Pikmin 4 - All Onion Locations (Guide)

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let's go over all the onion locations in Pikmin 4 and how to get them starting off with the red onion it's right in the tutorial area there shouldn't be an issue with cutting this one moving on to Sun speckled Terrace the yellow onion is located in this corner of the map it's pretty simple to collect and all you really need is 20 Pikmin in order to get it the blue onion is up next and it's a little bit more difficult if you have less than 50 Pikmin which is most likely the case it's doable with 40 Pikmin so just follow this you can freeze the water with 30 ice Pikmin and you can bring up 10 Red Pikmin to deal with the enemies up there then you can call the ice Pikmin and throw them up with Ochi or you can also climb them up the ice wall I just threw them up with Ochi after you bring the onion down using 20 Pikmin or more you can refreeze the water and then using your 10 Red Pikmin with at least a 10 strength Ochi you can return the onion back to the ship moving on to the flarlix the first floor look is located in the last frost cavern it's right here on the map then you will locate it on the first and only sub level it's fairly simple to get and you'll likely get this before the yellow and blue onion and the second floor look bulb is located above ground right here on the map you'll need some yellow pigment in order to reach it and dig it up but other than that it's simple to collect the blossoming Arcadia is the next area in this area there is a second yellow onion on the map it will only give you another 20 yellow pigment if you already have the previous one getting it is pretty simple you just have to Loop your way around and then once you've got in there you can open up other paths in order to make returning it even easier floor look here is also super easy to get using blue Pikmin you can easily bring it back and that's pretty much all you need the other one is located in the secluded Courtyard it's right here on the map it is on the third sub-level and can be collected right here just be careful with the enemies that spawn here as they can quickly eliminate Pikmin if you're not prepared Serene Shores is the next area and on this map you'll find the second blue onion it's located in the top corner of the map and it's very simple to get once you've cleared the landing site nearby the floor look in the water here at this area on the map is a little bit annoying to collect but using your blue Pikmin you can clear out all the enemies and then you can collect it fairly easily the final floor lick on the Serene Shores map is located in the sea floor Resort right here it is located on the first sub-level you're going to need blue and Ice Pikmin in order to collect it and you'll need blue Pikmin in order to turn off the sprinkler just make sure that you enter with some raw material as there is very little to no raw material to collect here so you'll need that in order to finish the valve to turn off the sprinkle Hero's Hideaway is next up and this has the ice pick men's onion in order to get to the area with the ice onion you'll have to go through this cave once you make your way through the cave you'll exit right out here and then you can simply just walk over and drop down in order to collect the ice onion the floor look is located here on the map to get it you just have to move the box and then go up and make your way over to the table and then you can just bring it down the other folic can be located in the plunder Palace right here on the map and it's on the final sub level just make sure to clear out all the enemies before heading to collect it as if you don't and your Pikmin are bringing it back they might get attacked by some of the enemies there Giant's Hearth has The Rock onion and it is in the back area of the map there are a few enemies you'll have to clear out in order to get over to there and it is also protected by a boss defeating this boss is easy as done with some bomb rocks and multiple purple Pikmin if you have them though Rock Pikmin and other Pikmin can also be used in combination with bomb rocks and you should be able to beat it fairly easily the floor look is available Atop The Giant Earth and it's simple to collect if you've got the landsight near it it's even easier to bring back and you'll find the other Frolic in the dream home which is located right here on the map it's on the first sub-level and getting it requires you to go pretty much through the entire map and then you just throw some Pikmin over to it and then you can bring it down primordial Thicket has the pink onion and in order to get the pink onion you need Ochi in order to jump up to it you'll have to clear a path in order to reach a box that needs to be pushed to open the area once you do this though you'll just hop up with Ochi and then you can bring it back very easily you find the floor like above ground right here on the map all you need to do is build a ramp and then once you've done that you can collect it the other floor lick is available in the mud pit and you'll find this on the second sub level just make sure you move the base close to it and defeat the enemy nearby and then you'll be able to collect it back at the rescue command post is where you'll find the white and purple onion in order to unlock the leaf Sage missions you just need to finish all of our story and then you'll be able to start doing them the white onion is available for you after you've collected it on the fifth Mission the easiest way I can explain to do this is to focus on collecting the furthest items away with your wing Pikmin first and then go around collecting all the other Pikmin on the map and once you've picked up all the Pikmin then you can just go around clearing out all the enemies and while you're clearing out all these enemies your wing Pikmin will be bringing back the most time consuming items once you've done that you can work on collecting the rest of the treasures that are a little bit closer by you can divide your forces or use all of them in order to defeat the boss both ways work once you've collected all the treasures the door will open up in order to collect the white onion to bring it back I used a mix of white Pikmin which I believe move faster than Wing Pikmin and then I switched over to Wing Pikmin in order to take shortcuts and bring it back of course you can also just use Wing Pikmin that way you don't have to switch once you've done that you will collect the white onion and you can keep moving on to the other missions from the leaf Sage thank you the Purple Onion is attainable on the 10th and final mission I found the best way to do this is to gather some purple Pikmin very quick early on and then defeat the water Wraith this way he's not bothering you the entire time you can't ignore him but I think eliminating him is just easier I fully defeated it but just breaking the wheels is good enough then you should use OG to carry the onion and using your Pikmin you should clear out all hazards in the way I found the route I took here to be more efficient since breaking the wall and digging up the bomb Rock then waiting for the bomb Rock to explode takes a lot of time there is definitely some time to be safe fighting these blow Hogs where I fought them here I defeated them badly but you can finish them quicker and save some time then between these two ways I don't really know which one is more efficient I just thought the leaves are faster to defeat than the other enemy and once you've done that you can break the gate defeat the snowball maker and you should have more than enough time to bring back the Purple Onion and with that those are all the onions in Pikmin 4.
Channel: Invizeron
Views: 50,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Onion Locations, Pikmin 4 Onion Locations, Pikmin 4 Purple Onion, Purple Onion, Yellow Onion, Red Onion, Blue Onion, White Onion, Pink Onion, Grey Onion, Rock Onion, Ice Onion, Ice Pikmin, Rock Pikmin, Winged Pikmin, Blue Pikmin, Red Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, Purple Pikmin, White Pikmin, Pikmin 4 Gameplay, Pikmin 4 Guide, Pikmin 4 Flarlic, Flarlic Locations, Pikmin 4 all onions, all onions pikmin 4, pikmin 4 all onion locations
Id: XHVr6isfDH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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