The UGLIEST Creatures In Pikmin 4

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the Pikmin series is widely known to have many adorable little creatures but that's not always the case some creatures are elegant and some are actually pretty intimidating and others are oh my goodness mad hideous but I was always told beauty is in the eye of the beholder meaning everyone has a different perception of beauty some things are just objectively cute most things are usually debatable but there's a few things in this world that are absolute Abominations to anyone who lays their eyes on them so today we're going to throw all respect and compassion out the window and rank the most hideous creatures in Pikmin 4. if you couldn't tell by now this is a funny haha video so don't take anything I say too seriously a lot of you guys may think the creature they talk about in this video are cute or cool but I don't I think they're [ __ ] ugly coming in at our number 10 spot we have the water dumple in the past this thing was never attractive but now that we have it in HD it looks even more hideous no eyes no face just a big ass mouth this thing looks like the lip service from SpongeBob and the fact that has no arms around legs and it just slugs around makes it even more gross you know number nine spot we have the hermit crawl mat now I know Crustaceans aren't supposed to be cute animals but somehow Nintendo found a way to make them as ugly as possible in this game his face looks like it was smushed and when it crawls out of its little hole with fat naked ass starts wiggling around the place like put on some pants man in eighth place we got the creeping with answer with Jesus hmm in eighth place we got the creeping chrysanthemum back in Pikmin 2 this thing had a pretty cool design had a bit of a dad bod going on but he still looked overall menacing but for some reason the Pikmin 4 devs felt the need to redesign this menacing monster into a moldy watermelon with flowers for eyes you know that kid that got a perm back in high school and thought he was the [ __ ] this is him now feel old yet The Moldy ball Barb takes her number seven spot as the most hideous creature in this game it's a ballboard that just casually walks around with literal mold growing out of its head this is the Pikmin equivalent of a clicker from The Last of Us that's that's not an accomplishment our number six spot gets a lot less gross and a lot more disturbing let me introduce you to the reason humans should stop cross breeding with animals because if you [ __ ] around with nature you'll get this the beater damperat looks like a hybrid of a Shih Tzu a rodent and a Frog but when this thing lifts his beard it reveals a pair of completely human improper teeth and to make things even worse it's one of the few enemies designed to visibly have an [ __ ] but oh no no no no don't worry there's an even bigger [ __ ] in Pikmin 4 and yes I'm talking about the emperor's ball blacks now design wise it's kind of cool it's the mother of all ball boards but this one big issue here that made sure to despise everything about this monstrosity every Pikmin fan acknowledges it but for some reason we all choose to stay silent I don't know why Nintendo felt the need to not just design the biggest [ __ ] in all of gaming but to also make the thing uncontrollably guzzle out as many little shits as possible and the fact that Miyamoto forces us to watch childbirth then kill the mother along with his babies makes it the fifth ugliest enemy in this game in fourth place we got the Tusk Bull Hog now unlike other bullhogs this one looks like it was dropped at the baby and put in a hydraulic press its face looks smushed and it always has one expression anger and I don't blame this guy he looks like he hates his life instead of blowing or sucking like traditional bullhogs he smashed his head into any and everything hoping to put an end to his misery in third place we have the original ugly enemy and it's the fiery ball wax now don't get me wrong I love this guy I think his design is pretty cool but that doesn't mean he still isn't ugly with the driest lips in the world and the different sized eyes this guy looks like Uncle Ruckus set himself on fire coming in at a number two spot is the waddle quaff even its name sounds ugly waddle quaff what the [ __ ] does quaff even me uh oh I get it now as soon as this monstrosity was revealed in the first trailer I dreaded its existence the water cloth is basically just no Beast duck with a massive snout probably gives good head though what do you mean by that I don't know what kind of drugs they were smoking down at HQ but whoever designed this health spawn deserves to get fired before we head on to our number one spot I'm gonna go over some brief honorable mentions these are the creatures that just weren't ugly enough to make the list first off we got the spotty ball bird he's cool but those lips are just not it second we got them tights I've always hated the way these things looked but they're just too small to get a detailed look and they're more so creepy rather than ugly and for our last honorable mention we have the foolix overall a very cool enemy resembling the ghoulics and the plasma wraith but the more I look at it the more I see something else anyways let's get to our number one spot the absolute ugliest enemy in all of Pikmin 4. the reason I made this video to begin with is the god forsaken perquillion where do I even start with this one its proportions are completely off this thing is a huge body with a tiny ass face and stubby legs zoom in on that face for a split second and you'll quickly realize this thing hates itself as much as I do why do its eyes pop out like that why does his nose look like a saggy ball sack why is this thing look like a recovering alcoholic even its Idol animation is ugly this thing just Shivers like a whipped dog the Brooklyn has to be the most hideous creature I've seen in any video game not just because these creatures are an eyesore does that mean we should treat them any different from the others take a look at nature dogs are generally much cuter than rats but at the end of the day they're both just living creatures but the only difference is one's more appealing to look at than the other so does that mean these ugly creatures don't deserve love and should just be scolded for something completely out of their control yes
Channel: Raggins
Views: 104,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Raggins, Pikmin 4, Pikmin 4 theory, Pikmin 3, pikmin 3 deluxe, Nintendo, Nintendo switch, Bulborb, bulbmin, Olimar, Umibozu, pikmin ugly, pikmin funny, dandori issues, pikmin 4 boss, pikmin 4 ending, pikmin 4 glitych, pikmin 4 creatures, pikmin 4 theoris, pikmin 4 tier list, pikmin top 5, pikmin top 10, pikmin glow ups, empress bulblax, porquillion, waddlequaff, firey bulblax, creeping crysanthemum
Id: A_rc57ixVbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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