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I have a confession to make I really feel like my coverage on Spider-Man 2 last time was a little too negative so today I'm actually going to make a video about Spider-Man 2 that's mostly positive well Mo mostly positive it'll get it'll it'll get better the higher we get up the tier list that's right baby we're doing a whole Spider-Man 2 suit tier list video today all 70 78 I think it's all 78 suits I've blurred the list out so you can't see the results just yet but as you can see this list is pretty stacked towards the top which means I liked a lot more suits than I disliked we'll start from the bottom and go all the way to the tippity [Music] top the last hunt suit in dead last we have the last hunt suit this one is at the very back of the list because this thing barely even looks like a Spider-Man suit now I understand it's clearly a Spider-Man Craven mashup suit but this costume has the same problem I usually have with every superhero mashup costume and it's that one of the superhero designs gets super lost within it Spider-Man here just looks like Lion Man this spider logo barely even has eight legs [ __ ] both Peter and Miles get this same suit for some reason so this suit actually takes up both of the spots in dead last the agimat suit all right I'll admit I was a little too easy on this suit pre-launch I'll tell you what the problem with this suit is it's not the color palette it's the fact that this suit is so complicated and the design is not at all easy to follow I can barely [ __ ] tell if the back emblem is supposed to have six legs or eight oh my God does this suit have toes why the [ __ ] is what the [ __ ] is that why is there one [ __ ] piece of armor on the big toe no no no I won't I won't have it I won't [ __ ] have it okay the Spider-Man souls thing was a joke I don't want [ __ ] like this please never again oh my [ __ ] god his big toe has a [ __ ] circle on the bottom of it I'm done I'm done I'm done next suit next suit this the only reason this suit is above the last one is cuz you could at least like feasibly tell this is Spider-Man the absolute Carnage suit now this suit is a bit of a stinker to me which is why it's at the bottom of course I don't like the formatting of the web pattern it highlights miles's midsection in a way that makes his body look kind of odd I also think that the red is so dark that it doesn't pop against the black enough to elaborate on the web pattern why does it stop at the neckline and why are the top legs on the back logo so small and again with the toes the Kumo suit okay there are fragments of things here that I like this is how you can tell that we're just about to break out a d tier I really like the eyes within the spider lenses which already have a pretty great shape I like the idea of tattoos serving as the detailing for the red sections especially with how the back logo forms why why are there these ugly ass [ __ ] seams all over the costume is this fabric why is the texture of it so weird I honestly kind of wish this was skin instead even if it was red skin the spider logo on the chest is barely trackable it just feels like there's a head and a body on his chest and it's never really clear where the rest of the spider is and after all that he's just wearing this really dull outfit this suit has such boring colors combined with all this weird execution the Tactical suit so I'll tell you what's not wrong with this suit I think the color palette is just fine I really like the bright pinkish red with the otherwise monotone color scheme it's just this suit's undying need to be so overly complic licated that kills it if these weird goggle visor things on Peter's forehead actually looked like they could be used and maybe if the armor paneling didn't look so aimless and unnecessary like I get that this is a tactical suit but what kind of tactical is this it sticks out like a sore thumb and it looks like Peter's wearing an NES Power Glove like this suit has some small stuff going for it that's why it's at the top of D tier but I could see someone liking it the way the spider runs through the suit is cool and I like the red marks leading into the lenses it's kind of like a a worse armored Advanced suit all right so that covers all of D tier I promise it's the least filled tier in this whole list meaning there are but a few of the in-game suits that I would deem irredeemable C tier is about twice its size so after this we'll probably start to be a little more positive the stone monkey suit I swear I feel like I'm looking at something that should be in D tier and maybe may it should be but I have to say the suit has a nice color palette the leathery red the slightly washed out blue and the Gold Elements mixed together with the lightly colored fur aren't painful to look at I like the spider fabric texture used on some of the fabric here but this design is like super wacky what the [ __ ] am I looking at it's a weird design and I don't see myself liking it or ever wearing it but if you enjoy it go ahead and do so everybody's got their guilty pleasures I'm just glad I'm not a weirdo who likes the stone monkey suit the smok and mirror suit I feel like this suit is one of those cases where as long as the lenses in the spider emblem look cool any design can manage to look all right except this mask barely even has lenses the fog within the Fishbowl clears right in front of Spider-Man's eyes to make the Spidey lens shape and that's pretty [ __ ] cool along with that the logos are really nice I just think this design is just a little too covered in in random seams and the usual sort of overdesign that happens with a lot of Insomniac Spidey suits I kind of wish this suit implemented the Mysterio quilt pattern from the original Mysterio costume into this design it could have worked as both a web pattern and a homage to Quinton Beck's old costume it's an okay suit it's fine to enjoy it the apocalyptic suit now this mask looks straight up stupid like otherwise the design of this suit is actually all right once again I understand how this suit could have some fans but this mask really really ruins this suit for me if the web pattern didn't look so weird and if the lenses fit the suit I'd enjoy this costume and personally I could I could do without the Mohawk but it's fine to elaborate on the lenses though I just really wish they fit his face more like this suit is seemingly from a punk apocalypse whatever the [ __ ] that