Kong: Skull Island - Caravan of Garbage

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welcome back everybody to caravana garbage where we're making our way through the modernday monsterverse movies that's right we're on movie number two we're on Kong Skull Island let me tell you this James couldn't make this movie today could you why is that cuz you couldn't afford the cast who you're not wrong well it's such a Marvel cast isn't it yeah and by that I mean it's you know everybody is in Marvel movies now everybody in Hollywood has done a Marvel movie at this point here we go Tom Heston y abut Sams John C Riley Shay wigam he's in Agent Carter that's true yeah Cory Hawkins he's in Iron Man 3 briefly uh now Brie lson to be fair hadn't been announced as Captain Marvel Eugene Cordo he's in Loki oh my god oh yeah he is too yeah God damn Toby keble Toby kble the bad Dr do movie that's exactly right yeah Bri lson though of course hadn't been announced as Captain Marvel until July of 2016 so you know she wasn't Captain marveling just yet oh no that's what I'm saying I'm saying that now that's what I'm saying well that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying I get it you got to say something don't you I got to say oh look at me I've got a YouTube channel and I make videos I got to say something in them get over yourself sometimes people do say that they're like you talk too much and it's like it's like what are you what are you here for look at images like yes they've come to this looking for a video that says Kong Skull Island all monster battles that's it or all helicopter goes past screen or whatever you know but look if you're not here for that or even if you are all machine guns reloading sequence that's it that's what they want 10 million views probably probably the wrong business is what I'm saying yeah but that's easily replicated that's why you make something that nobody would possibly want to replicate that's where success is right that's right anyways if you think success is leaving a like on this video which I do if you could do that that would be great um I think this is the most fun of these modern movies absolutely just a real Creature Feature just a real good gory fun adventure time you know what though it's Jurassic Park s but it's not Jurassic Park it's one of the better Jurassic Park sequels I like this one because it is Gory but it's sort of a lightweight kind of gory it's not gory in the way that the Peter Jackson King Kong was upset G slippery and you know there's those leech things that that suck you right off you know they suck you right off they got Andy Circus they sucked him right off screen right that's right oh God help I'm being sucked off by these monsters you know yeah but don't don't you don't need to rush give me a minute uh it has a great cold open yep mhm originally this was going to be set in like 1917 and the director Jordan voke Roberts came in and said you know let's make this a Vietnam era Kong movie and that's just a terrific idea right yeah and the imagery alone Mason oh my God the music Alone Mason the sunsets alone the sunsets the helicopter's going past the sunsets alone yep the guns being reloaded in front of the sunsets alone all of that no I I I agree with you but I also feel like maybe they TI their hand a little bit early on King Kong like you see him immedi title oh yeah that's true also yeah that probably is the biggest spoiler now that I think about it but I kind of I I mean I think the imagery works but also like I think it' be more interesting in that cold open maybe if the two enemy soldiers that have been shot down on the island we see them being stunned by King Kong but we don't see King Kong yet they just like no he's King Kong I guess this is maybe a little reaction to Godzilla 2014 where they're like certainly see him for like an hour and then they're like well you're going to see this guy in the first 5 Seconds guess what he's mean yeah some of the time yeah it's being mean to you well it's only him it's like all the other creatures that they've got in this so there's the skull Walkers which I think are pretty good it's a pretty solid idea I like that that's a wiggly look yeah it's a snake with Arms Snake there's nothing scarier than the idea of a snake with arms exactly it's a snake but it can punch you that's right it can give you a rude finger you know oh guess what snake you can't get me you can't get me with your venomous fangs oh he's G give me the finger from across the room wow speaking of snakes though some of the creatures that were cut was a giant snake which Tom Heston was going to fight and also a giant tiger with antlers and also a giant ant there's a moment where John C Riley's like you see hear that bird that's that's not a bird that's a giant ant it sounds like a bird yeah we never see the giant ant we do see a sort of a big spider but it's got legs that look like bamboo Sho we see that's kind of big water buffalo that's not a threat but I quite like that one there's a big stick insect I like that they weren't all threats because this is an isolated kind of ecosystem there's just a bunch of stuff here yeah so it's the mother long legs of the spiders there's the spor Mantis there's the skur Buffalo there's the leaf Wings which are