going to let her go this time yeah I think she's a b actually you think she's mid yeah he's not mid he's good yeah sure I'm going to just ride in the middle of the tier list no it's not it's close no it's not all right it's not what about this one okay Venom okay sure love it I would say I don't really like any of the liveaction versions that much I mean they're doing it and he's real gooey I like that but I think in term terms of an impact that he made when he appeared on the scene powerful imagery as well oh absolutely yeah great design phenomenal design y yeah look the most recent version the Tom Hardy version enjoy it I enjoy Tom Hardy's conversations with himself I like him in it but I don't like those movies and if you would to if you would to say to someone who isn't unfamiliar with that Universe yeah he's Spider-Man's greatest Nemesis they'd be like why cuz they sort of look the same yeah they sort of look the same that is that why somebody one guy thinks the other guy stealing his look but you're absolutely right in the comic books are you saying that's bringing him down from an S to an a potentially oh I might be saying that okay great skill set gotten that Lobster tank Y in that Lobster tank he's putting the work in yeah he's putting the work in you know maybe it's an S it's an S right all right fine yeah all right plus then all the Symbiote gods and whatever you know all that stuff he's all out of space and whatever and Bernie's Carnage as Dad or Mom all right Let's do let's do Carnage then okay a ah Venom but more of a psycho also we're not doing the Venom Carnage symbiote family tree here this is it we're stopping here okay not doing Toxin and pulse if there's one I don't know I don't know all that names yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yellow Venom blue Venom again iconic design great idea what's he done lately well he was in that movie yeah it wasn't very good was it yeah right okay so would you say even a B I might even say lower but your call on this one I think I'm going to say a b okay great because you know serial killer with the Venom Powers I like that idea what about misto bring him up yes the devil but also made Spider-Man and Mary Jane get a divorce yeah look can we include uh let's include in misto the writers that ruined Spider-Man okay for for quite a lot of years I think all right I mean in terms of villainy I guess that's an a a or an S because it made a lot of people hate Spider-Man but also ruined his life that's true years for years I'm going to say s to you yeah that's a crazy thing to say but I'm with you great I love that now again we're not going to do all of these cuz there so many Green Goblin which Green Goblin Norman Osborne Norman Osborne We just keep it at that new Goblin I think red Goblin look I H Goin I'm willing to go corn of coblin I'm willing to go as far as we'll do Green Goblin and hobgoblin then we'll cut it off we'll just be gobbling in all day but very true I cannot be doing that that is true absolutely I mean iconic right I would say yes design y I would say most interpretations are really good I know there's the Dane Dehan skin disease one that's not Norman Osborne either is it no that's Harry Osborne yeah I'm going to say yes definitely yeah absolutely uh you know Willam defo will defo for sure yep man you wouldn't want him to be your defo you want him to be your def friend great stuff uh and look and you know in the comic books has been a threat to the entire world harassing him for years just a real just a real he's like his Lex Luther that's true yeah real jerk real jerk yeah also evenly matched in terms of punching abilities which is perfect for a big punch up good buildup of the character and he's initial version which was like who's this guy and then one half of the creative team was like it should be Norman Osborne and the other half of the creative team was just like it could be anybody just say it's a guy flipped a coin made the right call I think completely agree what about the Lazard oh yes I like him yeah it's quite lizardy which I think works to his charm you know yeah I mean the name you know they go together they do the name and the and like the visual if he was like called the turtle and he looked like this you'd be like I don't know what you've done here I mean speaking of what about that weird design of The Amazing Spider-Man what do you think looks like a turtle out of his shell yeah yeah that's there's only there's only one proper version of the lizard and he's got the snout and he's got the lab coat and he's got the purple pants he's taken a page out of the Hulk's book and he's got purple pants because he's a scientist and that's the lore in the Marvel Universe okay I like all of that I like the tragedy behind him as well just wants another arm sure that's not a huge tragedy oh but other things probably happened to him didn't that it's not a Mr freest style tragedy yeah I guess oh I've got a dead wife well I've got a a dead arm I've been sitting on it for too long I think he's a a how do you feel about uh when he gets too big uh in the Spider-Man 2 video game on the PS5 he's huge he's enormous yeah he's a battleship this dude yeah I see what you mean I mean that's good for a video game makes a great and terrifying boss encounter you probably want him like seven to 8 feet tall you know otherwise it gets silly doesn't it silly we don't want any silly Spider-Man Mr Dinosaur is he no he's the lizard yeah he's Larry lizard let's write that down Mr Dinosaur let's sell that