is but these lenses are small dinky and softly shaped give him some Jagged menacing looking ones you'll see me repeat this same complaint later Insomniac doesn't know what Punk looks like the biomechanical suit now this suit has three really cool things going for it I like the pedop palps on the mask making them look like a real spider I like the logos but I definitely think the one on the back should glow just like the one on the front cuz without it it gets really lost in these other plated sections and honestly I like the idea for this suit too it's like they wanted to make a spider exoskeleton suit and I mean it's cool and all but if you're going to wear a m suit do you really want to wear the ball sack texture looking one the wakanda forever suit so even I'll admit that the wakanda forever suit does the thing that I'm always saying most mashup costumes don't do it looks like a perfect mix between Black Panther and Miles morales's Spider-Man costume I think the reason this costume mixes these two together so well is because both of these costumes are primarily black with some added ACC sense but this suit looks like ass I really don't like the web pattern that forms around miles's upper chest especially since the webs are going the wrong way the eyes are really squinty and yet they take up a huge chunk of miles's face not only that the lenses are a whole football field apart from each other honestly now that I look at it a little more maybe Black Panther's design does kind of get washed out in this suit the red shoulders really just make him look like Miles Morales from a distance and in that case again I must ask if you're going to wear a mil suit do you really want to wear this shitty bootleg looking one the 25th Century suit now this suit isn't horrible it's just completely beaten out by another similar design you'll see way farther up the list the pinkish red and the light blue accents do work well together I just think that the spider logo isn't really recognizable on the front and you can really only see the spider clearly on the the back which is already really tiny I I don't know it's just Spider-Man in a big funky space suit I don't know what to say they tried to mix in some seams on the web sections here too which looks kind of dumb I don't know I have Kinder words for the better version of this suit the Inside Out suit oh [ __ ] boy the lowest ranked theatrical Spider-Man costume on this list and man how excited I am to finally get to tell you all how much I [ __ ] hate this thing first of all design-wise this thing is basically just a completely blacked out Spider-Man costume with only 2/3 of the web pattern still remaining in gold now normally that wouldn't be bad it even has some motherboard esque detailing on the fabric which is subtle and honestly looks kind of cool now let's [ __ ] dump it in miscellaneous wires why the [ __ ] did we have to cover this thing in wires it could have at least looked okay you expect me to believe that this is the inside out version of the MCU Spider-Man suit mask when the lenses still look exactly the same on the inside as they do on the outside we've seen what the insides of these lenses look like it makes no sense that they just look exactly as they do right side out and what about the web shooters aren't they on the outside of the suit how the [ __ ] is he even supposed to wear this thing all the time with all the [ __ ] wires inside of it now aside from this being a pretty shitty design what makes it even worse is that instead of looking at this inside out garbage we could have been looking at the far from home suit but no some [ __ ] decided to throw green paint on Spider-Man's costume during no way home and now he's got to wear it inside out or some [ __ ] whatever sells more toys [ __ ] this Spider-Man suit I can't [ __ ] believe I can't [ __ ] believe that this thing could have even made it past the drawing board to get into the movie it's from it's a stupid looking cluster [ __ ] and even after all that it's a poorly executed idea that manages to contradict itself when you actually question its design traits [ __ ] this suit the MCU iron spider damn we're really just getting all these shitty MCU costumes out of the way immediately huh anyway this is one of the most rightfully hated Spider-Man designs of all time and I'll tell you why it's a redesign of a pre-existing and much better looking costume but I will give credit where it's due the design on paper doesn't sound too bad a metal Spider-Man suit with a red blue and gold color scheme honestly sounds kind of cool until you cover it in these nasty lines dull the colors to [ __ ] and over complicate the [ __ ] dog piss out of it pretty much the only thing I can forgive about this costume is the logo work which could be worse but everything else about this godforsaken outfit is super nasty if it had brighter colors I'd probably bump this thing up a couple spots but honestly this thing is pretty unsalvageable the evolved suit you know why this is here the only reason it's above the iron spider is because it has brighter colors that pop out more than that shitty shiny red and pissy gold but that doesn't change the fact that this costume has a huge focus on the chest and arms leaving the rest of the suit to be pretty much lacking in terms of style the mask is a boring one color with nearly the same lenses as the default miles mask it has his hair coming out of the top which doesn't add to the design at all and honestly feels like a half-ass attempt to make this suit different honestly this suit could have been boosted up a few spots if the hair wasn't out the least they could have done was flick the hood up so that it could poke out the front a bit like the red Spectre suit does but not only that it would have made the face of this suit look a lot more interesting my mask looks blank and naked but with the hood up you could have had a nice cool blue background behind it that would have looked way more eye-catching the legs are a complete joke it's like they didn't even try to find a reason for why the blue lines just randomly start back up on the thighs and down to the Adidas you know people are actually starting to suspect that this suit was an ad for Adidas on Twitter it's that [ __ ] bad how did you design a suit so [ __ ] bad that people are speculating that you are making Adidas ads with your in-game suits I don't understand how did you fumble this bad I don't know who designed this suit be it