The Sims 4 but Every Room is a Different Youtuber

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here lies bone hilda disrespected who will be the first bedroom oh there's only three of us left oh lou simsie oh i have big plans for this big plans or shall i say lil plans feel free to unsubscribe hey y'all so a lot of people have been asking me to do this i have been involved in a few of these which is such an honor i have seen a couple people do the sims 4 but every room is a different youtuber i have never done anything really like this before where i've involved other people i usually just keep the horrors of my channel to myself i don't like to involve others i don't need to get involved in this mess but today they're getting involved in the mess i have five youtubers who are all my friends included in this i have a little wheel to spin it's gonna be a good time so each room is gonna be themed after these youtubers which i assume most of you know and love these people as well so the youtubers that i'm going to be building rooms based off of is little simsy lauren's east side ld shadow lady steffo sims and plum bella all wonderful wonderful ladies here is the house i pre-built this just to save myself some time but i've made this little house it sticks out really far in the back let's not pay attention to that too much let's not get too close i don't know what style of house this is it's like a modern cottage i have no idea not a clue anyways the inside ignore this i was using this to figure out spacing but i have one two three four five oh i have six rooms shoot maybe i'll do one for me ooh of excellent themed room that sounds fun okay you know what i'll add myself to the list it's so stupid and if you guys really like this video and you want to see me do this particular one again with youtubers and you want to see some other youtubers that you like involved leave them in the comments down below and maybe i will get to them could be fun could be fun so we're gonna start right off the bat with the living room there are no windows in here and that's really sad but that's just how it had to be okay who will be the first victim let's see oh it's lauren oh my god it was so close lauren z side the galaxy queen it is time to make this all galaxied up baby starting with wallpaper and flooring i'm gonna try my best to find something that fits this theme i'm not sure if there's like a galaxy wallpaper maybe does that kind of look like stars this is harder than i thought how about we go with this it's blinding to the eyes but it's purple and it kind of looks like stars so we're gonna go with it now we do need a flooring as well there's still really nothing that looks like the galaxy so i might just go for something like dark i don't know what to do for flooring that's hard i think it's really gonna thrive when we do the furniture i hope so since it's a living room let's go ahead and get the tv situation all set up i'm going super big tv in here you know what dare i go even bigger oh this is so hard okay so like what couch do i choose i need a lot of purple that oh god this is hard here we go i sorted by purple oh she does like scary things so let's give her the ghost couch is there a ghost loveseat sims 4 why every it's like every time it never ceases to amaze me how this game has nothing matching i want to cry in a corner right now i literally want to cry i know that doesn't match but it looks a little spooky so i'm kind of i'm kind of into it i have no idea what to do for a coffee table but i know it snows where she lives so i'm gonna give her a fire pit for a coffee table you can thank me later oh there's even a purple one perfect now for a rug oh this one has moods on it and stars there we go it doesn't match at all but it fits the theme okay it doesn't have to match if it fits the theme is there any bread stuff i can use a bread box chalky breads menu bread fruit tree wait what what's a breadfruit she'd probably love that there's bread all over this she would love it here we go i found all the bread i found the bread the bread is in the house baby oh my god look at that i'm gonna make it even bigger piece of bread there make it bigger some more bread there she's cuckoo for bread okay i know this isn't technically just bread but this is a hamburger and there's two two things of bread on there so honestly it's going in the room there you go you're welcome i know what you like okay is there any galaxy pictures there definitely are wait is that bread those look like cinnamon rolls i'm not even sure i'm not actually sure that is bread but i can't take any chances if i do find any pictures of a galaxy oh here we go here's a galaxy painting i've made the tv so big that there's no room for any paintings now that is my own fault but that's okay that's okay and the couch is so tall you can't can't see the painting oh no okay there have to be some like statues that resemble lauren in a way oh maybe this alien dude yes maybe this little brown dog could be dexter he's like brown and black oh maybe more like that there we go that's dexter ooh some tombstones she does like spooky stuff it's true she does like her fair share of spoopy games i feel like if i mess