Blox fruits, Ranking Every Fruit in Update 17.3 with Tier List!

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I will be ranking all the fruits and block Foods starting off with the kilo fruit okay so the kilo fruit is kind of like a curse in the block suit no one really wants it but everyone gets it it's not good for grinding it's very decent for PP like no it's it's actually bad for BP and overall really just kilo fruit isn't that good unfortunately the kale fruit will have to go to the far tier so the next fruit is the spin fruit so this fruit is not at all good for grinding and also for PVP it's actually pretty decent so overalls spin fruit is just there and for trading it's not good at all no one really wants it and this fruit is also another curse no one wants it and everyone gets it so I'm pretty comfortable with putting this fruit on the fart here so the next fruit is the cha fruit so the tofu is not really the best for grinding within itself because it deals very low damage but it has this really cool passive where it can dodge sword attacks and it also has a pretty okay flight so for PP it's not it's not good it is just not good it's really hard to hit you around also desperate because the moves are very small okay and this one should also go without saying that nobody wants this fruit for trading again it's another curse no one wants it but everyone gets it so I'm comfortable with putting Chop on the fart here man the fart here is getting too many fruits alright the next fruit is the spring food so the spring food is not at all good for grinding okay the bean wolf kind of sucks zimu sucks and the Sea move sucks it is a very bad fruit for grinding and for PVP also it's not good at all because the moves barely deal any damage and they're pretty hard to hit and for trading no one wants the spring food again it's another curse no one wants it but everyone kinda gets it this will go to a comfortable hard tier yet again when will it get better so the next route is going to be the bomb food so after the rework the bomb fruit is really good now it has some really good moves which are really useful for grinding and my favorite move has to be the v-move look at this if you can fully charge it up it does a big AOE look at how much damage it dealt that is crazy so the bomb fruit is not really good for trading it is also pretty common but for how common it is it is really cool so for bomb I'll give this a comfortable seat here nice so the next fruit is going to be the smoke fruit now the smoke fruit is pretty good for grinding it's a low gear fruit so you can easily Dodge these attacks and after the rework it is much better look at how good that is you can just hover around all day but for PVP it's a whole different story for PP it's really not that good the moves are very small and hard to hit not really the best for PVP so overall the smoke fruit is pretty good but at the same time no and for trading it's not really the best so I will give smoke a comfortable D tier so the next route is going to be the spike food and again this fruit also got a rework which made it much better the sphere is way better now but honestly it's not really the best for grinding and it's not really the best for PVP either it is actually pretty mid for PVP and for trading again it's not that good good because it's a very low value fruit so I'll give spike a comfortable detier our next route is going to be the flame fruit now the flame fruit is really solid for grinding and it also has Awakening which makes the food way stronger look at that look at that AOE that is huge this fruit is also really good for PP look at that covers the entire Arena that is massive and now the flame fruit is pretty made for trading it is not the best but not the worst either I'll give flame a comfortable eight here because of how good it is with the Awakening okay so the next fruit is going to be the Falcon fruit now the Falcon is pretty bad for grinding and the moves are really small so they deal less damage and there's barely any AOE moves so all that combined makes the fruit pretty bad now for PVP it's actually not the worst you can pull some really good combos with it if you're good enough but if you're a no skill like me then this fruit is pretty bad again and again this fruit is pretty bad for trading no one really wants it this fruit is again a curse it's like a Walmart version of Phoenix so I'll be very comfortable to put this in a solid part here get it because the brown brown get it so the next route is going to be the ice fruit so the ice fruit is pretty good for grinding it has some pretty good range attacks it also has the Spear which you can M1 with and it has a simply called Freeze move it stuns them for quite a while actually now honestly the best part with this fruit and the grinding is going to be the Trident look at how cool this is it deals pretty good damage too and this fruit also has Awakening which makes it pretty good the Viking doesn't really change too much about the fruit but yeah it definitely does make it just a tiny bit stronger I guess now it's also very good for PP you can do crazy combos with this you can freeze them and combo them with anything and also another really cool thing about this fruit is that you can walk on water with this fruit look at that isn't that just insane and the spirit is also pretty mid for trading it isn't really the highest value but you can definitely find some trade with this so I'll give ice food a comfortable eight here right with the flame fruit the next route is going to be the sand fruit so the sand fruit is just okay for grinding not really the best not really something you would want to use and this fruit has a pretty strong open Awakening it can do some crazy stunts with this x move and it has this really good AOE of a move with the ultimate move this fruit is really good good within itself but for PVP oh my God this fruit is like too op like a little too op it used to be even more op but it got nerfed a little but that's completely fine you can pull off some crazy combo like this and then the v-move it drags people this fruit is really op for pup and really just general everything but do know that this fruit takes double damage