the saw Birds oh yeah uh there's also a squid and a deer the deer's not great yeah it's just a deer mostly and that that sequence where King Kong fights that uh that giant squid yeah very reminiscent of just me eating spaghetti at a restaurant it's an absolute nightmare well it's actually very reminiscent uh it's intentionally a nod to the movie Old Boy that's for real that's legit W uh my favorite though I don't think you'd seen any other movies that we haven't discussed on this video series uh my favorite though is definitely that giant spider cuz you're walking through bamboo my goodness and it's a crab it isra very crab you know it's a crab and it's a crab too you get bloody sucked off by this creature up into the sky and you're like well don't worry about it cuz he's just a little Spider Guy ex I can shoot him or stab him whatever it is he's got crab claws yeah yeah don't like him no uh I also think Tom Heston proves himself here as a Le combat man he's not just a greasy wizard you know he can do other things yeah he can be svey yeah you can tan him and blonde him he he can have a little stubble As a treat you know as a dessert yeah there is one sequence I think that sort of it's a little bit too superhero movie for me I think where is it the bar scene no it's the sequence where with the sword no yeah there's the sequence where all the the the the green gas goes off he puts the gas mask off and he picks up the sword and he's sort of swinging through and I'm all like steady on mate yeah leave something for the rest of us all right yeah exactly stady on but otherwise I think you're absolutely right he's got a machine gun and a Triceratop skull oh that's good stuff really good stuff mate and you know who's really good in this uh well he's probably most famously known for playing Fred Flintstone but John Goodman I'm just loving John Goodman turning up and just having a go absolutely what a great addition more like John good actor oh wow in my opinion yeah I agree I think if there's one downfall to the casting it's not John Goodman is it no is it cuz there's too many people there's too many people in this movie is it because that some of the characters that are in it they barely say anything is exactly right there's a woman in this who's she seems important but she's doesn't do anything yeah she's sort of an assistant to a to a John Goodman's assistant no I think he's I think she's John Goodman's assistance assistant that's what I thought yeah yeah but then she disappears for like most of the movie and then she's back at the end and we're like oh you're still alive yeah there you go good for you wow a bird didn't pick you up and sore all your limbs off good for you that's great yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah tell you what though go on Kong's first attack on the helicopters all of that is great stuff he's a good throw he's an accurate throw he's probably been doing a lot of throws uh so Kong in this Toby keble he did the facial capture he played cobra in Dawn of the Planet of the AES oh yeah um but Terry notary he did the body moap for him do you think they had to do it as a team yeah you think Toby kble was piggy back on top of the other guy that to do it together oh most certainly yeah yeah cuz that's the only way you can get the height now I think also when you go this big and we'll talk specifically about the sizes uh that are going on here for King Kong you do run the risk of kind of alienating audiences when he's he's just he's enormous but I think it really works here like in every in every scene that he's in he's kind of he feels scaled appropriately appropriately scaled is he blood of Godzilla is [Music] it you know when you see him like walking through the water it feels like uh je play Shadow of the Colossus like that kind of like movement in the fur and all of that I love all of that glowing weak spot on his head exactly but you can't get to it cuz you're you're underneath you're under yeah and the emphasis on the design for this was he's not a gorilla okay right if you look at the Peter Jackson one like that's a gorilla right so this time this guy's more of a mcgilla yeah he's a mcgilla well yeah he's a man gorilla essentially he's inspired by the original King Kong in the sense that there are humanlike characteristics to him like he walks upright he can recognize Beauty cuz there's a moment where he could absolutely kill Bri lson and Tom Heston at night time but then it's like the golden hour and he's like those guys are too beautiful pretty sexy stuff actually kill those guys maybe maybe later maybe later uh also did you know about the hidden Kong in this there might be a second Kong second Kong you know we see King Kong's parents in this their bones so Jordan voke Roberts hope I'm saying that right he suggested that the Kong that was encountered by Young Marlo yes at the start of the movie is possibly Kong's father that I don't I don't know whether that's true or not or that's been rcon cuz there's been a prequel comic like about his parents as well but uh that that's all good oh in the comic they're just they're just human beings what the heck Mary I also think what carries this movie along way is that there's a lot of fun moments there's a bit where Shay wigam is talking about the