anything up here it's like offensive because i know these people in real life and it's like sad if i mess it up i'm just gonna fill in the space right there i hope that's okay lauren all right moving on to the kitchen which is gonna be right here all right who will be the kitchen let's remove lauren goodbye and let's see who the kitchen's gonna be ld shadow lady oh it's gonna be cute so when i think of lizzy i think pink so that is exactly what i'm going for pink and cute this kitchen's huge and then we can even fit an island in the middle so i think what i'm gonna do is there a pink sink i will be surprised oh there's this one oh but it's yucky i'm just gonna give her a good sink i respect her too much to give her that crappy sink i'm actually gonna do because this is such a big kitchen i'm gonna do like a double oven situation i actually think there might be a pink oven oh no there's like a mint green one which you know what she would probably think is cute if we're gonna have the mint green dough we might as well have the mcgreen fridge look how cute it is it is really cute now i need a matching cabinet i found it beautiful you'll love to see it all right so the cabinets are in it actually looks crazy we do need a trash can this one's for all the fans out there that will actually rip my head off if i don't put one in here i have a hard enough time choosing bar stools as it is so i'm like do i do this hot pink one do i look for a mint green i don't know oh wait i actually found a mint green wait that's kind of cuckoo i don't even know does she like mick green i'm just making assumptions over here i know she likes pink this is a cute pastel color she likes pastels i'm just gonna assume okay so sorry if i'm wrong i'll give you a pink microwave beautiful and just for funsies i'm going to give you a chocolate fountain beautiful and for the middle of this giant island i think it needs like some flowers or something i think she would like these they have the cutest little faces there they are they're beautiful now we do have a little bit extra room i don't know for what though i'm going to put curtains in front of this door though because i think that's something that she would enjoy oh which ones these literally blend in with the walls i think she would like the rainbow one i think so some of y'all might think this is silly but every time i go to england we always go bowling so i'm literally going to put this bowling trophy case in the kitchen it's happening every time i see them i bowl oh my god this is beautiful this might have worked better in lauren's room but it fits that space so perfectly it's gotta go there i'm gonna put a bunch of treats over here not necessarily for dogs not necessarily for cats a little bit of both because they have a cat and a dog here are some things i think she would absolutely love this little turtle oh this little guy oh my god it's so cute let's do like the yellow one we'll switch up the colors a bit cute oh my god oh this is look yeah now i'm doing it now i feel like i'm doing something good we have a little penguin and i'm gonna put another one of these turtles over here only because this one looks like a little strawberry and it's just the cutest thing i've ever seen and i'm going to put this here not that i think she knits i actually don't know but how cute is this item right i think she'd like it beautiful now that's looking much more like a lizzy kitchen she does collect these things in all of her minecraft series she collects all the cutest things so there you go moving on to the dining room okay with a lot of freedom here i feel like let's remove ld shadow lady from the running and here we go interesting when i put stuff in here all i could think of was whatever room she gets has to be completely insane i just all over the place because her videos release this aura of chaotic energy that i i have to try to replicate in this room so all i'm thinking while i'm making this is chaotic even yoona is getting up she's butt in the air already she's like i i don't know if i can handle the chaotic energy that's about to happen she also likes pink why does that remind me of stuff should it no you know what i like it i feel like that's something she would use i feel like now the wallpaper is just like not doing it justice is there no wallpaper that matches this flooring oh ew this is the only one that matches you know what i hate it but i'm gonna make it work i like the color it's it's giving off i like it i'm gonna use it okay so this is a dining room so we do have to have a table oh my god yes when i think of steph i think of like a mixture of designs and all you know a lot of things why are these these chairs literally are not connecting to the tables i'm offended i'm gonna have to tone down the table yes oh my god ah that's even better oh hell yeah oh there they go now they wanna sit with the table oh my god that's a table made for queens only and that's it that's perfect for seth if i was gonna have a centerpiece for this table i don't think steph would just put the flower i feel like she would go the extra mile and put like a full-on egg like just a full egg right on the table i have to respect her wishes look at that it's