in the water be careful it's not really the best for trading but it's really good for everything else so I'll really just give this fruit a comfortable a tier our next fruit is going to be the dark fruit now the dark food is already pretty good all the skills look really cool and they're also really good for grinding too you just have to be a little bit smart to grind with this fruit but this fruit also has an Awakening and this Awakening is probably one of the best Awakenings in the game it is legit the best look at that it just pulls them in it's so easy to combo with this this really is really just more so off of combo fruit and a support fruit than a fruit for fruit Mains this fruit is really good for pup and the v-move has a really good AOE look at that crazy so the dark fruit is pretty okay for trading I would give this a comfortable a tier again nice so the next fruit is going to be the revive fruit so the revive fruit is really just not meant for grinding at all it doesn't have an Awakening it doesn't have the best moves it's not good for grinding at all but for PVP it's a whole different story for PVP this fruit is really good if you're skilled enough one of the biggest selling point for this food has to be this Resurrection ability now if I if I die then I will come back to life look at this just look at that I am now a skeleton I had that second life now I'm back with 50 HP I can kill this guy he's yeah look at that so the revive fruit is not really the best for trading but it's still pretty good for PP so I'll give Rye fruit a comfortable D tier our next route is going to be the diamond fruit now the diamond fruit isn't the best for grinding but it gives you a lot of Defense so if he damages me right now I get damage to 862 damage okay now if I just activate this and turn on my booster hockey look at how much I get damaged now that's legit half the damage that is overpowered now of course we can increase this defense by putting on an accessory that gives us a lot of defense let's say something like sunglasses look at how little damage that is this fruit is really just meant to be used for defense it's not really the best for grinding the AOE is not that good overall it's not good for grinding at all for PVP as well it really just serves the same function it is good for defense but not the best for offense if he damages me right here look at he barely deals any damage now of course you can use this with something else but Diamond within itself not that good so the diamond food is pretty bad for trading really it's just used for defense and nothing else so Diamond fruit a solid seat here so the next route is going to be the light speed now the light food is really good for grinding it has really good attacks high damage dealing moves and some pretty good AOE and it has the fastest flight in the game look at that it also has an Awakening which makes the flight way faster you can also switch to your directions of the flight now the Awakening makes it way stronger it is much better for granting now and it's also really good for PVP because of the C move you can combo with it it's just overall really a good route and the light fruit is also pretty good for trading you can probably get some good trades with this so I'll give light a really good eight here and then our next route is going to be love so love is pretty okay for farming it's not good but not the worst but if you're skilled enough then love can be really deadly in PvP look at that stun that is crazy now the damage is pretty okay but honestly just use this route only if you're really skilled and again portraying is pretty decent so honestly it's just fair to give love a solid detier and then the next fruit is rubber honestly rubber is probably one of my favorite food after this update all the moves are much better and my favorite move has to be this one slingshot look at that you can just fling away we can't forget about the gear too look at that this is two op man and then for a slingshot it goes even farther and it goes way faster look at that oh my God now rubber is pretty good for grinding honestly very good fruit and for PVP this fruit is awesome because of how high the damage on the slush is this Rush is of course very hard to hit if you're not skilled if you're no skill like me then yeah this fruit isn't the best for PP so for trading rubber is pretty decent not everyone wants it but you can definitely get some good deal if he starts hard enough I would like to give it a braiding of B so our next fruit is barrier barrier is really not the best for grinding and there's not really much to talk about other than walls and stairs yeah this fruit is very interesting for Pep of course you have to be skilled enough to hit these moves look at that now this man iscribed inside he can't do anything I can just hit him however one so the berry food is not really the best for PVP either if you're skilled enough you can do some sick combos with the V move but that's kind of it and barrier isn't really the best for trading either no one really wants it no one wants it from the random foot spin either so yeah uh good luck trading barrier if you ever get it so honestly I will really just get barrier a solid D tier in my opinion it really needs Awakening it just doesn't work at all and our next fruit is magma so the manga fruit is really good for grinding it's almost meant for grinding this is the f move you can just hold this down forever it takes up no energy and it deals constant damage that is just too op this route also has an Awakening so the Awakening makes the food way stronger and The Awakening makes it way better for PVP as well now speaking of the PVP the pp of this fruit not the best for practical uses but it deals a lot of damage the skills are of course a bit hard to hit overall this fruit is probably like the top two best route for grinding also when you awaken the fruit you can walk on water look at how cool that is now you can also easily defeat any Seabees if you want now this weird is the best for series grinding you get all that damage and the series dies there oh my God this is most definitely the highest damage dealing fruit so yeah magma is also pretty decent for trading it's