Spider-Man Lotus - A Film Born From Spite

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quick well Spider-Man Lotus is finally out and a lot of people in the comic book sphere have been talking about it I'll admit I don't know much about it but it looks pretty high budget for a fan film plus the director of the current Spider-Man movies and Andrew Garfield apparently also said it looks pretty cool let me go ahead and see what people are saying about this movie Spider-man Lotus racist allegations there's also the star of Spider-Man Lotus Spider-Man aka Warden Wayne he show his messages he dropped like n bonds it wasn't just one like it was a bunch of times this that Mexican n n was mean as hell always saying n the director was also making racist comments while making the film Gavin heard pedo and racist and he was like okay that's fine letting a person of color become assistant director hell no its director Gavin kop has covered up the acting coach in the film's Green Goblin John salandria had been grooming an underage student welcome back everybody to the worst superhero movies ever made a series where I pick on children now if you've never heard of Spider-Man Lotus before God I envy you this movie's been a thorn in my side for the last few years so many people coming into my twitch chat and asking hey have you heard about Spider-Man Lotus are you going to talk about Spider-Man Lotus and oh my God the threads upon threads of controversy all for a movie that was only born out of spite so you guys are going to want to Buckle in cuz this one's going to be a doozy but before we get into the movie itself we have to cover the background of this project because all the drum is what makes it a truly entertaining tale all right let's do this one last time this young man's name is Gavin J kop like most young brown-haired white boys Gavin loves Spider-Man he goes on to become a member of what I like to call Spider-Man Twitter a group of young men bound together by two things their love for Spider-man and their hatred for Spider-Man I'm telling you nobody argues about Spider-Man quite like Spider-Man Twitter and a lot of folks in this sphere have a particular grievance with the mcu's version of Peter Parker with Spider-Man far from home being a major source of disdain for many of them so many of these fans called out to the heavens they prayed for a day when they could finally watch a Spider-Man movie that's 100% true to the comics basically they just kind of want to watch Spider-Man 2 again uh that seems to be the only movie they like and that's when the clouds opened up and Gavin descended from the heavens saying yeah I'm going to need about $220,000 quickly after that an Indiegogo campaign began with Gavin promising a tried and true Spider-Man film one that's supposed to be just like Spider-Man 2 however this campaign widely exceeded expectations passing $100,000 in donations soon Gavin could reveal his dream project to the world Spider-Man Lotus not going to lie it's actually a pretty cool name however the production of the film was R with turmoil in 2022 it was revealed that Warden Wayne one of the writers of the film as well as the actor playing Spider-Man really like to say the nword the clu clux Clan Warden went ahead and put out an apology he claims that he was racist because he was homeschooled yeah okay that checks out and then the controversy was put to bed and the film could finally resume production never mind Gavin also said some pretty [ __ ] up [ __ ] ranging from ableism to some very creative racism and this was exposed by an anonymous Twitter user who was later revealed to be someone who knew Gavin 5 years earlier like seriously this part of the story is kind of crazy apparently this random kid got kicked off of the Spider-Man fan film project and was so mad that for 5 years he plotted his revenge with a slew of real and doctored screenshots this unknown entity had one goal to destroy Gavin and his film once and for all shortly afterwards Gavin made his own apology but the damage was already done memes began to spread online Spider-Man Lotus was being referred to as Spider-Man racist then the VFX team drops out of the movie due to both the controversy as well as the fact that production was just overall really shitty Gavin is found insulting the actresses from the film disgruntled employees begin to leak scenes and images from the film online culminating and them eventually leaking the entire script and to top it all off the actor for the Green Goblin was revealed to be a pedophile and if that's not enough he's also racist but after years of controversy Gavin dragged himself Through Blood and Bones to release the film so that the $100,000 would not go to waste and on August 11th 2023 Spider-Man Lotus was revealed so was it all worth it is the movie any good no now normally I wouldn't bother reviewing a fan film for one I'm not a fan of fan films I usually don't like anything fans make I hate fans unless they're fans of me of course I don't like fan films fan fiction fan-made games video game mods nothing if a fan made it there is a 99% chance that I will not consume that piece of media I think years of listening to fans being wrong about everything all of the time has built a natural resentment for fan created work if you're out there and you make fan content I think that's awesome you should keep doing it but I'm probably not going to watch it it's just not my jam and as such for the last few years I kind of ignored Spider-Man Lotus I thought it sounded really stupid however I could not stop thinking about how much hubris and ego must be required to make this ambitious of a project a film meant to rival the storytelling of a major Hollywood franchise because this isn't just a fan film there are a number of