helicopter attack and like everyone's kind of freaking out and he's just like casually eating food and he's like that was an unconventional encounter and he says there's no tactical precedent we did the best we could in the situation which is true yeah I have a note here it just says sh wigam MVP cuz he is great in this movie always enjoy an appearance from from Mr wigam and there is of course a great sequence which is played based on the musical queue you hear behind it it's played as like a real Noble sacrifice but it is so funny he just he he uh primes two grenades hoping that one of the the the skull Walkers will eat him and then explode but then it just tail whips him into a mountain and he explodes fun stuff but this movie interestingly is played for the most part very sincerely you know what I mean maybe it's maybe it's just we've overdosed on kind of MCU quippy snark but most of this is just like uh you know like straight ahead people are being they're keeping it real you know yeah in trying circumstances definitely and they're limiting the quips to certain characters like another MVP John C Riley's great in this yeah what an addition he shouldn't have come here he is uh he's an American Soldier go to who who uh who crashed on the island uh before the end of World War II and then uh over the intervening decade has become a real weeb he's learned how to handle a traditional Japanese SW he knows the blade he studied the blade that's right yeah if he'd uh if he'd landed on this island a little bit uh a little bit later he he'd know everything about Neon Genesis Evangel and um he's got a really I feel like his ending where he gets to go home to his wife and his son it's all good and emotional and he gets what he wants you know yeah and he he just wants to have a hot dog and a beer while watching the big game but what's notable I think about that scene or what struck me is that uh he's just on the couch by himself like he's he's shown back up and and and his his wife you know is is surprised and he meets his son for the first time and then he's just like you two get out I'm going to watch the game do something else I don't know absolutely uh I think another Stand Out moment in this well all of the Kong stuff is really stand out but that battle at the end is great you know and he's using you know he uses weapons you know there's a moment where he like strips a tree of all its branches that's great uses a propeller a chain that's really good stuff that whole final battle's just really really terrific and then he whips the the skull Walker's entire string of internal organs out through its mouth so good cool as hell then he saves Bri lson he goes come on bri lson I'll take you home that's right well I'll take you to the shore yeah not taking you home this is probably a reference to a previous King Kong move that's why I'm doing this cuz you're you're a lady and I've got a that's right you're a little lady in my big hand and here we go this is one of the only King Kong movies I think where he doesn't die either oh or climb a big uh climb a big building and then die and then die yeah yeah that's right yeah so the post credits though of course it um it it hints towards what's next and it's going to be a big Godzilla Battle you have to wait a movie and then they'll do that sure sure sure obviously it's going to be an okay movie after this one director comes out and goes look we didn't have the time of the budget to give you another movie at the end of this movie so you're going to have to wait you have to wait a while yeah that's right yeah but let's do the section of the show that we're going to be doing every week oh yes it's called how big is it oh nice I talk about scale and size now Peter Jackson's sometimes related to the movie sometimes not just in general yeah now pet battleships big they great bigger than a man you can fit many men in them Battleship the board game smaller small can't fit any men in there can't fit no men in it Peter Jackson's King Kong uh by comparison was only 25 ft or 7.6 M tall that's the coward's height for a giant monkey great that's nearly Mighty Joe Young height blur and Y yeah this movie though features the tallest incarnation of Kong at the time yeah oh in an American movie at least standing at approximately 32 M or 104 ft well that's James that's not going to be big enough to fight Godzilla is it you're right let's cancel the movie okay we can't okay let's cancel talking about it then okay great yeah yeah anyways it's time for Kong skull trivia love that so director Jordan vote Roberts admitted that he was strongly influenced he admitted it we got it we got it folks uh he was strongly influenced by video games from his childhood so this is why there's a number of references in this including the point of view shot of guns being fired like a first person shooter uh the shot of the helicopter making a 360° spin towards the ground was inspired by a similar scene from a Resident Evil game oh James I got to stop you here this is starting to sound like the director of this movie is like a young person young and vital and has made a movie whereas we've done nothing and it's really starting to make me feel I think sometimes older people like uh who's the guy who did Halloween John Carpenter right