Ranking Every Kit for The Sims 4

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I get so many questions about Sims packs   and my favorite ones and which  ones I think are worth buying. So I've made a couple ranking videos where I kind   of talk through the packs and  which ones I like the best. The thing is, I'm pretty sure when I last  made one of those, we had like, 15 less kits. And I'm not even exaggerating, I think there's   been a lot of kit releases since  the last video I made like that. We haven't actually gotten that  many real packs since then that   would really affect my rankings, but  the kits are a whole different story. So today I want to spend some time thinking about   that and try to rank all of the  kits that we have for The Sims 4. A couple disclaimers first: obviously number one,   I'm not the biggest fan of kits or  like, the existence of them in general. I have kind of conflicting opinions here  because I like getting new stuff for The   Sims and it's fun and most of them are  pretty good and have pretty good items. The price just adds up so fast and  the game is already pretty expensive. So all of these like, super frequent kit  releases are kind of annoying, but I guess   at this point it's just gonna keep happening  so we kind of have to accept it and the other   thing is that obviously my opinions on these  kits might be completely different from yours. For starters, I really love building in The  Sims and I'm not a huge fan of Create A Sim,   so immediately all of the CAS kits are going  to be like, ranked lower than build kits. But for you it might be the opposite. And also I feel like half the point of these kits   is to sort of release some things  that maybe fill some niche styles. I don't think every kit is  supposed to appeal to every player. When, for example, an expansion pack maybe is  supposed to have a bit of a broader appeal. I don't think they're aiming for that with kits   so you might hate a lot of the kits  that I love and that's totally fine. This video is literally just my opinions on these  kits and how they work for me and my gameplay. And yours might be the complete  opposite and that is totally fine. Like I said, I just get a lot of  questions from people asking me like,   oh, which kits should I buy, so this  video is me answering that question. Okay, with that disclaimer out of  the way, let's start ranking these. I made us a little tier list here on that tier  list maker and I'll link it down below for you. Although annoyingly it kind of cropped my pictures  a bit, but it's fine, I know what they are. And the labels that I've written are iconic,   pretty good, decent, not worth  buying, and actually terrible. I I feel like we should do this  in order of release as well so   I'm going to start with the Throwback Fit kit. This one has a bunch of like,   retro-inspired athleisure and it's  fine, it's got some cute items. I use these things for my Sims  athletic outfit sometimes,   but if I'm being honest, I  probably wouldn't buy this one. I've got it because I'm a Sims YouTuber,   but if I was just playing the game for fun  for myself, I don't think I'd get this one. I don't mean that it's bad or has bad  items, it just doesn't really interest   me and I don't really care about CAS stuff  so I'm gonna put that at not worth buying. At the same time we also got the Country  Kitchen kit which I like a lot more,   I'm gonna put it at pretty good. This one's got a bunch of like, cottage-y  kitchen inspired stuff. It's got a couple   really cute clutter items and everything is  very pastel and has really nice swatches. I will say that on first glance from the  item list, this kit looks a little bit weak. Like, when you compare how many  items came here versus like,   how many items came in that most recent  kit, it looks like it's got a lot less. The problem with kitchen sets  is that when you make counters,   each of these like, individual special  pieces counts as like, a separate item. They have to make the corner piece and the  end piece and all of those things separately,   so there's like, seven different counter shapes   and seven different Island shapes and  like, ten different cabinet pieces. But you only see like,   the first one in the preview so it  looks a little bit more disappointing. I just feel like I always need  more kitchen stuff and I also   like that sort of style, so I rank it pretty high. And then at the same time we also got the Bust  the Dust kit which was like, a gameplay kit. Looking back on this it's kind of weird  because we got these three kits all at once:   we had a gameplay one, a CAS  one, and then a build one. So we sort of all thought we'd be getting  a lot of gameplay and CAS and build kits,   but we haven't gotten a single gameplay kit since. This one came with vacuums,  like literally just vacuums. And it has vacuum gameplay, like  if you have this kit turned on,   your Sim's house will get progressively dustier,  and then you have to vacuum it to