to Marvel copyright us B yeah sure it's probably a bit higher say a high B okay High B plus but firmly in the B category what about Electro I mean gun for higher yep just a guy M his origin story is that he got he was a like an electrical linesman and he got struck by lightning and he fell onto some power lines and he got double electrified one time Sam's got him oh that's true and he stopped he stopped being a nerd and he Bec a cool guy yeah that's right and he remained a cool guy I didn't even factor in that Jamie Fox is a real cool guy in the new it's true the new Spider-Man it's true yeah that is a cool guy he's not an a though is he no I think he's a c yeah I mean it's amazing how much play he's got in the movies I don't know how that happened right yeah he's just a classic guy who's robbing a bank for a bit you know what I mean mhm let's give him a c mhm that's because of Jamie Fox that's right he'd be lower without Jamie Fox correct and he knows it yeah well he's one who's even lower than that cuz it's like a it's basically like cuz he's not Jamie Fox he's not Jamie Fox and it's basically like what if Electro but concussive force Power oh the Shocker sure yeah I love the Shocker especially from the Spider-Man PS2 video games he's a really fun villain to fight and be involved in uh but that might be just me and the other people have played that game because he's not really in much else he's in the cartoon from the 90s pops up every now and then but you know he's he's in his quilted little outfit that's true concussive very sensible yeah he's in the movies there's a shocker in or maybe two Shockers cuz one of them Michael K one of them yeah now you're the Shocker yeah D yeah D again he's Canon fodder yeah if the Kingpin wants to take down Spider-Man he's hiring one of the Shockers it doesn't even really matter no if they just stole a shocker uniform out of the police evidence Locker Who would know yeah you're absolutely right well a lot of these guys are that I found this suit now I'm this thing yeah speaking of hobgoblin I mean I think of all the Goblins is he the best spin-off Goblin I mean he's just a pallet swap really yes and sometimes he's a fashion designer oh yeah that's right there's a great video by our friend over at Comic tropes oh yeah about the secret identity right the secret identity of the Hobgoblin which was um and how they blew it yeah they absolutely hobbled it as it were by like office politics and everybody in the Marvel office is hating each other yeah so that's a bit of fun all right that's uh see I think that's worth I think that's worth to see yeah for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah all right also sometimes he's a demon oh yeah that's true so the mask is not a mask it's his that's correct that's cool how do you feel about El muerto oh famously to be played by Bad Bunny in a upcoming movie as far as I know definitely coming out definitely not canell well he was in like four issues of a spin-off Spider-Man comic book not even like The Amazing Spider-Man or anything was like Spider-Man on his off hours there's no category for this yeah there should be a category that just says irrelevant where could we put it to upset the most number of people though s oh then let's put it there no I feel like s is too high cuz people like haha good joke yeah let's go B okay that's great that's really good I can't remember if he's got superpowers or anything doesn't matter yeah Tombstone okay sure big albino Frankenstein guy yeah yeah yeah he's not really made of stone though he's just tough yeah yeah yeah yeah I know got a lot of play in the '90s in '90s Spiderman comic books has he made an appearance in the he's in the games yeah he's in the first game at least yeah uh I mean you know him and like flat head Anvil head guy you know it's Amad you know I'm going to put those two together they're mid they're officially mid those guys again like if Spider-Man's like punching his way through the the New York criminal underworld he's probably going to run into them he might have some trouble with him but he's going to emerge on top he'll be fine yeah he'll be fine yeah yeah that's a d right yeah I think he's a d okay how about this one go on recent big deal the spot sure yeah as voiced by Jason schartman correct the movies yeah so interdimensional abilities and teleportation Etc and so forth okay are not really a threat generally I would say B of the recent movie oh absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah got a problem with that I don't have a problem with that how about this one go on this one I I would be shocked if you were to say anything other no we did him already anything other than NS Doc O terrific yeah I mean in in the comic books if people don't know he took over the life of Spider-Man not in a single white female way he transferred his Consciousness into Peter Parker's bra his brain man and became a superior Spiderman for a time that's right and he was like I'm actually not very good at this yeah and it's hard I don't like it that's right I'm going back to being a weird old man or a corpse or whatever he was but he did allow Peter Parker's doctorate oh yeah via plagiarism that's a little wrinkle Peter Parker's lost his Doctorate again embarrassing very embarrassing and I think the superior Spider-Man his back okay in a different body maybe or it's flashbacks I don't know but anyway that's a power move that is an absolute boss move to take over somebody's body entirely totally I think even as a villain