Adidas or Insomniac but whoever did clearly needs to go back to the draw board and try again or never again whichever results in a bad Spidey suit not being made the integrated suit one of the biggest downgrades of all time right in front of us you take something as wonderful as the far from home suit and you cover it in all this stupid [ __ ] garbage cover the boots and knees with this stupid ass [ __ ] [ __ ] cover the gloves with this stupid ass [ __ ] [ __ ] and cover the whole goddamn body in this stupid ass [ __ ] it's like if you finished painting the Mona Lisa and suddenly someone came up and took a big golden [ __ ] right on her chest and now your painting is stuck like this forever and of course you got to have these ugly ass lines all over the thighs right and why not keep the eyes white too that certainly wouldn't blend into the design better if they were gold right they honestly could have kept the golden web shooters from the MCU iron spider suit it certainly would have helped balance out the gold on this garbage the only reason this thing is as high as it is is because the colors are really vibrant except for the gold which looks like [ __ ] the red Spectre suit and now the design that fell pretty far from Grace with me upon finally getting to play with it myself but this costume is still no slouch there's a reason why it's just at the top of c-tier because at a passing glance this suit actually looks really cool the hooded mask with miles's hair peeking out from the front is cool especially with the red dyed tips and yet again black white and red prove itself to look really good on the younger Spider-Man but this costume has these Ronald McDonald looking ass shoes and there's a lot of overdesigning going on it's certainly not the worst miles has ever looked and you can definitely catch me wearing this suit every now and again it's got sauce okay but not too much and with that we have wrapped up C tier oh man this video is going to be super long I wonder if I'm even going to be able to get this video out to you guys in a timely manner I'll have to be editing for [ __ ] hours anyway now the C tier is all covered we can finally get to the suits that are smack dab in the middle of Quality Lane not bad but certainly not the greatest life story suit miles Edition okay maybe this one should swap places with the red Spectre this one's just kind of me at least the red Spectre tries to be something you know this suit has a four-legged spider on the front and it's pretty bland otherwise or maybe it should stay here uh because while the red Spectre does try to be unique it definitely falls short in some places by simply doing too much this suit just does too little and lacks four extra spider legs too I like the red web Crest on the back I don't know which suit do you think is better I genuinely want to know what you think down below the life story suit or the red Spectre I have a feeling that the red Spectre will win more favor and honestly I might agree so just imagine that the red Spectre was always at the bottom of B tier and the life story suit is at the top of c and while you're at it you can pretend that I'm a competent YouTuber hey Fred give me a with extra extra and hold the hold and hold the hold the hey Jimmy give me a with nothing nothing now you can have the MCU stealth suit what do you want me to say it's a completely Black Tactical Spider-Man suit I definitely think anybody who outright hates this thing is being a little absurd I mean it's just a completely black suit if anything you should be bored by it but I don't know I I personally don't mind it the Brooklyn 2099 suit all right this is one of those suits that only looks good in the night time otherwise it just looks really reflective and all the pink starts to get washed out this design has some really interesting spider logo work especially the one on the back but I don't know it just feels like you can lose a lot of the flare with this suit in the daytime he looks like he's being pumped with cocacola when the lights on why the [ __ ] would I want to wear a suit that only looks good if the sun's [ __ ] gone what if it's 2 p.m. the programmable matter suit the only reason that this suit is above the last one is because the red Pops at any time of the day if you ask me the last suit has a better design but with worse coloring and material choices this suit is only above it because the colors look so much better and I guess that should really tell you about what I value in a Spider-Man suit good colors are everything the Strike Suit you know I've talked about these suits in older shittier videos specifically my video where I said that Miles had better new designs from Insomniac than Peter did in his first game and this is one suit that I think holds up pretty decently the color palette does carry it a bit the glowing yellow was a really really nice choice like I can't believe there aren't more M suits that try to implement his electric powers into their designs the glowing gauntlets the venom coursing through the suit the bright yellow Souls this looks awesome when you're ignoring the weird looking helmet man these lenses are tiny the advanced Tech suit all right what do we [Music] got [Music] [Music] huh oh sorry I got distracted anyway yeah yeah yeah the suit has some weird lenses Miles Morales missing his iconic red lenses is kind of a bummer but that doesn't make it look like complete [ __ ] it may be wrong but I'm tired of acting like this suit doesn't have really cool logos even if they don't match it's an okay suit maybe even cool the Crimson cow suit this suit kind of just looks like Michael Jackson Miles Morales even if I had problems with the overly geometric design of the spider logo and other stuff on the suit I can't complain about having the classic miles mask still being pretty present in the design what do you want from me I like the color red what can I say all of the best things in life are red like Spider-Man or Spider-Man or Spider-Man and spider ham the saving lives suit stupid name aside this suit is pretty decent honestly I kind of wish they called it the spider wraith it's got some really nice logo work and lenses too it's a suit where Spider-Man is put in a completely different color palette with a completely different suit format and it looks like some sort of leather motorcycle suit it looks pretty awesome give or take a bit of overdesign the purple rain suit what can I say about the purple rain suit that I