actually majestic now for a rug this could be dangerous some of these rugs were not meant to be used in their chaotic forms are those flower petals what i kind of like that i think that fits the theme perfectly i'm actually going to put this little dog on the wall because i know how bad she wants her own dog and i'm going to put that there to help her manifest her dreams she's also really good at makeup so i feel like i have to include that in here somewhere i'm going to try to find some paintings that have like really pretty makeup looks i don't know if it's gonna happen but i'm gonna look i was thinking maybe these girls can't really see their makeup but you can just tell that they're like probably really good at it but i feel like i could do better i might actually just put this like makeup tray on the dining room table she's like you know what makeup at the table it's how she would want it at the other side of the table is where she writes down all of her chaotic video ideas how is she gonna torture trisha paytas in the next video i'm sorry tisha potatus is that right if i'm wrong i'm gonna hate myself is it trisha potatoes it's tissue potatoes tissue potatoes god i'm a fake fan but i also feel like deep inside she's a softy so i feel like i should give her one of these like i know deep inside you you are you are a softy actually it's probably not really even that deep inside it's probably it's probably pretty surface level we've cried together many times we have photos to prove it i'm gonna put these giant bottles of water on the ground because she has a beautiful song h2ho i do love it i'm a big fan i'm gonna put those over there to represent that beautiful beautiful piece of art that she made oh my god a water balloon bucket oh that's so stupid okay i need stuff on the walls i don't know what to put on the walls i'm stumped here i'm gonna put some balloons because i feel like the inside of her mind is just a party constantly oh i'm going to put this frog here to represent the kermit the frog that she had in the background i don't know if it's still there but it used to be and i remember it so fondly and just in case that's not enough i will oh what the this goes on the ground oh here we go i knew one of them went on the wall this represents kermit there you go beautiful oh shoot you know what i'll put kermit over there i have one more spot on the wall who what who's gonna take it i'm actually gonna put this on the wall because my girl's a star beautiful all right that is steph's room the difference between like the pinks you know like steph's pink is like right really out there and then you go to lizzy's room and it's like like really cute and like peaceful okay moving on to the first bedroom i'm gonna do bedroom bedroom bathroom who will be the first bedroom oh there's only three of us left oh lil simsy oh i have big plans for this big plans or shall i say lil plans feel free to unsubscribe okay i already knew what i was gonna do way ahead as for wallpaper and flooring i honestly don't know my plans lie in a totally different direction you'll see i know the houses that she builds are typically blue suburbans so i will make the inside of this house just like a nice blue suburban and then the flooring we've turned this room inside out so now it's the outside of a blue suburban right so now for the flooring i'm just gonna have to make it and she's gonna hate this grass but there's a reason for this and i will show you i am gonna make this whole room cow plants since what the hell no that was not supposed to happen interesting interesting oh no no no what look we have to do what we have to do it's a shrine one day that seed will grow into something beautiful but it is still a bedroom after all so i will make it a bedroom but i felt like that was a really crucial part of this is there like a cow themed bed like with cow print that would be perfect i don't think there is i know okay this just looks like grass i'm just gonna go with it i almost feel like trolling her a little bit by doing things that ea does just to make her angry like instead of putting like a nice big painting above this like something just really nice and pretty they would then they would do something like you know this just to really get on her nerves i know in her office she's got this big plant so i think i'm gonna try to replicate that with one of these big plants like maybe this one right here i think this one will do the job she does have a cat and i've looked at pictures and i can't tell if she's like orangy or gray but the oranges are like really that's a dog so i'm gonna go safe and just go with this one instead i know she only has one but i want to make them match okay i'm not evil oh okay this isn't that's a zebra that's not a cow but it is black and white oh oh there's a tiger oh we're getting so close i need to i need a cow print oh my god you've let me down i might go for that i know that's not a cow oh my god it's not even close wait isn't there like there's a polka dot one oh but it's so ugly okay i know that's not even close to a cow print but i'm just gonna go with it because i can't i can't find anything better i keep looking and i just keep getting more upset that