screenshots and now deleted tweets where the creator of the film professed that he wants to make a film to rival all other fan films and to finally give Spider-Man the the movie he deserves a movie that will give us the true onscreen version of Peter Parker unlike the MCU films of course and like it comes across as very misguided but I do have to remember that Gavin is a very young filmmaker I don't really blame him for letting the attention get to his head after all for the last few years he's been surrounded by people who without question said that his idea was amazing I'm honestly more annoyed with the fans and the Indiegogo backers who funded this movie out of pure spite for the MCU Spider-Man fans gave $100,000 to a guy who wasn't even old enough to drink at the time in order to make the Spider-Man movie they thought they wanted and you see despite what some people say about me I never like to act like I know better than people who do this stuff for a living and most importantly when I'm watching something truly heinous I try to avoid saying that I could do better because I am not a filmmaker and I am not a writer if this movie was just a little passion project by a guy with good intentions I would not be making this video I would never want to roast something like that even if it was bad but it just so happens that this is a vanity project born from Spite and that's just too spicy to pass up and if you're going to make an entire featurelength film to spite the MCU and to spite superhero movie YouTubers for some reason I think that's a little weird and as far as I'm concerned if you claim to have made the fan film to end all fan films you better be able to back it up so honestly I don't really care about the fact that he said the nword when he was a teenager my ancestors don't really care if he's getting ratioed on Twitter for saying the gamer word before he had chin hair what I do care about is the fact that he clearly bit off more than he could chew and the result is a movie that nobody with this little experience should have tried to make so now I'm going to try to give the most Fair review that I can offer for Spider-Man Lotus now there are a lot of things that I can't really fairly criticize with this film that I normally would bring up normally I would complain when the acting is bad but like this is a fan film you know I'm not talking about Oscar award winners here and honestly most of the performances are really not that bad I can say that overall these kids are better than the cast of Riverdale and I know that's not a very high bar but it's at least something another thing that's better than I expected are the effects for what it's worth considering the fact that the VFX team bailed so early I'm surprised the movie looks this good at all I think overall the effects are just fine I have nothing to complain about except for the fact that they do have some very creative character models that's a penis but then also the lighting is really really bad and honestly I can't even call it lighting because it looks like the scene was shot normally but then some doofus went in and slid the brightness down in post to make the movie darker and edgier but like if you've ever edited any kind of footage before you can see that they just dimmed it digitally and honestly this is one of the worst parts of this movie so much of your onset lighting is being obscured by someone lowering the brightness there's no reason to dim the scenes that are set in broad daylight another weird issue in this movie is that there's too many establishing shots plus they're too long and they never actually establish where we are in the movie yep that's New York yeah that's still New York that's okay I'll sit here I'm sitting here the whole time I did not modify this footage it's really this long the dialogue of the movie is also very lifeless and every other character talks like they're being written by a 16-year-old and honestly judging by the timeline of this movie they probably were like for instance listen to this newscast fter good morning New York City we're coming on the air with some rather unfortunate news he's talking like he's recording a [ __ ] hostage video this isn't even what news anchors are supposed to sound like everybody in their mom knows what it sounds like when someone's on the [ __ ] news and yes I understand that this is very nitpicky but when all of these small things get overlooked it adds this layer of inexperience all over the production and remember the director did claim that this would be the greatest fan film ever made sources say they saw Spider-Man fleeing to vicinity leaving Osborne dead on the scene with the blade wounds and several scars yes Spider-Man gave the corpse scars corpses can't form scars to get more into this let's move on to the opening scene of the movie first we get some pretty okay looking swinging from Peter as he makes it to a battle with shocker and his goons and right from this first scene we can see how this movie just doesn't have this sauce you know what I mean this this is the only scene in the whole movie where we get to see Spider-Man in his prime and uh what are you wearing it's my Shaka [Music] suit your shocker suit that's what you're called yeah wow did you come up with that yourself don't make jokes you're bad at it yeah I'm sorry but the Charisma just isn't there you might need some more homeschooling buddy the lack of Charisma as well as the weak writing immediately shows us that this probably isn't going to be a movie Where We like Spider-Man but to give us just a hint of how shitty of a person he is Spider-Man uses human shields in a battle to protect himself from Shockers laser beams I think we should all agree I don't think Spider-Man would do that but hey the suit looks homemade that's