he loves video games that's all he wants to do it's probably probably that it's probably this guy's probably a real old old fogy you know he's probably 50 oh I remember playing Resident Evil okay Grandpa all right mace uh the character named Mason Weaver is taken from the video game Call of Duty Black Ops where there are two different characters one is called Mason one is called Weaver and the design of the skull crawlers that came from the Pokémon Cubone wow so folks if you're out there if you own any of those intellectual properties it's lawyer time that's right going to get this guy lure up he admitted it yeah he admitted it we got him with Cubone can you take the skull off that thing I don't know what's under Pyramid Head can you take his pyramid off wow what's under there sort of psychosexual thing probably probably out probably sex thing steady on just get get over yourself Pyramid Head uh do you also remember I think his name's trigle face do you also remember this director went on a tiate on Twitter concerning Cinema sins's critique of this movie do you remember this I do remember this yes yeah and look man he makes some pretty valid points I'm not here to go in on other YouTube channels but he basically talked about how they either like misinterpreted or didn't understand or just got things wrong about this movie and he said Mystery Science Theater built something Artful I guess he'd also mean that we we're doing the same thing right this is this is Artful no this is this is um you don't think this old man would uh think this is Artful I don't know man this old crank yeah who knows all he knows is it's not soup and he hates it mystery SS theater build something Artful in do good comedic on top of the foundation of other people's work it has Merit to itself things like Cinema Sins simply suck the lifeblood off other people and are often just wrong about intent or how Cinema works it's terrible now of course though he did co-write the honest trailer so which is obviously a different YouTube channel so yeah he's not against like online YouTube film criticism James if I do have a Cinema Sins here yeah and it's only tangentially related but I only have one note left so I thought I'd just th in there there's a moment where uh the um a couple of the Marines means they they learn that a particular patch of the island is flammable because one of them says to the other hey there's no time to smoke a cigarette and he throws the cigarette down and it blows up and I'm like imagine anyone from the 70s let alone a soldier in the US Army saying there's no time to smoke a cigarette I don't believe it ding uh now apparently there was an alternate opening that was initially going to take place during World War II where soldiers were fighting on a beach and a massive ape which was similar to 2005's King Kong attacks them and is immediately gunned down however then the real King Kong emerges and is many times more massive and threatening but the studio told Jordan old man Jordan that you can't do that wow they said who's this other fraking ape yeah and Jordan was like I don't know man just another ape I can't invent another ape and they're like you cannot it's in your contract anyways in terms of box office this had a budget of $185 million and a return of 5666 million not bad which was up on Godzilla's 529 million that's a slight increase uh this is great what a fun movie I agree yeah yeah and not because I don't want to be Twitter tiated Mason I would love to be drawn into a Twitter tiate one of those Twitter twws yeah W yeah but I just think it's he just understood the assignment I agree you know a bit of fun love seeing a good Creature Feature and we've seen a few recently not as good which one specifically Meg 2 oh yeah the Meg 2 that's got a bit to the start with think is a big thing and then the Meg shows up or whatever like oh my God it's a T-Rex but then it's a Meg yeah or something pretty yep good great they made it they sure did yeah anyways if you like to see any of these videos early you actually can if you head over to Big sandwich. where Ben and Lawrence they get a terrific edit done and it goes up there almost straight away doesn't it yeah it's normally a couple of days early but also there's bonus exclusive movie commentaries there's bonus podcasts we do video game Let's Plays our podcast the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows that actually comes out there Sunday early as opposed to Monday but if you just want to hang around here and subscribe or check out our podcast it's got it on YouTube channel it's on Spotify Apple all of the different programs we're actually putting it on Twitter cuz they can do 3our videos now whatever what no just hang out here folks hang out here man hang out in the lobby you know yeah hang out in the lobby Real habo Hotel situation what's your Gamertag yeah tell us your gamer tag tell old man Jordan that's right you'll play a game of bloody Pitfall with you he might just all right thanks everyone grab that JY guys we'll see you next week goodbye
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 367,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: 2dZy0srpz88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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