i can't find anything better justice for cows she is also quite the twitch streamer so i'm going to put this big fancy desk in here for her so she can stream she's got a nice big gamer chair like me give her that right there beautiful she's got a bunch of sims paintings on her wall as well or like on her little shelves so i will put a few of those in the back just over here somewhere one of these wait is that the only sims painting wait wait a minute maybe one of these beautiful and she is from florida so i am going to give her this boat that she's going to need when it eventually just rained so much that the whole entire state goes underwater i feel you girl i'm next i feel like this cat looks really similar to her cat so i'm just gonna put it there and then over on the side i need one more thing i'm gonna put the cat mirror doesn't take up that much space but i'm gonna do it and there you have it this room makes no sense but it's lil simsy's room all right now i know there's just me and plumbella left but i think i know what i'm gonna do i have too much respect for plumbella to make her the bathroom plus i had bigger plans i want her to have the bedroom i'll make myself the bathroom i feel like that's fitting for me also fun fact me and plum bella have the same birthday july 5th was a fantastic day to be born i'm so sorry for the rest of you who weren't born on that day yikes kind of cringe couldn't be me or plum bella all right so i'm gonna do the bathroom as me first and just get it over with part of me just like went straight to just make a normal bathroom but i have to make it like meat right so okay i need i need tile that's like i guess pink oh wow that's terrible isn't it now i know how everyone else feels it's not good i have like a darker pink though in my hair but i don't i just don't think they're really gonna deliver no i'm just gonna go with that that's fine that's my way of getting out of that okay moving on let's put in a toilet it's a toilet for me it's my size oh for anyone who doesn't know i'm only five foot zero i am actually the size of a child so i'm gonna put a child potty in here perfect i also don't know what sink to put is there a pink sink i truly don't think there is i'm actually kind of curious oh you know what i am going to go with this because it's a little modern and as we know i did one modern build and suddenly i'm an expert so that's perfect now i'm gonna give you guys the lowdown i love a good bathtub i do i am a sucker for a good bubble bath on a stressful day nothing makes me happier and you know what i'm gonna treat myself i am gonna treat myself i want this big bubbly bath but i also want a shower it's hard for me to wash my hair in a bath because i have pink in it and the dye gets in the water and then it stains my skin and i come out looking like a pink barney so i do have to take showers if i want to wash my hair or if i just if it's just a normal day and i'm not stressed out i will take a shower and not a bath i am gonna put this big giant statue where am i gonna put it you know what i'm actually gonna put it right in front of the toilet because when i'm on the toilet yuna is right there with me she is my bathroom buddy for life something else that i love christmas we all know it we've all come to accept it i'm still using a christmas blanket every day i refuse to change uh this is just how i am oh my god it's flawless i also have this beautiful beautiful freezer bunny oh my god it's so cute i'm gonna just squeeze another one in right over here so cute put some christmas banners right there oh my god delete those banners those are incredible and i'm gonna stick this little guy right in the middle oh my god it's amazing wow that's truly breathtaking i'm gonna get a mirror in there beautiful i i could use something above the toilet though i'm still lacking a little bit oh perfect all right that's all i'm gonna do for my room it's very christmasy themed i have yoona sitting there in front of the toilet with me i got a big old bathtub just the way i like it moving on so the last person we are doing is plum bella it has to be harry potter themed it's gotta be all about magic as harry potter asked us i can get it i just did some googling and discovered that she is a gryffindor so i'm gonna try to make the color scheme match with that so that's like red yellow and like a black if i'm correct it's definitely like a red and a yellow like a mustard yellow and like a dark red so if i can make that happen i can do anything it's gonna be tough though it's gonna be tough oh my god that is so close i don't like the carpet but the colors are like right there oh that that's got to be it that's what i that's what i gotta use now at least now the wallpaper can just be like kind of chill like maybe just do that so i'm just gonna open it up to realm of magic take it away honey take it away it is a bedroom so i think it should have a bed i'm gonna have to like stick it over here in the corner i didn't really map out this room too well but let's see if they have any colors not really i'm choosing my own bed realm of magic you failed me get out of here i'm gonna go for something like that i it clashes so much it's driving me crazy but