all these people care about that's the comic book accuracy we all [Music] crave I'm also not given a reason to care about any of these characters yet you'll find that all of the character writing is just seen of everybody being really pissed off like everybody's in a bad mood all of the time and it makes sense in the later scenes after Gwen is dead but in this scene there's no excuse this is supposed to be the best part of Peter's life this is them when they have nothing to worry about Peter Parker hardly even Smiles in this scene later on in the movie they look back on these days as the last time they were all happy together do these people look happy to you normally again I wouldn't complain about a fan film having weak character writing but this movie is almost to hours long if in that time you can't make me care about a single character something is very very wrong so anyway after that we get an opening sequence showing us cool art of what happened to Gwen have you guys ever heard of Spider-Man 2 before it's kind of underrated I don't know if a lot of people have seen it now normally I wouldn't mind this kind of presentation of information but I should let you know that this information is in fact going to be re-explained to us over and over and over again in the coming hours so after that we see Peter Parker at Gwen's grave when MJ comes up to talk to him but remember this is not nice Spider-Man this is mean Spider-Man you're worried about me yes I'm trying to recall when I've ever seen you worry about anything okay none of you get it I don't want to talk to anyone Peter don't get mad at me for trying to help you're not trying to help I know better than most you never cared about that never Harry is gone nobody wants to go out with me anymore so you came to bug me about it no you're a joke I knew you couldn't handle it couldn't handle what not being the center of attention just for a second the life of the party loses her Spotlight and doesn't know what to do with herself that's not true it is true you're so unaware of yourself it's not even funny you don't care about people like me and Gwen she didn't live life like it was a constant game maybe if you took a second to think you could have learned a thing or two from her and yeah even Peter Parker at his lowest shouldn't be this much of a spiteful angry [ __ ] like this is kind of how symbiote Peter is supposed to act but this is just a few weeks after Gwen died so I will give it the benefit of the doubt for now because it's not like he's going to be this way for the whole movie he acts like this in the whole movie so anyway MJ gives Peter Parker a letter for Spider-Man apparently there's a little sick boy who's been diagnosed as terminally ill and then of course we have to go to a new scene and that means it's time for a few establishing shots yeah I'm showing the whole thing I'm allowed to do that now I don't have to cut it down to 10 seconds I can show the whole thing I could stream the whole movie if I felt like it I'm not doing that cut so Peter goes to his apartment and he sees Harry passed out and then of course they have to have an argument because this is dark and gritty Spider-Man we can't have scenes that are fun you weren't the only person who lost something that day but you can't admit that cuz you're too selfish to think about anyone else nothing is ever a problem until it affects you and after that scene we get the bane of every amateur college filmmaker a black and white dream sequence but however to be nice for a second I think this scene isn't really that bad I like that the black and white actually has a purpose in this scene and that the Spider-Man suit is the only thing in color it's kind of a creative idea I think that's kind of cool however I think this movie would be greatly improved if this was the scene that we saw right after the opening credits like skip that scene with MJ that was [ __ ] stupid and also skip this scene with Harry it is also horrible because this scene is more visually interesting and it gives us all of the information we need anyway because I should point out that we are a whole quarter through the movie at this point and the only thing we know is that Gwen died and everybody's really upset about it yeah let me tell you this is real groundbreaking Spider-Man content right here if you're going to adapt the death of Gwen Stacy you got to do something a little more creative this has literally been the whole movie so far and I'm going to spoil something for you guys this is the only thing we're going to get for the rest of the film and then we get this very long and kind of strange scene of Peter watching iPhone footage of him and his friends again if this was in the movie for like just a minute it would be a lot better but it keeps [Music] going oh cool they got a ptic Peter it's for the kids like hell it is I'm the Godfather of this event and I want a debilitating wine and Candy headache and then after that we have another scene of you guessed it people being sad that Gwen Stacy is dead I really don't have anything to say about this movie why am I reviewing it this is a film that thinks it is the most profound deep emotional experience that we could ever see for Spider-Man on screen when in actuality it's the most shallow story you can tell and a lot of young amateur creators are very bad at cutting things out of their projects I get it you really want to show that one scene but you don't need to so far I am 40 minutes into the movie and I've only seen one scene that I think was worth filming just because you can make a movie 2 hours long doesn't mean that you should but then we get a fight scene with the Green Goblin who looks kind of hilarious you are horrifying to look at like overall I think the suit isn't that bad when it