fix the dust. I'm gonna be honest, I play with this turned  off, like I don't even use the dust anymore. It's just kind of glitchy and kind of annoying,   but I will say It's actually  kind of a fun concept. If your Sim's house gets really dusty,  they have these dust bunnies that show   up and you can try and befriend  them and they'll give you prizes. And when this first came out, I made a whole  rags to riches doing that and I made like,   tens of thousands of simoleons just from the dust. So I actually had a lot of fun with it then,   and I really wish they would do more things like  this, I really want to see more gameplay kits. I'm really stuck right now between  actually terrible and iconic,   but I think I'm gonna put it in iconic. This is controversial and I don't think  I actually suggest that you buy it. I just like the idea of a like, dirt-themed kit. Like, the whole existence of this is very  confusing and kind of funny, and therefore iconic. I actually have a theory about why we haven't  gotten any more gameplay kits and also like,   kind of on the existence of kits in general. I think development like, really slowed down on  The Sims 4 because of COVID a couple years ago. It was probably a really tough adjustment to go  from working in the office to working from home. A lot of like, tech companies and  software stuff had that issue. Think about how many employees like, maybe  didn't have the right computer setups at home,   and kind of how long it would take to get  back to normal trying to work from home. And I think they're probably like,  totally good now a couple years on,   but I think that initial adjustment  period probably set them back a lot. Which is probably why we only got  one expansion the past couple years   and also maybe why they stopped doing stuff packs. I feel like they maybe started doing kits as like,   "filler content" because they couldn't  do as much real gameplay content. Just because like, animation and all of the  gameplay aspect is the longest part, so they   started doing kits, like just clothes or just  build sets because they can even outsource that. They could like, in-house design the items  and then outsource the actual modeling. So they can release that stuff a lot more quickly   and a lot more frequently sort of as  filler in between the bigger packs. And I assume that's probably why we  have so many kits now and also like,   no gameplay kits because the gameplay is  like, hard to do and not really feasible. Because I assume they're working  on like, expansion packs and like,   the baby update and stuff like that instead. I don't actually know that as fact, I'm just sort  of guessing, but I feel like that's probably why   this started and now that it's been kind  of successful, they probably won't stop. Even if they're like, back to normal  and working at a better speed now. I'm also pretty sure we're gonna get  two expansion packs now next year,   I think they kind of teased  that in the Summit livestream. They at least teased two different expansions  that I kind of hope will come out next year,   but I guess I don't really know. Anyway moving on from that, we  have the Courtyard Oasis kit. This one is pretty cool because it  has a lot of like, actual build stuff. Not just furniture, but it's got like, doors and  windows and spandrels and a staircase and stuff. And I really love this style,   but I almost feel like this kit is  too small to successfully build with. I have this problem a lot because  they give us these really nice door   and window sets, but they don't give  us enough of a door and window set. Like, we got these giant doors and archways and  then just a couple windows that are super tiny. So when you put those windows  next to the giant doors,   they don't really fill in the walls that well. I feel like I need like, three or four more   window options to make this a  better, more functional set. I have the same problem with Realm of Magic,   how we got these giant doors and  then like, one or two tiny windows. When we only have like, one or two  variants, it's super hard to use. That's why like, Seasons and Cats and Dogs are   so much better because we've  got a bunch of window sizes. So I like this kit, it's fine, it's decent. I wish it was better, but I  do like what it came with. Then we have the Fashion Street  kit which is also really nice,   honestly all of the CAS kits have  like, really nice items in them. I don't necessarily dislike any  of these CAS things. I just don't   really care about Create A Sim very much. I feel like I personally get way more use  out of build kits than with the fashion kits,   but this one is really nice and the clothes are  really good, so I'm gonna put it up a decent too. The Industrial Loft kit was next and  this one is kind of tough for me as well. Because I do like the idea of this, but we have  that same problem with the doors and windows,   how we got like, one window and one  arch and like, one sliding door. It just makes it hard to use because  nothing matches that stuff. Like,   I want to make a sort of cool industrial factory,  but I don't really have the build tools to do it. We just have like, some furniture to do it. I also don't super love the furniture  set. I don't really love this bed or   the dresser or anything, but I do  really like, the couch and chair. And I find myself using these lights pretty often.   