haven't already said in my previous video discussing it nothing it's a good suit it works surprisingly well as a Spider-Man suit with a Prowler themed color palette although the suit is a bit overly complicated but even so the darkness of the costume is able to blend it out pretty well not bad it's pretty cool the hold on the the board I don't I don't even want to here let me look this up how do I say this hold on chat I'm [ __ ] there's an ad playing on this pronunciation video shut the [ __ ] up they're [ __ ] selling me tires oh my God please just tell me how to pronounce this word boriqua boriqua oh my [ __ ] god the boriqua suit so basically imagine the miles design and work the Puerto Rican flag into it except scratch the part where I tell you to imagine it and look at your screen I like the stars on the boots that's a nice touch but these gloves really feel like an afterthought I much rather would have seen the flag somehow worked into the glove or honestly just go lazy with it and give miles his old gloves back it's a pretty decent look for miles but I'm not jumping up and down about it or anything it's got a satisfying web pattern and it reminds me of the tasm 2 suit in some ways the best there is suit you're asking a Spider-Man fan about his opinion on a wolverine suit I don't know it's like asking an atheist how big he thinks God's [ __ ] is what do you expect him to say I don't know it's a it's a cool suit I guess it definitely doesn't look like Spider-Man though should that be a reason to place it like around where it is on the list I don't know anyway my answer is 50 stories long the new blue suit you know this suit's kind of weird but it's too bland or basic to say that it's bad the spider logos sure are though what the hell is this even supposed to be how the [ __ ] am I supposed to consider this a spider logo there's six [ __ ] legs on this thing I hate when they [ __ ] do that spiders have [ __ ] eight legs not six or four or two eight eight get it right oh my God it shouldn't be that [ __ ] hard the one on the back is just a chunkier version of the one on the front but it looks so [ __ ] weird and geometrical the formatting being pretty safe saves this suit a whole bunch plus it has a pretty interesting glove design it's a basic suit but sometimes basic isn't really a bad thing the sports wear suit this one took me a long time to figure out where I wanted to put it because it's not really a traditional suit you know it's a Spider-Man suit with a jacket and shorts over it at least they're red and blue respectively it definitely helps miles look more like a Spider-Man in this costume since a lot of the suit is covered thing is though I kind of wish the puffer was black instead of blue it'd be like a call forward to miles's iconic red and black Spidey color palette it's a casual look but it's also a pretty solid Choice miles's homemade suit this is honestly a pretty solid homemade suit I can't lie to you it's got a nice design on the jacket that lightly homages to the spider logo I really enjoy the subtle approach to the spider logo design and I'm not exactly sure which comic artist designed this new first suit for miles but whoever did clearly had the sauce the big blocky goggles are nice and I honestly love when miles lets his web shooters sit on the cuff of his hoodie sleeves this is a nice suit you got to respect the Tims the Scarlet Spider 3 suit okay this one was one I didn't really understand the hate for when it first came out it's definitely not better than the original I'll admit that but it ain't horrible the mouth is horrible yes but we all make bad choices sometimes and Insomniac made sure not to repeat that again I definitely don't like the lenses on this suit though but the hood being up definitely helps cover them up the logos are pretty decent and the utility belt isn't too intrusive on the design it's a solid outfit I I don't think it's worth hating on the anti o suit this design is basically a a pisson impressive black suit I mean it's Spider-Man I can certainly tell it's Spider-Man but I will say it's got a nice set of logos and some really ryes eyes I have no clue why this weird Cube thing is on his abs I think spider Cube might be making a comeback Insomniac you might want to get on that the family business suit now the only reason this suit is above the antio suit is pretty much because it's just a better design albeit with less saturated colors the gold elements are are better distributed throughout the costume and there are lights that fly through the suit all I want from this suit is for the gold to pop more that's pretty much all I got to say it's a nice suit the Dark Ages suit ah yes the venomous look for Miles I asked for in my suit wishlist video I'm pretty sure I asked for that thing in this video anyway this one looks nice although I wish there was a classic black and white variant like the one in the comics I still enjoy the subtle red lining on the lenses the spiked hoodie and the really nice spider logos the [ __ ] is up with these shoes man though holy [ __ ] the Ry suit oh boy we're at the tail end of B tier and here this suit sits before me it's certainly a version of the Ry Spider-Man I think the colors of it look a bit off the blue is really really bright and the bread and the bread the red feels too toned down to work with the blue and the webbing on the suit is ungodly thick so much so that it washes out the the red in some shots but it's not horrible at the end of the day it's still a classic Spidey suit which definitely boosted up a whole bunch but I do wish some things about this adaptation of the Ry suit were way different I take back my rant in my really old Ry video about people complaining about this thing all right I get it it looks way more crappier than all of insomniac's other movie Suits the black Ry suit all right now this Choice May throw some of you for a loop I complain about this black suit all the time I know but at least this game actually makes it look decent compared to the red and blue version of it like the previous suit looked unfinished but this one looks how it's supposed to if the classic Ry suit looked good it would definitely be above this one but that one's got some funkiness going on and I have no clue if it'll ever be fixed but for those new to the channel what's my problem with this suit it looks really cool yes it does but when this is what the black suit is supposed to look like in the comics and and then you show