isn't moving moving but when they make him talk it looks truly hilarious and the thing is again I think this wouldn't be so bad if they showed us less of it this is not a costume that should get an extended onscreen monologue it should be shown to us like it was in the earlier scene stylize it show it to us in a vague way give us the impression of the Green Goblin and we will get the idea and also he might be more imposing if we see less of him anyway got to go to another scene and you know what that means okay this is just going to be one it's got to just be one C after that we get another flashback um this one is particularly awful again I don't really want to make fun of anybody's performance perces in this movie because they're kids they're not Professionals for instance while the girl playing Mary Jane isn't doing a very good job in this scene she actually does really well in other scenes in the movie I hope this [ __ ] ass movie doesn't ruin her reputation because she really isn't that bad and maybe with a better director she could really show her stuff but then apparently the boys making this movie said that the female Talent were so bad that they had to salvage their performances uh yeah man you did a really great job oh yeah let me tell you these drawn out scenes with terrible lighting and shadows covering their faces the whole time it's really good you did a good job like can I see the [ __ ] characters why did you pick the most cluttered shady ass Street in New York City anyway after that we get this weird preachy scene where Flash Thompson talks about how much he loves Peter Parker you know I can't believe I'm saying this but I was always a little bit jealous of him he's always somehow getting looked from Gwen [Music] Liz or you I used to hate him I think he hated me too back in high school but even after everything I did to him you know all the pranks the humiliation whatever he was still a friend to me when I needed him to be why is this in the movie my dad wasn't around much and when he was he was around why is this in the movie so I think at this point uh we're pretty far into the movie and I can officially say that this movie is [ __ ] I don't understand why your dream Spider-Man movie is just an adaptation of the death of Gwen Stacy if I got $100,000 to make a Spider-Man movie I would get [ __ ] weird with it I'd show things that haven't been shown before Spider-Man is so rich with unique story opportunities and your dream movie is just one where he's sad that Gwen Stacy died again the idea was to make a movie that is comic book accurate that's true to the character of Spider-Man but I think the hunger for comic book accuracy has blinded Gavin because yeah the suit is Comic accurate it looks great the events in the story are comic book accurate but when you peel off all of this surface level [ __ ] you are left with no flavor once the second half of the movie starts we get our second plotline and for a second I thought maybe Gavin made some original Concepts but I was wrong instead we are now adapting another Spider-Man Story the kid who collects Spider-Man another Spider-Man Classic he even said in the Indiegogo campaign that this movie was just going to be an adaptation of the two most popular Spider-Man stories and people gave him $100,000 what is wrong with you people yeah enjoy having your name in the credits for the n-word Spider-Man movie now to give credit where it's due once more I actually do like how this scene starts Peter is clearly very shaken by the events in his life but he wants to do this one nice thing for this kid and I do like how awkward and uncomfortable he is just standing there in his costume like the energy of the scene is actually very grounded and realistic um I'm going to get uh some coffee can I get you anything no I'm okay really this is the only time while watching the movie where I can see a reason for the movie existing I also like this moment where the sick kid asks Peter what happened in the fight with Green Goblin this is the only scene that gets to the point in an efficient and effective manner wait wait no what's happening stop please I was almost starting to like the movie stop showing me people being sad it's fine [ __ ] it's fine [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's fine [ __ ] it's fine [ __ ] oh and when we finally do get back to the interesting scenes Spider-Man begins to trauma dump to a dying child she's gone because of me I can't do this look I'm not the hero that you think I am and in this all of this it's it's not me all right never mind you're r wind it but you're a hero you saved all those people and how many others suffered because of it oh my God shut the [ __ ] up so yeah Spider-Man literally says that he can't do this anymore and he leaves the dying terminally ill child after throwing a fit I cannot even get into how wrong this is we are Beyond this movie just being boring now it's starting to offend me see in the original comic Peter does have a moment moment where he says to this little kid that maybe he shouldn't be looking up to him but it's just a brief moment meant to show us Peter's everpresent self-doubt because this little Spider-Man short story is meant to show us just a tiny bite-sized nugget of everything that makes Spider-Man Spider-Man the purpose of this comic is to show us his backstory teach us about what he can do and finally it's supposed to show us that even though he's really busy and he has horrible work life balance he will still make time for someone who needs him but in this version of the story Peter feels more bad for himself than he does for the dying child and also the whole point of the story is ruined by showing us that the kid has cancer Before Peter even meets him when you're reading the original story