I think I'm gonna put this  one up at decent as well. I don't really like it that much,  I thought I would like it more,   but it's just kind of hard for me to use. It is obviously nice for like, very  specific builds. That's kind of the   case for all of this stuff though, it's  nice for like, very specific things. I just prefer packs that are like, super  easy to fit into all of your gameplay as   opposed to things that work like, for  very super specific niche occasions. We'll talk more on that later with  like, the clutter kit for example,   but things like this one don't really work in  your like, average everyday house, you know? Which is kind of why I don't love it. Okay,   next we have the Incheon Arrivals kit which is  I think my favorite CAS kit out of all of them. I know I said I don't super  love all of the fashion kits,   but this one I really like the  items in and I use this a lot. It's got a lot of really nice  swatches and a lot of like,   really versatile things that  I find my Sims wearing a lot. It also has some cute oversized stuff and we don't  really have anything else like that in the game. I'm honestly sort of going in between  pretty good and iconic with this,   but I almost want to put it up at iconic. Which makes me feel like I should probably  put Bust the Dust down at the bottom. I just -- okay, listen -- I like  the idea of these gameplay kits,   it's just... it's dirt, it's vacuums, okay? We need something better than  that. This can't be the only one. I'm gonna try and keep this more in order of what   I think you should actually buy so  fine, I'll put it at the bottom. Okay, so we have the Modern Menswear kit next, and  this one I was really excited about the idea of. This was interesting because it was a real collab   with a real fashion designer so a lot  of these things exist in real life. But I think when I first heard about  this kit, I was hoping to have some like,   more dresses and skirts and things that fit  the masculine frame better because right now,   you can put a dress on a masculine framed  Sim, but it kind of like, fits weird. And sometimes like, their  shoulders or their chest looks odd. So I was kind of hoping to have some  things in this kit that would like,   solve that problem and in the end, it didn't  really have as much of that as I was hoping for. There's a couple things and all of this stuff is  really cute, and I do actually have my Sims wear a   few of these things a lot, it's just probably not  one that I would buy if I wasn't a Sims YouTuber. I guess half because I had higher hopes for it   and also half because I don't  really care about CAS stuff. So for the most part I probably wouldn't buy like,  any of these fashion kits, but I don't think this   one is like, not worth buying, I think it's just  fine, so I'll put it in the decent category. Oh god, okay, Blooming Rooms. This one was also, in my  opinion, very disappointing. I think more so looking back on it because  I was really excited about the idea of this. I really love the thought of  like, a huge kit of all plants,   but I think when it actually came out, a lot  of this stuff isn't really all that usable. There's a couple things here that  I put in like, a lot of my builds. These plants down at the bottom,   this hanging plant, I love this little  dog planter, this tiny one's cute. Even this like, wall hanger thing is super nice,   but dare I say, a lot of these things  are kind of just like, not cute. I really honestly don't like these plant  tables, I'm just never gonna use them. I'm so sorry whoever designed them,  it's just -- it's not my vibe. I feel like the glass is kind of a weird color so   I just -- I don't find myself using as  many of these objects as I had hoped. This kit is almost like, too fancy, too out there. And I saw sort of wish that it had more  like, basics, just like, basic house plants. Varying sizes like big ones, tiny ones, and I just  -- I feel like it doesn't have enough of that. I would honestly cut like, half of these  items and replace them with something else,   but I do like the idea of it and  I do like most of these things,   they're just not as useful  as I thought they would be. I feel like I just said a lot  of negative things about that,   but I'm actually gonna put in it pretty  good because I do like the plant kit. I do like the items, I use the items pretty often,   there's just a bunch of things in it that I don't  love and I feel like it could have been better. And then it would have been iconic,  but it's not iconic, it's just good. The Carnaval Streetwear kit  is also a really fun CAS kit. I feel like I'm saying casket every  time, I mean CAS kit. Create a Sim kit. This one has a lot of like, really fun,  brightly colored, like party clothes. We don't have a lot of like, cute sequined  stuff so these things are pretty cool. Also these heart glasses I actually use a lot.  