me a design of a black suit that looks like a lazy Spider-Man black recolor from a fighting game I'm going to complain I wanted a classic black suit Spidey and instead I got a classic Spidey suit dumped in black paint we are finally at the end of B tier holy [ __ ] this pretty much wraps up all the suits I think are okay to pretty solid and now we move on the a tier which is the most populated tier on this list these suits are all amazing in their own right and just barely make it into s tier due to a couple issues with their designs and we kick off a tier with the arantia suit okay now I know I'm going to get [ __ ] for this but let it be known that I am aware of the problems with this suit I know it's got a little too much weird red lines all over it it's kind of overdesigned in some areas but doesn't this sound a little familiar ah yes the integrated suit let me let me say right now you cannot like the integrated suit and hate this thing they pretty much do the same exact things except one of these actually wants to be its own thing as opposed to slapping itself over a pre-existing design like the integrated suit does it's got some cool looking lenses some really nice spider logos and a much more interesting color palette hate it if you want I sure don't blame you but this costume definitely has some sauce on it the Agent of Shield suit this suit is a pretty awesome reference it's a throwback to issue 9 of the second Miles Morales Spider-Man run if I remember correctly where Miles Dawn a shield outfit for the cover it's not a very spidery look Shore but it's a cool outfit all by itself I really like the white paired with this light blue it looks really good although I could do without the overdesigning though it seriously litters this thing you expect me to believe that this is a uniform you know uniforms are made hundreds of times right these poor Shield uniform makers have to put in all these extra seams and panels into their jumpsuits just cuz some jackass thought it looked cooler well that's why you aren't s tier little buddy keep your [ __ ] ass back here the anti venom suit oh boy we got another hot one on our hands I know half of you are praising me for putting this one high and the other half want me to pull my head out of my ass well let me just complain about it for a bit to make the angry half feel a bit better I'll tell you what it's definitely not better than spidey's other white and black looks the Future Foundation pulls off this look so much better because it had more of a purpose and a Clear Vision when laying out the black sections while also making sure the black sections balanced out the suits white to black ratio but this suit just slaps some [ __ ] ass paneling on the waist and calls it a day like I'm not trying to sound like an [ __ ] here but what the [ __ ] even are these at least the black on the arms is tied into the spider logo and honestly from the chest up this suit looks really cool but it's like the lower you go the less sure of what they were doing but it's got really nice lenses really nice logo work so hey it can't be that bad the king and black miles suit you'll start to notice a pattern here good lenses and a good spider logo can make any suit look awesome even if it's got a stupid ass spiral on its forehead or these dumb spiky shoulder pads some really nice touches here are the faded webbing and really just the bright ass red they used as opposed to the crimson red they kept using for my as other symbiote outfits not to mention the flowing symbiote texture over the black parts of the suit absolutely gorgeous the tokusatu suit Power Ranger man here has a real nice set of lenses and logos can you tell that this script is already 559 words long me neither I'm losing my [ __ ] mind anyway I have very little issues with this suit it's got some nice simplistic web shooters and while it's a teeny bit overdesigned I'll give it a pass since that might be a homeage to the source material this suit is referencing the encoded suit so I've made it pretty much no secret that this is my favorite miles design from the deluxe edition skin pack it was designed by the goat Chris Anka the man responsible for so many of the beautiful designs from across the spiderverse who am I to tell this man that he made a bad design it may look overdesigned but I would argue that this costume needs those features to make this suit look more robotic it's like a mecha miles suit thing it makes it the only place I'd say it maybe doesn't look great is the helmet I think the exposed bolts and circuitry distract from the lenses and honestly I do really like the red and orange color combo I saw a couple people saying it should be one or the other but come on at least this costume is consistent with it orange stays near the top of the design and only slightly comes down to the bottom but the limb ends are always consistently red are we going to act like these two warm colors can't go together they sit right next to each other on the rainbow for God's sake Chris Ana please follow me back on [Music] [Music] Twitter [Music] the arach knite suit I'll tell you what it's Cape boosts this thing up really high it's got nice logos too and you can barely even tell they reused the advanced suit 2.0 lenses here but this arm paneling is really ugly and the shade of red is so dark that it almost looks Brown and I don't know whether that's a positive or A negative because on one hand the dark red definitely helps emphasize the spider logo and helps the white pop more maybe it is a positive sorry sorry my hatred for unsaturated superhero costumes is muddying my opinions again okay my bad the advanced suit 1.0 I am one of the most inconsistent YouTubers on the planet last time I had a pretty mixed opinion on this outfit but confession I've grown to really like it all the design issues I've talked about in my previous videos are still valid all except one it being orange it can be [ __ ] orange okay I changed my mind but in Spider-Man 2 Insomniac [ __ ] dulled the [ __ ] out of the orange and made it shitty booty Brown I felt like I was smoking crack using this suit again because there was no way it looked like this last time there was no way it was this dark at least not in the remastered version maybe that was it I did replay the remaster a bunch while wearing the advanced suit right before Spider-Man 2's release but anyway this suit being the slightest bit darker puts it back on the tier list a few Paces for me I wish it