we don't know why Peter would ever spend all this time hanging out with some random kid telling him all of his secrets and showing him his secret identity then we get to the final panel and it all makes sense because that's that's how you tell a story you have to lay these elements out in a way that engages your audience if you wanted to be comic accurate so bad you should have paid attention to why you even like this story anyway it's time for more shitty CW drama I have you and Peter and we had qu so here's what's wrong with this shitty subplot this subplot has been revolving around how MJ and Harry are adjusting to the deaths of Gwen and Harry's dad but the thing is you can't just show us this new version of these characters and expect us to automatically be invested in them I have no reason to care about this version of Harry and MJ I think that Gavin thought we'd see Mary Jane and think in our heads oh I like Mary Jane so I'm automatically invested in the struggles of this Mary Jane no that's not how it [ __ ] works you haven't given me a reason to care you didn't show me what kind of person she is I don't know anything about her other than the fact that she's sad about Gwen [ __ ] Stacy Gwen Stacy GW Stacy I'm [ __ ] sick of it I'm not kidding when I say this is the hardest review I've ever had to make I don't have anything to talk about I've had to just sit here the whole time bringing up the same problems because there's nothing in this movie how do I review a movie that doesn't have anything in it but thankfully while I have my issues with the way this story was told I do think the last moment with the sick child is a good way to end the movie Peter finally drops his weird little hissy fit and he accepts the fact that he is a superhero that he helps people and that there's a reason for him to be doing what he's doing the movie seems to be wrapping up now and Peter seems to finally accept his role as Spider-Man and he even seems to get closure on Gwen's death for what it's worth I can say that Peter Parker had a complete character Arc um no no no no no no no no no no what's left to say what do you mean what do you what do you mean and J and Harry have gotten closure Peter Parker got closure the story is over what else do you have to talk about over and over in this video I've really tried to give this movie the benefit of the doubt but I have never seen such a flagrant display of hubris from a fan-made work in my life 80% of this movie has characters reiterating the same information that we are taught in the first scene the characters do not grow in an interesting or nuanced way it's a movie about people being sad that their friend died and they're just yelling at each other for nearly 2 hours it seems like Gavin really wanted to write a mature story about how someone's death could affect a group of people and while that may seem like an incredibly cliche concept there are ways to do that effectively so let's look at a story that talks about death and grieving in a more nuance and concise manner uh Major Spoilers for Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5 I know the show is older than most of my audience but I figured I'd warn you guys anyway skip to this time code to get back to Spider-Man Buffy season 5 episode 16 the body in this episode Buffy's mom dies huh Mommy now this is a show where death is rather frequent this is not the first reoccurring character to be killed off but what makes it different this time is that this character doesn't die from a vampire or an evil puppet or whatever the [ __ ] this is this character just dies from natural causes suddenly and without warning like the episode right before this has Buffy fighting a robot girlfriend that was built by a guy who wanted a robot girlfriend the show can be really [ __ ] stupid but that's what makes this sudden reveal so shocking because the point is that sometimes people just die and the whole episode revolves around the ways that the sudden appearance of the body just grinds every other event to a halt While most episodes of Buffy can be very silly and often sloppy this is by far the best episode of the series and possibly one of the best episodes of a TV show that I've ever seen the episode begins with a flashback to a scene of all of the characters enjoying a moment together at dinner by this point we've already seen what happened to Buffy's mom so we know the point of this scene and none of the characters need to stand up and say something like ah I'm so glad we could share this moment together no we don't need anybody to tell us how to feel with words this is just a point in time that Buffy's remembering it's almost mundane a moment that would normally hold no significance look all we have to do is just cut off the little bit of the burn we're brought back to reality the following scene begins with a Warner a long take where we follow Buffy as she agonizingly tries to come to grips with what is happening she can't cast a spell to fix this there's no monsters around for her to punch she has to do something she almost never does she has to call 911 in her panic she tries to do CPR and she breaks her mother's ribs with her super strength this is the 94th episode of the series and Buffy has very rarely lost control of her strength the paramedics refer to the state of the body and Buffy corrects them she's cold the body is cold no my mom cuz it's not just a body that's her mom but then the paramedics arrive and she's okay everything's just fine time to get back to fighting fishmen that's what it is a beautiful Miracle good is new oh Buffy thank God you found me in time of course it was just a brief delusion the paramedics don't even seem to care this is just routine for them they deliver all of the information to her so matter of factly