This crop top has a lot of pride flag swatches. These overalls are one of my favorite  things we've gotten in years. This one actually has a lot of really nice  clothes, but we again face the problem of me   like, not really caring about CAS stuff that  much, so I almost want to put it at decent. I feel like I did this tier list  bad because there needs to be like,   something in between decent and  not worth buying because I do like   this one better than Modern Menswear, but I  don't think I can put it up to pretty good. So I have done a poor job of  this. I don't think it's like,   not worth buying because it is a nice  kit, but it's just decent, you know? The next one is the Decor to the Max kit and this   one I feel like my opinion has kind  of changed on since it first came out. I really like the idea of this, this like,  maximalist style, but if I'm being honest with   you, in practice in the last few months, I have  only used the rose wallpaper and this flooring. I have not used anything else  from this kit in like, any builds. I guess I just don't love this style, it's like,  sort of glamorous, a lot of this furniture. Which isn't really my personal style, so  I don't find myself using it very much. It's also very hard for me to  do like, this kind of thing,   like this sort of maximalist, bright  colors, mismatched patterns thing. I guess I just don't love the look of this. So I sort of like the idea of this and a lot of  the items separately, but for me, I don't know   if I would actually buy that one if it wasn't a  YouTuber, so I'm gonna put it at not worth buying. It's definitely I think my least favorite  build kit which is kind of surprising. And then we're on to the Moonlight Chic kit which  I think is my second favorite Create a Sim kit. This one first of all has a lot of items,  like more than some of the other kits. So as far as like, getting your money's  worth, this one comes with 33 which is a lot. And there's some really nice stuff in here,  it's all very like, hip and trendy and like,   the kind of thing you would see on TikTok I think. Which I don't mean as an insult, it's just like,   all of the cool people are wearing  stuff like this these days. It kind of reminds me of Steph0Sims, in  a good way, that's a serious compliment. I also use this stuff kind of a lot,   I feel like it pairs pretty well with the  high school clothes that came in that pack. So I think I'm gonna put it at pretty good. I'm actually surprised at how highly I'm ranking  some of these CAS kits, but I do really like them. I think I'm also seeing that I like a lot of the   more recent kits the most because this  Little Campers one I also really like. This one is like a full set for like, a backyard  camping night. You can see they have like,   this little projector screen, they've got a tent  and a bunch of kids items, there's a froggy chair. There's also some really good fairy lights  in this kit, and I was sort of describing   this as being like, the closest we  can probably get to a gameplay kit. I don't know if they'll do an  actual gameplay kit ever again,   but this one I feel like gives you kind of  a set to tell a story and do some gameplay. There's also a bunch of kids stuff in here and  we don't have any kids stuff in kits really. So I'm gonna put that one all the  way up to pretty good as well,   but I'm gonna put that ahead of the Blooming Rooms  kit because that one is like a weak pretty good. You're lucky you're not in  decent Blooming Rooms, okay? Right after that we got the First Fits kit  which also had some more stuff for kids. This is like, pretty trendy kids  clothing and there's a lot of like,   nice pastel and neutral swatches. I feel like it has a lot of basics  in it which is kind of nice. I feel like I want to put this  one up at pretty good as well. This this is making me think I might  want to revisit some of these other ones,   like I almost want to put Industrial Loft  down to not worth buying looking at it again. And I think I might put First Fits  kit at like, the very top of decent. I'm not sure, I'm gonna come back to  this. I do like this one, I really do. Then we got the Desert Luxe kit and  I will say, I really like this kit. This couch and these curtains in particular are  like, some of the best ones we've gotten in years. I also like this flooring a lot, but can  I just say, these curtains? Incredible. We got like, the three curtain panels for all the   different wall heights and then  this item is like, a curtain rod. So with that you can make  the curtains fit on like,   any window basically because you  can make it as wide as you need to. That is a genius idea and honestly  the best part of this entire kit. I do think