was vibrantly orange at least because I think the bright colors worked with the new white logo really well if it was like this it would definitely outrank its replacement the Miles Morales 2099 suit I really love this color blocky ass spider my only issue with this suit is the under implementation of the web pattern even the over designing is hard to see with the dark blue as the base color of the suit the colors on the front and back are nice the Misty Eyes are really cool and I can't hate this thing even if the arm spikes are a little dumb it's a great suit the secret war Civil War suit this [ __ ] name is stupid now I can't complain about a good spin on the classic suit this Spidey suit has got some super tactical green army pants on personally I think the green works really well with the red and blue especially since the Spidey suit is a bit lacking in detail this time these are some really nice color choices too nice and bright and nothing too dull not to mention the custom Wing set for this suit I completely forgot to mention this one in my last video when I was complaining about the web Wings my bad I'm sorry not to mention these really cool goggles Insomniac pretty much had to improvise a whole new mask for this suit and I'm so happy they didn't just give Peter the classic one the great responsibility suit I really can't help but find all of miles's first Spider-Man suits really Charming like I know they're supposed to look really lacking and some might think that that makes them so but they aren't this suit is everything it does everything it needs to do to tell you what it's supposed to be the gloves are a little baggy and so is the neck of the mask the suit looks just high quality enough that you could think this is supposed to be some sort of Spidey trainy suit the logos are really simple and nice and the lenses are really big and appealing I can't help but feel like a lot of the Spider-Man iconography is simplified to tone up this trainy Spidey Vibe and I got to say that's pretty genius the 2099 black suit I I did the finger quotes this is a really good Spider-Man 2099 design here a real nice blue being used which I actually prefer over the black variant the iconography is real nice and sharp perfect for that menacing 2099 look but this design is missing a huge part of the original 2099 suit the web Cape now normally I'd feel bad for judging a suit for what it doesn't have but this is a pretty huge feature of the original outfit like imagine if the IRA Knight suit had no cape I mean maybe that's a little different but the back of this suit is just so boring to look at with nothing on it there's just nothing here and it's so boring to look at in normal gameplay cuz half the time I'm looking at this man's blue ass there's nothing else here some of these suits ahead of this one on this tier list actually make it above $299 simply because they have an interesting design on the back here there's nothing put a cape on this suit and it's s tier the upgraded suit now I don't think this mile suit is as good as this old one but it's certainly a cool one there are a couple features here that I like about it over the original I really like the black they used and I like the shape of the chest Arc just a little bit more but I certainly don't like the inconsistent lining on the gray parts of the outfit and I honestly wish the gray parts were as dark as the black on the mask it would really make these stupid paneling and random armor pieces less noticeable I really do like the glove design though but I still prefer the original red finger design the life story suit I love the idea of the Spider-Man pattern being rearranged to make a whole new design on a costume this suit explores the idea while also working it in with a space suit theme which I doubly enjoy even if the belt is really weird there's a really nice spider logo and the lenses look really awesome the end suit now this is a great M suit I just think that the lenses are really blocky and ugly and I think something's f [ __ ] up with the reflections on the model because it looks too bright and ugly but everything else looks awesome great hoodie I love the spray paint I love the base suit under it too the digital camo pants are really fun and I dig the boots fix the lenses and it'll move up the spider Punk suit this is a good suit there are things to like about it but I do not but if you don't like it why is it so far up the tier list you may say I don't know I'm about 7,000 words into this script and I feel like a cracked out animal right now trying to finish this [ __ ] anyway it's this high up because while I may not like it myself it still has bright colors a nice web pattern and a generally pretty clean spider Punk design there in lies the problem you expect me to believe that one of the biggest menaces of the spiderverse would wear these normal ass Spider-Man lenses you could have given me something more fitting for this version of the character maybe some bagly lenses like he has pinned on his jacket or some mcfarlands spider Punk is a punk he should have some menacing ass Spider-Man eyes this version of this suit just makes him look super tame I'm not into it the city sound suit I don't even know what to tell you right now just look at this man's fit look at the shoes the dress shirt the vest with the spider logos on the front and back so good the end of the spiderverse suit some might have said it was a stretch to call Spider-Man 2 the best Spider-Man game of all time to that I say what other Spider-Man game can you play as Nicholas Cage Spider-Man in it's kind of funny that Insomniac booted their own Noir design in favor of using the most popular version of Noir from recent years it's a pretty good thing they did though their old Noir design is pretty all right the big trench coat is awesome and I really like the Hat seriously looks like he jumped right out of spiderverse and he fits perfectly with the rest of the spiderverse skins in game rip Peter B Parker though I'll miss you forever the shadow spider suit now this is a real certified Banger a real mother [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what did I just get [ __ ] censored in my own video are you kidding me I can't [ __ ] say [ __ ] moving on Shadow spider has to be one of the top comic suit adaptations Insomniac has done there's no immediately apparent spider on this suit but the giant web Cape makes up for this in my opinion the half mask thing miles has going on here