this isn't a dream sequence she's just dead and of course they tell her what to do with the body and the meanwhile I think you should sit have a glass of water and try not to disturb the body during all of this Buffy doesn't break down into hysterics she doesn't look to the sky and scream no give back my mother not my mother instead she does things that are irrational she wanders out the front door comes back inside and then kind of forgets that the body's still there there she stares off blankly for extended periods of time she vomits on the floor and then stands motionless by the back door for a moment before cleaning it up it's like she remembers oh yeah I should probably clean that that's what you do when you throw up on the floor this irrational mundanity is shot in such a dreamlike way with any Cuts being sporadic or infrequent this First Act ends when Giles finally shows up to help and then this happens yeah they're they're coming for her no no we're Joyce we're not supposed to move the body this is the moment this is no longer her mother that's just the body and the rest of the episode follows everybody's own irrational reactions to the event some characters act like how you'd expect of course the worst character in the whole show has some dumbass [ __ ] to say but some characters don't know how to take it Willow changes her cloth over and over again for no reason it's like she's trying to think of anything other than the traumatic event in front of her and during all of this the camera seems to focus on the minor moments the focus of the episode isn't how sad we are that a character died it's about the empty Hollow feeling you have when something like this happens and again this is never outright stated to us it's shown with minimal dialogue it's shown in the editing in the set design the theme of the episode is negative space the space left around the characters during this event outside of the opening theme song there is no music in this episode there are hardly any sound effects this Eerie emptiness is the theme of the episode there is no message to take home with you after this episode the characters have no lesson to learn and yet this single episode of a schlocky monster of the week action show from the 9s is one of the most emotionally resonant pieces of fiction I've ever watched an episode so hauntingly good good that I feel deeply uncomfortable when I rewatch it it makes me feel a little too human if that makes sense and on the surface you could say it's an episode about people being really sad that somebody died and sure I guess it is but it's really about more than that hey remember when this video is about racist Spider-Man yeah [ __ ] that I'm just going to watch Buffy now Buffy want beer you can't have beer [Music] want beer this show is dumb as hell now I'm not saying that an amateur filmmaker should have written something as good as one of the most popular TV shows of all time that is not my point my point is that people making this Spider-Man story clearly wanted to tackle a darker and more realistic story but they simply do not possess the tools to do so and and if you didn't have an interesting story to tell why were you this desperate to tell it I truly just don't understand how this could be someone's dream Spider-Man Story the entire story is just a boring miserable retelling of two of Spiderman's most popular stories except without the heart context and emotional weight associated with those Original Stories Gwen Stacy's death isn't sad because somebody died it's sad because we didn't think she could die people didn't think Spider-Man could reach a moment that was this Bleak at the time this story was Unthinkable and it was groundbreaking and as such it cannot be told again any attempts to do so have been shunned and rejected any writer can write a story about Spider-Man being sad that somebody died Spider-Man's always [ __ ] sad about someone dying it's a weight that he carries with him forever it's literally the point of the character and yet for decades writers are still finding ways to write about how Spider-Man deals with death how he accepts it and how he rejects it and if you want to write Spider-Man but you can't get this core aspect of his character down well you might not be ready to write Spider-Man yet in my opinion I think that you probably shouldn't make your dream project as your first ever project I've heard a lot of game developers say this about people who are starting to make games but I think it's true of anything if you have a dream film or book or a game that you want to make you should probably get your feet wet a little bit study the art of film making a little bit more or writing or whatever craft it is that you're trying to hone learn and fail on other projects before you tackle your dream because if you get a chance to make that dream movie first and you release it you don't get to make it again you can't go go back and change it unless you're George Lucas you're always going to look back on that movie as the first one that you made the one that you made before you had all the training and experience that you got later I just personally think it's best to wait a few years before you try to tackle something as ambitious as this now I'm not going to give a score to Spider-Man Lotus for a fan film I find it to be rather unproductive to apply the same grading scale I don't think it's fair to rank it among the other worst superhero movies ever made and above all else if I can say one thing I'm not going to look at someone else's piece of art and claim that I can do better except I probably could do [Music] better [Music] go
Channel: The Cosmonaut Variety Hour
Views: 2,935,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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