that I liked this kit a lot more  when it was free because when it first came out,   they gave this kit out for free to anyone who  already had The Sims 4 because it was like,   right before The Sims 4 base game went free. So when it was free, it was great, it  was like the best kit out of all of them. But now that it's paid, it  isn't like, my favorite one. I'm sort of tempted to put it all the way up  at iconic just because it was free for a while. That's kind of like the same reason I  wanted to put Bust the Dust up at iconic,   which maybe isn't good of me to do. I think for those curtains alone it makes it up  to iconic though, the curtains are really useful. And then we have the two most recent kits, the  Pastel Pop kit and the Everyday Clutter kit. And can I just say, these two  are my all-time favorites. Like,   already I am obsessed with this Pastel Pop kit. I am a little bit biased because one of  my best friends was heavily involved in   its creation, but Plumbella being involved aside,   I actually really love like, all of  these items and the vibe of them. It's just really cute, it's got  some great rugs, it's got a bed,   a heart desk chair, this corkboard  to replace the ugly base game one,   it's got a super cute computer,  like, this strawberry wallpaper. I'm sorry, but you just can't compete with that,   that goes to the top of the very top,  that is the very first iconic kit. That one is number one. And then we also have the Everyday  Clutter kit and I sort of described   this one as being similar to what  I wanted the plant kit to be. This one has a bunch of just really  basic like, household clutter. Like, a phone and some keys, a  sticky note, a pair of glasses,   a coffee mug, just like, really  simple, everyday clutter items. This is the kind of thing that I want more of. I love this kind of stuff for making houses seem  more real and like, a Sim actually lives there. I feel like I've been begging for this  kind of thing since they first started   doing kits so I'm putting that  one also straight up to iconic. Like I said, I think that Pastel  Pop kit and Everyday Clutter kit   are probably my favorite kits out of all of them. And now that I'm kind of staring at this again,  I think I'm happy with how I've ranked these. It's kind of hard for me to like,  gather my thoughts on this stuff. I feel like I kind of have my  own opinion clouded by like,   what do I actually like versus  what do I think you will like? Because obviously we all have  different thoughts on this. I feel like my overall takeaway from  this exercise for me at least is that   I obviously don't super love a  lot of the Create A Sim stuff. Just because I don't really use  a lot of Create A Sim stuff. I've just never been a big CAS player,  like I don't even use Create A Sim CC. So for me looking at the kits, I feel  like I would way rather buy a build   kit over a CAS one just because  I personally would use it more. And kind of along that, I feel like I tend to like  the stuff that's maybe a little bit less niche. Stuff that I can use in like, more than  one way, or in like, all of my builds. So things like those curtains or a lot of   the Pastel Pop stuff for kids  rooms or like, clutter items. I think the things that I  feel like I could use in like,   every single build make the kit more worth it. So while things like the Industrial Loft kit is   really cool, I just don't really  build stuff like that very often. So for me personally it's not  like, super high on the list. Although obviously I acknowledge that  for you it might be the exact opposite. Like, if you did this,   yours might be completely flipped and  that's kind of the cool thing about it. So if you want to try it for yourself, I'm  going to link this tier maker down below. And I'm also going to link  my last pack ranking video. I'd be kind of curious to re-watch  that now and hear my thoughts on it. And let me know if I should do like, an  updated expansion pack kind of tier list,   I think it's sort of hard to compare like,  an expansion pack to a kit, but you can   definitely compare all of the expansions  against each other so I might do that soon. Thanks for watching and listening  to me ramble for this whole time. I feel like I talked a lot more  than I thought I was going to,   this recording is an hour long so that's my bad. But on that note, I am gonna cut this  right here. I make Sims videos every   single day so feel free to subscribe  if you want to catch the next one. And I'm going to catch you all  tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. I'm curious to hear your thoughts in the comments,  like what do you think your favorite kit is? I think I surprised myself with what I put in  the not worth buying category, but I stand by it. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 299,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: QEVBJ1l608E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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