is Al really cool too it's a great suit with a lot of details that I really enjoy the advanced suit 2.0 I have been [ __ ] on this thing for a while now and in all honesty I definitely have been way too hard on it it's got super bright colors which is a huge plus and the spider logos look great as always where are his [ __ ] boots though well okay it doesn't have to be a pair of boots but can there at least be some red on the legs like I swear insomniac only listens to fans sometimes because it explained why they went for such a bright red and blue this time but then why would they make one of the most complained about features of this suit even worse by removing the red on the legs it's a good suit I'm just tough on all the important ones also why did they pattern it so it looks like he peed his pant the across the spiderverse suit this is another case of me being really hard on an important suit this suit is not a perfect one and the one that came before it is definitely better but the red lines aren't bad they're just really really basic like they look cool here especially during swinging but I cannot understate the Simplicity of this design it's cool but just in a lowkey sort of way just too lowkey for mes Morales and thank God the light armor plating is almost as dark as the suit itself because if they were any more visible this suit would probably be in B tier this suit is carried by its awesome logos its Unapologetic red and the spray paint aesthetic but I [ __ ] hate how the red stripe doesn't go all the way down to the [ __ ] feet the Insomniac black suit this suit is definitely something it has amazing logo work big buggy eyes and redesigned gloves I cannot lie to you this has to be one of the coolest black suit designs that have ever been done I understand that the dookie texture may be unappealing to some people and I won't blame you if it holds you back from liking it it does kind of look odd at times and I'm a little iffy about how the armor plating makes a body look but it definitely still looks awesome this suit is certified good [ __ ] the symbiote suit this one is just the last suit but without the poo poo pattern a bigger logo and with top legs that hang over the shoulders and pointier eyes I had to put it just above the last suit because I really enjoy the presentation of this black suit a lot more I dig the veins more than the poopy plated armor I do miss the white patch on the hand though the suit looks really empty without it the eyes here have a lot more character which the last suit didn't lack but here it's a lot more appealing to me I also really enjoy how the logo wraps around the body too amazing [ __ ] the 2020 suit what can I say about this suit that would accurately describe its greatness I know the lightboard on the chest is kind of dumb but everything else about this suit makes sense and looks awesome while doing it the back logo on the jacket is just chef's kiss the Scarlet Spider suit I really really really want to put this design in s tier but I can't do it because of these ugly bright red panels on the base suit it's a really really good Scarlet Spider I love the new web shooter design I love the hoodie I love the utility belt but this suit is really Unfaithful poor ass clone ass no job ass Ben Riley did not make this Peter with a steady job made this suit look at how clean it looks I'm not saying it's a bad thing I'm just simply pointing it out out the homemade MCU suit now get ready to burn me at the stake if the Scarlet Spider was a bit better it would beat this suit out but I really like this MCU suit it's one of the greatest but I still do wish it looked a little better in this game I wish the proportions of it were more like the hot toy and I think something about this in-game suit looks off but I love the added sock boots Peter's new web shooter gloves and I really love these new goggles this is some of the mcu's best work right here the classic suit the best superhero costume of all time in my opinion is the classic Spider-Man suit and here before us all is insomniac's rendition of it my issue with this suit is that I do not think it is done right in this game there is one thing holding this suit back from being s tier and it's something holding a lot of Suits back from being s tier it's the [ __ ] fact that these [ __ ] costumes all look look like shitty booty Brown when ported into this [ __ ] game I would have put this in s tier you see this video [ __ ] this video when the colors on this suit are hot the suit is hot I'm sorry for saying it wasn't I was wrong the Stark suit put my ass on the steak again this suit has really nice colors I really don't give a [ __ ] about the black bands the blue lines look less noticeable I really like the logos and the lenses if you're mad at me for it I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm sorry we're at like 8,000 words in the script and I'm really starting to lose my [ __ ] mind here st's costume shop suit what the [ __ ] is this suit called in game anyway I can't stress to you enough how much I love this thing I would have put it in s tier if it weren't such a gimmicky outfit I really really want to but I I have to uphold the law around here and I know that this costume is just a silly ass costume shop suit at the end of the day but it just looks so it's like a really funky look for Miles a skinny boy in a cape running around in a Party City Spidey suit but he's actually Spider-Man like come on this suit is so cool I was never upset to see miles wearing this thing throughout the spiderverse films I'd put it in s if it had the Open Eye holes the track suit oh this is another suit I would put an S tier again if I could it's just so close to being Perfection but I can't put it all the way up there in a good conscience it's a really good miles design no doubt miles already has a great color scheme but adding white was such a genius move but I really do wish that Insomniac didn't have to over complicate this design with the paneling on the white and weird spots and I really don't like this plastic texture on the mask the classic suit Miles Morales there's really only two problems s with this suit that keep it out of s tier I think the suit is way too gray and I don't like how visible it makes the armor plating but this suit is still phenomenal and it's one of the greats I really love the logo work the lenses are great and resemble miles's art from his original run I think the water shoes were a really nice