it looks like it could be kind of magical i'm actually gonna move it there oh now i've fixed it i'll fix the whole issue i'm gonna put these suitcases as the in tables because i imagine in hogwarts they would pack themselves what a life okay i'm gonna pretend that that's hogwarts how do i say this it's um not even close oh and then one of these oh my god you know they have those in hogwarts you know they do all right what else can i do maybe a rug would help this situation like a nice solid easy rug i know that's kind of boring but whatever i also want to put in like a pink-ish section because she also does have like some pink hair and i want to represent it i'm honestly even considering like blocking this off and putting an archway and then having this room be like a pink and this is to represent the fact that i know she's a cancer and she's emotional because girl me too there's the emotional side in the closet you try to hide it but there's a big arch that just shows everyone how emotional you are because i feel like we are the same cancer babies rise up rise up to the occasion we're ready to cry ooh mysterious it looks absolutely disgusting with the rest of the room it looks so icky but i'm doing it anyways she said nobody look in here this is my emotional closet don't look don't look at my emotions all right now i do want to put some like magical items in here for real for real so i am bringing out realm of magic again oh look at these oh my god they're massive okay well i wasn't expecting that okay so there's like this thing full of all these potions that it's perfect there's this which is also full of potions perfect i think we should have paintings with like the people on them like the ones from vampires or something because they'll come alive you feel me are you picking up what i'm putting down i mean like come on this guy's definitely watching you when you sleep she also wants justice for bone hilda and you know what i'm right there with you girl i'm right there with you i also feel like she's been disrespected i just found a bone wand oh my god oh my god where's this gonna go literally where am i gonna put this okay well that looks stupid i'll find a better place for that in a second here lies bone hilda disrespected let's bring out the magic table what the heck why does it sit like that you know what i'll just give her a couple different wants oh there's a there's a one display case that would be better i think and the one goes in there oh it's so funny okay because i feel like this one is very like harry potter but then like this one is a bone like bone hilda it's right next to the remains of her i think it's good i think it's good oh you know what i think i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna take away this potions thing and put this beautiful fireplace with like the crystals in it oh my god it's so good it's so pretty and i will put this giant crystal ball over here it's beautiful stunning never been done before oh i didn't give her a cauldron idiot we're a little out of room now here's the butterflies here's this painting oh we'll make them into a potions thing oh that's pretty there we go lovely i hope that's good i hope i did that justice i really put a lot of thought into that i put a lot of thought into all of these truly i was working with what the sims 4 gives me and that is not a lot but i think i did a pretty good job i'm not gonna lie okay we have lauren's room i couldn't find as many galaxy things as i wanted like now that i've seen these like crystal ball things i kind of want to put them in there actually i just thought of something and i'm ashamed that i didn't even think of it there is a galaxy light show that like needs to be in here there we go beautiful we have lauren's room we have lizzy's kitchen we have stefo sims dining room we have lil simsy's bedroom beautiful we have my bathroom and we have plumbella's bedroom beautiful i hope i did a good job i hope i did all my friends justice this is really intimidating because i don't want to let anybody down but that is going to be all for today if you guys have any other youtubers that you would want to see me try to recreate in a room then let me know in the comments down below i will do my best it is really hard there's so much pressure to do good but it is kind of fun it is fun if you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you are new to become part of the early squad click that notification bell and make sure all notifications are on so you never miss any of my videos hope you guys are having a wonderful day and i'll speak to you all very very soon [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Vixella
Views: 1,683,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, game, create, funny, fancysimmer, fancy, vixella, girl gamer, funny girl gamer, sims 4, the sims 4, sims 4 build, sims 4 mods, sims 4 eco living, sims 4 cheats, sims 4 cc, sims 4 house building, vixella sims, vixella sims 4, laurenzside, ldshadowlady, plumbella, lilsimsie, steph0sims, every room is a different pack, every room is a different youtuber
Id: TPHt2ksKcjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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