of course not that valuable but you can probably get a good trade if you search hard enough overall magma is a really versatile food I'll have to give this two op tier it's mostly because of the damage this fruit Takes the Cake or the two op so our next fruit is door now door isn't really meant for grinding it's not meant for any of this but of course you can use it for grinding if you're one of those guys who really scare me Dory is really just meant for teleporting we can go to Hydra Arena and talk about the pep right here so the pp on this route is really not the best but if you're skilled enough you can definitely use this you can do the X move right here pop out from behind and then do a crazy combo yeah and yeah this fruit is actually pretty good for trading too you can definitely get a good trade with this fruit Dora is really versatile I will have to give this a solid beat here [Music] oh my God I told you before kilo is a curse no one wants it but everyone gets it yep and our next fruit is the Quake fruit so honestly Quake fruit is not good for grinding this fruit does way too much knockback to be any good for grinding but this fruit also has an Awakening Again The Awakening is not good at all for grinding it is of course too much knockback to be any good for grinding but of course once a great man said if not good for grinding then good PVP yeah this food is really good for PP this food is really annoying to face look at that just too much he's all the way there oh my god oh well how did that not damage you no he's barely surviving Quake fruit is also pretty good for trading you can definitely get some good trades with this quick fruit is really good for PVP and trading but not that good for grinding I'll put this in a comfortable beat here the next route is going to be the Buddha fruit the Buddha fruit is not really used for the fruit itself it's actually used for extending the hitbox look at how big it makes the hitboxes but yeah the skills are just okay and of course this fruit also has an Awakening people only use this Awakening for the Z move of course it makes the hitbox way bigger again you just cannot take any damage like this really good for grinding probably the top one for grinding actually now of course the butterfood isn't really that good for PVP people can easily damage you you're just a walking Target and also with Buddha you can walk on water the Buddha Awakening is so huge that euclidit has the floor of the sea the Buddha fruit is really good for trading like this fruit is worth a lot so of course I will put Buddha on the two op tier it is just a s plus plus okay the next fruit is the string fruit okay so the string fruit is not really that good for grinding but of course this is the unawakened version so can't expect anything so string fruit also has an Awakening which makes this fruit way stronger than it was before still not good for grinding but of course if it's not all good food grinding it has to be good for PVP and you're right about it it is really good for PP it has big aoes really good range and of course some really high damage look at the damage and of course string food is very good for trading so honestly I'll give this a solid beat here so our next fruit is going to be the Phoenix fruit okay so the Phoenix Food is really not that good for grinding but it does have an Awakening which makes it way stronger for anything really and of course Phoenix is really good for PVP but honestly it is very brain dead you can just do this run and heal too brain dead man that is too brain okay so Phoenix is really good for trading too you can definitely get a good trade with this Phoenix I'll give Phoenix a solid b-tier it was way more op before but it got nerd pretty hard okay so our next fruit is going to be Rumble now Rumble is a really good food for grinding it also has this really really big skill look at that this is the unawakened version and the awakened version makes it way stronger you have three more teleports and of course can't forget about the Thunderbolts and this move it is probably one of the biggest AOE I have ever seen in this game look at that oh my God but is it good for Pep of course it is good for PP it does a lot of stunts and the three teleports come in really handy and of course Rumble is also very good for trading I'll give Rumble food a solid beat here so our next fruit is going to be Paul honestly Paul isn't really that good for grinding this food really needs an Awakening but is it good for PVP well that's a great question and my answer is no not really but of course if you know how to use it and if you have the skills of course it's really good but honestly Paul is a fruit main is not that good and Paul isn't really that good for trading either no one really wants paw at this point Paul isn't the worst thing but you can definitely make it work I'll give Paul a comfortable seat here it's just mid so the next route is going to be gravity grab gravity is really underrated like too underrated after the rework it has gotten some massive Buffs I'll show you why it's underrated that is so much so much right there you can use that in grinding hell you can even use it in PV oh God it's kind of missed but look at that oh my God that is Illustrated one shot combo it is too underrated I use it all the time and of course gravity straight up sucks for trading no one wants it no one trades for it gravity never works for trading I'll give this a solid b-tier it is not the best but it does so much damage if you can hit it so the next route is going to be dough dough isn't really that good for farming right here but really who uses the anime version of go oh yeah this is what I'm talking about now look at this oh my God I hate this fruit so much now this is what I'm talking oh I legit hate this food for how overpowered this is I don't even know if this is good for grinding honestly everything damaged like everything this Moon damage this damages oh my God bro all these moves combined they're gonna be way better for PVP which brings me on to the next point now this fruit is too golden for baby like I think it's a little too little Pete and then you can like just do any move and then they're dead you just can't do anything