addition and I really dig the candy red they used awesome costume and I would let this one pass into s tier if no one was looking we have finally made it to the golden gates these are the kings of the list I will probably have the least to say about these but these are the suits I consider to be the cream of the crop the best of them all they usually only have the smallest of flaws but the suit at the very top of this list is one I consider to be absolutely perfect The Superior Spider-Man suit this suit has a really nice blood red and a black dark enough to make the overdesigning way less noticeable great logos great lenses great webbing and it looks great in game the bodega cat suit the Catman this has got to be one of the coolest right here it does have some overdesigning I'll give you that but Spider-Man in the bag come on just shut up just look at him for a second you'll forget all about that overdesigning I really love the copper webbing and I seriously like the sh of red on the suit paired with the hoodie it's got great lenses and the logo smacko granny the far from home suit this suit has got to be one of the coolest redesigns of classic Spidey there is the black lining looks really great when some light hits it the bright candy ass red looks awesome and the white accents pop in just the right ways I could do without the black belt pieces though the iron spider armor suit I've talked about this suit before it's great the ruby red looks awesome with the gold suck Gan the classic black suit this suit is like if you took the web of Shadows suit made it black and gave it bigger eyes so basically fixed it but the purple still looks awesome though that's not the problem I also got to love the the [ __ ] '90s Venom variant they added in game I I know we're supposed to be talking about only the default additions of these suits but man this is just like a really good classic black suit here the 10th anniversary suit miles morales's New Look is practically lifted right off the page for you to use no room for Insomniac to add any weird [ __ ] to it and honestly that's made it way better the pink is awesome but if you're worried about the use of the pink version demeaning your manhood you can pick a red version that looks just as good you [ __ ] [ __ ] the new MCU red and blue suit we are in the top four I honestly couldn't have put this guy any lower it's pretty much just classic Spidey minus the back logo which still looks great some people might think the blue looks ugly but I don't the web pattern looks great the logos are awesome and this suit deserves its spot in maybe more the tasm 2 suit this suit deserves an apology video from me a big one while the spider logo does hang low on the chest I can't say no to the big buggy eyes Immaculate web pattern and the light seam work on the blue past PSM is stupid the colors on this suit look great and this suit looks great the tasm one suit you know why I love this thing it's such a unique take on the classic suit that somehow sits in this Purgatory of being so unique that it can be considered its own thing but it's also still a classic suit the sports wear influence is not lost on this suit but it also doesn't overdo it either the yellow eyes are really cool and the soccer cleat souls are so so nice such an awesome suit and there will be nothing like it ever again ladies and gentlemen the final suit the one I consider to be the perfect Spider-Man suit and that is the into the spiderverse suit the spray painted elements that drape over miles's shoulders like spider fangs highlighting his musculature the fingers and Boots being left untouched by the black spray paint to balance out the red from the top of the suit all the way down to the bottom the spider logos are so fresh being some of the most unique spiders that we have ever seen on a suit before the red elements are fuzzy at times due to the spray paint sometimes fading or D in the massive white lenses that emphasize miles's youth with the light reflection of New York being cast upon them not only is this suit great but it's also built off the back of one of the greatest Spidey classic designs that have ever been made which already gives it a great framework to work within it's also what this suit means on a greater level this suit is about Miles Morales literally taking the Spider-Man costume and making it his own thing by using his art to make it into something of his own which in itself is a metaphor for what miles must do as a character he must take Spider-Man and do it in his own way to succeed and this costume does succeed more than any other suit below it on the tier list argue with me in the comments threaten to blow my house up this video is 9,393 words long [ __ ] you oh man oh man this video I really hope this video is like oh this man I can't even hope that it's not going to be a pain in the ass to make cuz I know it's going to be a pain in the ass to make I have over an hour of recorded dialogue for this video and man that's just going to be a [ __ ] to edit but I want to know what you guys thought of my rankings I want to know if you guys think I'm a fraud I want to know if you guys think I'm a loser I want you guys I want you guys to tell me if you think I should up myself because of my because of my placements I'm losing my [ __ ] here this is the longest video i' I i' I've ever made and man it's going to be a [ __ ] it's going to be a [ __ ] to make but I hope you guys liked it and if you add me on Twitter on my Twitter app which is on screen you can show me your tier list ranking which would be cool but anyway thank you to all my channel members thank you to all my subscribers I'm I'm clocking out on this video I've recorded it all I'm good I'm good I'll see you guys in the next one I'll probably be making a nons Spider-Man 2 video next time just to get some variety going but don't worry the Spider-Man 2 gravy train still come in chat I'll see you guys next time love y'all
Channel: Amazing PSM
Views: 789,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, spidey, spiderman, intothespiderverse, spidermanhomecoming, spidermanfarfromhome, spidermanmovie, spidermandiy, spidermansuit, spidermancostume, spiderman pc, spiderman ps4, insomniac spiderman, spiderman suit dissection, spiderman suit mod, spiderman suit, spiderman cosplay, spiderman diy, kai e knick, probably spiderman
Id: s-iP2zeiRqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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