on his own if you take away all that I'm Spider-Man for a bit he's still got freaky arms all that's great and he's famous character actor Alfred Molina and that's absolutely delightful correct correct now we know we love guys who've got a big thing attached to them maybe they're sitting in a big thing like a big wheel how do you feel about big wheel why doesn't Spider-Man just kick it over that's a good point because he's so dazzled by the by the he probably got gyros in it as well right probably got a gyro to have it so you can't tip it over or whatever I think he's fun I think he's a c uh this one again got play on the PlayStation Mason Mr negative that's true yeah I love the idea of this guy and the aesthetic I really enjoy the jewel personalities here's the thing I'd maybe give him you know he's he's very prominent in that first Spider-Man game the Moder of the PS4 one and that's cool that is cool but he's a little bit deceptive isn't he it's not very nice is it okay I see think he's a really nice guy yeah then he turns out to be a bad guy are you kidding me should we go through this list and anybody who is that we bump him down one maybe no I think he's the worst Defender actually I'm a super villain rude yeah rude really rude and I think we bump him down as a as a lesson to the rest of the villains genuine be legit put it on Front Street I'm a villain you're saying a c or a d yeah which one do you have a tier for that c or a d no oh then d d yeah all right deception all right and disappointing y uh disappointed I am in you Mr negative a few more to go vampire guy Spider-Man sucking SPID like the original I hate him yeah no not interesting so for people who don't know in the comic books there's there's like a family of interdimensional vampires and they're addicted to spider people blood so they have to go around and it's just he just shows up and he's like I'm actually really tough and I'm strong and I can defeat everybody it's like oh God this what a this is a real situation I'm in boring I agreed yeah e yeah at least at least what about Mr Sandman sand me a man Mr the Sandman yeah I like him me too yeah he's also doing it for his kid that's true that's nice I like that that's that that is you know that's the conflict like very grainy he's so grainy yeah sometimes he can be big yeah you could suck up a lot of sand and be a big sand man that's right I'm going to say an a no yeah yeah I like the look I like the look a good it's got a strong look that stripy shirt and the brown pants I just love it when Spider-Man goes up against somebody whose Powers aren't just a version of him as well yeah absolutely and you got to you got to think about it you know you got to you got to use thinking maybe maybe you're turning him into glass you know maybe you're melting him down a drain whatever you know so true maybe you've got Harry Osborne to help you on a big Goblin glider absolutely yeah okay how do you feel about Prowler I like him I like his gadgets I think they're cool I think he's got a strong look you like his big scratchy hands yes I like his color combo oh that's a good combo wonderful yeah depending on which version I like his reason for being which is sometimes being miles morales's uncle and sometimes being just a guy that's true yeah yeah all right an unrelated guy B no not I don't like him that much see yes all righty that's right got the last one here we're saving the best for last it's Dr Michael morbius oh my God at our service that's right wow I mean we all know that movie but let's put that aside for a second is there anything to morbius no I mean is a vampire guy of sort does he get more points or fewer points in the Animated Series they wouldn't let him suck anybody's blood with Fang so they had to give him like weird octopus suckers on his hands I would say more points yeah I think more points as well so he's a e no is a d right d for Dr Michael Mor yeah then yes okay great look that's our list yeah we've obviously missed a really obvious one no we haven't no we definitely haven't if you've got any others what are they and where would you rank them where are we wrong I can't I'm looking at this and this doesn't seem wrong that's pretty it's a pretty bulletproof list isn't it yeah exactly yeah like Tombstone that's exactly right yeah but not everybody in the movie Tombstone cuz a lot of those people were shot that's right in that movie I don't know if you've seen it and then required tombstones ironically ironic right I agree iric uh and if you like this you can actually see any video that we do early at Big sandwich. where as soon as they're edited they go up there before they go live here but that's not the only thing that's going on there bonus podcasts Movie cometes video game Let's Plays that's right other things well our podcast the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows that actually comes out there Sunday as opposed to Monday but that's got its own YouTube channel and the like or you subscribe here and hang around just hang around in the lobby just hang around yeah yeah it's fine just Mill a b we've got complimentary water mhm mhm warm yeah but it's free what do you want yeah what do you want God yeah all right thanks everybody and grab that jam you guys we'll see you next week goodbye [Music] bye
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 416,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: r_Rzybv554E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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