about that and though is really really good for trading like this route is very overpriced this fruit goes more than the dragon fruit it is crazy okay so for Dole I'll have to put it on two op right there though is this two op so the next food is going to be the shadow fruit now the shatter food isn't really that good for grinding but it does have some really good moves honestly there are some moves like this C move which gives you life steal which basically Regents your health Shadow is pretty decent for grinding but really this fruit is just meant for mainly PVP because look you can do some crazy combos but yeah this food is really just meant for pup this is really good for trading too you can probably get some good trades with this fruit and for shadow it's really meant for mostly a PVP fruit so a will be pretty fair our next food is going to be the Venom fruit so the Venom fruit is really good for farming it has this poison damage which is one of the things that make it really op it also have this f move and you can circle around NPCs and easily kill them like that I still haven't went over the transformation the transformation is too op if you jump and then stomp right there it will create these poison puddles which deal a lot of damage now of course we can gather a bunch of NPCs right there and do the C move but that does a lot of damage and you probably guessed it already for PVP this fruit is straight up busted you can do this x move and it deals a lot of damage I think a little too much damage oh God he's actually gonna die in one move no oh that was just one move and again the transformation oh my God the transformation makes this x move really long range look it I hit him from that for and he died like that and I forgot to tell you these moves actually mess up your screen make your screen Go funny funny another little fun fact I don't know who came up with this buff but why so this is the normal fmov flight and if I just take a little bit of damage look at how much faster I am why does it get faster of course this fruit is really good for trading this fruit is really rare and really good for trading you can get a bunch of good fruits with this and of course this fruit will easily take the two op tier alright so next up we have the control fruit now the control food is really not good for grinding honestly fruit within itself is pretty weak but where this fruit really shines is when you're at the right place this fruit will shine at the sea castle so you can just create this area lift this up and just straight up do this look at that oh we didn't explode what all right let's take this one look at how big the explosion is gonna be why why is it not exploding bro what I can grab this bridge and just throw it right like that and watch the explosion oh my God bro what and this was explode look at how big that AOE was if you can compare it to this generic Rock definitely way bigger so the control food is really not that good for trading this food costs 3.2 million and it's worth basically nothing in trading so overall this fruit is really not that good not good for grinding not good for anything really but it's just it's pretty fun to use so I'll give this a c so our next fruit is going to be the soul food so the soul food is actually pretty good for grinding because you can summon these buddies right here which can help you kill these enemies and this VMO right here that deals a lot of damage and of course this food is very op for pup you can do this and the v-move deals way too much damage and he's dead that didn't even take any effort that is straight up crazy you can summon these buddies this guy stuns this guy poisons and of course this video is also really good for trading you can trade it for some pretty crazy stuff so I'll give Soul a solid 2 op right there the next fruit is going to be Dragon so Dragon sucks straight up sucks for grinding it does too much knockback it doesn't have a lot of stun moves it is not good for grinding at all and for pup this food is actually pretty easily countered you can just go up in the air and that's going to be the easy counter but if you're on the land you're basically gonna die but of course the dragon form is really op it gives you a lot of defense and of course a lot of AOE but of course this dragon fruit is really op for trading you can get some crazy stuff with this so yeah Dragon honestly pretty okay for PVP it's pretty bad for grinding so honestly I'll give this a straight up a tier and then the last route is going to be the leopard fruit okay so this route is an actual joke none of the moves take any stamina nothing it is really old people grinding and then the V move oh my god of course it takes no stamina it has m1s it takes no stamina to do the m1s and the moves are also really big and op you can spam this fruit Forever Without draining any energy as you would have guessed it it is two op for PVP by the way that roll right there that is a cranberry this is the perfect fruit for all the spammers for all the no skills just like me and of course as you probably would have guessed this fruit is really op for trading it is worth the most and right now it goes for game passengers and stuff you can get game passes with this fruit they should go without saying which here this fruit will be on it doesn't even need any reason well if you like this video then you'll probably like these ones too so go watch them now and subscribe for that man face blessings so you can also get these two op fruits and bye
Channel: officialnoobie
Views: 6,061,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: officialnoobie, officialnoobie roblox, official noobie, roblox, blox fruits, Blox Fruit, Blox Fruits, Blox fruits, blox fruit, Blox fruit, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits update 17, blox fruits update 17 part 3, blox fruits update 17 pt 3, blox fruits update 17.3, Blox fruits update 17.3, blox fruits update 17.3 leopard, blox fuits kilo to leopard, blox fruits leopard, blox fruits tier list, blox fruit tier list, blox fruits ranking all fruits, blox fruit ranking all fruits
Id: sni-ay1zTe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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